]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Add ProphetStor DPL Storage server volume driver for Cinder
authorRick Chen <rick.chen@prophetstor.com>
Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:55:28 +0000 (10:55 +0800)
committerRick Chen <rick.chen@prophetstor.com>
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:26:25 +0000 (09:26 +0800)
ProphetStor DPL Storage server enables x86 commodity hardware as
enterprise-grade storage systems.
*[2014/07/14] Remove roll-back function.
*[2014/07/16] Add decorate fiber zone manage utils in initialize_connection and
              Use mock instead of mox in tests.
*[2014/07/21] Update cinder volume certification report.
*[2014/07/29] Openstack continuous integration platform test.
              Retry: 27
*[2014/07/31] Rebase
*[2014/08/06] Refine code
*[2014/08/11] Rebase and enhance to support thin/thick volume
Implements: blueprint prophetstor-dpl-driver
cinder-cert-results: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1354066
Change-Id: Iced5e45362aef4286bb7f1c848ab7cb3573b5c02

cinder/tests/test_prophetstor_dpl.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_fc.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_iscsi.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dplcommon.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/options.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/cinder/tests/test_prophetstor_dpl.py b/cinder/tests/test_prophetstor_dpl.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..85d422f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 ProphetStor, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import httplib
+import mock
+from cinder.openstack.common import units
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import dpl_iscsi as DPLDRIVER
+from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import dplcommon as DPLCOMMON
+POOLUUID = 'ac33fc6e417440d5a1ef27d7231e1cc4'
+VOLUMEUUID = 'a000000000000000000000000000001'
+INITIATOR = 'iqn.2013-08.org.debian:01:aaaaaaaa'
+## dpl.getpool
+    'metadata': {'vendor': 'ProphetStor',
+                 'version': '1.5'}}
+    'capabilitiesURI': '',
+    'children': [],
+    'childrenrange': '',
+    'completionStatus': 'Complete',
+    'metadata': {'available_capacity': 4194074624,
+                 'ctime': 1390551362349,
+                 'vendor': 'prophetstor',
+                 'version': '1.5',
+                 'display_description': 'Default Pool',
+                 'display_name': 'default_pool',
+                 'event_uuid': '4f7c4d679a664857afa4d51f282a516a',
+                 'physical_device': {'cache': [],
+                                     'data': ['disk_uuid_0',
+                                              'disk_uuid_1',
+                                              'disk_uuid_2'],
+                                     'log': [],
+                                     'spare': []},
+                 'pool_uuid': POOLUUID,
+                 'properties': {'raid_level': 'raid0'},
+                 'state': 'Online',
+                 'total_capacity': 4194828288,
+                 'zpool_guid': '8173612007304181810'},
+    'objectType': 'application/cdmi-container',
+    'percentComplete': 100}
+## dpl.assignvdev
+    'children': [],
+    'childrenrange': '',
+    'completionStatus': 'Complete',
+    'domainURI': '',
+    'exports': {'Network/iSCSI': [
+                {'logical_unit_name': '',
+                 'logical_unit_number': '101',
+                 'permissions': [INITIATOR],
+                 'portals': [''],
+                 'target_identifier':
+                 'iqn.2013-09.com.prophetstor:hypervisor.886423051816'
+                 }]},
+    'metadata': {'ctime': 0,
+                 'event_uuid': 'c11e90287e9348d0b4889695f1ec4be5',
+                 'type': 'volume'},
+    'objectID': '',
+    'objectName': 'd827e23d403f4f12bb208a6fec208fd8',
+    'objectType': 'application/cdmi-container',
+    'parentID': '8daa374670af447e8efea27e16bf84cd',
+    'parentURI': '/dpl_volume',
+    'snapshots': []
+DATA_OUTPUT = 0, None
+DATA_IN_VOLUME = {'id': 'abc123',
+                  'display_name': 'abc123',
+                  'display_description': '',
+                  'size': 1}
+DATA_IN_VOLUME1 = {'id': 'abc456',
+                   'display_name': 'abc456',
+                   'display_description': '',
+                   'size': 1}
+DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT = {'id': 'snapshot1',
+                    'volume_id': 'abc123',
+                    'display_name': 'snapshot1',
+                    'display_description': ''}
+class TestProphetStorDPLVolume(test.TestCase):
+    def _gen_snapshot_url(self, vdevid, snapshotid):
+        snapshot_url = '/%s/%s/%s' % (vdevid, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT,
+                                      snapshotid)
+        return snapshot_url
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestProphetStorDPLVolume, self).setUp()
+        self.dplcmd = DPLCOMMON.DPLVolume('', 8356, 'admin', 'password')
+        self.DPL_MOCK = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.dplcmd.objCmd = self.DPL_MOCK
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+    def test_getserverinfo(self):
+        self.dplcmd.get_server_info()
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_SYSTEM),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def test_createvdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.create_vdev(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+                                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+                                POOLUUID,
+                                int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi)
+        metadata = {}
+        metadata['display_name'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name']
+        metadata['display_description'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description']
+        metadata['pool_uuid'] = POOLUUID
+        metadata['total_capacity'] = int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = 1024
+        metadata['properties'] = dict(thin_provision=True)
+        params = {}
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def test_extendvdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.extend_vdev(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+                                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+                                int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi)
+        metadata = {}
+        metadata['display_name'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name']
+        metadata['display_description'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description']
+        metadata['total_capacity'] = int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = 1024
+        params = {}
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def test_deletevdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.delete_vdev(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'], True)
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        metadata['force'] = True
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'DELETE',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NOT_FOUND,
+             httplib.NO_CONTENT])
+    def test_createvdevfromsnapshot(self):
+        self.dplcmd.create_vdev_from_snapshot(
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+            DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id'],
+            POOLUUID)
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        metadata['snapshot_operation'] = 'copy'
+        metadata['display_name'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name']
+        metadata['display_description'] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description']
+        metadata['pool_uuid'] = POOLUUID
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = 1024
+        metadata['properties'] = dict(thin_provision=True)
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['copy'] = self._gen_snapshot_url(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                                DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id'])
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def test_getpool(self):
+        self.dplcmd.get_pool(POOLUUID)
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_POOL,
+                            POOLUUID),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def test_clonevdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.clone_vdev(
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME1['id'],
+            POOLUUID,
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+            int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi
+        )
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        metadata["snapshot_operation"] = "clone"
+        metadata["display_name"] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name']
+        metadata["display_description"] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description']
+        metadata["pool_uuid"] = POOLUUID
+        metadata["total_capacity"] = int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = 1024
+        metadata['properties'] = dict(thin_provision=True)
+        params["metadata"] = metadata
+        params["copy"] = DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME1['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def test_createvdevsnapshot(self):
+        self.dplcmd.create_vdev_snapshot(
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+            DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id'],
+            DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_name'],
+            DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_description']
+        )
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        metadata['display_name'] = DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_name']
+        metadata['display_description'] = \
+            DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_description']
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['snapshot'] = DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id']
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def test_getvdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.get_vdev(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'])
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1, DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def test_getvdevstatus(self):
