]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/neutron-build.git/commitdiff
Router is not unscheduled when the last port is deleted
authorStephen Ma <stephen.ma@hp.com>
Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:31:33 +0000 (23:31 +0000)
committerStephen Ma <stephen.ma@hp.com>
Fri, 10 Apr 2015 01:12:01 +0000 (01:12 +0000)
When checking for ports that are still in use on a DVR router,
the L3 agent scheduler makes the assumption that a port's
network must be owned by the same tenant. This isn't always
true as the admin could have created a shared network that
other tenants may use. The result of this assumption is that
the router associated with the shared network may not be
unscheduled from a VM host when the last VM (created by a
non-admin tenant) using the shared network is deleted from
the compute node.

The owner of a VM may not own all the ports of a shared
network.  Other tenants may have VMs using the same shared
network running on the same compute node. Also the VM owner
may not own the router ports. In order to check whether a
router can be unscheduled from a node has to be run with
admin context so all the ports associated with router are
returned from database queries.

This patch fixes this problem by using the admin context to
make the queries needed for the DVR scheduler to make the
correct unschedule decision.

Change-Id: I45477713d7ce16f2451fa6fbe04c610388b06867
Closes-bug: #1424096


index 887abdea443fc5fdc0c3b05b001ca62188213807..6dd4e7807ef0868a22bb1dd62ee3105e74ea0ed5 100644 (file)
@@ -162,8 +162,10 @@ class L3_DVRsch_db_mixin(l3agent_sch_db.L3AgentSchedulerDbMixin):
     def dvr_deletens_if_no_port(self, context, port_id):
         """Delete the DVR namespace if no dvr serviced port exists."""
-        router_ids = self.get_dvr_routers_by_portid(context, port_id)
-        port_host = ml2_db.get_port_binding_host(context.session, port_id)
+        admin_context = context.elevated()
+        router_ids = self.get_dvr_routers_by_portid(admin_context, port_id)
+        port_host = ml2_db.get_port_binding_host(admin_context.session,
+                                                 port_id)
         if not router_ids:
             LOG.debug('No namespaces available for this DVR port %(port)s '
                       'on host %(host)s', {'port': port_id,
@@ -171,10 +173,11 @@ class L3_DVRsch_db_mixin(l3agent_sch_db.L3AgentSchedulerDbMixin):
             return []
         removed_router_info = []
         for router_id in router_ids:
-            subnet_ids = self.get_subnet_ids_on_router(context, router_id)
+            subnet_ids = self.get_subnet_ids_on_router(admin_context,
+                                                       router_id)
             port_exists_on_subnet = False
             for subnet in subnet_ids:
-                if self.check_ports_active_on_host_and_subnet(context,
+                if self.check_ports_active_on_host_and_subnet(admin_context,
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ class L3_DVRsch_db_mixin(l3agent_sch_db.L3AgentSchedulerDbMixin):
             int_ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(
-                context, filters=filter_rtr)
+                admin_context, filters=filter_rtr)
             for prt in int_ports:
                 dvr_binding = (ml2_db.
