'label': 'DDP',
+ 'id': 'fakevolgroupref',
'volumeGroupRef': 'fakevolgroupref',
'raidLevel': 'raidDiskPool',
'usedSpace': '16413217521664',
+ {
+ "volumeRef": "0200000060080E50002998A00000945355C37C19",
+ "progressPercentage": 55,
+ "estimatedTimeToCompletion": 1,
+ "currentAction": "initializing"
+ },
+ {
+ "volumeRef": "0200000060080E50002998A00000945355C37C18",
+ "progressPercentage": 0,
+ "estimatedTimeToCompletion": 0,
+ "currentAction": "progressDve"
+ },
FAKE_RESOURCE_URL = '/devmgr/v2/devmgr/utils/about'
FAKE_APP_VERSION = '2015.2|2015.2.dev59|vendor|Linux-3.13.0-24-generic'
self.assertDictMatch(expected_volume, updated_volume)
+ def test_get_pool_operation_progress(self):
+ fake_pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL)
+ fake_response = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.FAKE_POOL_ACTION_PROGRESS)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_response)
+ response = self.my_client.get_pool_operation_progress(fake_pool['id'])
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('pool_operation_progress')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url,
+ **{'object-id':
+ fake_pool['id']})
+ self.assertEqual(fake_response, response)
def test_extend_volume(self):
new_capacity = 10
fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume)
expanded_volume = self.my_client.expand_volume(fake_volume['id'],
- new_capacity)
+ new_capacity, False)
- url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
- body = {'newSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': 'gb'}
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume_expand')
+ body = {'expansionSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': 'gb'}
self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('POST', url, body,
self.assertEqual(fake_volume, expanded_volume)
- def test_extend_volume_unsupported(self):
+ def test_extend_volume_thin(self):
new_capacity = 10
- min_version = 1
fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
- supported=False, minimum_version=min_version)
+ supported=True)
self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume)
- self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException,
- self.my_client.expand_volume, fake_volume['id'],
- new_capacity)
+ expanded_volume = self.my_client.expand_volume(fake_volume['id'],
+ new_capacity, True)
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('thin_volume_expand')
+ body = {'newVirtualSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': 'gb',
+ 'newRepositorySize': new_capacity}
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('POST', url, body,
+ **{'object-id':
+ fake_volume['id']})
+ self.assertEqual(fake_volume, expanded_volume), False)
def test_delete_volume(self, ssc_api_enabled):
# Ensure the volume we created is not cleaned up
self.assertEqual(0, self.library._client.delete_volume.call_count)
- def test_extend_volume(self):
+, True)
+ def test_get_pool_operation_progress(self, expect_complete):
+ """Validate the operation progress is interpreted correctly"""
+ pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL)
+ if expect_complete:
+ pool_progress = []
+ else:
+ pool_progress = copy.deepcopy(
+ expected_actions = set(action['currentAction'] for action in
+ pool_progress)
+ expected_eta = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y['estimatedTimeToCompletion'],
+ pool_progress, 0)
+ self.library._client.get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=pool_progress)
+ complete, actions, eta = self.library._get_pool_operation_progress(
+ pool['id'])
+ self.assertEqual(expect_complete, complete)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_actions, actions)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_eta, eta)
+, True)
+ def test_get_pool_operation_progress_with_action(self, expect_complete):
+ """Validate the operation progress is interpreted correctly"""
+ expected_action = 'fakeAction'
+ pool = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.STORAGE_POOL)
+ if expect_complete:
+ pool_progress = copy.deepcopy(
+ for progress in pool_progress:
+ progress['currentAction'] = 'none'
+ else:
+ pool_progress = copy.deepcopy(
+ pool_progress[0]['currentAction'] = expected_action
+ expected_actions = set(action['currentAction'] for action in
+ pool_progress)
+ expected_eta = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y['estimatedTimeToCompletion'],
+ pool_progress, 0)
+ self.library._client.get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=pool_progress)
+ complete, actions, eta = self.library._get_pool_operation_progress(
+ pool['id'], expected_action)
+ self.assertEqual(expect_complete, complete)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_actions, actions)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_eta, eta)
+ @mock.patch('eventlet.greenthread.sleep')
+ def test_extend_volume(self, _mock_sleep):
