--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+ZFS Storage Appliance Cinder Volume Driver
+import ast
+import math
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+from oslo_serialization import base64
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from oslo_utils import units
+import six
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.image import image_utils
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssarest
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+import taskflow.engines
+from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow as lf
+from taskflow import task
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_pool',
+ help='Storage pool name.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_project',
+ help='Project name.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_lun_volblocksize', default='8k',
+ choices=['512', '1k', '2k', '4k', '8k', '16k', '32k', '64k',
+ '128k'],
+ help='Block size.'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('zfssa_lun_sparse', default=False,
+ help='Flag to enable sparse (thin-provisioned): True, False.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_lun_compression', default='off',
+ choices=['off', 'lzjb', 'gzip-2', 'gzip', 'gzip-9'],
+ help='Data compression.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_lun_logbias', default='latency',
+ choices=['latency', 'throughput'],
+ help='Synchronous write bias.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_initiator_group', default='',
+ help='iSCSI initiator group.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_initiator', default='',
+ help='iSCSI initiator IQNs. (comma separated)'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_initiator_user', default='',
+ help='iSCSI initiator CHAP user (name).'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_initiator_password', default='',
+ help='Secret of the iSCSI initiator CHAP user.', secret=True),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_initiator_config', default='',
+ help='iSCSI initiators configuration.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_target_group', default='tgt-grp',
+ help='iSCSI target group name.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_target_user', default='',
+ help='iSCSI target CHAP user (name).'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_target_password', default='', secret=True,
+ help='Secret of the iSCSI target CHAP user.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_target_portal',
+ help='iSCSI target portal (Data-IP:Port, w.x.y.z:3260).'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_target_interfaces',
+ help='Network interfaces of iSCSI targets. (comma separated)'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('zfssa_rest_timeout',
+ help='REST connection timeout. (seconds)'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_replication_ip', default='',
+ help='IP address used for replication data. (maybe the same as '
+ 'data ip)'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('zfssa_enable_local_cache', default=True,
+ help='Flag to enable local caching: True, False.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_cache_project', default='os-cinder-cache',
+ help='Name of ZFSSA project where cache volumes are stored.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('zfssa_manage_policy', default='loose',
+ choices=['loose', 'strict'],
+ help='Driver policy for volume manage.')
+ 'zfssa:volblocksize',
+ 'zfssa:sparse',
+ 'zfssa:compression',
+ 'zfssa:logbias',
+def factory_zfssa():
+ return zfssarest.ZFSSAApi()
+class ZFSSAISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """ZFSSA Cinder iSCSI volume driver.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.1:
+ Backend enabled volume migration.
+ Local cache feature.
+ 1.0.2:
+ Volume manage/unmanage support.
+ """
+ VERSION = '1.0.2'
+ protocol = 'iSCSI'
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(ZFSSA_OPTS)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts)
+ self.zfssa = None
+ self.tgt_zfssa = None
+ self._stats = None
+ self.tgtiqn = None
+ def _get_target_alias(self):
+ """return target alias."""
+ return self.configuration.zfssa_target_group
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Setup - create multiple elements.
+ Project, initiators, initiatorgroup, target and targetgroup.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ LOG.info(_LI('Connecting to host: %s.'), lcfg.san_ip)
+ self.zfssa = factory_zfssa()
+ self.tgt_zfssa = factory_zfssa()
+ self.zfssa.set_host(lcfg.san_ip, timeout=lcfg.zfssa_rest_timeout)
+ auth_str = '%s:%s' % (lcfg.san_login, lcfg.san_password)
+ auth_str = base64.encode_as_text(auth_str)
+ self.zfssa.login(auth_str)
+ self.zfssa.create_project(lcfg.zfssa_pool, lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ compression=lcfg.zfssa_lun_compression,
+ logbias=lcfg.zfssa_lun_logbias)
+ schemas = [
+ {'property': 'cinder_managed',
+ 'description': 'Managed by Cinder',
+ 'type': 'Boolean'}]
+ if lcfg.zfssa_enable_local_cache:
+ self.zfssa.create_project(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ compression=lcfg.zfssa_lun_compression,
+ logbias=lcfg.zfssa_lun_logbias)
+ schemas.extend([
+ {'property': 'image_id',
+ 'description': 'OpenStack image ID',
+ 'type': 'String'},
+ {'property': 'updated_at',
+ 'description': 'Most recent updated time of image',
+ 'type': 'String'}])
+ self.zfssa.create_schemas(schemas)
+ if (lcfg.zfssa_initiator_config != ''):
+ initiator_config = ast.literal_eval(lcfg.zfssa_initiator_config)
+ for initiator_group in initiator_config:
+ zfssa_initiator_group = initiator_group
+ for zfssa_initiator in initiator_config[zfssa_initiator_group]:
+ self.zfssa.create_initiator(zfssa_initiator['iqn'],
+ zfssa_initiator_group + '-' +
+ zfssa_initiator['iqn'],
+ chapuser=
+ zfssa_initiator['user'],
+ chapsecret=
+ zfssa_initiator['password'])
+ if (zfssa_initiator_group != 'default'):
+ self.zfssa.add_to_initiatorgroup(
+ zfssa_initiator['iqn'],
+ zfssa_initiator_group)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('zfssa_initiator_config not found. '
+ 'Using deprecated configuration options.'))
