--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Starter script for Cinder Volume Backup."""
+import os
+import sys
+import eventlet
+# If ../cinder/ exists, add ../ to Python search path, so that
+# it will override what happens to be installed in /usr/(local/)lib/python...
+possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]),
+ os.pardir,
+ os.pardir))
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'cinder', '')):
+ sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir)
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import service
+from cinder import utils
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ flags.parse_args(sys.argv)
+ logging.setup("cinder")
+ utils.monkey_patch()
+ server = service.Service.create(binary='cinder-backup')
+ service.serve(server)
+ service.wait()
print "No cinder entries in syslog!"
+class BackupCommands(object):
+ """Methods for managing backups."""
+ def list(self):
+ """List all backups (including ones in progress) and the host
+ on which the backup operation is running."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ backups = db.backup_get_all(ctxt)
+ hdr = "%-6s\t%-32s\t%-32s\t%-24s\t%-24s\t%-12s\t%-12s\t%-12s\t%-12s"
+ print hdr % (_('ID'),
+ _('User ID'),
+ _('Project ID'),
+ _('Host'),
+ _('Name'),
+ _('Container'),
+ _('Status'),
+ _('Size'),
+ _('Object Count'))
+ res = "%-6d\t%-32s\t%-32s\t%-24s\t%-24s\t%-12s\t%-12s\t%-12d\t%-12d"
+ for backup in backups:
+ object_count = 0
+ if backup['object_count'] is not None:
+ object_count = backup['object_count']
+ print res % (backup['id'],
+ backup['user_id'],
+ backup['project_id'],
+ backup['host'],
+ backup['display_name'],
+ backup['container'],
+ backup['status'],
+ backup['size'],
+ object_count)
+ 'backup': BackupCommands,
'config': ConfigCommands,
'db': DbCommands,
'host': HostCommands,
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""The backups api."""
+import webob
+from webob import exc
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from cinder.api import common
+from cinder.api import extensions
+from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
+from cinder.api.views import backups as backup_views
+from cinder.api import xmlutil
+from cinder import backup as backupAPI
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def make_backup(elem):
+ elem.set('id')
+ elem.set('status')
+ elem.set('size')
+ elem.set('container')
+ elem.set('volume_id')
+ elem.set('object_count')
+ elem.set('availability_zone')
+ elem.set('created_at')
+ elem.set('name')
+ elem.set('description')
+ elem.set('fail_reason')
+def make_backup_restore(elem):
+ elem.set('backup_id')
+ elem.set('volume_id')
+class BackupTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('backup', selector='backup')
+ make_backup(root)
+ alias = Backups.alias
+ namespace = Backups.namespace
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap={alias: namespace})
+class BackupsTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('backups')
+ elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'backup', selector='backups')
+ make_backup(elem)
+ alias = Backups.alias
+ namespace = Backups.namespace
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap={alias: namespace})
+class BackupRestoreTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('restore', selector='restore')
+ make_backup_restore(root)
+ alias = Backups.alias
+ namespace = Backups.namespace
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap={alias: namespace})
+class CreateDeserializer(wsgi.MetadataXMLDeserializer):
+ def default(self, string):
+ dom = minidom.parseString(string)
+ backup = self._extract_backup(dom)
+ return {'body': {'backup': backup}}
+ def _extract_backup(self, node):
+ backup = {}
+ backup_node = self.find_first_child_named(node, 'backup')
+ attributes = ['container', 'display_name',
+ 'display_description', 'volume_id']
+ for attr in attributes:
+ if backup_node.getAttribute(attr):
+ backup[attr] = backup_node.getAttribute(attr)
+ return backup
+class RestoreDeserializer(wsgi.MetadataXMLDeserializer):
+ def default(self, string):
+ dom = minidom.parseString(string)
+ restore = self._extract_restore(dom)
+ return {'body': {'restore': restore}}
+ def _extract_restore(self, node):
+ restore = {}
+ restore_node = self.find_first_child_named(node, 'restore')
+ if restore_node.getAttribute('volume_id'):
+ restore['volume_id'] = restore_node.getAttribute('volume_id')
+ return restore
+class BackupsController(wsgi.Controller):
+ """The Backups API controller for the OpenStack API."""
+ _view_builder_class = backup_views.ViewBuilder
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.backup_api = backupAPI.API()
+ super(BackupsController, self).__init__()
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=BackupTemplate)
+ def show(self, req, id):
+ """Return data about the given backup."""
+ LOG.debug(_('show called for member %s'), id)
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ try:
+ backup = self.backup_api.get(context, backup_id=id)
+ except exception.BackupNotFound as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=unicode(error))
+ return self._view_builder.detail(req, backup)
+ def delete(self, req, id):
+ """Delete a backup."""
+ LOG.debug(_('delete called for member %s'), id)
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ LOG.audit(_('Delete backup with id: %s'), id, context=context)
+ try:
+ self.backup_api.delete(context, id)
+ except exception.BackupNotFound as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.InvalidBackup as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error))
+ return webob.Response(status_int=202)
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=BackupsTemplate)
+ def index(self, req):
+ """Returns a summary list of backups."""
+ return self._get_backups(req, is_detail=False)
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=BackupsTemplate)
+ def detail(self, req):
+ """Returns a detailed list of backups."""
+ return self._get_backups(req, is_detail=True)
+ def _get_backups(self, req, is_detail):
+ """Returns a list of backups, transformed through view builder."""
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ backups = self.backup_api.get_all(context)
+ limited_list =, req)
+ if is_detail:
+ backups = self._view_builder.detail_list(req, limited_list)
+ else:
+ backups = self._view_builder.summary_list(req, limited_list)
+ return backups
+ # TODO(frankm): Add some checks here including
+ # - whether requested volume_id exists so we can return some errors
+ # immediately
+ # - maybe also do validation of swift container name
+ @wsgi.response(202)
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=BackupTemplate)
+ @wsgi.deserializers(xml=CreateDeserializer)
+ def create(self, req, body):
+ """Create a new backup."""
+ LOG.debug(_('Creating new backup %s'), body)
+ if not self.is_valid_body(body, 'backup'):
+ raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ try:
+ backup = body['backup']
+ volume_id = backup['volume_id']
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = _("Incorrect request body format")
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
+ container = backup.get('container', None)
+ name = backup.get('name', None)
+ description = backup.get('description', None)
+ LOG.audit(_("Creating backup of volume %(volume_id)s in container"
+ " %(container)s"), locals(), context=context)
+ try:
+ new_backup = self.backup_api.create(context, name, description,
+ volume_id, container)
+ except exception.InvalidVolume as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=unicode(error))
+ retval = self._view_builder.summary(req, dict(new_backup.iteritems()))
+ return retval
+ @wsgi.response(202)
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=BackupRestoreTemplate)
+ @wsgi.deserializers(xml=RestoreDeserializer)
+ def restore(self, req, id, body):
+ """Restore an existing backup to a volume."""
+ backup_id = id
+ LOG.debug(_('Restoring backup %(backup_id)s (%(body)s)') % locals())
+ if not self.is_valid_body(body, 'restore'):
+ raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ try:
+ restore = body['restore']
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = _("Incorrect request body format")
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
+ volume_id = restore.get('volume_id', None)
+ LOG.audit(_("Restoring backup %(backup_id)s to volume %(volume_id)s"),
+ locals(), context=context)
+ try:
+ new_restore = self.backup_api.restore(context,
+ backup_id=backup_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id)
+ except exception.InvalidInput as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.InvalidVolume as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.InvalidBackup as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.BackupNotFound as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=unicode(error))
+ except exception.VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
+ explanation=error.message, headers={'Retry-After': 0})
+ except exception.VolumeLimitExceeded as error:
+ raise exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
+ explanation=error.message, headers={'Retry-After': 0})
+ retval = self._view_builder.restore_summary(
+ req, dict(new_restore.iteritems()))
+ return retval
+class Backups(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Backups support."""
+ name = 'Backups'
+ alias = 'backups'
+ namespace = ''
+ updated = '2012-12-12T00:00:00+00:00'
+ def get_resources(self):
+ resources = []
+ res = extensions.ResourceExtension(
+ Backups.alias, BackupsController(),
+ collection_actions={'detail': 'GET'},
+ member_actions={'restore': 'POST'})
+ resources.append(res)
+ return resources
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from cinder.api import common
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ViewBuilder(common.ViewBuilder):
+ """Model backup API responses as a python dictionary."""
