]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Revert First version of Cinder driver for Quobyte
authorDuncan Thomas <duncan.thomas@gmail.com>
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 15:53:47 +0000 (18:53 +0300)
committerDuncan Thomas <duncan.thomas@gmail.com>
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 15:53:47 +0000 (18:53 +0300)
This reverts commit 49d92764183e288b8f62b91a51179c307dd19a44.

CI hasn't passed in its last 60 runs and hasn't ran in the last 73 days.

UpgradeImpact: QuoByte is not supported in the Liberty release

Change-Id: Ibe1c4afddc9856965b28a139c1d37f939578577b

cinder/tests/unit/test_quobyte.py [deleted file]
cinder/volume/drivers/quobyte.py [deleted file]

diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/test_quobyte.py b/cinder/tests/unit/test_quobyte.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9635cf9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Quobyte Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the Quobyte driver module."""
-import errno
-import os
-import six
-import traceback
-import mock
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils as putils
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import units
-from cinder import context
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.image import image_utils
-from cinder.openstack.common import imageutils
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-from cinder.volume.drivers import quobyte
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-class DumbVolume(object):
-    fields = {}
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        self.fields[key] = value
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return self.fields[item]
-class FakeDb(object):
-    msg = "Tests are broken: mock this out."
-    def volume_get(self, *a, **kw):
-        raise Exception(self.msg)
-    def snapshot_get_all_for_volume(self, *a, **kw):
-        """Mock this if you want results from it."""
-        return []
-class QuobyteDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
-    """Test case for Quobyte driver."""
-    TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME = 'quobyte://quobyte-host/openstack-volumes'
-    TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL = 'quobyte-host/openstack-volumes'
-    TEST_SIZE_IN_GB = 1
-    TEST_MNT_POINT = '/mnt/quobyte'
-    TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE = '/mnt'
-    TEST_LOCAL_PATH = '/mnt/quobyte/volume-123'
-    TEST_FILE_NAME = 'test.txt'
-    TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cinder/test-shares.conf'
-    TEST_TMP_FILE = '/tmp/tempfile'
-    VOLUME_UUID = 'abcdefab-cdef-abcd-efab-cdefabcdefab'
-    SNAP_UUID = 'bacadaca-baca-daca-baca-dacadacadaca'
-    SNAP_UUID_2 = 'bebedede-bebe-dede-bebe-dedebebedede'
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(QuobyteDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
-        self._configuration = mock.Mock(conf.Configuration)
-        self._configuration.append_config_values(mock.ANY)
-        self._configuration.quobyte_volume_url = \
-            self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME
-        self._configuration.quobyte_client_cfg = None
-        self._configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes = True
-        self._configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes = False
-        self._configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base = \
-            self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE
-        self._driver =\
-            quobyte.QuobyteDriver(configuration=self._configuration,
-                                  db=FakeDb())
-        self._driver.shares = {}
-        self._driver.set_nas_security_options(is_new_cinder_install=False)
-    def assertRaisesAndMessageMatches(
-            self, excClass, msg, callableObj, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Ensure that the specified exception was raised and its message
-           includes the string 'msg'.
-        """
-        caught = False
-        try:
-            callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
-        except Exception as exc:
-            caught = True
-            self.assertEqual(excClass, type(exc),
-                             'Wrong exception caught: %s Stacktrace: %s' %
-                             (exc, traceback.format_exc()))
-            self.assertIn(msg, six.text_type(exc))
-        if not caught:
-            self.fail('Expected raised exception but nothing caught.')
-    def test_local_path(self):
-        """local_path common use case."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['provider_location'] = self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME
-        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
-        self.assertEqual(
-            '/mnt/1331538734b757ed52d0e18c0a7210cd/volume-123',
-            drv.local_path(volume))
-    def test_mount_quobyte_should_mount_correctly(self):
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_execute') as mock_execute, \
-                mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.quobyte.QuobyteDriver'
-                           '.read_proc_mount') as mock_open:
-            # Content of /proc/mount (not mounted yet).
-            mock_open.return_value = six.StringIO(
-                "/dev/sda5 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0")
-            self._driver._mount_quobyte(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                                        self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-            mkdir_call = mock.call('mkdir', '-p', self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-            mount_call = mock.call(
-                'mount.quobyte', self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                self.TEST_MNT_POINT, run_as_root=False)
-            getfattr_call = mock.call(
-                'getfattr', '-n', 'quobyte.info', self.TEST_MNT_POINT,
-                run_as_root=False)
-            mock_execute.assert_has_calls(
-                [mkdir_call, mount_call, getfattr_call], any_order=False)
-    def test_mount_quobyte_already_mounted_detected_seen_in_proc_mount(self):
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_execute') as mock_execute, \
-                mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.quobyte.QuobyteDriver'
-                           '.read_proc_mount') as mock_open:
-            # Content of /proc/mount (already mounted).
-            mock_open.return_value = six.StringIO(
-                "quobyte@%s %s fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=1000"
-                ",group_id=100,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0"
-                % (self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME, self.TEST_MNT_POINT))
-            self._driver._mount_quobyte(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                                        self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-            mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(
-                'getfattr', '-n', 'quobyte.info', self.TEST_MNT_POINT,
-                run_as_root=False)
-    def test_mount_quobyte_should_suppress_and_log_already_mounted_error(self):
-        """Based on /proc/mount, the file system is not mounted yet. However,
-           mount.quobyte returns with an 'already mounted' error.
