new_volume, error)
return {'save_volume_id': ret}
+ @wsgi.action('os-enable_replication')
+ def _enable_replication(self, req, id, body):
+ """Enable/Re-enable replication on replciation capable volume.
+ Admin only method, used primarily for cases like disable/re-enable
+ replication proces on a replicated volume for maintenance or testing
+ """
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ self.authorize(context, 'enable_replication')
+ try:
+ volume = self._get(context, id)
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as e:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
+ self.volume_api.enable_replication(context, volume)
+ return webob.Response(status_int=202)
+ @wsgi.action('os-disable_replication')
+ def _disable_replication(self, req, id, body):
+ """Disable replication on replciation capable volume.
+ Admin only method, used to instruct a backend to
+ disable replication process to a replicated volume.
+ """
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ self.authorize(context, 'disable_replication')
+ try:
+ volume = self._get(context, id)
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as e:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
+ self.volume_api.disable_replication(context, volume)
+ return webob.Response(status_int=202)
+ @wsgi.action('os-failover_replication')
+ def _failover_replication(self, req, id, body):
+ """Failover a replicating volume to it's secondary
+ Admin only method, used to force a fail-over to
+ a replication target. Optional secondary param to
+ indicate what device to promote in case of multiple
+ replication targets.
+ """
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ self.authorize(context, 'failover_replication')
+ try:
+ volume = self._get(context, id)
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as e:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
+ secondary = body['os-failover_replication'].get('secondary', None)
+ self.volume_api.failover_replication(context, volume, secondary)
+ return webob.Response(status_int=202)
+ @wsgi.action('os-list_replication_targets')
+ def _list_replication_targets(self, req, id, body):
+ """Show replication targets for the specified host.
+ Admin only method, used to display configured
+ replication target devices for the specified volume.
+ """
+ # TODO(jdg): We'll want an equivalent type of command
+ # to querie a backend host (show configuration for a
+ # specified backend), but priority here is for
+ # a volume as it's likely to be more useful.
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ self.authorize(context, 'list_replication_targets')
+ try:
+ volume = self._get(context, id)
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as e:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
+ # Expected response is a dict is a dict with unkonwn
+ # keys. Should be of the form:
+ # {'volume_id': xx, 'replication_targets':[{k: v, k1: v1...}]}
+ return self.volume_api.list_replication_targets(context, volume)
class SnapshotAdminController(AdminController):
"""AdminController for Snapshots."""
"volume:update_readonly_flag": "",
"volume:retype": "",
"volume:copy_volume_to_image": "",
+ "volume:enable_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:disable_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:failover_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:list_replication_targets": "rule:admin_api",
"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api",
"volume_extension:snapshot_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api",
"volume_extension:backup_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api",
self.assertEqual(i, backup_service.restore.call_count)
+ def test_enable_replication_invalid_state(self):
+ volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ volume = tests_utils.create_volume(ctxt,
+ size=1,
+ replication_status='enabled')
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidVolume,
+ volume_api.enable_replication,
+ ctxt, volume)
+ def test_enable_replication(self):
+ volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ volume = tests_utils.create_volume(self.context,
+ size=1,
+ replication_status='disabled')
+ with mock.patch.object(volume_rpcapi.VolumeAPI,
+ 'enable_replication') as mock_enable_rep:
+ volume_api.enable_replication(ctxt, volume)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_enable_rep.called)
+ def test_disable_replication_invalid_state(self):
+ volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ volume = tests_utils.create_volume(ctxt,
+ size=1,
+ replication_status='invalid-state')
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidVolume,
+ volume_api.disable_replication,
+ ctxt, volume)
+ def test_disable_replication(self):
+ volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ volume = tests_utils.create_volume(self.context,
+ size=1,
+ replication_status='disabled')
+ with mock.patch.object(volume_rpcapi.VolumeAPI,
+ 'disable_replication') as mock_disable_rep:
+ volume_api.disable_replication(ctxt, volume)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_disable_rep.called)
+ volume['replication_status'] = 'enabled'
+ volume_api.disable_replication(ctxt, volume)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_disable_rep.called)
class LVMISCSIVolumeDriverTestCase(DriverTestCase):
"""Test case for VolumeDriver"""
mock_db, 'volume-d8cd1fe')
+ def test_convert_config_string_to_dict(self):
+ test_string = "{'key-1'='val-1' 'key-2'='val-2' 'key-3'='val-3'}"
+ expected_dict = {'key-1': 'val-1', 'key-2': 'val-2', 'key-3': 'val-3'}
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_dict,
+ volume_utils.convert_config_string_to_dict(test_string))
return vol_ref
+ # Replication V2 methods ##
+ # NOTE(jdg): It might be kinda silly to propogate the named
+ # args with defaults all the way down through rpc into manager
+ # but for now the consistency is useful, and there may be
+ # some usefulness in the future (direct calls in manager?)
