+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
-# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import contextlib
-import mock
-import mox
-import six
-from cinder.db import api as db_api
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-from cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi import lib
-from cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi import sm as driver
-from cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi import tools
-class MockContext(object):
- def __init__(ctxt, auth_token):
- ctxt.auth_token = auth_token
-def simple_context(value):
- yield value
-def get_configured_driver(server='ignore_server', path='ignore_path'):
- configuration = mox.MockObject(conf.Configuration)
- configuration.xenapi_nfs_server = server
- configuration.xenapi_nfs_serverpath = path
- configuration.append_config_values(mox.IgnoreArg())
- configuration.volume_dd_blocksize = '1M'
- return driver.XenAPINFSDriver(configuration=configuration)
-class DriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def assert_flag(self, flagname):
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(driver.CONF, flagname))
- def test_config_options(self):
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_connection_url')
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_connection_username')
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_connection_password')
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_nfs_server')
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_nfs_serverpath')
- self.assert_flag('xenapi_sr_base_path')
- def test_do_setup(self):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver, 'xenapi_lib')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver, 'xenapi_opts')
- configuration = mox.MockObject(conf.Configuration)
- configuration.xenapi_connection_url = 'url'
- configuration.xenapi_connection_username = 'user'
- configuration.xenapi_connection_password = 'pass'
- configuration.append_config_values(mox.IgnoreArg())
- session_factory = object()
- nfsops = object()
- driver.xenapi_lib.SessionFactory('url', 'user', 'pass').AndReturn(
- session_factory)
- driver.xenapi_lib.NFSBasedVolumeOperations(
- session_factory).AndReturn(nfsops)
- drv = driver.XenAPINFSDriver(configuration=configuration)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv.do_setup('context')
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(nfsops, drv.nfs_ops)
- def test_create_volume(self):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- ops = mock.CreateMock(lib.NFSBasedVolumeOperations)
- drv = get_configured_driver('server', 'path')
- drv.nfs_ops = ops
- volume_details = dict(
- sr_uuid='sr_uuid',
- vdi_uuid='vdi_uuid'
- )
- ops.create_volume(
- 'server', 'path', 1, 'name', 'desc').AndReturn(volume_details)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.create_volume(dict(
- size=1, display_name='name', display_description='desc'))
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(dict(provider_location='sr_uuid/vdi_uuid'), result)
- def test_delete_volume(self):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- ops = mock.CreateMock(lib.NFSBasedVolumeOperations)
- drv = get_configured_driver('server', 'path')
- drv.nfs_ops = ops
- ops.delete_volume('server', 'path', 'sr_uuid', 'vdi_uuid')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv.delete_volume(dict(provider_location='sr_uuid/vdi_uuid'))
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_create_export_does_not_raise_exception(self):
- configuration = conf.Configuration([])
- drv = driver.XenAPINFSDriver(configuration=configuration)
- drv.create_export('context', 'volume')
- def test_remove_export_does_not_raise_exception(self):
- configuration = conf.Configuration([])
- drv = driver.XenAPINFSDriver(configuration=configuration)
- drv.remove_export('context', 'volume')
- def test_initialize_connection(self):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- drv = get_configured_driver('server', 'path')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.initialize_connection(
- dict(
- display_name='name',
- display_description='desc',
- provider_location='sr_uuid/vdi_uuid'),
- 'connector'
- )
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(
- dict(
- driver_volume_type='xensm',
- data=dict(
- name_label='name',
- name_description='desc',
- sr_uuid='sr_uuid',
- vdi_uuid='vdi_uuid',
- sr_type='nfs',
- server='server',
- serverpath='path',
- introduce_sr_keys=['sr_type', 'server', 'serverpath']
- )
- ),
- result
- )
- def test_initialize_connection_null_values(self):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- drv = get_configured_driver('server', 'path')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.initialize_connection(