index a68d2e70874f00f03bff1d74a3008a4607db28df..2d7f899b4c7cea37acc9f8a4490e5b07c5a4a71b 100644 (file)
@@ -86,6 +86,56 @@ class FakeL3Scheduler(l3_agent_scheduler.L3Scheduler):
+class FakePortDB(object):
+    def __init__(self, port_list):
+        self._port_list = port_list
+    def _get_query_answer(self, port_list, filters):
+        answers = []
+        for port in port_list:
+            matched = True
+            for key, search_values in filters.items():
+                port_value = port.get(key, None)
+                if not port_value:
+                    matched = False
+                    break
+                if isinstance(port_value, list):
+                    sub_answers = self._get_query_answer(port_value,
+                                                         search_values)
+                    matched = len(sub_answers) > 0
+                else:
+                    matched = port_value in search_values
+                if not matched:
+                    break
+            if matched:
+                answers.append(port)
+        return answers
+    def get_port(self, context, port_id):
+        for port in self._port_list:
+            if port['id'] == port_id:
+                if port['tenant_id'] == context.tenant_id or context.is_admin:
+                    return port
+                break
+        return None
+    def get_ports(self, context, filters=None):
+        query_filters = dict()
+        if filters:
+            query_filters.update(filters)
+        if not context.is_admin:
+            query_filters['tenant_id'] = [context.tenant_id]
+        result = self._get_query_answer(self._port_list, query_filters)
+        return result
 class L3SchedulerBaseTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -1048,6 +1098,196 @@ class L3DvrSchedulerTestCase(testlib_api.SqlTestCase):
+    def _create_port(self, port_name, tenant_id, host, subnet_id, ip_address,
+                     status='ACTIVE',
+                     device_owner='compute:nova'):
+        return {
+            'id': port_name + '-port-id',
+            'tenant_id': tenant_id,
+            'device_id': port_name,
+            'device_owner': device_owner,
+            'status': status,
+            'binding:host_id': host,
+            'fixed_ips': [
+                {
+                    'subnet_id': subnet_id,
+                    'ip_address': ip_address
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    def test_dvr_deletens_if_no_port_no_routers(self):
+        # Delete a vm port, the port subnet has no router interface.
+        vm_tenant_id = 'tenant-1'
+        my_context = q_context.Context('user-1', vm_tenant_id, is_admin=False)
+        vm_port_host = 'compute-node-1'
+        vm_port = self._create_port(
+            'deleted-vm', vm_tenant_id, vm_port_host,
+            'shared-subnet', '',
+            status='INACTIVE')
+        vm_port_id = vm_port['id']
+        fakePortDB = FakePortDB([vm_port])
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(my_context, 'elevated',
+                              return_value=self.adminContext),
+            mock.patch('neutron.plugins.ml2.db.'
+                       'get_port_binding_host', return_value=vm_port_host),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_ports', side_effect=fakePortDB.get_ports),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_port', return_value=vm_port)) as (
+                _, mock_get_port_binding_host, _, _):
+            routers = self.dut.dvr_deletens_if_no_port(my_context, vm_port_id)
+            self.assertEqual([], routers)
+            mock_get_port_binding_host.assert_called_once_with(
+                self.adminContext.session, vm_port_id)
+    def test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_no_removeable_routers(self):
+        # A VM port is deleted, but the router can't be unscheduled from the
+        # compute node because there is another VM port present.
+        vm_tenant_id = 'tenant-1'
+        my_context = q_context.Context('user-1', vm_tenant_id, is_admin=False)
+        shared_subnet_id = '80947d4a-fbc8-484b-9f92-623a6bfcf3e0',
+        vm_port_host = 'compute-node-1'
+        dvr_port = self._create_port(
+            'dvr-router', 'admin-tenant', vm_port_host,
+            shared_subnet_id, '',
+            device_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE)
+        deleted_vm_port = self._create_port(
+            'deleted-vm', vm_tenant_id, vm_port_host,
+            shared_subnet_id, '',
+            status='INACTIVE')
+        deleted_vm_port_id = deleted_vm_port['id']
+        running_vm_port = self._create_port(
+            'running-vn', 'tenant-2', vm_port_host,
+            shared_subnet_id, '')
+        fakePortDB = FakePortDB([running_vm_port, deleted_vm_port, dvr_port])
+        vm_port_binding = {
+            'port_id': deleted_vm_port_id,
+            'host': vm_port_host
+        }
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(my_context, 'elevated',
+                              return_value=self.adminContext),
