--- /dev/null
+%{!?__python2: %global __python2 /usr/bin/python2}
+%{!?python2_sitelib: %global python2_sitelib %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}
+%{!?python2_sitearch: %global python2_sitearch %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")}
+%global debug_package %{nil}
+%define _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build 0
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
+%global tftp_dir /var/lib/tftpboot/
+%global tftp_dir /tftpboot/
+Summary: Boot server configurator
+Name: cobbler
+License: GPLv2+
+AutoReq: no
+Version: 2.6.9
+Release: 1%{?dist}~mos8.0.1
+Source0: https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Support newer virt-install - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1188424
+Patch0: cobbler-virtinstall.patch
+# Support centos release numbering
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1201879
+Patch1: cobbler-centos.patch
+# Support django1.7+
+# https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler-web/issues/9
+Patch2: cobbler-django17.patch
+Group: Applications/System
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
+BuildArch: noarch
+Url: http://www.cobblerd.org/
+BuildRequires: git
+BuildRequires: python2-devel
+BuildRequires: PyYAML
+BuildRequires: python-cheetah
+BuildRequires: python-setuptools
+Requires: httpd
+Requires: tftp-server
+Requires: mod_wsgi
+Requires: createrepo
+Requires: python-cheetah
+%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 5
+Requires: python-ctypes
+Requires: python-netaddr
+Requires: python-simplejson
+Requires: python-urlgrabber
+Requires: PyYAML
+Requires: rsync
+# syslinux is only available on x86
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+Requires: syslinux
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
+Requires: genisoimage
+Requires: mkisofs
+Requires: yum-utils
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
+BuildRequires: systemd
+Requires(post): systemd
+Requires(preun): systemd
+Requires(postun): systemd
+Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(preun): /sbin/service
+Cobbler is a network install server. Cobbler supports PXE, ISO
+virtualized installs, and re-installing existing Linux machines.
+The last two modes use a helper tool, 'koan', that integrates with
+cobbler. There is also a web interface 'cobbler-web'. Cobbler's
+advanced features include importing distributions from DVDs and rsync
+mirrors, kickstart templating, integrated yum mirroring, and built-in
+DHCP/DNS Management. Cobbler has a XMLRPC API for integration with
+other applications.
+%setup -q
+%patch0 -p1 -b .virtinstall
+%patch1 -p1 -b .centos
+# django 1.8 on Fedora 22+
+%if 0%{?fedora} >= 22
+%patch2 -p1 -b .django17
+%{__python2} setup.py build
+test "x$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "x" && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%{__python2} setup.py install --skip-build --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+# cobbler
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobbler.conf
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobblerd_rotate $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/cobblerd
+# Create data directories in tftp_dir
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{tftp_dir}/{boot,etc,grub,images{,2},ppc,pxelinux.cfg,s390x}
+%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
+# sysvinit
+mkdir -p %{_sysconfdir}/init.d
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobblerd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/cobblerd
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobblerd.service
+# systemd
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobblerd
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/cobblerd
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobblerd.service $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}
+# cobbler-web
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cobbler/cobbler_web.conf
+# koan
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/spool/koan
+if (( $1 >= 2 )); then
+ # package upgrade: backup configuration
+ DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ if [[ ! -d /var/lib/cobbler/backup/upgrade-${DATE} ]]; then
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/cobbler/backup/upgrade-${DATE}
+ fi
+ for i in "config" "snippets" "kickstarts" "triggers" "scripts"; do
+ if [[ -d /var/lib/cobbler/${i} ]]; then
+ cp -r /var/lib/cobbler/${i} /var/lib/cobbler/backup/upgrade-${DATE}
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ -d /etc/cobbler ]]; then
+ cp -r /etc/cobbler /var/lib/cobbler/backup/upgrade-${DATE}
+ fi
+%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
+# package install
+if (( $1 == 1 )); then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add cobblerd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ /etc/init.d/cobblerd start > /dev/null 2>&1
+ /etc/init.d/httpd restart > /dev/null 2>&1
+# before last package is removed
+if (( $1 == 0 )); then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --del cobblerd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ /etc/init.d/cobblerd stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+# after last package is removed
+if (( $1 == 0 )); then
+ /etc/init.d/httpd condrestart > /dev/null 2>&1
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
+%systemd_post cobblerd.service
+%systemd_preun cobblerd.service
+%systemd_postun_with_restart cobblerd.service
+test "x$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "x" && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+# binaries
+# python
+# configuration
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cobbler
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/cobblerd
+%config(noreplace) /etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler.conf
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
+# data
+%config(noreplace) /var/lib/cobbler
+%exclude /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions
+# log
+# documentation
+%doc AUTHORS README COPYING docs/README.openvz docs/README.mysql
+%package -n koan
+Summary: Helper tool that performs cobbler orders on remote machines
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: python-simplejson
+Requires: virt-install
+%description -n koan
+Koan stands for kickstart-over-a-network and allows for both
+network installation of new virtualized guests and reinstallation
+of an existing system. For use with a boot-server configured with Cobbler
+%files -n koan
+%exclude %{python2_sitelib}/koan/sub_process.py*
+%exclude %{python2_sitelib}/koan/opt_parse.py*
+%exclude %{python2_sitelib}/koan/text_wrap.py*
+%package -n cobbler-web
+Summary: Web interface for Cobbler
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: cobbler
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
+Requires: python-django
+Requires: Django >= 1.4
+Requires: mod_wsgi
+Requires: mod_ssl
+Requires(post): openssl
+%description -n cobbler-web
+Web interface for Cobbler that allows visiting
+http://server/cobbler_web to configure the install server.
+%post -n cobbler-web
+# Change the SECRET_KEY option in the Django settings.py file
+# required for security reasons, should be unique on all systems
+RAND_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 40 | sed 's/\//\\\//g')
+sed -i -e "s/SECRET_KEY = ''/SECRET_KEY = \'$RAND_SECRET\'/" /usr/share/cobbler/web/settings.py
+%files -n cobbler-web
+%config(noreplace) /etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler_web.conf
+%attr(-,apache,apache) /usr/share/cobbler/web
+%dir %attr(700,apache,root) /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions
+%attr(-,apache,apache) /var/www/cobbler_webui_content/
+* Tue Sep 29 2015 Artem Silenkov <asilenkov@mirantis.com> - 2.6.9-1~mos8.0.1
+- Make sources local
+- Rebuild from epel7
+* Mon Jun 22 2015 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.9-1
+- Update to 2.6.9
+* Fri May 8 2015 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.8-1
+- Update to 2.6.8
+- Backport upstream patch to fix centos version detection (bug #1201879)
+* Tue Apr 28 2015 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.7-3
+- Add patch to fix virt-install support for F21+/EL7 (bug #1188424)
+* Mon Apr 27 2015 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.7-2
+- Create and own directories in tftp_dir
+* Wed Dec 31 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.7-1
+- Update to 2.6.7
+* Sun Oct 19 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.6-1
+- Update to 2.6.6
+* Fri Aug 15 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.5-1
+- Update to 2.6.5
+* Wed Aug 13 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.4-2
+- Require Django >= 1.4
+* Mon Aug 11 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.4-1
+- Update to 2.6.4
+* Fri Jul 18 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.3-1
+- Update to 2.6.3
+* Wed Jul 16 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.2-1
+- Update to 2.6.2
+- Spec cleanup
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.6.1-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri May 23 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.1-1
+- Update to 2.6.1
+- Drop koan patch applied upstream
+* Tue Apr 22 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.0-2
+- Only require syslinux on x86
+* Mon Apr 21 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.6.0-1
+- Update to 2.6.0
+* Mon Apr 21 2014 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.4.3-1
+- Update to 2.4.3
+- Add patch to fix bug #1047350
+- Add requires python-simplejson and virt-install for EL5 (bug #852422)
+- Use updated systemd macros (bug #850061)
+- Require python-ctypes on EL5 (bug #838884)
+* Thu Jun 20 2013 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-1
+- Release 2.4.0-1 (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Fri May 24 2013 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta6
+- New BETA release - 2.4.0 beta6
+* Mon Apr 22 2013 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta5
+- A few bugfixes and rebuilding the RPM because of a goof
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Wed Apr 03 2013 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta4
+- 2.4.0-beta4 release
+* Wed Dec 12 2012 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta3
+- New release 2.4.0-beta3
+* Thu Oct 11 2012 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta2
+- Modified spec version/release to be 2.4.0-beta2 (jimi@sngx.net)
+- fixing up a bad commit merge (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Thu Oct 11 2012 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.4.0-beta1
+- Beta Release 1 of 2.4.0
+- BUGFIX - Issue #329 - Systems no longer allow an add with an image for a
+ parent (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #327 - revert 5afcff7 and fix in a more sane way
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Removed some duplicates created by reapplying a patch (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #267 - old python-virtinst does not support --boot
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Revise install_post_puppet.py to use newer puppet syntax
+ (stephen@esstec.co.uk)
+- Get rid of deprecated Puppet syntax so that cobbler works with Puppet 3.0
+ (stephen@esstec.co.uk)
+- Added ubuntu to dist check for named.conf location
+ (daniel.givens@rackspace.com)
+- Expanded automatic determination of tftpboot path, isc dhcp and bind service
+ names and config files based on distro. (daniel@givenstx.com)
+- Make the service name for DHCP and DNS restarts configurable for better
+ portable between distros. (daniel.givens@rackspace.com)
+- Serial based on formatted date and revision number (alevy@mobitv.com)
+- Correct undefined variable name (jbd@jbdenis.net)
+- fix merge Issue #252 BUGFIX and #262 (daikame@gmail.com)
+- Add check for valid driver_type before executing qemu-img (jimi@sngx.net)
+- fix mistake remove import. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- move exec method to utils.py, and catch unexpected exception.
