+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 CloudFounders NV
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Mock basic unit tests for the OVS Cinder Plugin
-import mock
-from cinder import test
-import cinder.volume.drivers.openvstorage as ovsvd
-MOCK_hostname = 'test-hostname'
-MOCK_mountpoint = '/mnt/test'
-MOCK_vdisk_guid = '0000'
-MOCK_vdisk_guid2 = '1111'
-MOCK_vdisk_guid3 = '2222'
-MOCK_vdisk_devicename = 'volume-test.raw'
-MOCK_vdisk_devicename2 = 'volume-test-clone.raw'
-MOCK_vdisk_devicename3 = 'volume-test-template.raw'
-MOCK_vdisk_disk_info = {'object_type': 'DISK'}
-MOCK_vdisk_disk_info_template = {'object_type': 'TEMPLATE'}
-MOCK_volume_name = 'volume-test'
-MOCK_volume_name2 = 'volume-test-clone'
-MOCK_volume_name3 = 'volume-test-template'
-MOCK_volume_size = 10
-MOCK_volume_size_extend = 20
-MOCK_volume_type_id = 'RANDOM'
-MOCK_volume_id = '0'
-MOCK_volume_id2 = '1'
-MOCK_volume_id3 = '3'
-MOCK_volume_provider_location = '{0}/{1}'.format(
- MOCK_mountpoint, MOCK_vdisk_devicename)
-MOCK_volume_provider_location2 = '{0}/{1}'.format(
- MOCK_mountpoint, MOCK_vdisk_devicename2)
-MOCK_volume_provider_location3 = '{0}/{1}'.format(
- MOCK_mountpoint, MOCK_vdisk_devicename3)
-MOCK_snapshot_id = '1234'
-MOCK_snapshot_display_name = 'test-snapshot'
-MOCK_pmachine_guid = '1111'
-MOCK_image_id = '9999'
-CALLED = {}
-class MockVDiskController(object):
- def create_volume(self, location, size):
- CALLED['create_volume'] = {'location': location, 'size': size}
- def delete_volume(self, location):
- CALLED['delete_volume'] = {'location': location}
- def extend_volume(self, location, size):
- CALLED['extend_volume'] = {'location': location, 'size': size}
- def clone(self, diskguid, snapshotid, devicename, pmachineguid,
- machinename, machineguid):
- CALLED['clone_volume'] = diskguid
- return {'backingdevice': '/%s.raw' % devicename,
- 'diskguid': diskguid}
- def create_snapshot(self, diskguid, metadata, snapshotid):
- CALLED['create_snapshot'] = diskguid
- def delete_snapshot(self, diskguid, snapshotid):
- CALLED['delete_snapshot'] = diskguid
- def create_from_template(self, diskguid, machinename, devicename,
- pmachineguid, machineguid, storagedriver_guid):
- CALLED['create_from_template'] = diskguid
- return {'backingdevice': '/%s.raw' % devicename,
- 'diskguid': diskguid}
-class MockStorageRouter(object):
- name = MOCK_hostname
-class MockStorageDriver(object):
- storagerouter = MockStorageRouter()
- mountpoint = MOCK_mountpoint
-class MockVPool(object):
- storagedrivers = [MockStorageDriver()]
-class MockVDisk(object):
- vpool = MockVPool()
- cinder_id = None
- snapshots = []
- vmachine_guid = None
- def __init__(self, guid = MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- devicename = None,
- info = MOCK_vdisk_disk_info):
- self.guid = guid
- self.devicename = devicename
- self.info = info
- if guid == MOCK_vdisk_guid and not devicename:
- self.devicename = MOCK_vdisk_devicename
- elif guid == MOCK_vdisk_guid2 and not devicename:
- self.devicename = MOCK_vdisk_devicename2
- elif guid == MOCK_vdisk_guid3 and not devicename:
- self.devicename = MOCK_vdisk_devicename3
- self.info = {'object_type': 'TEMPLATE'}
- def save(self):
- pass
-class MockPMachine(object):
- guid = MOCK_pmachine_guid
- storagerouters = [MockStorageRouter()]
- def __init__(self):
- pass
-class MockVPoolList(object):
- def get_vpool_by_name(self, name):
- return MockVPool()
-class MockVDiskList(object):
- def __init__(self, vdisks = None):
- self.vdisks = vdisks
- if not vdisks:
- self.vdisks = [MockVDisk()]
- def get_vdisks(self):
- return self.vdisks
-class MockPMachineList(object):
- def get_pmachines(self):
- return [MockPMachine()]
-class MOCK_log(object):
- def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def error(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def exception(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
