resource R, any notification of events related to resource R will no longer be handed
over to C, after the unsubscribe_by_resource() invocation.
* unsubscribe_all(): say that callback C has subscribed to events A, B for resource R1,
- and events C, D for resource R2, any notification of events pertaining resouces R1 and
+ and events C, D for resource R2, any notification of events pertaining resources R1 and
R2 will no longer be handed over to C, after the unsubscribe_all() invocation.
The snippet below shows these concepts in action:
effort is not considered justified. Assessment may change in the
- Absense of an entry for an existing plugin or driver means no active effort
+ Absence of an entry for an existing plugin or driver means no active effort
has been observed or potentially not required.
* Completed in: the release in which the effort is considered completed. Code
completion can be deemed as such, if there is no overlap/duplication between