import os
-from oslo_log import log as logging
+from neutron.agent.l3 import fip_rule_priority_allocator as frpa
from neutron.agent.l3 import link_local_allocator as lla
from neutron.agent.l3 import namespaces
from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib
from neutron.agent.linux import iptables_manager
from neutron.common import utils as common_utils
+from oslo_log import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.use_ipv6 = use_ipv6
self.agent_gateway_port = None
self._subscribers = set()
- self._rule_priorities = set(range(FIP_PR_START, FIP_PR_END))
+ path = os.path.join(agent_conf.state_path, 'fip-priorities')
+ self._rule_priorities = frpa.FipRulePriorityAllocator(path,
self._iptables_manager = iptables_manager.IptablesManager(
return not self.has_subscribers()
- def allocate_rule_priority(self):
- return self._rule_priorities.pop()
+ def allocate_rule_priority(self, floating_ip):
+ return self._rule_priorities.allocate(floating_ip)
- def deallocate_rule_priority(self, rule_pr):
- self._rule_priorities.add(rule_pr)
+ def deallocate_rule_priority(self, floating_ip):
+ self._rule_priorities.release(floating_ip)
def _gateway_added(self, ex_gw_port, interface_name):
"""Add Floating IP gateway port."""
existing_cidrs = [addr['cidr'] for addr in device.addr.list()]
fip_cidrs = [c for c in existing_cidrs if
+ for fip_cidr in fip_cidrs:
+ fip_ip = fip_cidr.split('/')[0]
+ rule_pr = self._rule_priorities.allocate(fip_ip)
+ ri.floating_ips_dict[fip_ip] = rule_pr
ri.dist_fip_count = len(fip_cidrs)
"""Add floating IP to FIP namespace."""
floating_ip = fip['floating_ip_address']
fixed_ip = fip['fixed_ip_address']
- rule_pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority()
+ rule_pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority(floating_ip)
self.floating_ips_dict[floating_ip] = rule_pr
fip_2_rtr_name = self.fip_ns.get_int_device_name(self.router_id)
ip_rule = ip_lib.IPRule(namespace=self.ns_name)
- self.fip_ns.deallocate_rule_priority(rule_pr)
+ self.fip_ns.deallocate_rule_priority(floating_ip)
#TODO(rajeev): Handle else case - exception/log?
device = ip_lib.IPDevice(fip_2_rtr_name, namespace=fip_ns_name)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 IBM Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutron.agent.l3.item_allocator import ItemAllocator
+class FipPriority(object):
+ def __init__(self, index):
+ self.index = index
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self.index)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.__repr__())
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, FipPriority):
+ return (self.index == other.index)
+ else:
+ return False
+class FipRulePriorityAllocator(ItemAllocator):
+ """Manages allocation of floating ips rule priorities.
+ IP rule priorities assigned to DVR floating IPs need
+ to be preserved over L3 agent restarts.
+ This class provides an allocator which saves the prirorities
+ to a datastore which will survive L3 agent restarts.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data_store_path, priority_rule_start,
+ priority_rule_end):
+ """Create the necessary pool and create the item allocator
+ using ',' as the delimiter and FipRulePriorityAllocator as the
+ class type
+ """
+ pool = set(FipPriority(str(s)) for s in range(priority_rule_start,
+ priority_rule_end))
+ super(FipRulePriorityAllocator, self).__init__(data_store_path,
+ FipPriority,
+ pool)
+ def test_dvr_router_add_fips_on_restarted_agent(self):
+ self.agent.conf.agent_mode = 'dvr'
+ router_info = self.generate_dvr_router_info()
+ router = self.manage_router(self.agent, router_info)
+ floating_ips = router.router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY]
+ router_ns = router.ns_name
+ fip_rule_prio_1 = self._get_fixed_ip_rule_priority(
+ router_ns, floating_ips[0]['fixed_ip_address'])
+ restarted_agent = neutron_l3_agent.L3NATAgent(
+, self.agent.conf)
+ floating_ips[0]['floating_ip_address'] = ''
+ floating_ips[0]['fixed_ip_address'] = ''
+ self.manage_router(restarted_agent, router_info)
+ fip_rule_prio_2 = self._get_fixed_ip_rule_priority(
+ router_ns, floating_ips[0]['fixed_ip_address'])
+ self.assertNotEqual(fip_rule_prio_1, fip_rule_prio_2)
+ def _get_fixed_ip_rule_priority(self, namespace, fip):
+ iprule = ip_lib.IPRule(namespace)
+ lines = iprule.rule._as_root([4], ['show']).splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ if fip in line:
+ info = iprule.rule._parse_line(4, line)
+ return info['priority']
def test_dvr_router_add_internal_network_set_arp_cache(self):