+ (daikame@gmail.com)
+- not check driver type on create method. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #305 - Incorrect Kickstart file when gPXE enabled
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #304 - Cobbler does not store values correctly for ksmeta
+ Objects were getting flattened improperly, so it was losing escapes/quoting
+ for values with spaces (jimi@sngx.net)
+- add vmdk and raw file create support. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #267 - old python-virtinst does not support --boot
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Modified spec version/release to be 2.4.0-beta-1 (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial commit for mysql backend support (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #277 - move webroot to /srv/www for debian/ubuntu
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- FEATURE - adding 'zonetype' variable for DNS zone rendering (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #278 - cobbler import fails for ubuntu images due to rsync
+ args (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #285 - update cobbler man page for incorrect options
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #241 - adding distro with blank name via XMLRPC should not
+ work (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #272 - allow anamon to log entries when building systems based
+ on profiles (no corresponding system record) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #252 - fuzzy match on lvs name returns a false match
+ preventing LV creation (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #287 - patch to allow templar to work without a config, which
+ was breaking the tftpd.py script (jimi@sngx.net)
+- add qcow2 driver type (daikame@gmail.com)
+- fix koan qemu-machine-type param test. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- Only cosmetic cleanup - removed commands that were commented out, added
+ spaces for more clear code (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- Modified sample.seed to make use kickstart_start and kickstart_done snippets
+ for debian. As a result the following cobbler features work for debian: -
+ prevent net boot looping - cobbler status reflects debian installations -
+ preseed file is downloaded a nd saved on the installed system as
+ /var/log/cobbler.seed Also made download_config_files_deb snippet, make use
+ of late_command New post_run_deb snippet allows to execute post installation
+ script. (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- Some changes for testing (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Minor fix for urlparse on older pythons (>2.5) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- FEATURE - Issue #253 - Use PEERDNS=no for DHCP interfaces when name servers
+ are specified (jimi@sngx.net)
+- install-tree for debian/ubuntu modified to take tree= from meta data. http,
+ ftp and nfs remote tree locations supported (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- add support of custom logical volume name (daikame@gmail.com)
+- Partial revert of 87acfc8b, and a minor change to bring the koan extra-args
+ inline with the PXE args (jimi@sngx.net)
+- New default preseed, and a few minor changes to make ubuntu auto install work
+ better (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Add support for qemu machine type to emulate (option --qemu-machine-type).
+ (isaoshimizu@gmail.com)
+- Modern x86 kernels have 2048 char limit and this is needed to support
+ configurations with kickstart+NIC kernel params. Otherwise koan refuses to
+ accept the param list. (oliver@cpan.org)
+- Allow koan's -S option to work for SuSE breed. Also remove -S for breed=None,
+ as I assume "Red Hat" is not a sane assumption for all Distros without a
+ breed. (oliver@cpan.org)
+- Only add a udev net rule for an interface if the MAC is set. This fixes
+ behaviour whereby a dummy udev rule at eth0 forces the first NIC to get eth1
+ post-install. (oliver@cpan.org)
+- Make the domainname setting be the full eth0 DNS Name, minus the first dotted
+ part (and not the FQDN). (oliver@cpan.org)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #252 - fuzzy match on lvs name returns a false match
+ preventing LV creation (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added back in the filesystem loader. (oliver@cpan.org)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #247 - Reposync does not work from the web interface
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX - Issue #246 - CentOS 5.x install fence_tools to /sbin/
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix post_report trigger typo (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Some fixes for koan running with an old virt-install (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Define pxe_menu_items variable when creating PXE files for systems
+ (jthiltges2@unl.edu)
+- Refactor PXE and GRUB menu item creation into a separate function
+ (jthiltges2@unl.edu)
+- django 1.4 and later have deprecated the old TEMPLATE_LOADERS and replaced
+ them with a new app_directories.Loader (oliver@cpan.org)
+- Add support for UEFI boot to the subnet, but not for defined systems yet.
+ (erinn.looneytriggs@gmail.com)
+- Fix redhat import whitelist for Fedora 17 (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix unittest on the case of haven't virt-install libs. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- os_version for debian should be similar to ubunty for virt-install to work
+ changed tree in app.py so that I can use debian mirror different from cobbler
+ server (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- fedora 17 changed the output of ifconfig command. This will make IFNAME set
+ in snippets again (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- remove edit for now (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- Fixed snippets for bonded_bridge_slave and a few other fixes for koan/web GUI
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial support for bonded_bridge_slave type. TODO: modifying snippets to
+ actually make it work... (jimi@sngx.net)
+- The webui_sessions directory belongs only to cobbler-web
+ (chutzimir@gmail.com)
+- RPM: put cobbler*.conf files only in /etc/httpd/conf.d
+ (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- better fix for pull request #228 (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- make rpms failed because the misc/ directory containing the augeas lense
+ could not be found. this simple diff fixes that. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Ubuntu actually requires auto=true in kopts See
+ http://serverfault.com/a/144290/39018 (ekirpichov@gmail.com)
+- Whitespace cleanup for the new openvz stuff (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Remove dead code (useless imports) (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- BUGFIX extra-args option problems (daikame@gmail.com)
+- FIX koan virt-install tests. (daikame@gmail.com)
+- added debian support to prevent net boot looping (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- README.openvz: - added (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- scripts/ovz-install: - added support for "services" kickstart option -
+ corrected repos and installation source processing (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- cobbler.spec, setup.py: - added scripts/ovz-install (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- koan/openvzcreate.py, scripts/ovz-install: - changes in copyright notice
+ (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- koan/app.py: - bug in koan: size of freespace on VG expressed as float with
+ comma, but need fload with point (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- koan/app.py: - added type "openvz" (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- cobbler/collection.py: - openvz containers doesn't need to boot from PXE, so
+ we prevent PXE-menu creation for such profiles. (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- cobbler/item_profile.py, cobbler/utils.py: - added "openvz" virtualization
+ type (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- cobbler/item_system.py: - added openvz for virt_type (nvrhood@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] template errors can hit an exception path that references an
+ undefined variable (jimi@sngx.net)
+- If the call to int() fails, inum has no value, thus the reference to inum in
+ the except clause causes an UnboundLocalError when it tries to reference
+ inum. (joshua@azariah.com)
+- Add new ubuntu (alpha) version to codes.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Not all remove current ifcfg- post_install_network_config (me@n0ts.org)
+- Update systemctl script to resolve some issues (jimi@sngx.net)
+- More spec fixes (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Removing replicate_use_default_rsync_options setting and setting
+ replicate_rsync_options to existing rsync default. Issue #58
+ (john@julienfamily.com)
+- Commit for RFE: Expose rsync options during replication. Issue #58
+ (john@julienfamily.com)
+- Yet more HTML/CSS fixes, cleaning up some overly large inputs caused by other
+ CSS changes (jimi@sngx.net)
+- More HTML/CSS improvements for new weblayout (jimi@sngx.net)
+- CSS improvements for the tabbed layout (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for settings edit using the new tab format (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added a cancel button to replace the reset button (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix saving of multiselect fields (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Modification to generic_edit template to use tabs for categories plus some
+ miscellaneous cleanup (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Adding an example line for redhat imports to the whitelist file
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Another minor fix for suse imports - fixing up name when using --available-as
+ (already done in other import modules) - allowing multiple arch imports (also
+ already done in other imports) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Some fixups for suse using --available-as (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for import when using --available-as - currently rsyncs full remote tree,
+ changing that to only import files in a white list - some modifications to
+ import modules to clean some things up and make available-as work better -
+ fix in utils.py for path_tail, which was not working right and appending the
+ full path (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Run the same sed command on the default distributed config file to ensure
+ consistent indentation (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Add setting to enable/disable dynamic settings changes Adding
+ cobblersettings.aug to distributed files, since we need a copy that doesn't
+ insert tabs Added a "cobbler check" that checks if dynamic settings is
+ enabled and prints a sed command to cleanup the settings file spacing/indents
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Change cli command "settings" to "setting" to match other commands (which are
+ not plurarlized) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Removing commented-out try/except block in config.py, didn't mean to commit
+ this (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixed/improved CLI reporting for settings (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added support for validating setting type when saving Also fixed up the
+ augeas stuff to save lists and hashes correctly (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for incorrect redirect when login times out when looking at a setting
+ edit (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Dynamic settings edit support for the web GUI (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added ability to write settings file via augeas (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial support for modifying settings live Changed settings do not survive a
+ reboot and revert to what's in /etc/cobbler/settings TODO: * report --name
+ show a single setting * validate settings based on type (string, list, bool,
+ etc.) * web support for editing * persisting settings after change
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Branch for 2.4.0, updated spec and setup.py (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Sun Jun 17 2012 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.2.3-2
+- [BUGFIX] re-enable writing of DHCP entries for non-pxeboot-enabled systems
+ unless they're static (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Tue Jun 05 2012 James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> 2.2.3-1
+- [BUGFIX] add dns to kernel commandline when using static interface
+ (frido@enu.zolder.org)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #196 - repo environment variables bleed into other repos
+ during sync process This patch has reposync cleanup/restore any environment
+ variables that were changed during the process (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX quick dirty fix to work around an issue where cobbler would not log in ldap
+ usernames which contain uppercase characters. at line 60 instead of "if user
+ in data", "if user.lower() in data" is used. It would appear the parser puts
+ the usernames in data[] in lowercase, and the comparison fails because "user"
+ does hold capitalizations. (matthiasvandegaer@hotmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] simplify SELinux check reporting
+ * Remove calls to semanage, policy prevents apps from running that directly
+ (and speeds up check immensely)
+ * Point users at a wiki page which will contain details on ensuring cobbler
+ works with SELinux properly (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #117 - incorrect permissions on files in /var/lib/cobbler
+ (j-nomura@ce.jp.nec.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #183 - update objects mgmt classes field when a mgmt class is
+ renamed (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] adding some untracked directories and the new augeas lense to the
+ setup.py and cobbler.spec files (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Added ability to disable grubby --copy-default behavior for distros that may
+ have problems with it (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Major changes to power commands:
+ * Fence options are now based on /usr/sbin/fence_* - so basically anything the
+ fence agents package provides.