+ # NOTE(jdg): Relying solely on the volume-type quota mechanism
+ # need to consider looking at how we handle configured backends
+ # WRT quotas, do they count against normal quotas or not? For
+ # now they're a special resource, so no.
+ @wrap_check_policy
+ def enable_replication(self, ctxt, volume):
+ # NOTE(jdg): details like sync vs async
+ # and replica count are to be set via the
+ # volume-type and config files.
+ # Get a fresh ref from db and check status
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(ctxt, volume['id'])
+ # NOTE(jdg): Set a valid status as a var to minimize errors via typos
+ # also, use a list, we may want to add to it some day
+ # TODO(jdg): Move these up to a global list for each call and ban the
+ # free form typing of states and state checks going forward
+ # NOTE(jdg): There may be a need for some backends to allow this
+ # call to driver regardless of replication_status, most likely
+ # this indicates an issue with the driver, but might be useful
+ # cases to consider modifying this for in the future.
+ valid_rep_status = ['disabled']
+ rep_status = volume.get('replication_status', valid_rep_status[0])
+ if rep_status not in valid_rep_status:
+ msg = (_("Invalid status to enable replication. "
+ "valid states are: %(valid_states)s, "
+ "current replication-state is: %(curr_state)s."),
+ {'valid_states': valid_rep_status,
+ 'curr_state': rep_status})
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ vref = self.db.volume_update(ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'enabling'})
+ self.volume_rpcapi.enable_replication(ctxt, vref)
+ @wrap_check_policy
+ def disable_replication(self, ctxt, volume):
+ valid_disable_status = ['disabled', 'enabled']
+ # NOTE(jdg): Just use disabled here (item 1 in the list) this
+ # way if someone says disable_rep on a volume that's not being
+ # replicated we just say "ok, done"
+ rep_status = volume.get('replication_status', valid_disable_status[0])
+ if rep_status not in valid_disable_status:
+ msg = (_("Invalid status to disable replication. "
+ "valid states are: %(valid_states)s, "
+ "current replication-state is: %(curr_state)s."),
+ {'valid_states': valid_disable_status,
+ 'curr_state': rep_status})
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ vref = self.db.volume_update(ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'disabling'})
+ self.volume_rpcapi.disable_replication(ctxt, vref)
+ @wrap_check_policy
+ def failover_replication(self,
+ ctxt,
+ volume,
+ secondary=None):
+ # FIXME(jdg): What is the secondary argument?
+ # for managed secondaries that's easy; it's a host
+ # for others, it's tricky; will propose a format for
+ # secondaries that includes an ID/Name that can be
+ # used as a handle
+ valid_failover_status = ['enabled']
+ rep_status = volume.get('replication_status', 'na')
+ if rep_status not in valid_failover_status:
+ msg = (_("Invalid status to failover replication. "
+ "valid states are: %(valid_states)s, "
+ "current replication-state is: %(curr_state)s."),
+ {'valid_states': valid_failover_status,
+ 'curr_state': rep_status})
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ vref = self.db.volume_update(
+ ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'enabling_secondary'})
+ self.volume_rpcapi.failover_replication(ctxt,
+ vref,
+ secondary)
+ @wrap_check_policy
+ def list_replication_targets(self, ctxt, volume):
+ # NOTE(jdg): This collects info for the specified volume
+ # it is NOT an error if the volume is not being replicated
+ # also, would be worth having something at a backend/host
+ # level to show an admin how a backend is configured.