+ if (not lcfg.zfssa_initiator and
+ (not lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group and
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group != 'default')):
+ LOG.error(_LE('zfssa_initiator cannot be empty when '
+ 'creating a zfssa_initiator_group.'))
+ raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(
+ value='',
+ option='zfssa_initiator')
+ if (lcfg.zfssa_initiator != '' and
+ (lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group == '' or
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group == 'default')):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('zfssa_initiator: %(ini)s'
+ ' wont be used on '
+ 'zfssa_initiator_group= %(inigrp)s.'),
+ {'ini': lcfg.zfssa_initiator,
+ 'inigrp': lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group})
+ # Setup initiator and initiator group
+ if (lcfg.zfssa_initiator != '' and
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group != '' and
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group != 'default'):
+ for initiator in lcfg.zfssa_initiator.split(','):
+ initiator = initiator.strip()
+ self.zfssa.create_initiator(
+ initiator, lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group + '-' +
+ initiator, chapuser=lcfg.zfssa_initiator_user,
+ chapsecret=lcfg.zfssa_initiator_password)
+ self.zfssa.add_to_initiatorgroup(
+ initiator, lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group)
+ # Parse interfaces
+ interfaces = []
+ for interface in lcfg.zfssa_target_interfaces.split(','):
+ if interface == '':
+ continue
+ interfaces.append(interface)
+ # Setup target and target group
+ iqn = self.zfssa.create_target(
+ self._get_target_alias(),
+ interfaces,
+ tchapuser=lcfg.zfssa_target_user,
+ tchapsecret=lcfg.zfssa_target_password)
+ self.zfssa.add_to_targetgroup(iqn, lcfg.zfssa_target_group)
+ if lcfg.zfssa_manage_policy not in ("loose", "strict"):
+ err_msg = (_("zfssa_manage_policy property needs to be set to"
+ " 'strict' or 'loose'. Current value is: %s.") %
+ lcfg.zfssa_manage_policy)
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Check that driver can login.
+ Check also pool, project, initiators, initiatorgroup, target and
+ targetgroup.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ self.zfssa.verify_pool(lcfg.zfssa_pool)
+ self.zfssa.verify_project(lcfg.zfssa_pool, lcfg.zfssa_project)
+ if (lcfg.zfssa_initiator_config != ''):
+ initiator_config = ast.literal_eval(lcfg.zfssa_initiator_config)
+ for initiator_group in initiator_config:
+ zfssa_initiator_group = initiator_group
+ for zfssa_initiator in initiator_config[zfssa_initiator_group]:
+ self.zfssa.verify_initiator(zfssa_initiator['iqn'])
+ else:
+ if (lcfg.zfssa_initiator != '' and
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group != '' and
+ lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group != 'default'):
+ for initiator in lcfg.zfssa_initiator.split(','):
+ self.zfssa.verify_initiator(initiator)
+ self.zfssa.verify_target(self._get_target_alias())
+ def _get_provider_info(self, volume, lun=None):
+ """Return provider information."""
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_project
+ if ((lcfg.zfssa_enable_local_cache is True) and
+ (volume['name'].startswith('os-cache-vol-'))):
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_cache_project
+ if lun is None:
+ lun = self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ project,
+ volume['name'])
+ if isinstance(lun['number'], list):
+ lun['number'] = lun['number'][0]
+ if self.tgtiqn is None:
+ self.tgtiqn = self.zfssa.get_target(self._get_target_alias())
+ loc = "%s %s %s" % (lcfg.zfssa_target_portal, self.tgtiqn,
+ lun['number'])
+ LOG.debug('_get_provider_info: provider_location: %s', loc)
+ provider = {'provider_location': loc}
+ if lcfg.zfssa_target_user != '' and lcfg.zfssa_target_password != '':
+ provider['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %s %s' %
+ (lcfg.zfssa_target_user,
+ lcfg.zfssa_target_password))
+ return provider
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Create a volume on ZFSSA."""