-class MOCK_Context(object):
- pass
-class MOCK_ImageService(object):
- pass
-class MOCK_ImageUtils(object):
- def fetch_to_raw(self, context, image_service, image_id, destination_path,
- block_size, size, run_as_root=False):
- CALLED['ImageUtils_fetch_to_raw'] = (destination_path, size)
-class MOCK_volume(object):
- host = MOCK_hostname
- size = MOCK_volume_size
- volume_type_id = MOCK_volume_type_id
- def __init__(self, display_name = MOCK_volume_name, id = MOCK_volume_id,
- provider_location = None):
- self.display_name = display_name
- self.id = id
- self.provider_location = provider_location
- if self.id == MOCK_volume_id:
- self.provider_location = MOCK_volume_provider_location
- elif self.id == MOCK_volume_id2:
- self.provider_location = MOCK_volume_provider_location2
- elif self.id == MOCK_volume_id3:
- self.provider_location = MOCK_volume_provider_location3
- def __setitem__(self, attribute, value):
- setattr(self, attribute, value)
- def __getitem__(self, attribute):
- return getattr(self, attribute)
-class MOCK_snapshot(object):
- volume = MOCK_volume()
- display_name = MOCK_snapshot_display_name
- id = MOCK_snapshot_id
-# Fake Modules
-class vdiskhybrid(object):
- VDisk = MockVDisk
-class pmachinelist(object):
- PMachineList = MockPMachineList()
-class vdisklist(object):
- def __init__(self, vdisks):
- self.VDiskList = MockVDiskList(vdisks)
-class vpoollist(object):
- VPoolList = MockVPoolList()
-class vdisklib(object):
- VDiskController = MockVDiskController()
-class OVSPluginBaseTestCase(test.TestCase):
- """Basic tests - mocked
- """
- def setUp(self):
- vdisk1 = MockVDisk(MOCK_vdisk_guid, MOCK_vdisk_devicename)
- vdisk2 = MockVDisk(MOCK_vdisk_guid2, MOCK_vdisk_devicename2)
- vdisk3 = MockVDisk(MOCK_vdisk_guid3, MOCK_vdisk_devicename3)
- super(OVSPluginBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
- ovsvd.vdiskhybrid = vdiskhybrid()
- ovsvd.vpoollist = vpoollist()
- ovsvd.vdisklist = vdisklist([vdisk1, vdisk2, vdisk3])
- ovsvd.vdisklib = vdisklib()
- ovsvd.pmachinelist = pmachinelist()
- ovsvd.LOG = MOCK_log()
- ovsvd.image_utils = MOCK_ImageUtils()
- self.driver = ovsvd.OVSVolumeDriver(configuration = mock.Mock())
- def tearDown(self):
- super(OVSPluginBaseTestCase, self).tearDown()
- def test__get_hostname_mountpoint(self):
- mountpoint = self.driver._get_hostname_mountpoint(MOCK_hostname)
- self.assertTrue(mountpoint == MOCK_mountpoint, 'Wrong mountpoint')
- def test__find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(self):
- location = '{0}/{1}'.format(MOCK_mountpoint, MOCK_vdisk_devicename)
- vdisk = self.driver._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location,
- MOCK_hostname)
- self.assertTrue(vdisk.devicename == MOCK_vdisk_devicename,
- 'Wrong devicename')
- def test_create_volume_mock(self):
- result = self.driver.create_volume(MOCK_volume())
- self.assertTrue(result['provider_location'] == '{0}/{1}.raw'.format(
- MOCK_mountpoint, MOCK_volume_name), 'Wrong location')
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['create_volume'] ==
- {'location': MOCK_volume_provider_location,
- 'size': MOCK_volume_size},
- 'Wrong params')
- def test_delete_volume_mock(self):
- self.driver.delete_volume(MOCK_volume())
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['delete_volume'] ==
- {'location': MOCK_volume_provider_location},
- 'Wrong params')
- def test_extend_volume(self):
- self.driver.extend_volume(MOCK_volume(), MOCK_volume_size_extend)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['extend_volume'] ==
- {'location': MOCK_volume_provider_location,
- 'size': MOCK_volume_size_extend},
- 'Wrong params')
- def test_copy_image_to_volume(self):
- self.driver.copy_image_to_volume(MOCK_Context(), MOCK_volume(),