+            mock.patch('neutron.plugins.ml2.db.get_port_binding_host',
+                       return_value=vm_port_host),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_port', side_effect=fakePortDB.get_port),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_ports', side_effect=fakePortDB.get_ports),
+            mock.patch('neutron.plugins.ml2.db.get_dvr_port_binding_by_host',
+                       return_value=vm_port_binding)) as (_,
+                mock_get_port_binding_host, _,
+                mock_get_ports,
+                mock_get_dvr_port_binding_by_host):
+            routers = self.dut.dvr_deletens_if_no_port(
+                my_context, deleted_vm_port_id)
+            self.assertEqual([], routers)
+            mock_get_port_binding_host.assert_called_once_with(
+                self.adminContext.session, deleted_vm_port_id)
+            self.assertTrue(mock_get_ports.called)
+            self.assertFalse(mock_get_dvr_port_binding_by_host.called)
+    def _test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_delete_routers(self,
+                                                      vm_tenant,
+                                                      router_tenant):
+        class FakeAgent(object):
+            def __init__(self, id, host, agent_type):
+                self.id = id
+                self.host = host
+                self.agent_type = agent_type
+        my_context = q_context.Context('user-1', vm_tenant, is_admin=False)
+        shared_subnet_id = '80947d4a-fbc8-484b-9f92-623a6bfcf3e0',
+        vm_port_host = 'compute-node-1'
+        router_id = 'dvr-router'
+        dvr_port = self._create_port(
+            router_id, router_tenant, vm_port_host,
+            shared_subnet_id, '',
+            device_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE)
+        dvr_port_id = dvr_port['id']
+        deleted_vm_port = self._create_port(
+            'deleted-vm', vm_tenant, vm_port_host,
+            shared_subnet_id, '',
+            status='INACTIVE')
+        deleted_vm_port_id = deleted_vm_port['id']
+        running_vm_port = self._create_port(
+             'running-vn', vm_tenant, 'compute-node-2',
+             shared_subnet_id, '')
+        fakePortDB = FakePortDB([running_vm_port, dvr_port, deleted_vm_port])
+        dvr_port_binding = {
+            'port_id': dvr_port_id, 'host': vm_port_host
+        }
+        agent_id = 'l3-agent-on-compute-node-1'
+        l3_agent_on_vm_host = FakeAgent(agent_id,
+                                        vm_port_host,
+                                        constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3)
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(my_context, 'elevated',
+                              return_value=self.adminContext),
+            mock.patch('neutron.plugins.ml2.db.get_port_binding_host',
+                       return_value=vm_port_host),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_port', side_effect=fakePortDB.get_port),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.'
+                       'get_ports', side_effect=fakePortDB.get_ports),
+            mock.patch('neutron.plugins.ml2.db.get_dvr_port_binding_by_host',
+                       return_value=dvr_port_binding),
+            mock.patch('neutron.db.agents_db.AgentDbMixin.'
+                       '_get_agent_by_type_and_host',
+                       return_value=l3_agent_on_vm_host)) as (_,
+                mock_get_port_binding_host, _,
+                mock_get_ports,
+                mock_get_dvr_port_binding_by_host,
+                mock__get_agent_by_type_and_host):
+            routers = self.dut.dvr_deletens_if_no_port(
+                my_context, deleted_vm_port_id)
+            expected_router = {
+                'router_id': router_id,
+                'host': vm_port_host,
+                'agent_id': agent_id
+            }
+            self.assertEqual([expected_router], routers)
+            mock_get_port_binding_host.assert_called_once_with(
+                self.adminContext.session, deleted_vm_port_id)
+            self.assertTrue(mock_get_ports.called)
+            mock_get_dvr_port_binding_by_host.assert_called_once_with(
+                my_context.session, dvr_port_id, vm_port_host)
+    def test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_delete_admin_routers(self):
+        # test to see whether the last VM using a router created
+        # by the admin will be unscheduled on the compute node
+        self._test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_delete_routers(
+            'tenant-1', 'admin-tenant')
+    def test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_delete_tenant_routers(self):
+        # test to see whether the last VM using a tenant's private
+        # router will be unscheduled on the compute node
+        self._test_dvr_deletens_if_no_ports_delete_routers(
+            'tenant-1', 'tenant-1')
     def test_dvr_serviced_dhcp_port_exists_on_subnet(self):
         dhcp_port = {
                 'id': 'dhcp-port1',