-           This is a last-resort safe-guard in case /proc/mount parsing was not
-           successful.
-           Because _mount_quobyte gets called with ensure=True, the error will
-           be suppressed and logged instead.
-        """
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_execute') as mock_execute, \
-                mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.quobyte.QuobyteDriver'
-                           '.read_proc_mount') as mock_open, \
-                mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.quobyte.LOG') as mock_LOG:
-            # Content of /proc/mount (empty).
-            mock_open.return_value = six.StringIO()
-            mock_execute.side_effect = [None, putils.ProcessExecutionError(
-                stderr='is busy or already mounted')]
-            self._driver._mount_quobyte(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                                        self.TEST_MNT_POINT,
-                                        ensure=True)
-            mkdir_call = mock.call('mkdir', '-p', self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-            mount_call = mock.call(
-                'mount.quobyte', self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                self.TEST_MNT_POINT, run_as_root=False)
-            mock_execute.assert_has_calls([mkdir_call, mount_call],
-                                          any_order=False)
-            mock_LOG.warning.assert_called_once_with('%s is already mounted',
-                                                     self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME)
-    def test_mount_quobyte_should_reraise_already_mounted_error(self):
-        """Same as
-           test_mount_quobyte_should_suppress_and_log_already_mounted_error
-           but with ensure=False.
-        """
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_execute') as mock_execute, \
-                mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.quobyte.QuobyteDriver'
-                           '.read_proc_mount') as mock_open:
-            mock_open.return_value = six.StringIO()
-            mock_execute.side_effect = [
-                None,  # mkdir
-                putils.ProcessExecutionError(  # mount
-                    stderr='is busy or already mounted')]
-            self.assertRaises(putils.ProcessExecutionError,
-                              self._driver._mount_quobyte,
-                              self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                              self.TEST_MNT_POINT,
-                              ensure=False)
-            mkdir_call = mock.call('mkdir', '-p', self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-            mount_call = mock.call(
-                'mount.quobyte', self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                self.TEST_MNT_POINT, run_as_root=False)
-            mock_execute.assert_has_calls([mkdir_call, mount_call],
-                                          any_order=False)
-    def test_get_hash_str(self):
-        """_get_hash_str should calculation correct value."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        self.assertEqual('1331538734b757ed52d0e18c0a7210cd',
-                         drv._get_hash_str(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-    def test_get_available_capacity_with_df(self):
-        """_get_available_capacity should calculate correct value."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        df_total_size = 2620544
-        df_avail = 1490560
-        df_head = 'Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on\n'
-        df_data = 'quobyte@%s %d 996864 %d 41%% %s' % \
-                  (self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME, df_total_size, df_avail,
-                   self.TEST_MNT_POINT)
-        df_output = df_head + df_data
-        drv._get_mount_point_for_share = mock.Mock(return_value=self.
-                                                   TEST_MNT_POINT)
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock(return_value=(df_output, None))
-        self.assertEqual((df_avail, df_total_size),
-                         drv._get_available_capacity(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-        (drv._get_mount_point_for_share.
-            assert_called_once_with(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-        (drv._execute.
-         assert_called_once_with('df',
-                                 '--portability',
-                                 '--block-size',
-                                 '1',
-                                 self.TEST_MNT_POINT,
-                                 run_as_root=self._driver._execute_as_root))
-    def test_get_capacity_info(self):
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_get_available_capacity') \
-                as mock_get_available_capacity:
-            drv = self._driver
-            df_size = 2620544
-            df_avail = 1490560
-            mock_get_available_capacity.return_value = (df_avail, df_size)
-            size, available, used = drv._get_capacity_info(mock.ANY)
-            mock_get_available_capacity.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
-            self.assertEqual(df_size, size)
-            self.assertEqual(df_avail, available)
-            self.assertEqual(size - available, used)
-    def test_load_shares_config(self):
-        """_load_shares_config only puts the Volume URL into shares and strips
-           quobyte://.
-        """
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._load_shares_config()
-        self.assertIn(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL, drv.shares)
-    def test_load_shares_config_without_protocol(self):
-        """Same as test_load_shares_config, but this time the URL was specified
-           without quobyte:// in front.
-        """
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv.configuration.quobyte_volume_url = \
-        drv._load_shares_config()
-        self.assertIn(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL, drv.shares)
-    def test_ensure_share_mounted(self):
-        """_ensure_share_mounted simple use case."""
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_get_mount_point_for_share') as \
-                mock_get_mount_point, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_mount_quobyte') as \
-                mock_mount:
-            drv = self._driver
-            drv._ensure_share_mounted(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME)
-            mock_get_mount_point.assert_called_once_with(
-                self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME)
-            mock_mount.assert_called_once_with(
-                self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                mock_get_mount_point.return_value,
-                ensure=True)
-    def test_ensure_shares_mounted_should_save_mounting_successfully(self):
-        """_ensure_shares_mounted should save share if mounted with success."""
