--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 HGST Inc
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import mock
+from oslo_concurrency import processutils
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.hgst import HGSTDriver
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HGSTTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ # Need to mock these since we use them on driver creation
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def setUp(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Set up UUT and all the flags required for later fake_executes."""
+ super(HGSTTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.stubs.Set(processutils, 'execute', self._fake_execute)
+ self._fail_vgc_cluster = False
+ self._fail_ip = False
+ self._fail_network_list = False
+ self._fail_domain_list = False
+ self._empty_domain_list = False
+ self._fail_host_storage = False
+ self._fail_space_list = False
+ self._fail_space_delete = False
+ self._fail_set_apphosts = False
+ self._fail_extend = False
+ self._request_cancel = False
+ self._return_blocked = 0
+ self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.configuration.safe_get = self._fake_safe_get
+ self._reset_configuration()
+ self.driver = HGSTDriver(configuration=self.configuration,
+ execute=self._fake_execute)
+ def _fake_safe_get(self, value):
+ """Don't throw exception on missing parameters, return None."""
+ try:
+ val = getattr(self.configuration, value)
+ except AttributeError:
+ val = None
+ return val
+ def _reset_configuration(self):
+ """Set safe and sane values for config params."""
+ self.configuration.num_volume_device_scan_tries = 1
+ self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize = '1M'
+ self.configuration.volume_backend_name = 'hgst-1'
+ self.configuration.hgst_storage_servers = 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0'
+ self.configuration.hgst_net = 'net1'
+ self.configuration.hgst_redundancy = '0'
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_user = 'kane'
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_group = 'xanadu'
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_mode = '0777'
+ def _parse_space_create(self, *cmd):
+ """Eats a vgc-cluster space-create command line to a dict."""
+ self.created = {'storageserver': ''}
+ cmd = list(*cmd)
+ while cmd:
+ param = cmd.pop(0)
+ if param == "-n":
+ self.created['name'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "-N":
+ self.created['net'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "-s":
+ self.created['size'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "--redundancy":
+ self.created['redundancy'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "--user":
+ self.created['user'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "--user":
+ self.created['user'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "--group":
+ self.created['group'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "--mode":
+ self.created['mode'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "-S":
+ self.created['storageserver'] += cmd.pop(0) + ","
+ else:
+ pass
+ def _parse_space_extend(self, *cmd):
+ """Eats a vgc-cluster space-extend commandline to a dict."""
+ self.extended = {'storageserver': ''}
+ cmd = list(*cmd)
+ while cmd:
+ param = cmd.pop(0)
+ if param == "-n":
+ self.extended['name'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "-s":
+ self.extended['size'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ elif param == "-S":
+ self.extended['storageserver'] += cmd.pop(0) + ","
+ else:
+ pass
+ if self._fail_extend:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ else:
+ return '', ''
+ def _parse_space_delete(self, *cmd):
+ """Eats a vgc-cluster space-delete commandline to a dict."""
+ self.deleted = {}
+ cmd = list(*cmd)
+ while cmd:
+ param = cmd.pop(0)
+ if param == "-n":
+ self.deleted['name'] = cmd.pop(0)
+ else:
+ pass
+ if self._fail_space_delete:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ else:
+ return '', ''
+ def _parse_space_list(self, *cmd):
+ """Eats a vgc-cluster space-list commandline to a dict."""
+ json = False
+ nameOnly = False
+ cmd = list(*cmd)
+ while cmd:
+ param = cmd.pop(0)
+ if param == "--json":
+ json = True
+ elif param == "--name-only":
+ nameOnly = True
+ elif param == "-n":
+ pass # Don't use the name here...
+ else:
+ pass
+ if self._fail_space_list:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ elif nameOnly:
+ return "space1\nspace2\nvolume1\n", ''
+ elif json:
+ return HGST_SPACE_JSON, ''
+ else:
+ return '', ''
+ def _parse_network_list(self, *cmd):
+ """Eat a network-list command and return error or results."""
+ if self._fail_network_list:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ else:
+ return NETWORK_LIST, ''
+ def _parse_domain_list(self, *cmd):
+ """Eat a domain-list command and return error, empty, or results."""
+ if self._fail_domain_list:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ elif self._empty_domain_list:
+ return '', ''
+ else:
+ return "thisserver\nthatserver\nanotherserver\n", ''
+ def _fake_execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
+ """Sudo hook to catch commands to allow running on all hosts."""