+ _collection_name = "backups"
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize view builder."""
+ super(ViewBuilder, self).__init__()
+ def summary_list(self, request, backups):
+ """Show a list of backups without many details."""
+ return self._list_view(self.summary, request, backups)
+ def detail_list(self, request, backups):
+ """Detailed view of a list of backups ."""
+ return self._list_view(self.detail, request, backups)
+ def summary(self, request, backup):
+ """Generic, non-detailed view of a backup."""
+ return {
+ 'backup': {
+ 'id': backup['id'],
+ 'name': backup['display_name'],
+ 'links': self._get_links(request,
+ backup['id']),
+ },
+ }
+ def restore_summary(self, request, restore):
+ """Generic, non-detailed view of a restore."""
+ return {
+ 'restore': {
+ 'backup_id': restore['backup_id'],
+ 'volume_id': restore['volume_id'],
+ },
+ }
+ def detail(self, request, backup):
+ """Detailed view of a single backup."""
+ return {
+ 'backup': {
+ 'id': backup.get('id'),
+ 'status': backup.get('status'),
+ 'size': backup.get('size'),
+ 'object_count': backup.get('object_count'),
+ 'availability_zone': backup.get('availability_zone'),
+ 'container': backup.get('container'),
+ 'created_at': backup.get('created_at'),
+ 'name': backup.get('display_name'),
+ 'description': backup.get('display_description'),
+ 'fail_reason': backup.get('fail_reason'),
+ 'volume_id': backup.get('volume_id'),
+ 'links': self._get_links(request, backup['id'])
+ }
+ }
+ def _list_view(self, func, request, backups):
+ """Provide a view for a list of backups."""
+ backups_list = [func(request, backup)['backup'] for backup in backups]
+ backups_links = self._get_collection_links(request,
+ backups,
+ self._collection_name)
+ backups_dict = dict(backups=backups_list)
+ if backups_links:
+ backups_dict['backups_links'] = backups_links
+ return backups_dict
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Importing full names to not pollute the namespace and cause possible
+# collisions with use of 'from cinder.backup import <foo>' elsewhere.
+import cinder.flags
+import cinder.openstack.common.importutils
+API = cinder.openstack.common.importutils.import_class(
+ cinder.flags.FLAGS.backup_api_class)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Handles all requests relating to the volume backups service.
+from eventlet import greenthread
+from cinder.backup import rpcapi as backup_rpcapi
+from cinder.db import base
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+import cinder.volume
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class API(base.Base):
+ """API for interacting with the volume backup manager."""
+ def __init__(self, db_driver=None):
+ self.backup_rpcapi = backup_rpcapi.BackupAPI()
+ self.volume_api = cinder.volume.API()
+ super(API, self).__init__(db_driver)
+ def get(self, context, backup_id):
+ rv = self.db.backup_get(context, backup_id)
+ return dict(rv.iteritems())
+ def delete(self, context, backup_id):
+ """
+ Make the RPC call to delete a volume backup.
+ """
+ backup = self.get(context, backup_id)
+ if backup['status'] not in ['available', 'error']:
+ msg = _('Backup status must be available or error')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg)
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'deleting'})
+ self.backup_rpcapi.delete_backup(context,
+ backup['host'],
+ backup['id'])
+ # TODO(moorehef): Add support for search_opts, discarded atm
+ def get_all(self, context, search_opts={}):
+ if context.is_admin:
+ backups = self.db.backup_get_all(context)
+ else:
+ backups = self.db.backup_get_all_by_project(context,
+ context.project_id)
+ return backups
+ def create(self, context, name, description, volume_id,
+ container, availability_zone=None):
+ """
+ Make the RPC call to create a volume backup.
+ """
+ volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)
+ if volume['status'] != "available":
+ msg = _('Volume to be backed up must be available')
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'backing-up'})
+ options = {'user_id': context.user_id,
+ 'project_id': context.project_id,
+ 'display_name': name,
+ 'display_description': description,
+ 'volume_id': volume_id,
+ 'status': 'creating',
+ 'container': container,
+ 'size': volume['size'],
+ # TODO(DuncanT): This will need de-managling once
+ # multi-backend lands
+ 'host': volume['host'], }
+ backup = self.db.backup_create(context, options)
+ #TODO(DuncanT): In future, when we have a generic local attach,
+ # this can go via the scheduler, which enables
+ # better load ballancing and isolation of services
+ self.backup_rpcapi.create_backup(context,
+ backup['host'],
+ backup['id'],
+ volume_id)
+ return backup
+ def restore(self, context, backup_id, volume_id=None):
+ """
+ Make the RPC call to restore a volume backup.
+ """
+ backup = self.get(context, backup_id)
+ if backup['status'] != 'available':
+ msg = _('Backup status must be available')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg)
+ size = backup['size']
+ if size is None:
+ msg = _('Backup to be restored has invalid size')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg)
+ # Create a volume if none specified. If a volume is specified check
+ # it is large enough for the backup
+ if volume_id is None:
+ name = 'restore_backup_%s' % backup_id
+ description = 'auto-created_from_restore_from_swift'
+ LOG.audit(_("Creating volume of %(size)s GB for restore of "
+ "backup %(backup_id)s"), locals(), context=context)
+ volume = self.volume_api.create(context, size, name, description)
+ volume_id = volume['id']
+ while True:
+ volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)
+ if volume['status'] != 'creating':
+ break
+ greenthread.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)
+ volume_size = volume['size']
+ if volume_size < size:
+ err = _('volume size %(volume_size)d is too small to restore '
+ 'backup of size %(size)d.') % locals()
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ if volume['status'] != "available":
+ msg = _('Volume to be restored to must be available')
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ LOG.debug('Checking backup size %s against volume size %s',
+ size, volume['size'])
+ if size > volume['size']:
+ msg = _('Volume to be restored to is smaller '
+ 'than the backup to be restored')
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ LOG.audit(_("Overwriting volume %(volume_id)s with restore of "
+ "backup %(backup_id)s"), locals(), context=context)
+ # Setting the status here rather than setting at start and unrolling
+ # for each error condition, it should be a very small window
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'restoring'})
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status':
+ 'restoring-backup'})
+ self.backup_rpcapi.restore_backup(context,
+ backup['host'],
+ backup['id'],
+ volume_id)
+ d = {'backup_id': backup_id,
+ 'volume_id': volume_id, }
+ return d
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Backup manager manages volume backups.
+Volume Backups are full copies of persistent volumes stored in Swift object
+storage. They are usable without the original object being available. A
+volume backup can be restored to the original volume it was created from or
+any other available volume with a minimum size of the original volume.
+Volume backups can be created, restored, deleted and listed.
+**Related Flags**
+:backup_topic: What :mod:`rpc` topic to listen to (default:
+ `cinder-backup`).
+:backup_manager: The module name of a class derived from
+ :class:`manager.Manager` (default:
+ :class:`cinder.backup.manager.Manager`).
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder import manager
+from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import importutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+backup_manager_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_service',
+ default='',
+ help='Service to use for backups.'),
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class BackupManager(manager.SchedulerDependentManager):
+ """Manages backup of block storage devices."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.service = importutils.import_module(FLAGS.backup_service)
+ = FLAGS.storage_availability_zone
+ self.volume_manager = importutils.import_object(FLAGS.volume_manager)
+ self.driver = self.volume_manager.driver
+ super(BackupManager, self).__init__(service_name='backup',
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ self.driver.db = self.db
+ def init_host(self):
+ """Do any initialization that needs to be run if this is a
+ standalone service."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.driver.do_setup(ctxt)
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+"Cleaning up incomplete backup operations"))
+ volumes = self.db.volume_get_all_by_host(ctxt,
+ for volume in volumes:
+ if volume['status'] == 'backing-up':
+'Resetting volume %s to available '
+ '(was backing-up)') % volume['id'])
+ self.volume_manager.detach_volume(ctxt, volume['id'])
+ if volume['status'] == 'restoring-backup':
+'Resetting volume %s to error_restoring '
+ '(was restoring-backup)') % volume['id'])
+ self.volume_manager.detach_volume(ctxt, volume['id'])
+ self.db.volume_update(ctxt, volume['id'],
+ {'status': 'error_restoring'})
+ # TODO(smulcahy) implement full resume of backup and restore
+ # operations on restart (rather than simply resetting)
+ backups = self.db.backup_get_all_by_host(ctxt,
+ for backup in backups:
+ if backup['status'] == 'creating':
+'Resetting backup %s to error '
+ '(was creating)') % backup['id'])
+ err = 'incomplete backup reset on manager restart'
+ self.db.backup_update(ctxt, backup['id'], {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': err})
+ if backup['status'] == 'restoring':
+'Resetting backup %s to available '
+ '(was restoring)') % backup['id'])
+ self.db.backup_update(ctxt, backup['id'],
+ {'status': 'available'})
+ if backup['status'] == 'deleting':
+'Resuming delete on backup: %s') % backup['id'])
+ self.delete_backup(ctxt, backup['id'])
+ def create_backup(self, context, backup_id):
+ """
+ Create volume backups using configured backup service.
