This patch attempts to refactor Huawei volume driver in liberty.
We add a base driver to implement the basic functions.
The sub-class will inherit from the base driver according to different
The following changes were made in this refactor:
1. Abstract a base class named HuaweiBaseDriver to make Huawei driver more
universal. You can find it in the
2. Put all static variables into the
3. Rename to stores the
relevant methods implemented for Huawei driver.
4. Migrate some public methods from to,
such as parse_xml_file(), _get_volume_type() and so on.
5. This refactor only involves structural adjustment and does not involve
functional changes.
Change-Id: I768889e2577a4d975397218eb31e89b42e08e04f
Implements: blueprint refactor-huawei-volume-driver
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-""" Tests for huawei 18000 storage."""
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import time
-from xml.dom import minidom
-import mock
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_18000
-from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import rest_common
-test_volume = {'name': 'volume-21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'size': 2,
- 'volume_name': 'vol1',
- 'id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'volume_id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'provider_auth': None,
- 'project_id': 'project',
- 'display_name': 'vol1',
- 'display_description': 'test volume',
- 'volume_type_id': None,
- 'provider_location': '11'}
-test_snap = {'name': 'volume-21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'size': 1,
- 'volume_name': 'vol1',
- 'id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'volume_id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
- 'provider_auth': None,
- 'project_id': 'project',
- 'display_name': 'vol1',
- 'display_description': 'test volume',
- 'volume_type_id': None,
- 'provider_location': '11'}
-FakeConnector = {'initiator': 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3',
- 'wwpns': ['10000090fa0d6754'],
- 'wwnns': ['10000090fa0d6755'],
- 'host': 'ubuntuc'}
-def find_data(method):
- if method is None:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":{"ID":"1",
- "NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA"}}"""
- if method == 'GET':
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"ID":"1",
- "NAME":"IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ"}]}"""
- return data
-def find_data_lun(method):
- if method == 'GET':
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":{"ID":"1",
- "NAME":"IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ",
- "RUNNINGSTATUS":"27"}}"""
- return data
-def find_data_lungroup(method):
- if method is None:
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},\
- "data":{"NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",\
- "DESCRIPTION":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",\
- "ID":"11",\
- "TYPE":256}}'
- if method == "GET":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{
- "NAME":"OpenStack_LunGroup_1",
- "ID":"11",
- "TYPE":256}]}"""
- if method == "DELETE":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{
- "NAME":"IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ",
- "ID":"11",
- "TYPE":256}]}"""
- return data
-def find_data_hostgroup(method):
- if method is None:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":{
- "NAME":"ubuntuc",
- "ID":"0",
- "TYPE":14}}"""
- if method == "GET":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[{
- "NAME":"ubuntuc",
- "ID":"0","TYPE":14}]}"""
- return data
-def Fake_sleep(time):
- pass
-def find_data_mappingview(method, other_flag):
- if method is None:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":
- "NAME":"mOWtSXnaQKi3hpB3tdFRIQ",
- "ID":"1","INBANDLUNWWN":"",
- "TYPE":245}}
- """
- if method == "GET":
- if other_flag:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[
- "NAME":"mOWtSXnaQKi3hpB3tdFRIQ",
- "INBANDLUNWWN":"","TYPE":245},
- "NAME":"YheUoRwbSX2BxN767nvLSw",
- "ID":"2","INBANDLUNWWN":"",
- "TYPE":245}]}
- """
- else:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[
- "NAME":"IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ",
- "INBANDLUNWWN":"","TYPE":245},
- "NAME":"YheUoRwbSX2BxN767nvLSw",
- "INBANDLUNWWN":"","TYPE":245}]}
- """
- return data
-def find_data_snapshot(method):
- if method is None:
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},"data":{"ID":11,"NAME":"YheUoRwbSX2BxN7"}}'
- if method == "GET":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[
- {"ID":12,"NAME":"SDFAJSDFLKJ2"}]}"""
- return data
-def find_data_host(method):
- if method is None:
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":
- {"PARENTTYPE":245,
- "NAME":"Default Host",
- "IP":"",
- "LOCATION":"",
- "MODEL":"",
- "ID":"0",
- "PARENTID":"0",
- "TYPE":21}} """
- if method == "GET":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[
