The base Cinder Driver combines the Attach process and the
actual Connect process all under the Attach method. This makes
sense, but the method can be split between the parts that perform
things like DB updates and RPC calls and those that just take iqn
info and actually make connections to the Cinder Volume Node.
This would allow Drivers to utilize the connector portion of the
code to add enhancements of their own.
Change-Id: I9e3cd24dc978e7c7672bf1eb09626428d2ba144d
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=ex_msg)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ return self._connect_device(conn)
+ def _connect_device(self, conn):
# Use Brick's code to do attach/detach
use_multipath = self.configuration.use_multipath_for_image_xfer
device_scan_attempts = self.configuration.num_volume_device_scan_tries