+ """Test volume extend with a thick-provisioned volume"""
+ def get_copy_progress():
+ for eta in xrange(5, -1, -1):
+ action_status = 'none' if eta == 0 else 'remappingDve'
+ complete = action_status == 'none'
+ yield complete, action_status, eta
fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume())
volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
new_capacity = 10
volume['objectType'] = 'volume'
- self.library.create_cloned_volume = mock.Mock()
+ self.library._client.expand_volume = mock.Mock()
+ self.library._get_pool_operation_progress = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=get_copy_progress())
self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
- self.library._client.update_volume = mock.Mock()
self.library.extend_volume(fake_volume, new_capacity)
- self.library.create_cloned_volume.assert_called_with(mock.ANY,
- fake_volume)
+ # Ensure that the extend method waits until the expansion is completed
+ self.assertEqual(6,
+ self.library._get_pool_operation_progress.call_count
+ )
+ self.library._client.expand_volume.assert_called_with(volume['id'],
+ new_capacity,
+ False)
def test_extend_volume_thin(self):
+ """Test volume extend with a thin-provisioned volume"""
fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume())
volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
new_capacity = 10
volume['objectType'] = 'thinVolume'
self.library._client.expand_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
+ self.library._get_volume_operation_progress = mock.Mock()
self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
self.library.extend_volume(fake_volume, new_capacity)
+ self.assertFalse(self.library._get_volume_operation_progress.called)
- new_capacity)
- def test_extend_volume_stage_2_failure(self):
- fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume())
- volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
- new_capacity = 10
- volume['objectType'] = 'volume'
- self.library.create_cloned_volume = mock.Mock()
- self.library._client.delete_volume = mock.Mock()
- # Create results for multiple calls to _get_volume and _update_volume
- get_volume_results = [volume, {'id': 'newId', 'label': 'newVolume'}]
- self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(side_effect=get_volume_results)
- update_volume_results = [volume, exception.NetAppDriverException,
- volume]
- self.library._client.update_volume = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=update_volume_results)
- self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException,
- self.library.extend_volume, fake_volume,
- new_capacity)
- self.assertTrue(self.library._client.delete_volume.called)
- def test_extend_volume_stage_1_failure(self):
- fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume())
- volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
- new_capacity = 10
- volume['objectType'] = 'volume'
- self.library.create_cloned_volume = mock.Mock()
- self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
- self.library._client.update_volume = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException)
- self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException,
- self.library.extend_volume, fake_volume,
- new_capacity)
+ new_capacity,
+ True)
def test_delete_non_existing_volume(self):
volume2 = get_fake_volume()
'volumes': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes',
'volume': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}',
+ 'pool_operation_progress':
+ '/storage-systems/{system-id}/storage-pools/{object-id}'
+ '/action-progress',
+ 'volume_expand':
+ '/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}/expand',
+ 'thin_volume_expand':
+ '/storage-systems/{system-id}/thin-volumes/{object-id}/expand',
'ssc_volumes': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/ssc/volumes',
'ssc_volume': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/ssc/volumes/{object-id}'
data = {'name': label}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
- def expand_volume(self, object_id, new_capacity, capacity_unit='gb'):
- """Increase the capacity of a volume"""
- if not self.features.SSC_API_V2:
- msg = _("E-series proxy API version %(current_version)s does "
- "not support this expansion API. The proxy"
- " version must be at at least %(min_version)s")
- min_version = self.features.SSC_API_V2.minimum_version
- msg_args = {'current_version': self.api_version,
- 'min_version': min_version}
- raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg % msg_args)
+ def get_pool_operation_progress(self, object_id):
+ """Retrieve the progress long-running operations on a storage pool
+ Example:
+ [
+ {
+ "volumeRef": "3232....", # Volume being referenced
+ "progressPercentage": 0, # Approxmate percent complete
+ "estimatedTimeToCompletion": 0, # ETA in minutes
+ "currentAction": "none" # Current volume action
+ }
+ ...