- {"PARENTTYPE":245,"NAME":"ubuntuc",
- "IP":"","PARENTNAME":"",
- "ID":"1","PARENTID":"",
- "NETWORKNAME":"","TYPE":21},
- {"PARENTTYPE":245,"NAME":"ubuntu",
- "MODEL":"","ID":"2","PARENTID":"",
- "NETWORKNAME":"","TYPE":21}]} """
- return data
-def find_data_host_associate(method):
- if (method is None) or (method == "GET"):
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- return data
-def data_session(url):
- if url == "/xx/sessions":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":{"username":"admin",
- "iBaseToken":"2001031430",
- "deviceid":"210235G7J20000000000"}}"""
- if url == "sessions":
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},"data":{"ID":11}}'
- return data
-def data_lun(url, method):
- if url == "lun":
- data = find_data(method)
- if url == "lun/1":
- data = find_data_lun(method)
- if url == "lun?range=[0-65535]":
- data = find_data(method)
- if url == "lungroup?range=[0-8191]":
- data = find_data_lungroup(method)
- if url == "lungroup":
- data = find_data_lungroup(method)
- if url == "lungroup/associate":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":{"NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",
- "ID":"11",
- "TYPE":256}}"""
- return data
-def data_host(url, method):
- if url == "hostgroup":
- data = find_data_hostgroup(method)
- if url == "hostgroup?range=[0-8191]":
- data = find_data_hostgroup(method)
- if url == "host":
- data = find_data_host(method)
- if url == "host?range=[0-65534]":
- data = find_data_host(method)
- if url == "host/associate":
- data = find_data_host_associate(method)
- if url == "host/associate?TYPE=21&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=14&ASSOCIATEOBJID=0":
- data = find_data_host_associate(method)
- return data
-def find_data_storagepool_snapshot(url, method):
- if url == "storagepool":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"USERFREECAPACITY":"985661440",
- "ID":"0",
- "NAME":"OpenStack_Pool",
- }]}"""
- if url == "snapshot":
- data = find_data_snapshot(method)
- if url == "snapshot/activate":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[
- {"ID":12,"NAME":"SDFAJSDFLKJ"}]}"""
- return data
-def find_data_luncpy_range_eth_port(url):
- if url == "luncopy":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":{"COPYSTOPTIME":"-1",
- "NAME":"w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
- "DESCRIPTION":"w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
- "ID":"0","LUNCOPYTYPE":"1",
- "TYPE":219,"COPYSTARTTIME":"-1"}}"""
- if url == "LUNCOPY?range=[0-100000]":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"COPYSTOPTIME":"1372209335",
- "NAME":"w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
- "DESCRIPTION":"w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
- "ID":"0","LUNCOPYTYPE":"1",
- "COPYSPEED":"2",
- "TYPE":219,
- "COPYSTARTTIME":"1372209329"}]}"""
- if url == "eth_port":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"PARENTTYPE":209,
- "MACADDRESS":"00:22:a1:0a:79:57",
- "IPV4ADDR":"",
- "IPV6GATEWAY":"","IPV6MASK":"0",
- "ID":"16909568","LOSTPACKETS":"0",
- "TYPE":213,"NAME":"P0","INIORTGT":"4",
- "BONDNAME":"","STARTTIME":"1371684218",
- "SPEED":"1000","ISCSITCPPORT":"0",
- "IPV4MASK":"","IPV6ADDR":"",
- "MTU":"1500","PARENTID":"1.5"}]}"""
- return data
-class Fake18000Common(rest_common.RestCommon):
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- rest_common.RestCommon.__init__(self, configuration)
- self.test_normal = True
- self.other_flag = True
- self.associate_flag = True
- self.connect_flag = False
- self.delete_flag = False
- self.terminateFlag = False
- self.deviceid = None
- def _change_file_mode(self, filepath):
- pass
- def _parse_volume_type(self, volume):
- poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
- volume_size = self._get_volume_size(poolinfo, volume)
- params = {'LUNType': 0,
- 'WriteType': '1',
- 'PrefetchType': '3',
- 'qos_level': 'Qos-high',
- 'StripUnitSize': '64',
- 'PrefetchValue': '0',
- 'PrefetchTimes': '0',
- 'qos': 'OpenStack_Qos_High',
- 'MirrorSwitch': '1',
- 'tier': 'Tier_high'}
- params['volume_size'] = volume_size
- params['pool_id'] = poolinfo['ID']
- return params
- def _get_snapshotid_by_name(self, snapshot_name):
- return "11"
- def _get_qosid_by_lunid(self, lunid):
- return ""
- def _check_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_id):
- return True
- def fc_initiator_data(self):
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":[
- {"HEALTHSTATUS":"1","NAME":"",
- "MULTIPATHTYPE":"1","ISFREE":"true",
- "RUNNINGSTATUS":"27","ID":"10000090fa0d6754",
- "OPERATIONSYSTEM":"255","TYPE":223},
- {"HEALTHSTATUS":"1","NAME":"",
- "MULTIPATHTYPE":"1","ISFREE":"true",
- "RUNNINGSTATUS":"27","ID":"10000090fa0d6755",
- "OPERATIONSYSTEM":"255","TYPE":223}]}"""
- return data
- def host_link(self):
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"PARENTTYPE":21,
