]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Add cinder support for IBM FlashSystem.
authorEdwin Wang <edwin.wang@cn.ibm.com>
Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:37:50 +0000 (09:37 +0800)
committerEdwin Wang <edwin.wang@cn.ibm.com>
Sun, 2 Nov 2014 08:19:04 +0000 (16:19 +0800)
This driver implements cinder FC volume driver.
It communicates with IBM FlashSystem using SSH management interface.
It supports all required driver features.

Change-Id: Idc1c5961f134652e5cce51c84d7280f9d3864578
Implements: blueprint ibm-flashsystem-driver

cinder/tests/test_ibm_flashsystem.py [new file with mode: 0755]
cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/flashsystem.py [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/cinder/tests/test_ibm_flashsystem.py b/cinder/tests/test_ibm_flashsystem.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..5eebe39
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@
+# Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Tests for the IBM FlashSystem volume driver.
+import mock
+from oslo.concurrency import processutils
+from oslo.utils import excutils
+from oslo.utils import units
+import six
+import random
+import re
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.ibm import flashsystem
+from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FlashSystemManagementSimulator:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Default protocol is FC
+        self._protocol = 'FC'
+        self._volumes_list = {}
+        self._hosts_list = {}
+        self._mappings_list = {}
+        self._next_cmd_error = {
+            'lsnode': '',
+            'lssystem': '',
+            'lsmdiskgrp': ''
+        }
+        self._errors = {
+            # CMMVC50000 is a fake error which indicates that command has not
+            # got expected results. This error represents kinds of CLI errors.
+            'CMMVC50000': ('', 'CMMVC50000 The command can not be executed '
+                               'successfully.')
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def _find_unused_id(d):
+        ids = []
+        for v in d.itervalues():
+            ids.append(int(v['id']))
+        ids.sort()
+        for index, n in enumerate(ids):
+            if n > index:
+                return six.text_type(index)
+        return six.text_type(len(ids))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _is_invalid_name(name):
+        if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_][\w ._-]*$', name):
+            return False
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def _cmd_to_dict(arg_list):
+        no_param_args = [
+            'bytes',
+            'force'
+        ]
+        one_param_args = [
+            'delim',
+            'hbawwpn',
+            'host',
+            'iogrp',
+            'iscsiname',
+            'mdiskgrp',
+            'name',
+            'scsi',
+            'size',
+            'unit'
+        ]
+        # All commands should begin with svcinfo or svctask
+        if arg_list[0] not in ('svcinfo', 'svctask') or len(arg_list) < 2:
+            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=six.text_type(arg_list))
+        ret = {'cmd': arg_list[1]}
+        arg_list.pop(0)
+        skip = False
+        for i in range(1, len(arg_list)):
+            if skip:
+                skip = False
+                continue
+            if arg_list[i][0] == '-':
+                param = arg_list[i][1:]
+                if param in no_param_args:
+                    ret[param] = True
+                elif param in one_param_args:
+                    ret[param] = arg_list[i + 1]
+                    skip = True
+                else:
+                    raise exception.InvalidInput(
+                        reason=('unrecognized argument %s') % arg_list[i])
+            else:
+                ret['obj'] = arg_list[i]
+        return ret
+    @staticmethod
+    def _print_cmd_info(rows, delim=' ', nohdr=False, **kwargs):
+        """Generic function for printing information."""
+        if nohdr:
+            del rows[0]
+        for index in range(len(rows)):
+            rows[index] = delim.join(rows[index])
+        return ('%s' % '\n'.join(rows), '')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _convert_units_bytes(num, unit):
+        unit_array = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']
+        unit_index = 0
+        while unit.lower() != unit_array[unit_index].lower():
+            num = num * 1024
+            unit_index += 1
+        return six.text_type(num)
+    def _cmd_lshost(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lshost -delim !
+        svcinfo lshost -delim ! <host>
+        """
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            rows = []
+            rows.append(['id', 'name', 'port_count', 'iogrp_count', 'status'])
+            for host in self._hosts_list.itervalues():
+                rows.append([host['id'], host['host_name'], '1', '1',
+                            'degraded'])
+            if len(rows) > 1:
+                return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                return ('', '')
+        else:
+            host_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+            if host_name not in self._hosts_list:
+                return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+            host = self._hosts_list[host_name]
+            rows = []
+            rows.append(['id', host['id']])
+            rows.append(['name', host['host_name']])
+            rows.append(['port_count', '1'])
+            rows.append(['type', 'generic'])
+            rows.append(['mask', '1111'])
+            rows.append(['iogrp_count', '1'])
+            rows.append(['status', 'degraded'])
+            for port in host['iscsi_names']:
+                rows.append(['iscsi_name', port])
+                rows.append(['node_logged_in_count', '0'])
+                rows.append(['state', 'offline'])
+            for port in host['wwpns']:
+                rows.append(['WWPN', port])
+                rows.append(['node_logged_in_count', '0'])
+                rows.append(['state', 'active'])
+            if 'delim' in kwargs:
+                for index in range(len(rows)):
+                    rows[index] = kwargs['delim'].join(rows[index])
+            return ('%s' % '\n'.join(rows), '')
+    def _cmd_lshostvdiskmap(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lshostvdiskmap -delim ! <host_name>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if host_name not in self._hosts_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        rows = []
+        rows.append(['id', 'name', 'SCSI_id', 'vdisk_id', 'vdisk_name',
+                     'vdisk_UID'])
+        for mapping in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if (host_name == '') or (mapping['host'] == host_name):
+                volume = self._volumes_list[mapping['vol']]
+                rows.append([mapping['id'], mapping['host'],
+                            mapping['lun'], volume['id'],
+                            volume['name'], volume['vdisk_UID']])
+        return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+    def _cmd_lsmdiskgrp(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lsmdiskgrp -gui -bytes -delim ! <pool>"""
+        status = 'online'
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lsmdiskgrp'] == 'error':
+            self._next_cmd_error['lsmdiskgrp'] = ''
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lsmdiskgrp'] == 'status=offline':
+            self._next_cmd_error['lsmdiskgrp'] = ''
+            status = 'offline'
+        rows = [None] * 2
+        rows[0] = ['id', 'status', 'mdisk_count', 'vdisk_count', 'capacity',
+                   'free_capacity', 'virtual_capacity', 'used_capacity',
+                   'real_capacity', 'encrypted', 'type', 'encrypt']
+        rows[1] = ['0', status, '1', '0', '3573412790272',
+                   '3529432325160', '1693247906775', '277841182',
+                   '38203734097', 'no', 'parent', 'no']
+        if kwargs['obj'] == 'mdiskgrp0':
+            row = rows[1]
+        else:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        objrows = []
+        for idx, val in enumerate(rows[0]):
+            objrows.append([val, row[idx]])
+        if 'delim' in kwargs:
+            for index in range(len(objrows)):
+                objrows[index] = kwargs['delim'].join(objrows[index])
+        return ('%s' % '\n'.join(objrows), '')
+    def _cmd_lsnode(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lsnode -delim !
+        svcinfo lsnode -delim ! <node>
+        """
+        if self._protocol == 'FC' or self._protocol == 'both':
+            port_status = 'active'
+        else:
+            port_status = 'unconfigured'
+        rows1 = [None] * 7
+        rows1[0] = ['name', 'node1']
+        rows1[1] = ['port_id', '000000000000001']
+        rows1[2] = ['port_status', port_status]
+        rows1[3] = ['port_speed', '8Gb']
+        rows1[4] = ['port_id', '000000000000001']
+        rows1[5] = ['port_status', port_status]
+        rows1[6] = ['port_speed', '8Gb']
+        rows2 = [None] * 7
+        rows2[0] = ['name', 'node2']
+        rows2[1] = ['port_id', '000000000000002']
+        rows2[2] = ['port_status', port_status]
+        rows2[3] = ['port_speed', '8Gb']
+        rows2[4] = ['port_id', '000000000000002']
+        rows2[5] = ['port_status', port_status]
+        rows2[6] = ['port_speed', 'N/A']
+        rows3 = [None] * 3
+        rows3[0] = ['id', 'name', 'UPS_serial_number', 'WWNN', 'status',
+                    'IO_group_id', 'IO_group_name', 'config_node',
+                    'UPS_unique_id', 'hardware', 'iscsi_name', 'iscsi_alias',
+                    'panel_name', 'enclosure_id', 'canister_id',
+                    'enclosure_serial_number']
+        rows3[1] = ['1', 'node1', '', '0123456789ABCDEF', 'online', '0',
+                    'io_grp0', 'yes', '', 'TR1', 'naa.0123456789ABCDEF', '',
+                    '01-1', '1', '1', 'H441028']
+        rows3[2] = ['2', 'node2', '', '0123456789ABCDEF', 'online', '0',
+                    'io_grp0', 'no', '', 'TR1', 'naa.0123456789ABCDEF', '',
+                    '01-2', '1', '2', 'H441028']
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lsnode'] == 'error':
+            self._next_cmd_error['lsnode'] = ''
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        rows = None
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            rows = rows3
+        elif kwargs['obj'] == '1':
+            rows = rows1
+        elif kwargs['obj'] == '2':
+            rows = rows2
+        else:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lsnode'] == 'header_mismatch':
+            rows[0].pop(2)
+            self._next_cmd_error['lsnode'] = ''
+        return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, delim=kwargs.get('delim', None))
+    def _cmd_lssystem(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lssystem -delim !"""