+ * Templates will now be sourced from /etc/cobbler/power/fence_<powertype>.template.
+ These templates are optional, and are only required if you want to do extra
+ options for a given command. - All options for the fence agent command are sent
+ over STDIN.
+ * Support for ipmitool is gone, use fence_ipmilan instead (which uses ipmitool
+ under the hood anyway). This may apply to other power types if they were provided
+ by a fence_ command.
+ * Modified labels for the power options to be more descriptive. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #136 - don't allow invalid characters in names when copying
+ objects (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #168 - change input_string_or_list to use shlex for split This
+ function was using a regular string split, which did not allow quoted or
+ escaped strings to be preserved. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Correct method to process the template file. This Fixes the previous issue
+ and process the template. (charlesrg@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #170 - koan now checks length of drivers list before indexing
+ (daniel@defreez.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #153 - distro delete doesn't remove link from
+ /var/www/cobbler/links Link was being created incorrectly during the import
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] snippets: save/restore boot-device on ppc64 on fedora17 (nacc@us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fixed typo in pre_anamon (brandor5@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Added use of $http_port to server URL in pre_anamon and post_anamon
+ (brandor5@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fixed dnsmasq issue regarding missing dhcp-host entries (cobbler@basjes.nl)
+- [BUGFIX] in buildiso for RedHat based systems. The interface->ip resolution was
+ broken when ksdevice=bootif (default) (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] rename failed for distros that did not live under ks_mirror
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Partial revert of commit 3c81dd3081 - incorrectly removed the 'extends'
+ template directive, breaking rendering in django (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Reverting commit 1d6c53a97, which was breaking spacewalk Changed the web
+ interface stuff to use the existing extended_version() remote call
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Minor fix for serializer_pretty_json change, setting indent to 0 was still
+ causing more formatted JSON to be output (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Adding PrivateTmp=yes to the cobblerd.service file for systemd
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] add a config option to enable pretty JSON output (disabled by default)
+ (aronparsons@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #107 - creating xendomains link for autoboot fails Changing an
+ exception to a printed warning, there's no need to completely bomb out on the
+ process for this (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #28 - Cobbler drops errors on the floor during a replicate
+ Added additional logging to add_ functions to report an error if the add_item
+ call returns False (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] add requirement for python-simplejson to koan's package
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] action_sync: fix sync_dhcp remote calls (nacc@us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Add support for KVM paravirt (justin@thespies.org)
+- [BUGFIX] Makefile updates for debian/ubuntu systems (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] fix infinite netboot cycle with ppc64 systems (nacc@us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Don't allow Templar classes to be created without a valid config
+ There are a LOT of places in the templar.py code that use self.settings
+ without checking to make sure a valid config was passed in. This could cause
+ random stack dumps when templating, so it's better to force a config to be
+ passed in. Thankfully, there were only two pieces of code that actually did
+ this, one of which was the tftpd management module which was fixed elsewhere.
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] instance of Templar() was being created without a config passed in
+ This caused a stack dump when the manage_in_tftpd module tried to access the
+ config settings (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #17 - Make cobbler import be more squeaky when it doesn't
+ import anything (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] autoyast_sample: save and restore boot device order (nacc@us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #105 - buildiso fails Added a new option for buildiso:
+ --mkisofs-opts, which allows specifying extra options to mkisofs TODO: add
+ input box to web interface for this option (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] incorrect lower-casing of kickstart paths - regression from issue
+ #43 (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Automatically detect and support bind chroot (orion@cora.nwra.com)
+- [FEATURE] Add yumopts to kickstart repos (orion@cora.nwra.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with cobbler system reboot (nacc@us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] fix stack trace in write_pxe_file if distro==None (smoser@brickies.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Changed findkeys function to be consisten with keep_ssh_host_keys snippet
+ (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #15 - cobbler image command does not recognize
+ --image-type=memdisk (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #13 - reposync with --tries > 1 always repeats, even on
+ success The success flag was being set when the reposync ran, but didn't
+ break out of the retry loop - easy fix (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #42 - kickstart not found error when path has leading
+ space (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #26 - Web Interface: Profile Edit
+ * Added jquery UI stuff
+ * Added javascript to generic_edit template to make all selects in the
+ class "edit" resizeable
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #53 - cobbler system add without --profile exits 0,
+ but does nothing (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #73 - Broken symlinks on distro rename from web_gui
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- regular OS version maintenance (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] let koan not overwrite existing initrd+kernel (ug@suse.de)
+- [FEATURE] koan:
+ * Port imagecreate to virt-install (crobinso@redhat.com)
+ * Port qcreate to virt-install (crobinso@redhat.com)
+ * Port xen creation to virt-install (crobinso@redhat.com)
+- [FEATURE] new snippet allows for certificate-based RHN registration
+ (jim.nachlin@gawker.com)
+- [FEATURE] Have autoyast by default behave more like RHEL, regarding networking etc.
+ (chorn@fluxcoil.net)
+- [BUGFIX] sles patches (chorn@fluxcoil.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Simple fix for issue where memtest entries were not getting created after
+ installing memtest86+ and doing a cobbler sync (rharriso@redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] REMOTE_ADDR was not being set in the arguments in calls to CobblerSvc
+ instance causing ip address not to show up in install.log.
+ (jweber@cofront.net)
+- [BUGFIX] add missing import of shutil (aparsons@redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] add a sample kickstart file for ESXi (aparsons@redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] the ESXi installer allows two nameservers to be defined (aparsons@redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] close file descriptors on backgrounded processes to avoid hanging %%pre
+ (aparsons@redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] rsync copies the repositories with --delete hence deleting everyhting local
+ that isn't on the source server. The createrepo then creates (following the
+ default settings) a cache directory ... which is deleted by the next rsync
+ run. Putting the cache directory in the rsync exclude list avoids this
+ deletion and speeds up running reposync dramatically. (niels@basjes.nl)
+- [BUGFIX] Properly blame SELinux for httpd_can_network_connect type errors on initial
+ setup. (michael.dehaan@gmail.com)
+- fix install=... kernel parameter when importing a SUSE distro (ug@suse.de)
+- [BUGFIX] Force Django to use the system's TIME_ZONE by default.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- [FEATURE] Separated check for permissions from file existence check.
+ (aaron.peschel@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] If the xendomain symlink already exists, a clearer error will be produced.
+ (aaron.peschel@gmail.com)
+- [FEATURE] Adding support for ESXi5, and fixing a few minor things (like not having a
+ default kickstart for esxi4) Todos: * The esxi*-ks.cfg files are empty, and
+ need proper kickstart templates * Import bug testing and general kickstart
+ testing (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Adding basic support for gPXE (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Add arm as a valid architecture. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [SECURITY] Changes PYTHON_EGG_CACHE to a safer path owned just by the webserver.
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] koan: do not include ks_meta args when obtaining tree When obtaining the tree
+ for Ubuntu machines, ensure that ks_meta args are not passed as part of the
+ tree if they exist. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [FEATURE] koan: Use grub2 for --replace-self instead of grubby The koan option
+ '--replace-self' uses grubby, which relies on grub1, to replace a local
+ installation by installing the new kernel/initrd into grub menu entries.
+ Ubuntu/Debian no longer uses it grub1. This patch adds the ability to use
+ grub2 to add the kernel/initrd downloaded to a menuentry. On reboot, it will
+ boot from the install kernel reinstalling the system. Fixes (LP: #766229)
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix reposync missing env variable for debmirror Fixes missing HOME env
+ variable for debmirror by hardcoding the environment variable to
+ /var/lib/cobbler (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix creation of repo mirror when importing iso. Fixes the creation of a
+ disabled repo mirror when importing ISO's such as the mini.iso that does not
+ contain any mirror/packages. Additionally, really enables 'apt' as possible
+ repository. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] adding default_template_type to settings.py, caused some issues with
+ templar when the setting was not specified in the /etc/cobbler/settings
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] fix for following issue: can't save networking options of a system
+ in cobbler web interface. (#8) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Add a new setting to force CLI commands to use the localhost for xmlrpc
+ (chjohnst@gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Don't blow up on broken links under /var/www/cobbler/links
+ (jeffschroeder@computer.org)
+- [SECURITY] Making https the default for the cobbler web GUI. Also modifying the cobbler-
+ web RPM build to require mod_ssl and mod_wsgi (missing wsgi was an oversight,
+ just correcting it now) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Adding authn_pam. This also creates a new setting - authn_pam_service, which
+ allows the user to configure which PAM service they want to use for cobblerd.
+ The default is the 'login' service (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Change in cobbler.spec to modify permissions on webui sessions directory to
+ prevent non-privileged user acccess to the session keys (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Enabling CSRF protection for the web interface (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Convert all yaml loads to safe_loads for security/safety reasons.
+ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+bug/858883 (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Added the setting 'default_template_type' to the settings file, and created
+ logic to use that in Templar().render(). Also added an option to the same
+ function to pass the template type in as an argument. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Initial commit for adding support for other template languages, namely jinja2
+ in this case (jimi@sngx.net)
+* Tue Nov 15 2011 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> 2.2.2-1
+- Changelog update (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fixed indentation on closing tr tag (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added leader column to the non-generic tables so that all tables have the
+ same layout. It leaves room for a checkbox and multiple selects i nthese
+ other tables as well. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added action class to the event log link to bring it inline with other table
+ functions (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- buildiso bugfix: overriding dns nameservers via the dns kopt now works.