+        self.dplcmd.get_vdev_status(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'], '123456')
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/?event_uuid=%s' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                                          DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                                          DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                          '123456'),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def test_getpoolstatus(self):
+        self.dplcmd.get_pool_status(POOLUUID, '123456')
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/?event_uuid=%s' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                                          DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_POOL,
+                                          POOLUUID,
+                                          '123456'),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def test_assignvdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.assign_vdev(
+            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+            'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:test1',
+            '',
+            '',
+            0
+        )
+        params = {}
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'assign'
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = {}
+        target_info = {}
+        target_info['logical_unit_number'] = 0
+        target_info['logical_unit_name'] = ''
+        permissions = []
+        portals = []
+        portals.append('')
+        permissions.append('iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:test1')
+        target_info['permissions'] = permissions
+        target_info['portals'] = portals
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = target_info
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                            DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def test_unassignvdev(self):
+        self.dplcmd.unassign_vdev(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                  'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:test1',
+                                  '')
+        params = {}
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'unassign'
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = {}
+        exports['Network/iSCSI']['target_identifier'] = ''
+        permissions = []
+        permissions.append('iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:test1')
+        exports['Network/iSCSI']['permissions'] = permissions
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'PUT',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                            DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                            DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+            params,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED,
+             httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def test_deletevdevsnapshot(self):
+        self.dplcmd.delete_vdev_snapshot(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                         DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id'])
+        params = {}
+        params['copy'] = self._gen_snapshot_url(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                                DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id'])
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'DELETE',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                                  DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                                  DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                                  DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT,
+                                  DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id']),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NO_CONTENT,
+             httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def test_listvdevsnapshots(self):
+        self.dplcmd.list_vdev_snapshots(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'])
+        self.DPL_MOCK.send_cmd.assert_called_once_with(
+            'GET',
+            '/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPLCOMMON.DPL_VER_V1,
+                               DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_VOLUME,
+                               DATA_IN_VOLUME['id'],
+                               DPLCOMMON.DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT),
+            None,
+            [httplib.OK])
+class TestProphetStorDPLDriver(test.TestCase):
+    def __init__(self, method):
+        super(TestProphetStorDPLDriver, self).__init__(method)
+    def _conver_uuid2hex(self, strID):
+        return strID.replace('-', '')
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestProphetStorDPLDriver, self).setUp()
+        self.configuration = mock.Mock(conf.Configuration)
+        self.configuration.san_ip = ''
+        self.configuration.dpl_port = 8356
+        self.configuration.san_login = 'admin'
+        self.configuration.san_password = 'password'
+        self.configuration.dpl_pool = POOLUUID
+        self.configuration.iscsi_port = 3260
+        self.configuration.san_is_local = False
+        self.configuration.san_thin_provision = True
+        self.context = ''
+        self.DPL_MOCK = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.dpldriver = DPLDRIVER.DPLISCSIDriver(
+            configuration=self.configuration)
+        self.dpldriver.dpl = self.DPL_MOCK
+        self.dpldriver.do_setup(self.context)
+    def test_get_volume_stats(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.get_pool.return_value = DATA_POOLINFO
+        self.DPL_MOCK.get_server_info.return_value = DATA_SERVER_INFO
+        res = self.dpldriver.get_volume_stats(True)
+        self.assertEqual(res['vendor_name'], 'ProphetStor')
+        self.assertEqual(res['driver_version'], '1.5')
+        self.assertEqual(res['total_capacity_gb'], 3.91)
+        self.assertEqual(res['free_capacity_gb'], 3.91)
+        self.assertEqual(res['reserved_percentage'], 0)
+        self.assertEqual(res['QoS_support'], False)
+    def test_create_volume(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.create_vdev.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.create_volume(DATA_IN_VOLUME)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .create_vdev\
+            .assert_called_once_with(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+                DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+                self.configuration.dpl_pool,
+                int(DATA_IN_VOLUME['size']) * units.Gi,
+                True)
+    def test_delete_volume(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.delete_vdev.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.delete_volume(DATA_IN_VOLUME)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .delete_vdev\
+            .assert_called_once_with(self
+                                     ._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']))
+    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.create_vdev_from_snapshot.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.create_volume_from_snapshot(DATA_IN_VOLUME,
+                                                   DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .create_vdev_from_snapshot\
+            .assert_called_once_with(self
+                                     ._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+                                     DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_name'],
+                                     DATA_IN_VOLUME['display_description'],
+                                     self
+                                     ._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id']),
+                                     self.configuration.dpl_pool,
+                                     True)
+    def test_create_cloned_volume(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.clone_vdev.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.create_cloned_volume(DATA_IN_VOLUME1, DATA_IN_VOLUME)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .clone_vdev\
+            .assert_called_once_with(self
+                                     ._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+                                     self
+                                     ._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME1['id']),
+                                     self.configuration.dpl_pool,
+                                     DATA_IN_VOLUME1['display_name'],
+                                     DATA_IN_VOLUME1['display_description'],
+                                     int(DATA_IN_VOLUME1['size']) *
+                                     units.Gi,
+                                     True)
+    def test_create_snapshot(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.create_vdev_snapshot.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.create_snapshot(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .create_vdev_snapshot\
+            .assert_called_once_with(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['volume_id']),
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id']),
+                DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_name'],
+                DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['display_description'])
+    def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.delete_vdev_snapshot.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.delete_snapshot(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .delete_vdev_snapshot\
+            .assert_called_once_with(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['volume_id']),
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_SNAPSHOT['id']))
+    def test_initialize_connection(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.assign_vdev.return_value = DATA_ASSIGNVDEV
+        self.DPL_MOCK.get_vdev.return_value = DATA_ASSIGNVDEV
+        res = self.dpldriver.initialize_connection(DATA_IN_VOLUME,
+                                                   DATA_IN_CONNECTOR)
+        self.assertEqual(res['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')
+        self.assertEqual(res['data']['target_lun'], '101')
+        self.assertEqual(res['data']['target_discovered'], True)
+        self.assertEqual(res['data']['target_portal'], '')
+        self.assertEqual(res['data']['target_iqn'], 'iqn.2013-09.com.'
+                                                    'prophetstor:hypervisor.'