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.create_volume: volume=' + volume['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ volsize = str(volume['size']) + 'g'
+ specs = self._get_voltype_specs(volume)
+ specs.update({'custom:cinder_managed': True})
+ self.zfssa.create_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'],
+ volsize,
+ lcfg.zfssa_target_group,
+ specs)
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Deletes a volume with the given volume['name']."""
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.delete_volume: name=%s', volume['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ try:
+ lun2del = self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'])
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException as ex:
+ # NOTE(jdg): This will log an error and continue
+ # if for some reason the volume no longer exists
+ # on the backend
+ if 'Error Getting Volume' in ex.message:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Volume ID %s was not found on "
+ "the zfssa device while attempting "
+ "delete_volume operation."), volume['id'])
+ return
+ # Delete clone temp snapshot. see create_cloned_volume()
+ if 'origin' in lun2del and 'id' in volume:
+ if lun2del['nodestroy']:
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_props(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'],
+ nodestroy=False)
+ tmpsnap = 'tmp-snapshot-%s' % volume['id']
+ if lun2del['origin']['snapshot'] == tmpsnap:
+ self.zfssa.delete_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ lun2del['origin']['share'],
+ lun2del['origin']['snapshot'])
+ return
+ self.zfssa.delete_lun(pool=lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ project=lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ lun=volume['name'])
+ if ('origin' in lun2del and
+ lun2del['origin']['project'] == lcfg.zfssa_cache_project):
+ self._check_origin(lun2del, volume['name'])
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Creates a snapshot of a volume.
+ Snapshot name: snapshot['name']
+ Volume name: snapshot['volume_name']
+ """
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.create_snapshot: snapshot=%s', snapshot['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ self.zfssa.create_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'])
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Deletes a snapshot."""
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.delete_snapshot: snapshot=%s', snapshot['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ numclones = self.zfssa.num_clones(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'])
+ if numclones > 0:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Snapshot %s: has clones'), snapshot['name'])
+ raise exception.SnapshotIsBusy(snapshot_name=snapshot['name'])
+ self.zfssa.delete_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'])
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Creates a volume from a snapshot - clone a snapshot."""
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.create_volume_from_snapshot: volume=%s',
+ volume['name'])
+ LOG.debug('zfssa.create_volume_from_snapshot: snapshot=%s',
+ snapshot['name'])
+ if not self._verify_clone_size(snapshot, volume['size'] * units.Gi):
+ exception_msg = (_('Error verifying clone size on '
+ 'Volume clone: %(clone)s '
+ 'Size: %(size)d on'
+ 'Snapshot: %(snapshot)s')
+ % {'clone': volume['name'],
+ 'size': volume['size'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=exception_msg)
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ self.zfssa.clone_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'],
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'])
+ def _update_volume_status(self):
+ """Retrieve status info from volume group."""
+ LOG.debug("Updating volume status")
+ self._stats = None
+ data = {}
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ data["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
+ data["vendor_name"] = 'Oracle'
+ data["driver_version"] = self.VERSION
+ data["storage_protocol"] = self.protocol
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ (avail, total) = self.zfssa.get_project_stats(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project)
+ if avail is None or total is None:
+ return
+ host = lcfg.san_ip
+ pool = lcfg.zfssa_pool
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_project
+ auth_str = '%s:%s' % (lcfg.san_login, lcfg.san_password)
+ auth_str = base64.encode_as_text(auth_str)
+ zfssa_tgt_group = lcfg.zfssa_target_group
+ repl_ip = lcfg.zfssa_replication_ip
+ data['location_info'] = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (host, auth_str, pool,
+ project,
+ zfssa_tgt_group,
+ repl_ip)
+ data['total_capacity_gb'] = int(total) / units.Gi
+ data['free_capacity_gb'] = int(avail) / units.Gi
+ data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+ data['QoS_support'] = False
+ pool_details = self.zfssa.get_pool_details(lcfg.zfssa_pool)
+ data['zfssa_poolprofile'] = pool_details['profile']
+ data['zfssa_volblocksize'] = lcfg.zfssa_lun_volblocksize
+ data['zfssa_sparse'] = six.text_type(lcfg.zfssa_lun_sparse)
+ data['zfssa_compression'] = lcfg.zfssa_lun_compression
+ data['zfssa_logbias'] = lcfg.zfssa_lun_logbias
+ self._stats = data
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume status.