+ reported by Simon Woolsgrove <simon@woolsgrove.com> (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fix for pxegen, where an image without a distro could cause a stack dump on
+ cobbler sync (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added initial support for specifying the on-disk format of virtual disks,
+ currently supported for QEMU only when using koan (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Add fedora16, rawhide, opensuse 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 12.1 to codes.py This
+ should also fix ticket #611 (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Use VALID_OS_VERSIONS from codes.py in the redhat importer.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in services.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in remote.py. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in scm_track.py. Also document that 'hg'
+ is a valid option in the settings file. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Dont import the sub_process module when it's not needed.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fixes to import_tree() to actually copy files to a safe place when
+ --available-as is specified. Also some cleanup to the debian/ubuntu import
+ module for when --available-as is specified. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Modification to import processes so that rsync:// works as a path. These
+ changes should also correct the incorrect linking issue where the link
+ created in webdir/links/ pointed at a directory in ks_mirror without the arch
+ specified, resulting in a broken link if --arch was specified on the command
+ line Also removed the .old import modules for debian/ubuntu, which were
+ replaced with the unified manage_import_debian_ubuntu.py (jimi@sngx.net)
+- cleanup: use codes.VALID_OS_VERSIONS in the freebsd importer
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- cleanup: use codes.VALID_OS_VERSIONS in the debian/ubuntu importer
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Bugfix: add the /var/www/cobbler/pub directory to setup.py. Calling buildiso
+ from cobbler-web now works as expected. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- BUGFIX: patch koan (xencreate) to correct the same issue that was broken for
+ vmware regarding qemu_net_type (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX: fixed issue with saving objects in the webgui failing when it was the
+ first of that object type saved. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Minor fix to the remote version to use the nicer extended version available
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix a bug in buildiso when duplicate kopt keys are used. Reported and tested
+ by Simon Woolsgrove <simon@woolsgrove.com> (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fix for koan, where vmwcreate.py was not updated to accept the network type,
+ causing failures. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added a %post section for the cobbler-web package, which replaces the
+ SECRET_KEY field in the Django settings.py with a random string
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX: added sign_puppet_certs_automatically to settings.py. The fact that
+ this was missing was causing failures in the the pre/post puppet install
+ modules. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- set the auto-boot option for a virtual machine (ug@suse.de)
+- Correction for koan using the incorrect default port for connecting to
+ cobblerd (jimi@sngx.net)
+- config/settings: add "manage_tftpd: 1" (default setting)
+ (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+* Wed Oct 05 2011 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> 2.2.1-1
+- Import changes for systemd from the fedora spec file (shenson@redhat.com)
+* Wed Oct 05 2011 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> 2.2.0-1
+- Remove the version (shenson@redhat.com)
+- New upstream 2.2.0 release (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add networking snippet for SuSE systems. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Add a /etc/hosts snippet for SuSE systems. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Add a proxy snippet for SuSE systems. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: make use of the proxy field (SuSE, Debian/Ubuntu).
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Rename buildiso.header to buildiso.template for consistency. Also restore the
+ local LABEL in the template. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Bugfix: uppercase macaddresses used in buildiso netdevice= keyword cause the
+ autoyast installer to not setup the network and thus fail.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: minor cleanup diff. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: behaviour changed after feedback from the community.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Build standalone ISO from the webinterface. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fix standalone ISO building for SuSE, Debian and Ubuntu.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- add proxy field to field_info.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Remove FreeBSD from the unix breed as it has it's own now. Also, add freebsd7
+ as it is supported until feb 2013. Minor version numbers don't make sense,
+ also removed. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Add a proxy field to profile and system objects. This is useful for
+ environments where systems are not allowed to make direct connections to the
+ cobbler/repo servers. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Introduce a "status" field to system objects. Useful in environments where
+ DTAP is required, the possible values for this field are: development,
+ testing, acceptance, production (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: only process profiles for selected systems. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: add batch action to build an iso for selected profiles.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: use management interface feature. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: get rid of some code duplication (ISO header).
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: add interface to macaddr resolution. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: add Debian and Ubuntu support. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Buildiso: select systems from the webinterface. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fix an exception when buildiso is called from the webinterface.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- fix power_virsh template to check dom status before executing command.
+ (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- if hostname is not resolvable do not fail and use that hostname
+ (msuchy@redhat.com)
+- Removed action_import module and references to it in code to prevent future
+ confusion. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixing redirects after a failed token validation. You should now be
+ redirected back to the page you were viewing after having to log back in due
+ to a forced login. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Use port to access cobbler (peter.vreman@acision.com)
+- Stripping "g" from vgs output case-insensitive runs faster
+ (mmello@redhat.com)
+- Adding ability to create new sub-directories when saving snippets. Addresses
+ trac #634 - save new snippet fails on non existing subdir (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix traceback when executing "cobbler system reboot" with no system name
+ specified Trac ticket #578 - missing check for name option with system reboot
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- bind zone template writing (jcallaway@squarespace.com)
+- Removing the duplicate lines from importing re module (mmello@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jimi1283/bridge-interface' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Modification to allow DEPRECATED options to be added as options to optparse
+ so they work as aliases (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Re-adding the ability to generate a random mac from the webui. Trac #543
+ (Generate random mac missing from 2.x webui) (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jsabo/fbsdreplication' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Tim Verhoeven <tim.verhoeven.be@gmail.com> (Tue. 08:35) (Cobbler attachment)
+ Subject: [PATCH] Add support to koan to select type of network device to
+ emulate To: cobbler development list <cobbler-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org>
+ Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 14:35:21 +0200 (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Hello, (shenson@redhat.com)
+- scm_track: Add --all to git add options to handle deletions (tmz@pobox.com)
+- Moved HEADER heredoc from action_buildiso.py to
+ /etc/cobbler/iso/buildiso.header (gbailey@terremark.com)
+- Enable replication for FreeBSD (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Merge branch 'master' into bridge-interface (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Remove json settings from local_get_cobbler_xmlrpc_url() (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- 1) Moving --subnet field to --netmask 2) Created DEPRECATED_FIELDS structure
+ in field_info.py to deal with moves like this * also applies to the
+ bonding->interface_type move for bridged interface support (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jimi1283/bridge-interface' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fixing up some serializer module stuff: * detecting module load errors when
+ trying to deserialize collections * added a what() function to all the
+ serializer modules for ID purposes * error detection for mongo stuff,
+ including pymongo import problems as well as connection issues
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Cleanup of bonding stuff in all files, including webui and koan. Additional
+ cleanup in the network config scripts, and re-added the modprobe.conf
+ renaming code to the post install network config. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial rework to allow bridge/bridge slave interfaces Added static route
+ configuration to pre_install_network_config Major cleanup/reworking of
+ post_install_network_config script (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for bad commit of some json settings test (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jsabo/fbsdimport' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Adding initial support for FreeBSD media importing (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Setting TIME_ZONE to None in web/settings.py causes a 500 error on a RHEL5
+ system with python 2.4 and django 1.1. Commenting out the config line has the
+ same effect as setting it to None, and prevents the 500. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixes for importing RHEL6: * path_tail() was previously moved to utils, a
+ couple places in the import modules still used self.path_tail instead
+ of utils.path_tail, causing a stack dump * Fixed an issue in
+ utils.path_tail(), which was using self. still from when it was a member
+ of the import class * When mirror name was set on import and using
+ --available-as, it was appending a lot of junk instead of just using the
+ specified mirror name (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix a quick error (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Set the tftpboot dir for rhel6 hosts (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Fixed a typo (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Added an extra field in the system/interface item. The field is called
+ "management" and should be used to identify the management interface, this
+ could be useful information for multihomed systems. (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- In the event log view the data/time field got wrapped which is very annoying.
+ Fast fix for now, i'm pretty sure there are better ways to do this.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Event log soring on date reverted, let's sort on id instead. Reverse over
+ events in the template. Convert gmtime in the template to localtime.