# Check that, when the router is set up and there are
# existing ports on the the uplinked subnet, the ARP
def test_allocate_rule_priority(self):
- pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority()
- self.assertNotIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities)
+ pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority('')
+ self.assertIn('', self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.allocations)
+ self.assertNotIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.pool)
def test_deallocate_rule_priority(self):
- pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority()
- self.fip_ns.deallocate_rule_priority(pr)
- self.assertIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities)
+ pr = self.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority('')
+ self.fip_ns.deallocate_rule_priority('')
+ self.assertNotIn('', self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.allocations)
+ self.assertIn(pr, self.fip_ns._rule_priorities.pool)
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper')
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice')
device_exists.return_value = True
ri = mock.Mock()
ri.dist_fip_count = None
+ ri.floating_ips_dict = {}
ip_list = [{'cidr': ''}, {'cidr': ''}]
self._test_scan_fip_ports(ri, ip_list)
self.assertEqual(2, ri.dist_fip_count)
device_exists.return_value = True
ri = mock.Mock()
ri.dist_fip_count = None
+ ri.floating_ips_dict = {}
self._test_scan_fip_ports(ri, [])
self.assertEqual(0, ri.dist_fip_count)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutron.agent.l3 import fip_rule_priority_allocator as frpa
+from neutron.tests import base
+class TestFipPriority(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestFipPriority, self).setUp()
+ def test__init__(self):
+ test_pr = frpa.FipPriority(10)
+ self.assertEqual(10, test_pr.index)
+ def test__repr__(self):
+ test_pr = frpa.FipPriority(20)
+ self.assertEqual("20", str(test_pr))
+ def test__eq__(self):
+ left_pr = frpa.FipPriority(10)
+ right_pr = frpa.FipPriority(10)
+ other_pr = frpa.FipPriority(20)
+ self.assertEqual(left_pr, right_pr)
+ self.assertNotEqual(left_pr, other_pr)
+ self.assertNotEqual(right_pr, other_pr)
+ def test__hash__(self):
+ left_pr = frpa.FipPriority(10)
+ right_pr = frpa.FipPriority(10)
+ other_pr = frpa.FipPriority(20)
+ self.assertEqual(hash(left_pr), hash(right_pr))
+ self.assertNotEqual(hash(left_pr), hash(other_pr))
+ self.assertNotEqual(hash(other_pr), hash(right_pr))
+class TestFipRulePriorityAllocator(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestFipRulePriorityAllocator, self).setUp()
+ self.priority_rule_start = 100
+ self.priority_rule_end = 200
+ self.data_store_path = '/data_store_path_test'
+ def test__init__(self):
+ _frpa = frpa.FipRulePriorityAllocator(self.data_store_path,
+ self.priority_rule_start,
+ self.priority_rule_end)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_store_path, _frpa.state_file)
+ self.assertEqual(frpa.FipPriority, _frpa.ItemClass)
+ self.assertEqual(100, len(_frpa.pool))
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import mock
from neutron.agent.l3 import item_allocator as ia
from neutron.tests import base
+class TestObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ super(TestObject, self).__init__()
+ self._value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self._value)
class TestItemAllocator(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestItemAllocator, self).setUp()
def test__init__(self):
- test_pool = set(s for s in range(32768, 40000))
- a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', object, test_pool)
- self.assertEqual('/file', a.state_file)
+ test_pool = set(TestObject(s) for s in range(32768, 40000))
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_write') as write:
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ test_object = a.allocate('test')
+ self.assertTrue('test' in a.allocations)
+ self.assertTrue(test_object in a.allocations.values())
+ self.assertTrue(test_object not in a.pool)
+ self.assertTrue(write.called)
+ def test__init__readfile(self):
+ test_pool = set(TestObject(s) for s in range(32768, 40000))
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_read') as read:
+ read.return_value = ["da873ca2,10\n"]
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ self.assertTrue('da873ca2' in a.remembered)
+ self.assertEqual({}, a.allocations)
+ def test_allocate(self):
+ test_pool = set([TestObject(33000), TestObject(33001)])