+                                                    '886423051816')
+    def test_terminate_connection(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.unassign_vdev.return_value = DATA_OUTPUT
+        self.dpldriver.terminate_connection(DATA_IN_VOLUME, DATA_IN_CONNECTOR)
+        self.DPL_MOCK\
+            .unassign_vdev\
+            .assert_called_once_with(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(DATA_IN_VOLUME['id']),
+                DATA_IN_CONNECTOR['initiator'])
+    def test_get_pool_info(self):
+        self.DPL_MOCK.get_pool.return_value = DATA_POOLINFO
+        _, res = self.dpldriver._get_pool_info(POOLUUID)
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['available_capacity'], 4194074624)
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['ctime'], 1390551362349)
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['display_description'],
+                         'Default Pool')
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['display_name'],
+                         'default_pool')
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['event_uuid'],
+                         '4f7c4d679a664857afa4d51f282a516a')
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['physical_device'], {
+                         'cache': [],
+                         'data': ['disk_uuid_0', 'disk_uuid_1', 'disk_uuid_2'],
+                         'log': [],
+                         'spare': []})
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['pool_uuid'], POOLUUID)
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['properties'], {
+                         'raid_level': 'raid0'})
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['state'], 'Online')
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['total_capacity'], 4194828288)
+        self.assertEqual(res['metadata']['zpool_guid'], '8173612007304181810')
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/__init__.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_fc.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_fc.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a03ef12
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 ProphetStor, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import errno
+import six
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import dplcommon
+from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DPLFCDriver(dplcommon.DPLCOMMONDriver,
+                  driver.FibreChannelDriver):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(DPLFCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def _get_fc_channel(self):
+        """return :
+                fcInfos[uuid]
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['display_name']
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['display_description']
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['hardware_address']
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['type']
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['speed']
+                    fcInfo[uuid]['state']
+        """
+        output = None
+        fcInfos = {}
+        try:
+            retCode, output = self.dpl.get_server_info()
+            if retCode == 0 and output:
+                fcUuids = output.get('metadata',
+                                     {}).get('storage_adapter', {}).keys()
+                for fcUuid in fcUuids:
+                    fcInfo = output.get('metadata',
+                                        {}).get('storage_adapter',
+                                                {}).get(fcUuid)
+                    if fcInfo['type'] == 'fc':
+                        fcInfos[fcUuid] = fcInfo
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = _("Failed to get fiber channel info from storage due "
+                    "to %(stat)s") % {'stat': six.string_types(e)}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+        return fcInfos
+    def _get_targets(self):
+        """return::
+                targetInfos[uuid] = targetInfo
+                targetInfo['targetUuid']
+                targetInfo['targetName']
+                targetInfo['targetAddr']
+        """
+        output = None
+        targetInfos = {}
+        try:
+            retCode, output = self.dpl.get_target_list('target')
+            if retCode == 0 and output:
+                for targetInfo in output.get('children', []):
+                    targetI = {}
+                    targetI['targetUuid'] = targetInfo[0]
+                    targetI['targetName'] = targetInfo[1]
+                    targetI['targetAddr'] = targetInfo[2]
+                    targetInfos[str(targetInfo[0])] = targetI
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = _("Failed to get fiber channel target from storage server"
+                    " due to %(stat)s") % {'stat': six.text_type(e)}
+            targetInfos = {}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+        return targetInfos
+    def _get_targetwpns(self, volumeid, initiatorWwpns):
+        lstargetWwpns = []
+        try:
+            ret, output = self.dpl.get_vdev(volumeid)
+            if ret == 0 and output:
+                exports = output.get('exports', {})
+                fc_infos = exports.get('Network/FC', {})
+                for fc_info in fc_infos:
+                    for p in fc_info.get('permissions', []):
+                        if p.get(initiatorWwpns, None):
+                            targetWwpns = fc_info.get('target_identifier', '')
+                            lstargetWwpns.append(targetWwpns)
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = _("Failed to get target wwpns from storage due "
+                    "to %(stat)s") % {'stat': six.text_type(e)}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            lstargetWwpns = []
+        return lstargetWwpns
+    def _is_initiator_wwpn_active(self, targetWwpn, initiatorWwpn):
+        fActive = False
+        output = None
+        try:
+            retCode, output = self.dpl.get_sns_table(targetWwpn)
+            if retCode == 0 and output:
+                for fdwwpn, fcport in output.get('metadata',
+                                                 {}).get('sns_table',
+                                                         []):
+                    if fdwwpn == initiatorWwpn:
+                        fActive = True
+                        break
+        except Exception:
+            LOG.error(_('Failed to get sns table'))
+        return fActive
+    def _convertHex2String(self, wwpns):
+        szwwpns = ''
+        if len(str(wwpns)) == 16:
+            szwwpns = '%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s' % (
+                str(wwpns)[0:2],
+                str(wwpns)[2:4],
+                str(wwpns)[4:6],
+                str(wwpns)[6:8],
+                str(wwpns)[8:10],
+                str(wwpns)[10:12],
+                str(wwpns)[12:14],
+                str(wwpns)[14:16])
+        return szwwpns
+    def _export_fc(self, volumeid, targetwwpns, initiatorwwpns, volumename):
+        ret = 0
+        output = ''
+        msg = _('Export fc: %(volume)s, %(wwpns)s, %(iqn)s, %(volumename)s') \
+            % {'volume': volumeid, 'wwpns': targetwwpns,
+               'iqn': initiatorwwpns, 'volumename': volumename}
+        LOG.debug(msg)
+        try:
+            ret, output = self.dpl.assign_vdev_fc(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(volumeid), targetwwpns,
+                initiatorwwpns, volumename)
+        except Exception:
+            msg = _('Volume %(volumeid) failed to send assign command, '
+                    'ret: %(status)s output: %(output)s') % \
+                {'volumeid': volumeid, 'status': ret, 'output': output}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            ret = errno.EFAULT
+        if ret == 0:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            status = self._wait_event(
+                self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(volumeid), event_uuid)
+            if status['state'] == 'error':
+                ret = errno.EFAULT
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to assign volume %(id)s: '
+                        '%(status)s.') % {'id': volumeid,
+                                          'status': status}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                ret = 0
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor assign volume failed:%(id)s:'
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': volumeid, 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        return ret
+    def _delete_export_fc(self, volumeid, targetwwpns, initiatorwwpns):
+        ret = 0
+        output = ''
+        ret, output = self.dpl.unassign_vdev_fc(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volumeid),
+            targetwwpns, initiatorwwpns)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(
+                    self.dpl.get_vdev_status, volumeid, event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] == 'error':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to unassign volume %(id)s:'
+                            ' %(status)s.') % {'id': volumeid,
+                                               'status': status}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+                else:
+                    ret = 0
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to unassign volume (get event) '
+                        '%(id)s.') % {'id': volumeid}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor unassign volume failed:%(id)s:'
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': volumeid, 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to unassign volume '
+                    '%(id)s.') % {'id': volumeid}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        return ret
+    def _build_initiator_target_map(self, connector, tgtwwns):
+        """Build the target_wwns and the initiator target map."""
