--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2012 IBM
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import webob.exc
+from cinder.api import extensions
+from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
+from cinder.api import xmlutil
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+from cinder import utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('volume', 'services')
+class ServicesIndexTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('services')
+ elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'service', selector='services')
+ elem.set('binary')
+ elem.set('host')
+ elem.set('zone')
+ elem.set('status')
+ elem.set('state')
+ elem.set('update_at')
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1)
+class ServicesUpdateTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('host')
+ root.set('host')
+ root.set('service')
+ root.set('disabled')
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1)
+class ServiceController(object):
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=ServicesIndexTemplate)
+ def index(self, req):
+ """
+ Return a list of all running services. Filter by host & service name.
+ """
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize(context)
+ now = timeutils.utcnow()
+ services = db.service_get_all(context)
+ host = ''
+ if 'host' in req.GET:
+ host = req.GET['host']
+ service = ''
+ if 'service' in req.GET:
+ service = req.GET['service']
+ if host:
+ services = [s for s in services if s['host'] == host]
+ if service:
+ services = [s for s in services if s['binary'] == service]
+ svcs = []
+ for svc in services:
+ delta = now - (svc['updated_at'] or svc['created_at'])
+ alive = abs(utils.total_seconds(delta))
+ art = (alive and "up") or "down"
+ active = 'enabled'
+ if svc['disabled']:
+ active = 'disabled'
+ svcs.append({"binary": svc['binary'], 'host': svc['host'],
+ 'zone': svc['availability_zone'],
+ 'status': active, 'state': art,
+ 'updated_at': svc['updated_at']})
+ return {'services': svcs}
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=ServicesUpdateTemplate)
+ def update(self, req, id, body):
+ """Enable/Disable scheduling for a service"""
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize(context)
+ if id == "enable":
+ disabled = False
+ elif id == "disable":
+ disabled = True
+ else:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound("Unknown action")
+ try:
+ host = body['host']
+ service = body['service']
+ except (TypeError, KeyError):
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()
+ try:
+ svc = db.service_get_by_args(context, host, service)
+ if not svc:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound('Unknown service')
+ db.service_update(context, svc['id'], {'disabled': disabled})
+ except exception.ServiceNotFound:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound("service not found")
+ return {'host': host, 'service': service, 'disabled': disabled}
+class Services(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Services support"""
+ name = "Services"
+ alias = "os-services"
+ namespace = "http://docs.openstack.org/volume/ext/services/api/v2"
+ updated = "2012-10-28T00:00:00-00:00"
+ def get_resources(self):
+ resources = []
+ resource = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-services',
+ ServiceController())
+ resources.append(resource)
+ return resources
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2012 IBM
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from cinder.api.contrib import services
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+from cinder import policy
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.tests.api import fakes
+from datetime import datetime
+fake_services_list = [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
+ 'host': 'host1',
+ 'availability_zone': 'cinder',
+ 'id': 1,
+ 'disabled': True,
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2),
+ 'created_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 27)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host1',
+ 'availability_zone': 'cinder',
+ 'id': 2,
+ 'disabled': True,
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5),
+ 'created_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 27)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
+ 'host': 'host2',
+ 'availability_zone': 'cinder',
+ 'id': 3,
+ 'disabled': False,
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34),
+ 'created_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host2',
+ 'availability_zone': 'cinder',
+ 'id': 4,
+ 'disabled': True,
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
+ 'created_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28)},
+ ]
+class FakeRequest(object):
+ environ = {"cinder.context": context.get_admin_context()}
+ GET = {}
+class FakeRequestWithSevice(object):
+ environ = {"cinder.context": context.get_admin_context()}
+ GET = {"service": "cinder-volume"}
+class FakeRequestWithHost(object):
+ environ = {"cinder.context": context.get_admin_context()}
+ GET = {"host": "host1"}
+class FakeRequestWithHostService(object):
+ environ = {"cinder.context": context.get_admin_context()}
+ GET = {"host": "host1", "service": "cinder-volume"}
+def fake_servcie_get_all(context):
+ return fake_services_list
+def fake_service_get_by_host_binary(context, host, binary):
+ for service in fake_services_list:
+ if service['host'] == host and service['binary'] == binary:
+ return service
+ return None
+def fake_service_get_by_id(value):
+ for service in fake_services_list:
+ if service['id'] == value:
+ return service
+ return None
+def fake_service_update(context, service_id, values):
+ service = fake_service_get_by_id(service_id)
+ if service is None:
+ raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id)
+ else:
+ {'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'disabled': values['disabled']}
+def fake_policy_enforce(context, action, target):
+ pass
+def fake_utcnow():
+ return datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 11)
+class ServicesTest(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ServicesTest, self).setUp()
+ self.stubs.Set(db, "service_get_all", fake_servcie_get_all)
+ self.stubs.Set(timeutils, "utcnow", fake_utcnow)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, "service_get_by_args",
+ fake_service_get_by_host_binary)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, "service_update", fake_service_update)
+ self.stubs.Set(policy, "enforce", fake_policy_enforce)
+ self.context = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.controller = services.ServiceController()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(ServicesTest, self).tearDown()
+ def test_services_list(self):
+ req = FakeRequest()
+ res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
+ response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
+ 'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-scheduler', 'host': 'host2',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume', 'host': 'host2',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38)}]}
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict, response)
+ def test_services_list_with_host(self):
+ req = FakeRequestWithHost()
+ res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
+ response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
+ 'host': 'host1',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10,
+ 29, 13, 42, 2)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume', 'host': 'host1',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29,
+ 13, 42, 5)}]}
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict, response)
+ def test_services_list_with_service(self):
+ req = FakeRequestWithSevice()
+ res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
+ response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host1',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled',
+ 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29,
+ 13, 42, 5)},
+ {'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host2',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled',
+ 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 9, 18,
+ 8, 3, 38)}]}
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict, response)
+ def test_services_list_with_host_service(self):
+ req = FakeRequestWithHostService()
+ res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
+ response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
+ 'host': 'host1',
+ 'zone': 'cinder',
+ 'status': 'disabled',
+ 'state': 'up',
+ 'updated_at': datetime(2012, 10, 29,
+ 13, 42, 5)}]}
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict, response)
+ def test_services_enable(self):
+ body = {'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume'}
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank('/v1/fake/os-services/enable')
+ res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "enable", body)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['disabled'], False)
+ def test_services_disable(self):
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank('/v1/fake/os-services/disable')
+ body = {'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume'}
+ res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "disable", body)
+ self.assertEqual(res_dict['disabled'], True)