+        open_access_enabled = 'off'
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lssystem'] == 'error':
+            self._next_cmd_error['lssystem'] = ''
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if self._next_cmd_error['lssystem'] == 'open_access_enabled=on':
+            self._next_cmd_error['lssystem'] = ''
+            open_access_enabled = 'on'
+        rows = [None] * 3
+        rows[0] = ['id', '0123456789ABCDEF']
+        rows[1] = ['name', 'flashsystem_1.2.3.4']
+        rows[2] = ['open_access_enabled', open_access_enabled]
+        return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+    def _cmd_lsportfc(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lsportfc"""
+        if self._protocol == 'FC' or self._protocol == 'both':
+            status = 'active'
+        else:
+            status = 'unconfigured'
+        rows = [None] * 3
+        rows[0] = ['id', 'canister_id', 'adapter_id', 'port_id', 'type',
+                   'port_speed', 'node_id', 'node_name', 'WWPN',
+                   'nportid', 'status', 'attachment', 'topology']
+        rows[1] = ['0', '1', '1', '1', 'fc',
+                   '8Gb', '1', 'node_1', 'AABBCCDDEEFF0011',
+                   '000000', status, 'host', 'al']
+        rows[2] = ['1', '1', '1', '1', 'fc',
+                   '8Gb', '1', 'node_1', 'AABBCCDDEEFF0010',
+                   '000000', status, 'host', 'al']
+        return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+    def _cmd_lsportip(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lsportip"""
+        if self._protocol == 'iSCSI' or self._protocol == 'both':
+            IP_address1 = ''
+            IP_address2 = ''
+            state = 'online'
+            speed = '8G'
+        else:
+            IP_address1 = ''
+            IP_address2 = ''
+            state = ''
+            speed = ''
+        rows = [None] * 3
+        rows[0] = ['id', 'node_id', 'node_name', 'canister_id', 'adapter_id',
+                   'port_id', 'IP_address', 'mask', 'gateway', 'IP_address_6',
+                   'prefix_6', 'gateway_6', 'MAC', 'duplex', 'state', 'speed',
+                   'failover', 'link_state', 'host', 'host_6', 'vlan',
+                   'vlan_6', 'adapter_location', 'adapter_port_id']
+        rows[1] = ['1', '1', 'node1', '0', '0',
+                   '0', IP_address1, '', '', '',
+                   '0', '', '11:22:33:44:55:AA', '', state, speed,
+                   'no', 'active', '', '', '', '', '0', '0']
+        rows[2] = ['2', '2', 'node2', '0', '0',
+                   '0', IP_address2, '', '', '',
+                   '0', '', '11:22:33:44:55:BB', '', state, speed,
+                   'no', 'active', '', '', '', '', '0', '0']
+        return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+    def _cmd_lsvdisk(self, **kwargs):
+        """cmd: svcinfo lsvdisk -gui -bytes -delim ! <vdisk_name>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs or (
+                'delim' not in kwargs) or (
+                'bytes' not in kwargs):
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if kwargs['obj'] not in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        vol = self._volumes_list[kwargs['obj']]
+        rows = []
+        rows.append(['id', vol['id']])
+        rows.append(['name', vol['name']])
+        rows.append(['status', vol['status']])
+        rows.append(['capacity', vol['capacity']])
+        rows.append(['vdisk_UID', vol['vdisk_UID']])
+        rows.append(['udid', ''])
+        rows.append(['open_access_scsi_id', '1'])
+        rows.append(['parent_mdisk_grp_id', '0'])
+        rows.append(['parent_mdisk_grp_name', 'mdiskgrp0'])
+        for index in range(len(rows)):
+            rows[index] = kwargs['delim'].join(rows[index])
+        return ('%s' % '\n'.join(rows), '')
+    def _cmd_lsvdiskhostmap(self, **kwargs):
+        """svcinfo lsvdiskhostmap -delim ! <vdisk_name>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs or (
+                'delim' not in kwargs):
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        vdisk_name = kwargs['obj']
+        if vdisk_name not in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        rows = []
+        rows.append(['id', 'name', 'SCSI_id', 'host_id', 'host_name',
+                     'vdisk_UID', 'IO_group_id', 'IO_group_name'])
+        mappings_found = 0
+        for mapping in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if (mapping['vol'] == vdisk_name):
+                mappings_found += 1
+                volume = self._volumes_list[mapping['vol']]
+                host = self._hosts_list[mapping['host']]
+                rows.append([volume['id'], volume['name'], '1', host['id'],
+                            host['host_name'], volume['vdisk_UID'],
+                            '0', 'mdiskgrp0'])
+        if mappings_found:
+            return self._print_cmd_info(rows=rows, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            return ('', '')
+    def _cmd_expandvdisksize(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask expandvdisksize -size <size> -unit gb <vdisk_name>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        vol_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if 'size' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        size = int(kwargs['size'])
+        if vol_name not in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        curr_size = int(self._volumes_list[vol_name]['capacity'])
+        addition = size * units.Gi
+        self._volumes_list[vol_name]['capacity'] = six.text_type(
+            curr_size + addition)
+        return ('', '')
+    def _cmd_mkvdisk(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask mkvdisk -name <name> -mdiskgrp <mdiskgrp> -iogrp <iogrp>
+        -size <size> -unit <unit>
+        """
+        if 'name' not in kwargs or (
+                'size' not in kwargs) or (
+                'unit' not in kwargs):
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        vdisk_info = {}
+        vdisk_info['id'] = self._find_unused_id(self._volumes_list)
+        vdisk_info['name'] = kwargs['name'].strip('\'\"')
+        vdisk_info['status'] = 'online'
+        vdisk_info['capacity'] = self._convert_units_bytes(
+            int(kwargs['size']), kwargs['unit'])
+        vdisk_info['vdisk_UID'] = ('60050760') + ('0' * 14) + vdisk_info['id']
+        if vdisk_info['name'] in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        else:
+            self._volumes_list[vdisk_info['name']] = vdisk_info
+            return ('Virtual Disk, id [%s], successfully created' %
+                    (vdisk_info['id']), '')
+    def _cmd_rmvdisk(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask rmvdisk -force <vdisk_name>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        vdisk_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if vdisk_name not in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        del self._volumes_list[vdisk_name]
+        return ('', '')
+    def _add_port_to_host(self, host_info, **kwargs):
+        if 'iscsiname' in kwargs:
+            added_key = 'iscsi_names'
+            added_val = kwargs['iscsiname'].strip('\'\"')
+        elif 'hbawwpn' in kwargs:
+            added_key = 'wwpns'
+            added_val = kwargs['hbawwpn'].strip('\'\"')
+        else:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_info[added_key].append(added_val)
+        for v in self._hosts_list.itervalues():
+            if v['id'] == host_info['id']:
+                continue
+            for port in v[added_key]:
+                if port == added_val:
+                    return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        return ('', '')
+    def _cmd_mkhost(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask mkhost -force -hbawwpn <wwpn> -name <host_name>
+        svctask mkhost -force -iscsiname <initiator> -name <host_name>
+        """
+        if 'name' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_name = kwargs['name'].strip('\'\"')
+        if self._is_invalid_name(host_name):
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if host_name in self._hosts_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_info = {}
+        host_info['id'] = self._find_unused_id(self._hosts_list)
+        host_info['host_name'] = host_name
+        host_info['iscsi_names'] = []
+        host_info['wwpns'] = []
+        out, err = self._add_port_to_host(host_info, **kwargs)
+        if not len(err):
+            self._hosts_list[host_name] = host_info
+            return ('Host, id [%s], successfully created' %
+                    (host_info['id']), '')
+        else:
+            return (out, err)
+    def _cmd_addhostport(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask addhostport -force -hbawwpn <wwpn> <host>
+        svctask addhostport -force -iscsiname <initiator> <host>
+        """
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if host_name not in self._hosts_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_info = self._hosts_list[host_name]
+        return self._add_port_to_host(host_info, **kwargs)
+    def _cmd_rmhost(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask rmhost <host>"""
+        if 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host_name = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if host_name not in self._hosts_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        for v in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if (v['host'] == host_name):
+                return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        del self._hosts_list[host_name]
+        return ('', '')
+    def _cmd_mkvdiskhostmap(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask mkvdiskhostmap -host <host> -scsi <lun> <vdisk_name>"""
+        mapping_info = {}
+        mapping_info['id'] = self._find_unused_id(self._mappings_list)
+        if 'host' not in kwargs or (
+                'scsi' not in kwargs) or (
+                'obj' not in kwargs):
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        mapping_info['host'] = kwargs['host'].strip('\'\"')
+        mapping_info['lun'] = kwargs['scsi'].strip('\'\"')
+        mapping_info['vol'] = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        if mapping_info['vol'] not in self._volumes_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if mapping_info['host'] not in self._hosts_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        if mapping_info['vol'] in self._mappings_list:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        for v in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if ((v['host'] == mapping_info['host']) and
+                    (v['lun'] == mapping_info['lun'])):
+                return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        for v in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if (v['lun'] == mapping_info['lun']) and ('force' not in kwargs):
+                return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        self._mappings_list[mapping_info['id']] = mapping_info
+        return ('Virtual Disk to Host map, id [%s], successfully created'
+                % (mapping_info['id']), '')
+    def _cmd_rmvdiskhostmap(self, **kwargs):
+        """svctask rmvdiskhostmap -host <host> <vdisk_name>"""
+        if 'host' not in kwargs or 'obj' not in kwargs:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        host = kwargs['host'].strip('\'\"')
+        vdisk = kwargs['obj'].strip('\'\"')
+        mapping_ids = []
+        for v in self._mappings_list.itervalues():
+            if v['vol'] == vdisk:
+                mapping_ids.append(v['id'])
+        if not mapping_ids:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        this_mapping = None
+        for mapping_id in mapping_ids:
+            if self._mappings_list[mapping_id]['host'] == host:
+                this_mapping = mapping_id
+        if this_mapping is None:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        del self._mappings_list[this_mapping]
+        return ('', '')
+    def set_protocol(self, protocol):
+        self._protocol = protocol
+    def execute_command(self, cmd, check_exit_code=True):
+        try:
+            kwargs = self._cmd_to_dict(cmd)
+        except exception.InvalidInput:
+            return self._errors['CMMVC50000']
+        command = kwargs['cmd']
+        del kwargs['cmd']
+        func = getattr(self, '_cmd_' + command)
+        out, err = func(**kwargs)
+        if (check_exit_code) and (len(err) != 0):
+            raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1,
+                                                     stdout=out,
+                                                     stderr=err,
+                                                     cmd=command)
+        return (out, err)
+    def error_injection(self, cmd, error):
+        self._next_cmd_error[cmd] = error
+class FlashSystemFakeDriver(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(FlashSystemFakeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def set_fake_storage(self, fake):
+        self.fake_storage = fake
+    def _ssh(self, cmd, check_exit_code=True):
+        try:
+            LOG.debug('Run CLI command: %s' % cmd)
+            utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd)
+            ret = self.fake_storage.execute_command(cmd, check_exit_code)
+            (stdout, stderr) = ret