+ return self.volume_rpcapi.list_replication_targets(ctxt, volume)
class HostAPI(base.Base):
def __init__(self):
help='List of options that control which trace info '
'is written to the DEBUG log level to assist '
'developers. Valid values are method and api.'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('managed_replication_target',
+ default=True,
+ help='There are two types of target configurations '
+ 'managed (replicate to another configured backend) '
+ 'or unmanaged (replicate to a device not managed '
+ 'by Cinder).'),
+ cfg.ListOpt('replication_devices',
+ default=None,
+ help="List of k/v pairs representing a replication target "
+ "for this backend device. For unmanaged the format "
+ "is: {'key-1'='val1' 'key-2'='val2'...},{...} "
+ "and for managed devices its simply a list of valid "
+ "configured backend_names that the driver supports "
+ "replicating to: backend-a,bakcend-b...")
# for backward compatibility
self._stats = {}
+class ReplicaV2VD(object):
+ """Cinder replication functionality.
+ The Cinder replication functionality is set up primarily through
+ the use of volume-types in conjunction with the filter scheduler.
+ This requires:
+ 1. The driver reports "replication = True" in it's capabilities
+ 2. The cinder.conf file includes the valid_replication_devices section
+ The driver configuration is expected to take one of the following two
+ forms, see devref replication docs for details.
+ Note we provide cinder.volume.utils.convert_config_string_to_dict
+ to parse this out into a usable proper dictionary.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def replication_enable(self, context, volume):
+ """Enable replication on a replication capable volume.
+ If the volume was created on a replication_enabled host this method
+ is used to re-enable replication for the volume.
+ Primarily we only want this for testing/admin purposes. The idea
+ being that the bulk of the replication details are handled by the
+ type definition and the driver; however disable/enable(re-enable) is
+ provided for admins to test or do maintenance which is a
+ requirement by some cloud-providers.
+ NOTE: This is intended as an ADMIN only call and is not
+ intended to be used by end-user to enable replication. We're
+ leaving that to volume-type info, this is for things like
+ maintenance or testing.
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ :response: {replication_driver_data: vendor-data} DB update
+ The replication_driver_data response is vendor unique,
+ data returned/used by the driver. It is expected that
+ the reponse from the driver is in the appropriate db update
+ format, in the form of a dict, where the vendor data is
+ stored under the key 'replication_driver_data'
+ """
+ # TODO(jdg): Put a check in at API layer to verify the host is
+ # replication capable before even issuing this call (can just
+ # check against the volume-type for said volume as well)
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def replication_disable(self, context, volume):
+ """Disable replication on the specified volume.
+ If the specified volume is currently replication enabled,
+ this method can be used to disable the replciation process
+ on the backend.
+ Note that we still send this call to a driver whos volume
+ may report replication-disabled already. We do this as a
+ safety mechanism to allow a driver to cleanup any mismatch
+ in state between Cinder and itself.
+ This is intended as an ADMIN only call to allow for
+ maintenance and testing. If a driver receives this call
+ and the process fails for some reason the driver should
+ return a status update to "replication_status=disable_failed"
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ :response: {replication_driver_data: vendor-data} DB update
+ The replication_driver_data response is vendor unique,
+ data returned/used by the driver. It is expected that
+ the reponse from the driver is in the appropriate db update
+ format, in the form of a dict, where the vendor data is
+ stored under the key 'replication_driver_data'
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def replication_failover(self, context, volume, secondary):
+ """Force failover to a secondary replication target.
+ Forces the failover action of a replicated volume to one of its
+ secondary/target devices. By default the choice of target devices
+ is left up to the driver. In particular we expect one way
+ replication here, but are providing a mechanism for 'n' way
+ if supported/configured.
+ Currently we leave it up to the driver to figure out how/what
+ to do here. Rather than doing things like ID swaps, we instead
+ just let the driver figure out how/where to route things.
+ In cases where we might want to drop a volume-service node and
+ the replication target is a configured cinder backend, we'll
+ just update the host column for the volume.