- "TARGET_ID":"0000000000000000",
- "INITIATOR_NODE_WWN":"20000090fa0d6754",
- "PARENTNAME":"ubuntuc",
- "INITIATOR_ID":"10000090fa0d6754",
- "TARGET_PORT_WWN":"24000022a10a2a39",
- "INITIATOR_PORT_WWN":"10000090fa0d6754",
- "ID":"010000090fa0d675-0000000000110400",
- "TARGET_NODE_WWN":"21000022a10a2a39",
- "PARENTID":"1","CTRL_ID":"0",
- "TYPE":255,"TARGET_TYPE":"212"}]}"""
- self.connect_flag = True
- return data
- def call(self, url=False, data=None, method=None):
- url = url.replace('', '')
- url = url.replace('/210235G7J20000000000/', '')
- data = None
- if self.test_normal:
- if url == "/xx/sessions" or url == "sessions":
- data = data_session(url)
- if url == "lun/count?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256&"\
- data = """{"data":{"COUNT":7},
- "error":{"code":0,"description":"0"}}"""
- if url == "lungroup/associate?TYPE=256&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=11&"\
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- "data":[{"ID":11}]}"""
- if url == "storagepool" or url == "snapshot" or url == "snaps"\
- "hot/activate":
- data = find_data_storagepool_snapshot(url, method)
- if url == "lungroup" or url == "lungroup/associate"\
- or url == "lun" or url == "lun/1":
- data = data_lun(url, method)
- if url == "lun?range=[0-65535]" or url == "lungroup?r"\
- "ange=[0-8191]":
- data = data_lun(url, method)
- if url == "lungroup/associate?ID=11"\
- or url == "lungroup/associate?ID=12"\
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- self.terminateFlag = True
- if url == "fc_initiator/10000090fa0d6754" or url == "lun/11"\
- or url == "LUNCOPY/0"\
- or url == "mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE":
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- self.delete_flag = True
- if url == "LUNCOPY/start" or url == "mappingview/1"\
- or url == "hostgroup/associate":
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- if url == "MAPPINGVIEW/CREATE_ASSOCIATE" or url == "snapshot/11"\
- or url == "snapshot/stop" or url == "LUNGroup/11":
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- self.delete_flag = True
- if url == "luncopy" or url == "eth_port" or url == "LUNC"\
- "OPY?range=[0-100000]":
- data = find_data_luncpy_range_eth_port(url)
- if url == "iscsidevicename":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},
- if url == "hostgroup" or url == "host" or url == "host/associate":
- data = data_host(url, method)
- if url == "host/associate?TYPE=21&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=14&AS"\
- data = data_host(url, method)
- if url == "hostgroup?range=[0-8191]" or url == "host?ra"\
- "nge=[0-65534]":
- data = data_host(url, method)
- if url == "iscsi_initiator/iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3":
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":{
- "ID":"iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3",
- "NAME":"iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3",
- "ISFREE":"True"}}"""
- if url == "iscsi_initiator" or url == "iscsi_initiator/"\
- or url == "iscsi_initiator?range=[0-65535]":
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- if url == "mappingview" or url == "mappingview?range=[0-65535]":
- data = find_data_mappingview(method, self.other_flag)
- if (url == ("lun/associate?ID=1&TYPE=11&"
- or url == ("lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256"
- or (url == ("lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256"
- and not self.associate_flag)):
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},"data":[{"ID":"11"}]}'
- if ((url == ("lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256"
- and self.associate_flag):
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},"data":[{"ID":"12"}]}'
- if url == "fc_initiator?ISFREE=true&range=[0-1000]":
- data = self.fc_initiator_data()
- if url == "host_link?INITIATOR_TYPE=223&INITIATOR_PORT_WWN="\
- "10000090fa0d6754":
- data = self.host_link()
- if url == "mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"\
- or url == "mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"\
- data = '{"error":{"code":0},"data":[{"ID":11,"NAME":"test"}]}'
- if url == "lun/associate?TYPE=11&"\
- data = '{"error":{"code":0}}'
- self.connect_flag = True
- if url == "iscsi_tgt_port":
- data = '{"data":[{"ETHPORTID":"139267",\
- "ID":"iqn.oceanstor:21004846fb8ca15f::22003:",\
- "TPGT":"8196","TYPE":249}],\
- "error":{"code":0,"description":"0"}}'
- else:
- data = '{"error":{"code":31755596}}'
- if (url == "lun/11") and (method == "GET"):
- data = """{"error":{"code":0},"data":{"ID":"11",
- "IOCLASSID":"11",
- "NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA"}}"""
- res_json = json.loads(data)
- return res_json
-class Fake18000Storage(huawei_18000.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver):
- """Fake Huawei Storage, Rewrite some methods of HuaweiISCSIDriver."""