+            LOG.debug('CLI output:\n stdout: %(stdout)s\n stderr: '
+                      '%(stderr)s' % {'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr})
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                LOG.debug('CLI Exception output:\n stdout: %(out)s\n '
+                          'stderr: %(err)s' % {'out': e.stdout,
+                                               'err': e.stderr})
+        return ret
+class FlashSystemDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+    def _set_flag(self, flag, value):
+        group = self.driver.configuration.config_group
+        self.driver.configuration.set_override(flag, value, group)
+    def _reset_flags(self):
+        self.driver.configuration.local_conf.reset()
+        for k, v in self._def_flags.iteritems():
+            self._set_flag(k, v)
+    def _generate_vol_info(self,
+                           vol_name,
+                           vol_size=10,
+                           vol_status='available'):
+        rand_id = six.text_type(random.randint(10000, 99999))
+        if not vol_name:
+            vol_name = 'test_volume%s' % rand_id
+        return {'name': vol_name,
+                'size': vol_size,
+                'id': '%s' % rand_id,
+                'volume_type_id': None,
+                'status': vol_status,
+                'mdisk_grp_name': 'mdiskgrp0'}
+    def _generate_snap_info(self,
+                            vol_name,
+                            vol_id,
+                            vol_size,
+                            vol_status,
+                            snap_status='available'):
+        rand_id = six.text_type(random.randint(10000, 99999))
+        return {'name': 'test_snap_%s' % rand_id,
+                'id': rand_id,
+                'volume': {'name': vol_name,
+                           'id': vol_id,
+                           'size': vol_size,
+                           'status': vol_status},
+                'volume_size': vol_size,
+                'status': snap_status,
+                'mdisk_grp_name': 'mdiskgrp0'}
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(FlashSystemDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self._def_flags = {'san_ip': 'hostname',
+                           'san_login': 'username',
+                           'san_password': 'password',
+                           'flashsystem_connection_protocol': 'FC',
+                           'flashsystem_multipath_enabled': False,
+                           'flashsystem_multihostmap_enabled': True}
+        self.connector = {
+            'host': 'flashsystem',
+            'wwnns': ['0123456789abcdef', '0123456789abcdeg'],
+            'wwpns': ['abcd000000000001', 'abcd000000000002'],
+            'initiator': 'iqn.123456'}
+        self.sim = FlashSystemManagementSimulator()
+        self.driver = FlashSystemFakeDriver(
+            configuration=conf.Configuration(None))
+        self.driver.set_fake_storage(self.sim)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        self.driver.do_setup(None)
+        self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+        self.sleeppatch = mock.patch('eventlet.greenthread.sleep')
+        self.sleeppatch.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.sleeppatch.stop()
+        super(FlashSystemDriverTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    def test_flashsystem_do_setup(self):
+        # case 1: cmd lssystem encounters error
+        self.sim.error_injection('lssystem', 'error')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 2: open_access_enabled is not off
+        self.sim.error_injection('lssystem', 'open_access_enabled=on')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 3: cmd lsmdiskgrp encounters error
+        self.sim.error_injection('lsmdiskgrp', 'error')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 4: status is not online
+        self.sim.error_injection('lsmdiskgrp', 'status=offline')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 5: cmd lsnode encounters error
+        self.sim.error_injection('lsnode', 'error')
+        self.assertRaises(processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 6: cmd lsnode header does not match
+        self.sim.error_injection('lsnode', 'header_mismatch')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # case 7: set as FC
+        self.sim.set_protocol('FC')
+        self.driver.do_setup(None)
+        self.assertEqual('FC', self.driver._protocol)
+        # case 8: no configured nodes available
+        self.sim.set_protocol('unknown')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+        # clear environment
+        self.sim.set_protocol('FC')
+        self.driver.do_setup(None)
+    def test_flashsystem_check_for_setup_error(self):
+        self._set_flag('san_ip', '')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        self._set_flag('san_ssh_port', '')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        self._set_flag('san_login', '')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        self._set_flag('san_password', None)
+        self._set_flag('san_private_key', None)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        self._set_flag('flashsystem_connection_protocol', 'foo')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver.do_setup(None)
+    def test_flashsystem_validate_connector(self):
+        conn_neither = {'host': 'host'}
+        conn_iscsi = {'host': 'host', 'initiator': 'foo'}
+        conn_fc = {'host': 'host', 'wwpns': 'bar'}
+        conn_both = {'host': 'host', 'initiator': 'foo', 'wwpns': 'bar'}
+        protocol = self.driver._protocol
+        # case 1: when protocol is FC
+        self.driver._protocol = 'FC'
+        self.driver.validate_connector(conn_fc)
+        self.driver.validate_connector(conn_both)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+                          self.driver.validate_connector, conn_iscsi)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+                          self.driver.validate_connector, conn_neither)
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver._protocol = protocol
+    def test_flashsystem_volumes(self):
+        # case 1: create volume
+        vol = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol)
+        # Check whether volume is created successfully
+        attributes = self.driver._get_vdisk_attributes(vol['name'])
+        attr_size = float(attributes['capacity']) / units.Gi
+        self.assertEqual(float(vol['size']), attr_size)
+        # case 2: delete volume
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol)
+        # case 3: delete volume that doesn't exist (expected not fail)
+        vol_no_exist = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol_no_exist)
+    def test_flashsystem_extend_volume(self):
+        vol = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol)
+        self.driver.extend_volume(vol, '200')
+        attrs = self.driver._get_vdisk_attributes(vol['name'])
+        vol_size = int(attrs['capacity']) / units.Gi
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(vol_size, 200)
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol)
+    def test_flashsystem_connection(self):
+        # case 1: initialize_connection/terminate_connection for good path
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.initialize_connection(vol1, self.connector)
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(vol1, self.connector)
+        # case 2: when volume is not existed
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.initialize_connection,
+                          vol2, self.connector)
+        # case 3: _get_vdisk_map_properties raises exception
+        with mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                               '_get_vdisk_map_properties') as get_properties:
+            get_properties.side_effect = exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
+            self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                              self.driver.initialize_connection,
+                              vol1, self.connector)
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol1)
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                       '_create_and_copy_vdisk_data')
+    def test_flashsystem_create_snapshot(self, _create_and_copy_vdisk_data):
+        # case 1: good path
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        snap1 = self._generate_snap_info(vol1['name'],
+                                         vol1['id'],
+                                         vol1['size'],
+                                         vol1['status'])
+        self.driver.create_snapshot(snap1)
+        # case 2: when volume status is error
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None, vol_status='error')
+        snap2 = self._generate_snap_info(vol2['name'],
+                                         vol2['id'],
+                                         vol2['size'],
+                                         vol2['status'])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidVolume,
+                          self.driver.create_snapshot, snap2)
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                       '_delete_vdisk')
+    def test_flashsystem_delete_snapshot(self, _delete_vdisk):
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        snap1 = self._generate_snap_info(vol1['name'],
+                                         vol1['id'],
+                                         vol1['size'],
+                                         vol1['status'])
+        self.driver.delete_snapshot(snap1)
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                       '_create_and_copy_vdisk_data')
+    def test_flashsystem_create_volume_from_snapshot(
+            self, _create_and_copy_vdisk_data):
+        # case 1: good path
+        vol = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        snap = self._generate_snap_info(vol['name'],
+                                        vol['id'],
+                                        vol['size'],
+                                        vol['status'])
+        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(vol, snap)
+        # case 2: when size does not match
+        vol = self._generate_vol_info(None, vol_size=100)
+        snap = self._generate_snap_info(vol['name'],
+                                        vol['id'],
+                                        200,
+                                        vol['status'])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+                          self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot,
+                          vol, snap)
+        # case 3: when snapshot status is not available
+        vol = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        snap = self._generate_snap_info(vol['name'],
+                                        vol['id'],
+                                        vol['size'],
+                                        vol['status'],
+                                        snap_status='error')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidSnapshot,
+                          self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot,
+                          vol, snap)
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                       '_create_and_copy_vdisk_data')
+    def test_flashsystem_create_cloned_volume(
+            self, _create_and_copy_vdisk_data):
+        # case 1: good path
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_cloned_volume(vol2, vol1)
+        # case 2: when size does not match
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None, vol_size=10)
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None, vol_size=20)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+                          self.driver.create_cloned_volume,
+                          vol2, vol1)
+    def test_flashsystem_get_volume_stats(self):
+        # case 1: good path
+        self._set_flag('reserved_percentage', 25)
+        pool = 'mdiskgrp0'
+        backend_name = 'flashsystem_1.2.3.4' + '_' + pool
+        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
+        self.assertEqual(25, stats['reserved_percentage'])
+        self.assertEqual('IBM', stats['vendor_name'])
+        self.assertEqual('FC', stats['storage_protocol'])
+        self.assertEqual(backend_name, stats['volume_backend_name'])
+        self._reset_flags()
+        # case 2: when lsmdiskgrp returns error
+        self.sim.error_injection('lsmdiskgrp', 'error')
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver.get_volume_stats, refresh=True)
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver,
+                       '_copy_vdisk_data')
+    def test_flashsystem_create_and_copy_vdisk_data(self, _copy_vdisk_data):
+        # case 1: when volume does not exist
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver._create_and_copy_vdisk_data,
+                          vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        # case 2: good path
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver._create_and_copy_vdisk_data(
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol2)
+        # case 3: _copy_vdisk_data raises exception
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol1)
