# TODO(bgh): if this is a bridged network and the lswitch we just got
# back will have zero ports after the delete we should garbage collect
# the lswitch.
- nvplib.delete_port(self.default_cluster,
- port_data['network_id'],
- port)
- LOG.debug(_("_nvp_delete_port completed for port %(port_id)s "
- "on network %(net_id)s"),
- {'port_id': port_data['id'],
- 'net_id': port_data['network_id']})
+ try:
+ nvplib.delete_port(self.default_cluster,
+ port_data['network_id'],
+ port)
+ LOG.debug(_("_nvp_delete_port completed for port %(port_id)s "
+ "on network %(net_id)s"),
+ {'port_id': port_data['id'],
+ 'net_id': port_data['network_id']})
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ LOG.warning(_("port %s not found in NVP"), port_data['id'])
def _nvp_delete_router_port(self, context, port_data):
# Delete logical router port
return new_net
def delete_network(self, context, id):
- """
- Deletes the network with the specified network identifier
- belonging to the specified tenant.
- :returns: None
- :raises: exception.NetworkInUse
- :raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
- """
external = self._network_is_external(context, id)
# Before deleting ports, ensure the peer of a NVP logical
# port with a patch attachment is removed too
# Do not go to NVP for external networks
if not external:
- # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): Failures here might lead NVP
- # and quantum state to diverge
- pairs = self._get_lswitch_cluster_pairs(id, context.tenant_id)
- for (cluster, switches) in pairs:
- nvplib.delete_networks(cluster, id, switches)
+ try:
+ # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): Failures here might lead NVP
+ # and quantum state to diverge
+ pairs = self._get_lswitch_cluster_pairs(id, context.tenant_id)
+ for (cluster, switches) in pairs:
+ nvplib.delete_networks(cluster, id, switches)
- LOG.debug(_("delete_network completed for tenant: %s"),
- context.tenant_id)
+ LOG.debug(_("delete_network completed for tenant: %s"),
+ context.tenant_id)
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ LOG.warning(_("Did not found lswitch %s in NVP"), id)
def _get_lswitch_cluster_pairs(self, netw_id, tenant_id):
"""Figure out the set of lswitches on each cluster that maps to this
if nvp_net_status != network.status:
# update the network status
network.status = nvp_net_status
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ network.status = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR
except Exception:
err_msg = _("Unable to get logical switches")
if quantum_lswitch[l3.EXTERNAL]:
elif quantum_lswitch['id'] not in nvp_lswitches:
- raise nvp_exc.NvpOutOfSyncException()
- # TODO(salvatore-orlando): be careful about "extended"
- # logical switches
- ls = nvp_lswitches.pop(quantum_lswitch['id'])
- if (ls["_relations"]["LogicalSwitchStatus"]["fabric_status"]):
- quantum_lswitch["status"] = constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE
+ LOG.warning(_("Logical Switch %s found in quantum database "
+ "but not in NVP."), quantum_lswitch["id"])
+ quantum_lswitch["status"] = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR
- quantum_lswitch["status"] = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN
+ # TODO(salvatore-orlando): be careful about "extended"
+ # logical switches
+ ls = nvp_lswitches.pop(quantum_lswitch['id'])
+ if (ls["_relations"]["LogicalSwitchStatus"]["fabric_status"]):
+ quantum_lswitch["status"] = constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE
+ else:
+ quantum_lswitch["status"] = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN
# do not make the case in which switches are found in NVP
# but not in Quantum catastrophic.
"&relations=LogicalPortStatus" %
(lswitch, lport_fields_str, vm_filter, tenant_filter))
- ports = nvplib.get_all_query_pages(lport_query_path, c)
+ try:
+ ports = nvplib.get_all_query_pages(lport_query_path, c)
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ LOG.warn(_("Lswitch %s not found in NVP"), lswitch)
+ ports = None
if ports:
for port in ports:
for tag in port["tags"]:
quantum_lport["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN
del nvp_lports[quantum_lport["id"]]
- lports.append(quantum_lport)
except KeyError:
+ quantum_lport["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR
LOG.debug(_("Quantum logical port %s was not found on NVP"),
+ lports.append(quantum_lport)