+ Very important point here is that in the case of a succesful
+ failover, we want to update the replication_status of the
+ volume to "failed-over". This way there's an indication that
+ things worked as expected, and that it's evident that the volume
+ may no longer be replicating to another backend (primary burst
+ in to flames). This status will be set by the manager.
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ :param secondary: Specifies rep target to fail over to
+ :response: dict of udpates
+ So the response would take the form:
+ {host: <properly formatted host string for db update>,
+ model_update: {standard_model_update_KVs},
+ replication_driver_data: xxxxxxx}
+ It is expected that the format of these responses are in a consumable
+ format to be used in a db.update call directly.
+ Additionally we utilize exception catching to report back to the
+ manager when things went wrong and to inform the caller on how
+ to proceed.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def list_replication_targets(self, context, vref):
+ """Provide a means to obtain replication targets for a volume.
+ This method is used to query a backend to get the current
+ replication config info for the specified volume.
+ In the case of a volume that isn't being replicated,
+ the driver should return an empty list.
+ Example response for replicating to a managed backend:
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'targets':[{'type': 'managed',
+ 'backend_name': 'backend_name'}...]
+ Example response for replicating to an unmanaged backend:
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'targets':[{'type': 'managed',
+ 'vendor-key-1': 'value-1'}...]
+ NOTE: It's the responsibility of the driver to mask out any
+ passwords or sensitive information. Also the format of the
+ response allows mixed (managed/unmanaged) targets, even though
+ the first iteration does not support configuring the driver in
+ such a manner.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_replication_updates(self, context):
+ """Provide a means to obtain status updates from backend.
+ Provides a concise update for backends to report any errors
+ or problems with replicating volumes. The intent is we only
+ return something here if there's an error or a problem, and to
+ notify where the backend thinks the volume is.
+ param: context: context of caller (probably don't need)
+ returns: [{volid: n, status: ok|error,...}]
+ """
+ # NOTE(jdg): flush this out with implementations so we all
+ # have something usable here
+ raise NotImplementedError()
class ReplicaVD(object):
data["driver_version"] = '1.0'
data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'
data["pools"] = []
+ data["replication_enabled"] = False
class VolumeManager(manager.SchedulerDependentManager):
"""Manages attachable block storage devices."""
- RPC_API_VERSION = '1.26'
+ RPC_API_VERSION = '1.27'
target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION)
# conditionally run replication status task
+ # FIXME(jdg): This should go away or be handled differently
+ # if/when we're ready for V2 replication
stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh=True)
if stats and stats.get('replication', False):
+"Driver initialization completed successfully."),
resource={'type': 'driver',
'id': self.driver.__class__.__name__})
# queue it to be sent to the Schedulers.
+ if volume_stats.get('replication_enabled', False):
+ # replciation_status provides a concise update of
+ # replicating volumes and any error conditions
+ # detected by the driver. The intent is we don't
+ # expect/worry about updates so long as nothing
+ # changes, but if something goes wrong this is a
+ # handy mechanism to update the manager and the db
+ # possibly let the admin/user be notified
+ # TODO(jdg): Refactor the check/update pieces to a
+ # helper method we can share
+ # We want to leverage some of the same update model
+ # that we have in the targets update call
+ replication_updates = self.driver.get_replication_updates()
+ for update in replication_updates:
+ pass
def _append_volume_stats(self, vol_stats):
pools = vol_stats.get('pools', None)
if pools and isinstance(pools, list):
for key in model_update.iterkeys()}
self.db.volume_update(ctxt.elevated(), new_volume['id'],
+ # Replication V2 methods
+ def enable_replication(self, context, volume):
+ """Enable replication on a replication capable volume.
+ If the volume was created on a replication_enabled host this method
+ is used to enable replication for the volume. Primarily used for
+ testing and maintenance.
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ """
+ # NOTE(jdg): We're going to do fresh get from the DB and verify that
+ # we are in an expected state ('enabling')
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(context, volume['id'])
+ if volume['replication_status'] != 'enabling':
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume()
+ try:
+ rep_driver_data = self.driver.replication_enable(context,
+ volume)
+ except exception.CinderException:
+ err_msg = (_("Enable replication for volume failed."))
