import webob.dec
import webob.exc
+from cinder import utils
from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import wsgi as base_wsgi
class FaultWrapper(base_wsgi.Middleware):
"""Calls down the middleware stack, making exceptions into faults."""
+ _status_to_type = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def status_to_type(status):
+ if not FaultWrapper._status_to_type:
+ for clazz in utils.walk_class_hierarchy(webob.exc.HTTPError):
+ FaultWrapper._status_to_type[clazz.code] = clazz
+ return FaultWrapper._status_to_type.get(
+ status, webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError)()
+ def _error(self, inner, req):
+ LOG.exception(_("Caught error: %s"), unicode(inner))
+ safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False)
+ headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None)
+ status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500)
+ if status is None:
+ status = 500
+ msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)
+"%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d") % msg_dict)
+ outer = self.status_to_type(status)
+ if headers:
+ outer.headers = headers
+ # NOTE(johannes): We leave the explanation empty here on
+ # purpose. It could possibly have sensitive information
+ # that should not be returned back to the user. See
+ # bugs 868360 and 874472
+ # NOTE(eglynn): However, it would be over-conservative and
+ # inconsistent with the EC2 API to hide every exception,
+ # including those that are safe to expose, see bug 1021373
+ if safe:
+ outer.explanation = '%s: %s' % (inner.__class__.__name__,
+ unicode(inner))
+ return wsgi.Fault(outer)
def __call__(self, req):
return req.get_response(self.application)
except Exception as ex:
- LOG.exception(_("Caught error: %s"), unicode(ex))
- msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=500)
-"%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d") % msg_dict)
- exc = webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError()
- # NOTE(johannes): We leave the explanation empty here on
- # purpose. It could possibly have sensitive information
- # that should not be returned back to the user. See
- # bugs 868360 and 874472
- return wsgi.Fault(exc)
+ return self._error(ex, req)
class APIMapper(routes.Mapper):
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
+ code = 500
+ headers = {}
+ safe = False
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs
class NotFound(CinderException):
message = _("Resource could not be found.")
code = 404
+ safe = True
class FlagNotSet(NotFound):
class QuotaError(CinderException):
message = _("Quota exceeded") + ": code=%(code)s"
+ code = 413
+ headers = {'Retry-After': 0}
+ safe = True
class AggregateError(CinderException):
import tempfile
import unittest
+import webob.dec
-import cinder.exception
+from cinder.api import openstack as openstack_api
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.volume import xiv
from cinder import test
import cinder.wsgi
self.assertNotEqual(0, server.port)
+class ExceptionTest(test.TestCase):
+ def _wsgi_app(self, inner_app):
+ return openstack_api.FaultWrapper(inner_app)
+ def _do_test_exception_safety_reflected_in_faults(self, expose):
+ class ExceptionWithSafety(exception.CinderException):
+ safe = expose
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def fail(req):
+ raise ExceptionWithSafety('some explanation')
+ api = self._wsgi_app(fail)
+ resp = webob.Request.blank('/').get_response(api)
+ self.assertTrue('{"computeFault' in resp.body, resp.body)
+ expected = ('ExceptionWithSafety: some explanation' if expose else
+ 'The server has either erred or is incapable '
+ 'of performing the requested operation.')
+ self.assertTrue(expected in resp.body, resp.body)
+ self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 500, resp.body)
+ def test_safe_exceptions_are_described_in_faults(self):
+ self._do_test_exception_safety_reflected_in_faults(True)
+ def test_unsafe_exceptions_are_not_described_in_faults(self):
+ self._do_test_exception_safety_reflected_in_faults(False)
+ def _do_test_exception_mapping(self, exception_type, msg):
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def fail(req):
+ raise exception_type(msg)
+ api = self._wsgi_app(fail)
+ resp = webob.Request.blank('/').get_response(api)
+ self.assertTrue(msg in resp.body, resp.body)
+ self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, exception_type.code, resp.body)
+ if hasattr(exception_type, 'headers'):
+ for (key, value) in exception_type.headers.iteritems():
+ self.assertTrue(key in resp.headers)
+ self.assertEquals(resp.headers[key], value)
+ def test_quota_error_mapping(self):
+ self._do_test_exception_mapping(exception.QuotaError, 'too many used')
+ def test_non_cinder_notfound_exception_mapping(self):
+ class ExceptionWithCode(Exception):
+ code = 404
+ self._do_test_exception_mapping(ExceptionWithCode,
+ 'NotFound')
+ def test_non_cinder_exception_mapping(self):
+ class ExceptionWithCode(Exception):
+ code = 417
+ self._do_test_exception_mapping(ExceptionWithCode,
+ 'Expectation failed')
+ def test_exception_with_none_code_throws_500(self):
+ class ExceptionWithNoneCode(Exception):
+ code = None
+ msg = 'Internal Server Error'
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def fail(req):
+ raise ExceptionWithNoneCode()
+ api = self._wsgi_app(fail)
+ resp = webob.Request.blank('/').get_response(api)
+ self.assertEqual(500, resp.status_int)
return result == 0
+def walk_class_hierarchy(clazz, encountered=None):
+ """Walk class hierarchy, yielding most derived classes first"""
+ if not encountered:
+ encountered = []
+ for subclass in clazz.__subclasses__():
+ if subclass not in encountered:
+ encountered.append(subclass)
+ # drill down to leaves first
+ for subsubclass in walk_class_hierarchy(subclass, encountered):
+ yield subsubclass
+ yield subclass
class UndoManager(object):
"""Provides a mechanism to facilitate rolling back a series of actions
when an exception is raised.