+        init_targ_map = {}
+        initiator_wwns = connector['wwpns']
+        for initiator in initiator_wwns:
+            init_targ_map[initiator] = tgtwwns
+        return init_targ_map
+    @fczm_utils.AddFCZone
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        """Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
+        """
+            connector = {'ip': CONF.my_ip,
+                         'host': CONF.host,
+                         'initiator': self._initiator,
+                         'wwnns': self._fc_wwnns,
+                         'wwpns': self._fc_wwpns}
+        """
+        dc_fc = {}
+        dc_target = {}
+        lsTargetWwpn = []
+        output = None
+        properties = {}
+        preferTargets = {}
+        ret = 0
+        targetIdentifier = []
+        szwwpns = []
+        LOG.info('initialize_connection volume: %s,'
+                 ' connector: %s' % (volume, connector))
+        # Get Storage Fiber channel controller
+        dc_fc = self._get_fc_channel()
+        # Get existed FC target list to decide target wwpn
+        dc_target = self._get_targets()
+        if len(dc_target) == 0:
+            msg = _('Backend storage did not configure fiber channel target.')
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        for keyFc in dc_fc.keys():
+            for targetuuid in dc_target.keys():
+                if dc_fc[keyFc]['hardware_address'] == \
+                        dc_target[targetuuid]['targetAddr']:
+                    preferTargets[targetuuid] = dc_target[targetuuid]
+                    break
+        # Confirm client wwpn is existed in sns table
+        # Covert wwwpns to 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' format
+        for dwwpn in connector['wwpns']:
+            szwwpn = self._convertHex2String(dwwpn)
+            if len(szwwpn) == 0:
+                msg = _('Invalid wwpns format %(wwpns)s') % \
+                    {'wwpns': connector['wwpns']}
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+                LOG.error(msg)
+            szwwpns.append(szwwpn)
+        if len(szwwpns):
+            for targetUuid in preferTargets.keys():
+                targetWwpn = ''
+                targetWwpn = preferTargets.get(targetUuid,
+                                               {}).get('targetAddr', '')
+                lsTargetWwpn.append(targetWwpn)
+        # Use wwpns to assign volume.
+        msg = _('Prefer use target wwpn %(wwpn)s') % {'wwpn': lsTargetWwpn}
+        LOG.info(msg)
+        # Start to create export in all FC target node.
+        assignedTarget = []
+        for pTarget in lsTargetWwpn:
+            try:
+                ret = self._export_fc(volume['id'], str(pTarget), szwwpns,
+                                      volume['name'])
+                if ret:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    assignedTarget.append(pTarget)
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = _('Failed to export fiber channel target '
+                        'due to %s') % (six.text_type(e))
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                ret = errno.EFAULT
+                break
+        if ret == 0:
+            ret, output = self.dpl.get_vdev(self._conver_uuid2hex(
+                volume['id']))
+        nLun = -1
+        if ret == 0:
+            try:
+                for p in output['exports']['Network/FC']:
+                    # check initiator wwpn existed in target initiator list
+                    for initI in p.get('permissions', []):
+                        for szwpn in szwwpns:
+                            if initI.get(szwpn, None):
+                                nLun = initI[szwpn]
+                                break
+                        if nLun != -1:
+                            break
+                    if nLun != -1:
+                        targetIdentifier.append(
+                            str(p['target_identifier']).replace(':', ''))
+            except Exception:
+                msg = _('Invalid connection initialization response of '
+                        'volume %(name)s: '
+                        '%(output)s') % {'name': volume['name'],
+                                         'output': output}
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        if nLun != -1:
+            init_targ_map = self._build_initiator_target_map(connector,
+                                                             targetIdentifier)
+            properties['target_discovered'] = True
+            properties['target_wwn'] = targetIdentifier
+            properties['target_lun'] = int(nLun)
+            properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+            properties['initiator_target_map'] = init_targ_map
+            msg = _('%(volume)s assign type fibre_channel, properties '
+                    '%(properties)s') % {'volume': volume['id'],
+                                         'properties': properties}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Invalid connection initialization response of '
+                    'volume %(name)s') % {'name': volume['name']}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        msg = _('Connect initialization info: '
+                '{driver_volume_type: fibre_channel, '
+                'data: %(properties)s') % {'properties': properties}
+        LOG.info(msg)
+        return {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+                'data': properties}
+    @fczm_utils.RemoveFCZone
+    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+        """Disallow connection from connector."""
+        """
+            connector = {'ip': CONF.my_ip,
+                         'host': CONF.host,
+                         'initiator': self._initiator,
+                         'wwnns': self._fc_wwnns,
+                         'wwpns': self._fc_wwpns}
+        """
+        lstargetWwpns = []
+        lsTargets = []
+        szwwpns = []
+        ret = 0
+        info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': {}}
+        msg = _('terminate_connection volume: %(volume)s, '
+                'connector: %(con)s') % {'volume': volume, 'con': connector}
+        LOG.info(msg)
+        # Query targetwwpns.
+        # Get all target list of volume.
+        for dwwpn in connector['wwpns']:
+            szwwpn = self._convertHex2String(dwwpn)
+            if len(szwwpn) == 0:
+                msg = _('Invalid wwpns format %(wwpns)s') % \
+                    {'wwpns': connector['wwpns']}
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+                LOG.error(msg)
+            szwwpns.append(szwwpn)
+        if len(szwwpns) == 0:
+            ret = errno.EFAULT
+            msg = _('Invalid wwpns format %(wwpns)s') % \
+                {'wwpns': connector['wwpns']}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        else:
+            for szwwpn in szwwpns:
+                lstargetWwpns = self._get_targetwpns(
+                    self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']), szwwpn)
+                lsTargets = list(set(lsTargets + lstargetWwpns))
+        # Remove all export target
+        try:
+            for ptarget in lsTargets:
+                ret = self._delete_export_fc(volume['id'], ptarget, szwwpns)
+                if ret:
+                    break
+        except Exception:
+            ret = errno.EFAULT
+        finally:
+            if ret:
+                msg = _('Faield to unassign %(volume)s') % (volume['id'])
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        # Failed to delete export with fibre channel
+        if ret:
+            init_targ_map = self._build_initiator_target_map(connector,
+                                                             lsTargets)
+            info['data'] = {'target_wwn': lsTargets,
+                            'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}
+        return info
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        if refresh:
+            data = super(DPLFCDriver, self).get_volume_stats(refresh)
+            if data:
+                data['storage_protocol'] = 'FC'
+                backend_name = \
+                    self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+                data['volume_backend_name'] = (backend_name or 'DPLFCDriver')
+                self._stats = data
+        return self._stats
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_iscsi.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dpl_iscsi.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0a5aefc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 ProphetStor, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import errno
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+import cinder.volume.driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import dplcommon
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DPLISCSIDriver(dplcommon.DPLCOMMONDriver,
+                     cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(DPLISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        """Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
+        properties = {}
+        properties['target_lun'] = None
+        properties['target_discovered'] = True
+        properties['target_portal'] = ''
+        properties['target_iqn'] = None
+        properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+        properties['access_mode'] = 'rw'
+        dpl_server = self.configuration.san_ip
+        dpl_iscsi_port = self.configuration.iscsi_port
+        ret, output = self.dpl.assign_vdev(self._conver_uuid2hex(
+            volume['id']), connector['initiator'].lower(), volume['id'],
+            '%s:%d' % (dpl_server, dpl_iscsi_port), 0)
+        if ret == 0:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            status = self._wait_event(
+                self.dpl.get_vdev_status, self._conver_uuid2hex(
+                    volume['id']), event_uuid)
+            if status['state'] == 'error':
+                ret = errno.EFAULT
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to assign volume %(id)s: '
+                        '%(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'],
+                                          'status': status}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor assign volume failed.:%(id)s:'
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        if ret == 0:
+            ret, output = self.dpl.get_vdev(
+                self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']))
+        if ret == 0:
+            for tgInfo in output['exports']['Network/iSCSI']:
+                if tgInfo['permissions'] and \
+                        isinstance(tgInfo['permissions'][0], dict):
+                    for assign in tgInfo['permissions']:
+                        if connector['initiator'].lower() in assign.keys():
+                            for tgportal in tgInfo.get('portals', {}):
+                                properties['target_portal'] = tgportal
+                                break
+                            properties['target_lun'] = \
+                                assign[connector['initiator'].lower()]
+                            break
+                    if properties['target_portal'] != '':
+                        properties['target_iqn'] = tgInfo['target_identifier']
+                        break
+                else:
+                    if connector['initiator'].lower() in tgInfo['permissions']:
+                        for tgportal in tgInfo.get('portals', {}):
+                            properties['target_portal'] = tgportal
+                            break
+                    if properties['target_portal'] != '':
+                        properties['target_lun'] = \
+                            tgInfo['logical_unit_number']
+                        properties['target_iqn'] = \
+                            tgInfo['target_identifier']
+                        break
+        if not (ret == 0 or properties['target_portal']):
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data='Flexvisor failed to assign volume %s iqn %s.'
+                     % (volume['id'], connector['initiator']))
+        return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties}
+    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+        """Disallow connection from connector."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.unassign_vdev(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+            connector['initiator'])
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(
+                    self.dpl.get_vdev_status, volume['id'], event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] == 'error':
+                    ret = errno.EFAULT
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to unassign volume %(id)s:'
+                            ' %(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'],
+                                               'status': status}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to unassign volume (get event) '
+                        '%(id)s.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor unassign volume failed:%(id)s:'
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        if refresh:
+            try:
+                data = super(DPLISCSIDriver, self).get_volume_stats(refresh)
+                if data:
+                    data['storage_protocol'] = 'iSCSI'
+                    backend_name = \
+                        self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+                    data['volume_backend_name'] = \
+                        (backend_name or 'DPLISCSIDriver')
+                    self._stats = data
+            except Exception as exc:
+                LOG.warning(_('Cannot get volume status '
+                              '%(exc)%s.') % {'exc': exc})
+        return self._stats
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dplcommon.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/dplcommon.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7a738c4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 ProphetStor, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Implementation of the class of ProphetStor DPL storage adapter of Federator.
+import base64
+import errno
+import httplib
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import six
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from cinder.openstack.common import units
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import options
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DPL_BLOCKSTOR = '/dpl_blockstor'
+DPL_SYSTEM = '/dpl_system'
+DPL_VER_V1 = 'v1'
+DPL_OBJ_POOL = 'dpl_pool'
+DPL_OBJ_DISK = 'dpl_disk'
+DPL_OBJ_VOLUME = 'dpl_volume'
+DPL_OBJ_VOLUMEGROUP = 'dpl_volgroup'
+DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT = 'cdmi_snapshots'
+DPL_OBJ_EXPORT = 'dpl_export'
+DPL_OBJ_REPLICATION = 'cdmi_replication'
+DPL_OBJ_TARGET = 'dpl_target'
+DPL_OBJ_SYSTEM = 'dpl_system'
+DPL_OBJ_SNS = 'sns_table'
+class DPLCommand(object):
+    """DPL command interface."""
+    def __init__(self, ip, port, username, password):
+        self.ip = ip
+        self.port = port
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+    def send_cmd(self, method, url, params, expected_status):
+        """Send command to DPL."""
+        connection = None
+        retcode = 0
+        response = {}
+        data = {}
+        header = {'Content-Type': 'application/cdmi-container',
+                  'Accept': 'application/cdmi-container',
+                  'x-cdmi-specification-version': '1.0.2'}
+        # base64 encode the username and password
+        auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s'
+                                   % (self.username,
+                                      self.password)).replace('\n', '')
+        header['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % auth
+        if not params:
+            payload = None
+        else:
+            try:
+                payload = json.dumps(params, ensure_ascii=False)
+                payload.encode('utf-8')
+            except Exception:
+                LOG.error(_('JSON encode params error: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(params))
+                retcode = errno.EINVAL
+        for i in range(CONNECTION_RETRY):
+            try:
+                connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.ip,
+                                                     self.port,
+                                                     timeout=60)
+                if connection:
+                    retcode = 0
+                    break
+            except IOError as ioerr:
+                LOG.error(_('Connect to Flexvisor error: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(ioerr))
+                retcode = errno.ENOTCONN
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Connect to Flexvisor failed: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.EFAULT
+        retry = CONNECTION_RETRY
+        while (connection and retry):
+            try:
+                connection.request(method, url, payload, header)
+            except httplib.CannotSendRequest as e:
+                connection.close()
+                time.sleep(1)
+                connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.ip,
+                                                     self.port,
+                                                     timeout=60)
+                retry -= 1
+                if connection:
+                    if retry == 0:
+                        retcode = errno.ENOTCONN
+                    else:
+                        retcode = 0
+                else:
+                    retcode = errno.ENOTCONN
+                continue
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Failed to send request: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.EFAULT
+                break
+            if retcode == 0:
+                try:
+                    response = connection.getresponse()
+                    if response.status == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
+                        LOG.error(_('The Flexvisor service is unavailable.'))
+                        time.sleep(1)
+                        retry -= 1
+                        retcode = errno.ENAVAIL
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        retcode = 0
+                        break
+                except httplib.ResponseNotReady as e:
+                    time.sleep(1)
+                    retry -= 1
+                    retcode = errno.EFAULT
+                    continue
+                except Exception as e:
+                    LOG.error(_('Failed to get response: %s.'),
+                              six.text_type(e.message))
+                    retcode = errno.EFAULT
+                    break
+        if retcode == 0 and response.status in expected_status and\
+                response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
+            retcode = errno.ENAVAIL
+        elif retcode == 0 and response.status not in expected_status:
+            LOG.error(_('%(method)s %(url)s unexpected response status: '
+                        '%(response)s (expects: %(expects)s).')