+ If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
+ """
+ if refresh:
+ self._update_volume_status()
+ return self._stats
+ def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ pass
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ pass
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Driver entry point to extent volume size."""
+ LOG.debug('extend_volume: volume name: %s', volume['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_props(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'],
+ volsize=new_size * units.Gi)
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Create a clone of the specified volume."""
+ zfssa_snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+ 'name': 'tmp-snapshot-%s' % volume['id']}
+ self.create_snapshot(zfssa_snapshot)
+ try:
+ self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, zfssa_snapshot)
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Clone Volume:'
+ '%(volume)s failed from source volume:'
+ '%(src_vref)s'),
+ {'volume': volume['name'],
+ 'src_vref': src_vref['name']})
+ # Cleanup snapshot
+ self.delete_snapshot(zfssa_snapshot)
+ @utils.synchronized('zfssaiscsi', external=True)
+ def clone_image(self, context, volume,
+ image_location, image_meta,
+ image_service):
+ """Create a volume efficiently from an existing image.
+ Verify the image ID being used:
+ (1) If there is no existing cache volume, create one and transfer
+ image data to it. Take a snapshot.
+ (2) If a cache volume already exists, verify if it is either alternated
+ or updated. If so try to remove it, raise exception if removal fails.
+ Create a new cache volume as in (1).
+ Clone a volume from the cache volume and returns it to Cinder.
+ A file lock is placed on this method to prevent:
+ (a) a race condition when a cache volume has been verified, but then
+ gets deleted before it is cloned.
+ (b) failure of subsequent clone_image requests if the first request is
+ still pending.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Cloning image %(image)s to volume %(volume)s',
+ {'image': image_meta['id'], 'volume': volume['name']})
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ cachevol_size = 0
+ if not lcfg.zfssa_enable_local_cache:
+ return None, False
+ with image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch(image_service,
+ context,
+ image_meta['id']) as tmp_image:
+ info = image_utils.qemu_img_info(tmp_image)
+ cachevol_size = int(math.ceil(float(info.virtual_size) / units.Gi))
+ if cachevol_size > volume['size']:
+ exception_msg = (_LE('Image size %(img_size)dGB is larger '
+ 'than volume size %(vol_size)dGB.'),
+ {'img_size': cachevol_size,
+ 'vol_size': volume['size']})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ return None, False
+ specs = self._get_voltype_specs(volume)
+ cachevol_props = {'size': cachevol_size}
+ try:
+ cache_vol, cache_snap = self._verify_cache_volume(context,
+ image_meta,
+ image_service,
+ specs,
+ cachevol_props)
+ # A cache volume and a snapshot should be ready by now
+ # Create a clone from the cache volume
+ self.zfssa.clone_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache_vol,
+ cache_snap,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'])
+ if cachevol_size < volume['size']:
+ self.extend_volume(volume, volume['size'])
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException as exc:
+ exception_msg = (_LE('Cannot clone image %(image)s to '
+ 'volume %(volume)s. Error: %(error)s.'),
+ {'volume': volume['name'],
+ 'image': image_meta['id'],
+ 'error': exc.message})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ return None, False
+ return None, True
+ def _verify_cache_volume(self, context, img_meta,
+ img_service, specs, cachevol_props):
+ """Verify if we have a cache volume that we want.
+ If we don't, create one.
+ If we do, check if it's been updated:
+ * If so, delete it and recreate a new volume
+ * If not, we are good.
+ If it's out of date, delete it and create a new one.