+ LOG.exception(err_msg, resource=volume)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ try:
+ if rep_driver_data:
+ volume = self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume['id'],
+ rep_driver_data)
+ except exception.CinderException as ex:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Driver replication data update failed."),
+ resource=volume)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(reason=ex)
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'enabled'})
+ def disable_replication(self, context, volume):
+ """Disable replication on the specified volume.
+ If the specified volume is currently replication enabled,
+ this method can be used to disable the replication process
+ on the backend. This method assumes that we checked
+ replication status in the API layer to ensure we should
+ send this call to the driver.
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ """
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(context, volume['id'])
+ if volume['replication_status'] != 'disabling':
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume()
+ try:
+ rep_driver_data = self.driver.replication_disable(context,
+ volume)
+ except exception.CinderException:
+ err_msg = (_("Disable replication for volume failed."))
+ LOG.exception(err_msg, resource=volume)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ try:
+ if rep_driver_data:
+ volume = self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume['id'],
+ rep_driver_data)
+ except exception.CinderException as ex:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Driver replication data update failed."),
+ resource=volume)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(reason=ex)
+ self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'disabled'})
+ def failover_replication(self, context, volume, secondary=None):
+ """Force failover to a secondary replication target.
+ Forces the failover action of a replicated volume to one of its
+ secondary/target devices. By default the choice of target devices
+ is left up to the driver. In particular we expect one way
+ replication here, but are providing a mechanism for 'n' way
+ if supported/configrued.
+ Currently we leave it up to the driver to figure out how/what
+ to do here. Rather than doing things like ID swaps, we instead
+ just let the driver figure out how/where to route things.
+ In cases where we might want to drop a volume-service node and
+ the replication target is a configured cinder backend, we'll
+ just update the host column for the volume.
+ :param context: security context
+ :param volume: volume object returned by DB
+ :param secondary: Specifies rep target to fail over to
+ """
+ try:
+ volume_updates = self.driver.replication_failover(context,
+ volume,
+ secondary)
+ # volume_updates is a dict containing a report of relevant
+ # items based on the backend and how it operates or what it needs
+ # {'host': 'secondary-configured-cinder-backend',
+ # 'model_update': {'update-all-the-provider-info-etc'},
+ # 'replication_driver_data': 'driver-specific-stuff-for-db'}
+ # Where 'host' is a valid cinder host string like
+ # 'foo@bar#baz'
+ # model_update and replication_driver_data are required
+ except exception.CinderException:
+ # FIXME(jdg): We need to create a few different exceptions here
+ # and handle each differently:
+ # 1. I couldn't failover, but the original setup is ok so proceed
+ # as if this were never called
+ # 2. I ran into a problem and I have no idea what state things
+ # are in, so set volume to error
+ # 3. I ran into a problem and a human needs to come fix me up
+ err_msg = (_("Replication failover for volume failed."))
+ LOG.exception(err_msg, resource=volume)
+ self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'error'})
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ # TODO(jdg): Come back and condense thes into a single update
+ update = {}
+ model_update = volume_updates.get('model_update', None)
+ driver_update = volume_updates.get('replication_driver_data', None)
+ host_update = volume_updates.get('host', None)
+ if model_update:
+ update['model'] = model_update
+ if driver_update:
+ update['replication_driver_data'] = driver_update
+ if host_update:
+ update['host'] = host_update
+ if update:
+ try:
+ volume = self.db.volume_update(
+ context,
+ volume['id'],
+ update)
+ except exception.CinderException as ex:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Driver replication data update failed."),
+ resource=volume)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(reason=ex)
+ # NOTE(jdg): We're setting replication status to failed-over
+ # which indicates the volume is ok, things went as epected but
+ # we're likely not replicating any longer because... well we
+ # did a fail-over. In the case of admin brining primary
+ # back online he/she can use enable_replication to get this
+ # state set back to enabled.
+ # Also, in the case of multiple targets, the driver can update
+ # status in the rep-status checks if it still has valid replication
+ # targets that the volume is being replicated to.