+ """
+ backup = self.db.backup_get(context, backup_id)
+ volume_id = backup['volume_id']
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(context, volume_id)
+ LOG.debug(_('create_backup started, backup: %(backup_id)s for '
+ 'volume: %(volume_id)s') % locals())
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'host':,
+ 'service':
+ FLAGS.backup_service})
+ expected_status = 'backing-up'
+ actual_status = volume['status']
+ if actual_status != expected_status:
+ err = _('create_backup aborted, expected volume status '
+ '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': err})
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ expected_status = 'creating'
+ actual_status = backup['status']
+ if actual_status != expected_status:
+ err = _('create_backup aborted, expected backup status '
+ '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s') % locals()
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': err})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ try:
+ backup_service = self.service.get_backup_service(context)
+ self.driver.backup_volume(context, backup, backup_service)
+ except Exception as err:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id,
+ {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id,
+ {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': unicode(err)})
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'available',
+ 'size': volume['size'],
+ 'availability_zone':
+ LOG.debug(_('create_backup finished. backup: %s'), backup_id)
+ def restore_backup(self, context, backup_id, volume_id):
+ """
+ Restore volume backups from configured backup service.
+ """
+ LOG.debug(_('restore_backup started, restoring backup: %(backup_id)s'
+ ' to volume: %(volume_id)s') % locals())
+ backup = self.db.backup_get(context, backup_id)
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(context, volume_id)
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'host':})
+ expected_status = 'restoring-backup'
+ actual_status = volume['status']
+ if actual_status != expected_status:
+ err = _('restore_backup aborted, expected volume status '
+ '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ expected_status = 'restoring'
+ actual_status = backup['status']
+ if actual_status != expected_status:
+ err = _('restore_backup aborted, expected backup status '
+ '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': err})
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error'})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ if volume['size'] > backup['size']:
+ LOG.warn('volume: %s, size: %d is larger than backup: %d, '
+ 'size: %d, continuing with restore',
+ volume['id'], volume['size'],
+ backup['id'], backup['size'])
+ backup_service = backup['service']
+ configured_service = FLAGS.backup_service
+ if backup_service != configured_service:
+ err = _('restore_backup aborted, the backup service currently'
+ ' configured [%(configured_service)s] is not the'
+ ' backup service that was used to create this'
+ ' backup [%(backup_service)s]') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error'})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ try:
+ backup_service = self.service.get_backup_service(context)
+ self.driver.restore_backup(context, backup, volume,
+ backup_service)
+ except Exception as err:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id,
+ {'status': 'error_restoring'})
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id,
+ {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ LOG.debug(_('restore_backup finished, backup: %(backup_id)s restored'
+ ' to volume: %(volume_id)s') % locals())
+ def delete_backup(self, context, backup_id):
+ """
+ Delete volume backup from configured backup service.
+ """
+ backup = self.db.backup_get(context, backup_id)
+ LOG.debug(_('delete_backup started, backup: %s'), backup_id)
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'host':})
+ expected_status = 'deleting'
+ actual_status = backup['status']
+ if actual_status != expected_status:
+ err = _('delete_backup aborted, expected backup status '
+ '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason': err})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ backup_service = backup['service']
+ configured_service = FLAGS.backup_service
+ if backup_service != configured_service:
+ err = _('delete_backup aborted, the backup service currently'
+ ' configured [%(configured_service)s] is not the'
+ ' backup service that was used to create this'
+ ' backup [%(backup_service)s]') % locals()
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'available'})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ try:
+ backup_service = self.service.get_backup_service(context)
+ backup_service.delete(backup)
+ except Exception as err:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'status': 'error',
+ 'fail_reason':
+ unicode(err)})
+ context = context.elevated()
+ self.db.backup_destroy(context, backup_id)
+ LOG.debug(_('delete_backup finished, backup %s deleted'), backup_id)
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Client side of the volume backup RPC API.
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import rpc
+import cinder.openstack.common.rpc.proxy
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class BackupAPI(cinder.openstack.common.rpc.proxy.RpcProxy):
+ '''Client side of the volume rpc API.
+ API version history:
+ 1.0 - Initial version.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BackupAPI, self).__init__(
+ topic=FLAGS.backup_topic,
+ default_version=self.BASE_RPC_API_VERSION)
+ def create_backup(self, ctxt, host, backup_id, volume_id):
+ LOG.debug("create_backup in rpcapi backup_id %s", backup_id)
+ topic = rpc.queue_get_for(ctxt, self.topic, host)
+ LOG.debug("create queue topic=%s", topic)
+ self.cast(ctxt,
+ self.make_msg('create_backup',
+ backup_id=backup_id),
+ topic=topic)
+ def restore_backup(self, ctxt, host, backup_id, volume_id):
+ LOG.debug("restore_backup in rpcapi backup_id %s", backup_id)
+ topic = rpc.queue_get_for(ctxt, self.topic, host)
+ LOG.debug("restore queue topic=%s", topic)
+ self.cast(ctxt,
+ self.make_msg('restore_backup',
+ backup_id=backup_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id),
+ topic=topic)
+ def delete_backup(self, ctxt, host, backup_id):
+ LOG.debug("delete_backup rpcapi backup_id %s", backup_id)
+ topic = rpc.queue_get_for(ctxt, self.topic, host)
+ self.cast(ctxt,
+ self.make_msg('delete_backup',
+ backup_id=backup_id),
+ topic=topic)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.\r
+# All Rights Reserved.\r
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may\r
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain\r
+# a copy of the License at\r
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT\r
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the\r
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations\r
+# under the License.\r
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Implementation of a backup service that uses Swift as the backend
+**Related Flags**
+:backup_swift_url: The URL of the Swift endpoint (default:
+ localhost:8080).
+:backup_swift_object_size: The size in bytes of the Swift objects used
+ for volume backups (default: 52428800).
+:backup_swift_retry_attempts: The number of retries to make for Swift
+ operations (default: 10).
+:backup_swift_retry_backoff: The backoff time in seconds between retrying
+ failed Swift operations (default: 10).
+:backup_compression_algorithm: Compression algorithm to use for volume
+ backups. Supported options are:
+ None (to disable), zlib and bz2 (default: zlib)
+import eventlet
+import hashlib
+import httplib
+import json
+import os
+import StringIO
+from cinder.db import base
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+from swiftclient import client as swift
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+swiftbackup_service_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_swift_url',
+ default='http://localhost:8080/v1/',
+ help='The URL of the Swift endpoint'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_swift_container',
+ default='volumebackups',
+ help='The default Swift container to use'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('backup_swift_object_size',
+ default=52428800,
+ help='The size in bytes of Swift backup objects'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('backup_swift_retry_attempts',
+ default=10,
+ help='The number of retries to make for Swift operations'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('backup_swift_retry_backoff',
+ default=10,
+ help='The backoff time in seconds between Swift retries'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_compression_algorithm',
+ default='zlib',
+ help='Compression algorithm (None to disable)'),
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class SwiftBackupService(base.Base):
+ """Provides backup, restore and delete of backup objects within Swift."""
+ def _get_compressor(self, algorithm):
+ try:
+ if algorithm.lower() in ('none', 'off', 'no'):
+ return None
+ elif algorithm.lower() in ('zlib', 'gzip'):
+ import zlib as compressor
+ return compressor
+ elif algorithm.lower() in ('bz2', 'bzip2'):
+ import bz2 as compressor
+ return compressor
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ err = _('unsupported compression algorithm: %s') % algorithm
+ raise ValueError(unicode(err))
+ def __init__(self, context, db_driver=None):
+ self.context = context
+ self.swift_url = '%sAUTH_%s' % (FLAGS.backup_swift_url,
+ self.context.project_id)
+ = FLAGS.storage_availability_zone
+ self.data_block_size_bytes = FLAGS.backup_swift_object_size
+ self.swift_attempts = FLAGS.backup_swift_retry_attempts
+ self.swift_backoff = FLAGS.backup_swift_retry_backoff
+ self.compressor = \
+ self._get_compressor(FLAGS.backup_compression_algorithm)
+ self.conn = swift.Connection(None, None, None,
+ retries=self.swift_attempts,
+ preauthurl=self.swift_url,
+ preauthtoken=self.context.auth_token,
+ starting_backoff=self.swift_backoff)
+ super(SwiftBackupService, self).__init__(db_driver)
+ def _check_container_exists(self, container):
+ LOG.debug(_('_check_container_exists: container: %s') % container)
+ try:
+ self.conn.head_container(container)
+ except swift.ClientException as error:
+ if error.http_status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
+ LOG.debug(_('container %s does not exist') % container)
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(_('container %s exists') % container)
+ return True
+ def _create_container(self, context, backup):
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ container = backup['container']
+ LOG.debug(_('_create_container started, container: %(container)s,'
+ 'backup: %(backup_id)s') % locals())
+ if container is None:
+ container = FLAGS.backup_swift_container
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'container': container})
+ if not self._check_container_exists(container):
+ self.conn.put_container(container)
+ return container
+ def _generate_swift_object_name_prefix(self, backup):
+ az = 'az_%s' %
+ backup_name = '%s_backup_%s' % (az, backup['id'])
+ volume = 'volume_%s' % (backup['volume_id'])
+ timestamp = timeutils.strtime(fmt="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ prefix = volume + '/' + timestamp + '/' + backup_name
+ LOG.debug(_('_generate_swift_object_name_prefix: %s') % prefix)
+ return prefix
+ def _generate_object_names(self, backup):
+ prefix = backup['service_metadata']
+ swift_objects = self.conn.get_container(backup['container'],
+ prefix=prefix,
+ full_listing=True)[1]
+ swift_object_names = []
+ for swift_object in swift_objects:
+ swift_object_names.append(swift_object['name'])
+ LOG.debug(_('generated object list: %s') % swift_object_names)
+ return swift_object_names
+ def _metadata_filename(self, backup):
+ swift_object_name = backup['service_metadata']
+ filename = '%s_metadata' % swift_object_name
+ return filename
+ def _write_metadata(self, backup, volume_id, container, object_list):
+ filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug(_('_write_metadata started, container name: %(container)s,'
+ ' metadata filename: %(filename)s') % locals())
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['version'] = self.SERVICE_VERSION
+ metadata['backup_id'] = backup['id']
+ metadata['volume_id'] = volume_id
+ metadata['backup_name'] = backup['display_name']
+ metadata['backup_description'] = backup['display_description']
+ metadata['created_at'] = str(backup['created_at'])
+ metadata['objects'] = object_list
+ metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ reader = StringIO.StringIO(metadata_json)
+ etag = self.conn.put_object(container, filename, reader)
+ md5 = hashlib.md5(metadata_json).hexdigest()
+ if etag != md5:
+ err = _('error writing metadata file to swift, MD5 of metadata'
+ ' file in swift [%(etag)s] is not the same as MD5 of '
+ 'metadata file sent to swift [%(md5)s]') % locals()
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ LOG.debug(_('_write_metadata finished'))
+ def _read_metadata(self, backup):
+ container = backup['container']
+ filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug(_('_read_metadata started, container name: %(container)s, '
+ 'metadata filename: %(filename)s') % locals())
+ (resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(container, filename)
+ metadata = json.loads(body)
+ LOG.debug(_('_read_metadata finished (%s)') % metadata)
+ return metadata['objects']
+ def backup(self, backup, volume_file):
+ """Backup the given volume to swift using the given backup metadata.
+ """
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ volume_id = backup['volume_id']
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ if volume['size'] <= 0:
+ err = _('volume size %d is invalid.') % volume['size']
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ container = self._create_container(self.context, backup)
+ object_prefix = self._generate_swift_object_name_prefix(backup)
+ backup['service_metadata'] = object_prefix
+ self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup_id, {'service_metadata':
+ object_prefix})
+ volume_size_bytes = volume['size'] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+ availability_zone =
+ LOG.debug(_('starting backup of volume: %(volume_id)s to swift,'
+ ' volume size: %(volume_size_bytes)d, swift object names'
+ ' prefix %(object_prefix)s, availability zone:'
+ ' %(availability_zone)s') % locals())
+ object_id = 1
+ object_list = []
+ while True:
+ data_block_size_bytes = self.data_block_size_bytes
+ object_name = '%s-%05d' % (object_prefix, object_id)
+ obj = {}
+ obj[object_name] = {}
+ obj[object_name]['offset'] = volume_file.tell()
+ data =
+ obj[object_name]['length'] = len(data)
+ if data == '':
+ break
+ LOG.debug(_('reading chunk of data from volume'))
+ if self.compressor is not None:
+ algorithm = FLAGS.backup_compression_algorithm.lower()
+ obj[object_name]['compression'] = algorithm
+ data_size_bytes = len(data)
+ data = self.compressor.compress(data)
+ comp_size_bytes = len(data)
+ LOG.debug(_('compressed %(data_size_bytes)d bytes of data'
+ ' to %(comp_size_bytes)d bytes using '
+ '%(algorithm)s') % locals())
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(_('not compressing data'))
+ obj[object_name]['compression'] = 'none'
+ reader = StringIO.StringIO(data)
+ LOG.debug(_('About to put_object'))
+ etag = self.conn.put_object(container, object_name, reader)
+ LOG.debug(_('swift MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(etag)s') % locals())
+ md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
+ obj[object_name]['md5'] = md5
+ LOG.debug(_('backup MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(md5)s') % locals())
+ if etag != md5:
+ err = _('error writing object to swift, MD5 of object in '
+ 'swift %(etag)s is not the same as MD5 of object sent '
+ 'to swift %(md5)s') % locals()
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ object_list.append(obj)
+ object_id += 1
+ LOG.debug(_('Calling eventlet.sleep(0)'))
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ self._write_metadata(backup, volume_id, container, object_list)
+ self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup_id, {'object_count':
+ object_id})
+ LOG.debug(_('backup %s finished.') % backup_id)
+ def restore(self, backup, volume_id, volume_file):
+ """Restore the given volume backup from swift.
+ """
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ container = backup['container']
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ volume_size = volume['size']
+ backup_size = backup['size']
+ object_prefix = backup['service_metadata']
+ LOG.debug(_('starting restore of backup %(object_prefix)s from swift'
+ ' container: %(container)s, to volume %(volume_id)s, '
+ 'backup: %(backup_id)s') % locals())
+ swift_object_names = self._generate_object_names(backup)
+ metadata_objects = self._read_metadata(backup)
+ metadata_object_names = []
+ for metadata_object in metadata_objects:
+ metadata_object_names.extend(metadata_object.keys())
+ LOG.debug(_('metadata_object_names = %s') % metadata_object_names)
+ prune_list = [self._metadata_filename(backup)]
+ swift_object_names = [swift_object_name for swift_object_name in
+ swift_object_names if swift_object_name
+ not in prune_list]
+ if sorted(swift_object_names) != sorted(metadata_object_names):
+ err = _('restore_backup aborted, actual swift object list in '
+ 'swift does not match object list stored in metadata')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ for metadata_object in metadata_objects:
+ object_name = metadata_object.keys()[0]
+ LOG.debug(_('restoring object from swift. backup: %(backup_id)s, '
+ 'container: %(container)s, swift object name: '
+ '%(object_name)s, volume: %(volume_id)s') % locals())
+ (resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(container, object_name)
+ compression_algorithm = metadata_object[object_name]['compression']
+ decompressor = self._get_compressor(compression_algorithm)
+ if decompressor is not None:
+ LOG.debug(_('decompressing data using %s algorithm') %
+ compression_algorithm)
+ decompressed = decompressor.decompress(body)
+ volume_file.write(decompressed)
+ else:
+ volume_file.write(body)
+ # force flush every write to avoid long blocking write on close
+ volume_file.flush()
+ os.fsync(volume_file.fileno())
+ # Restoring a backup to a volume can take some time. Yield so other
+ # threads can run, allowing for among other things the service
+ # status to be updated
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ LOG.debug(_('restore %(backup_id)s to %(volume_id)s finished.') %
+ locals())
+ def delete(self, backup):
+ """Delete the given backup from swift."""
+ container = backup['container']
+ LOG.debug('delete started, backup: %s, container: %s, prefix: %s',
+ backup['id'], container, backup['service_metadata'])
+ if container is not None:
+ swift_object_names = []
+ try:
+ swift_object_names = self._generate_object_names(backup)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warn(_('swift error while listing objects, continuing'
+ ' with delete'))
+ for swift_object_name in swift_object_names:
+ try:
+ self.conn.delete_object(container, swift_object_name)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warn(_('swift error while deleting object %s, '
+ 'continuing with delete') % swift_object_name)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(_('deleted swift object: %(swift_object_name)s'
+ ' in container: %(container)s') % locals())
+ # Deleting a backup's objects from swift can take some time.
+ # Yield so other threads can run
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ LOG.debug(_('delete %s finished') % backup['id'])
+def get_backup_service(context):
+ return SwiftBackupService(context)
help='Template string to be used to generate volume names'),
- help='Template string to be used to generate snapshot names'), ]
+ help='Template string to be used to generate snapshot names'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_name_template',
+ default='backup-%s',
+ help='Template string to be used to generate backup names'), ]
def reservation_expire(context):
"""Roll back any expired reservations."""
return IMPL.reservation_expire(context)
+def backup_get(context, backup_id):
+ """Get a backup or raise if it does not exist."""
+ return IMPL.backup_get(context, backup_id)
+def backup_get_all(context):
+ """Get all backups."""
+ return IMPL.backup_get_all(context)
+def backup_get_all_by_host(context, host):
+ """Get all backups belonging to a host."""
+ return IMPL.backup_get_all_by_host(context, host)
+def backup_create(context, values):
+ """Create a backup from the values dictionary."""
+ return IMPL.backup_create(context, values)
+def backup_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ """Get all backups belonging to a project."""
+ return IMPL.backup_get_all_by_project(context, project_id)
+def backup_update(context, backup_id, values):
+ """
+ Set the given properties on a backup and update it.
+ Raises NotFound if backup does not exist.
+ """
+ return IMPL.backup_update(context, backup_id, values)
+def backup_destroy(context, backup_id):
+ """Destroy the backup or raise if it does not exist."""
+ return IMPL.backup_destroy(context, backup_id)
def sm_volume_get_all(context):
return model_query(context, models.SMVolume, read_deleted="yes").all()
+def backup_get(context, backup_id, session=None):
+ result = model_query(context, models.Backup,
+ read_deleted="yes").filter_by(id=backup_id).first()
+ if not result:
+ raise exception.BackupNotFound(backup_id=backup_id)
+ return result
+def backup_get_all(context):
+ return model_query(context, models.Backup, read_deleted="yes").all()
+def backup_get_all_by_host(context, host):
+ return model_query(context, models.Backup,
+ read_deleted="yes").filter_by(host=host).all()
+def backup_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ authorize_project_context(context, project_id)
+ return model_query(context, models.Backup, read_deleted="yes").all()
+def backup_create(context, values):
+ backup = models.Backup()
+ if not values.get('id'):
+ values['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ backup.update(values)
+ return backup
+def backup_update(context, backup_id, values):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ backup = model_query(context, models.Backup,
+ session=session, read_deleted="yes").\
+ filter_by(id=backup_id).first()
+ if not backup:
+ raise exception.BackupNotFound(
+ _("No backup with id %(backup_id)s") % locals())
+ backup.update(values)
+ return backup
+def backup_destroy(context, backup_id):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ model_query(context, models.Backup,
+ read_deleted="yes").filter_by(id=backup_id).delete()
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime
+from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Integer, String, Table
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def upgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ # New table
+ backups = Table(
+ 'backups', meta,
+ Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted', Boolean(create_constraint=True, name=None)),
+ Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ Column('volume_id', String(36), nullable=False),
+ Column('user_id', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('project_id', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('host', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('availability_zone', String(length=255,
+ convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('display_name', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('display_description', String(length=255,
+ convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('container', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('status', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('fail_reason', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('service_metadata', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('service', String(length=255, convert_unicode=False,
+ assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('size', Integer()),
+ Column('object_count', Integer()),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB'
+ )
+ try:
+ backups.create()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("Table |%s| not created!"), repr(backups))
+ raise
+def downgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ backups = Table('backups', meta, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ backups.drop()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("backups table not dropped"))
+ raise
vdi_uuid = Column(String(255))
+class Backup(BASE, CinderBase):
+ """Represents a backup of a volume to Swift."""
+ __tablename__ = 'backups'
+ id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True)
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return FLAGS.backup_name_template %
+ user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+ project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+ volume_id = Column(String(36), nullable=False)
+ host = Column(String(255))
+ availability_zone = Column(String(255))
+ display_name = Column(String(255))
+ display_description = Column(String(255))
+ container = Column(String(255))
+ status = Column(String(255))
+ fail_reason = Column(String(255))
+ service_metadata = Column(String(255))
+ service = Column(String(255))
+ size = Column(Integer)
+ object_count = Column(Integer)
def register_models():
"""Register Models and create metadata.
connection is lost and needs to be reestablished.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- models = (Migration,
+ models = (Backup,
+ Migration,
class ImageCopyFailure(Invalid):
message = _("Failed to copy image to volume")
+class BackupNotFound(NotFound):
+ message = _("Backup %(backup_id)s could not be found.")
+class InvalidBackup(Invalid):
+ message = _("Invalid backup: %(reason)s")
help='the topic volume nodes listen on'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_topic',
+ default='cinder-backup',
+ help='the topic volume backup nodes listen on'),
help=_("Deploy v1 of the Cinder API. ")),
help='full class name for the Manager for volume'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_manager',
+ default='cinder.backup.manager.BackupManager',
+ help='full class name for the Manager for volume backup'),
help='full class name for the Manager for scheduler'),
help='The full class name of the volume API class to use'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_api_class',
+ default='cinder.backup.api.API',
+ help='The full class name of the volume backup API class'),
help='The strategy to use for auth. Supports noauth, keystone, '
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Tests for Backup code.
+import json
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import webob
+# needed for stubs to work
+import cinder.backup
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.tests.api import fakes
+# needed for stubs to work
+import cinder.volume
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BackupsAPITestCase(test.TestCase):
+ """Test Case for backups API."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BackupsAPITestCase, self).setUp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(BackupsAPITestCase, self).tearDown()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _create_backup(volume_id=1,
+ display_name='test_backup',
+ display_description='this is a test backup',
+ container='volumebackups',
+ status='creating',
+ size=0, object_count=0):
+ """Create a backup object."""
+ backup = {}
+ backup['volume_id'] = volume_id
+ backup['user_id'] = 'fake'
+ backup['project_id'] = 'fake'
+ backup['host'] = 'testhost'
+ backup['availability_zone'] = 'az1'
+ backup['display_name'] = display_name
+ backup['display_description'] = display_description
+ backup['container'] = container
+ backup['status'] = status
+ backup['fail_reason'] = ''
+ backup['size'] = size
+ backup['object_count'] = object_count
+ return db.backup_create(context.get_admin_context(), backup)['id']
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_backup_attrib(backup_id, attrib_name):
+ return db.backup_get(context.get_admin_context(),
+ backup_id)[attrib_name]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _create_volume(display_name='test_volume',
+ display_description='this is a test volume',
+ status='creating',
+ size=1):
+ """Create a volume object."""
+ vol = {}
+ vol['size'] = size
+ vol['user_id'] = 'fake'
+ vol['project_id'] = 'fake'
+ vol['status'] = status
+ vol['display_name'] = display_name
+ vol['display_description'] = display_description
+ vol['attach_status'] = 'detached'
+ return db.volume_create(context.get_admin_context(), vol)['id']
+ def test_show_backup(self):
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(size=5)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(volume_id)
+ LOG.debug('Created backup with id %s' % backup_id)
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['availability_zone'], 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['container'], 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['description'],
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['name'], 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['id'], backup_id)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['object_count'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['size'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['status'], 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backup']['volume_id'], volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_show_backup_xml_content_type(self):
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(size=5)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(volume_id)
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s' % backup_id)
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(res.body)
+ backup = dom.getElementsByTagName('backup')
+ name = backup.item(0).getAttribute('name')
+ container_name = backup.item(0).getAttribute('container')
+ self.assertEquals(container_name.strip(), "volumebackups")
+ self.assertEquals(name.strip(), "test_backup")
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_show_backup_with_backup_NotFound(self):
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/9999')
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['code'], 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['message'],
+ 'Backup 9999 could not be found.')