- MOCK_ImageService(), MOCK_image_id)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['delete_volume'] ==
- {'location': MOCK_volume_provider_location},
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['ImageUtils_fetch_to_raw'] ==
- (MOCK_volume_provider_location, MOCK_volume_size),
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['extend_volume'] ==
- {'location': MOCK_volume_provider_location,
- 'size': MOCK_volume_size},
- 'Wrong params')
- # Test_copy_volume_to_image actually tests the standard behaviour of
- # the super class, not our own specific code
- def test_create_cloned_volume_template(self):
- target_volume = MOCK_volume(MOCK_volume_name2, MOCK_volume_id2,
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2)
- source_volume = MOCK_volume(MOCK_volume_name3, MOCK_volume_id3,
- MOCK_volume_provider_location3)
- result = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(target_volume,
- source_volume)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['create_from_template'] ==
- MOCK_vdisk_guid3,
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(result['provider_location'] ==
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2,
- 'Wrong result %s' % result['provider_location'])
- def test_create_cloned_volume_volume(self):
- target_volume = MOCK_volume(MOCK_volume_name2, MOCK_volume_id2,
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2)
- source_volume = MOCK_volume(MOCK_volume_name, MOCK_volume_id,
- MOCK_volume_provider_location)
- result = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(target_volume,
- source_volume)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['create_snapshot'] ==
- MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['clone_volume'] ==
- MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(result['provider_location'] ==
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2,
- 'Wrong result %s' % result['provider_location'])
- def test_create_snapshot(self):
- snapshot = MOCK_snapshot()
- self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['create_snapshot'] == MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- 'Wrong params')
- def test_delete_snapshot(self):
- snapshot = MOCK_snapshot()
- self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['delete_snapshot'] == MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- 'Wrong params')
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
- new_volume = MOCK_volume(MOCK_volume_name2, MOCK_volume_id2,
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2)
- snapshot = MOCK_snapshot()
- result = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(new_volume, snapshot)
- self.assertTrue(CALLED['clone_volume'] ==
- MOCK_vdisk_guid,
- 'Wrong params')
- self.assertTrue(result['provider_location'] ==
- MOCK_volume_provider_location2,
- 'Wrong result %s' % result['provider_location'])
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 CloudFounders NV
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-OpenStack Cinder driver - interface to Open vStorage
-- uses Open vStorage library calls (VDiskController)
-- uses Cinder logging
-import socket
-import time
-# External libs: Open vStorage
- from ovs.dal.hybrids import vdisk as vdiskhybrid
- from ovs.dal.lists import pmachinelist
- from ovs.dal.lists import vdisklist
- from ovs.dal.lists import vpoollist
- from ovs.lib import vdisk as vdisklib
-except ImportError:
- # CI Testing, all external libs are mocked
- # or using the driver without all required libs
- vdiskhybrid = None
- pmachinelist = None
- vdisklist = None
- vpoollist = None
- vdisklib = None
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _
-from cinder.image import image_utils
-from cinder.volume import driver
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-HELP = 'Vpool to use for volumes - backend is defined by vpool not by us.'