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- super(Fake18000Storage, self).__init__(configuration)
- self.configuration = configuration
- def do_setup(self):
- self.common = Fake18000Common(configuration=self.configuration)
-class Fake18000FCStorage(huawei_18000.Huawei18000FCDriver):
- """Fake Huawei Storage, Rewrite some methods of HuaweiISCSIDriver."""
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- super(Fake18000FCStorage, self).__init__(configuration)
- self.configuration = configuration
- def do_setup(self):
- self.common = Fake18000Common(configuration=self.configuration)
-class Huawei18000ISCSIDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Huawei18000ISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
- self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.fake_conf_file = self.tmp_dir + '/cinder_huawei_conf.xml'
- self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp_dir)
- self.create_fake_conf_file()
- self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.fake_conf_file)
- self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
- self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file = self.fake_conf_file
- self.stubs.Set(time, 'sleep', Fake_sleep)
- driver = Fake18000Storage(configuration=self.configuration)
- self.driver = driver
- self.driver.do_setup()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = True
- def testloginSuccess(self):
- deviceid = self.driver.common.login()
- self.assertEqual(deviceid, '210235G7J20000000000')
- def testcreatevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_volume(test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], '1')
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'],
- '5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA')
- def testcreatesnapshotsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_snapshot(test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], 11)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'], 'YheUoRwbSX2BxN7')
- def testdeletevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.delete_flag = False
- self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.delete_flag)
- def testdeletesnapshotsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.delete_flag = False
- self.driver.delete_snapshot(test_snap)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.delete_flag)
- def testcolonevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(test_volume,
- test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], '1')
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'],
- '5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA')
- def testcreateolumefromsnapsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(test_volume,
- test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], '1')
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'],
- '5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA')
- def testinitializeconnectionsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- iscsi_properties = self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume,
- FakeConnector)
- self.assertEqual(iscsi_properties['data']['target_lun'], 1)
- def testterminateconnectionsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.terminateFlag = False
- self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.terminateFlag)
- def testinitializeconnectionnoviewsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.other_flag = False
- self.driver.common.connect_flag = False
- self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.connect_flag)
- def testterminateconnectionoviewnsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.terminateFlag = False
- self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.terminateFlag)
- def testgetvolumestatus(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- data = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
- self.assertEqual(data['driver_version'], '1.1.0')
- def testloginfail(self):
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException, self.driver.common.login)
- def testcreatesnapshotfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.create_snapshot, test_volume)
- def testcreatevolumefail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.create_volume, test_volume)
- def testdeletevolumefail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.delete_volume, test_volume)
- def testdeletesnapshotfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.delete_snapshot, test_volume)
- def testinitializeconnectionfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.initialize_connection,
- test_volume, FakeConnector)
- def testgetdefaulttimeout(self):
- result = self.driver.common._get_default_timeout()
- self.assertEqual('43200', result)
- def testgetwaitinterval(self):
- result = self.driver.common._get_wait_interval('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
- self.assertEqual('2', result)
- def test_lun_is_associated_to_lungroup(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common._associate_lun_to_lungroup('11', '11')
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('11', '11')
- self.assertTrue(result)
- def test_lun_is_not_associated_to_lun_group(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common._associate_lun_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.driver.common.associate_flag = True
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.assertTrue(result)
- self.driver.common._remove_lun_from_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.driver.common.associate_flag = False
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.assertFalse(result)
- def create_fake_conf_file(self):
- """Create a fake Config file