+                      % {'method': method,
+                         'url': url,
+                         'response': httplib.responses[response.status],
+                         'expects': expected_status})
+            if response.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
+                raise exception.NotAuthorized
+                retcode = errno.EACCES
+            else:
+                retcode = errno.EIO
+        elif retcode == 0 and response.status is httplib.NOT_FOUND:
+            retcode = errno.ENAVAIL
+        elif retcode == 0 and response.status is httplib.ACCEPTED:
+            retcode = errno.EAGAIN
+            try:
+                data = response.read()
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Call to json.loads() raised an exception: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.ENOEXEC
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Read response raised an exception: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.ENOEXEC
+        elif retcode == 0 and \
+                response.status in [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED] and \
+                httplib.NO_CONTENT not in expected_status:
+            try:
+                data = response.read()
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Call to json.loads() raised an exception: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.ENOEXEC
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.error(_('Read response raised an exception: %s.'),
+                          six.text_type(e))
+                retcode = errno.ENOEXEC
+        if connection:
+            connection.close()
+        return retcode, data
+class DPLVolume(object):
+    def __init__(self, dplServer, dplPort, dplUser, dplPassword):
+        self.objCmd = DPLCommand(dplServer, dplPort, dplUser, dplPassword)
+    def _execute(self, method, url, params, expected_status):
+        if self.objCmd:
+            return self.objCmd.send_cmd(method, url, params, expected_status)
+        else:
+            return -1, None
+    def _gen_snapshot_url(self, vdevid, snapshotid):
+        snapshot_url = '/%s/%s/%s' % (vdevid, DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT, snapshotid)
+        return snapshot_url
+    def get_server_info(self):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_SYSTEM)
+        return self._execute(method, url, None, [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def create_vdev(self, volumeID, volumeName, volumeDesc, poolID, volumeSize,
+                    fthinprovision=True, maximum_snapshot=1024,
+                    snapshot_quota=None):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, volumeID)
+        if volumeName is None or volumeName == '':
+            metadata['display_name'] = volumeID
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = volumeName
+        metadata['display_description'] = volumeDesc
+        metadata['pool_uuid'] = poolID
+        metadata['total_capacity'] = volumeSize
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = 1024
+        if snapshot_quota is not None:
+            metadata['snapshot_quota'] = int(snapshot_quota)
+        metadata['properties'] = dict(thin_provision=fthinprovision)
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def extend_vdev(self, volumeID, volumeName, volumeDesc, volumeSize,
+                    maximum_snapshot=1024, snapshot_quota=None):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, volumeID)
+        if volumeName is None or volumeName == '':
+            metadata['display_name'] = volumeID
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = volumeName
+        metadata['display_description'] = volumeDesc
+        metadata['total_capacity'] = int(volumeSize)
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = maximum_snapshot
+        if snapshot_quota is not None:
+            metadata['snapshot_quota'] = snapshot_quota
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def delete_vdev(self, volumeID, force=False):
+        method = 'DELETE'
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, volumeID)
+        metadata['force'] = force
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NOT_FOUND,
+                              httplib.NO_CONTENT])
+    def create_vdev_from_snapshot(self, vdevID, vdevDisplayName, vdevDesc,
+                                  snapshotID, poolID, fthinprovision=True,
+                                  maximum_snapshot=1024, snapshot_quota=None):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevID)
+        metadata['snapshot_operation'] = 'copy'
+        if vdevDisplayName is None or vdevDisplayName == "":
+            metadata['display_name'] = vdevID
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = vdevDisplayName
+        metadata['display_description'] = vdevDesc
+        metadata['pool_uuid'] = poolID
+        metadata['properties'] = {}
+        metadata['maximum_snapshot'] = maximum_snapshot
+        if snapshot_quota:
+            metadata['snapshot_quota'] = snapshot_quota
+        metadata['properties'] = dict(thin_provision=fthinprovision)
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['copy'] = self._gen_snapshot_url(vdevID, snapshotID)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def spawn_vdev_from_snapshot(self, new_vol_id, src_vol_id,
+                                 vol_display_name, description, snap_id):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = {}
+        metadata = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, new_vol_id)
+        metadata['snapshot_operation'] = 'spawn'
+        if vol_display_name is None or vol_display_name == '':
+            metadata['display_name'] = new_vol_id
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = vol_display_name
+        metadata['display_description'] = description
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['copy'] = self._gen_snapshot_url(src_vol_id, snap_id)
+        return self._execute(method, url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def get_pool(self, poolid):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_POOL, poolid)
+        return self._execute(method, url, None, [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def clone_vdev(self, SourceVolumeID, NewVolumeID, poolID, volumeName,
+                   volumeDesc, volumeSize, fthinprovision=True,
+                   maximum_snapshot=1024, snapshot_quota=None):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = {}
+        metadata = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, NewVolumeID)
+        metadata["snapshot_operation"] = "clone"
+        if volumeName is None or volumeName == '':
+            metadata["display_name"] = NewVolumeID
+        else:
+            metadata["display_name"] = volumeName
+        metadata["display_description"] = volumeDesc
+        metadata["pool_uuid"] = poolID
+        metadata["total_capacity"] = volumeSize
+        metadata["maximum_snapshot"] = maximum_snapshot
+        if snapshot_quota:
+            metadata["snapshot_quota"] = snapshot_quota
+        metadata["properties"] = dict(thin_provision=fthinprovision)
+        params["metadata"] = metadata
+        params["copy"] = SourceVolumeID
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def create_vdev_snapshot(self, volumeID, snapshotID, snapshotName='',
+                             snapshotDes=''):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, volumeID)
+        if snapshotName is None or snapshotName == '':
+            metadata['display_name'] = snapshotID
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = snapshotName
+        metadata['display_description'] = snapshotDes
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['snapshot'] = snapshotID
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def get_vdev(self, vdevid):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def get_vdev_status(self, vdevid, eventid):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/?event_uuid=%s' \
+              % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid, eventid)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def get_pool_status(self, poolid, eventid):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/?event_uuid=%s' \
+              % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_POOL, poolid, eventid)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def assign_vdev(self, vdevid, iqn, lunname, portal, lunid=0):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'assign'
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = {}
+        target_info = {}
+        target_info['logical_unit_number'] = 0