-OPTS = [cfg.StrOpt('vpool_name',
- default = '',
- help = HELP)]
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-class OVSVolumeDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
- """Open vStorage Volume Driver plugin for Cinder"""
- VERSION = '1.0.5'
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Init: args, kwargs pass through;
- Options come from CONF
- """
- super(OVSVolumeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- LOG.debug('INIT %(pool_name)s %(arg)s %(kwarg)s ',
- {'pool_name': CONF.vpool_name, 'arg': args,
- 'kwarg': kwargs})
- self.configuration.append_config_values(OPTS)
- self._vpool_name = self.configuration.vpool_name
- if vpoollist is not None:
- self._vp = vpoollist.VPoolList.get_vpool_by_name(self._vpool_name)
- else:
- self._vp = None
- # Volume operations
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- """Allow connection to connector and return connection info.
- Volume is a .raw file on a virtual filesystem.
- No specific action required, connection is allowed based
- on POSIX permissions
- """
- return {'driver_volume_type': 'local',
- 'data': {'vpoolname': self._vpool_name,
- 'device_path': volume.provider_location}}
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- """Creates a volume.
- Called on "cinder create ..." or "nova volume-create ..."
- :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- hostname = str(volume.host)
- name = volume.display_name
- if not name:
- name = volume.name
- mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(hostname)
- location = '{}/{}.raw'.format(mountpoint, name)
- size = volume.size
- LOG.debug('DO_CREATE_VOLUME %(location)s %(size)s',
- {'location': location, 'size': size})
- vdisklib.VDiskController.create_volume(location = location,
- size = size)
- volume['provider_location'] = location
- try:
- ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location,
- hostname)
- except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
- vdisklib.VDiskController.delete_volume(location = location)
- raise
- ovs_disk.cinder_id = volume.id
- ovs_disk.name = name
- ovs_disk.save()
- return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Deletes a logical volume.
- Called on "cinder delete ... "
- :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- location = volume.provider_location
- if location is not None:
- LOG.debug('DO_DELETE_VOLUME %s', location)
- vdisklib.VDiskController.delete_volume(location = location)
- def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id):
- """Copy image to volume
- Called on "nova volume-create --image-id ..."
- or "cinder create --image-id"
- Downloads image from glance server into local .raw
- :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- LOG.debug("CP_IMG_TO_VOL %(image_service)s %(image_id)s",
- {'image_service': image_service, 'image_id': image_id})
- name = volume.display_name
- if not name:
- name = volume.name
- volume.display_name = volume.name
- # Downloading from an existing image
- destination_path = volume.provider_location
- if destination_path:
- LOG.debug('CP_IMG_TO_VOL Deleting existing empty raw file %s ',
- destination_path)
- vdisklib.VDiskController.delete_volume(location = destination_path)
- LOG.debug('CP_IMG_TO_VOL Downloading image to %s',
- destination_path)
- image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context,
- image_service,
- image_id,
- destination_path,
- '1M',
- size = volume['size'],
- run_as_root = False)
- LOG.debug('CP_IMG_TO_VOL Resizing volume to size %s',
- volume['size'])
- self.extend_volume(volume = volume, size_gb = volume['size'])
- ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(
- volume.provider_location, str(volume.host))
- ovs_disk.name = name
- ovs_disk.save()
- def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
- """Copy the volume to the specified image.
- Called on "cinder upload-to-image ...volume... ...image-name..."