+        _copy_vdisk_data.side_effect = exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+            self.driver._create_and_copy_vdisk_data,
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(set(), self.driver._vdisk_copy_in_progress)
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol2)
+    @mock.patch.object(volume_utils, 'copy_volume')
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver, '_scan_device')
+    @mock.patch.object(flashsystem.FlashSystemDriver, '_remove_device')
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'brick_get_connector_properties')
+    def test_flashsystem_copy_vdisk_data(self,
+                                         _connector,
+                                         _remove_device,
+                                         _scan_device,
+                                         copy_volume):
+        connector = _connector.return_value = self.connector
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol2)
+        # case 1: no mapped before copy
+        self.driver._copy_vdisk_data(
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        (v1_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol1['name'], connector)
+        (v2_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol2['name'], connector)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v1_mapped)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v2_mapped)
+        # case 2: mapped before copy
+        self.driver.initialize_connection(vol1, connector)
+        self.driver.initialize_connection(vol2, connector)
+        self.driver._copy_vdisk_data(
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        (v1_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol1['name'], connector)
+        (v2_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol2['name'], connector)
+        self.assertEqual(True, v1_mapped)
+        self.assertEqual(True, v2_mapped)
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(vol1, connector)
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(vol2, connector)
+        # case 3: no mapped before copy, raise exception when scan
+        _scan_device.side_effect = exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+            self.driver._copy_vdisk_data,
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        (v1_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol1['name'], connector)
+        (v2_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol2['name'], connector)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v1_mapped)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v2_mapped)
+        # case 4: no mapped before copy, raise exception when copy
+        copy_volume.side_effect = exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+            self.driver._copy_vdisk_data,
+            vol1['name'], vol1['id'], vol2['name'], vol2['id'])
+        (v1_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol1['name'], connector)
+        (v2_mapped, lun) = self.driver._is_vdisk_map(vol2['name'], connector)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v1_mapped)
+        self.assertEqual(False, v2_mapped)
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol2)
+    def test_flashsystem_connector_to_hostname_prefix(self):
+        # Invalid characters will be translated to '-'
+        # case 1: host name is unicode with invalid characters
+        conn = {'host': u'unicode.test}.abc{.abc'}
+        self.assertEqual(u'unicode.test-.abc-.abc',
+                         self.driver._connector_to_hostname_prefix(conn))
+        # case 2: host name is string with invalid characters
+        conn = {'host': 'string.test}.abc{.abc'}
+        self.assertEqual('string.test-.abc-.abc',
+                         self.driver._connector_to_hostname_prefix(conn))
+        # case 3: host name is neither unicode nor string
+        conn = {'host': 12345}
+        self.assertRaises(exception.NoValidHost,
+                          self.driver._connector_to_hostname_prefix,
+                          conn)
+        # case 4: host name started with number will be translated
+        conn = {'host': ''}
+        self.assertEqual('_192.168.1.1',
+                         self.driver._connector_to_hostname_prefix(conn))
+    def test_flashsystem_create_host(self):
+        # case 1: create host
+        conn = {
+            'host': 'flashsystem',
+            'wwnns': ['0123456789abcdef', '0123456789abcdeg'],
+            'wwpns': ['abcd000000000001', 'abcd000000000002'],
+            'initiator': 'iqn.123456'}
+        host = self.driver._create_host(conn)
+        # case 2: create host that already exists
+        self.assertRaises(processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
+                          self.driver._create_host,
+                          conn)
+        # case 3: delete host
+        self.driver._delete_host(host)
+        # case 4: create host with empty ports
+        conn = {'host': 'flashsystem', 'wwpns': []}
+        self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+                          self.driver._create_host,
+                          conn)
+    def test_flashsystem_find_host_exhaustive(self):
+        # case 1: create host and find it
+        conn1 = {
+            'host': 'flashsystem-01',
+            'wwnns': ['1111111111abcdef', '1111111111abcdeg'],
+            'wwpns': ['1111111111000001', '1111111111000002'],
+            'initiator': 'iqn.111111'}
+        conn2 = {
+            'host': 'flashsystem-02',
+            'wwnns': ['2222222222abcdef', '2222222222abcdeg'],
+            'wwpns': ['2222222222000001', '2222222222000002'],
+            'initiator': 'iqn.222222'}
+        conn3 = {
+            'host': 'flashsystem-03',
+            'wwnns': ['3333333333abcdef', '3333333333abcdeg'],
+            'wwpns': ['3333333333000001', '3333333333000002'],
+            'initiator': 'iqn.333333'}
+        host1 = self.driver._create_host(conn1)
+        host2 = self.driver._create_host(conn2)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            host2,
+            self.driver._find_host_exhaustive(conn2, [host1, host2]))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            None,
+            self.driver._find_host_exhaustive(conn3, [host1, host2]))
+        # clear environment
+        self.driver._delete_host(host1)
+        self.driver._delete_host(host2)
+    def test_flashsystem_get_vdisk_params(self):
+        # case 1: use default params
+        self.driver._get_vdisk_params(None)
+        # case 2: use extra params from type
+        opts1 = {'storage_protocol': 'FC'}
+        opts2 = {'capabilities:storage_protocol': 'FC'}
+        opts3 = {'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI'}
+        type1 = volume_types.create(self.ctxt, 'opts1', opts1)
+        type2 = volume_types.create(self.ctxt, 'opts2', opts2)
+        type3 = volume_types.create(self.ctxt, 'opts3', opts3)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'FC',
+            self.driver._get_vdisk_params(type1['id'])['protocol'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'FC',
+            self.driver._get_vdisk_params(type2['id'])['protocol'])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self.driver._get_vdisk_params,
+                          type3['id'])
+        # clear environment
+        volume_types.destroy(self.ctxt, type1['id'])
+        volume_types.destroy(self.ctxt, type2['id'])
+    def test_flashsystem_map_vdisk_to_host(self):
+        # case 1: no host found
+        vol1 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol1)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            # lun id shoud begin with 1
+            1,
+            self.driver._map_vdisk_to_host(vol1['name'], self.connector))
+        # case 2: host already exists
+        vol2 = self._generate_vol_info(None)
+        self.driver.create_volume(vol2)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            # lun id shoud be sequential
+            2,
+            self.driver._map_vdisk_to_host(vol2['name'], self.connector))
+        # case 3: test if already mapped
+        self.assertEqual(
+            1,
+            self.driver._map_vdisk_to_host(vol1['name'], self.connector))
+        # clean environment
+        self.driver._unmap_vdisk_from_host(vol1['name'], self.connector)
+        self.driver._unmap_vdisk_from_host(vol2['name'], self.connector)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol1)
+        self.driver.delete_volume(vol2)
+        # case 4: If there is no vdisk mapped to host, host should be removed
+        self.assertEqual(
+            None,
+            self.driver._get_host_from_connector(self.connector))
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/flashsystem.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/flashsystem.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..d839512
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@
+# Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
+# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Volume driver for IBM FlashSystem storage systems.
+1. Cinder driver only works when open_access_enabled=off.
+2. Cinder driver only works when connection protocol is FC.
+import random
+import re
+import string
+import threading
+from oslo.concurrency import processutils
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from oslo.utils import excutils
+from oslo.utils import units
+import six
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from cinder.openstack.common import strutils
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+flashsystem_opts = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('flashsystem_connection_protocol',
+               default='FC',
+               help='Connection protocol should be FC.'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('flashsystem_multipath_enabled',
+                default=False,
+                help='Connect with multipath (FC only).'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('flashsystem_multihostmap_enabled',
+                default=True,
+                help='Allows vdisk to multi host mapping.')
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class FlashSystemDriver(san.SanDriver):
+    """IBM FlashSystem 840 FC volume driver.
+    Version history:
+    1.0.0 - Initial driver
+    """
+    VERSION = "1.0.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(FlashSystemDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.configuration.append_config_values(flashsystem_opts)
+        self._storage_nodes = {}
+        self._protocol = None
+        self._context = None
+        self._system_name = None
+        self._system_id = None
+    def _ssh(self, ssh_cmd, check_exit_code=True):
+        try:
+            return self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd, check_exit_code)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            msg = (_('CLI Exception output:\n command: %(cmd)s\n '
+                     'stdout: %(out)s\n stderr: %(err)s')
+                   % {'cmd': ssh_cmd, 'out': e.stdout,
+                      'err': e.stderr})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+    def _append_dict(self, dict_, key, value):
+        key, value = key.strip(), value.strip()
+        obj = dict_.get(key, None)
+        if obj is None:
+            dict_[key] = value
+        elif isinstance(obj, list):
+            obj.append(value)
+            dict_[key] = obj
+        else:
+            dict_[key] = [obj, value]
+        return dict_
+    def _assert_ssh_return(self, test, fun, ssh_cmd, out, err):
+        self._driver_assert(test,
+                            (_('%(fun)s: Failed with unexpected CLI output.\n '
+                               'Command: %(cmd)s\n stdout: %(out)s\n '
+                               'stderr: %(err)s')
+                             % {'fun': fun, 'cmd': ssh_cmd,
+                                'out': six.text_type(out),
+                                'err': six.text_type(err)}))
+    def _build_default_params(self):
+        return {'protocol': self.configuration.flashsystem_connection_protocol,
+                'multipath': self.configuration.flashsystem_multipath_enabled}
+    def _build_initiator_target_map(self, initiator_wwpns, target_wwpns):
+        map = {}
+        for i_wwpn in initiator_wwpns:
+            idx = six.text_type(i_wwpn)
+            map[idx] = []
+            for t_wwpn in target_wwpns:
+                map[idx].append(t_wwpn)
+        return map
+    def _check_vdisk_params(self, params):
+        # Check that the requested protocol is enabled
+        if params['protocol'] != self._protocol:
+            msg = (_("Illegal value '%(prot)s' specified for "
+                     "flashsystem_connection_protocol: "
+                     "valid value(s) are %(enabled)s.")
+                   % {'prot': params['protocol'],
+                      'enabled': self._protocol})
+            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+    def _connector_to_hostname_prefix(self, connector):
+        """Translate connector info to storage system host name.
+        Translate a host's name and IP to the prefix of its hostname on the
+        storage subsystem.  We create a host name from the host and
+        IP address, replacing any invalid characters (at most 55 characters),
+        and adding a random 8-character suffix to avoid collisions. The total
+        length should be at most 63 characters.