+ (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Sort the event log by date/time (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Remove some unsupported OS versions from codes.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Some changes in the generate_netboot_iso function/code: - Users had to supply
+ all system names on the commandline which they wanted to include in the ISO
+ boot menu. This patch changes that behaviour; all systems are included by
+ default now. You can still provide an override with the --systems parameter,
+ thus making this feature more consistent with what one might expect from
+ reading the help. - While at it I tried to make the code more readable and
+ removed some unneeded iterations. - Prevent some unneeded kernel/initrd
+ copies. - You can now override ip/netmask/gateway/dns parameters with
+ corresponding kernel_options. - Fixed a bug for SuSE systems where ksdevice
+ should be netdevice. - If no ksdevice/netdevice (or equivalent) has been
+ supplied via kernel_options try to guess the proper interface to use, but
+ don't just use one if we can't be sure about it (e.g. for multihomed
+ systems). (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Add SLES 11 to codes.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Add support for Fedora15 to codes.py (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Django uses the timezone information from web/settings.py Changing the
+ hardcoded value to None forces Django to use the systems timezone instead of
+ this hardcoded value (jorgen.maas@gmail.com)
+- Fix cobbler replication for non-RHEL hosts. The slicing used in the
+ link_distro function didn't work for all distros. (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Fix vmware esx importing. It was setting the links dir to the dir the iso was
+ mounted on import (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jsabo/webuifun' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix bug with esxi replication. It wasn't rsyncing the distro over if the
+ parentdir already existed. (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial commit for mongodb backend support and adding support for settings as
+ json (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Web UI patches from Greg Swift applied (jsabo@verisign.com)
+- whitespace fix (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fix to fix to py_tftp change to sync in bootloaders
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixing a bug reported by Jonathan Sabo. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Revert "Jonathan Sabo <jsabo@criminal.org> (June 09) (Cobbler)"
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Unmount and deactivate all software raid devices after searching for ssh keys
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'ugansert/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Jonathan Sabo <jsabo@criminal.org> (June 09) (Cobbler) Subject: [PATCH] Fix
+ issue with importing distro's on new cobbler box To: cobbler development list
+ <cobbler-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org> Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 16:17:20 -0400
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- missing manage_rsync option from config/settings (jsabo@criminal.org)
+- Remove left-over debugging log message (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- SUSE requires the correct arch to find kernel+initrd on the inst-source
+ (ug@suse.de)
+- added autoyast=... parameter to the ISO building code when breed=suse
+ (ug@suse.de)
+- calculate meta data in the XML file without cheetah variables now
+ (ug@suse.de)
+- render the cheetah template before passing the XML to the python XML parser
+ (ug@suse.de)
+- made the pathes flexible to avoid problem on other distros than fedora/redhat
+ (ug@suse.de)
+- bugfix (ug@suse.de)
+- Merge patch from stable (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- utils: initialize main_logger only when needed (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- During refactor, failed to move templater initialization into
+ write_boot_files_distro. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixed a couple of simple typos. Made the boot_files support work (added
+ template support for the key, defined the img_path attribute for that
+ expansion) (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixes to get to the "minimally tested" level. Fixed two syntax errors in
+ tftpd.py, and fixed refences to api and os.path in manage_in_tftpd.py
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Rebasing commit, continued. (kilpatds@oppositelock.org)
+- Change the vmware stuff to use 'boot_files' as the space to set files that
+ need to be available to a tftp-booting process (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Added 'boot_files' field for 'files that need to be put into tftpboot'
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Merge conflict. (kilpatds@oppositelock.org)
+- Add in a default for puppet_auto_setup, thanks to Camille Meulien
+ <cmeulien@heliostech.fr> for finding it. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add a directory remap feature to fetchable_files processing. /foo/*=/bar/
+ Client requests for "/foo/baz" will be turned into requests for /bar/baz.
+ Target paths are evaluated against the root filesystem, not tftpboot.
+ Template expansion is done on "bar/baz", so that would typically more
+ usefully be something like /boot/*=$distro_path/boot
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Removed trailing whitespace causing git warnings (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fix a bug where tftpd.py would throw if a client requested '/'.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Allow slop in the config, not just the client. modules: don't hardcode
+ /tftpboot (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Moved footer to actually float at the bottom of the page or visible section,
+ whichever is further down. Unfortunately leaves a slightly larger margin pad
+ on there. Will have to see if it can be made cleaner (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed right padding on delete checkboxes (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjusted all the self closing tags to end eith a " />" instead of not having
+ a space separating them (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added "add" button to the filter bit (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed "Enabled" label on checkboxes, this can be added via css as part of
+ the theme if people want it using :after { content: " Enabled" } Padded the
+ context-tip off the checkboxes so that it lines up with most of the other
+ context tips instead of being burring in the middle of the form
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added bottom margin on text area so that it isn't as tight next to other form
+ fields (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added id tags to the forms for ks templates and snippets Set some margins for
+ those two forms, they were a bit scrunched because they didn't have a
+ sectionbody fieldset and legend Removed inline formatting of input sizes on
+ those two pages Set the textareas in those two pages via css
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Made the tooltips get hiddent except for on hover, with a small image
+ displayed in their place (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added a top margin to the submit/reset buttons... looks cleaner having some
+ space. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Changed generic edit form to the following: - Made blocks into fieldsets
+ again, converting the h2 to a legend. I didn't mean to change this the first
+ time through. - Pulled up a level, removing the wrapping div, making each
+ fieldset contain an order list, instead of each line being an ordered list,
+ which was silly of me. - Since it went up a level, un-indented all of the
+ internal html tags 2 spaces - changed the place holder for the network
+ widgets to spans so that they displayed cleanly (Don't like the spans either,
+ but its for the javascript) In the stylesheet just changed the
+ div.sectionbody to ol.sectionbody (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed closing ul->div on multiselect section. Must have missed it a few
+ commits ago. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- IE uses input styling such as borders even on checkboxes... was not intended,
+ so has been cleared for checkboxes (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- This is a change to the multiselect buttons view, i didn't mean to commit
+ the style sheet along with the spelling check fixes, but since I did might as
+ well do the whole thing and then erevert it later if people dislike it
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed another postition mispelling (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- fixed typo postition should be position (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Returned the multiselect section to being div's, since its actually not a set
+ of list items, it is a single list item. Re-arranged the multiselect so that
+ the buttons are centered between the two sections Removed all of the line
+ breaks form that section Made the select box headings actually labels moved
+ the order of multiselect after sectionbody definition due to inheritence
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Restored select boxes to "default" styling since they are not as cleanly css-
+ able Made visibly selected action from Batch Actions bold, mainly so by
+ default Batch Action is bold. Moved text-area and multi-select sizing into
+ stylesheet. re-alphabetized some of the tag styles Made the default login's
+ text inputs centered, since everything else on that page is
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added missing bracket from two commits ago in the stylesheet.
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Re-added the tool tips for when they exist in the edit forms and set a style
+ on them. Removed an extraneous line break from textareas in edit form
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed javascript where I had used teh wrong quotes, thus breaking the network
+ interface widgets (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added label and span to cleanup block (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added version across all of the template loads so that the footer is
+ populated with it (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- all css: - set overall default font size of 1em - added missing tags to the
+ cleanup css block - fixed button layout -- list line buttons are smaller font
+ to keep lines smaller -- set action input button's size - set indentation and
+ bolding of items in batch action - redid the list formatting -- removed zebra
+ stripes, they share the standard background now -- hover is now the
+ background color of the old darker zebra stripe -- selected lines now
+ background of the older light zebra stripe - added webkit border radius
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- generic_lists.tmpl - Removed force space on the checklists generic_lists.tmpl
+ - Added javascript to allow for selected row highlighting
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed inline formatting from import.tmpl Made the context tips spans
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Made both filter-adder elements exist in the same li element
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added default formatting for ordered lists Added formatting for the new
+ multiselect unordered list Changed old div definitions for the multiselect to
+ li Added label formatting for inside sectionbody to line up all the forms.
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjusted multiselect section to be an unordered list instead of a div
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Moved the close list tag inside the for loop, otherwise we generate lots of
+ nasty nested lists (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Changed edit templates to use ol instead of ul, because it apparently helps
+ out those using screen readers, and we should be making things accessible,
+ yes? (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Re-structured the edit templates to be unordered lists. Standardized the
+ tooltip/contextual data as context-tip class Redid the delete setup so that
+ its Delete->Really? Instead of Delete:Yes->Really? Same number of check
+ boxes. Setup the delete bit so that Delete and Really are labels for the
+ checkboxes and there isn't extraneous html input tags (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added top margin on the filter adder (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjusted single action item buttons to be in the same list element, as it
+ makes alignment cleaner, and more sense from a grouping standpoint Set
+ submenubar default height to 26px Set submenubar's alignment to be as clean
+ as I've been able to get so far. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Set background color back to original (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjusted all buttons to hover invert from blue to-blackish, the inverse of
+ the normal links (which go blackish to blue) but left the text color the
+ same. i'm not sure its as pretty, but dfinately more readable. Plus the
+ color change scheme is more consistant. Also made table buttons smaller than
+ other buttons (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed width on paginate select boxes to auto, instead of over 200px
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed margin around hr tag, waste of space, and looks closer to original
+ now (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed extraneous body div by putting user div inside container.
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjuested style sheet to improve standardization of form fields, such as
+ buttons, text input widths, and fontsizes in buttons vs drop downs.
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Some menu re-alignment on both menubar and submenubar (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Got the container and the user display into a cleaner size alignment to
+ display on the screen. less chance of horiz scroll (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fix to get login form a bit better placed without duplicate work
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- pan.action not needed... .action takes care of it (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed padding on login screen (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Redid action and button classes to make them look like buttons.. still needs
+ work. Resized pointer classes to make things a bit more level on that row
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- New cleanup at the top negates the need for this table entry
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed the body height to 99%. Was doing this for sticky footer, but
+ current path says its not needed (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added some windows and mac default fonts Made the body relative, supposed to
+ help with the layout Set text color to slightly off black.. was told there is
+ some odd optical reasoning behind this (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Made class settings for the table rows a touch more specific in the css
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added "normalization" to clean up cross browser differences at top of
+ style.css (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added button class to all buttons, submit, and resets (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed sectionheader to not be styled as actions... they are h2!