- :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- LOG.debug("CP_VOL_TO_IMG %(image_service)s %(image_meta)s",
- {'image_service': image_service, 'image_meta': image_meta})
- super(OVSVolumeDriver, self).copy_volume_to_image(
- context, volume, image_service, image_meta)
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- """Create a cloned volume from another volume.
- Called on "cinder create --source-volid ... "
- :param volume: volume reference - target volume (sqlalchemy Model)
- :param src_vref: volume reference - source volume (sqlalchemy Model)
- OVS: Create clone from template if the source is a template
- Create volume from snapshot if the source is a volume
- - create snapshot of source volume if it doesn't have snapshots
- """
- mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(str(volume.host))
- name = volume.display_name
- if not name:
- name = volume.name
- volume.display_name = volume.name
- pmachineguid = self._find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname(
- six.text_type(volume.host))
- # Source
- source_ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(
- str(src_vref.provider_location), src_vref.host)
- if source_ovs_disk.info['object_type'] == 'TEMPLATE':
- LOG.debug('[CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE] VDisk %s is a template',
- source_ovs_disk.devicename)
- # Cloning from a template
- LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] ovs_disk %s ',
- source_ovs_disk.devicename)
- disk_meta = vdisklib.VDiskController.create_from_template(
- diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid,
- machinename = "",
- devicename = str(name),
- pmachineguid = pmachineguid,
- machineguid = None,
- storagedriver_guid = None)
- volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format(
- mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice'])
- LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] New volume %s',
- volume['provider_location'])
- vdisk = vdiskhybrid.VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid'])
- vdisk.cinder_id = volume.id
- vdisk.name = name
- LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] Updating meta %(volume_id)s '
- '%(name)s', {'volume_id': volume.id, 'name': name})
- vdisk.save()
- else:
- LOG.debug('[THIN CLONE] VDisk %s is not a template',
- source_ovs_disk.devicename)
- # We do not support yet full volume clone
- # - requires "emancipate" functionality
- # So for now we'll take a snapshot
- # (or the latest snapshot existing) and clone from that snapshot
- if not len(source_ovs_disk.snapshots):
- metadata = {'label': "Cinder clone snapshot {0}".format(name),
- 'is_consistent': False,
- 'timestamp': time.time(),
- 'machineguid': source_ovs_disk.vmachine_guid,
- 'is_automatic': False}
- LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP %(name)s %(metadata)s',
- {'name': name, 'metadata': metadata})
- snapshotid = vdisklib.VDiskController.create_snapshot(
- diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid,
- metadata = metadata,
- snapshotid = None)
- else:
- snapshotid = source_ovs_disk.snapshots[-1]['guid']
- LOG.debug('[CREATE CLONE FROM SNAP] %s ', snapshotid)
- disk_meta = vdisklib.VDiskController.clone(
- diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid,
- snapshotid = snapshotid,
- devicename = str(name),
- pmachineguid = pmachineguid,
- machinename = "",
- machineguid=None)
- volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format(
- mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice'])
- LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] Meta: %s', str(disk_meta))
- LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] New volume %s',
- volume['provider_location'])
- vdisk = vdiskhybrid.VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid'])
- vdisk.cinder_id = volume.id
- vdisk.name = name
- vdisk.save()
- return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location'],
- 'display_name': volume['display_name']}
- # Volumedriver stats
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- """Get volumedriver stats
- Refresh not implemented
- """
- data = {}
- data['volume_backend_name'] = self._vpool_name
- data['vendor_name'] = 'Open vStorage'
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- data['storage_protocol'] = 'OVS'
- data['total_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown'
- data['free_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown'
- data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
- data['QoS_support'] = False
- return data
- # Snapshots operations
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Creates a snapshot.
