--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Command-line flag library.
+Wraps gflags.
+Global flags should be defined here, the rest are defined where they're used.
+import getopt
+import string
+import sys
+import gflags
+class FlagValues(gflags.FlagValues):
+ """Extension of gflags.FlagValues that allows undefined and runtime flags.
+ Unknown flags will be ignored when parsing the command line, but the
+ command line will be kept so that it can be replayed if new flags are
+ defined after the initial parsing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, extra_context=None):
+ gflags.FlagValues.__init__(self)
+ self.__dict__['__dirty'] = []
+ self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = False
+ self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = []
+ self.__dict__['__extra_context'] = extra_context
+ def __call__(self, argv):
+ # We're doing some hacky stuff here so that we don't have to copy
+ # out all the code of the original verbatim and then tweak a few lines.
+ # We're hijacking the output of getopt so we can still return the
+ # leftover args at the end
+ sneaky_unparsed_args = {"value": None}
+ original_argv = list(argv)
+ if self.IsGnuGetOpt():
+ orig_getopt = getattr(getopt, 'gnu_getopt')
+ orig_name = 'gnu_getopt'
+ else:
+ orig_getopt = getattr(getopt, 'getopt')
+ orig_name = 'getopt'
+ def _sneaky(*args, **kw):
+ optlist, unparsed_args = orig_getopt(*args, **kw)
+ sneaky_unparsed_args['value'] = unparsed_args
+ return optlist, unparsed_args
+ try:
+ setattr(getopt, orig_name, _sneaky)
+ args = gflags.FlagValues.__call__(self, argv)
+ except gflags.UnrecognizedFlagError:
+ # Undefined args were found, for now we don't care so just
+ # act like everything went well
+ # (these three lines are copied pretty much verbatim from the end
+ # of the __call__ function we are wrapping)
+ unparsed_args = sneaky_unparsed_args['value']
+ if unparsed_args:
+ if self.IsGnuGetOpt():
+ args = argv[:1] + unparsed_args
+ else:
+ args = argv[:1] + original_argv[-len(unparsed_args):]
+ else:
+ args = argv[:1]
+ finally:
+ setattr(getopt, orig_name, orig_getopt)
+ # Store the arguments for later, we'll need them for new flags
+ # added at runtime
+ self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = original_argv
+ self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = True
+ self.ClearDirty()
+ return args
+ def Reset(self):
+ gflags.FlagValues.Reset(self)
+ self.__dict__['__dirty'] = []
+ self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = False
+ self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = []
+ def SetDirty(self, name):
+ """Mark a flag as dirty so that accessing it will case a reparse."""
+ self.__dict__['__dirty'].append(name)
+ def IsDirty(self, name):
+ return name in self.__dict__['__dirty']
+ def ClearDirty(self):
+ self.__dict__['__is_dirty'] = []
+ def WasAlreadyParsed(self):
+ return self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed']
+ def ParseNewFlags(self):
+ if '__stored_argv' not in self.__dict__:
+ return
+ new_flags = FlagValues(self)
+ for k in self.__dict__['__dirty']:
+ new_flags[k] = gflags.FlagValues.__getitem__(self, k)
+ new_flags(self.__dict__['__stored_argv'])
+ for k in self.__dict__['__dirty']:
+ setattr(self, k, getattr(new_flags, k))
+ self.ClearDirty()
+ def __setitem__(self, name, flag):
+ gflags.FlagValues.__setitem__(self, name, flag)
+ if self.WasAlreadyParsed():
+ self.SetDirty(name)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ if self.IsDirty(name):
+ self.ParseNewFlags()
+ return gflags.FlagValues.__getitem__(self, name)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if self.IsDirty(name):
+ self.ParseNewFlags()
+ val = gflags.FlagValues.__getattr__(self, name)
+ if type(val) is str:
+ tmpl = string.Template(val)
+ context = [self, self.__dict__['__extra_context']]
+ return tmpl.substitute(StrWrapper(context))
+ return val
+class StrWrapper(object):
+ """Wrapper around FlagValues objects.
+ Wraps FlagValues objects for string.Template so that we're
+ sure to return strings.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context_objs):
+ self.context_objs = context_objs
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ for context in self.context_objs:
+ val = getattr(context, name, False)
+ if val:
+ return str(val)
+ raise KeyError(name)
+# Copied from gflags with small mods to get the naming correct.
+# Originally gflags checks for the first module that is not gflags that is
+# in the call chain, we want to check for the first module that is not gflags
+# and not this module.
+def _GetCallingModule():
+ """Returns the name of the module that's calling into this module.
+ We generally use this function to get the name of the module calling a
+ DEFINE_foo... function.
+ """
+ # Walk down the stack to find the first globals dict that's not ours.
+ for depth in range(1, sys.getrecursionlimit()):
+ if not sys._getframe(depth).f_globals is globals():
+ module_name = __GetModuleName(sys._getframe(depth).f_globals)
+ if module_name == 'gflags':
+ continue
+ if module_name is not None:
+ return module_name
+ raise AssertionError("No module was found")
+# Copied from gflags because it is a private function
+def __GetModuleName(globals_dict):
+ """Given a globals dict, returns the name of the module that defines it.
+ Args:
+ globals_dict: A dictionary that should correspond to an environment
+ providing the values of the globals.
+ Returns:
+ A string (the name of the module) or None (if the module could not
+ be identified.
+ """
+ for name, module in sys.modules.iteritems():
+ if getattr(module, '__dict__', None) is globals_dict:
+ if name == '__main__':
+ return sys.argv[0]
+ return name
+ return None
+def _wrapper(func):
+ def _wrapped(*args, **kw):
+ kw.setdefault('flag_values', FLAGS)
+ func(*args, **kw)
+ _wrapped.func_name = func.func_name
+ return _wrapped
+FLAGS = FlagValues()
+gflags.FLAGS = FLAGS
+gflags._GetCallingModule = _GetCallingModule
+DEFINE = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE)
+DEFINE_string = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_string)
+DEFINE_integer = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_integer)
+DEFINE_bool = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_bool)
+DEFINE_boolean = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_boolean)
+DEFINE_float = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_float)
+DEFINE_enum = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_enum)
+DEFINE_list = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_list)
+DEFINE_spaceseplist = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_spaceseplist)
+DEFINE_multistring = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_multistring)
+DEFINE_multi_int = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_multi_int)
+DEFINE_flag = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_flag)
+HelpFlag = gflags.HelpFlag
+HelpshortFlag = gflags.HelpshortFlag
+HelpXMLFlag = gflags.HelpXMLFlag
+def DECLARE(name, module_string, flag_values=FLAGS):
+ if module_string not in sys.modules:
+ __import__(module_string, globals(), locals())
+ if name not in flag_values:
+ raise gflags.UnrecognizedFlag(
+ "%s not defined by %s" % (name, module_string))
+# Define any app-specific flags in their own files, docs at:
+# http://code.google.com/p/python-gflags/source/browse/trunk/gflags.py#a9