--- /dev/null
%global service neutron
Name: openstack-%{service}
-Version: 8.1.1
-Release: 2%{?dist}
+Version: 8.3.0
+Release: 1%{?dist}~mos0
Epoch: 1
Summary: OpenStack Networking Service
Requires: python-neutron-lib
Requires: python-novaclient >= 2.29.0
Requires: python-openvswitch
-Requires: python-oslo-concurrency >= 3.5.0
+Requires: python-oslo-concurrency >= 3.7.1
Requires: python-oslo-config >= 2:3.7.0
Requires: python-oslo-context >= 0.2.0
Requires: python-oslo-db >= 4.1.0
%files bgp-dragent
+* Tue Oct 18 2016 Ivan Udovichenko <iudovichenko@mirantis.com> - 1:8.3.0-1.el7~mos0
+- Update (build-)dependencies.
+- Add not packaged dibbler.filters file.
* Mon Jun 6 2016 Sergey Kolekonov <skolekonov@mirantis.com> 1:8.1.1-2.el7
- Add Restart=always directive for systemd units
* Thu Jun 2 2016 Jerzy Mikolajczak <jmikolajczak@mirantis.com> 1:8.1.1-1.el7
+neutron (2:8.3.0-1~u14.04+mos0) mos9.0; urgency=medium
+ * d/control: Fix (build-)dependencies.
+ -- Ivan Udovichenko <iudovichenko@mirantis.com> Tue, 18 Oct 2016 16:47:01 +0300
neutron (2:8.1.1-3~u14.04+mos1) mos9.0; urgency=medium
* Rebuild with new version of openstack-pkg-tools package.
python-novaclient (>= 2:2.30.1),
python-os-testr (>= 0.4.2),
- python-oslo.concurrency (>= 3.5.0),
+ python-oslo.concurrency (>= 3.7.1),
python-oslo.config (>= 1:3.7.0),
python-oslo.context (>= 0.2.0),
python-oslo.db (>= 4.1.0),
python-novaclient (>= 2:2.30.1),
- python-oslo.concurrency (>= 3.5.0),
+ python-oslo.concurrency (>= 3.7.1),
python-oslo.config (>= 1:3.7.0),
python-oslo.context (>= 0.2.0),
python-oslo.db (>= 4.1.0),