- dict(
- display_name=None,
- display_description=None,
- provider_location='sr_uuid/vdi_uuid'),
- 'connector'
- )
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(
- dict(
- driver_volume_type='xensm',
- data=dict(
- name_label='',
- name_description='',
- sr_uuid='sr_uuid',
- vdi_uuid='vdi_uuid',
- sr_type='nfs',
- server='server',
- serverpath='path',
- introduce_sr_keys=['sr_type', 'server', 'serverpath']
- )
- ),
- result
- )
- def _setup_mock_driver(self, server, serverpath, sr_base_path="_srbp"):
- mock = mox.Mox()
- drv = get_configured_driver(server, serverpath)
- ops = mock.CreateMock(lib.NFSBasedVolumeOperations)
- db = mock.CreateMock(db_api)
- drv.nfs_ops = ops
- drv.db = db
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver, 'CONF')
- driver.CONF.xenapi_nfs_server = server
- driver.CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath = serverpath
- driver.CONF.xenapi_sr_base_path = sr_base_path
- return mock, drv
- def test_create_snapshot(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver('server', 'serverpath')
- snapshot = dict(
- volume_id="volume-id",
- display_name="snapshot-name",
- display_description="snapshot-desc",
- volume=dict(provider_location="sr-uuid/vdi-uuid"))
- drv.nfs_ops.copy_volume(
- "server", "serverpath", "sr-uuid", "vdi-uuid",
- "snapshot-name", "snapshot-desc"
- ).AndReturn(dict(sr_uuid="copied-sr", vdi_uuid="copied-vdi"))
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(
- dict(provider_location="copied-sr/copied-vdi"),
- result)
- def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver('server', 'serverpath')
- snapshot = dict(
- provider_location='src-sr-uuid/src-vdi-uuid')
- volume = dict(
- display_name='tgt-name', name_description='tgt-desc')
- drv.nfs_ops.copy_volume(
- "server", "serverpath", "src-sr-uuid", "src-vdi-uuid",
- "tgt-name", "tgt-desc"
- ).AndReturn(dict(sr_uuid="copied-sr", vdi_uuid="copied-vdi"))
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- self.assertEqual(
- dict(provider_location='copied-sr/copied-vdi'), result)
- def test_delete_snapshot(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver('server', 'serverpath')
- snapshot = dict(
- provider_location='src-sr-uuid/src-vdi-uuid')
- drv.nfs_ops.delete_volume(
- "server", "serverpath", "src-sr-uuid", "src-vdi-uuid")
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_copy_volume_to_image_xenserver_case(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(drv, '_use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'is_xenserver_format')
- context = MockContext('token')
- driver.image_utils.is_xenserver_format('image_meta').AndReturn(True)
- drv._use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(
- context, 'volume', 'image_service', 'image_meta').AndReturn(
- 'result')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.copy_volume_to_image(
- context, "volume", "image_service", "image_meta")
- self.assertEqual('result', result)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_copy_volume_to_image_non_xenserver_case(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(drv, '_use_image_utils_to_upload_volume')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'is_xenserver_format')
- context = MockContext('token')
- driver.image_utils.is_xenserver_format('image_meta').AndReturn(False)
- drv._use_image_utils_to_upload_volume(
- context, 'volume', 'image_service', 'image_meta').AndReturn(
- 'result')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.copy_volume_to_image(
- context, "volume", "image_service", "image_meta")
- self.assertEqual('result', result)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_use_image_utils_to_upload_volume(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- volume = dict(provider_location='sr-uuid/vdi-uuid')
- context = MockContext('token')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'upload_volume')
- drv.nfs_ops.volume_attached_here(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', True).AndReturn(
- simple_context('device'))
- driver.image_utils.upload_volume(
- context, 'image_service', 'image_meta', 'device')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv._use_image_utils_to_upload_volume(
- context, volume, "image_service", "image_meta")
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- volume = dict(provider_location='sr-uuid/vdi-uuid')
- context = MockContext('token')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.glance, 'get_api_servers')
- driver.glance.get_api_servers().AndReturn((x for x in ['glancesrv']))
- drv.nfs_ops.use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', 'glancesrv',
- 'image-id', 'token', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv._use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(
- context, volume, "image_service", {"id": "image-id"})
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_copy_image_to_volume_xenserver_case(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(drv, '_use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'is_xenserver_image')
- context = MockContext('token')
- driver.image_utils.is_xenserver_image(
- context, 'image_service', 'image_id').AndReturn(True)
- drv._use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume(
- context, 'volume', 'image_service', 'image_id').AndReturn('result')
- mock.ReplayAll()
- result = drv.copy_image_to_volume(
- context, "volume", "image_service", "image_id")
- self.assertEqual('result', result)
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_copy_image_to_volume_non_xenserver_case(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(drv, '_use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'is_xenserver_image')
- context = MockContext('token')
- driver.image_utils.is_xenserver_image(
- context, 'image_service', 'image_id').AndReturn(False)
- drv._use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume(
- context, 'volume', 'image_service', 'image_id').AndReturn(True)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv.copy_image_to_volume(
- context, "volume", "image_service", "image_id")
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- volume = dict(provider_location='sr-uuid/vdi-uuid', size=1)
- context = MockContext('token')
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.image_utils, 'fetch_to_raw')
- drv.nfs_ops.volume_attached_here(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', False).AndReturn(
- simple_context('device'))
- driver.image_utils.fetch_to_raw(
- context, 'image_service', 'image_id', 'device', mox.IgnoreArg(),
- size=1)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv._use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume(
- context, volume, "image_service", "image_id")
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume_success(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- volume = dict(
- provider_location='sr-uuid/vdi-uuid',
- size=2)
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.glance, 'get_api_servers')
- driver.glance.get_api_servers().AndReturn((x for x in ['glancesrv']))
- drv.nfs_ops.use_glance_plugin_to_overwrite_volume(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', 'glancesrv',
- 'image_id', 'token', '/var/run/sr-mount').AndReturn(True)
- drv.nfs_ops.resize_volume(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', 2)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- drv._use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume(
- MockContext('token'), volume, "ignore", "image_id")
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume_fail(self):
- mock, drv = self._setup_mock_driver(
- 'server', 'serverpath', '/var/run/sr-mount')
- volume = dict(
- provider_location='sr-uuid/vdi-uuid',
- size=2)
- mock.StubOutWithMock(driver.glance, 'get_api_servers')
- driver.glance.get_api_servers().AndReturn((x for x in ['glancesrv']))
- drv.nfs_ops.use_glance_plugin_to_overwrite_volume(
- 'server', 'serverpath', 'sr-uuid', 'vdi-uuid', 'glancesrv',
- 'image_id', 'token', '/var/run/sr-mount').AndReturn(False)
- mock.ReplayAll()
- self.assertRaises(
- exception.ImageCopyFailure,
- lambda: drv._use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume(
- MockContext('token'), volume, "ignore", "image_id"))
- mock.VerifyAll()
- def test_get_volume_stats_reports_required_keys(self):
- drv = get_configured_driver()
- stats = drv.get_volume_stats()
- required_metrics = [
- 'volume_backend_name', 'vendor_name', 'driver_version',
- 'storage_protocol', 'total_capacity_gb', 'free_capacity_gb',
- 'reserved_percentage'
- ]
- for metric in required_metrics:
- self.assertIn(metric, stats)
- def test_get_volume_stats_reports_unknown_cap(self):
- drv = get_configured_driver()
- stats = drv.get_volume_stats()
- self.assertEqual('unknown', stats['free_capacity_gb'])
- def test_reported_driver_type(self):
- drv = get_configured_driver()
- stats = drv.get_volume_stats()
- self.assertEqual('xensm', stats['storage_protocol'])
-class ToolsTest(test.TestCase):
- @mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi.tools._stripped_first_line_of')
- def test_get_this_vm_uuid(self, mock_read_first_line):
- mock_read_first_line.return_value = 'someuuid'
- self.assertEqual('someuuid', tools.get_this_vm_uuid())
- mock_read_first_line.assert_called_once_with('/sys/hypervisor/uuid')
- def test_stripped_first_line_of(self):
- mock_context_manager = mock.Mock()
- mock_context_manager.__enter__ = mock.Mock(
- return_value=six.StringIO(' blah \n second line \n'))
- mock_context_manager.__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
- mock_open = mock.Mock(return_value=mock_context_manager)
- with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock_open):
- self.assertEqual(
- 'blah', tools._stripped_first_line_of('/somefile'))
- mock_open.assert_called_once_with('/somefile', 'rb')
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
-# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import contextlib
-import os
-import pickle
-from cinder.openstack.common import units
-from cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi import tools
-class XenAPIException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, original_exception):
- super(XenAPIException, self).__init__(original_exception)
- self.original_exception = original_exception
-class OperationsBase(object):
- def __init__(self, xenapi_session):
- self.session = xenapi_session
- def call_xenapi(self, method, *args):
- return self.session.call_xenapi(method, *args)
-class VMOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_by_uuid(self, vm_uuid):
- return self.call_xenapi('VM.get_by_uuid', vm_uuid)
- def get_vbds(self, vm_uuid):
- return self.call_xenapi('VM.get_VBDs', vm_uuid)
-class VBDOperations(OperationsBase):
- def create(self, vm_ref, vdi_ref, userdevice, bootable, mode, type,
- empty, other_config):
- vbd_rec = dict(
- VM=vm_ref,
- VDI=vdi_ref,
- userdevice=str(userdevice),
- bootable=bootable,
- mode=mode,
- type=type,
- empty=empty,
- other_config=other_config,
- qos_algorithm_type='',
- qos_algorithm_params=dict()
- )
- return self.call_xenapi('VBD.create', vbd_rec)
- def destroy(self, vbd_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('VBD.destroy', vbd_ref)
- def get_device(self, vbd_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VBD.get_device', vbd_ref)
- def plug(self, vbd_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VBD.plug', vbd_ref)
- def unplug(self, vbd_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VBD.unplug', vbd_ref)
- def get_vdi(self, vbd_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VBD.get_VDI', vbd_ref)
-class PoolOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_all(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('pool.get_all')
- def get_default_SR(self, pool_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('pool.get_default_SR', pool_ref)
-class PbdOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_all(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('PBD.get_all')
- def unplug(self, pbd_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('PBD.unplug', pbd_ref)
- def create(self, host_ref, sr_ref, device_config):
- return self.call_xenapi(
- 'PBD.create',
- dict(
- host=host_ref,
- SR=sr_ref,
- device_config=device_config
- )
- )
- def plug(self, pbd_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('PBD.plug', pbd_ref)
-class SrOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_all(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('SR.get_all')
- def get_record(self, sr_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('SR.get_record', sr_ref)
- def forget(self, sr_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('SR.forget', sr_ref)
- def scan(self, sr_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('SR.scan', sr_ref)
- def create(self, host_ref, device_config, name_label, name_description,
- sr_type, physical_size=None, content_type=None,
- shared=False, sm_config=None):
- return self.call_xenapi(
- 'SR.create',
- host_ref,
- device_config,
- physical_size or '0',
- name_label or '',
- name_description or '',
- sr_type,
- content_type or '',
- shared,
- sm_config or dict()
- )
- def introduce(self, sr_uuid, name_label, name_description, sr_type,
- content_type=None, shared=False, sm_config=None):
- return self.call_xenapi(
- 'SR.introduce',
- sr_uuid,
- name_label or '',
- name_description or '',
- sr_type,
- content_type or '',
- shared,
- sm_config or dict()
- )
- def get_uuid(self, sr_ref):
- return self.get_record(sr_ref)['uuid']
- def get_name_label(self, sr_ref):
- return self.get_record(sr_ref)['name_label']
- def get_name_description(self, sr_ref):
- return self.get_record(sr_ref)['name_description']
- def destroy(self, sr_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('SR.destroy', sr_ref)
-class VdiOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_all(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.get_all')
