proper order.
+Expand and Contract Scripts
+The obsolete "branchless" design of a migration script included that it
+indicates a specific "version" of the schema, and includes directives that
+apply all necessary changes to the database at once. If we look for example at
+the script ````, we will see::
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/
+ def upgrade():
+ # .. inspection code ...
+ op.create_table(
+ 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
+ sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ # ... more columns ...
+ )
+ for table in port_binding_tables:
+ op.execute((
+ "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
+ "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
+ "FROM %s "
+ "WHERE host <> '' "
+ "AND driver <> '';"
+ ) % table)
+ op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
+ # ... more DROP instructions ...
+The above script contains directives that are both under the "expand"
+and "contract" categories, as well as some data migrations. the ``op.create_table``
+directive is an "expand"; it may be run safely while the old version of the
+application still runs, as the old code simply doesn't look for this table.
+The ``op.drop_constraint`` and ``op.drop_column`` directives are
+"contract" directives (the drop column moreso than the drop constraint); running
+at least the ``op.drop_column`` directives means that the old version of the
+application will fail, as it will attempt to access these columns which no longer
+The data migrations in this script are adding new
+rows to the newly added ``ml2_port_binding_levels`` table.
+Under the new migration script directory structure, the above script would be
+stated as two scripts; an "expand" and a "contract" script::
+ # expansion operations
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
+ sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ # ... more columns ...
+ )
+ # contraction operations
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/
+ def upgrade():
+ for table in port_binding_tables:
+ op.execute((
+ "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
+ "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
+ "FROM %s "
+ "WHERE host <> '' "
+ "AND driver <> '';"
+ ) % table)
+ op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
+ # ... more DROP instructions ...
+The two scripts would be present in different subdirectories and also part of
+entirely separate versioning streams. The "expand" operations are in the
+"expand" script, and the "contract" operations are in the "contract" script.
+For the time being, data migration rules also belong to contract branch. There
+is expectation that eventually live data migrations move into middleware that
+will be aware about different database schema elements to converge on, but
+Neutron is still not there.
+Scripts that contain only expansion or contraction rules do not require a split
+into two parts.
+If a contraction script depends on a script from expansion stream, the
+following directive should be added in the contraction script::
+ depends_on = ('<expansion-revision>',)
Tests to verify that database migrations and models are in sync