raise exception.ConfigNotFound(path=os.path.abspath(config_path))
-def vpn_ping(address, port, timeout=0.05, session_id=None):
- """Sends a vpn negotiation packet and returns the server session.
- Returns False on a failure. Basic packet structure is below.
- Client packet (14 bytes)::
- 0 1 8 9 13
- +-+--------+-----+
- |x| cli_id |?????|
- +-+--------+-----+
- x = packet identifier 0x38
- cli_id = 64 bit identifier
- ? = unknown, probably flags/padding
- Server packet (26 bytes)::
- 0 1 8 9 13 14 21 2225
- +-+--------+-----+--------+----+
- |x| srv_id |?????| cli_id |????|
- +-+--------+-----+--------+----+
- x = packet identifier 0x40
- cli_id = 64 bit identifier
- ? = unknown, probably flags/padding
- bit 9 was 1 and the rest were 0 in testing
- """
- if session_id is None:
- session_id = random.randint(0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- data = struct.pack('!BQxxxxx', 0x38, session_id)
- sock.sendto(data, (address, port))
- sock.settimeout(timeout)
- try:
- received = sock.recv(2048)
- except socket.timeout:
- return False
- finally:
- sock.close()
- fmt = '!BQxxxxxQxxxx'
- if len(received) != struct.calcsize(fmt):
- print struct.calcsize(fmt)
- return False
- (identifier, server_sess, client_sess) = struct.unpack(fmt, received)
- if identifier == 0x40 and client_sess == session_id:
- return server_sess
def fetchfile(url, target):
LOG.debug(_('Fetching %s') % url)
execute('curl', '--fail', url, '-o', target)