+ def test_list_backups_json(self):
+ backup_id1 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id2 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id3 = self._create_backup()
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][0]), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['id'], backup_id1)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['name'], 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][1]), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['id'], backup_id2)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['name'], 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][2]), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['id'], backup_id3)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['name'], 'test_backup')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id3)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id2)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id1)
+ def test_list_backups_xml(self):
+ backup_id1 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id2 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id3 = self._create_backup()
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(res.body)
+ backup_list = dom.getElementsByTagName('backup')
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(0).attributes.length, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(0).getAttribute('id'),
+ backup_id1)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(1).attributes.length, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(1).getAttribute('id'),
+ backup_id2)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(2).attributes.length, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_list.item(2).getAttribute('id'),
+ backup_id3)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id3)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id2)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id1)
+ def test_list_backups_detail_json(self):
+ backup_id1 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id2 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id3 = self._create_backup()
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/detail')
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][0]), 12)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['availability_zone'], 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['container'],
+ 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['description'],
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['name'],
+ 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['id'], backup_id1)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['object_count'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['size'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['status'], 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][0]['volume_id'], '1')
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][1]), 12)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['availability_zone'], 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['container'],
+ 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['description'],
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['name'],
+ 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['id'], backup_id2)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['object_count'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['size'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['status'], 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][1]['volume_id'], '1')
+ self.assertEqual(len(res_dict['backups'][2]), 12)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['availability_zone'], 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['container'],
+ 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['description'],
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['name'],
+ 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['id'], backup_id3)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['object_count'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['size'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['status'], 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['backups'][2]['volume_id'], '1')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id3)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id2)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id1)
+ def test_list_backups_detail_xml(self):
+ backup_id1 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id2 = self._create_backup()
+ backup_id3 = self._create_backup()
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/detail')
+ req.method = 'GET'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(res.body)
+ backup_detail = dom.getElementsByTagName('backup')
+ self.assertEqual(backup_detail.item(0).attributes.length, 11)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('availability_zone'), 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('container'), 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('description'),
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('name'), 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('id'), backup_id1)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('object_count')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('size')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('status'), 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(0).getAttribute('volume_id')), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_detail.item(1).attributes.length, 11)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('availability_zone'), 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('container'), 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('description'),
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('name'), 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('id'), backup_id2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('object_count')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('size')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('status'), 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(1).getAttribute('volume_id')), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(backup_detail.item(2).attributes.length, 11)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('availability_zone'), 'az1')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('container'), 'volumebackups')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('description'),
+ 'this is a test backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('name'), 'test_backup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('id'), backup_id3)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('object_count')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('size')), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('status'), 'creating')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ int(backup_detail.item(2).getAttribute('volume_id')), 1)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id3)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id2)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id1)
+ def test_create_backup_json(self):
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=5)
+ body = {"backup": {"display_name": "nightly001",
+ "display_description":
+ "Nightly Backup 03-Sep-2012",
+ "volume_id": volume_id,
+ "container": "nightlybackups",
+ }
+ }
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertTrue('id' in res_dict['backup'])
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_create_backup_xml(self):
+ volume_size = 2
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.body = ('<backup display_name="backup-001" '
+ 'display_description="Nightly Backup" '
+ 'volume_id="%s" container="Container001"/>' % volume_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(res.body)
+ backup = dom.getElementsByTagName('backup')
+ self.assertTrue(backup.item(0).hasAttribute('id'))
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_create_backup_with_no_body(self):
+ # omit body from the request
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.body = json.dumps(None)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['code'], 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['message'],
+ 'Unable to process the contained instructions')
+ def test_create_backup_with_body_KeyError(self):
+ # omit volume_id from body
+ body = {"backup": {"display_name": "nightly001",
+ "display_description":
+ "Nightly Backup 03-Sep-2012",
+ "container": "nightlybackups",
+ }
+ }
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Incorrect request body format')
+ def test_create_backup_with_VolumeNotFound(self):
+ body = {"backup": {"display_name": "nightly001",
+ "display_description":
+ "Nightly Backup 03-Sep-2012",
+ "volume_id": 9999,
+ "container": "nightlybackups",
+ }
+ }
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['code'], 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['message'],
+ 'Volume 9999 could not be found.')
+ def test_create_backup_with_InvalidVolume(self):
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='restoring', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"backup": {"display_name": "nightly001",
+ "display_description":
+ "Nightly Backup 03-Sep-2012",
+ "volume_id": volume_id,
+ "container": "nightlybackups",
+ }
+ }
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid volume: Volume to be backed up must'
+ ' be available')
+ def test_delete_backup_available(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'DELETE'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertEqual(self._get_backup_attrib(backup_id, 'status'),
+ 'deleting')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_delete_backup_error(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='error')
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'DELETE'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertEqual(self._get_backup_attrib(backup_id, 'status'),
+ 'deleting')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_delete_backup_with_backup_NotFound(self):
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/9999')
+ req.method = 'DELETE'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['code'], 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['message'],
+ 'Backup 9999 could not be found.')
+ def test_delete_backup_with_InvalidBackup(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup()
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'DELETE'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid backup: Backup status must be '
+ 'available or error')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_volume_id_specified_json(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['restore']['backup_id'], backup_id)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['restore']['volume_id'], volume_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_volume_id_specified_xml(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ volume_size = 2
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' % backup_id)
+ req.body = '<restore volume_id="%s"/>' % volume_id
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(res.body)
+ restore = dom.getElementsByTagName('restore')
+ self.assertEqual(restore.item(0).getAttribute('backup_id'),
+ backup_id)
+ self.assertEqual(restore.item(0).getAttribute('volume_id'), volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_no_body(self):
+ # omit body from the request
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.body = json.dumps(None)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['code'], 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['message'],
+ 'Unable to process the contained instructions')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_body_KeyError(self):
+ # omit restore from body
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' % backup_id)
+ body = {"": {}}
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['code'], 422)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['computeFault']['message'],
+ 'Unable to process the contained instructions')
+ def test_restore_backup_volume_id_unspecified(self):
+ # intercept volume creation to ensure created volume
+ # has status of available
+ def fake_volume_api_create(cls, context, size, name, description):
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=size)
+ return db.volume_get(context, volume_id)
+ self.stubs.Set(cinder.volume.API, 'create',
+ fake_volume_api_create)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(size=5, status='available')
+ body = {"restore": {}}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['restore']['backup_id'], backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_InvalidInput(self):
+ def fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_InvalidInput(cls, context,
+ backup_id,
+ volume_id):
+ msg = _("Invalid input")
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+ self.stubs.Set(cinder.backup.API, 'restore',
+ fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_InvalidInput)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 0
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid input received: Invalid input')
+ def test_restore_backup_with_InvalidVolume(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='attaching', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid volume: Volume to be restored to must '
+ 'be available')
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_InvalidBackup(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='restoring')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid backup: Backup status must be available')
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_BackupNotFound(self):
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/9999/restore')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['code'], 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['message'],
+ 'Backup 9999 could not be found.')
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_VolumeNotFound(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": "9999", }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['code'], 404)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['itemNotFound']['message'],
+ 'Volume 9999 could not be found.')
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(self):
+ def fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(
+ cls, context, backup_id, volume_id):
+ raise exception.VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota()
+ self.stubs.Set(
+ cinder.backup.API,
+ 'restore',
+ fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 413)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['overLimit']['code'], 413)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['overLimit']['message'],
+ 'Requested volume exceeds allowed volume size quota')
+ def test_restore_backup_with_VolumeLimitExceeded(self):
+ def fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_VolumeLimitExceeded(cls,
+ context,
+ backup_id,
+ volume_id):
+ raise exception.VolumeLimitExceeded(allowed=1)
+ self.stubs.Set(cinder.backup.API, 'restore',
+ fake_backup_api_restore_throwing_VolumeLimitExceeded)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available')
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 413)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['overLimit']['code'], 413)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['overLimit']['message'],
+ 'Maximum number of volumes allowed '
+ '(%(allowed)d) exceeded')
+ def test_restore_backup_to_undersized_volume(self):
+ backup_size = 10
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available', size=backup_size)
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 5
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['code'], 400)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['badRequest']['message'],
+ 'Invalid volume: volume size %d is too '
+ 'small to restore backup of size %d.'
