-from copy import deepcopy
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from os import path
-import re
-import sys
-from tools import install_venv
-ROOT = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
-CONFIG_PATH = path.abspath('/etc/quantum')
-BASE_PACKAGES = ['common', 'server', 'client']
-PLUGINS = ['sample_plugin', 'openvswitch_plugin', 'cisco_plugin']
-def clean_path(dirty):
- """Makes sure path delimiters are OS compliant"""
- return path.join(*dirty.split('/'))
-def script_dir():
- global RELATIVE
- script_dir = '/usr/sbin/'
- script_dir = 'usr/sbin/'
- return script_dir
-def etc_dir():
- global RELATIVE
- etc_dir = '/etc/'
- etc_dir = 'etc/'
- return etc_dir
-def create_parser():
- """Setup the option parser"""
- usagestr = "Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] <command> [args]"
- parser = OptionParser(usage=usagestr)
- parser.add_option("-V", "--virtualenv", "--venv", dest="venv",
- action="store_true", default=False, help="Install to a virtual-env")
- parser.add_option("-U", "--user", dest="user", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Install to users's home")
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.__len__() is 0:
- print usagestr
- print "Commands:\ninstall\nuninstall\nbuild\nclean"
- exit(0)
- cmd = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- return (options, cmd, args)
-def install_packages(options, args=None):
- """Builds and installs packages"""
- # Start building a command list
- cmd = ['python']
- # If no options, just a regular install. If venv, create, prepare and
- # install in venv. If --user install in user's local dir. Usually
- # ~/.local/
- if options.venv:
- if install_venv.VENV_EXISTS:
- print "Virtual-env exists"
- else:
- install_venv.create_virtualenv(install_pip=False)
- install_venv.install_dependencies()
- cmd.insert(0, "tools/with_venv.sh")
- # Install packages
- # TODO(Tyler) allow users to pass in packages in cli
- for package in BASE_PACKAGES + PLUGINS:
- print "Installing %s" % package
- # Each package needs its own command list, and it needs the path
- # in the correct place (after "pip install")
- pcmd = deepcopy(cmd)
- pcmd.extend(["setup_%s.py" % package, "install"])
- if options.venv:
- pcmd.append("--root=%s" % install_venv.VENV)
+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+except ImportError:
+ from ez_setup import use_setuptools
+ use_setuptools()
+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
- if options.user:
- pcmd.append('--user')
- if package is 'client':
- pcmd.append("--install-scripts=%s" % script_dir())
- if package is 'server':
- pcmd.append("--install-scripts=%s" % script_dir())
- pcmd.append("--install-data=%s" % etc_dir())
- print pcmd
- install_venv.run_command(pcmd)
- print "done."
-def uninstall_packages(options, args=None):
- """Removes packages"""
- cmd = ['pip', 'uninstall', '-y']
- for package in ['quantum-' + x.split('/')[-1] \
- print "Uninstalling %s" % package
- # Each package needs its own command list, and it needs the path
- # in the correct place (after "pip uninstall"
- pcmd = deepcopy(cmd)
- pcmd.insert(2, package)
- print pcmd
- install_venv.run_command(pcmd)
- print "done."
-def build_packages(options, args=None):
- """Build RPM and/or deb packages"""
- if not args:
- print "To build packages you must specifiy either 'rpm', " \
- "'deb', or 'all'"
- exit(0)
- if args[0] not in ['rpm', 'deb', 'all']:
- raise Exception("Packge type must be rpm, deb, or all")
- if 'rpm' in args or 'all' in args:
- # Since we need to cd to build rpms, we call this sh script
- cmd = ['tools/build_rpms.sh']
- for package in BASE_PACKAGES + PLUGINS:
- print "Building %s rpm" % package
- pcmd = deepcopy(cmd)
- pcmd.append(package)
- install_venv.run_command(pcmd)
- print "done."
- if 'deb' in args or 'all' in args:
- cmd = ['tools/build_debs.sh']
- print "Building %s deb" % p
- pcmd = deepcopy(cmd)
- pcmd.append(p)
- install_venv.run_command(pcmd)
- print "done."
-def clean_packages(options, args):
- """Cleans build packages"""
- cmd = ["tools/clean.sh"]
- install_venv.run_command(cmd)
-def main():
- """Main Build script for Quantum"""
- global RELATIVE
- options, cmd, args = create_parser()
- if options.user:
- print "Checking for virtual-env and easy_install"
- install_venv.check_dependencies()
- # Execute command
- try:
- globals()["%s_packages" % cmd](options, args)
- except KeyError as exc:
- print "Command %s' not found" % exc.__str__().split('_')[0]
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+import sys
+import version
+Name = 'quantum'
+Url = "https://launchpad.net/quantum"
+Version = version.get_git_version()
+License = 'Apache License 2.0'
+Author = 'Netstack'
+AuthorEmail = 'netstack@lists.launchpad.net'
+Maintainer = ''
+Summary = 'Quantum (virtual network service)'
+ShortDescription = Summary
+Description = Summary
+requires = [
+ 'eventlet>=0.9.12',
+ 'Routes>=1.12.3',
+ 'nose',
+ 'Paste',
+ 'PasteDeploy',
+ 'pep8>=0.6.1',
+ 'python-gflags',
+ 'simplejson',
+ 'sqlalchemy',
+ 'webob',
+ 'webtest'
+EagerResources = [
+ 'quantum',
+ProjectScripts = [
+config_path = 'etc/quantum/'
+init_path = 'etc/init.d'
+ovs_plugin_config_path = 'etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch'
+cisco_plugin_config_path = 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco'
+print "config_path: %s" % config_path
+DataFiles = [
+ (config_path,
+ ['etc/quantum.conf', 'etc/quantum.conf.test', 'etc/plugins.ini']),
+ (init_path, ['etc/init.d/quantum-server']),
+ (ovs_plugin_config_path,
+ ['etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini']),
+ (cisco_plugin_config_path,
+ ['etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/credentials.ini',
+ 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/l2network_plugin.ini',
+ 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/nexus.ini',
+ 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/ucs.ini',
+ 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/cisco_plugins.ini',
+ 'etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/db_conn.ini']),
+ name=Name,
+ version=Version,
+ url=Url,
+ author=Author,
+ author_email=AuthorEmail,
+ description=ShortDescription,
+ long_description=Description,
+ license=License,
+ scripts=ProjectScripts,
+ install_requires=requires,
+ include_package_data=False,
+ packages=find_packages('.'),
+ data_files=DataFiles,
+ eager_resources=EagerResources,
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'quantum-server = quantum.server:main',
+ 'quantum = quantum.client.cli:main',
+ ]
+ },