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_ensure_share_mounted') \
-                as mock_ensure_share_mounted:
-            drv = self._driver
-            drv._ensure_shares_mounted()
-            mock_ensure_share_mounted.assert_called_once_with(
-            self.assertIn(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL,
-                          drv._mounted_shares)
-    def test_ensure_shares_mounted_should_not_save_mounting_with_error(self):
-        """_ensure_shares_mounted should not save if mount raised an error."""
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_ensure_share_mounted') \
-                as mock_ensure_share_mounted:
-            drv = self._driver
-            mock_ensure_share_mounted.side_effect = Exception()
-            drv._ensure_shares_mounted()
-            mock_ensure_share_mounted.assert_called_once_with(
-            self.assertEqual(1, len(drv.shares))
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(drv._mounted_shares))
-    def test_do_setup(self):
-        """do_setup runs successfully."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv.do_setup(mock.create_autospec(context.RequestContext))
-    def test_check_for_setup_error_throws_quobyte_volume_url_not_set(self):
-        """check_for_setup_error throws if 'quobyte_volume_url' is not set."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv.configuration.quobyte_volume_url = None
-        self.assertRaisesAndMessageMatches(exception.VolumeDriverException,
-                                           'no Quobyte volume configured',
-                                           drv.check_for_setup_error)
-    def test_check_for_setup_error_throws_client_not_installed(self):
-        """check_for_setup_error throws if client is not installed."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock(side_effect=OSError
-                                 (errno.ENOENT, 'No such file or directory'))
-        self.assertRaisesAndMessageMatches(exception.VolumeDriverException,
-                                           'mount.quobyte is not installed',
-                                           drv.check_for_setup_error)
-        drv._execute.assert_called_once_with('mount.quobyte',
-                                             check_exit_code=False,
-                                             run_as_root=False)
-    def test_check_for_setup_error_throws_client_not_executable(self):
-        """check_for_setup_error throws if client cannot be executed."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock(side_effect=OSError
-                                 (errno.EPERM, 'Operation not permitted'))
-        self.assertRaisesAndMessageMatches(OSError,
-                                           'Operation not permitted',
-                                           drv.check_for_setup_error)
-        drv._execute.assert_called_once_with('mount.quobyte',
-                                             check_exit_code=False,
-                                             run_as_root=False)
-    def test_find_share_should_throw_error_if_there_is_no_mounted_shares(self):
-        """_find_share should throw error if there is no mounted share."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._mounted_shares = []
-        self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound,
-                          drv._find_share,
-                          self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB)
-    def test_find_share(self):
-        """_find_share simple use case."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._mounted_shares = [self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME]
-        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                         drv._find_share(self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB))
-    def test_find_share_does_not_throw_error_if_there_isnt_enough_space(self):
-        """_find_share intentionally does not throw when df reports no
-           available space left.
-        """
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_get_available_capacity') \
-                as mock_get_available_capacity:
-            drv = self._driver
-            df_size = 2620544
-            df_avail = 0
-            mock_get_available_capacity.return_value = (df_avail, df_size)
-            drv._mounted_shares = [self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME]
-            self.assertEqual(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME,
-                             drv._find_share(self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB))
-            # The current implementation does not call _get_available_capacity.
-            # Future ones might do and therefore we mocked it.
-            self.assertGreaterEqual(mock_get_available_capacity.call_count, 0)
-    def _simple_volume(self, uuid=None):
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['provider_location'] = self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME
-        if uuid is None:
-            volume['id'] = self.VOLUME_UUID
-        else:
-            volume['id'] = uuid
-        # volume['name'] mirrors format from db/sqlalchemy/models.py
-        volume['name'] = 'volume-%s' % volume['id']
-        volume['size'] = 10
-        volume['status'] = 'available'
-        return volume
-    def test_create_sparsed_volume(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        drv._create_sparsed_file = mock.Mock()
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all = mock.Mock()
-        drv._do_create_volume(volume)
-        drv._create_sparsed_file.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
-    def test_create_nonsparsed_volume(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        old_value = self._configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes
-        self._configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes = False
-        drv._create_regular_file = mock.Mock()
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all = mock.Mock()
-        drv._do_create_volume(volume)
-        drv._create_regular_file.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
-        self._configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes = old_value
-    def test_create_qcow2_volume(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        old_value = self._configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes
-        self._configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes = True
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock()
-        hashed = drv._get_hash_str(volume['provider_location'])
-        path = '%s/%s/volume-%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE,
-                                    hashed,
-                                    self.VOLUME_UUID)
-        drv._do_create_volume(volume)
-        assert_calls = [mock.call('qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2',
-                                  '-o', 'preallocation=metadata', path,
-                                  str(volume['size'] * units.Gi),
-                                  run_as_root=self._driver._execute_as_root),
-                        mock.call('chmod', 'ugo+rw', path,
-                                  run_as_root=self._driver._execute_as_root)]
-        drv._execute.assert_has_calls(assert_calls)
-        self._configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes = old_value
-    def test_create_volume_should_ensure_quobyte_mounted(self):
-        """create_volume ensures shares provided in config are mounted."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv.LOG = mock.Mock()
-        drv._find_share = mock.Mock()
-        drv._do_create_volume = mock.Mock()
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted = mock.Mock()
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['size'] = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
-        drv.create_volume(volume)
-        drv._find_share.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
-        drv._do_create_volume.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted.assert_called_once_with()
-    def test_create_volume_should_return_provider_location(self):
-        """create_volume should return provider_location with found share."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv.LOG = mock.Mock()
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted = mock.Mock()
-        drv._do_create_volume = mock.Mock()
-        drv._find_share = mock.Mock(return_value=self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME)
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['size'] = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
-        result = drv.create_volume(volume)
-        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME, result['provider_location'])
-        drv._do_create_volume.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted.assert_called_once_with()
-        drv._find_share.assert_called_once_with(self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB)
-    def test_create_cloned_volume(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._create_snapshot = mock.Mock()
-        drv._copy_volume_from_snapshot = mock.Mock()
-        drv._delete_snapshot = mock.Mock()
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        src_vref = self._simple_volume()
-        src_vref['id'] = '375e32b2-804a-49f2-b282-85d1d5a5b9e1'
-        src_vref['name'] = 'volume-%s' % src_vref['id']
-        volume_ref = {'id': volume['id'],
-                      'name': volume['name'],
-                      'status': volume['status'],
-                      'provider_location': volume['provider_location'],
-                      'size': volume['size']}
-        snap_ref = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
-                    'name': 'clone-snap-%s' % src_vref['id'],
-                    'size': src_vref['size'],
-                    'volume_size': src_vref['size'],
-                    'volume_id': src_vref['id'],
-                    'id': 'tmp-snap-%s' % src_vref['id'],
-                    'volume': src_vref}
-        drv.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
-        drv._create_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(snap_ref)
-        drv._copy_volume_from_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(snap_ref,
-                                                               volume_ref,
-                                                               volume['size'])
-        drv._delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
-    @mock.patch('cinder.openstack.common.fileutils.delete_if_exists')
-    def test_delete_volume(self, mock_delete_if_exists):
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        volume_filename = 'volume-%s' % self.VOLUME_UUID
-        volume_path = '%s/%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT, volume_filename)
-        info_file = volume_path + '.info'
-        with mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_ensure_share_mounted') as \
-                mock_ensure_share_mounted, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_local_volume_dir') as \
-                mock_local_volume_dir, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver,
-                                  'get_active_image_from_info') as \
-                mock_active_image_from_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_execute') as \
-                mock_execute, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_local_path_volume') as \
-                mock_local_path_volume, \
-                mock.patch.object(self._driver, '_local_path_volume_info') as \
-                mock_local_path_volume_info:
-            mock_local_volume_dir.return_value = self.TEST_MNT_POINT
-            mock_active_image_from_info.return_value = volume_filename
-            mock_local_path_volume.return_value = volume_path
-            mock_local_path_volume_info.return_value = info_file
-            self._driver.delete_volume(volume)
-            mock_ensure_share_mounted.assert_called_once_with(
-                volume['provider_location'])
-            mock_local_volume_dir.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_execute.assert_called_once_with('rm', '-f', volume_path,
-                                                 run_as_root=
-                                                 self._driver._execute_as_root)
-            mock_local_path_volume_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_local_path_volume.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_delete_if_exists.assert_any_call(volume_path)
-            mock_delete_if_exists.assert_any_call(info_file)
-    def test_delete_should_ensure_share_mounted(self):
-        """delete_volume should ensure that corresponding share is mounted."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock()
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
-        volume['provider_location'] = self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME
-        drv._ensure_share_mounted = mock.Mock()
-        drv.delete_volume(volume)
-        (drv._ensure_share_mounted.
-         assert_called_once_with(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-        drv._execute.assert_called_once_with('rm', '-f',
-                                             mock.ANY,
-                                             run_as_root=False)
-    def test_delete_should_not_delete_if_provider_location_not_provided(self):
-        """delete_volume shouldn't delete if provider_location missed."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        drv._ensure_share_mounted = mock.Mock()
-        drv._execute = mock.Mock()
-        volume = DumbVolume()
-        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
-        volume['provider_location'] = None
-        drv.delete_volume(volume)
-        assert not drv._ensure_share_mounted.called
-        assert not drv._execute.called
-    def test_extend_volume(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        volume_path = '%s/%s/volume-%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE,
-                                           drv._get_hash_str(
-                                               self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME),
-                                           self.VOLUME_UUID)
-        qemu_img_info_output = """image: volume-%s
-        file format: qcow2
-        virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-        disk size: 473K
-        """ % self.VOLUME_UUID
-        img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_info_output)
-        drv.get_active_image_from_info = mock.Mock(return_value=volume['name'])
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info = mock.Mock(return_value=img_info)
-        image_utils.resize_image = mock.Mock()
-        drv.extend_volume(volume, 3)
-        drv.get_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(volume_path)
-        image_utils.resize_image.assert_called_once_with(volume_path, 3)
-    def test_copy_volume_from_snapshot(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        # lots of test vars to be prepared at first
-        dest_volume = self._simple_volume(
-            'c1073000-0000-0000-0000-0000000c1073')
-        src_volume = self._simple_volume()
-        vol_dir = os.path.join(self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE,
-                               drv._get_hash_str(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-        src_vol_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, src_volume['name'])
-        dest_vol_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, dest_volume['name'])
-        info_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, src_volume['name']) + '.info'
-        snapshot = {'volume_name': src_volume['name'],
-                    'name': 'clone-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_id': src_volume['id'],
-                    'id': 'tmp-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'volume': src_volume}
-        snap_file = dest_volume['name'] + '.' + snapshot['id']
-        snap_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, snap_file)
-        size = dest_volume['size']
-        qemu_img_output = """image: %s
-        file format: raw
-        virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-        disk size: 173K
-        backing file: %s
-        """ % (snap_file, src_volume['name'])
-        img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_output)
-        # mocking and testing starts here
-        image_utils.convert_image = mock.Mock()
-        drv._read_info_file = mock.Mock(return_value=
-                                        {'active': snap_file,
-                                         snapshot['id']: snap_file})
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info = mock.Mock(return_value=img_info)
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all = mock.Mock()
-        drv._copy_volume_from_snapshot(snapshot, dest_volume, size)
-        drv._read_info_file.assert_called_once_with(info_path)
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(snap_path)
-        (image_utils.convert_image.
-         assert_called_once_with(src_vol_path,
-                                 dest_vol_path,
-                                 'raw',
-                                 run_as_root=self._driver._execute_as_root))
-        drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all.assert_called_once_with(dest_vol_path)
-    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_status_not_available(self):
-        """Expect an error when the snapshot's status is not 'available'."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        src_volume = self._simple_volume()
-        snap_ref = {'volume_name': src_volume['name'],
-                    'name': 'clone-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_id': src_volume['id'],
-                    'id': 'tmp-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'volume': src_volume,
-                    'status': 'error'}
-        new_volume = DumbVolume()
-        new_volume['size'] = snap_ref['size']
-        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidSnapshot,
-                          drv.create_volume_from_snapshot,
-                          new_volume,
-                          snap_ref)
-    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        src_volume = self._simple_volume()
-        snap_ref = {'volume_name': src_volume['name'],
-                    'name': 'clone-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_size': src_volume['size'],
-                    'volume_id': src_volume['id'],
-                    'id': 'tmp-snap-%s' % src_volume['id'],
-                    'volume': src_volume,
-                    'status': 'available'}
-        new_volume = DumbVolume()
-        new_volume['size'] = snap_ref['size']
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted = mock.Mock()
-        drv._find_share = mock.Mock(return_value=self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME)
-        drv._do_create_volume = mock.Mock()
-        drv._copy_volume_from_snapshot = mock.Mock()
-        drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(new_volume, snap_ref)
-        drv._ensure_shares_mounted.assert_called_once_with()
-        drv._find_share.assert_called_once_with(new_volume['size'])
-        drv._do_create_volume.assert_called_once_with(new_volume)
-        (drv._copy_volume_from_snapshot.
-         assert_called_once_with(snap_ref, new_volume, new_volume['size']))
-    def test_initialize_connection(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        vol_dir = os.path.join(self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE,
-                               drv._get_hash_str(self.TEST_QUOBYTE_VOLUME))
-        vol_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, volume['name'])
-        qemu_img_output = """image: %s
-        file format: raw
-        virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-        disk size: 173K
-        """ % volume['name']
-        img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_output)
-        drv.get_active_image_from_info = mock.Mock(return_value=volume['name'])
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info = mock.Mock(return_value=img_info)
-        conn_info = drv.initialize_connection(volume, None)
-        drv.get_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-        image_utils.qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(vol_path)
-        self.assertEqual(conn_info['data']['format'], 'raw')
-        self.assertEqual(conn_info['driver_volume_type'], 'quobyte')
-        self.assertEqual(conn_info['data']['name'], volume['name'])
-        self.assertEqual(conn_info['mount_point_base'],
-                         self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE)
-    def test_copy_volume_to_image_raw_image(self):
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        volume_path = '%s/%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT, volume['name'])
-        image_meta = {'id': '10958016-e196-42e3-9e7f-5d8927ae3099'}
-        with mock.patch.object(drv, 'get_active_image_from_info') as \
-                mock_get_active_image_from_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(drv, '_local_volume_dir') as \
-                mock_local_volume_dir, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'qemu_img_info') as \
-                mock_qemu_img_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'upload_volume') as \
-                mock_upload_volume, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'create_temporary_file') as \
-                mock_create_temporary_file:
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.return_value = volume['name']
-            mock_local_volume_dir.return_value = self.TEST_MNT_POINT
-            mock_create_temporary_file.return_value = self.TEST_TMP_FILE
-            qemu_img_output = """image: %s
-            file format: raw
-            virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-            disk size: 173K
-            """ % volume['name']
-            img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_output)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.return_value = img_info
-            upload_path = volume_path
-            drv.copy_volume_to_image(mock.ANY, volume, mock.ANY, image_meta)
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_local_volume_dir.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(volume_path)
-            mock_upload_volume.assert_called_once_with(
-                mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, upload_path)
-            self.assertTrue(mock_create_temporary_file.called)
-    def test_copy_volume_to_image_qcow2_image(self):
-        """Upload a qcow2 image file which has to be converted to raw first."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        volume_path = '%s/%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT, volume['name'])
-        image_meta = {'id': '10958016-e196-42e3-9e7f-5d8927ae3099'}
-        with mock.patch.object(drv, 'get_active_image_from_info') as \
-                mock_get_active_image_from_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(drv, '_local_volume_dir') as \
-                mock_local_volume_dir, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'qemu_img_info') as \
-                mock_qemu_img_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'convert_image') as \
-                mock_convert_image, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'upload_volume') as \
-                mock_upload_volume, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'create_temporary_file') as \
-                mock_create_temporary_file:
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.return_value = volume['name']
-            mock_local_volume_dir.return_value = self.TEST_MNT_POINT
-            mock_create_temporary_file.return_value = self.TEST_TMP_FILE
-            qemu_img_output = """image: %s
-            file format: qcow2
-            virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-            disk size: 173K
-            """ % volume['name']
-            img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_output)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.return_value = img_info
-            upload_path = self.TEST_TMP_FILE
-            drv.copy_volume_to_image(mock.ANY, volume, mock.ANY, image_meta)
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_local_volume_dir.assert_called_with(volume)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(volume_path)
-            mock_convert_image.assert_called_once_with(
-                volume_path, upload_path, 'raw')
-            mock_upload_volume.assert_called_once_with(
-                mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, upload_path)
-            self.assertTrue(mock_create_temporary_file.called)
-    def test_copy_volume_to_image_snapshot_exists(self):
-        """Upload an active snapshot which has to be converted to raw first."""