# do not make the case in which ports are found in NVP
# but not in Quantum catastrophic.
if len(nvp_lports):
nvp_id = nicira_db.get_nvp_port_id(context.session, id)
#TODO: pass the appropriate cluster here
- port = nvplib.get_logical_port_status(
- self.default_cluster, quantum_db_port['network_id'], nvp_id)
- quantum_db_port["admin_state_up"] = port["admin_status_enabled"]
- if port["fabric_status_up"]:
- quantum_db_port["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE
- else:
- quantum_db_port["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN
+ try:
+ port = nvplib.get_logical_port_status(
+ self.default_cluster, quantum_db_port['network_id'],
+ nvp_id)
+ quantum_db_port["admin_state_up"] = (
+ port["admin_status_enabled"])
+ if port["fabric_status_up"]:
+ quantum_db_port["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE
+ else:
+ quantum_db_port["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ quantum_db_port["status"] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR
return quantum_db_port
def create_router(self, context, router):
# together with the resource
nvplib.delete_lrouter(self.default_cluster, id)
- except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound:
- raise nvp_exc.NvpPluginException(
- err_msg=(_("Logical router '%s' not found "
- "on NVP Platform") % id))
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ LOG.warning(_("Logical router '%s' not found "
+ "on NVP Platform") % id)
except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException:
raise nvp_exc.NvpPluginException(
- err_msg=(_("Unable to update logical router"
+ err_msg=(_("Unable to delete logical router"
"on NVP Platform")))
def get_router(self, context, id, fields=None):
# FIXME(salvatore-orlando): We need to
# find the appropriate cluster!
cluster = self.default_cluster
- lrouter = nvplib.get_lrouter(cluster, id)
- router_op_status = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN
+ try:
+ lrouter = nvplib.get_lrouter(cluster, id)
+ except q_exc.NotFound:
+ lrouter = {}
+ router_op_status = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR
relations = lrouter.get('_relations')
if relations:
lrouter_status = relations.get('LogicalRouterStatus')
- # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): Being unable to fetch the
- # logical router status should be an exception.
- if lrouter_status:
- router_op_status = (lrouter_status.get('fabric_status')
- and constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE or
- constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN)
- LOG.debug(_("Current router status:%(router_status)s;"
- "Status in Quantum DB:%(db_router_status)s"),
- {'router_status': router_op_status,
- 'db_router_status': router.status})
+ # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): Being unable to fetch the
+ # logical router status should be an exception.
+ if lrouter_status:
+ router_op_status = (lrouter_status.get('fabric_status')
+ and constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE or
+ constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN)
if router_op_status != router.status:
- # update the network status
+ LOG.debug(_("Current router status:%(router_status)s;"
+ "Status in Quantum DB:%(db_router_status)s"),
+ {'router_status': router_op_status,
+ 'db_router_status': router.status})
+ # update the router status
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
router.status = router_op_status
except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException:
router.status = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN
+ else:
+ router.status = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR
# do not make the case in which routers are found in NVP
# but not in Quantum catastrophic.
Overrides method from base class.
The method is augmented for creating NAT rules in the process.
if (('fixed_ip_address' in fip and fip['fixed_ip_address']) and
not ('port_id' in fip and fip['port_id'])):
from oslo.config import cfg
import webob.exc
+from quantum.common import constants
import quantum.common.test_lib as test_lib
from quantum import context
from quantum.extensions import providernet as pnet
res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
queue = self.deserialize('json', res)
self.assertEqual(queue['qos_queue']['max'], 20)
+class NiciraQuantumNVPOutOfSync(test_l3_plugin.L3NatTestCaseBase,
+ NiciraPluginV2TestCase):
+ def test_delete_network_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net1 = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_delete_request('networks', net1['network']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ def test_list_networks_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_list_request('networks')
+ nets = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEquals(nets['networks'][0]['status'],
+ constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR)
+ def test_show_network_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_show_request('networks', net['network']['id'])
+ net = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEquals(net['network']['status'],
+ constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR)
+ def test_delete_port_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net1 = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ res = self._create_port('json', net1['network']['id'])
+ port = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_delete_request('ports', port['port']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ def test_list_port_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net1 = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ res = self._create_port('json', net1['network']['id'])
+ self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_list_request('ports')
+ nets = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEquals(nets['ports'][0]['status'],
+ constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR)
+ def test_show_port_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net1 = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ res = self._create_port('json', net1['network']['id'])
+ port = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_show_request('ports', port['port']['id'])
+ net = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEquals(net['port']['status'],
+ constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR)
+ def test_delete_port_and_network_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_network('json', 'net1', True)
+ net1 = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ res = self._create_port('json', net1['network']['id'])
+ port = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.clear()
+ self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_delete_request('ports', port['port']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ req = self.new_delete_request('networks', net1['network']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ def test_delete_router_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_router('json', 'tenant')
+ router = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_delete_request('routers', router['router']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ def test_list_routers_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_router('json', 'tenant')
+ self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_list_request('routers')
+ routers = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.ext_api))
+ self.assertEquals(routers['routers'][0]['status'],
+ constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR)
+ def test_show_router_not_in_nvp(self):
+ res = self._create_router('json', 'tenant')
+ router = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.clear()
+ req = self.new_show_request('routers', router['router']['id'])
+ router = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.ext_api))
+ self.assertEquals(router['router']['status'],
+ constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR)