--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Shubhangi Satras, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# @author: Tyler Smith, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import unittest
+import logging as LOG
+from quantum.common import exceptions as exc
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.l2network_plugin import L2Network
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_credentials as creds
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import api as db
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import l2network_db as cdb
+from quantum.plugins.cisco.ucs.cisco_ucs_inventory import UCSInventory
+# Set some data to use in tests
+tenant = 'shubh'
+net_name = 'TestNetwork1'
+port_state = const.PORT_UP
+interface_id = 'vif-01'
+class TestUCSInventory(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for the UCS Inventory. Each high-level operation should return
+ some information about which devices to perform the action on.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Setup our tests"""
+ # Initialize cdb and credentials
+ db.configure_db({'sql_connection': 'sqlite:///:memory:'})
+ cdb.initialize()
+ creds.Store.initialize()
+ # Create the ucs inventory object
+ self._ucs_inventory = UCSInventory()
+ self.inventory = self._ucs_inventory._inventory
+ # Create a plugin instance to create networks/ports
+ self._l2network = L2Network()
+ def assertValidUCM(self, ip_address):
+ """Asserts that the given ip is in the UCS inventory"""
+ if ip_address in self.inventory.keys():
+ assert(1)
+ return
+ assert(0)
+ def assertPortNotFound(self, cmd, args):
+ """Asserts that the given command raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ cmd = getattr(self._ucs_inventory, cmd)
+ self.assertRaises(exc.PortNotFound, cmd, args)
+ def _test_get_all_ucms(self, cmd):
+ """Runs tests for commands that expect a list of all UCMS"""
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - START", cmd)
+ results = getattr(self._ucs_inventory, cmd)([])
+ self.assertEqual(results[const.DEVICE_IP], self.inventory.keys())
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - END", cmd)
+ def _test_with_port_creation(self, cmd, params=None):
+ """Tests commands that requires a port to exist"""
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - START", cmd)
+ net = self._l2network.create_network(tenant, net_name)
+ port = self._l2network.create_port(tenant, net[const.NET_ID],
+ port_state)
+ args = [tenant, net[const.NET_ID], port[const.PORT_ID]]
+ if params is not None:
+ args.extend(params)
+ ip_address = getattr(self._ucs_inventory, cmd)(args)
+ ip_address = ip_address[const.DEVICE_IP][0]
+ self.assertValidUCM(ip_address)
+ # Clean up created network and port
+ try:
+ self._l2network.unplug_interface(tenant,
+ net[const.NET_ID], port[const.PORT_ID])
+ except:
+ pass
+ self._l2network.delete_port(tenant,
+ net[const.NET_ID], port[const.PORT_ID])
+ self._l2network.delete_network(tenant, net[const.NET_ID])
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - END", cmd)
+ def _test_port_not_found(self, cmd, params=None):
+ """Tests commands that should raise a PortNotFound exception"""
+ # Figure out the correct name of this test
+ name = cmd
+ if name[-5:] == "_port":
+ name += "_not_found"
+ else:
+ name += "_port_not_found"
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - START", name)
+ args = [tenant, 1, 1]
+ if params is not None:
+ args.extend(params)
+ self.assertPortNotFound(cmd, args)
+ LOG.debug("test_%s - END", name)
+ def test_create_port(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ LOG.debug("test_create_port - START")
+ results = self._ucs_inventory.create_port([])
+ results = results[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DICT]
+ ip_address = results[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_UCSM]
+ chassis = results[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_CHASSIS]
+ blade = results[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_ID]
+ if blade not in self.inventory[ip_address][chassis]:
+ self.assertEqual(0, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(1, 1)
+ LOG.debug("test_create_port - END")
+ def test_get_all_networks(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('get_all_networks')
+ def test_create_network(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('create_network')
+ def test_delete_network(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('delete_network')
+ def test_get_network_details(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('get_network_details')
+ def test_rename_network(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('rename_network')
+ def test_get_all_ports(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns the correct devices to use"""
+ self._test_get_all_ucms('get_all_ports')
+ def test_delete_port(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns a valid UCM"""
+ self._test_with_port_creation('delete_port')
+ def test_get_port_details(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns a valid UCM"""
+ self._test_with_port_creation('get_port_details')
+ def test_update_port(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns a valid UCM"""
+ self._test_with_port_creation('update_port', [port_state])
+ def test_plug_interface(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns a valid UCM"""
+ self._test_with_port_creation('plug_interface', [interface_id])
+ def test_unplug_interface(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory returns a valid UCM"""
+ self._test_with_port_creation('unplug_interface')
+ def test_delete_port_not_found(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ self._test_port_not_found('delete_port')
+ def test_update_port_not_found(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ self._test_port_not_found('update_port')
+ def test_get_port_details_port_not_found(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ self._test_port_not_found('get_port_details')
+ def test_plug_interface_port_not_found(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ self._test_port_not_found('plug_interface', [interface_id])
+ def test_unplug_interface_port_not_found(self):
+ """Test that the UCS Inventory raises a PortNotFound exception"""
+ self._test_port_not_found('unplug_interface')