-        drv = self._driver
-        volume = self._simple_volume()
-        volume_path = '%s/volume-%s' % (self.TEST_MNT_POINT, self.VOLUME_UUID)
-        volume_filename = 'volume-%s' % self.VOLUME_UUID
-        image_meta = {'id': '10958016-e196-42e3-9e7f-5d8927ae3099'}
-        with mock.patch.object(drv, 'get_active_image_from_info') as \
-                mock_get_active_image_from_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(drv, '_local_volume_dir') as \
-                mock_local_volume_dir, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'qemu_img_info') as \
-                mock_qemu_img_info, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'convert_image') as \
-                mock_convert_image, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'upload_volume') as \
-                mock_upload_volume, \
-                mock.patch.object(image_utils, 'create_temporary_file') as \
-                mock_create_temporary_file:
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.return_value = volume['name']
-            mock_local_volume_dir.return_value = self.TEST_MNT_POINT
-            mock_create_temporary_file.return_value = self.TEST_TMP_FILE
-            qemu_img_output = """image: volume-%s.%s
-            file format: qcow2
-            virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
-            disk size: 173K
-            backing file: %s
-            """ % (self.VOLUME_UUID, self.SNAP_UUID, volume_filename)
-            img_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo(qemu_img_output)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.return_value = img_info
-            upload_path = self.TEST_TMP_FILE
-            drv.copy_volume_to_image(mock.ANY, volume, mock.ANY, image_meta)
-            mock_get_active_image_from_info.assert_called_once_with(volume)
-            mock_local_volume_dir.assert_called_with(volume)
-            mock_qemu_img_info.assert_called_once_with(volume_path)
-            mock_convert_image.assert_called_once_with(
-                volume_path, upload_path, 'raw')
-            mock_upload_volume.assert_called_once_with(
-                mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, upload_path)
-            self.assertTrue(mock_create_temporary_file.called)
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/quobyte.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/quobyte.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4945356..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Quobyte Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import errno
-import os
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from cinder import compute
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LI, _LW
-from cinder.image import image_utils
-from cinder.openstack.common import fileutils
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers import remotefs as remotefs_drv
-VERSION = '1.0'
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-volume_opts = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('quobyte_volume_url',
-               default=None,
-               help=('URL to the Quobyte volume e.g.,'
-                     ' quobyte://<DIR host>/<volume name>')),
-    cfg.StrOpt('quobyte_client_cfg',
-               default=None,
-               help=('Path to a Quobyte Client configuration file.')),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('quobyte_sparsed_volumes',
-                default=True,
-                help=('Create volumes as sparse files which take no space.'
-                      ' If set to False, volume is created as regular file.'
-                      'In such case volume creation takes a lot of time.')),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('quobyte_qcow2_volumes',
-                default=True,
-                help=('Create volumes as QCOW2 files rather than raw files.')),
-    cfg.StrOpt('quobyte_mount_point_base',
-               default='$state_path/mnt',
-               help=('Base dir containing the mount point'
-                     ' for the Quobyte volume.')),
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-class QuobyteDriver(remotefs_drv.RemoteFSSnapDriver):
-    """Cinder driver for Quobyte USP.
-    Volumes are stored as files on the mounted Quobyte volume. The hypervisor
-    will expose them as block devices.
-    Unlike other similar drivers, this driver uses exactly one Quobyte volume
-    because Quobyte USP is a distributed storage system. To add or remove
-    capacity, administrators can add or remove storage servers to/from the
-    volume.
-    For different types of volumes e.g., SSD vs. rotating disks,
-    use multiple backends in Cinder.
-    Note: To be compliant with the inherited RemoteFSSnapDriver, Quobyte
-          volumes are also referred to as shares.
-    Version history:
-        1.0   - Initial driver.
-    """
-    driver_volume_type = 'quobyte'
-    driver_prefix = 'quobyte'
-    volume_backend_name = 'Quobyte'
-    def __init__(self, execute=processutils.execute, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(QuobyteDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.configuration.append_config_values(volume_opts)
-        # Used to manage snapshots which are currently attached to a VM.
-        self._nova = None
-    def do_setup(self, context):
-        """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting."""