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed container reference from class to id (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added missing action class on the "Create new" links in generic_list.tmpl
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Revert part of 344969648c1ce1e753af because RHEL5's django doesn't support
+ that (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- removed underline on remaing links (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed the way the logo was placed on the page and removed the excess
+ background setting. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Some cleanup to the style sheet along - removed fieldset since no more exist
+ (not sure about this in long run.... we'll see) - cleaned up default style
+ for ul cause it was causing override issues - got menubar and submenu bar
+ mostly settled (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed submenu bar ul to be identified by id not class (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Rebuilt primary css stylesheet - not complete yet (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed logout from cobbler meft hand menu (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Next step in redoing layout: - added current logged in user and logout button
+ to a div element at top of page - fixed content div from class to id - added
+ footer (version entry doesn't work for some reason) - links to cobbler
+ website (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- in generic_list.tmpl - set the edit link to class 'action' - merged the
+ creation of the edit action 'View kickstart' for system and profile
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Replaced tool tip as div+em with a span classed as tooltip. tooltip class
+ just adds italic. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed table header alignment to left (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Take the logo out of the html, making it a css element, but retain the
+ location and basic feel of the placement. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Step one of redoing the action list, pagination and filters. - split
+ pagination and filters to two tmpl files - pagination can be called on its
+ own (so it can live in top and bottom theoretically) - filter will eventually
+ include pagination so its on the bottom - new submenubar includes pagination
+ - new submenubar does age specific actiosn as links instead of drop downs
+ cause there is usually 1, rarely 2, never more. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed pagination from left hand column (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed an erroneous double quote from master.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Went a bit overboard and re-adjusted whitespace in all the templates. Trying
+ to do the code in deep blocks across templates can be a bit tedious and
+ difficult to maintain. While the output is not perfect, at least the
+ templates are more readable. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed remaining vestige of action menu shading feature
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed header shade references completely from the lists and the code from
+ master.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Wrapped setting.tmpl error with the error class (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Changed h3 to h2 inside pages Made task_created's h4 into a h1 and
+ standarized with the other pages (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Standardized header with a hr tag before the form tags (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added base width on the multiple select boxes, primarily for when they are
+ empty (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed fieldset wrappers and replaced legends with h1 and h2 depending on
+ depth (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Adjusted logic for the legent to only change one word, instead of the full
+ string (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed empty cell from table in generic_edit.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Revert 8fed301e61f28f8eaf08e430869b5e5df6d02df0 because it was to many
+ different changes (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed empty cell from table in generic_edit.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Moved some cobbler admin and help menus to a separate menu in the menubar
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added HTML5 autofocus attribute to login.tmpl. Unsupported browsers just
+ ignores this. (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Re-built login.tmpl: - logo isn't a link anymore back to the same page - logo
+ is centered with the login form - fieldset has been removed - set a css class
+ for the body of the login page, unused for now. And the css: - removed the
+ black border from css - centered the login button as well
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Made the links and span.actions hover with the same color as used for the
+ section headings (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed as much in-HTML placed formatting as possible and implemented them in
+ css. The main bit remaining is the ul.li floats in paginate.tmpl
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Cleaned up single tag closing for several of the checkboxes
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- removed a trailing forward slash that was creating an orphaned close span tag
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Relabeled cells in thead row from td tags to th (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added tr wrapper inside thead of tables for markup validation
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Use :// as separator for virsh URIs (atodorov@otb.bg)
+- Create more condensed s390 parm files (thardeck@suse.de)
+- Add possibility to interrupt zPXE and to enter CMS (thardeck@suse.de)
+- Cleanup the way that we download content - Fixes a bug where we were only
+ downloading grub-x86_64.efi (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Port this config over as well (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Only clear logs that exist. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Pull in new configs from the obsoletes directory. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Removed extraneous close row tag from events.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Fixed spelling of receive in enoaccess.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added missing close tags on a few menu unordered list items in master.tmpl
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Added missing "for" correlation tag for labels in generic_edit.tmpl
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removed extraneous close divs from generic_edit.tmpl (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Removing old and unused template files (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Add support for Ubuntu distros. (andreserl@ubuntu.com)
+- Koan install tree path for Ubuntu/Debian distros. (andreserl@ubuntu.com)
+- Fixing hardlink bin path. (andreserl@ubuntu.com)
+- Do not fail when yum python module is not present. (andreserl@ubuntu.com)
+- Add Ubuntu/Debian support to koan utils for later use. (andreserl@ubuntu.com)
+- typo in autoyast xml parsing (ug@suse.de)
+- Minor change to validate a token before checking on a user. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- get install tree from install=... parameter for SUSE (ug@suse.de)
+- handle autoyast XML files (ug@suse.de)
+- fixed support for SUSE in build-iso process. Fixed a typo (ug@suse.de)
+- added SUSE breed to import-webui (ug@suse.de)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'lanky/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'jimi1283/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- added support for suse-distro import (ug@suse.de)
+- Fix a sub_process Popen call that did not set close_fds to true. This causes
+ issues with sync where dhcpd keeps the XMLRPC port open and prevents cobblerd
+ from restarting (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Cleanup of unneccsary widgets in distro/profile. These needed to be removed
+ as part of the multiselect change. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Yet another change to multiselect editing. Multiselects are now presented as
+ side-by-side add/delete boxes, where values can be moved back and forth and
+ only appear in one of the two boxes. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for django traceback when logging into the web interface with a bad
+ username and/or password (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for snippet/kickstart editing via the web interface, where a 'tainted
+ file path' error was thrown (jimi@sngx.net)
+- added the single missed $idata.get() item (stuart@sjsears.com)
+- updated post_install_network_config to use $idata.get(key, "") instead of
+ $idata[key]. This stops rendering issues with the snippet when some keys are
+ missing (for example after an upgrade from 2.0.X to 2.1.0, where a large
+ number of new keys appear to have been added.) and prevents us from having to
+ go through all system records and add default values for them.
+ (stuart@sjsears.com)
+- Take account of puppet_auto_setup in install_post_puppet.py
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Take account of puppet_auto_setup in install_pre_puppet.py
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add puppet snippets to sample.ks (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add puppet_auto_setup to settings file (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add snippets/puppet_register_if_enabled (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add snippets/puppet_install_if_enabled (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add configuration of puppet pre/post modules to settings file
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add install_post_puppet.py module (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Add install_pre_puppet.py module (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Apply a fix for importing red hat distros, thanks jsabo (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Changes to action/batch actions at top of generic list pages * move logic
+ into views, where it belongs * simplify template code * change actions/batch
+ actions into drop down select lists * added/modified javascript to deal with
+ above changes (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Minor fixes to cobbler.conf, since the AliasMatch was conflicting with the
+ WSGI script alias (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial commit for form-based login and authentication (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Convert webui to use WSGI instead of mod_python (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Save field data in the django user session so the webui doesn't save things
+ unnecessarily (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Make use of --format in git and use the short hash. Thanks Todd Zullinger
+ <tmz@pobox.com> (shenson@redhat.com)
+- We need git. Thanks to Luc de Louw <luc@delouw.ch> (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Start of the change log supplied by Michael MacDonald <mjmac@macdonald.cx>
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix typo in cobbler man page entry for profile (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Fix cobbler man page entry for parent profile option
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Set SELinux context of host ssh keys correctly after reinstallation
+ (jonathan.underwood@gmail.com)
+- Fixing bug with img_path. It was being used prior to being set if you have
+ images. (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Add firstboot install trigger mode (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Fix old style shell triggers by checking for None prior to adding args to arg
+ list and fix indentation (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Bugfix: restore --no-fail functionality to CLI reposync
+ (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Add the ability to replicate the new object types (mgmtclass,file,package).
+ (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Add VMware ESX and ESXi replication. (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Add batch delete option for profiles and mgmtclasses
+ (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Spelling fail (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Remove deploy as a valid direct action (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Trac Ticket #509: A fix that does not break everything else.
+ (https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/ticket/509) (andrew@eiknet.com)
+- Only chown the file if it does not already exist (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Modification to cobbler web interface, added a drop-down select box for
+ management classes and some new javascript to add/remove items from the
+ multi-select (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Check if the cachedir exists before we run find on it. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix trac#574 memtest (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add network config snippets for esx and esxi network configuration
+ $SNIPPET('network_config_esxi') renders to: (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Trac Ticket #510: Modified 'cobbler buildiso' to use
+ /var/cache/cobbler/buildiso by default. Added a /etc/cobbler/settings value
+ of 'buildisodir' to make it setable by the end user. --tempdir will still
+ overwrite either setting on the command line. (andrew@eiknet.com)
+- Add img_path to the metadata[] so that it's rendered out in the esxi pxe
+ templates. Add os_version checks for esxi in kickstart_done so that it uses
+ wget or curl depending on what's known to be available.
+ (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Added --sync-all option to cobbler replicate which forces all systems,
+ distros, profiles, repos and images to be synced without specifying each.
+ (rrr67599@rtpuw027.corpnet2.com)
+- Added manage_rsync option which defaults to 0. This will make cobbler not
+ overwrite a local rsyncd.conf unless enabled.
+ (rrr67599@rtpuw027.corpnet2.com)
+- Added semicolon master template's placement of the arrow in the page heading
+ (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Quick fix from jsabo (shenson@redhat.com)
+- added hover line highlighting to table displays (gregswift@gmail.com)
+- Modification to generic_edit template so that the name field is not a text
+ box when editing. (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Minor fixes for mgmt classes webui changes. - Bug when adding a new obj,
+ since obj is None it was causing a django stack dump - Minor tweaks to
+ javascript (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixed error in which the json files for mgmtclasses was not being deleted
+ when a mgmtclass was removed, meaning they showed back up the next time
+ cobblerd was restarted (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixed syntax error in clogger.py that was preventing cobblerd from starting
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Supports an additional initrd from kernel_options. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Remove a bogus self (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Re-enable debmirror. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Extending the current Wake-on-Lan support for wider distro compatibility.
+ Thanks to Dustin Kirkland. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Dont hardcode /etc/rc.d/init.d redhatism. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Newer (pxe|sys)linux's localboot value produces unreliable results when using
+ documented options, -1 seems to provide the best supported value
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Detect the webroot to be used based on the distro.
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- If the logfile path doesn't exist, don't attempt to create the log file.
+ Mainly needed when cobbler is required to run inside the build env
+ (cobbler4j). Thanks to Dave Walker <DaveWalker@ubuntu.com>
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Implement system power status API method and CLI command (crosa@redhat.com)
+- Update setup files to use proper apache configuration path
+ (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Debian has www-data user for web server file access instead of apache.