+ cmdlist = list(cmd)
+ exe = cmdlist.pop(0)
+ if exe == 'vgc-cluster':
+ exe = cmdlist.pop(0)
+ if exe == "request-cancel":
+ self._request_cancel = True
+ if self._return_blocked > 0:
+ return 'Request cancelled', ''
+ else:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ elif self._fail_vgc_cluster:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ elif exe == "--version":
+ return "HGST Solutions V2.5.0.0.x.x.x.x.x", ''
+ elif exe == "space-list":
+ return self._parse_space_list(cmdlist)
+ elif exe == "space-create":
+ self._parse_space_create(cmdlist)
+ if self._return_blocked > 0:
+ self._return_blocked = self._return_blocked - 1
+ out = "VGC_CREATE_000002\nBLOCKED\n"
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out,
+ exit_code=1)
+ return '', ''
+ elif exe == "space-delete":
+ return self._parse_space_delete(cmdlist)
+ elif exe == "space-extend":
+ return self._parse_space_extend(cmdlist)
+ elif exe == "host-storage":
+ if self._fail_host_storage:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ return HGST_HOST_STORAGE, ''
+ elif exe == "domain-list":
+ return self._parse_domain_list()
+ elif exe == "network-list":
+ return self._parse_network_list()
+ elif exe == "space-set-apphosts":
+ if self._fail_set_apphosts:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ return '', ''
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ elif exe == 'ip':
+ if self._fail_ip:
+ raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1)
+ else:
+ return IP_OUTPUT, ''
+ elif exe == 'dd':
+ self.dd_count = -1
+ for p in cmdlist:
+ if 'count=' in p:
+ self.dd_count = int(p[6:])
+ return DD_OUTPUT, ''
+ else:
+ return '', ''
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_vgc_cluster_not_present(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when vgc-cluster returns an error."""
+ # Should pass
+ self._fail_vgc_cluster = False
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exception
+ self._fail_vgc_cluster = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_redundancy_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam,
+ mock_pwnam):
+ """Test when hgst_redundancy config parameter not 0 or 1."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exceptions
+ self.configuration.hgst_redundancy = ''
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ self.configuration.hgst_redundancy = 'Fred'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_user_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when hgst_space_user doesn't map to UNIX user."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exceptions
+ mock_pwnam.side_effect = KeyError()
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_user = ''
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_user = 'Fred!`'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_group_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when hgst_space_group doesn't map to UNIX group."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exceptions
+ mock_grnam.side_effect = KeyError()
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_group = ''
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_group = 'Fred!`'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_mode_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when mode for created spaces isn't proper format."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exceptions
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_mode = ''
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ self.configuration.hgst_space_mode = 'Fred'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_net_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when hgst_net not in the domain."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Should throw exceptions
+ self._fail_network_list = True
+ self.configuration.hgst_net = 'Fred'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ self._fail_network_list = False
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_ip_addr_fails(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when IP ADDR command fails."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Throw exception, need to clear internal cached host in driver
+ self._fail_ip = True
+ self.driver._vgc_host = None
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_domain_list_fails(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when domain-list fails for the domain."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Throw exception, need to clear internal cached host in driver
+ self._fail_domain_list = True
+ self.driver._vgc_host = None
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_not_in_domain(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam, mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when Cinder host not domain member."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Throw exception, need to clear internal cached host in driver
+ self._empty_domain_list = True
+ self.driver._vgc_host = None
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ @mock.patch('pwd.getpwnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('grp.getgrnam', return_value=1)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_parameter_storageservers_invalid(self, mock_ghn, mock_grnam,
+ mock_pwnam):
+ """Test exception when the storage servers are invalid/missing."""
+ # Should pass
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ # Storage_hosts missing
+ self.configuration.hgst_storage_servers = ''
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ # missing a : between host and devnode
+ self.configuration.hgst_storage_servers = 'stor1,stor2'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ # missing a : between host and devnode
+ self.configuration.hgst_storage_servers = 'stor1:gbd0,stor2'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ # Host not in cluster
+ self.configuration.hgst_storage_servers = 'stor1:gbd0'
+ self._fail_host_storage = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+ def test_update_volume_stats(self):
+ """Get cluster space available, should pass."""
+ actual = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.assertEqual('HGST', actual['vendor_name'])
+ self.assertEqual('hgst', actual['storage_protocol'])
+ self.assertEqual(90, actual['total_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(87, actual['free_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, actual['reserved_percentage'])
+ def test_update_volume_stats_redundancy(self):
+ """Get cluster space available, half-sized - 1 for mirrors."""
+ self.configuration.hgst_redundancy = '1'
+ actual = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.assertEqual('HGST', actual['vendor_name'])
+ self.assertEqual('hgst', actual['storage_protocol'])
+ self.assertEqual(44, actual['total_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(43, actual['free_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, actual['reserved_percentage'])
+ def test_update_volume_stats_cached(self):
+ """Get cached cluster space, should not call executable."""
+ self._fail_host_storage = True
+ actual = self.driver.get_volume_stats(False)
+ self.assertEqual('HGST', actual['vendor_name'])
+ self.assertEqual('hgst', actual['storage_protocol'])
+ self.assertEqual(90, actual['total_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(87, actual['free_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, actual['reserved_percentage'])
+ def test_update_volume_stats_error(self):
+ """Test that when host-storage gives an error, return unknown."""