+        target_info['logical_unit_name'] = lunname
+        permissions = []
+        portals = []
+        portals.append(portal)
+        permissions.append(iqn)
+        target_info['permissions'] = permissions
+        target_info['portals'] = portals
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = target_info
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def assign_vdev_fc(self, vdevid, targetwwpn, initiatorwwpn, lunname,
+                       lunid=-1):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'assign'
+        exports['Network/FC'] = {}
+        target_info = {}
+        target_info['target_identifier'] = targetwwpn
+        target_info['logical_unit_number'] = lunid
+        target_info['logical_unit_name'] = lunname
+        target_info['permissions'] = initiatorwwpn
+        exports['Network/FC'] = target_info
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED])
+    def unassign_vdev(self, vdevid, initiatorIqn, targetIqn=''):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'unassign'
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        exports['Network/iSCSI'] = {}
+        exports['Network/iSCSI']['target_identifier'] = targetIqn
+        permissions = []
+        permissions.append(initiatorIqn)
+        exports['Network/iSCSI']['permissions'] = permissions
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED,
+                              httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def unassign_vdev_fc(self, vdevid, targetwwpn, initiatorwwpns):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        metadata = {}
+        exports = {}
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        metadata['export_operation'] = 'unassign'
+        params['metadata'] = metadata
+        exports['Network/FC'] = {}
+        exports['Network/FC']['target_identifier'] = targetwwpn
+        permissions = initiatorwwpns
+        exports['Network/FC']['permissions'] = permissions
+        params['exports'] = exports
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED,
+                              httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def delete_vdev_snapshot(self, volumeID, snapshotID):
+        method = 'DELETE'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' \
+              % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, volumeID,
+                 DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT, snapshotID)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NO_CONTENT,
+                              httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def rollback_vdev(self, vdevid, snapshotid):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid)
+        params['copy'] = self._gen_snapshot_url(vdevid, snapshotid)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, params,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED])
+    def list_vdev_snapshots(self, vdevid):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/%s/' \
+              % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_VOLUME, vdevid, DPL_OBJ_SNAPSHOT)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK])
+    def create_target(self, targetID, protocol, displayName, targetAddress,
+                      description=''):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' \
+            % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT, targetID)
+        params['metadata'] = {}
+        metadata = params['metadata']
+        metadata['type'] = 'target'
+        metadata['protocol'] = protocol
+        if displayName is None or displayName == '':
+            metadata['display_name'] = targetID
+        else:
+            metadata['display_name'] = displayName
+        metadata['display_description'] = description
+        metadata['address'] = targetAddress
+        return self._execute(method, url, params, [httplib.OK])
+    def get_target(self, targetID):
+        method = 'GET'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT, targetID)
+        return self._execute(method, url, None, [httplib.OK])
+    def delete_target(self, targetID):
+        method = 'DELETE'
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT, targetID)
+        return self._execute(method,
+                             url, None,
+                             [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NOT_FOUND])
+    def get_target_list(self, type='target'):
+        # type = target/initiator
+        method = 'GET'
+        if type is None:
+            url = '/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT)
+        else:
+            url = '/%s/%s/?type=%s' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT, type)
+        return self._execute(method, url, None, [httplib.OK])
+    def get_sns_table(self, wwpn):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = {}
+        url = '/%s/%s/%s/' % (DPL_VER_V1, DPL_OBJ_EXPORT, DPL_OBJ_SNS)
+        params['metadata'] = {}
+        params['metadata']['protocol'] = 'fc'
+        params['metadata']['address'] = str(wwpn)
+        return self._execute(method, url, params, [httplib.OK])
+class DPLCOMMONDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
+    """class of dpl storage adapter."""
+    VERSION = '2.0'
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(DPLCOMMONDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        if self.configuration:
+            self.configuration.append_config_values(options.DPL_OPTS)
+            self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts)
+        self.dpl = DPLVolume(self.configuration.san_ip,
+                             self.configuration.dpl_port,
+                             self.configuration.san_login,
+                             self.configuration.san_password)
+        self._stats = {}
+    def _convert_size_GB(self, size):
+        s = round(float(size) / units.Gi, 2)
+        if s > 0:
+            return s
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def _conver_uuid2hex(self, strID):
+        if strID:
+            return strID.replace('-', '')
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _get_event_uuid(self, output):
+        event_uuid = ""
+        if type(output) is not dict:
+            return -1, event_uuid
+        if output.get("metadata") and output["metadata"]:
+            if output["metadata"].get("event_uuid") and  \
+                    output["metadata"]["event_uuid"]:
+                event_uuid = output["metadata"]["event_uuid"]
+                return 0, event_uuid
+        return -1, event_uuid
+    def _wait_event(self, callFun, objuuid, eventid=None):
+        nRetry = 30
+        fExit = False
+        status = {}
+        status['state'] = 'error'
+        status['output'] = {}
+        while nRetry:
+            try:
+                if eventid:
+                    ret, output = callFun(
+                        self._conver_uuid2hex(objuuid),
+                        self._conver_uuid2hex(eventid))
+                else:
+                    ret, output = callFun(self._conver_uuid2hex(objuuid))
+                if ret == 0:
+                    if output['completionStatus'] == 'Complete':
+                        fExit = True
+                        status['state'] = 'available'
+                        status['output'] = output
+                    elif output['completionStatus'] == 'Error':
+                        fExit = True
+                        status['state'] = 'error'
+                        raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=False)
+                    else:
+                        nsleep = random.randint(0, 10)
+                        value = round(float(nsleep) / 10, 2)
+                        time.sleep(value)
+                elif ret == errno.ENAVAIL:
+                    status['state'] = 'deleted'
+                    fExit = True
+                else:
+                    nRetry -= 1
+                    time.sleep(3)
+                    continue
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to get event %(volume)s'
+                        '(%(status)s).') % {'volume': eventid,
+                                            'status': six.text_type(e)}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=False)
+                status['state'] = 'error'
+                fExit = True
+            if fExit is True:
+                break
+        return status
+    def create_export(self, context, volume):
+        pass
+    def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+        pass
+    def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+        pass
+    def create_volume(self, volume):
+        """Create a volume."""