-        self.set_nas_security_options(is_new_cinder_install=False)
-        super(QuobyteDriver, self).do_setup(context)
-        self.shares = {}  # address : options
-        self._nova = compute.API()
-    def check_for_setup_error(self):
-        if not self.configuration.quobyte_volume_url:
-            msg = (_("There's no Quobyte volume configured (%s). Example:"
-                     " quobyte://<DIR host>/<volume name>") %
-                   'quobyte_volume_url')
-            LOG.warning(msg)
-            raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
-        # Check if mount.quobyte is installed
-        try:
-            self._execute('mount.quobyte', check_exit_code=False,
-                          run_as_root=False)
-        except OSError as exc:
-            if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
-                    'mount.quobyte is not installed')
-            else:
-                raise
-    def set_nas_security_options(self, is_new_cinder_install):
-        self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations = 'true'
-        self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions = 'true'
-        self._execute_as_root = False
-    def _qemu_img_info(self, path, volume_name):
-        return super(QuobyteDriver, self)._qemu_img_info_base(
-            path, volume_name, self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
-        """Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
-        self._create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def create_volume(self, volume):
-        return super(QuobyteDriver, self).create_volume(volume)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
-        return self._create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
-    def _copy_volume_from_snapshot(self, snapshot, volume, volume_size):
-        """Copy data from snapshot to destination volume.
-        This is done with a qemu-img convert to raw/qcow2 from the snapshot
-        qcow2.
-        """
-        LOG.debug("snapshot: %(snap)s, volume: %(vol)s, ",
-                  {'snap': snapshot['id'],
-                   'vol': volume['id'],
-                   'size': volume_size})
-        info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot['volume'])
-        snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path)
-        vol_path = self._local_volume_dir(snapshot['volume'])
-        forward_file = snap_info[snapshot['id']]
-        forward_path = os.path.join(vol_path, forward_file)
-        # Find the file which backs this file, which represents the point
-        # when this snapshot was created.
-        img_info = self._qemu_img_info(forward_path,
-                                       snapshot['volume']['name'])
-        path_to_snap_img = os.path.join(vol_path, img_info.backing_file)
-        path_to_new_vol = self._local_path_volume(volume)
-        LOG.debug("will copy from snapshot at %s", path_to_snap_img)
-        if self.configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes:
-            out_format = 'qcow2'
-        else:
-            out_format = 'raw'
-        image_utils.convert_image(path_to_snap_img,
-                                  path_to_new_vol,
-                                  out_format,
-                                  run_as_root=self._execute_as_root)
-        self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(path_to_new_vol)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def delete_volume(self, volume):
-        """Deletes a logical volume."""
-        if not volume['provider_location']:
-            LOG.warning(_LW('Volume %s does not have provider_location '
-                            'specified, skipping'), volume['name'])
-            return
-        self._ensure_share_mounted(volume['provider_location'])
-        volume_dir = self._local_volume_dir(volume)
-        mounted_path = os.path.join(volume_dir,
-                                    self.get_active_image_from_info(volume))
-        self._execute('rm', '-f', mounted_path,
-                      run_as_root=self._execute_as_root)
-        # If an exception (e.g. timeout) occurred during delete_snapshot, the
-        # base volume may linger around, so just delete it if it exists
-        base_volume_path = self._local_path_volume(volume)
-        fileutils.delete_if_exists(base_volume_path)
-        info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(volume)
-        fileutils.delete_if_exists(info_path)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
-        """Apply locking to the create snapshot operation."""
-        return self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
-        """Apply locking to the delete snapshot operation."""
-        self._delete_snapshot(snapshot)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
-        """Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
-        # Find active qcow2 file
-        active_file = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)
-        path = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base,
-                             self._get_hash_str(volume['provider_location']),
-                             active_file)
-        data = {'export': volume['provider_location'],
-                'name': active_file}
-        if volume['provider_location'] in self.shares:
-            data['options'] = self.shares[volume['provider_location']]
-        # Test file for raw vs. qcow2 format
-        info = self._qemu_img_info(path, volume['name'])
-        data['format'] = info.file_format
-        if data['format'] not in ['raw', 'qcow2']:
-            msg = _('%s must be a valid raw or qcow2 image.') % path
-            raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg)
-        return {
-            'driver_volume_type': 'quobyte',
-            'data': data,
-            'mount_point_base': self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base
-        }
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
-        self._copy_volume_to_image(context, volume, image_service,
-                                   image_meta)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
-    def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb):
-        volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
-        volume_filename = os.path.basename(volume_path)
-        # Ensure no snapshots exist for the volume
-        active_image = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)
-        if volume_filename != active_image:
-            msg = _('Extend volume is only supported for this'
-                    ' driver when no snapshots exist.')
-            raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg)
-        info = self._qemu_img_info(volume_path, volume['name'])
-        backing_fmt = info.file_format
-        if backing_fmt not in ['raw', 'qcow2']:
-            msg = _('Unrecognized backing format: %s')
-            raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg % backing_fmt)
-        # qemu-img can resize both raw and qcow2 files
-        image_utils.resize_image(volume_path, size_gb)
-    def _do_create_volume(self, volume):
-        """Create a volume on given Quobyte volume.