+ self._fail_host_storage = True
+ actual = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.assertEqual('HGST', actual['vendor_name'])
+ self.assertEqual('hgst', actual['storage_protocol'])
+ self.assertEqual('unknown', actual['total_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual('unknown', actual['free_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, actual['reserved_percentage'])
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_volume(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test volume creation, ensure appropriate size expansion/name."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10}
+ ret = self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ expected = {'redundancy': '0', 'group': 'xanadu',
+ 'name': 'volume10', 'mode': '0777',
+ 'user': 'kane', 'net': 'net1',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,',
+ 'size': '12'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.created)
+ # Check the returned provider, note the the provider_id is hashed
+ expected_pid = {'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_pid, ret)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_volume_name_creation_fail(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test volume creation exception when can't make a hashed name."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10}
+ self._fail_space_list = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.create_volume, volume)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_snapshot(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test creating a snapshot, ensure full data of original copied."""
+ # Now snapshot the volume and check commands
+ snapshot = {'volume_name': 'volume10', 'volume_size': 10,
+ 'volume_id': 'xxx', 'display_name': 'snap10',
+ 'name': '123abc', 'volume_size': 10, 'id': '123abc',
+ 'volume': {'provider_id': 'space10'}}
+ ret = self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ # We must copy entier underlying storage, ~12GB, not just 10GB
+ self.assertEqual(11444, self.dd_count)
+ # Check space-create command
+ expected = {'redundancy': '0', 'group': 'xanadu',
+ 'name': snapshot['display_name'], 'mode': '0777',
+ 'user': 'kane', 'net': 'net1',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,',
+ 'size': '12'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.created)
+ # Check the returned provider
+ expected_pid = {'provider_id': 'snap10'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_pid, ret)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_cloned_volume(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test creating a clone, ensure full size is copied from original."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ orig = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'space_orig'}
+ clone = {'id': '2', 'name': 'clone1', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10}
+ pid = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(clone, orig)
+ # We must copy entier underlying storage, ~12GB, not just 10GB
+ self.assertEqual(11444, self.dd_count)
+ # Check space-create command
+ expected = {'redundancy': '0', 'group': 'xanadu',
+ 'name': 'clone1', 'mode': '0777',
+ 'user': 'kane', 'net': 'net1',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,',
+ 'size': '12'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.created)
+ # Check the returned provider
+ expected_pid = {'provider_id': 'clone1'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_pid, pid)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_add_cinder_apphosts_fails(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test exception when set-apphost can't connect volume to host."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ orig = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'space_orig'}
+ clone = {'id': '2', 'name': 'clone1', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10}
+ self._fail_set_apphosts = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.create_cloned_volume, clone, orig)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test creating volume from snapshot, ensure full space copy."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ snap = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'space_orig'}
+ volume = {'id': '2', 'name': 'volume2', 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'], 'size': 10}
+ pid = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snap)
+ # We must copy entier underlying storage, ~12GB, not just 10GB
+ self.assertEqual(11444, self.dd_count)
+ # Check space-create command
+ expected = {'redundancy': '0', 'group': 'xanadu',
+ 'name': 'volume2', 'mode': '0777',
+ 'user': 'kane', 'net': 'net1',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,',
+ 'size': '12'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.created)
+ # Check the returned provider
+ expected_pid = {'provider_id': 'volume2'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_pid, pid)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_volume_blocked(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test volume creation where only initial space-create is blocked.
+ This should actually pass because we are blocked byt return an error
+ in request-cancel, meaning that it got unblocked before we could kill
+ the space request.
+ """
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10}
+ self._return_blocked = 1 # Block & fail cancel => create succeeded
+ ret = self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ expected = {'redundancy': '0', 'group': 'xanadu',
+ 'name': 'volume10', 'mode': '0777',
+ 'user': 'kane', 'net': 'net1',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,',
+ 'size': '12'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.created)
+ # Check the returned provider
+ expected_pid = {'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_pid, ret)
+ self.assertEqual(True, self._request_cancel)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_create_volume_blocked_and_fail(self, mock_ghn):
+ """Test volume creation where space-create blocked permanently.
+ This should fail because the initial create was blocked and the
+ request-cancel succeeded, meaning the create operation never
+ completed.
+ """
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10}
+ self._return_blocked = 2 # Block & pass cancel => create failed. :(
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.create_volume, volume)
+ self.assertEqual(True, self._request_cancel)
+ def test_delete_volume(self):
+ """Test deleting existing volume, ensure proper name used."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ expected = {'name': 'volume10'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.deleted)
+ def test_delete_volume_failure_modes(self):
+ """Test cases where space-delete fails, but OS delete is still OK."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self._fail_space_delete = True
+ # This should not throw an exception, space-delete failure not problem
+ self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ self._fail_space_delete = False
+ volume['provider_id'] = None
+ # This should also not throw an exception
+ self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+ """Test deleting a snapshot, ensure proper name is removed."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ snapshot = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'snap10'}
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ expected = {'name': 'snap10'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.deleted)
+ def test_extend_volume(self):
+ """Test extending a volume, check the size in GB vs. GiB."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.extended = {'name': '', 'size': '0',
+ 'storageserver': ''}
+ self.driver.extend_volume(volume, 12)
+ expected = {'name': 'volume10', 'size': '2',
+ 'storageserver': 'stor1:gbd0,stor2:gbd0,'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.extended)
+ def test_extend_volume_noextend(self):
+ """Test extending a volume where Space does not need to be enlarged.
+ Because Spaces are generated somewhat larger than the requested size
+ from OpenStack due to the base10(HGST)/base2(OS) mismatch, they can
+ sometimes be larger than requested from OS. In that case a
+ volume_extend may actually be a noop since the volume is already large
+ enough to satisfy OS's request.
+ """
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.extended = {'name': '', 'size': '0',
+ 'storageserver': ''}
+ self.driver.extend_volume(volume, 10)
+ expected = {'name': '', 'size': '0',
+ 'storageserver': ''}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, self.extended)
+ def test_space_list_fails(self):
+ """Test exception is thrown when we can't call space-list."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.extended = {'name': '', 'size': '0',
+ 'storageserver': ''}
+ self._fail_space_list = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.extend_volume, volume, 12)
+ def test_cli_error_not_blocked(self):
+ """Test the _blocked handler's handlinf of a non-blocked error.
+ The _handle_blocked handler is called on any process errors in the
+ code. If the error was not caused by a blocked command condition
+ (syntax error, out of space, etc.) then it should just throw the
+ exception and not try and retry the command.
+ """
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ extra_specs = {}
+ type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'hgst-1', extra_specs)
+ volume = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+ 'display_name': '',
+ 'volume_type_id': type_ref['id'],
+ 'size': 10,
+ 'provider_id': 'volume10'}
+ self.extended = {'name': '', 'size': '0',
+ 'storageserver': ''}
+ self._fail_extend = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
+ self.driver.extend_volume, volume, 12)
+ self.assertEqual(False, self._request_cancel)
+ @mock.patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value='')
+ def test_initialize_connection(self, moch_ghn):
+ """Test that the connection_info for Nova makes sense."""
+ volume = {'name': '123', 'provider_id': 'spacey'}
+ conn = self.driver.initialize_connection(volume, None)
+ expected = {'name': 'spacey', 'noremovehost': 'thisserver'}
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected, conn['data'])
+# Below are some command outputs we emulate
+IP_OUTPUT = """
+3: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state
+ link/ether 00:25:90:d9:18:09 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ inet brd scope global em2
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ inet6 fe80::225:90ff:fed9:1809/64 scope link
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
+ link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ inet scope host lo
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ inet scope link lo
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ inet6 ::1/128 scope host
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+2: em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master
+ link/ether 00:25:90:d9:18:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ inet6 fe80::225:90ff:fed9:1808/64 scope link
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ "hostStatus": [
+ {
+ "node": "tm33.virident.info",
+ "up": true,
+ "isManager": true,
+ "cardStatus": [
+ {
+ "cardName": "/dev/sda3",
+ "cardSerialNumber": "002f09b4037a9d521c007ee4esda3",
+ "cardStatus": "Good",
+ "cardStateDetails": "Normal",
+ "cardActionRequired": "",
+ "cardTemperatureC": 0,
+ "deviceType": "Generic",
+ "cardTemperatureState": "Safe",
+ "partitionStatus": [
+ {
+ "partName": "/dev/gbd0",
+ "partitionState": "READY",
+ "usableCapacityBytes": 98213822464,
+ "totalReadBytes": 0,
+ "totalWriteBytes": 0,
+ "remainingLifePCT": 100,
+ "flashReservesLeftPCT": 100,
+ "fmc": true,
+ "vspaceCapacityAvailable": 94947041280,
+ "vspaceReducedCapacityAvailable": 87194279936,
+ "_partitionID": "002f09b4037a9d521c007ee4esda3:0",
+ "_usedSpaceBytes": 3266781184,
+ "_enabledSpaceBytes": 3266781184,
+ "_disabledSpaceBytes": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "driverStatus": {
+ "vgcdriveDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vhaDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vcacheDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vlvmDriverLoaded": true,
+ "ipDataProviderLoaded": true,
+ "ibDataProviderLoaded": false,
+ "driverUptimeSecs": 4800,
+ "rVersion": "20368.d55ec22.master"
+ },
+ "totalCapacityBytes": 98213822464,
+ "totalUsedBytes": 3266781184,
+ "totalEnabledBytes": 3266781184,
+ "totalDisabledBytes": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "tm32.virident.info",
+ "up": true,
+ "isManager": false,
+ "cardStatus": [],
+ "driverStatus": {
+ "vgcdriveDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vhaDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vcacheDriverLoaded": true,
+ "vlvmDriverLoaded": true,
+ "ipDataProviderLoaded": true,
+ "ibDataProviderLoaded": false,
+ "driverUptimeSecs": 0,
+ "rVersion": "20368.d55ec22.master"
+ },
+ "totalCapacityBytes": 0,
+ "totalUsedBytes": 0,
+ "totalEnabledBytes": 0,
+ "totalDisabledBytes": 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "totalCapacityBytes": 98213822464,
+ "totalUsedBytes": 3266781184,
+ "totalEnabledBytes": 3266781184,
+ "totalDisabledBytes": 0
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "resourceType": "vLVM-L",