- def get_record(self, vdi_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.get_record', vdi_ref)
- def get_by_uuid(self, vdi_uuid):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.get_by_uuid', vdi_uuid)
- def get_uuid(self, vdi_ref):
- return self.get_record(vdi_ref)['uuid']
- def create(self, sr_ref, size, vdi_type,
- sharable=False, read_only=False, other_config=None):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.create',
- dict(SR=sr_ref,
- virtual_size=str(size),
- type=vdi_type,
- sharable=sharable,
- read_only=read_only,
- other_config=other_config or dict()))
- def destroy(self, vdi_ref):
- self.call_xenapi('VDI.destroy', vdi_ref)
- def copy(self, vdi_ref, sr_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.copy', vdi_ref, sr_ref)
- def resize(self, vdi_ref, size):
- return self.call_xenapi('VDI.resize', vdi_ref, str(size))
-class HostOperations(OperationsBase):
- def get_record(self, host_ref):
- return self.call_xenapi('host.get_record', host_ref)
- def get_uuid(self, host_ref):
- return self.get_record(host_ref)['uuid']
-class XenAPISession(object):
- def __init__(self, session, exception_to_convert):
- self._session = session
- self._exception_to_convert = exception_to_convert
- self.handle = self._session.handle
- self.PBD = PbdOperations(self)
- self.SR = SrOperations(self)
- self.VDI = VdiOperations(self)
- self.host = HostOperations(self)
- self.pool = PoolOperations(self)
- self.VBD = VBDOperations(self)
- self.VM = VMOperations(self)
- def close(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('logout')
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def exception_converter(self):
- try:
- yield None
- except self._exception_to_convert as e:
- raise XenAPIException(e)
- def call_xenapi(self, method, *args):
- with self.exception_converter():
- return self._session.xenapi_request(method, args)
- def call_plugin(self, host_ref, plugin, function, args):
- with self.exception_converter():
- return self._session.xenapi.host.call_plugin(
- host_ref, plugin, function, args)
- def get_pool(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('session.get_pool', self.handle)
- def get_this_host(self):
- return self.call_xenapi('session.get_this_host', self.handle)
-class CompoundOperations(object):
- def unplug_pbds_from_sr(self, sr_ref):
- sr_rec = self.SR.get_record(sr_ref)
- for pbd_ref in sr_rec.get('PBDs', []):
- self.PBD.unplug(pbd_ref)
- def unplug_pbds_and_forget_sr(self, sr_ref):
- self.unplug_pbds_from_sr(sr_ref)
- self.SR.forget(sr_ref)
- def create_new_vdi(self, sr_ref, size_in_gigabytes):
- return self.VDI.create(sr_ref,
- to_bytes(size_in_gigabytes),
- 'User', )
-def to_bytes(size_in_gigs):
- return size_in_gigs * units.Gi
-class NFSOperationsMixIn(CompoundOperations):
- def is_nfs_sr(self, sr_ref):
- return self.SR.get_record(sr_ref).get('type') == 'nfs'
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def new_sr_on_nfs(self, host_ref, server, serverpath,
- name_label=None, name_description=None):
- device_config = dict(
- server=server,
- serverpath=serverpath
- )
- name_label = name_label or ''
- name_description = name_description or ''
- sr_type = 'nfs'
- sr_ref = self.SR.create(
- host_ref,
- device_config,
- name_label,
- name_description,
- sr_type,
- )
- yield sr_ref
- self.unplug_pbds_and_forget_sr(sr_ref)
- def plug_nfs_sr(self, host_ref, server, serverpath, sr_uuid,
- name_label=None, name_description=None):
- device_config = dict(
- server=server,
- serverpath=serverpath
- )
- sr_type = 'nfs'
- sr_ref = self.SR.introduce(
- sr_uuid,
- name_label,
- name_description,
- sr_type,
- )
- pbd_ref = self.PBD.create(
- host_ref,
- sr_ref,
- device_config
- )
- self.PBD.plug(pbd_ref)
- return sr_ref
- def connect_volume(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid):
- host_ref = self.get_this_host()
- sr_ref = self.plug_nfs_sr(
- host_ref,
- server,
- serverpath,
- sr_uuid
- )
- self.SR.scan(sr_ref)
- vdi_ref = self.VDI.get_by_uuid(vdi_uuid)
- return dict(sr_ref=sr_ref, vdi_ref=vdi_ref)
- def copy_vdi_to_sr(self, vdi_ref, sr_ref):
- return self.VDI.copy(vdi_ref, sr_ref)
-class ContextAwareSession(XenAPISession):
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
-class OpenStackXenAPISession(ContextAwareSession,
- NFSOperationsMixIn):
- pass
-def connect(url, user, password):
- import XenAPI
- session = XenAPI.Session(url)
- session.login_with_password(user, password)
- return OpenStackXenAPISession(session, XenAPI.Failure)
-class SessionFactory(object):
- def __init__(self, url, user, password):
- self.url = url
- self.user = user
- self.password = password
- def get_session(self):