+ % (volume_size, backup_size))
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
+ def test_restore_backup_to_oversized_volume(self):
+ backup_id = self._create_backup(status='available', size=10)
+ # need to create the volume referenced below first
+ volume_size = 15
+ volume_id = self._create_volume(status='available', size=volume_size)
+ body = {"restore": {"volume_id": volume_id, }}
+ req = webob.Request.blank('/v2/fake/backups/%s/restore' %
+ backup_id)
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.body = json.dumps(body)
+ res = req.get_response(fakes.wsgi_app())
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 202)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['restore']['backup_id'], backup_id)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['restore']['volume_id'], volume_id)
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_id)
+ db.backup_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), backup_id)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from cinder.db import base
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FakeBackupService(base.Base):
+ def __init__(self, context, db_driver=None):
+ super(FakeBackupService, self).__init__(db_driver)
+ def backup(self, backup, volume_file):
+ pass
+ def restore(self, backup, volume_id, volume_file):
+ pass
+ def delete(self, backup):
+ # if backup has magic name of 'fail_on_delete'
+ # we raise an error - useful for some tests -
+ # otherwise we return without error
+ if backup['display_name'] == 'fail_on_delete':
+ raise IOError('fake')
+def get_backup_service(context):
+ return FakeBackupService(context)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import httplib
+import json
+import os
+import zlib
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from swiftclient import client as swift
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FakeSwiftClient(object):
+ """Logs calls instead of executing."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def Connection(self, *args, **kargs):
+ LOG.debug("fake FakeSwiftClient Connection")
+ return FakeSwiftConnection()
+class FakeSwiftConnection(object):
+ """Logging calls instead of executing"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def head_container(self, container):
+ LOG.debug("fake head_container(%s)" % container)
+ if container == 'missing_container':
+ raise swift.ClientException('fake exception',
+ http_status=httplib.NOT_FOUND)
+ if container == 'unauthorized_container':
+ raise swift.ClientException('fake exception',
+ http_status=httplib.UNAUTHORIZED)
+ pass
+ def put_container(self, container):
+ LOG.debug("fake put_container(%s)" % container)
+ pass
+ def get_container(self, container, **kwargs):
+ LOG.debug("fake get_container(%s)" % container)
+ fake_header = None
+ fake_body = [{'name': 'backup_001'},
+ {'name': 'backup_002'},
+ {'name': 'backup_003'}]
+ return fake_header, fake_body
+ def head_object(self, container, name):
+ LOG.debug("fake put_container(%s, %s)" % (container, name))
+ return {'etag': 'fake-md5-sum'}
+ def get_object(self, container, name):
+ LOG.debug("fake get_object(%s, %s)" % (container, name))
+ if 'metadata' in name:
+ fake_object_header = None
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['version'] = '1.0.0'
+ metadata['backup_id'] = 123
+ metadata['volume_id'] = 123
+ metadata['backup_name'] = 'fake backup'
+ metadata['backup_description'] = 'fake backup description'
+ metadata['created_at'] = '2013-02-19 11:20:54,805'
+ metadata['objects'] = [{
+ 'backup_001': {'compression': 'zlib', 'length': 10},
+ 'backup_002': {'compression': 'zlib', 'length': 10},
+ 'backup_003': {'compression': 'zlib', 'length': 10}
+ }]
+ metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ fake_object_body = metadata_json
+ return (fake_object_header, fake_object_body)
+ fake_header = None
+ fake_object_body = os.urandom(1024 * 1024)
+ return (fake_header, zlib.compress(fake_object_body))
+ def put_object(self, container, name, reader):
+ LOG.debug("fake put_object(%s, %s)" % (container, name))
+ return 'fake-md5-sum'
+ def delete_object(self, container, name):
+ LOG.debug("fake delete_object(%s, %s)" % (container, name))
+ pass
flags.DECLARE('policy_file', 'cinder.policy')
flags.DECLARE('volume_driver', 'cinder.volume.manager')
flags.DECLARE('xiv_proxy', 'cinder.volume.drivers.xiv')
+flags.DECLARE('backup_service', 'cinder.backup.manager')
def_vol_type = 'fake_vol_type'
conf.set_default('sqlite_synchronous', False)
conf.set_default('policy_file', 'cinder/tests/policy.json')
conf.set_default('xiv_proxy', 'cinder.tests.test_xiv.XIVFakeProxyDriver')
+ conf.set_default('backup_service', 'cinder.tests.backup.fake_service')
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Tests for Backup code.
+import tempfile
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import importutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FakeBackupException(Exception):
+ pass
+class BackupTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ """Test Case for backups."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BackupTestCase, self).setUp()
+ vol_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.flags(connection_type='fake',
+ volumes_dir=vol_tmpdir)
+ self.backup_mgr = \
+ importutils.import_object(FLAGS.backup_manager)
+ = 'testhost'
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(BackupTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def _create_backup_db_entry(self, volume_id=1, display_name='test_backup',
+ display_description='this is a test backup',
+ container='volumebackups',
+ status='creating',
+ size=0,
+ object_count=0):
+ """
+ Create a backup entry in the DB.
+ Return the entry ID
+ """
+ backup = {}
+ backup['volume_id'] = volume_id
+ backup['user_id'] = 'fake'
+ backup['project_id'] = 'fake'
+ backup['host'] = 'testhost'
+ backup['availability_zone'] = '1'
+ backup['display_name'] = display_name
+ backup['display_description'] = display_description
+ backup['container'] = container
+ backup['status'] = status
+ backup['fail_reason'] = ''
+ backup['service'] = FLAGS.backup_service
+ backup['size'] = size
+ backup['object_count'] = object_count
+ return db.backup_create(self.ctxt, backup)['id']
+ def _create_volume_db_entry(self, display_name='test_volume',
+ display_description='this is a test volume',
+ status='backing-up',
+ size=1):
+ """
+ Create a volume entry in the DB.