+ "resourceID": "vLVM-L:698cdb43-54da-863e-1699-294a080ce4db",
+ "state": "OFFLINE",
+ "instanceStates": {},
+ "redundancy": 0,
+ "sizeBytes": 12000000000,
+ "name": "volume10",
+ "nodes": [],
+ "networks": [
+ "net1"
+ ],
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "resourceType": "vLVM-S",
+ "resourceID": "vLVM-S:698cdb43-54da-863e-eb10-6275f47b8ed2",
+ "redundancy": 0,
+ "order": 0,
+ "sizeBytes": 12000000000,
+ "numStripes": 1,
+ "stripeSizeBytes": null,
+ "name": "volume10s00",
+ "state": "OFFLINE",
+ "instanceStates": {},
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "name": "volume10h00",
+ "resourceType": "vHA",
+ "resourceID": "vHA:3e86da54-40db-8c69-0300-0000ac10476e",
+ "redundancy": 0,
+ "sizeBytes": 12000000000,
+ "state": "GOOD",
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "name": "volume10h00",
+ "vspaceType": "vHA",
+ "vspaceRole": "primary",
+ "storageObjectID": "vHA:3e86da54-40db-8c69--18130019e486",
+ "state": "Disconnected (DCS)",
+ "node": "tm33.virident.info",
+ "partName": "/dev/gbd0"
+ }
+ ],
+ "crState": "GOOD"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "volume10v00",
+ "resourceType": "vShare",
+ "resourceID": "vShare:3f86da54-41db-8c69-0300-ecf4bbcc14cc",
+ "redundancy": 0,
+ "order": 0,
+ "sizeBytes": 12000000000,
+ "state": "GOOD",
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "name": "volume10v00",
+ "vspaceType": "vShare",
+ "vspaceRole": "target",
+ "storageObjectID": "vShare:3f86da54-41db-8c64bbcc14cc:T",
+ "state": "Started",
+ "node": "tm33.virident.info",
+ "partName": "/dev/gbd0_volume10h00"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "_size": "12GB",
+ "_state": "OFFLINE",
+ "_ugm": "",
+ "_nets": "net1",
+ "_hosts": "tm33.virident.info(12GB,NC)",
+ "_ahosts": "",
+ "_shosts": "tm33.virident.info(12GB)",
+ "_name": "volume10",
+ "_node": "",
+ "_type": "vLVM-L",
+ "_detail": "vLVM-L:698cdb43-54da-863e-1699-294a080ce4db",
+ "_device": ""
+ }
+ ]
+Network Name Type Flags Description
+------------ ---- ---------- ------------------------
+net1 IPv4 autoConfig 1Gb/s
+net2 IPv4 autoConfig 10Gb/s
+DD_OUTPUT = """
+1+0 records in
+1+0 records out
+1024 bytes (1.0 kB) copied, 0.000427529 s, 2.4 MB/s
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 HGST
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Desc : Driver to store Cinder volumes using HGST Flash Storage Suite
+Require : HGST Flash Storage Suite
+Author : Earle F. Philhower, III <earle.philhower.iii@hgst.com>
+import grp
+import json
+import math
+import os
+import pwd
+import six
+import socket
+import string
+from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
+from oslo_concurrency import processutils
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _
+from cinder.i18n import _LE
+from cinder.i18n import _LW
+from cinder.image import image_utils
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume import utils as volutils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+hgst_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_net',
+ default='Net 1 (IPv4)',
+ help='Space network name to use for data transfer'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_storage_servers',
+ default='os:gbd0',
+ help='Comma separated list of Space storage servers:devices. '
+ 'ex: os1_stor:gbd0,os2_stor:gbd0'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_redundancy',
+ default='0',
+ help='Should spaces be redundantly stored (1/0)'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_space_user',
+ default='root',
+ help='User to own created spaces'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_space_group',
+ default='disk',
+ help='Group to own created spaces'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('hgst_space_mode',
+ default='0600',
+ help='UNIX mode for created spaces'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class HGSTDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
+ """This is the Class to set in cinder.conf (volume_driver).
+ Implements a Cinder Volume driver which creates a HGST Space for each
+ Cinder Volume or Snapshot requested. Use the vgc-cluster CLI to do
+ all management operations.
+ The Cinder host will nominally have all Spaces made visible to it,
+ while individual compute nodes will only have Spaces connected to KVM
+ instances connected.
+ """
+ VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ VGCCLUSTER = 'vgc-cluster'
+ SPACEGB = units.G - 16 * units.M # Workaround for shrinkage Bug 28320
+ BLOCKED = "BLOCKED" # Exit code when a command is blocked
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Initialize our protocol descriptor/etc."""
+ super(HGSTDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(hgst_opts)
+ self._vgc_host = None
+ self.check_for_setup_error()
+ self._stats = {'driver_version': self.VERSION,
+ 'reserved_percentage': 0,
+ 'storage_protocol': 'hgst',
+ 'total_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
+ 'free_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
+ 'vendor_name': 'HGST',
+ }
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ self._stats['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or 'hgst'
+ self.update_volume_stats()
+ def _log_cli_err(self, err):
+ """Dumps the full command output to a logfile in error cases."""
