LOG.debug("Operation 'list_port_details' executed.")
#NOTE(salvatore-orland): current API implementation does not
#return attachment with GET operation on port. Once API alignment
- #branch is merged, update client to use the detail action
- port['attachment'] = '<unavailable>'
+ #branch is merged, update client to use the detail action.
+ # (danwent) Until then, just make additonal webservice call.
+ attach = client.show_port_attachment(network_id, port_id)['attachment']
+ if "id" in attach:
+ port['attachment'] = attach['id']
+ else:
+ port['attachment'] = '<none>'
output = prepare_output("show_port", tenant_id,
# attachment in separate bug fix.
port = db.port_get(port_id, network_id)
port_data = {'id': port.uuid, 'state': port.state,
- 'attachment': '<unavailable>'}
+ 'attachment': "<none>"}
+ if port.interface_id is not None:
+ port_data['attachment'] = port.interface_id
# Fill CLI template
output = cli.prepare_output('show_port', self.tenant_id,
self._verify_set_port_state(network_id, port_id)
- def test_show_port(self):
+ def test_show_port_no_attach(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(network_id)
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ cli.show_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_show_port_no_attach failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_show_port(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_show_port_with_attach(self):
network_id = None
port_id = None
+ iface_id = "flavor crystals"
# Pre-populate data for testing using db api
net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
network_id = net['uuid']
port = db.port_create(network_id)
port_id = port['uuid']
+ db.port_set_attachment(port_id, network_id, iface_id)
cli.show_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
- self.fail("test_detail_port failed due to an exception")
+ self.fail("test_show_port_with_attach failed due to an exception")
LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")