+ (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Update init script to work under debian. (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Use lsb_release module to detect debian distributions. Debian release is
+ returned as a string because it could be sid which will never have a version
+ number. (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Fix check for apache installation (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Handle Cheetah version with more than 3 parts (konrad.scherer@windriver.com)
+- Allow dlcontent to use proxy environment variables (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Copy memtest to $bootloc/images/. Fixes BZ#663307 (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'jimi1283/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Turn the cheetah version numbers into integers while testing them so we don't
+ always return true (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Kill some whitespace (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix for bug #587 - Un-escaped '$' in snippet silently fails to render
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for bug #587 - Un-escaped '$' in snippet silently fails to render
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Don't use link caching in places it isn't needed (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Better logging on subprocess calls (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix for trac #541 - cobbler sync deletes /var/www/cobbler/pub (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merged work in the import-modules branch with the debian/ubuntu modules
+ created by Chuck Short (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'cshort' into import-modules (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Finished up debian/ubuntu support for imports Tweaked redhat/vmware import
+ modules logging output Added rsync function to utils to get it out of each
+ module - still need to fix the redhat/vmware modules to actually use this
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial commit for the Debian import module. * tested against Debian squeeze.
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Initial commit for the Ubuntu import module. * tested against Natty which
+ imported successfully. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- tftp-hpa users for both Ubuntu Debian use /var/lib/tftpboot.
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Disable the checks that are not really valid for Ubuntu or Debian.
+ (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Add myself to the authors file. (chuck.short@canonical.com)
+- Updates for debian/ubuntu support in import modules (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix a problem with cheetah >= 2.4.2 where the snippets were causing errors,
+ particularly on F14 due to its use of cheetah 2.4.3. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Initial commit of the Ubuntu import module (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge remote branch 'jimi1283/import-modules' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'jimi1283/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Extended ESX/ESXi support * Fixed release detection for both ESX and ESXi *
+ Added support to kickstart_finder() so that the fetchable_files list gets
+ filled out when the distro is ESXi (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fixed distro_adder() in manage_import_vmware so ESXi gets imported properly
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Initial commit for the VMWare import module * tested against esx4 update 1,
+ which imported successfully (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Minor style changes for web css * darken background slightly so the logo
+ doesn't look washed out * make text input boxes wider (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for the generic_edit function for the web page. The choices field for
+ management classes was not being set for distros/profiles - only systems,
+ causing a django stack dump (jimi@sngx.net)
+- modify keep_ssh_host_keys snippet to use old keys during OS installation
+ (flaks@bnl.gov)
+- Merge remote branch 'jimi1283/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Added replicate to list of DIRECT_ACTIONS, so it shows up in the --help
+ output (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'master' into import-modules (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Some fixes to the manage_import_redhat module * stop using mirror_name for
+ path stuff - using self.path instead * fixed rsync command to use self.path
+ too, this should really be made a global somewhere else though
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Add synopsis entries to man page to enable whatis command
+ (kirkland@ubuntu.com)
+- Add "ubuntu" as detected distribution. (clint@ubuntu.com)
+- Fix for redhat import module. Setting the kickstart file with a default
+ value was causing some issues later on with the kickstart_finder() function,
+ which assumes all new profiles don't have a kickstart file yet
+ (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix for non x86 arches, bug and fix by David Robinson <zxvdr.au@gmail.com>
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Don't die when we find deltas, just don't use them (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'khightower/khightower/enhanced-configuration-management'
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- By: Bill Peck <bpeck@redhat.com> exclude initrd.addrsize as well. This
+ affects s390 builds (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix an issue where an item was getting handed to remove_item instead of the
+ name of the item. This would cause an exception further down in the stack
+ when .lower() was called on the object (by the call to get_item).
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add a check to make sure system is in obj_types before removing it. Also
+ remove an old FIXME that this previously fixed (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix regression in 2.0.8 that dumped into pxe cfg files (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Initial commit of import module for redhat (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Merge branch 'master' of git://git.fedorahosted.org/cobbler (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Added new modules for copying a distros's fetchable files to the
+ /tftpboot/images directory - add_post_distro_tftp_copy_fetchable_files.py
+ copies on an add/edit - sync_post_tftp_copy_fetchable_files.py copies the
+ files for ALL distros on a full sync (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Removed trailing '---' from each of the PXE templates for ESXi, which causes
+ PXE issues (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Make stripping of "G" from vgs output case-insensitive
+ (heffer@fedoraproject.org)
+- Replace rhpl with ethtool (heffer@fedoraproject.org)
+- Add --force-path option to force overwrite of virt-path location
+ (pryor@bnl.gov)
+- item_[profile|system] - update parents after editing (mlevedahl@gmail.com)
+- collection.py - rename rather than delete mirror dirs (mlevedahl@gmail.com)
+- Wil Cooley <wcooley@nakedape.cc> (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'kilpatds/io' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add additional qemu_driver_type parameter to start_install function
+ (Konrad.Scherer@windriver.com)
+- Add valid debian names for releases (Konrad.Scherer@windriver.com)
+- Add debian preseed support to koan (Konrad.Scherer@windriver.com)
+- Add support for EFI grub booting. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- Turn the 'daemonize I/O' code back on. cobbler sync seems to still work
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fix some spacing in the init script (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Added a copy-default attribute to koan, to control the params passed to
+ grubby (paji@redhat.com)
+- Turn on the cache by default Enable a negative cache, with a shorter timeout.
+ Use the cache for normal lookups, not much ip-after-failed.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- no passing full error message. Der (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Pull the default block size into the template, since that can need to be
+ changed. Make tftpd.py understand -B for compatibility. Default to a smaller
+ mtu, for vmware compatibility. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- in.tftpd needs to be run as root. Whoops (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Handle exceptions in the idle-timer handling. This could cause tftpd.py to
+ never exit (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Do a better job of handling things when a logger doesn't exist. And don't try
+ and find out what the FD is for logging purposes when I know that might throw
+ and I won't catch it. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Scott Henson pointed out that my earlier changes stopped a sync from also
+ copying kernel/initrd files into the web directry. Split out the targets
+ from the copy, and make sure that sync still copies to webdir, and then also
+ fixed where I wasn't copying those files in the synclite case.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Put back code that I removed incorrectly. (sync DHCP, DNS)
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Support installing FreeBSD without an IP address set in the host record.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixed some bugs in the special-case handling code, where I was not properly
+ handling kernel requests, because I'd merged some code that looked alike, but
+ couldn't actually be merged. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- fixing koan to use cobblers version of os_release which works with RHEL 6
+ (jsherril@redhat.com)
+- Adding preliminary support for importing ESXi for PXE booting (jimi@sngx.net)
+- Fix cobbler check tftp typo. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- buildiso now builds iso's that include the http_port setting (in
+ /etc/cobbler/settings) in the kickstart file url
+ (maarten.dirkse@filterworks.com)
+- Add check detection for missing ksvalidator (dean.wilson@gmail.com)
+- Use shlex.split() to properly handle a quoted install URL (e.g. url
+ --url="http://example.org") (jlaska@redhat.com)
+- Update codes.py to accept 'fedora14' as a valid --os-version
+ (jlaska@redhat.com)
+- No more self (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Don't die if a single repo fails to sync. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Refactor: depluralize madhatter branch (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Updating setup.py and spec file. (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- New unit tests: Mgmtclasses (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Updating cobbler/koan man pages with info on using the new configuration
+ management capabilities (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Cobbler web integration for new configuration management capabilities
+ (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Koan configuration management enhancements (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Cobbler configuration management enhancements (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- New cobbler objects: mgmtclasses, packages, and files.
+ (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'jsabo/kickstart_done' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Move kickstart_done and kickstart_start out of kickgen.py and into their own
+ snippets. This also adds support for VMware ESX triggers and magic urls by
+ checking for the "vmware" breed and then using curl when that's all thats
+ available vs wget. VMware's installer makes wget available during the %pre
+ section but only curl is around following install at %post time. Yay! I've
+ also updated the sample kickstarts to use $SNIPPET('kickstart_done') and
+ $SNIPPET('kickstart_start') (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- No more getting confused between otype and obj_type (shenson@redhat.com)
+- The clean_link_cache method was calling subprocess_call without a logger
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Scott Henson pointed out that my earlier changes stopped a sync from also
+ copying kernel/initrd files into the web directry. Split out the targets
+ from the copy, and make sure that sync still copies to webdir, and then also
+ fixed where I wasn't copying those files in the synclite case.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- revert bad templates path (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Put back code that I removed incorrectly. (sync DHCP, DNS)
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Support installing FreeBSD without an IP address set in the host record.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixed some bugs in the special-case handling code, where I was not properly
+ handling kernel requests, because I'd merged some code that looked alike, but
+ couldn't actually be merged. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Two more fixes to bugs introduced by pytftpd patch set: * The generated
+ configs did not have initrd set propertly * Some extra debugging log lines
+ made it into remote.py (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fix Trac#530 by properly handling a logger being none. Additionally, make
+ subprocess_call and subprocess_get use common bits to reduce duplication.
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix a cobbler_web authentication leak issue. There are times when the token
+ that cobbelr_web had did not match the user logged in. This patch ensures
+ that the token always matches the user that is logged in.
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- No more getting confused between otype and obj_type (shenson@redhat.com)
+- The clean_link_cache method was calling subprocess_call without a logger
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'kilpatds/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Scott Henson pointed out that my earlier changes stopped a sync from also
+ copying kernel/initrd files into the web directry. Split out the targets
+ from the copy, and make sure that sync still copies to webdir, and then also
+ fixed where I wasn't copying those files in the synclite case.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- revert bad templates path (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Put back code that I removed incorrectly. (sync DHCP, DNS)
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Support installing FreeBSD without an IP address set in the host record.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Fixed some bugs in the special-case handling code, where I was not properly
+ handling kernel requests, because I'd merged some code that looked alike, but
+ couldn't actually be merged. (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Two more fixes to bugs introduced by pytftpd patch set: * The generated
+ configs did not have initrd set propertly * Some extra debugging log lines
+ made it into remote.py (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- fast sync. A new way of copying files around using a link cache. It creates
+ a link cache per device and uses it as an intermediary so that files that are
+ the same are not copied multiple times. Should greatly speed up sync times.