- return connect(self.url, self.user, self.password)
-class XapiPluginProxy(object):
- def __init__(self, session_factory, plugin_name):
- self._session_factory = session_factory
- self._plugin_name = plugin_name
- def call(self, function, *plugin_args, **plugin_kwargs):
- plugin_params = dict(args=plugin_args, kwargs=plugin_kwargs)
- args = dict(params=pickle.dumps(plugin_params))
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- host_ref = session.get_this_host()
- result = session.call_plugin(
- host_ref, self._plugin_name, function, args)
- return pickle.loads(result)
-class GlancePluginProxy(XapiPluginProxy):
- def __init__(self, session_factory):
- super(GlancePluginProxy, self).__init__(session_factory, 'glance')
- def download_vhd(self, image_id, glance_host, glance_port, glance_use_ssl,
- uuid_stack, sr_path, auth_token):
- return self.call(
- 'download_vhd',
- image_id=image_id,
- glance_host=glance_host,
- glance_port=glance_port,
- glance_use_ssl=glance_use_ssl,
- uuid_stack=uuid_stack,
- sr_path=sr_path,
- auth_token=auth_token)
- def upload_vhd(self, vdi_uuids, image_id, glance_host, glance_port,
- glance_use_ssl, sr_path, auth_token, properties):
- return self.call(
- 'upload_vhd',
- vdi_uuids=vdi_uuids,
- image_id=image_id,
- glance_host=glance_host,
- glance_port=glance_port,
- glance_use_ssl=glance_use_ssl,
- sr_path=sr_path,
- auth_token=auth_token,
- properties=properties)
-class NFSBasedVolumeOperations(object):
- def __init__(self, session_factory):
- self._session_factory = session_factory
- self.glance_plugin = GlancePluginProxy(session_factory)
- def create_volume(self, server, serverpath, size,
- name=None, description=None):
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- host_ref = session.get_this_host()
- with session.new_sr_on_nfs(host_ref, server, serverpath,
- name, description) as sr_ref:
- vdi_ref = session.create_new_vdi(sr_ref, size)
- return dict(
- sr_uuid=session.SR.get_uuid(sr_ref),
- vdi_uuid=session.VDI.get_uuid(vdi_ref)
- )
- def delete_volume(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid):
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- refs = session.connect_volume(
- server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- session.VDI.destroy(refs['vdi_ref'])
- sr_ref = refs['sr_ref']
- session.unplug_pbds_from_sr(sr_ref)
- session.SR.destroy(sr_ref)
- def connect_volume(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid):
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- refs = session.connect_volume(
- server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- return session.VDI.get_uuid(refs['vdi_ref'])
- def disconnect_volume(self, vdi_uuid):
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- vdi_ref = session.VDI.get_by_uuid(vdi_uuid)
- vdi_rec = session.VDI.get_record(vdi_ref)
- sr_ref = vdi_rec['SR']
- session.unplug_pbds_and_forget_sr(sr_ref)
- def copy_volume(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid,
- name=None, description=None):
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- src_refs = session.connect_volume(
- server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- try:
- host_ref = session.get_this_host()
- with session.new_sr_on_nfs(host_ref, server, serverpath,
- name, description) as target_sr_ref:
- target_vdi_ref = session.copy_vdi_to_sr(
- src_refs['vdi_ref'], target_sr_ref)
- dst_refs = dict(
- sr_uuid=session.SR.get_uuid(target_sr_ref),
- vdi_uuid=session.VDI.get_uuid(target_vdi_ref)
- )
- finally:
- session.unplug_pbds_and_forget_sr(src_refs['sr_ref'])
- return dst_refs
- def resize_volume(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid,
- size_in_gigabytes):
- self.connect_volume(server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- try:
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- vdi_ref = session.VDI.get_by_uuid(vdi_uuid)
- session.VDI.resize(vdi_ref, to_bytes(size_in_gigabytes))
- finally:
- self.disconnect_volume(vdi_uuid)
- def use_glance_plugin_to_overwrite_volume(self, server, serverpath,
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid, glance_server,
- image_id, auth_token,
- sr_base_path):
- self.connect_volume(server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- uuid_stack = [vdi_uuid]
- glance_host, glance_port, glance_use_ssl = glance_server
- try:
- result = self.glance_plugin.download_vhd(
- image_id, glance_host, glance_port, glance_use_ssl, uuid_stack,
- os.path.join(sr_base_path, sr_uuid), auth_token)
- finally:
- self.disconnect_volume(vdi_uuid)
- if len(result) != 1 or result['root']['uuid'] != vdi_uuid:
- return False
- return True
- def use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(self, server, serverpath,