+ LOG.error(_LE("CLI fail: '%(cmd)s' = %(code)s\nout: %(stdout)s\n"
+ "err: %(stderr)s"),
+ {'cmd': err.cmd, 'code': err.exit_code,
+ 'stdout': err.stdout, 'stderr': err.stderr})
+ def _find_vgc_host(self):
+ """Finds vgc-cluster hostname for this box."""
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, "domain-list", "-1"]
+ try:
+ out, unused = self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Unable to get list of domain members, check that "
+ "the cluster is running.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ domain = out.splitlines()
+ params = ["ip", "addr", "list"]
+ try:
+ out, unused = self._execute(*params, run_as_root=False)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Unable to get list of IP addresses on this host, "
+ "check permissions and networking.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ nets = out.splitlines()
+ for host in domain:
+ try:
+ ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
+ for l in nets:
+ x = l.strip()
+ if x.startswith("inet %s/" % ip):
+ return host
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ msg = _("Current host isn't part of HGST domain.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ def _hostname(self):
+ """Returns hostname to use for cluster operations on this box."""
+ if self._vgc_host is None:
+ self._vgc_host = self._find_vgc_host()
+ return self._vgc_host
+ def _make_server_list(self):
+ """Converts a comma list into params for use by HGST CLI."""
+ csv = self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_storage_servers')
+ servers = csv.split(",")
+ params = []
+ for server in servers:
+ params.append('-S')
+ params.append(six.text_type(server))
+ return params
+ def _make_space_name(self, name):
+ """Generates the hashed name for the space from the name.
+ This must be called in a locked context as there are race conditions
+ where 2 contexts could both pick what they think is an unallocated
+ space name, and fail later on due to that conflict.
+ """
+ # Sanitize the name string
+ valid_chars = "-_.%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
+ name = ''.join(c for c in name if c in valid_chars)
+ name = name.strip(".") # Remove any leading .s from evil users
+ name = name or "space" # In case of all illegal chars, safe default
+ # Start out with just the name, truncated to 14 characters
+ outname = name[0:13]
+ # See what names already defined
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, "space-list", "--name-only"]
+ try:
+ out, unused = self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Unable to get list of spaces to make new name. Please "
+ "verify the cluster is running.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ names = out.splitlines()
+ # And anything in /dev/* is also illegal
+ names += os.listdir("/dev") # Do it the Python way!
+ names += ['.', '..'] # Not included above
+ # While there's a conflict, add incrementing digits until it passes
+ itr = 0
+ while outname in names:
+ itrstr = six.text_type(itr)
+ outname = outname[0:13 - len(itrstr)] + itrstr
+ itr += 1
+ return outname
+ def _get_space_size_redundancy(self, space_name):
+ """Parse space output to get allocated size and redundancy."""
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, "space-list", "-n", space_name, "--json"]
+ try:
+ out, unused = self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Unable to get information on space %(space)s, please "
+ "verify that the cluster is running and "
+ "connected.") % {'space': space_name}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ ret = json.loads(out)
+ retval = {}
+ retval['redundancy'] = int(ret['resources'][0]['redundancy'])
+ retval['sizeBytes'] = int(ret['resources'][0]['sizeBytes'])
+ return retval
+ def _adjust_size_g(self, size_g):
+ """Adjust space size to next legal value because of redundancy."""
+ # Extending requires expanding to a multiple of the # of
+ # storage hosts in the cluster
+ count = len(self._make_server_list()) / 2 # Remove -s from count
+ if size_g % count:
+ size_g = int(size_g + count)
+ size_g -= size_g % count
+ return int(math.ceil(size_g))
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ pass
+ def _get_space_name(self, volume):
+ """Pull name of /dev/<space> from the provider_id."""
+ try:
+ return volume.get('provider_id')
+ except Exception:
+ return '' # Some error during create, may be able to continue
+ def _handle_blocked(self, err, msg):
+ """Safely handle a return code of BLOCKED from a cluster command.
+ Handle the case where a command is in BLOCKED state by trying to
+ cancel it. If the cancel fails, then the command actually did
+ complete. If the cancel succeeds, then throw the original error
+ back up the stack.
+ """
+ if (err.stdout is not None) and (self.BLOCKED in err.stdout):
+ # Command is queued but did not complete in X seconds, so
+ # we will cancel it to keep things sane.
+ request = err.stdout.split('\n', 1)[0].strip()
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'request-cancel']
+ params += ['-r', six.text_type(request)]
+ throw_err = False
+ try:
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ # Cancel succeeded, the command was aborted
+ # Send initial exception up the stack
+ LOG.error(_LE("VGC-CLUSTER command blocked and cancelled."))
+ # Can't throw it here, the except below would catch it!
+ throw_err = True
+ except Exception:
+ # The cancel failed because the command was just completed.
+ # That means there was no failure, so continue with Cinder op
+ pass
+ if throw_err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Command %(cmd)s blocked in the CLI and was "
+ "cancelled") % {'cmd': six.text_type(err.cmd)}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ else:
+ # Some other error, just throw it up the chain
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ def _add_cinder_apphost(self, spacename):
+ """Add this host to the apphost list of a space."""