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- A few small fixes and a new feature for the Python tftp server * Support
+ environments where the MAC address is know, but the IP address is not
+ (private networks). I do this by waiting for pxelinux.0 to request a file
+ with the mac address added to the filename, and then look up the host by
+ MAC. * Fix my MAC lookup logic. I didn't know to look for the ARP type (01-,
+ at least for ethernet) added by pxelinux.0 * Fix up some log lines to make
+ more sense * Fix a bug where I didn't get handle an empty fetchable_files
+ properly, and didn't fall back to checking for profile matches.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- Two fixed to bad changes in my prior patch set. Sorry about that. * Bad path
+ in cobbler/action_sync.py. No "templates" * Bad generation of the default
+ boot menu. The first initrd from a profile was getting into the metadata
+ cache and hanging around, thus becoming the initrd for all labels.
+ (dkilpatrick@verisign.com)
+- A smart tftp server, and a module to manage it
+ (dkilpatr@dkilpatr.verisign.com)
+- Export the generated pxelinux.cfg file via the materialized system
+ information RPC method. This enables the python tftpd server below to serve
+ that file up without any sync being required.
+ (dkilpatr@dkilpatr.verisign.com)
+- Move management of /tftpboot into modules. This is a setup step for a later
+ python tftpd server that will eliminate the need for much of this work.
+ (dkilpatr@dkilpatr.verisign.com)
+- Fetchable Files attribute: Provides a new attribute similar in spirit to
+ mgmt_files, but with somewhat reversed meaning.
+ (dkilpatr@dkilpatr.verisign.com)
+- fix log rotation to actually work (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- find_kernel and find_initrd already do the right checks for file_is_remote
+ and return None if things are wrong. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Trac #588 Add mercurial support for scm tracking (kelsey.hightower@gmail.com)
+- Add a breed for scientific linux (shenson@redhat.com)
+- "mgmt_parameters" for item_profile has the wrong default setting when
+ creating a sub_profile. I'm assuming that <<inherit>> would be correct for a
+ sub_profile as well. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- The new setup.py placed webui_content in the wrong spot...
+ (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Merge commit 'a81ca9a4c18f17f5f8d645abf03c0e525cd234e1' (jeckersb@redhat.com)
+- Added back in old-style version tracking... because api.py needs it.
+ (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Wrap the cobbler-web description (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Create the tftpboot directory during install (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add in /var/lib/cobbler/loaders (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Create the images directory so that selinux will be happy
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Dont install some things in the webroot and put the services script down
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix some issues with clean installs of cobbler post build cleanup
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- rhel5 doesn't build egg-info by default. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Some systems don't reboot properly at the end of install. s390 being one of
+ them. This post module will call power reboot if postreboot is in ks_meta for
+ that system. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Changes to allow s390 to work. s390 has a hard limit on the number of chars
+ it can recieve. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- show netboot status via koan. This is really handy if you have a system which
+ fails to pxe boot you can create a service in rc.local which checks the
+ status of netboot and calls --replace-self for example. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- When adding in distros/profiles from disk don't bomb out if missing kernel or
+ ramdisk. just don't add it. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- add X log to anamon tracking as well. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Added new remote method clear_logs. Clearing console and anamon logs in %pre
+ is too late if the install never happens. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- fixes /var/www/cobbler/svc/services.py to canonicalize the uri before parsing
+ it. This fixes a regression with mod_wsgi enabled and trying to provision a
+ rhel3 machine. (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- anaconda umounts /proc on us while were still running. Deal with it.
+ (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- fix escape (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- dont lowercase power type (bpeck@redhat.com)
+- Bump to 2.1.0 (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Properly detect unknown distributions (shenson@redhat.com)
+- cobblerd service: Required-Start: network -> $network
+ (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- cobblerd service: add Default-Stop to LSB header (cristian.ciupitu@yahoo.com)
+- No more . on the end (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Do not delete settings and modules.conf (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Remove manpage generation from the make file (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Update the author and author email (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Proper ownership on some files (shenson@redhat.com)
+- More rpm cleanups (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Don't have the #! because rpm complains (shenson@redhat.com)
+- No more selinux here, we should not be calling chcon, things will end up with
+ the proper context in a well configured selinux environment
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- No more chowning the log file. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- A new spec file to go with the new setup.py (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Forgot to add aux to MANIFEST.in (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Fixed naming scheme for web UI to make it more uniform, what was Puppet
+ Parameters is now Management Parameters. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Removed unnecessary cruft. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Reconfigured setup.py to now place config files and web ui content in the
+ right places. The paths are configurable like they were in the previous
+ setup.py, but everything is much cleaner. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Removed unnecessary templating functionality from configuration generation
+ (and setup.py) (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Added more useful files to setup.py and MANIFEST.in as well as extra
+ functionality which setup.py should contain. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Massive overhaul of setup.py . Moved things around a little to clean up
+ building/packaging/distributing. The new setup.py is still incomplete.
+ (akesling@redhat.com)
+- RPM specific changes to setup.cfg. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Currently working through making setup.py functional for generating rpms
+ dynamically. setup.py is just cobbler-web at the moment... and it appears to
+ work. The next things to do are test the current RPM and add in
+ functionality for reducing repetitive setup.py configuration lines.
+ (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Changed list-view edit link from a javascript onclick event to an actual
+ link... so that you can now just open it in a new tab. (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Added tip for random MAC Address functionality to System MAC Address field.
+ (akesling@redhat.com)
+- Added "Puppet Parameters" attribute to Profile and System items. The new
+ input field is a textarea which takes proper a YAML formatted dictionary.
+ This data is used for the Puppet External Nodes api call (found in
+ services.py). (akesling@croissant.usersys.redhat.com)
+- Resume apitesting assuming against local Cobbler server. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- Replace rogue tab with whitespace. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- Open all log files in append mode. Tasks should not be special. This
+ simplifies the handling of logging for selinux. (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Add rendered dir to cobbler.spec. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- Re-add mod_python dep only for cobbler-web. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- initializing variable that is not always initialized but is always accessed
+ (jsherril@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'pvreman/master' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- add logging of triggers (peter.vreman@acision.com)
+- add logging of triggers (peter.vreman@acision.com)
+- cobbler-ext-nodes needs also to use http_port (peter.vreman@acision.com)
+- Adding VMware ESX specific boot options (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- Merge stable into master (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix cobbler_web authentication in a way that doesn't break previously working
+ stuff (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Allow qemu disk type to be specified. Contributed by Galia Lisovskaya
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge remote branch 'jsabo/esx' (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix a bug where we were not looking for the syslinux provided menu.c32 before
+ going after the getloaders one (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Fix cobbler_web authentication in a way that doesn't break previously working
+ stuff (shenson@redhat.com)
+- More preparation for the release (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Update spec file for release (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Update changelog for release (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Bugfix: fetch extra metadata from upstream repositories more safely
+ (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Bugfix: allow the creation of subprofiles again (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Don't warn needlessly when repo rpm_list is empty (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Bugfix: run createrepo on partial yum mirrors (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Change default mode for new directories from 0777 to 0755
+ (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Fix replication when prune is specified and no systems are specified. This
+ prevents us from killing systems on a slave that keeps its own systems. To
+ get the old behavior, just specify a systems list that won't match anything.
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Always authorize the CLI (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Bugfix: fetch extra metadata from upstream repositories more safely
+ (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Bugfix: allow the creation of subprofiles again (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Don't warn needlessly when repo rpm_list is empty (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Bugfix: run createrepo on partial yum mirrors (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Change default mode for new directories from 0777 to 0755
+ (icomfort@stanford.edu)
+- Fix replication when prune is specified and no systems are specified. This
+ prevents us from killing systems on a slave that keeps its own systems. To
+ get the old behavior, just specify a systems list that won't match anything.
+ (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Always authorize the CLI (shenson@redhat.com)
+- Merge branch 'wsgi' (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- Adding VMware ESX 4 update 1 support (jonathan.sabo@gmail.com)
+- remove references to apt support from the man page (jeckersb@redhat.com)
+- wsgi: Service cleanup. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- wsgi: Revert to old error handling. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- wsgi: Switch Cobbler packaging/config from mod_python to mod_wsgi. (dgoodwin
+ @rm-rf.ca)
+- wsgi: Return 404 when hitting svc URLs for missing objects. (dgoodwin@rm-
+ rf.ca)
+- Merge branch 'master' into wsgi (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+- wsgi: First cut of port to mod_wsgi. (dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca)
+* Thu Jun 17 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> - 2.1.0-1
+- Bump upstream release
+* Tue Apr 27 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-1
+- Bug fix release, see Changelog for details
+* Thu Apr 15 2010 Devan Goodwin <dgoodwin@rm-rf.ca>
+- Tagging for new build tools.
+* Mon Mar 1 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> -
+- Bump release because I forgot cobbler-web
+* Mon Mar 1 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> -
+- Remove requires on mkinitrd as it is not used
+* Mon Feb 15 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> -
+- Upstream Brown Paper Bag Release (see CHANGELOG)
+* Thu Feb 11 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-1
+- Upstream changes (see CHANGELOG)
+* Mon Nov 23 2009 John Eckersberg <jeckersb@redhat.com> - 2.0.2-1
+- Upstream changes (see CHANGELOG)
+* Tue Sep 15 2009 Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail> - 2.0.0-1
+- First release with unified spec files