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_write') as write:
+ test_object = a.allocate('test')
+ self.assertTrue('test' in a.allocations)
+ self.assertTrue(test_object in a.allocations.values())
+ self.assertTrue(test_object not in a.pool)
+ self.assertTrue(write.called)
+ def test_allocate_from_file(self):
+ test_pool = set([TestObject(33000), TestObject(33001)])
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_read') as read:
+ read.return_value = ["deadbeef,33000\n"]
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_write') as write:
+ t_obj = a.allocate('deadbeef')
+ self.assertEqual('33000', t_obj._value)
+ self.assertTrue('deadbeef' in a.allocations)
+ self.assertTrue(t_obj in a.allocations.values())
+ self.assertTrue(33000 not in a.pool)
+ self.assertFalse(write.called)
+ def test_allocate_exhausted_pool(self):
+ test_pool = set([TestObject(33000)])
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_read') as read:
+ read.return_value = ["deadbeef,33000\n"]
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_write') as write:
+ allocation = a.allocate('abcdef12')
+ self.assertFalse('deadbeef' in a.allocations)
+ self.assertTrue(allocation not in a.pool)
+ self.assertTrue(write.called)
+ def test_release(self):
+ test_pool = set([TestObject(33000), TestObject(33001)])
+ with mock.patch.object(ia.ItemAllocator, '_write') as write:
+ a = ia.ItemAllocator('/file', TestObject, test_pool)
+ allocation = a.allocate('deadbeef')
+ write.reset_mock()
+ a.release('deadbeef')
+ self.assertTrue('deadbeef' not in a.allocations)
+ self.assertTrue(allocation in a.pool)
self.assertEqual({}, a.allocations)
- self.assertEqual(object, a.ItemClass)
- self.assertEqual(test_pool, a.pool)
+ write.assert_called_once_with([])
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-import mock
import netaddr
from neutron.agent.l3 import link_local_allocator as lla
a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', self.subnet.cidr)
self.assertEqual('/file', a.state_file)
self.assertEqual({}, a.allocations)
- def test__init__readfile(self):
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_read') as read:
- read.return_value = ["da873ca2,\n"]
- a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', self.subnet.cidr)
- self.assertTrue('da873ca2' in a.remembered)
- self.assertEqual({}, a.allocations)
- def test_allocate(self):
- a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', self.subnet.cidr)
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_write') as write:
- subnet = a.allocate('deadbeef')
- self.assertTrue('deadbeef' in a.allocations)
- self.assertTrue(subnet not in a.pool)
- self._check_allocations(a.allocations)
- write.assert_called_once_with(['deadbeef,%s\n' % subnet.cidr])
- def test_allocate_from_file(self):
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_read') as read:
- read.return_value = ["deadbeef,\n"]
- a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', self.subnet.cidr)
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_write') as write:
- subnet = a.allocate('deadbeef')
- self.assertEqual(netaddr.IPNetwork(''), subnet)
- self.assertTrue(subnet not in a.pool)
- self._check_allocations(a.allocations)
- self.assertFalse(write.called)
- def test_allocate_exhausted_pool(self):
- subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork('')
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_read') as read:
- read.return_value = ["deadbeef,\n"]
- a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', subnet.cidr)
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_write') as write:
- allocation = a.allocate('abcdef12')
- self.assertEqual(subnet, allocation)
- self.assertFalse('deadbeef' in a.allocations)
- self.assertTrue('abcdef12' in a.allocations)
- self.assertTrue(allocation not in a.pool)
- self._check_allocations(a.allocations)
- write.assert_called_once_with(['abcdef12,%s\n' % allocation.cidr])
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, a.allocate, 'deadbeef')
- def test_release(self):
- with mock.patch.object(lla.LinkLocalAllocator, '_write') as write:
- a = lla.LinkLocalAllocator('/file', self.subnet.cidr)
- subnet = a.allocate('deadbeef')
- write.reset_mock()
- a.release('deadbeef')
- self.assertTrue('deadbeef' not in a.allocations)
- self.assertTrue(subnet in a.pool)
- self.assertEqual({}, a.allocations)
- write.assert_called_once_with([])
- def _check_allocations(self, allocations):
- for key, subnet in allocations.items():
- self.assertTrue(subnet in self.subnet)
- self.assertEqual(subnet.prefixlen, 31)