+ self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'replication_status': 'failed-over'})
+ def list_replication_targets(self, context, volume):
+ """Provide a means to obtain replication targets for a volume.
+ This method is used to query a backend to get the current
+ replication config info for the specified volume.
+ In the case of a volume that isn't being replicated,
+ the driver should return an empty list.
+ Example response for replicating to a managed backend:
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'targets':[{'managed_host': 'backend_name'}...]
+ Example response for replicating to an unmanaged backend:
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'], 'targets':[{'san_ip': '',
+ 'san_login': 'admin'},
+ ....]}
+ NOTE: It's the responsibility of the driver to mask out any
+ passwords or sensitive information.
+ """
+ try:
+ replication_targets = self.driver.list_replication_targets(context,
+ volume)
+ except exception.CinderException:
+ err_msg = (_("Get replication targets failed."))
+ LOG.exception(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ return replication_targets
1.26 - Adds support for sending objects over RPC in
create_consistencygroup(), create_consistencygroup_from_src(),
update_consistencygroup() and delete_consistencygroup().
+ 1.27 - Adds support for replication V2
target = messaging.Target(topic=CONF.volume_topic,
serializer = objects_base.CinderObjectSerializer()
- self.client = rpc.get_client(target, '1.26', serializer=serializer)
+ self.client = rpc.get_client(target, '1.27', serializer=serializer)
def create_consistencygroup(self, ctxt, group, host):
new_host = utils.extract_host(host)
+ def enable_replication(self, ctxt, volume):
+ new_host = utils.extract_host(volume['host'])
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(server=new_host, version='1.27')
+ cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'enable_replication', volume=volume)
+ def disable_replication(self, ctxt, volume):
+ new_host = utils.extract_host(volume['host'])
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(server=new_host, version='1.27')
+ cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'disable_replication',
+ volume=volume)
+ def failover_replication(self,
+ ctxt,
+ volume,
+ secondary=None):
+ new_host = utils.extract_host(volume['host'])
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(server=new_host, version='1.27')
+ cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'failover_replication',
+ volume=volume,
+ secondary=secondary)
+ def list_replication_targets(self, ctxt, volume):
+ new_host = utils.extract_host(volume['host'])
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(server=new_host, version='1.27')
+ return, 'list_replication_targets', volume=volume)
"""Volume-related Utilities and helpers."""
+import ast
import math
import re
import uuid
except (exception.VolumeNotFound, ValueError):
return False
return False
+def convert_config_string_to_dict(config_string):
+ """Convert config file replication string to a dict.
+ The only supported form is as follows:
+ "{'key-1'='val-1' 'key-2'='val-2'...}"
+ :param config_string: Properly formatted string to convert to dict.
+ :response: dict of string values
+ """
+ resultant_dict = {}
+ try:
+ st = config_string.replace("=", ":")
+ st = st.replace(" ", ", ")
+ resultant_dict = ast.literal_eval(st)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Error encountered translating config_string: "
+ "%(config_string)s to dict"),
+ {'config_string': config_string})
+ return resultant_dict
+ replication
Background Concepts for Cinder
--- /dev/null
+How to implement replication features in a backend driver.
+For backend devices that offer replication features, Cinder
+provides a common mechanism for exposing that functionality
+on a volume per volume basis while still trying to allow
+flexibility for the varying implementation and requirements
+of all the different backend devices.
+Most of the configuration is done via the cinder.conf file
+under the driver section and through the use of volume types.
+Config file examples
+The cinder.conf file is used to specify replication target
+devices for a specific driver. There are two types of target
+devices that can be configured:
+ 1. Cinder Managed (represented by the volume-backend name)
+ 2. External devices (require vendor specific data to configure)
+NOTE that it is expected to be an error to have both managed and unmanaged replication
+config variables set for a single driver.
+Cinder managed target device
+In the case of a Cinder managed target device, we simply
+use another Cinder configured backend as the replication
+For example if we have two backend devices foo and biz that
+can replicate to each other, we can set up backend biz as
+a replication target for device foo using the following
+config entries::
+ .....