+        """
+        # Build cleanup translation tables for host names
+        invalid_ch_in_host = ''
+        for num in range(0, 128):
+            ch = six.text_type(chr(num))
+            if not ch.isalnum() and ch not in [' ', '.', '-', '_']:
+                invalid_ch_in_host = invalid_ch_in_host + ch
+        host_name = connector['host']
+        if isinstance(host_name, unicode):
+            unicode_host_name_filter = dict((ord(unicode(char)), u'-')
+                                            for char in invalid_ch_in_host)
+            host_name = host_name.translate(unicode_host_name_filter)
+        elif isinstance(host_name, str):
+            string_host_name_filter = string.maketrans(
+                invalid_ch_in_host, '-' * len(invalid_ch_in_host))
+            host_name = host_name.translate(string_host_name_filter)
+        else:
+            msg = (_('_create_host: Can not clean host name. Host name '
+                     'is not unicode or string.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
+        host_name = six.text_type(host_name)
+        # FlashSystem family doesn't like hostname that starts with number.
+        if not re.match('^[A-Za-z]', host_name):
+            host_name = '_' + host_name
+        return host_name[:55]
+    def _copy_vdisk_data(self, src_vdisk_name, src_vdisk_id,
+                         dest_vdisk_name, dest_vdisk_id):
+        """Copy data from src vdisk to dest vdisk.
+        To be able to copy data between vdisks, we must ensure that both
+        vdisks have been mapped to host. If vdisk has not been mapped,
+        it must be mapped firstly. When data copy completed, vdisk
+        should be restored to previous mapped or non-mapped status.
+        """
+        LOG.debug('enter: _copy_vdisk_data: %(src)s -> %(dest)s.'
+                  % {'src': src_vdisk_name, 'dest': dest_vdisk_name})
+        connector = utils.brick_get_connector_properties()
+        (src_map, src_lun_id) = self._is_vdisk_map(
+            src_vdisk_name, connector)
+        (dest_map, dest_lun_id) = self._is_vdisk_map(
+            dest_vdisk_name, connector)
+        src_map_device = None
+        src_properties = None
+        dest_map_device = None
+        dest_properties = None
+        try:
+            if not src_map:
+                src_lun_id = self._map_vdisk_to_host(src_vdisk_name,
+                                                     connector)
+            if not dest_map:
+                dest_lun_id = self._map_vdisk_to_host(dest_vdisk_name,
+                                                      connector)
+            src_properties = self._get_vdisk_map_properties(
+                connector, src_lun_id, src_vdisk_name,
+                src_vdisk_id, self._get_vdisk_params(None))
+            src_map_device = self._scan_device(src_properties)
+            dest_properties = self._get_vdisk_map_properties(
+                connector, dest_lun_id, dest_vdisk_name,
+                dest_vdisk_id, self._get_vdisk_params(None))
+            dest_map_device = self._scan_device(dest_properties)
+            src_vdisk_attr = self._get_vdisk_attributes(src_vdisk_name)
+            # vdisk capacity is bytes, translate into MB
+            size_in_mb = int(src_vdisk_attr['capacity']) / units.Mi
+            volume_utils.copy_volume(
+                src_map_device['path'],
+                dest_map_device['path'],
+                size_in_mb,
+                self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize)
+        except Exception:
+            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                LOG.error(_LE('_copy_vdisk_data: Failed to '
+                              'copy %(src)s to %(dest)s.')
+                          % {'src': src_vdisk_name, 'dest': dest_vdisk_name})
+        finally:
+            if not dest_map:
+                self._unmap_vdisk_from_host(dest_vdisk_name, connector)
+                self._remove_device(dest_properties, dest_map_device)
+            if not src_map:
+                self._unmap_vdisk_from_host(src_vdisk_name, connector)
+                self._remove_device(src_properties, src_map_device)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _copy_vdisk_data: %(src)s -> %(dest)s.'
+            % {'src': src_vdisk_name, 'dest': dest_vdisk_name})
+    def _create_and_copy_vdisk_data(self, src_vdisk_name, src_vdisk_id,
+                                    dest_vdisk_name, dest_vdisk_id):
+        vdisk_attr = self._get_vdisk_attributes(src_vdisk_name)
+        self._driver_assert(
+            vdisk_attr is not None,
+            (_('_create_and_copy_vdisk_data: Failed to get attributes for '
+               'vdisk %s.') % src_vdisk_name))
+        self._create_vdisk(dest_vdisk_name, vdisk_attr['capacity'], 'b', None)
+        # create a timer to lock vdisk that will be used to data copy
+        timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+            self._set_vdisk_copy_in_progress,
+            [src_vdisk_name, dest_vdisk_name])
+        timer.start(interval=self._check_lock_interval).wait()
+        timer.stop()
+        try:
+            self._copy_vdisk_data(src_vdisk_name, src_vdisk_id,
+                                  dest_vdisk_name, dest_vdisk_id)
+        finally:
+            self._unset_vdisk_copy_in_progress(
+                [src_vdisk_name, dest_vdisk_name])
+    def _create_host(self, connector):
+        """Create a new host on the storage system.
+        We create a host and associate it with the given connection
+        information.
+        """
+        LOG.debug('enter: _create_host: host %s.' % connector['host'])
+        rand_id = six.text_type(random.randint(0, 99999999)).zfill(8)
+        host_name = '%s-%s' % (self._connector_to_hostname_prefix(connector),
+                               rand_id)
+        ports = []
+        if 'FC' == self._protocol and 'wwpns' in connector:
+            for wwpn in connector['wwpns']:
+                ports.append('-hbawwpn %s' % wwpn)
+        self._driver_assert(len(ports),
+                            (_('_create_host: No connector ports.')))
+        port1 = ports.pop(0)
+        arg_name, arg_val = port1.split()
+        ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'mkhost', '-force', arg_name, arg_val, '-name',
+                   '"%s"' % host_name]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        self._assert_ssh_return('successfully created' in out,
+                                '_create_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        for port in ports:
+            arg_name, arg_val = port.split()
+            ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'addhostport', '-force',
+                       arg_name, arg_val, host_name]
+            out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+            self._assert_ssh_return(
+                (len(out.strip()) == 0),
+                '_create_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _create_host: host %(host)s - %(host_name)s.' %
+            {'host': connector['host'], 'host_name': host_name})
+        return host_name
+    def _create_vdisk(self, name, size, unit, opts):
+        """Create a new vdisk."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: _create_vdisk: vdisk %s.' % name)
+        ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'mkvdisk', '-name', name, '-mdiskgrp',
+                   FLASHSYSTEM_VOLPOOL_NAME, '-iogrp',
+                   six.text_type(FLASHSYSTEM_VOL_IOGRP),
+                   '-size', size, '-unit', unit]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        self._assert_ssh_return(len(out.strip()), '_create_vdisk',
+                                ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        # Ensure that the output is as expected
+        match_obj = re.search(
+            'Virtual Disk, id \[([0-9]+)\], successfully created', out)
+        self._driver_assert(
+            match_obj is not None,
+            (_('_create_vdisk %(name)s - did not find '
+               'success message in CLI output.\n '
+               'stdout: %(out)s\n stderr: %(err)s')
+             % {'name': name, 'out': six.text_type(out),
+                'err': six.text_type(err)}))
+        LOG.debug('leave: _create_vdisk: vdisk %s.' % name)
+    def _delete_host(self, host_name):
+        """Delete a host on the storage system."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: _delete_host: host %s.' % host_name)
+        ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'rmhost', host_name]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        # No output should be returned from rmhost
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out.strip()) == 0,
+            '_delete_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        LOG.debug('leave: _delete_host: host %s.' % host_name)
+    def _delete_vdisk(self, name, force):
+        """Deletes existing vdisks."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: _delete_vdisk: vdisk %s.' % name)
+        # Try to delete volume only if found on the storage
+        vdisk_defined = self._is_vdisk_defined(name)
+        if not vdisk_defined:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('warning: Tried to delete vdisk %s but '
+                            'it does not exist.') % name)
+            return
+        ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'rmvdisk', '-force', name]
+        if not force:
+            ssh_cmd.remove('-force')
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        # No output should be returned from rmvdisk
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out.strip()) == 0,
+            ('_delete_vdisk %(name)s') % {'name': name},
+            ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        LOG.debug('leave: _delete_vdisk: vdisk %s.' % name)
+    def _driver_assert(self, assert_condition, exception_message):
+        """Internal assertion mechanism for CLI output."""
+        if not assert_condition:
+            LOG.error(exception_message)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_message)
+    def _execute_command_and_parse_attributes(self, ssh_cmd):
+        """Execute command on the FlashSystem and parse attributes.
+        Exception is raised if the information from the system
+        can not be obtained.
+        """
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: _execute_command_and_parse_attributes: '
+            'command: %s.' % six.text_type(ssh_cmd))
+        try:
+            out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('_execute_command_and_parse_attributes: Failed to '
+                            'run command: %s.') % six.text_type(ssh_cmd))
+            # Does not raise exception when command encounters error.
+            # Only return and the upper logic decides what to do.
+            return None
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out),
+            '_execute_command_and_parse_attributes', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        attributes = {}
+        for attrib_line in out.split('\n'):
+            # If '!' not found, return the string and two empty strings
+            attrib_name, foo, attrib_value = attrib_line.partition('!')
+            if attrib_name is not None and len(attrib_name.strip()):
+                self._append_dict(attributes, attrib_name, attrib_value)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _execute_command_and_parse_attributes: '
+            'command: %(cmd)s attributes: %(attr)s.'
+            % {'cmd': six.text_type(ssh_cmd),
+               'attr': six.text_type(attributes)})
+        return attributes
+    def _find_host_exhaustive(self, connector, hosts):
+        for host in hosts:
+            ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lshost', '-delim', '!', host]
+            out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+            self._assert_ssh_return(
+                len(out.strip()),
+                '_find_host_exhaustive', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+            for attr_line in out.split('\n'):
+                # If '!' not found, return the string and two empty strings
+                attr_name, foo, attr_val = attr_line.partition('!')