+ After the function returns, there should be a cache volume available,
+ ready for cloning.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ cachevol_name = 'os-cache-vol-%s' % img_meta['id']
+ cachesnap_name = 'image-%s' % img_meta['id']
+ cachevol_meta = {
+ 'cache_name': cachevol_name,
+ 'snap_name': cachesnap_name,
+ }
+ cachevol_props.update(cachevol_meta)
+ cache_vol, cache_snap = None, None
+ updated_at = six.text_type(img_meta['updated_at'].isoformat())
+ LOG.debug('Verifying cache volume %s:', cachevol_name)
+ try:
+ cache_vol = self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cachevol_name)
+ if (not cache_vol.get('updated_at', None) or
+ not cache_vol.get('image_id', None)):
+ exc_msg = (_('Cache volume %s does not have required '
+ 'properties') % cachevol_name)
+ LOG.error(exc_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exc_msg)
+ cache_snap = self.zfssa.get_lun_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cachevol_name,
+ cachesnap_name)
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound:
+ # There is no existing cache volume, create one:
+ return self._create_cache_volume(context,
+ img_meta,
+ img_service,
+ specs,
+ cachevol_props)
+ except exception.SnapshotNotFound:
+ exception_msg = (_('Cache volume %(cache_vol)s'
+ 'does not have snapshot %(cache_snap)s.'),
+ {'cache_vol': cachevol_name,
+ 'cache_snap': cachesnap_name})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg)
+ # A cache volume does exist, check if it's updated:
+ if ((cache_vol['updated_at'] != updated_at) or
+ (cache_vol['image_id'] != img_meta['id'])):
+ # The cache volume is updated, but has clones:
+ if cache_snap['numclones'] > 0:
+ exception_msg = (_('Cannot delete '
+ 'cache volume: %(cachevol_name)s. '
+ 'It was updated at %(updated_at)s '
+ 'and currently has %(numclones)s '
+ 'volume instances.'),
+ {'cachevol_name': cachevol_name,
+ 'updated_at': updated_at,
+ 'numclones': cache_snap['numclones']})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg)
+ # The cache volume is updated, but has no clone, so we delete it
+ # and re-create a new one:
+ self.zfssa.delete_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cachevol_name)
+ return self._create_cache_volume(context,
+ img_meta,
+ img_service,
+ specs,
+ cachevol_props)
+ return cachevol_name, cachesnap_name
+ def _create_cache_volume(self, context, img_meta,
+ img_service, specs, cachevol_props):
+ """Create a cache volume from an image.
+ Returns names of the cache volume and its snapshot.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ cachevol_size = int(cachevol_props['size'])
+ lunsize = "%sg" % six.text_type(cachevol_size)
+ lun_props = {
+ 'custom:image_id': img_meta['id'],
+ 'custom:updated_at': (
+ six.text_type(img_meta['updated_at'].isoformat())),
+ }
+ lun_props.update(specs)
+ cache_vol = {
+ 'name': cachevol_props['cache_name'],
+ 'id': img_meta['id'],
+ 'size': cachevol_size,
+ }
+ LOG.debug('Creating cache volume %s.', cache_vol['name'])
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.create_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache_vol['name'],
+ lunsize,
+ lcfg.zfssa_target_group,
+ lun_props)
+ super(ZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).copy_image_to_volume(context,
+ cache_vol,
+ img_service,
+ img_meta['id'])
+ self.zfssa.create_snapshot(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache_vol['name'],
+ cachevol_props['snap_name'])
+ except Exception as exc:
+ exc_msg = (_('Fail to create cache volume %(volume)s. '
+ 'Error: %(err)s'),
+ {'volume': cache_vol['name'],
+ 'err': six.text_type(exc)})
+ LOG.error(exc_msg)
+ self.zfssa.delete_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache_vol['name'])
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exc_msg)
+ return cachevol_props['cache_name'], cachevol_props['snap_name']
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ """Not implemented."""
+ pass
+ def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service):
+ """Not implemented."""
+ pass
+ def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service):
+ """Not implemented."""
+ pass
+ def _verify_clone_size(self, snapshot, size):
+ """Check whether the clone size is the same as the parent volume."""
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ lun = self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ snapshot['volume_name'])
+ return lun['size'] == size
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ init_groups = self.zfssa.get_initiator_initiatorgroup(
+ connector['initiator'])
+ if not init_groups:
+ if lcfg.zfssa_initiator_group == 'default':
+ init_groups.append('default')
+ else:
+ exception_msg = (_('Failed to find iSCSI initiator group '
+ 'containing %(initiator)s.')
+ % {'initiator': connector['initiator']})
+ LOG.error(exception_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg)
+ if ((lcfg.zfssa_enable_local_cache is True) and
+ (volume['name'].startswith('os-cache-vol-'))):
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_cache_project
+ else:
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_project
+ for initiator_group in init_groups:
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_initiatorgroup(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ project,
+ volume['name'],
+ initiator_group)
+ iscsi_properties = {}
+ provider = self._get_provider_info(volume)
+ (target_portal, iqn, lun) = provider['provider_location'].split()
+ iscsi_properties['target_discovered'] = False
+ iscsi_properties['target_portal'] = target_portal
+ iscsi_properties['target_iqn'] = iqn
+ iscsi_properties['target_lun'] = int(lun)
+ iscsi_properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+ if 'provider_auth' in provider:
+ (auth_method, auth_username, auth_password) = provider[
+ 'provider_auth'].split()
+ iscsi_properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
+ iscsi_properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
+ iscsi_properties['auth_password'] = auth_password
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+ 'data': iscsi_properties
+ }
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ """Driver entry point to terminate a connection for a volume."""