+ Return the entry ID
+ """
+ vol = {}
+ vol['size'] = size
+ vol['host'] = 'testhost'
+ vol['user_id'] = 'fake'
+ vol['project_id'] = 'fake'
+ vol['status'] = status
+ vol['display_name'] = display_name
+ vol['display_description'] = display_description
+ vol['attach_status'] = 'detached'
+ return db.volume_create(self.ctxt, vol)['id']
+ def test_init_host(self):
+ """Make sure stuck volumes and backups are reset to correct
+ states when backup_manager.init_host() is called"""
+ vol1_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='backing-up')
+ vol2_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='restoring-backup')
+ backup1_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='creating')
+ backup2_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='restoring')
+ backup3_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='deleting')
+ self.backup_mgr.init_host()
+ vol1 = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol1_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol1['status'], 'available')
+ vol2 = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol2_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol2['status'], 'error_restoring')
+ backup1 = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup1_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup1['status'], 'error')
+ backup2 = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup2_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup2['status'], 'available')
+ self.assertRaises(exception.BackupNotFound,
+ db.backup_get,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup3_id)
+ def test_create_backup_with_bad_volume_status(self):
+ """Test error handling when creating a backup from a volume
+ with a bad status"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='available', size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidVolume,
+ self.backup_mgr.create_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ def test_create_backup_with_bad_backup_status(self):
+ """Test error handling when creating a backup with a backup
+ with a bad status"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='available',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidBackup,
+ self.backup_mgr.create_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ def test_create_backup_with_error(self):
+ """Test error handling when an error occurs during backup creation"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(volume_id=vol_id)
+ def fake_backup_volume(context, backup, backup_service):
+ raise FakeBackupException('fake')
+ self.stubs.Set(self.backup_mgr.driver, 'backup_volume',
+ fake_backup_volume)
+ self.assertRaises(FakeBackupException,
+ self.backup_mgr.create_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'available')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'error')
+ def test_create_backup(self):
+ """Test normal backup creation"""
+ vol_size = 1
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=vol_size)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(volume_id=vol_id)
+ def fake_backup_volume(context, backup, backup_service):
+ pass
+ self.stubs.Set(self.backup_mgr.driver, 'backup_volume',
+ fake_backup_volume)
+ self.backup_mgr.create_backup(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'available')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ self.assertEqual(backup['size'], vol_size)
+ def test_restore_backup_with_bad_volume_status(self):
+ """Test error handling when restoring a backup to a volume
+ with a bad status"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='available', size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidVolume,
+ self.backup_mgr.restore_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id,
+ vol_id)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ def test_restore_backup_with_bad_backup_status(self):
+ """Test error handling when restoring a backup with a backup
+ with a bad status"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='restoring-backup',
+ size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='available',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidBackup,
+ self.backup_mgr.restore_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id,
+ vol_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'error')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'error')
+ def test_restore_backup_with_driver_error(self):
+ """Test error handling when an error occurs during backup restore"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='restoring-backup',
+ size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='restoring',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ def fake_restore_backup(context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ raise FakeBackupException('fake')
+ self.stubs.Set(self.backup_mgr.driver, 'restore_backup',
+ fake_restore_backup)
+ self.assertRaises(FakeBackupException,
+ self.backup_mgr.restore_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id,
+ vol_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'error_restoring')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ def test_restore_backup_with_bad_service(self):
+ """Test error handling when attempting a restore of a backup
+ with a different service to that used to create the backup"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='restoring-backup',
+ size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='restoring',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ def fake_restore_backup(context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ pass
+ self.stubs.Set(self.backup_mgr.driver, 'restore_backup',
+ fake_restore_backup)
+ service = 'cinder.tests.backup.bad_service'
+ db.backup_update(self.ctxt, backup_id, {'service': service})
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidBackup,
+ self.backup_mgr.restore_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id,
+ vol_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'error')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ def test_restore_backup(self):
+ """Test normal backup restoration"""
+ vol_size = 1
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(status='restoring-backup',
+ size=vol_size)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='restoring',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ def fake_restore_backup(context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ pass
+ self.stubs.Set(self.backup_mgr.driver, 'restore_backup',
+ fake_restore_backup)
+ self.backup_mgr.restore_backup(self.ctxt, backup_id, vol_id)
+ vol = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, vol_id)
+ self.assertEquals(vol['status'], 'available')
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ def test_delete_backup_with_bad_backup_status(self):
+ """Test error handling when deleting a backup with a backup
+ with a bad status"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='available',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidBackup,
+ self.backup_mgr.delete_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'error')
+ def test_delete_backup_with_error(self):
+ """Test error handling when an error occurs during backup deletion."""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='deleting',
+ display_name='fail_on_delete',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.assertRaises(IOError,
+ self.backup_mgr.delete_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'error')
+ def test_delete_backup_with_bad_service(self):
+ """Test error handling when attempting a delete of a backup
+ with a different service to that used to create the backup"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='deleting',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ service = 'cinder.tests.backup.bad_service'
+ db.backup_update(self.ctxt, backup_id, {'service': service})
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidBackup,
+ self.backup_mgr.delete_backup,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['status'], 'available')
+ def test_delete_backup(self):
+ """Test normal backup deletion"""
+ vol_id = self._create_volume_db_entry(size=1)
+ backup_id = self._create_backup_db_entry(status='deleting',
+ volume_id=vol_id)
+ self.backup_mgr.delete_backup(self.ctxt, backup_id)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.BackupNotFound,
+ db.backup_get,
+ self.ctxt,
+ backup_id)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Tests for Backup swift code.
+import bz2
+import hashlib
+import os
+import tempfile
+import zlib
+from import SwiftBackupService
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.tests.backup.fake_swift_client import FakeSwiftClient
+from swiftclient import client as swift
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def fake_md5(arg):
+ class result(object):
+ def hexdigest(self):
+ return 'fake-md5-sum'
+ ret = result()
+ return ret
+class BackupSwiftTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ """Test Case for swift."""
+ def _create_volume_db_entry(self):
+ vol = {'id': '1234-5678-1234-8888',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available'}
+ return db.volume_create(self.ctxt, vol)['id']
+ def _create_backup_db_entry(self, container='test-container'):
+ backup = {'id': 123,
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'container': container,
+ 'volume_id': '1234-5678-1234-8888'}
+ return db.backup_create(self.ctxt, backup)['id']
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BackupSwiftTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.stubs.Set(swift, 'Connection', FakeSwiftClient.Connection)
+ self.stubs.Set(hashlib, 'md5', fake_md5)
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.volume_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ for i in xrange(0, 128):
+ self.volume_file.write(os.urandom(1024))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.volume_file.close()
+ super(BackupSwiftTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def test_backup_uncompressed(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry()
+ self.flags(backup_compression_algorithm='none')
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.backup(backup, self.volume_file)
+ def test_backup_bz2(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry()
+ self.flags(backup_compression_algorithm='bz2')
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.backup(backup, self.volume_file)
+ def test_backup_zlib(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry()
+ self.flags(backup_compression_algorithm='zlib')
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.backup(backup, self.volume_file)
+ def test_backup_default_container(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry(container=None)
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.backup(backup, self.volume_file)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['container'], 'volumebackups')
+ def test_backup_custom_container(self):
+ container_name = 'fake99'
+ self._create_backup_db_entry(container=container_name)
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.backup(backup, self.volume_file)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ self.assertEquals(backup['container'], container_name)
+ def test_restore(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry()
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as volume_file:
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.restore(backup, '1234-5678-1234-8888', volume_file)
+ def test_delete(self):
+ self._create_backup_db_entry()
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ backup = db.backup_get(self.ctxt, 123)
+ service.delete(backup)
+ def test_get_compressor(self):
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ compressor = service._get_compressor('None')
+ self.assertEquals(compressor, None)
+ compressor = service._get_compressor('zlib')
+ self.assertEquals(compressor, zlib)
+ compressor = service._get_compressor('bz2')
+ self.assertEquals(compressor, bz2)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, service._get_compressor, 'fake')
+ def test_check_container_exists(self):
+ service = SwiftBackupService(self.ctxt)
+ exists = service._check_container_exists('fake_container')
+ self.assertEquals(exists, True)
+ exists = service._check_container_exists('missing_container')
+ self.assertEquals(exists, False)
+ self.assertRaises(swift.ClientException,
+ service._check_container_exists,
+ 'unauthorized_container')
snapshots = sqlalchemy.Table('snapshots', metadata, autoload=True)
self.assertEquals(0, len(snapshots.c.volume_id.foreign_keys))
+ def test_migration_008(self):
+ """Test that adding and removing the backups table works correctly"""
+ for (key, engine) in self.engines.items():
+ migration_api.version_control(engine,
+ TestMigrations.REPOSITORY,
+ migration.INIT_VERSION)
+ migration_api.upgrade(engine, TestMigrations.REPOSITORY, 7)
+ metadata = sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData()
+ metadata.bind = engine
+ migration_api.upgrade(engine, TestMigrations.REPOSITORY, 8)
+ self.assertTrue(engine.dialect.has_table(engine.connect(),
+ "backups"))
+ backups = sqlalchemy.Table('backups',
+ metadata,
+ autoload=True)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.created_at.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.DATETIME))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.updated_at.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.DATETIME))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.deleted_at.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.DATETIME))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.deleted.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.BOOLEAN))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.volume_id.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.user_id.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.project_id.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.availability_zone.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.display_name.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.display_description.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.container.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.status.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.fail_reason.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.service_metadata.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.service.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.size.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(backups.c.object_count.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER))
+ migration_api.downgrade(engine, TestMigrations.REPOSITORY, 7)
+ self.assertFalse(engine.dialect.has_table(engine.connect(),
+ "backups"))
if reservations:
QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations)
- if not force and volume['status'] not in ["available", "error"]:
+ if not force and volume['status'] not in ["available", "error",
+ "error_restoring"]:
msg = _("Volume status must be available or error")
raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
return False
+ def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service):
+ """Create a new backup from an existing volume."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ """Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
class ISCSIDriver(VolumeDriver):
"""Executes commands relating to ISCSI volumes.
def clone_image(self, volume, image_location):
return False
+ def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service):
+ """Create a new backup from an existing volume."""
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(context, backup['volume_id'])
+ volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
+ with utils.temporary_chown(volume_path):
+ with utils.file_open(volume_path) as volume_file:
+ backup_service.backup(backup, volume_file)
+ def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ """Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume."""
+ volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
+ with utils.temporary_chown(volume_path):
+ with utils.file_open(volume_path, 'wb') as volume_file:
+ backup_service.restore(backup, volume['id'], volume_file)
class LVMISCSIDriver(LVMVolumeDriver, driver.ISCSIDriver):
"""Executes commands relating to ISCSI volumes.
# (string value)
+# Template string to be used to generate backup names (string
+# value)
# Options defined in cinder.db.base