- Called on "nova image-create " or "cinder snapshot-create "
- :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- volume = snapshot.volume
- hostname = volume.host
- location = volume.provider_location
- ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname)
- metadata = {'label': "{0} (OpenStack)".format(snapshot.display_name),
- 'is_consistent': False,
- 'timestamp': time.time(),
- 'machineguid': ovs_disk.vmachine_guid,
- 'is_automatic': False}
- LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP %(name)s %(metadata)s',
- {'name': snapshot.display_name, 'metadata': metadata})
- vdisklib.VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid = ovs_disk.guid,
- metadata = metadata,
- snapshotid =
- str(snapshot.id))
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Deletes a snapshot.
- :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- """
- volume = snapshot.volume
- hostname = volume.host
- location = volume.provider_location
- ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname)
- LOG.debug('DELETE_SNAP %s', snapshot.id)
- vdisklib.VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid = ovs_disk.guid,
- snapshotid =
- str(snapshot.id))
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- """Creates a volume from a snapshot.
- Called on "cinder create --snapshot-id ..."
- :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model)
- Volume here is just a ModelObject, it doesn't exist physically,
- it will be created by OVS.
- Diskguid to be passed to the clone method is the ovs diskguid of the
- parent of the snapshot with snapshot.id
- OVS: Clone from arbitrary volume,
- requires volumedriver 3.6 release > 15.08.2014
- """
- mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(str(volume.host))
- ovs_snap_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_snapshot_id(snapshot.id)
- devicename = volume.display_name
- if not devicename:
- devicename = volume.name
- pmachineguid = self._find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname(
- six.text_type(volume.host))
- LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] %(disk)s %(snapshot)s %(device)s '
- '%(machine)s',
- {'disk': ovs_snap_disk.guid, 'snapshot': snapshot.id,
- 'device': devicename, 'machine': pmachineguid})
- disk_meta = vdisklib.VDiskController.clone(
- diskguid = ovs_snap_disk.guid,
- snapshotid = snapshot.id,
- devicename = devicename,
- pmachineguid = pmachineguid,
- machinename = "",
- machineguid=None)
- volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format(
- mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice'])
- LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] Meta: %s', six.text_type(disk_meta))
- LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] New volume %s',
- volume['provider_location'])
- vdisk = vdiskhybrid.VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid'])
- vdisk.cinder_id = volume.id
- vdisk.name = devicename
- vdisk.save()
- return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location'],
- 'display_name': volume['display_name']}
- # Attach/detach volume to instance/host
- def attach_volume(self, context, volume, instance_uuid, host_name,
- mountpoint):
- """Callback for volume attached to instance or host."""
- pass
- def detach_volume(self, context, volume, attachment=None):
- """Callback for volume detached."""
- pass
- # Extend
- def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb):
- """Extend volume to new size size_gb"""
- LOG.debug('EXTEND_VOL Size %s', size_gb)
- location = volume.provider_location
- if location is not None:
- LOG.debug('DO_EXTEND_VOLUME %s', location)
- vdisklib.VDiskController.extend_volume(location = location,
- size = size_gb)
- # Prevent NotImplementedError being raised
- # Not actually implemented, these actions do not make sense for this driver
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- """Exports the volume.
- The volume is a .raw file on a virtual filesystem.
- Nothing to export.
- """
- pass
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- """Removes an export for a volume.
- The volume is a .raw file on a virtual filesystem.
- Removed when delete is called.
- """
- pass
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- """Synchronously recreates an export for a volume.
- The volume is a .raw file on a virtual filesystem.
- Nothing to export.
- """
- pass
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, force):
- """Disallow connection from connector
- The volume is a .raw file on a virtual filesystem.
- Connection is always allowed based on POSIX permissions.