+ [driver-biz]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=biz
+ [driver-foo]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=foo
+ managed_replication_target=True
+ replication_devices=volume_backend_name-1,volume_backend_name-2....
+Notice that the only change from the usual driver configuration
+section here is the addition of the replication_devices option.
+Unmanaged target device
+In some cases the replication target device may not be a
+configured Cinder backend. In this case it's the configured
+drivers responsibility to route commands to the active device
+and to update provider info to ensure the proper iSCSI targets
+are being used.
+This type of config changes only slightly, and instead of using
+a backend_name, it takes the vendor unique config options::
+ .....
+ [driver-foo]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=foo
+ managed_replication_target=False
+ replication_devices={'key1'='val1' 'key2'='val2' ...},
+ {'key7'='val7'....},...
+Note the key/value entries can be whatever the device requires, we treat the actual
+variable in the config parser as a comma delimited list, the {} and = notations are
+convenient/common parser delimeters, and the K/V entries are space seperated.
+We provide a literal evaluator to convert these entries into a proper dict, thus
+format is extremely important here.
+Volume Types / Extra Specs
+In order for a user to specify they'd like a replicated volume, there needs to be
+a corresponding Volume Type created by the Cloud Administrator.
+There's a good deal of flexibility by using volume types. The scheduler can
+send the create request to a backend that provides replication by simply
+providing the replication=enabled key to the extra-specs of the volume type.
+For example, if the type was set to simply create the volume on any (or if you only had one)
+backend that supports replication, the extra-specs entry would be::
+ {replication: enabled}
+If you needed to provide a specific backend device (multiple backends supporting replication)::
+ {replication: enabled, volume_backend_name: foo}
+Additionally you could provide additional details using scoped keys::
+ {replication: enabled, volume_backend_name: foo,
+ replication:replication_type: async}
+Again, it's up to the driver to parse the volume type info on create and set things up
+as requested. While the scoping key can be anything, it's strongly recommended that all
+backends utilize the same key (replication) for consistency and to make things easier for
+the Cloud Administrator.
+Capabilities reporting
+The following entries are expected to be added to the stats/capabilities update for
+replication configured devices::
+ stats["replication_enabled"] = True|False
+ stats["replication_type"] = ['async', 'sync'...]
+ stats["replication_count"] = len(self.cluster_pairs)
+Required methods
+The number of API methods associated with replication are intentionally very limited, and are
+Admin only methods.
+They include::
+ replication_enable(self, context, volume)
+ replication_disable(self, context, volume)
+ replication_failover(self, context, volume)
+ list_replication_targets(self, context)
+Used to notify the driver that we would like to enable replication on a replication capable volume.
+NOTE this is NOT used as the initial create replication command, that's handled by the volume-type at
+create time. This is provided as a method for an Admin that may have needed to disable replication
+on a volume for maintenance or whatever reason to signify that they'd like to "resume" replication on
+the given volume.
+Used to notify the driver that we would like to disable replication on a replication capable volume.
+This again would be used by a Cloud Administrator for things like maintenance etc.
+Used to instruct the backend to fail over to the secondary/target device on a replication capable volume.
+This may be used for triggering a fail-over manually or for testing purposes.
+Note that ideally drivers will know how to update the volume reference properly so that Cinder is now
+pointing to the secondary. Also, while it's not required, at this time; ideally the command would
+act as a toggle, allowing to switch back and forth betweeen primary and secondary and back to primary.
+Used by the admin to query a volume for a list of configured replication targets
+The expected return for this call is expeceted to mimic the form used in the config file.
+For a volume replicating to managed replication targets::
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'], 'targets':[{'type': 'managed',
+ 'backend_name': 'backend_name'}...]
+For a volume replicating to external/unmanaged targets::
+ {'volume_id': volume['id'], 'targets':[{'type': 'unmanaged',
+ 'san_ip': '',
+ 'san_login': 'admin'...}...]
"volume_extension:replication:promote": "rule:admin_api",
"volume_extension:replication:reenable": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:enable_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:disable_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:failover_replication": "rule:admin_api",
+ "volume:list_replication_targets": "rule:admin_api",
"backup:create" : "",
"backup:delete": "",
"backup:get": "",