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid, glance_server,
- image_id, auth_token, sr_base_path):
- self.connect_volume(server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- vdi_uuids = [vdi_uuid]
- glance_host, glance_port, glance_use_ssl = glance_server
- try:
- self.glance_plugin.upload_vhd(
- vdi_uuids, image_id, glance_host, glance_port, glance_use_ssl,
- os.path.join(sr_base_path, sr_uuid), auth_token, dict())
- finally:
- self.disconnect_volume(vdi_uuid)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def volume_attached_here(self, server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid,
- readonly=True):
- self.connect_volume(server, serverpath, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
- with self._session_factory.get_session() as session:
- vm_uuid = tools.get_this_vm_uuid()
- vm_ref = session.VM.get_by_uuid(vm_uuid)
- vdi_ref = session.VDI.get_by_uuid(vdi_uuid)
- vbd_ref = session.VBD.create(
- vm_ref, vdi_ref, userdevice='autodetect', bootable=False,
- mode='RO' if readonly else 'RW', type='disk', empty=False,
- other_config=dict())
- session.VBD.plug(vbd_ref)
- device = session.VBD.get_device(vbd_ref)
- try:
- yield "/dev/" + device
- finally:
- session.VBD.unplug(vbd_ref)
- session.VBD.destroy(vbd_ref)
- self.disconnect_volume(vdi_uuid)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
-# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from oslo.config import cfg
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.image import glance
-from cinder.image import image_utils
-from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.volume import driver
-from cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi import lib as xenapi_lib
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-xenapi_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_connection_url',
- default=None,
- help='URL for XenAPI connection'),
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_connection_username',
- default='root',
- help='Username for XenAPI connection'),
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_connection_password',
- default=None,
- help='Password for XenAPI connection',
- secret=True),
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_sr_base_path',
- default='/var/run/sr-mount',
- help='Base path to the storage repository'),
-xenapi_nfs_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_nfs_server',
- default=None,
- help='NFS server to be used by XenAPINFSDriver'),
- cfg.StrOpt('xenapi_nfs_serverpath',
- default=None,
- help='Path of exported NFS, used by XenAPINFSDriver'),
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-class XenAPINFSDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
- VERSION = "1.0.0"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(XenAPINFSDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.configuration.append_config_values(xenapi_opts)
- self.configuration.append_config_values(xenapi_nfs_opts)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- session_factory = xenapi_lib.SessionFactory(
- self.configuration.xenapi_connection_url,
- self.configuration.xenapi_connection_username,
- self.configuration.xenapi_connection_password
- )
- self.nfs_ops = xenapi_lib.NFSBasedVolumeOperations(session_factory)
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- volume_details = self.nfs_ops.create_volume(
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_server,
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- volume['size'],
- volume['display_name'],
- volume['display_description']
- )
- location = "%(sr_uuid)s/%(vdi_uuid)s" % volume_details
- return dict(provider_location=location)
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- pass
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- self.nfs_ops.delete_volume(
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_server,
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid
- )
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- pass
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- return dict(
- driver_volume_type='xensm',
- data=dict(
- name_label=volume['display_name'] or '',
- name_description=volume['display_description'] or '',
- sr_uuid=sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid=vdi_uuid,
- sr_type='nfs',
- server=self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_server,
- serverpath=self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- introduce_sr_keys=['sr_type', 'server', 'serverpath']
- )
- )
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
- pass
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """To override superclass' method."""