+ LOG.debug('terminate_connection: volume name: %s.', volume['name'])
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_project
+ if ((lcfg.zfssa_enable_local_cache is True) and
+ (volume['name'].startswith('os-cache-vol-'))):
+ project = lcfg.zfssa_cache_project
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_initiatorgroup(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ project,
+ volume['name'],
+ '')
+ def _get_voltype_specs(self, volume):
+ """Get specs suitable for volume creation."""
+ vtype = volume.get('volume_type_id', None)
+ extra_specs = None
+ if vtype:
+ extra_specs = volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(vtype)
+ return self._get_specs(extra_specs)
+ def _get_specs(self, xspecs):
+ """Return a dict with extra specs and/or config values."""
+ result = {}
+ for spc in ZFSSA_LUN_SPECS:
+ val = None
+ prop = spc.split(':')[1]
+ cfg = 'zfssa_lun_' + prop
+ if xspecs:
+ val = xspecs.pop(spc, None)
+ if val is None:
+ val = self.configuration.safe_get(cfg)
+ if val is not None and val != '':
+ result.update({prop: val})
+ return result
+ def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, host):
+ LOG.debug('Attempting ZFSSA enabled volume migration. volume: %(id)s, '
+ 'host: %(host)s, status=%(status)s.',
+ {'id': volume['id'],
+ 'host': host,
+ 'status': volume['status']})
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ default_ret = (False, None)
+ if volume['status'] != "available":
+ LOG.debug('Only available volumes can be migrated using backend '
+ 'assisted migration. Defaulting to generic migration.')
+ return default_ret
+ if (host['capabilities']['vendor_name'] != 'Oracle' or
+ host['capabilities']['storage_protocol'] != self.protocol):
+ LOG.debug('Source and destination drivers need to be Oracle iSCSI '
+ 'to use backend assisted migration. Defaulting to '
+ 'generic migration.')
+ return default_ret
+ if 'location_info' not in host['capabilities']:
+ LOG.debug('Could not find location_info in capabilities reported '
+ 'by the destination driver. Defaulting to generic '
+ 'migration.')
+ return default_ret
+ loc_info = host['capabilities']['location_info']
+ try:
+ (tgt_host, auth_str, tgt_pool, tgt_project, tgt_tgtgroup,
+ tgt_repl_ip) = loc_info.split(':')
+ except ValueError:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Location info needed for backend enabled volume "
+ "migration not in correct format: %s. Continuing "
+ "with generic volume migration."), loc_info)
+ return default_ret
+ if tgt_repl_ip == '':
+ msg = _LE("zfssa_replication_ip not set in cinder.conf. "
+ "zfssa_replication_ip is needed for backend enabled "
+ "volume migration. Continuing with generic volume "
+ "migration.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ return default_ret
+ src_pool = lcfg.zfssa_pool
+ src_project = lcfg.zfssa_project
+ try:
+ LOG.info(_LI('Connecting to target host: %s for backend enabled '
+ 'migration.'), tgt_host)
+ self.tgt_zfssa.set_host(tgt_host)
+ self.tgt_zfssa.login(auth_str)
+ # Verify that the replication service is online
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.verify_service('replication')
+ self.tgt_zfssa.verify_service('replication')
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ return default_ret
+ # ensure that a target group by the same name exists on the target
+ # system also, if not, use default migration.