+ # Connect to source volume
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'space-set-apphosts']
+ params += ['-n', spacename]
+ params += ['-A', self._hostname()]
+ params += ['--action', 'ADD'] # Non-error to add already existing
+ try:
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ msg = _("Unable to add Cinder host to apphosts for space "
+ "%(space)s") % {'space': spacename}
+ self._handle_blocked(err, msg)
+ @lockutils.synchronized('devices', 'cinder-hgst-')
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """API entry to create a volume on the cluster as a HGST space.
+ Creates a volume, adjusting for GiB/GB sizing. Locked to ensure we
+ don't have race conditions on the name we pick to use for the space.
+ """
+ # For ease of deugging, use friendly name if it exists
+ volname = self._make_space_name(volume['display_name']
+ or volume['name'])
+ volnet = self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_net')
+ volbytes = volume['size'] * units.Gi # OS=Base2, but HGST=Base10
+ volsize_gb_cinder = int(math.ceil(float(volbytes) /
+ float(self.SPACEGB)))
+ volsize_g = self._adjust_size_g(volsize_gb_cinder)
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'space-create']
+ params += ['-n', six.text_type(volname)]
+ params += ['-N', six.text_type(volnet)]
+ params += ['-s', six.text_type(volsize_g)]
+ params += ['--redundancy', six.text_type(
+ self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_redundancy'))]
+ params += ['--user', six.text_type(
+ self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_user'))]
+ params += ['--group', six.text_type(
+ self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_group'))]
+ params += ['--mode', six.text_type(
+ self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_mode'))]
+ params += self._make_server_list()
+ params += ['-A', self._hostname()] # Make it visible only here
+ try:
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ msg = _("Error in space-create for %(space)s of size "
+ "%(size)d GB") % {'space': volname,
+ 'size': int(volsize_g)}
+ self._handle_blocked(err, msg)
+ # Stash away the hashed name
+ provider = {}
+ provider['provider_id'] = volname
+ return provider
+ def update_volume_stats(self):
+ """Parse the JSON output of vgc-cluster to find space available."""
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, "host-storage", "--json"]
+ try:
+ out, unused = self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ ret = json.loads(out)
+ cap = int(ret["totalCapacityBytes"] / units.Gi)
+ used = int(ret["totalUsedBytes"] / units.Gi)
+ avail = cap - used
+ if int(self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_redundancy')) == 1:
+ cap = int(cap / 2)
+ avail = int(avail / 2)
+ # Reduce both by 1 GB due to BZ 28320
+ if cap > 0:
+ cap = cap - 1
+ if avail > 0:
+ avail = avail - 1
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ # Could be cluster still starting up, return unknown for now
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to poll cluster free space."))
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ cap = 'unknown'
+ avail = 'unknown'
+ self._stats['free_capacity_gb'] = avail
+ self._stats['total_capacity_gb'] = cap
+ self._stats['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Return Volume statistics, potentially cached copy."""
+ if refresh:
+ self.update_volume_stats()
+ return self._stats
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Create a cloned volume from an existing one.
+ No cloning operation in the current release so simply copy using
+ DD to a new space. This could be a lengthy operation.
+ """
+ # Connect to source volume
+ volname = self._get_space_name(src_vref)
+ self._add_cinder_apphost(volname)
+ # Make new volume
+ provider = self.create_volume(volume)
+ self._add_cinder_apphost(provider['provider_id'])
+ # And copy original into it...
+ info = self._get_space_size_redundancy(volname)
+ volutils.copy_volume(
+ self.local_path(src_vref),
+ "/dev/" + provider['provider_id'],
+ info['sizeBytes'] / units.Mi,
+ self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize,
+ execute=self._execute)
+ # That's all, folks!
+ return provider
+ def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id):
+ """Fetch the image from image_service and write it to the volume."""
+ image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context,
+ image_service,
+ image_id,
+ self.local_path(volume),
+ self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize,
+ size=volume['size'])
+ def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
+ """Copy the volume to the specified image."""
+ image_utils.upload_volume(context,
+ image_service,
+ image_meta,
+ self.local_path(volume))
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Delete a Volume's underlying space."""
+ volname = self._get_space_name(volume)
+ if volname:
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'space-delete']
+ params += ['-n', six.text_type(volname)]
+ # This can fail benignly when we are deleting a snapshot
+ try:
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to delete space %(space)s"),
+ {'space': volname})
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ else:
+ # This can be benign when we are deleting a snapshot
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Attempted to delete a space that's not there."))
+ def _check_host_storage(self, server):
+ if ":" not in server:
+ msg = _("hgst_storage server %(svr)s not of format "
+ "<host>:<dev>") % {'svr': server}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ h, b = server.split(":")
+ try:
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'host-storage', '-h', h]
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Storage host %(svr)s not detected, verify "
+ "name") % {'svr': six.text_type(server)}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Throw an exception if configuration values/setup isn't okay."""
+ # Verify vgc-cluster exists and is executable by cinder user
+ try:
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, '--version']
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("Cannot run vgc-cluster command, please ensure software "
+ "is installed and permissions are set properly.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ # Checks the host is identified with the HGST domain, as well as
+ # that vgcnode and vgcclustermgr services are running.