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- return self._copy_volume(
- snapshot, volume['display_name'], volume['name_description'])
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- volume = snapshot['volume']
- return self._copy_volume(
- volume, snapshot['display_name'], snapshot['display_description'])
- def _copy_volume(self, volume, target_name, target_desc):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- volume_details = self.nfs_ops.copy_volume(
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_server,
- self.configuration.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid,
- target_name,
- target_desc
- )
- location = "%(sr_uuid)s/%(vdi_uuid)s" % volume_details
- return dict(provider_location=location)
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- self.delete_volume(snapshot)
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- pass
- def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id):
- if image_utils.is_xenserver_image(context, image_service, image_id):
- return self._use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume(
- context, volume, image_service, image_id)
- return self._use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume(
- context, volume, image_service, image_id)
- def _use_image_utils_to_pipe_bytes_to_volume(self, context, volume,
- image_service, image_id):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- with self.nfs_ops.volume_attached_here(CONF.xenapi_nfs_server,
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid,
- False) as device:
- image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context,
- image_service,
- image_id,
- device,
- self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize,
- size=volume['size'])
- def _use_glance_plugin_to_copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume,
- image_service, image_id):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- api_servers = glance.get_api_servers()
- glance_server = api_servers.next()
- auth_token = context.auth_token
- overwrite_result = self.nfs_ops.use_glance_plugin_to_overwrite_volume(
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_server,
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid,
- glance_server,
- image_id,
- auth_token,
- CONF.xenapi_sr_base_path)
- if overwrite_result is False:
- raise exception.ImageCopyFailure(reason='Overwriting volume '
- 'failed.')
- self.nfs_ops.resize_volume(
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_server,
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid,
- volume['size'])
- def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
- if image_utils.is_xenserver_format(image_meta):
- return self._use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(
- context, volume, image_service, image_meta)
- return self._use_image_utils_to_upload_volume(
- context, volume, image_service, image_meta)
- def _use_image_utils_to_upload_volume(self, context, volume, image_service,
- image_meta):
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- with self.nfs_ops.volume_attached_here(CONF.xenapi_nfs_server,
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid,
- True) as device:
- image_utils.upload_volume(context,
- image_service,
- image_meta,
- device)
- def _use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(self, context, volume,
- image_service, image_meta):
- image_id = image_meta['id']
- sr_uuid, vdi_uuid = volume['provider_location'].split('/')
- api_servers = glance.get_api_servers()
- glance_server = api_servers.next()
- auth_token = context.auth_token
- self.nfs_ops.use_glance_plugin_to_upload_volume(
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_server,
- CONF.xenapi_nfs_serverpath,
- sr_uuid,
- vdi_uuid,
- glance_server,
- image_id,
- auth_token,
- CONF.xenapi_sr_base_path)
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- if refresh or not self._stats:
- data = {}
- backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
- data["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or 'XenAPINFS',
- data['vendor_name'] = 'Open Source',
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- data['storage_protocol'] = 'xensm'
- data['total_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown'
- data['free_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown'
- data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
- self._stats = data
- return self._stats
- def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service):
- """Create a new backup from an existing volume."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service):
- """Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
+++ /dev/null
-def _stripped_first_line_of(filename):
- with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
- return f.readline().strip()
-def get_this_vm_uuid():
- return _stripped_first_line_of('/sys/hypervisor/uuid')
-# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.xenapi.sm
-# NFS server to be used by XenAPINFSDriver (string value)
-# Path of exported NFS, used by XenAPINFSDriver (string value)
-# URL for XenAPI connection (string value)
-# Username for XenAPI connection (string value)
-# Password for XenAPI connection (string value)
-# Base path to the storage repository (string value)
# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.zadara