- """
- LOG.debug('TERM_CONN %(connector)s %(force)s ',
- {'connector': six.text_type(connector), 'force': force})
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Validate driver setup"""
- if (vdiskhybrid is None or pmachinelist is None or vdisklist is None or
- vpoollist is None or vdisklib is None):
- msg = (_('Open vStorage libraries not found'))
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting"""
- pass
- # Internal
- def _get_real_hostname(self, hostname):
- LOG.debug('[_GET REAL HOSTNAME] Hostname %s', hostname)
- if not hostname:
- return socket.gethostname()
- if "#" in hostname:
- hostname, backend_name = hostname.split('#')
- if "@" in hostname:
- hostname, driver = hostname.split('@')
- return hostname
- return hostname
- def _get_hostname_mountpoint(self, hostname):
- """Find OVS vsr mountpoint for self._vp and hostname
- :return mountpoint: string, mountpoint
- """
- hostname = self._get_real_hostname(hostname)
- LOG.debug('[_GET HOSTNAME MOUNTPOINT] Hostname %s', hostname)
- if self._vp is None:
- msg = (_('Open vStorage libraries not found'))
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- storagedrivers = [vsr for vsr in self._vp.storagedrivers
- if str(vsr.storagerouter.name) ==
- str(hostname)]
- if len(storagedrivers) == 1:
- LOG.debug('[_GET HOSTNAME MOUNTPOINT] Mountpoint %s',
- storagedrivers[0].mountpoint)
- return six.text_type(storagedrivers[0].mountpoint)
- elif not storagedrivers:
- msg = (_('No vsr mountpoint found for Vpool %(vpool_name)s'
- 'and hostname %(hostname)s')
- % {'vpool_name': self._vpool_name, 'hostname': hostname})
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(self, location, hostname, retry=3,
- timeout=3):
- """Find OVS disk object based on location and hostname
- :return VDisk: OVS DAL model object
- """
- hostname = self._get_real_hostname(hostname)
- LOG.debug('[_FIND OVS DISK] Location %s, hostname %s',
- location, hostname)
- attempt = 0
- while attempt <= retry:
- for vd in vdisklist.VDiskList.get_vdisks():
- if vd.vpool:
- for vsr in vd.vpool.storagedrivers:
- if vsr.storagerouter.name == hostname:
- _location = "{0}/{1}".format(vsr.mountpoint,
- vd.devicename)
- if _location == location:
- LOG.debug('Location %(location)s Disk '
- 'found %(id)s',
- {'location': location,
- 'id': vd.guid})
- disk = vdiskhybrid.VDisk(vd.guid)
- return disk
- LOG.debug('NO RESULT Attempt %(attempt)s timeout %(timeout)s max '
- 'attempts %(retry)s',
- {'attempt': attempt, 'timeout': timeout, 'retry': retry})
- if timeout:
- time.sleep(timeout)
- attempt += 1
- msg = (_('No disk found for location %s') % location)
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname(self, hostname):
- """Find OVS pmachine guid based on storagerouter name
- :return guid: GUID
- """
- hostname = self._get_real_hostname(hostname)
- LOG.debug('[_FIND OVS PMACHINE] Hostname %s', hostname)
- mapping = [(pm.guid, six.text_type(sr.name))
- for pm in pmachinelist.PMachineList.get_pmachines()
- for sr in pm.storagerouters]
- for item in mapping:
- if item[1] == str(hostname):
- LOG.debug('Found pmachineguid %(item)s for Hostname %(host)s',
- {'item': item[0], 'host': hostname})
- return item[0]
- msg = (_('No PMachine guid found for Hostname %s') % hostname)
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _find_ovs_model_disk_by_snapshot_id(self, snapshotid):
- """Find OVS disk object based on snapshot id
- :return VDisk: OVS DAL model object
- """
- LOG.debug('[_FIND OVS DISK] Snapshotid %s', snapshotid)
- for disk in vdisklist.VDiskList.get_vdisks():
- snaps_guid = [s['guid'] for s in disk.snapshots]
- if str(snapshotid) in snaps_guid:
- LOG.debug('[_FIND OVS DISK] Snapshot id %(snapshot)s Disk '
- 'found %(disk)s',
- {'snapshot': snapshotid, 'disk': disk})
- return disk
- msg = (_('No disk found for snapshotid %s') % snapshotid)
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)