+                if (attr_name == 'WWPN' and
+                        'wwpns' in connector and attr_val.lower() in
+                        map(str.lower, map(str, connector['wwpns']))):
+                    return host
+        return None
+    def _get_hdr_dic(self, header, row, delim):
+        """Return CLI row data as a dictionary indexed by names from header.
+        string. The strings are converted to columns using the delimiter in
+        delim.
+        """
+        attributes = header.split(delim)
+        values = row.split(delim)
+        self._driver_assert(
+            len(values) == len(attributes),
+            (_('_get_hdr_dic: attribute headers and values do not match.\n '
+               'Headers: %(header)s\n Values: %(row)s.')
+             % {'header': six.text_type(header), 'row': six.text_type(row)}))
+        dic = dict((a, v) for a, v in map(None, attributes, values))
+        return dic
+    def _get_conn_fc_wwpns(self):
+        wwpns = []
+        cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsportfc']
+        generator = self._port_conf_generator(cmd)
+        header = next(generator, None)
+        if not header:
+            return wwpns
+        for port_data in generator:
+            try:
+                if port_data['status'] == 'active':
+                    wwpns.append(port_data['WWPN'])
+            except KeyError:
+                self._handle_keyerror('lsportfc', header)
+        return wwpns
+    def _get_fc_wwpns(self):
+        for key in self._storage_nodes:
+            node = self._storage_nodes[key]
+            ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsnode', '-delim', '!', node['id']]
+            attributes = self._execute_command_and_parse_attributes(ssh_cmd)
+            wwpns = set(node['WWPN'])
+            for i, s in zip(attributes['port_id'], attributes['port_status']):
+                if 'unconfigured' != s:
+                    wwpns.add(i)
+            node['WWPN'] = list(wwpns)
+            LOG.info(_LI('WWPN on node %(node)s: %(wwpn)s.')
+                     % {'node': node['id'], 'wwpn': node['WWPN']})
+    def _get_host_from_connector(self, connector):
+        """List the hosts defined in the storage.
+        Return the host name with the given connection info, or None if there
+        is no host fitting that information.
+        """
+        LOG.debug('enter: _get_host_from_connector: %s.' % connector)
+        # Get list of host in the storage
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lshost', '-delim', '!']
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        if not len(out.strip()):
+            return None
+        # If we have FC information, we have a faster lookup option
+        hostname = None
+        host_lines = out.strip().split('\n')
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(host_lines),
+            '_get_host_from_connector', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        header = host_lines.pop(0).split('!')
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            'name' in header,
+            '_get_host_from_connector', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        name_index = header.index('name')
+        hosts = map(lambda x: x.split('!')[name_index], host_lines)
+        hostname = self._find_host_exhaustive(connector, hosts)
+        LOG.debug('leave: _get_host_from_connector: host %s.' % hostname)
+        return hostname
+    def _get_hostvdisk_mappings(self, host_name):
+        """Return the defined storage mappings for a host."""
+        return_data = {}
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lshostvdiskmap', '-delim', '!', host_name]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        mappings = out.strip().split('\n')
+        if len(mappings):
+            header = mappings.pop(0)
+            for mapping_line in mappings:
+                mapping_data = self._get_hdr_dic(header, mapping_line, '!')
+                return_data[mapping_data['vdisk_name']] = mapping_data
+        return return_data
+    def _get_vdisk_attributes(self, vdisk_name):
+        """Return vdisk attributes
+        Exception is raised if the information from system can not be
+        parsed/matched to a single vdisk.
+        """
+        ssh_cmd = [
+            'svcinfo', 'lsvdisk', '-bytes', '-delim', '!', vdisk_name]
+        return self._execute_command_and_parse_attributes(ssh_cmd)
+    def _get_vdiskhost_mappings(self, vdisk_name):
+        """Return the defined storage mappings for a vdisk."""
+        return_data = {}
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsvdiskhostmap', '-delim', '!', vdisk_name]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        mappings = out.strip().split('\n')
+        if len(mappings):
+            header = mappings.pop(0)
+            for mapping_line in mappings:
+                mapping_data = self._get_hdr_dic(header, mapping_line, '!')
+                return_data[mapping_data['host_name']] = mapping_data
+        return return_data
+    def _get_vdisk_map_properties(
+            self, connector, lun_id, vdisk_name, vdisk_id, vdisk_params):
+        """Get the map properties of vdisk."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: _get_vdisk_map_properties: vdisk '
+            '%(vdisk_name)s.' % {'vdisk_name': vdisk_name})
+        preferred_node = '0'
+        IO_group = '0'
+        # Get preferred node and other nodes in I/O group
+        preferred_node_entry = None
+        io_group_nodes = []
+        for k, node in self._storage_nodes.iteritems():
+            if vdisk_params['protocol'] != node['protocol']:
+                continue
+            if node['id'] == preferred_node:
+                preferred_node_entry = node
+            if node['IO_group'] == IO_group:
+                io_group_nodes.append(node)
+        if not len(io_group_nodes):
+            msg = (_('_get_vdisk_map_properties: No node found in '
+                     'I/O group %(gid)s for volume %(vol)s.')
+                   % {'gid': IO_group, 'vol': vdisk_name})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        if not preferred_node_entry and not vdisk_params['multipath']:
+            # Get 1st node in I/O group
+            preferred_node_entry = io_group_nodes[0]
+            LOG.warning(_LW('_get_vdisk_map_properties: Did not find a '
+                            'preferred node for vdisk %s.') % vdisk_name)
+        properties = {}
+        properties['target_discovered'] = False
+        properties['target_lun'] = lun_id
+        properties['volume_id'] = vdisk_id
+        type_str = 'fibre_channel'
+        conn_wwpns = self._get_conn_fc_wwpns()
+        if len(conn_wwpns) == 0:
+            msg = (_('_get_vdisk_map_properties: Could not get FC '
+                     'connection information for the host-volume '
+                     'connection. Is the host configured properly '
+                     'for FC connections?'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        properties['target_wwn'] = conn_wwpns
+        if "zvm_fcp" in connector:
+            properties['zvm_fcp'] = connector['zvm_fcp']
+        properties['initiator_target_map'] = self._build_initiator_target_map(
+            connector['wwpns'], conn_wwpns)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _get_vdisk_map_properties: vdisk '
+            '%(vdisk_name)s.' % {'vdisk_name': vdisk_name})
+        return {'driver_volume_type': type_str, 'data': properties}
+    def _get_vdisk_params(self, type_id):
+        params = self._build_default_params()
+        if type_id:
+            ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+            volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+            specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
+            for k, value in specs.iteritems():
+                # Get the scope, if using scope format
+                key_split = k.split(':')
+                if len(key_split) == 1:
+                    scope = None
+                    key = key_split[0]
+                else:
+                    scope = key_split[0]
+                    key = key_split[1]
+                # We generally do not look at capabilities in the driver, but
+                # protocol is a special case where the user asks for a given
+                # protocol and we want both the scheduler and the driver to act
+                # on the value.
+                if ((not scope or scope == 'capabilities') and
+                        key == 'storage_protocol'):
+                    scope = None
+                    key = 'protocol'
+                # Anything keys that the driver should look at should have the
+                # 'drivers' scope.
+                if scope and scope != "drivers":
+                    continue
+                if key in params:
+                    this_type = type(params[key]).__name__
+                    if this_type == 'int':
+                        value = int(value)
+                    elif this_type == 'bool':
+                        value = strutils.bool_from_string(value)
+                    params[key] = value
+        self._check_vdisk_params(params)
+        return params
+    def _handle_keyerror(self, function, header):
+        msg = (_('Did not find expected column in %(fun)s: %(hdr)s.')
+               % {'fun': function, 'hdr': header})
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+    def _is_vdisk_defined(self, vdisk_name):
+        """Check if vdisk is defined."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: _is_vdisk_defined: vdisk %s.' % vdisk_name)
+        vdisk_attributes = self._get_vdisk_attributes(vdisk_name)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _is_vdisk_defined: vdisk %(vol)s with %(str)s.'
+            % {'vol': vdisk_name, 'str': vdisk_attributes is not None})
+        if vdisk_attributes is None:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def _is_vdisk_copy_in_progress(self, vdisk_name):
+        LOG.debug(
+            '_is_vdisk_copy_in_progress: %(vdisk)s: %(vdisk_in_progress)s.'
+            % {'vdisk': vdisk_name,
+               'vdisk_in_progress':
+               six.text_type(self._vdisk_copy_in_progress)})
+        if vdisk_name not in self._vdisk_copy_in_progress:
+            LOG.debug(
+                '_is_vdisk_copy_in_progress: '
+                'vdisk copy is not in progress.')
+            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=True)
+    def _is_vdisk_map(self, vdisk_name, connector):
+        """Check if vdisk is mapped.
+        If map, return True and lun id.
+        If not map, return False and expected lun id.
+        """
+        LOG.debug('enter: _is_vdisk_map: %(src)s.' % {'src': vdisk_name})
+        map_flag = False
+        result_lun = '-1'
+        host_name = self._get_host_from_connector(connector)
+        if host_name is None:
+            return (map_flag, int(result_lun))
+        mapping_data = self._get_hostvdisk_mappings(host_name)
+        if vdisk_name in mapping_data:
+            map_flag = True
+            result_lun = mapping_data[vdisk_name]['SCSI_id']
+        else:
+            lun_used = [int(v['SCSI_id']) for v in mapping_data.values()]
+            lun_used.sort()
+            # Start from 1 due to problems with lun id being 0.
+            result_lun = 1
+            for lun_id in lun_used:
+                if result_lun < lun_id:
+                    break
+                elif result_lun == lun_id:
+                    result_lun += 1
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: _is_vdisk_map: %(src)s '
+            'mapped %(map_flag)s %(result_lun)s.'
+            % {'src': vdisk_name,
+               'map_flag': six.text_type(map_flag),
+               'result_lun': result_lun})
+        return (map_flag, int(result_lun))
+    def _log_cli_output_error(self, function, cmd, out, err):
+        LOG.error(_LE('%(fun)s: Failed with unexpected CLI output.\n '
+                      'Command: %(cmd)s\nstdout: %(out)s\nstderr: %(err)s\n')
+                  % {'fun': function,
+                     'cmd': cmd,
+                     'out': six.text_type(out),
+                     'err': six.text_type(err)})
+    def _map_vdisk_to_host(self, vdisk_name, connector):
+        """Create a mapping between a vdisk to a host."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: _map_vdisk_to_host: vdisk %(vdisk_name)s to '
+            'host %(host)s.'