+ lun = self.zfssa.get_lun(src_pool, src_project, volume['name'])
+ if lun['targetgroup'] != tgt_tgtgroup:
+ return default_ret
+ tgt_asn = self.tgt_zfssa.get_asn()
+ src_asn = self.zfssa.get_asn()
+ # verify on the source system that the destination has been
+ # registered as a replication target
+ tgts = self.zfssa.get_replication_targets()
+ targets = []
+ for target in tgts['targets']:
+ if target['asn'] == tgt_asn:
+ targets.append(target)
+ if targets == []:
+ LOG.debug('Target host: %(host)s for volume migration '
+ 'not configured as a replication target '
+ 'for volume: %(vol)s.',
+ {'host': tgt_repl_ip,
+ 'vol': volume['name']})
+ return default_ret
+ # Multiple ips from the same appliance may be configured
+ # as different targets
+ for target in targets:
+ if target['address'] == tgt_repl_ip + ':216':
+ break
+ if target['address'] != tgt_repl_ip + ':216':
+ LOG.debug('Target with replication ip: %s not configured on '
+ 'the source appliance for backend enabled volume '
+ 'migration. Proceeding with default migration.',
+ tgt_repl_ip)
+ return default_ret
+ flow = lf.Flow('zfssa_volume_migration').add(
+ MigrateVolumeInit(),
+ MigrateVolumeCreateAction(provides='action_id'),
+ MigrateVolumeSendReplUpdate(),
+ MigrateVolumeSeverRepl(),
+ MigrateVolumeMoveVol(),
+ MigrateVolumeCleanUp()
+ )
+ taskflow.engines.run(flow,
+ store={'driver': self,
+ 'tgt_zfssa': self.tgt_zfssa,
+ 'tgt_pool': tgt_pool,
+ 'tgt_project': tgt_project,
+ 'volume': volume, 'tgt_asn': tgt_asn,
+ 'src_zfssa': self.zfssa,
+ 'src_asn': src_asn,
+ 'src_pool': src_pool,
+ 'src_project': src_project,
+ 'target': target})
+ return(True, None)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Error migrating volume: %s"), volume['name'])
+ raise
+ def update_migrated_volume(self, ctxt, volume, new_volume,
+ original_volume_status):
+ """Return model update for migrated volume.
+ :param volume: The original volume that was migrated to this backend
+ :param new_volume: The migration volume object that was created on
+ this backend as part of the migration process
+ :param original_volume_status: The status of the original volume
+ :returns: model_update to update DB with any needed changes
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ original_name = CONF.volume_name_template % volume['id']
+ current_name = CONF.volume_name_template % new_volume['id']
+ LOG.debug('Renaming migrated volume: %(cur)s to %(org)s',
+ {'cur': current_name,
+ 'org': original_name})
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_props(lcfg.zfssa_pool, lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ current_name, name=original_name)
+ return {'_name_id': None}
+ @utils.synchronized('zfssaiscsi', external=True)
+ def _check_origin(self, lun, volname):
+ """Verify the cache volume of a bootable volume.
+ If the cache no longer has clone, it will be deleted.
+ There is a small lag between the time a clone is deleted and the number
+ of clones being updated accordingly. There is also a race condition
+ when multiple volumes (clones of a cache volume) are deleted at once,
+ leading to the number of clones reported incorrectly. The file lock is
+ here to avoid such issues.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ cache = lun['origin']
+ numclones = -1
+ if (cache['snapshot'].startswith('image-') and
+ cache['share'].startswith('os-cache-vol')):
+ try:
+ numclones = self.zfssa.num_clones(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache['share'],
+ cache['snapshot'])
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.debug('Cache volume is already deleted.')
+ return
+ LOG.debug('Checking cache volume %(name)s, numclones = %(clones)d',
+ {'name': cache['share'], 'clones': numclones})
+ # Sometimes numclones still hold old values even when all clones
+ # have been deleted. So we handle this situation separately here:
+ if numclones == 1:
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volname)
+ # The volume does exist, so return
+ return
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound:
+ # The volume is already deleted
+ numclones = 0
+ if numclones == 0:
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.delete_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_cache_project,
+ cache['share'])
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Volume %s exists but can't be deleted"),
+ cache['share'])
+ def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
+ """Manage an existing volume in the ZFSSA backend.
+ :param volume: Reference to the new volume.
+ :param existing_ref: Reference to the existing volume to be managed.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ existing_vol = self._get_existing_vol(existing_ref)
+ self._verify_volume_to_manage(existing_vol)
+ new_vol_name = volume['name']
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_props(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ existing_vol['name'],
+ name=new_vol_name,
+ schema={"custom:cinder_managed": True})
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Failed to rename volume %(existing)s to "
+ "%(new)s. Volume manage failed."),
+ {'existing': existing_vol['name'],
+ 'new': new_vol_name})
+ return None
+ def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
+ """Return size of the volume to be managed by manage_existing."""
+ existing_vol = self._get_existing_vol(existing_ref)
+ size = existing_vol['size']
+ return int(math.ceil(float(size) / units.Gi))
+ def unmanage(self, volume):
+ """Remove an existing volume from cinder management.
+ :param volume: Reference to the volume to be unmanaged.