+ self._vgc_host = None
+ self._hostname()
+ # Redundancy better be 0 or 1, otherwise no comprendo
+ r = six.text_type(self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_redundancy'))
+ if r not in ["0", "1"]:
+ msg = _("hgst_redundancy must be set to 0 (non-HA) or 1 (HA) in "
+ "cinder.conf.")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ # Verify user and group exist or we can't connect volumes
+ try:
+ pwd.getpwnam(self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_user'))
+ grp.getgrnam(self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_group'))
+ except KeyError as err:
+ msg = _("hgst_group %(grp)s and hgst_user %(usr)s must map to "
+ "valid users/groups in cinder.conf") % {
+ 'grp': self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_group'),
+ 'usr': self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_user')}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ # Verify mode is a nicely formed octal or integer
+ try:
+ int(self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_space_mode'))
+ except Exception as err:
+ msg = _("hgst_space_mode must be an octal/int in cinder.conf")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ # Validate network maps to something we know about
+ try:
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'network-list']
+ params += ['-N', self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_net')]
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ self._log_cli_err(err)
+ msg = _("hgst_net %(net)s specified in cinder.conf not found "
+ "in cluster") % {
+ 'net': self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_net')}
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ # Storage servers require us to split them up and check for
+ sl = self.configuration.safe_get('hgst_storage_servers')
+ if (sl is None) or (six.text_type(sl) == ""):
+ msg = _("hgst_storage_servers must be defined in cinder.conf")
+ raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg)
+ servers = sl.split(",")
+ # Each server must be of the format <host>:<storage> w/host in domain
+ for server in servers:
+ self._check_host_storage(server)
+ # We made it here, we should be good to go!
+ return True
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Create a snapshot volume.
+ We don't yet support snaps in SW so make a new volume and dd the
+ source one into it. This could be a lengthy operation.
+ """
+ origvol = {}
+ origvol['name'] = snapshot['volume_name']
+ origvol['size'] = snapshot['volume_size']
+ origvol['id'] = snapshot['volume_id']
+ origvol['provider_id'] = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id')
+ # Add me to the apphosts so I can see the volume
+ self._add_cinder_apphost(self._get_space_name(origvol))
+ # Make snapshot volume
+ snapvol = {}
+ snapvol['display_name'] = snapshot['display_name']
+ snapvol['name'] = snapshot['name']
+ snapvol['size'] = snapshot['volume_size']
+ snapvol['id'] = snapshot['id']
+ provider = self.create_volume(snapvol)
+ # Create_volume attaches the volume to this host, ready to snapshot.
+ # Copy it using dd for now, we don't have real snapshots
+ # We need to copy the entire allocated volume space, Nova will allow
+ # full access, even beyond requested size (when our volume is larger
+ # due to our ~1B byte alignment or cluster makeup)
+ info = self._get_space_size_redundancy(origvol['provider_id'])
+ volutils.copy_volume(
+ self.local_path(origvol),
+ "/dev/" + provider['provider_id'],
+ info['sizeBytes'] / units.Mi,
+ self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize,
+ execute=self._execute)
+ return provider
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Delete a snapshot. For now, snapshots are full volumes."""
+ self.delete_volume(snapshot)
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create volume from a snapshot, but snaps still full volumes."""
+ return self.create_cloned_volume(volume, snapshot)
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume.
+ We may not actually need to resize the space because it's size is
+ always rounded up to a function of the GiB/GB and number of storage
+ nodes.
+ """
+ volname = self._get_space_name(volume)
+ info = self._get_space_size_redundancy(volname)
+ volnewbytes = new_size * units.Gi
+ new_size_g = math.ceil(float(volnewbytes) / float(self.SPACEGB))
+ wantedsize_g = self._adjust_size_g(new_size_g)
+ havesize_g = (info['sizeBytes'] / self.SPACEGB)
+ if havesize_g >= wantedsize_g:
+ return # Already big enough, happens with redundancy
+ else:
+ # Have to extend it
+ delta = int(wantedsize_g - havesize_g)
+ params = [self.VGCCLUSTER, 'space-extend']
+ params += ['-n', six.text_type(volname)]
+ params += ['-s', six.text_type(delta)]
+ params += self._make_server_list()
+ try:
+ self._execute(*params, run_as_root=True)
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
+ msg = _("Error in space-extend for volume %(space)s with "
+ "%(size)d additional GB") % {'space': volname,
+ 'size': delta}
+ self._handle_blocked(err, msg)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Return connection information.
+ Need to return noremovehost so that the Nova host
+ doesn't accidentally remove us from the apphost list if it is
+ running on the same host (like in devstack testing).
+ """
+ hgst_properties = {'name': volume['provider_id'],
+ 'noremovehost': self._hostname()}
+ return {'driver_volume_type': 'hgst',
+ 'data': hgst_properties}
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ """Query the provider_id to figure out the proper devnode."""
+ return "/dev/" + self._get_space_name(volume)
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ # Not needed for spaces
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ # Not needed for spaces
+ pass
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ # Not needed for spaces
+ pass
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ # Not needed for spaces
+ pass