+ ]
+ :param object_id: A pool id
+ :returns: A dict representing the action progress
+ """
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('pool_operation_progress')
+ return self._invoke('GET', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
- path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
- data = {'newSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': capacity_unit}
- return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
+ def expand_volume(self, object_id, new_capacity, thin_provisioned,
+ capacity_unit='gb'):
+ """Increase the capacity of a volume"""
+ if thin_provisioned:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('thin_volume_expand')
+ data = {'newVirtualSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': capacity_unit,
+ 'newRepositorySize': new_capacity}
+ return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
+ else:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume_expand')
+ data = {'expansionSize': new_capacity, 'sizeUnit': capacity_unit}
+ return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
def get_volume_mappings(self):
"""Creates volume mapping on array."""
return volume.get('objectType') == 'thinVolume' or volume.get(
'thinProvisioned', False)
+ def _get_pool_operation_progress(self, pool_id, action=None):
+ """Retrieve the progress of a long running operation on a pool
+ The return will be a tuple containing: a bool representing whether
+ or not the operation is complete, a set of actions that are
+ currently running on the storage pool, and the estimated time
+ remaining in minutes.
+ An action type may be passed in such that once no actions of that type
+ remain active on the pool, the operation will be considered
+ completed. If no action str is passed in, it is assumed that
+ multiple actions compose the operation, and none are terminal,
+ so the operation will not be considered completed until there are no
+ actions remaining to be completed on any volume on the pool.
+ :param pool_id: The id of a storage pool
+ :param action: The anticipated action
+ :return: A tuple (bool, set(str), int)
+ """
+ actions = set()
+ eta = 0
+ for progress in self._client.get_pool_operation_progress(pool_id):
+ actions.add(progress.get('currentAction'))
+ eta += progress.get('estimatedTimeToCompletion', 0)
+ if action is not None:
+ complete = action not in actions
+ else:
+ complete = not actions
+ return complete, actions, eta
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend an existing volume to the new size."""
src_vol = self._get_volume(volume['name_id'])
- if self._is_thin_provisioned(src_vol):
- self._client.expand_volume(src_vol['id'], new_size)
- else:
- stage_1, stage_2 = 0, 0
- src_label = src_vol['label']
- stage_label = 'tmp-%s' % utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uuid.uuid4())
- extend_vol = {'id': uuid.uuid4(), 'size': new_size}
- self.create_cloned_volume(extend_vol, volume)
- new_vol = self._get_volume(extend_vol['id'])
- try:
- stage_1 = self._client.update_volume(src_vol['id'],
- stage_label)
- stage_2 = self._client.update_volume(new_vol['id'], src_label)
- new_vol = stage_2
-'Extended volume with label %s.'), src_label)
- except exception.NetAppDriverException:
- if stage_1 == 0:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- self._client.delete_volume(new_vol['id'])
- elif stage_2 == 0:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- self._client.update_volume(src_vol['id'], src_label)
- self._client.delete_volume(new_vol['id'])
+ thin_provisioned = self._is_thin_provisioned(src_vol)
+ self._client.expand_volume(src_vol['id'], new_size, thin_provisioned)
+ # If the volume is thin or defined on a disk pool, there is no need
+ # to block.
+ if not (thin_provisioned or src_vol.get('diskPool')):
+ # Wait for the expansion to start
+ def check_progress():
+ complete, actions, eta = (
+ self._get_pool_operation_progress(src_vol[
+ 'volumeGroupRef'],
+ 'remappingDve'))
+ if complete:
+ raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+ else:
+ msg = _LI("Waiting for volume expansion of %(vol)s to "
+ "complete, current remaining actions are "
+ "%(action)s. ETA: %(eta)s mins.")
+, {'vol': volume['name_id'],
+ 'action': ', '.join(actions), 'eta': eta})
+ checker = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+ check_progress)
+ checker.start(interval=self.SLEEP_SECS,
+ initial_delay=self.SLEEP_SECS,
+ stop_on_exception=True).wait()
def _garbage_collect_tmp_vols(self):
"""Removes tmp vols with no snapshots."""