+        pool = self.configuration.dpl_pool
+        ret, output = self.dpl.create_vdev(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+            volume.get('display_name', ''),
+            volume.get('display_description', ''),
+            pool,
+            int(volume['size']) * units.Gi,
+            self.configuration.san_thin_provision)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          volume['id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume %(volume)s: '
+                            '%(status)s.') % {'volume': volume['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume (get event) '
+                        '%s.') % (volume['id'])
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                    data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor create volume failed.:%(volumeid)s:'
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'volumeid': volume['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to create volume '
+                    '%(id)s.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
+        pool = self.configuration.dpl_pool
+        ret, output = self.dpl.create_vdev_from_snapshot(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+            volume.get('display_name', ''),
+            volume.get('display_description', ''),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['id']),
+            pool,
+            self.configuration.san_thin_provision)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          volume['id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume from snapshot '
+                            '%(id)s:%(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'],
+                                                     'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                        data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume from snapshot '
+                        '(failed to get event) '
+                        '%(id)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume from snapshot '
+                    '%(id)s: %(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to create volume %(id)s '
+                    'from snapshot.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def spawn_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Spawn a REFERENCED volume from a snapshot."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.spawn_vdev_from_snapshot(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['volume_id']),
+            volume.get('display_name', ''),
+            volume.get('display_description', ''),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['id']))
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            # its an async process
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          volume['id'], event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to spawn volume from snapshot '
+                            '%(id)s:%(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'],
+                                                     'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to spawn volume from snapshot '
+                        '(failed to get event) '
+                        '%(id)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create volume from snapshot '
+                    '%(id)s: %(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to create volume %(id)s '
+                    'from snapshot.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        """Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
+        pool = self.configuration.dpl_pool
+        ret, output = self.dpl.clone_vdev(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(src_vref['id']),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+            pool,
+            volume.get('display_name', ''),
+            volume.get('display_description', ''),
+            int(volume['size']) * units.Gi,
+            self.configuration.san_thin_provision)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          volume['id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to clone volume %(id)s: '
+                            '%(status)s.') % {'id': src_vref['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to clone volume (failed to get event'
+                        ') %(id)s.') % {'id': src_vref['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                    data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to clone volume %(id)s: '
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': src_vref['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to clone '
+                    'volume %(id)s.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Deletes a volume."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.delete_vdev(self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']))
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev, volume['id'])
+            if status['state'] == 'error':
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed deleting volume %(id)s: '
+                        '%(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'], 'status': ret}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret == errno.ENAVAIL:
+            ret = 0
+            msg = _('Flexvisor volume %(id)s not '
+                    'existed.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to delete volume %(id)s: '
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        ret, output = self.dpl.extend_vdev(self._conver_uuid2hex(volume['id']),
+                                           volume.get('display_name', ''),
+                                           volume.get('display_description',
+                                                      ''),
+                                           new_size * units.Gi)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          volume['id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to extend volume '
+                            '%(id)s:%(status)s.') % {'id': volume,
+                                                     'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                        data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to extend volume '
+                        '(failed to get event) '
+                        '%(id)s.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to extend volume '
+                    '%(id)s: %(status)s.') % {'id': volume['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to extend volume'
+                    ' %(id)s.') % {'id': volume['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Creates a snapshot."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.create_vdev_snapshot(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['volume_id']),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['id']),
+            snapshot.get('display_name', ''),
+            snapshot.get('display_description', ''))
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          snapshot['volume_id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create snapshot for volume '
+                            '%(id)s: %(status)s.') % \
+                        {'id': snapshot['volume_id'], 'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create snapshot for volume '
+                        '(failed to get event) %(id)s.') % \
+                    {'id': snapshot['volume_id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to create snapshot for volume %(id)s: '
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['volume_id'],
+                                      'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Deletes a snapshot."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.delete_vdev_snapshot(
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['volume_id']),
+            self._conver_uuid2hex(snapshot['id']))
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_vdev_status,
+                                          snapshot['volume_id'],
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to delete snapshot %(id)s: '
+                            '%(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'],
+                                              'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            else:
+                msg = _('Flexvisor failed to delete snapshot (failed to '
+                        'get event) %(id)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id']}
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        elif ret == errno.ENAVAIL:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor snapshot %(id)s not existed.') % \
+                {'id': snapshot['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to delete snapshot %(id)s: '
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id'], 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor succeed to delete '
+                    'snapshot %(id)s.') % {'id': snapshot['id']}
+            LOG.info(msg)
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        """Get volume stats.
+        If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
+        """
+        if refresh:
+            self._update_volume_stats()
+        return self._stats
+    def _update_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        """Return the current state of the volume service. If 'refresh' is
+           True, run the update first.
+        """
+        data = {}
+        totalSize = 0
+        availableSize = 0
+        ret, output = self._get_pool_info(self.configuration.dpl_pool)
+        if ret == 0:
+            totalSize = int(output['metadata']['total_capacity'])
+            availableSize = int(output['metadata']['available_capacity'])
+        else:
+            totalSize = 0
+            availableSize = 0
+        data['volume_backend_name'] = \
+            self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+        location_info = '%(driver)s:%(host)s:%(volume)s' % {
+            'driver': self.__class__.__name__,
+            'host': self.configuration.san_ip,
+            'volume': self.configuration.dpl_pool
+        }
+        try:
+            ret, output = self.dpl.get_server_info()
+            if ret == 0:
+                data['vendor_name'] = output['metadata']['vendor']
+                data['driver_version'] = output['metadata']['version']
+                data['storage_protocol'] = 'iSCSI'
+                data['total_capacity_gb'] = self._convert_size_GB(totalSize)
+                data['free_capacity_gb'] = self._convert_size_GB(availableSize)
+                data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+                data['QoS_support'] = False
+                data['location_info'] = location_info
+                self._stats = data
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = _('Failed to get server info due to '
+                    '%(state)s.') % {'state': six.text_type(e)}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+        return self._stats
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting."""
+        self.context = context
+        LOG.info(_('Activate Flexvisor cinder volume driver.'))
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        """Check DPL can connect properly."""
+        pass
+    def _get_pool_info(self, poolid):
+        """Query pool information."""
+        ret, output = self.dpl.get_pool(poolid)
+        if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
+            ret, event_uuid = self._get_event_uuid(output)
+            if ret == 0:
+                status = self._wait_event(self.dpl.get_pool_status, poolid,
+                                          event_uuid)
+                if status['state'] != 'available':
+                    msg = _('Flexvisor failed to get pool info %(id)s: '
+                            '%(status)s.') % {'id': poolid, 'status': ret}
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+                else:
+                    ret = 0
+                    output = status.get('output', {})
+            else:
+                LOG.error(_('Flexvisor failed to get pool info '
+                          '(failed to get event)%s.') % (poolid))
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
+                    data="failed to get event")
+        elif ret != 0:
+            msg = _('Flexvisor failed to get pool info %(id)s: '
+                    '%(status)s.') % {'id': poolid, 'status': ret}
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        else:
+            msg = 'Flexvisor succeed to get pool info.'
+            LOG.debug(msg)
+        return ret, output
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/options.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/prophetstor/options.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c9b1f28
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 ProphetStor, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from oslo.config import cfg
+    cfg.StrOpt('dpl_pool',
+               default='',
+               help='DPL pool uuid in which DPL volumes are stored.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('dpl_port',
+               default=8357,
+               help='DPL port number.'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
index 25c4dcb67714b2a3c4a8f190465a501e707aeee5..22afd2cb1b1ba5cd4dc118876ec5ecd6805b6d0e 100644 (file)
+# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor.options
+# DPL pool uuid in which DPL volumes are stored. (string
+# value)
+# DPL port number. (integer value)
 # Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.pure