+            % {'vdisk_name': vdisk_name, 'host': connector})
+        # Check if a host object is defined for this host name
+        host_name = self._get_host_from_connector(connector)
+        if host_name is None:
+            # Host does not exist - add a new host to FlashSystem
+            host_name = self._create_host(connector)
+            # Verify that create_new_host succeeded
+            self._driver_assert(
+                host_name is not None,
+                (_('_create_host failed to return the host name.')))
+        (map_flag, result_lun) = self._is_vdisk_map(vdisk_name, connector)
+        # Volume is not mapped to host, create a new LUN
+        if not map_flag:
+            ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'mkvdiskhostmap', '-host', host_name,
+                       '-scsi', six.text_type(result_lun), vdisk_name]
+            out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd, check_exit_code=False)
+            if err and err.startswith('CMMVC6071E'):
+                if not self.configuration.flashsystem_multihostmap_enabled:
+                    msg = (_('flashsystem_multihostmap_enabled is set '
+                             'to False, not allow multi host mapping. '
+                             'CMMVC6071E The VDisk-to-host mapping '
+                             'was not created because the VDisk is '
+                             'already mapped to a host.'))
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+                for i in range(len(ssh_cmd)):
+                    if ssh_cmd[i] == 'mkvdiskhostmap':
+                        ssh_cmd.insert(i + 1, '-force')
+                # try to map one volume to multiple hosts
+                out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+                LOG.info(_LI('Volume %s is mapping to multiple hosts.')
+                         % vdisk_name)
+                self._assert_ssh_return(
+                    'successfully created' in out,
+                    '_map_vdisk_to_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+            else:
+                self._assert_ssh_return(
+                    'successfully created' in out,
+                    '_map_vdisk_to_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        LOG.debug(
+            ('leave: _map_vdisk_to_host: LUN %(result_lun)s, vdisk '
+             '%(vdisk_name)s, host %(host_name)s.')
+            % {'result_lun': result_lun,
+               'vdisk_name': vdisk_name, 'host_name': host_name})
+        return int(result_lun)
+    def _port_conf_generator(self, cmd):
+        ssh_cmd = cmd + ['-delim', '!']
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        if not len(out.strip()):
+            return
+        port_lines = out.strip().split('\n')
+        if not len(port_lines):
+            return
+        header = port_lines.pop(0)
+        yield header
+        for portip_line in port_lines:
+            try:
+                port_data = self._get_hdr_dic(header, portip_line, '!')
+            except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                    self._log_cli_output_error('_port_conf_generator',
+                                               ssh_cmd, out, err)
+            yield port_data
+    def _remove_device(self, properties, device):
+        LOG.debug('enter: _remove_device')
+        if not properties or not device:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('_remove_device: invalid properties or device.'))
+            return
+        use_multipath = self.configuration.use_multipath_for_image_xfer
+        device_scan_attempts = self.configuration.num_volume_device_scan_tries
+        protocol = properties['driver_volume_type']
+        connector = utils.brick_get_connector(protocol,
+                                              use_multipath=use_multipath,
+                                              device_scan_attempts=
+                                              device_scan_attempts,
+                                              conn=properties)
+        connector.disconnect_volume(properties['data'], device)
+        LOG.debug('leave: _remove_device')
+    def _scan_device(self, properties):
+        LOG.debug('enter: _scan_device')
+        use_multipath = self.configuration.use_multipath_for_image_xfer
+        device_scan_attempts = self.configuration.num_volume_device_scan_tries
+        protocol = properties['driver_volume_type']
+        connector = utils.brick_get_connector(protocol,
+                                              use_multipath=use_multipath,
+                                              device_scan_attempts=
+                                              device_scan_attempts,
+                                              conn=properties)
+        device = connector.connect_volume(properties['data'])
+        host_device = device['path']
+        if not connector.check_valid_device(host_device):
+            msg = (_('Unable to access the backend storage '
+                     'via the path %(path)s.') % {'path': host_device})
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        return device
+        LOG.debug('leave: _scan_device')
+    def _unmap_vdisk_from_host(self, vdisk_name, connector):
+        if 'host' in connector:
+            host_name = self._get_host_from_connector(connector)
+            self._driver_assert(
+                host_name is not None,
+                (_('_get_host_from_connector failed to return the host name '
+                   'for connector.')))
+        else:
+            host_name = None
+        # Check if vdisk-host mapping exists, remove if it does. If no host
+        # name was given, but only one mapping exists, we can use that.
+        mapping_data = self._get_vdiskhost_mappings(vdisk_name)
+        if len(mapping_data) == 0:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('_unmap_vdisk_from_host: No mapping of volume '
+                            '%(vol_name)s to any host found.')
+                        % {'vol_name': vdisk_name})
+            return
+        if host_name is None:
+            if len(mapping_data) > 1:
+                LOG.warning(_LW('_unmap_vdisk_from_host: Multiple mappings of '
+                                'volume %(vdisk_name)s found, no host '
+                                'specified.')
+                            % {'vdisk_name': vdisk_name})
+                return
+            else:
+                host_name = mapping_data.keys()[0]
+        else:
+            if host_name not in mapping_data:
+                LOG.error(_LE('_unmap_vdisk_from_host: No mapping of volume '
+                              '%(vol_name)s to host %(host_name)s found.')
+                          % {'vol_name': vdisk_name, 'host_name': host_name})
+                return
+        # We have a valid host_name now
+        ssh_cmd = ['svctask', 'rmvdiskhostmap',
+                   '-host', host_name, vdisk_name]
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        # Verify CLI behaviour - no output is returned from rmvdiskhostmap
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out.strip()) == 0,
+            '_unmap_vdisk_from_host', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        # If this host has no more mappings, delete it
+        mapping_data = self._get_hostvdisk_mappings(host_name)
+        if not mapping_data:
+            self._delete_host(host_name)
+    def _update_volume_stats(self):
+        """Retrieve stats info from volume group."""
+        LOG.debug("Updating volume stats.")
+        data = {}
+        data['vendor_name'] = 'IBM'
+        data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
+        data['storage_protocol'] = self._protocol
+        data['total_capacity_gb'] = 0
+        data['free_capacity_gb'] = 0
+        data['reserved_percentage'] = self.configuration.reserved_percentage
+        data['QoS_support'] = False
+        backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+        if not backend_name:
+            backend_name = '%s_%s' % (self._system_name, pool)
+        data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsmdiskgrp', '-bytes', '-delim', '!', pool]
+        attributes = self._execute_command_and_parse_attributes(ssh_cmd)
+        if not attributes:
+            msg = (_('_update_volume_stats: Could not get storage pool data.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        data['total_capacity_gb'] = (
+            float(attributes['capacity']) / units.Gi)
+        data['free_capacity_gb'] = (
+            float(attributes['free_capacity']) / units.Gi)
+        data['easytier_support'] = False  # Do not support easy tier
+        data['location_info'] = (
+            'FlashSystemDriver:%(sys_id)s:%(pool)s'
+            % {'sys_id': self._system_id, 'pool': pool})
+        self._stats = data
+    def _set_vdisk_copy_in_progress(self, vdisk_list):
+        LOG.debug(
+            '_set_vdisk_copy_in_progress: %(vdisk)s: %(vdisk_in_progress)s.'
+            % {'vdisk': six.text_type(vdisk_list),
+               'vdisk_in_progress':
+               six.text_type(self._vdisk_copy_in_progress)})
+        get_lock = True
+        self._vdisk_copy_lock.acquire()
+        for vdisk in vdisk_list:
+            if vdisk in self._vdisk_copy_in_progress:
+                get_lock = False
+                break
+        if get_lock:
+            self._vdisk_copy_in_progress.update(vdisk_list)
+        self._vdisk_copy_lock.release()
+        if get_lock:
+            LOG.debug(
+                '_set_vdisk_copy_in_progress: %s.'
+                % six.text_type(self._vdisk_copy_in_progress))
+            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=True)
+    def _unset_vdisk_copy_in_progress(self, vdisk_list):
+        LOG.debug(
+            '_unset_vdisk_copy_in_progress: %(vdisk)s: %(vdisk_in_progress)s.'
+            % {'vdisk': six.text_type(vdisk_list),
+               'vdisk_in_progress':
+               six.text_type(self._vdisk_copy_in_progress)})
+        self._vdisk_copy_lock.acquire()
+        for vdisk in vdisk_list:
+            if vdisk in self._vdisk_copy_in_progress:
+                self._vdisk_copy_in_progress.remove(vdisk)
+        self._vdisk_copy_lock.release()
+    def _wait_vdisk_copy_completed(self, vdisk_name):
+        timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+            self._is_vdisk_copy_in_progress, vdisk_name)
+        timer.start(interval=self._check_lock_interval).wait()
+        timer.stop()
+    def do_setup(self, ctxt):
+        """Check that we have all configuration details from the storage."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: do_setup')
+        self._context = ctxt
+        # Get storage system name and id
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lssystem', '-delim', '!']
+        attributes = self._execute_command_and_parse_attributes(ssh_cmd)
+        if not attributes or not ('name' in attributes):
+            msg = (_('do_setup: Could not get system name.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        self._system_name = attributes['name']
+        self._system_id = attributes['id']
+        # Validate value of open_access_enabled flag, for now only
+        # support when open_access_enabled is off
+        if not attributes or not ('open_access_enabled' in attributes) or (
+                attributes['open_access_enabled'] != 'off'):
+            msg = (_('do_setup: open_access_enabled is not off.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        # Validate that the array exists
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsmdiskgrp', '-bytes', '-delim', '!', pool]
+        attributes = self._execute_command_and_parse_attributes(ssh_cmd)
+        if not attributes or not ('status' in attributes) or (
+                attributes['status'] == 'offline'):
+            msg = (_('do_setup: Array does not exist or is offline.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+        # Get the FC names of the FlashSystem nodes
+        ssh_cmd = ['svcinfo', 'lsnode', '-delim', '!']