-        :param volume: volume reference
-        """
-        volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
-        volume_size = volume['size']
-        if self.configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes:
-            self._create_qcow2_file(volume_path, volume_size)
-        else:
-            if self.configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes:
-                self._create_sparsed_file(volume_path, volume_size)
-            else:
-                self._create_regular_file(volume_path, volume_size)
-        self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(volume_path)
-    def _load_shares_config(self, share_file=None):
-        """Put 'quobyte_volume_url' into the 'shares' list.
-        :param share_file: string, Not used because the user has to specify the
-                                   the Quobyte volume directly.
-        """
-        self.shares = {}
-        url = self.configuration.quobyte_volume_url
-        # Strip quobyte:// from the URL
-        protocol = self.driver_volume_type + "://"
-        if url.startswith(protocol):
-            url = url[len(protocol):]
-        self.shares[url] = None  # None = No extra mount options.
-        LOG.debug("Quobyte Volume URL set to: %s", self.shares)
-    def _ensure_share_mounted(self, quobyte_volume):
-        """Mount Quobyte volume.
-        :param quobyte_volume: string
-        """
-        mount_path = self._get_mount_point_for_share(quobyte_volume)
-        self._mount_quobyte(quobyte_volume, mount_path, ensure=True)
-    @utils.synchronized('quobyte_ensure', external=False)
-    def _ensure_shares_mounted(self):
-        """Mount the Quobyte volume.
-        Used for example by RemoteFsDriver._update_volume_stats
-        """
-        self._mounted_shares = []
-        self._load_shares_config()
-        for share in self.shares.keys():
-            try:
-                self._ensure_share_mounted(share)
-                self._mounted_shares.append(share)
-            except Exception as exc:
-                LOG.warning(_LW('Exception during mounting %s'), exc)
-        LOG.debug('Available shares %s', self._mounted_shares)
-    def _find_share(self, volume_size_in_gib):
-        """Returns the mounted Quobyte volume.
-        Multiple shares are not supported because the virtualization of
-        multiple storage devices is taken care of at the level of Quobyte USP.
-        For different types of volumes e.g., SSD vs. rotating disks, use
-        multiple backends in Cinder.
-        :param volume_size_in_gib: int size in GB. Ignored by this driver.
-        """
-        if not self._mounted_shares:
-            raise exception.NotFound()
-        assert len(self._mounted_shares) == 1, 'There must be exactly' \
-            ' one Quobyte volume.'
-        target_volume = self._mounted_shares[0]
-        LOG.debug('Selected %s as target Quobyte volume.', target_volume)
-        return target_volume
-    def _get_mount_point_for_share(self, quobyte_volume):
-        """Return mount point for Quobyte volume.
-        :param quobyte_volume: Example: storage-host/openstack-volumes
-        """
-        return os.path.join(self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base,
-                            self._get_hash_str(quobyte_volume))
-    # open() wrapper to mock reading from /proc/mount.
-    @staticmethod
-    def read_proc_mount():  # pragma: no cover
-        return open('/proc/mounts')
-    def _mount_quobyte(self, quobyte_volume, mount_path, ensure=False):
-        """Mount Quobyte volume to mount path."""
-        mounted = False
-        for l in QuobyteDriver.read_proc_mount():
-            if l.split()[1] == mount_path:
-                mounted = True
-                break
-        if mounted:
-            try:
-                os.stat(mount_path)
-            except OSError as exc:
-                if exc.errno == errno.ENOTCONN:
-                    mounted = False
-                    try:
-                        LOG.info(_LI('Fixing previous mount %s which was not'
-                                     ' unmounted correctly.'), mount_path)
-                        self._execute('umount.quobyte', mount_path,
-                                      run_as_root=False)
-                    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
-                        LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to unmount previous mount: "
-                                        "%s"), exc)
-                else:
-                    # TODO(quobyte): Extend exc analysis in here?
-                    LOG.warning(_LW("Unknown error occurred while checking "
-                                    "mount point: %s Trying to continue."),
-                                exc)
-        if not mounted:
-            if not os.path.isdir(mount_path):
-                self._execute('mkdir', '-p', mount_path)
-            command = ['mount.quobyte', quobyte_volume, mount_path]
-            if self.configuration.quobyte_client_cfg:
-                command.extend(['-c', self.configuration.quobyte_client_cfg])
-            try:
-                LOG.info(_LI('Mounting volume: %s ...'), quobyte_volume)
-                self._execute(*command, run_as_root=False)
-                LOG.info(_LI('Mounting volume: %s succeeded'), quobyte_volume)
-                mounted = True
-            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
-                if ensure and 'already mounted' in exc.stderr:
-                    LOG.warning(_LW("%s is already mounted"), quobyte_volume)
-                else:
-                    raise
-        if mounted:
-            self._validate_volume(mount_path)
-    def _validate_volume(self, mount_path):
-        """Wraps execute calls for checking validity of a Quobyte volume"""
-        command = ['getfattr', "-n", "quobyte.info", mount_path]
-        try:
-            self._execute(*command, run_as_root=False)
-        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
-            msg = (_("The mount %(mount_path)s is not a valid"
-                     " Quobyte USP volume. Error: %(exc)s")
-                   % {'mount_path': mount_path, 'exc': exc})
-            raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
-        if not os.access(mount_path, os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
-            LOG.warning(_LW("Volume is not writable. Please broaden the file"
-                            " permissions. Mount: %s"), mount_path)