+ """
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ new_name = 'unmanaged-' + volume['name']
+ try:
+ self.zfssa.set_lun_props(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ volume['name'],
+ name=new_name,
+ schema={"custom:cinder_managed": False})
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Failed to rename volume %(existing)s to"
+ " %(new)s. Volume unmanage failed."),
+ {'existing': volume['name'],
+ 'new': new_name})
+ return None
+ def _verify_volume_to_manage(self, volume):
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ if lcfg.zfssa_manage_policy == 'loose':
+ return
+ vol_name = volume['name']
+ if 'cinder_managed' not in volume:
+ err_msg = (_("Unknown if the volume: %s to be managed is "
+ "already being managed by Cinder. Aborting manage "
+ "volume. Please add 'cinder_managed' custom schema "
+ "property to the volume and set its value to False."
+ " Alternatively, set the value of cinder config "
+ "policy 'zfssa_manage_policy' to 'loose' to "
+ "remove this restriction.") % vol_name)
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
+ if volume['cinder_managed'] is True:
+ msg = (_("Volume: %s is already being managed by Cinder.")
+ % vol_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.ManageExistingAlreadyManaged(volume_ref=vol_name)
+ def _get_existing_vol(self, existing_ref):
+ lcfg = self.configuration
+ if 'source-name' not in existing_ref:
+ msg = (_("Reference to volume: %s to be managed must contain "
+ "source-name.") % existing_ref)
+ raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
+ existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=msg)
+ try:
+ existing_vol = self.zfssa.get_lun(lcfg.zfssa_pool,
+ lcfg.zfssa_project,
+ existing_ref['source-name'])
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound:
+ err_msg = (_("Volume %s doesn't exist on the ZFSSA "
+ "backend.") % existing_vol['name'])
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
+ return existing_vol
+class MigrateVolumeInit(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, src_zfssa, volume, src_pool, src_project):
+ LOG.debug('Setting inherit flag on source backend to False.')
+ src_zfssa.edit_inherit_replication_flag(src_pool, src_project,
+ volume['name'], set=False)
+ def revert(self, src_zfssa, volume, src_pool, src_project, **kwargs):
+ LOG.debug('Rollback: Setting inherit flag on source appliance to '
+ 'True.')
+ src_zfssa.edit_inherit_replication_flag(src_pool, src_project,
+ volume['name'], set=True)
+class MigrateVolumeCreateAction(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, src_zfssa, volume, src_pool, src_project, target,
+ tgt_pool):
+ LOG.debug('Creating replication action on source appliance.')
+ action_id = src_zfssa.create_replication_action(src_pool,
+ src_project,
+ target['label'],
+ tgt_pool,
+ volume['name'])
+ self._action_id = action_id
+ return action_id
+ def revert(self, src_zfssa, **kwargs):
+ if hasattr(self, '_action_id'):
+ LOG.debug('Rollback: deleting replication action on source '
+ 'appliance.')
+ src_zfssa.delete_replication_action(self._action_id)
+class MigrateVolumeSendReplUpdate(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, src_zfssa, action_id):
+ LOG.debug('Sending replication update from source appliance.')
+ src_zfssa.send_repl_update(action_id)
+ LOG.debug('Deleting replication action on source appliance.')
+ src_zfssa.delete_replication_action(action_id)
+ self._action_deleted = True
+class MigrateVolumeSeverRepl(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, tgt_zfssa, src_asn, action_id, driver):
+ source = tgt_zfssa.get_replication_source(src_asn)
+ if not source:
+ err = (_('Source with host ip/name: %s not found on the '
+ 'target appliance for backend enabled volume '
+ 'migration, procedding with default migration.'),
+ driver.configuration.san_ip)
+ LOG.error(err)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err)
+ LOG.debug('Severing replication package on destination appliance.')
+ tgt_zfssa.sever_replication(action_id, source['name'],
+ project=action_id)
+class MigrateVolumeMoveVol(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, tgt_zfssa, tgt_pool, tgt_project, action_id, volume):
+ LOG.debug('Moving LUN to destination project on destination '
+ 'appliance.')
+ tgt_zfssa.move_volume(tgt_pool, action_id, volume['name'], tgt_project)
+ LOG.debug('Deleting temporary project on destination appliance.')
+ tgt_zfssa.delete_project(tgt_pool, action_id)
+ self._project_deleted = True
+ def revert(self, tgt_zfssa, tgt_pool, tgt_project, action_id, volume,
+ **kwargs):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_project_deleted'):
+ LOG.debug('Rollback: deleting temporary project on destination '
+ 'appliance.')
+ tgt_zfssa.delete_project(tgt_pool, action_id)
+class MigrateVolumeCleanUp(task.Task):
+ def execute(self, driver, volume, tgt_zfssa):
+ LOG.debug('Finally, delete source volume on source appliance.')
+ driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ tgt_zfssa.logout()