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out.strip()), 'do_setup', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        nodes = out.strip().splitlines()
+        self._assert_ssh_return(len(nodes), 'do_setup', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        header = nodes.pop(0)
+        for node_line in nodes:
+            try:
+                node_data = self._get_hdr_dic(header, node_line, '!')
+            except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                    self._log_cli_output_error('do_setup', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+            node = {}
+            try:
+                node['id'] = node_data['id']
+                node['name'] = node_data['name']
+                node['IO_group'] = node_data['IO_group_id']
+                node['WWNN'] = node_data['WWNN']
+                node['status'] = node_data['status']
+                node['WWPN'] = []
+                node['protocol'] = None
+                if node['status'] == 'online':
+                    self._storage_nodes[node['id']] = node
+            except KeyError:
+                self._handle_keyerror('lsnode', header)
+        # Get the WWPNs of the FlashSystem nodes
+        self._get_fc_wwpns()
+        # For each node, check what connection modes it supports.  Delete any
+        # nodes that do not support any types (may be partially configured).
+        to_delete = []
+        for k, node in self._storage_nodes.iteritems():
+            if not len(node['WWPN']):
+                to_delete.append(k)
+        for delkey in to_delete:
+            del self._storage_nodes[delkey]
+        # Make sure we have at least one node configured
+        self._driver_assert(
+            len(self._storage_nodes),
+            'do_setup: No configured nodes.')
+        self._protocol = node['protocol'] = 'FC'
+        # Set for vdisk synchronization
+        self._vdisk_copy_in_progress = set()
+        self._vdisk_copy_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._check_lock_interval = 5
+        LOG.debug('leave: do_setup')
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        """Ensure that the flags are set properly."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: check_for_setup_error')
+        # Check that we have the system ID information
+        if self._system_name is None:
+            msg = (
+                _('check_for_setup_error: Unable to determine system name.'))
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        if self._system_id is None:
+            msg = (_('check_for_setup_error: Unable to determine system id.'))
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        required_flags = ['san_ip', 'san_ssh_port', 'san_login']
+        for flag in required_flags:
+            if not self.configuration.safe_get(flag):
+                msg = (_('%s is not set.') % flag)
+                raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+        # Ensure that either password or keyfile were set
+        if not (self.configuration.san_password or
+                self.configuration.san_private_key):
+            msg = (_('check_for_setup_error: Password or SSH private key '
+                     'is required for authentication: set either '
+                     'san_password or san_private_key option.'))
+            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+        params = self._build_default_params()
+        self._check_vdisk_params(params)
+        LOG.debug('leave: check_for_setup_error')
+    def validate_connector(self, connector):
+        """Check connector."""
+        if 'FC' != self._protocol or 'wwpns' not in connector:
+            msg = (_('The connector does not contain the '
+                     'required information.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeDriverException(data=msg)
+    def create_volume(self, volume):
+        """Create volume."""
+        vdisk_name = volume['name']
+        vdisk_params = self._get_vdisk_params(volume['volume_type_id'])
+        vdisk_size = six.text_type(volume['size'])
+        return self._create_vdisk(vdisk_name, vdisk_size, 'gb', vdisk_params)
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Delete volume."""
+        vdisk_name = volume['name']
+        self._wait_vdisk_copy_completed(vdisk_name)
+        self._delete_vdisk(vdisk_name, False)
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        """Extend volume."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: extend_volume: volume %s.' % volume['name'])
+        vdisk_name = volume['name']
+        self._wait_vdisk_copy_completed(vdisk_name)
+        extend_amt = int(new_size) - volume['size']
+        ssh_cmd = (['svctask', 'expandvdisksize', '-size',
+                   six.text_type(extend_amt), '-unit', 'gb', vdisk_name])
+        out, err = self._ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        # No output should be returned from expandvdisksize
+        self._assert_ssh_return(
+            len(out.strip()) == 0,
+            'extend_volume', ssh_cmd, out, err)
+        LOG.debug('leave: extend_volume: volume %s.' % volume['name'])
+    @fczm_utils.AddFCZone
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        """Perform the necessary work so that a FC connection can
+        be made.
+        To be able to create a FC connection from a given host to a
+        volume, we must:
+        1. Translate the given WWNN to a host name
+        2. Create new host on the storage system if it does not yet exist
+        3. Map the volume to the host if it is not already done
+        4. Return the connection information for relevant nodes (in the
+           proper I/O group)
+        """
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: initialize_connection: volume %(vol)s with '
+            'connector %(conn)s.' % {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector})
+        vdisk_name = volume['name']
+        vdisk_id = volume['id']
+        vdisk_params = self._get_vdisk_params(volume['volume_type_id'])
+        self._wait_vdisk_copy_completed(vdisk_name)
+        self._driver_assert(
+            self._is_vdisk_defined(vdisk_name),
+            (_('initialize_connection: vdisk %s is not defined.')
+             % vdisk_name))
+        lun_id = self._map_vdisk_to_host(vdisk_name, connector)
+        properties = {}
+        try:
+            properties = self._get_vdisk_map_properties(
+                connector, lun_id, vdisk_name, vdisk_id, vdisk_params)
+        except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                self.terminate_connection(volume, connector)
+                LOG.error(_LE('initialize_connection: Failed to collect '
+                              'return properties for volume %(vol)s and '
+                              'connector %(conn)s.')
+                          % {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector})
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: initialize_connection:\n volume: %(vol)s\n connector '
+            '%(conn)s\n properties: %(prop)s.'
+            % {'vol': volume,
+               'conn': connector,
+               'prop': properties})
+        return properties
+    @fczm_utils.RemoveFCZone
+    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+        """Cleanup after connection has been terminated.
+        When we clean up a terminated connection between a given connector
+        and volume, we:
+        1. Translate the given connector to a host name
+        2. Remove the volume-to-host mapping if it exists
+        3. Delete the host if it has no more mappings (hosts are created
+           automatically by this driver when mappings are created)
+        """
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: terminate_connection: volume %(vol)s with '
+            'connector %(conn)s.'
+            % {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector})
+        vdisk_name = volume['name']
+        self._wait_vdisk_copy_completed(vdisk_name)
+        self._unmap_vdisk_from_host(vdisk_name, connector)
+        properties = {}
+        conn_wwpns = self._get_conn_fc_wwpns()
+        properties['target_wwn'] = conn_wwpns
+        properties['initiator_target_map'] = self._build_initiator_target_map(
+            connector['wwpns'], conn_wwpns)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: terminate_connection: volume %(vol)s with '
+            'connector %(conn)s.' % {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector})
+        return {
+            'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+            'data': properties
+        }
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Create snapshot from volume."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: create_snapshot: create %(snap)s from %(vol)s.'
+            % {'snap': snapshot['name'], 'vol': snapshot['volume']['name']})
+        status = snapshot['volume']['status']
+        if status not in ['available', 'in-use']:
+            msg = (_(
+                'create_snapshot: Volume status must be "available" or '
+                '"in-use" for snapshot. The invalid status is %s.') % status)
+            raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg)
+        self._create_and_copy_vdisk_data(snapshot['volume']['name'],
+                                         snapshot['volume']['id'],
+                                         snapshot['name'],
+                                         snapshot['id'])
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: create_snapshot: create %(snap)s from %(vol)s.'
+            % {'snap': snapshot['name'], 'vol': snapshot['volume']['name']})
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Delete snapshot."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: delete_snapshot: delete %(snap)s.'
+            % {'snap': snapshot['name']})
+        self._wait_vdisk_copy_completed(snapshot['name'])
+        self._delete_vdisk(snapshot['name'], False)
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: delete_snapshot: delete %(snap)s.'
+            % {'snap': snapshot['name']})
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Create volume from snapshot."""
+        LOG.debug(
+            'enter: create_volume_from_snapshot: create %(vol)s from '
+            '%(snap)s.' % {'vol': volume['name'], 'snap': snapshot['name']})
+        if volume['size'] != snapshot['volume_size']:
+            msg = (_('create_volume_from_snapshot: Volume size is different '
+                     'from snapshot based volume.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+        status = snapshot['status']
+        if status != 'available':
+            msg = (_('create_volume_from_snapshot: Snapshot status '
+                     'must be "available" for creating volume. '
+                     'The invalid status is: %s.') % status)
+            raise exception.InvalidSnapshot(msg)
+        self._create_and_copy_vdisk_data(snapshot['name'],
+                                         snapshot['id'],
+                                         volume['name'],
+                                         volume['id'])
+        LOG.debug(
+            'leave: create_volume_from_snapshot: create %(vol)s from '
+            '%(snap)s.' % {'vol': volume['name'], 'snap': snapshot['name']})
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_volume):
+        """Create volume from a source volume."""
+        LOG.debug('enter: create_cloned_volume: create %(vol)s from %(src)s.'
+                  % {'src': src_volume['name'], 'vol': volume['name']})
+        if src_volume['size'] != volume['size']:
+            msg = (_('create_cloned_volume: Source and destination '
+                     'size differ.'))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+        self._create_and_copy_vdisk_data(src_volume['name'],
+                                         src_volume['id'],
+                                         volume['name'],
+                                         volume['id'])
+        LOG.debug('leave: create_cloned_volume: create %(vol)s from %(src)s.'
+                  % {'src': src_volume['name'], 'vol': volume['name']})
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        """Get volume stats.
+        If we haven't gotten stats yet or 'refresh' is True,
+        run update the stats first.
+        """
+        if not self._stats or refresh:
+            self._update_volume_stats()
+        return self._stats
index 47842bfa9f91913c9a2936687c1b3b317193a224..92f5f2b0d2bdfe6b037b997bc763a4275137b4f9 100644 (file)
+# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.ibm.flashsystem
+# Connection protocol should be FC. (string value)
+# Connect with multipath (FC only). (boolean value)
+# Allows vdisk to multi host mapping. (boolean value)
 # Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.ibm.gpfs