- Huawei storage customize a XML configuration file, the configuration
- file is used to set the Huawei storage custom parameters, therefore,
- in the UT test we need to simulate such a configuration file
- """
- doc = minidom.Document()
- config = doc.createElement('config')
- doc.appendChild(config)
- storage = doc.createElement('Storage')
- config.appendChild(storage)
- controllerip0 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP0')
- controllerip0_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- controllerip0.appendChild(controllerip0_text)
- storage.appendChild(controllerip0)
- controllerip1 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP1')
- controllerip1_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- controllerip1.appendChild(controllerip1_text)
- storage.appendChild(controllerip1)
- username = doc.createElement('UserName')
- username_text = doc.createTextNode('admin')
- username.appendChild(username_text)
- storage.appendChild(username)
- userpassword = doc.createElement('UserPassword')
- userpassword_text = doc.createTextNode('Admin@storage')
- userpassword.appendChild(userpassword_text)
- storage.appendChild(userpassword)
- url = doc.createElement('RestURL')
- url_text = doc.createTextNode(''
- 'deviceManager/rest/')
- url.appendChild(url_text)
- storage.appendChild(url)
- lun = doc.createElement('LUN')
- config.appendChild(lun)
- storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
- pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
- storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
- lun.appendChild(storagepool)
- timeout = doc.createElement('Timeout')
- timeout_text = doc.createTextNode('43200')
- timeout.appendChild(timeout_text)
- lun.appendChild(timeout)
- lun_ready_wait_interval = doc.createElement('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
- lun_ready_wait_interval_text = doc.createTextNode('2')
- lun_ready_wait_interval.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval_text)
- lun.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval)
- prefetch = doc.createElement('Prefetch')
- prefetch.setAttribute('Type', '0')
- prefetch.setAttribute('Value', '0')
- lun.appendChild(prefetch)
- iscsi = doc.createElement('iSCSI')
- config.appendChild(iscsi)
- defaulttargetip = doc.createElement('DefaultTargetIP')
- defaulttargetip_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- defaulttargetip.appendChild(defaulttargetip_text)
- iscsi.appendChild(defaulttargetip)
- initiator = doc.createElement('Initiator')
- initiator.setAttribute('Name', 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3')
- initiator.setAttribute('TargetIP', '')
- iscsi.appendChild(initiator)
- fakefile = open(self.fake_conf_file, 'w')
- fakefile.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=''))
- fakefile.close()
-class Huawei18000FCDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Huawei18000FCDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
- self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.fake_conf_file = self.tmp_dir + '/cinder_huawei_conf.xml'
- self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp_dir)
- self.create_fake_conf_file()
- self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.fake_conf_file)
- self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
- self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file = self.fake_conf_file
- self.stubs.Set(time, 'sleep', Fake_sleep)
- driver = Fake18000FCStorage(configuration=self.configuration)
- self.driver = driver
- self.driver.do_setup()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = True
- def testloginSuccess(self):
- deviceid = self.driver.common.login()
- self.assertEqual(deviceid, '210235G7J20000000000')
- def testcreatevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_volume(test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], '1')
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'],
- '5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA')
- def testcreatesnapshotsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_snapshot(test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], 11)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'], 'YheUoRwbSX2BxN7')
- def testdeletevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.delete_flag = False
- self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.delete_flag)
- def testdeletesnapshotsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.delete_flag = False
- self.driver.delete_snapshot(test_snap)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.delete_flag)
- def testcolonevolumesuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- lun_info = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(test_volume,
- test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['provider_location'], '1')
- self.assertEqual(lun_info['lun_info']['NAME'],
- '5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA')
- def testcreateolumefromsnapsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- volumeid = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(test_volume,
- test_volume)
- self.assertEqual(volumeid['provider_location'], '1')
- def testinitializeconnectionsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- properties = self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume,
- FakeConnector)
- self.assertEqual(properties['data']['target_lun'], 1)
- def testterminateconnectionsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.terminateFlag = False
- self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.terminateFlag)
- def testinitializeconnectionnoviewsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.other_flag = False
- self.driver.common.connect_flag = False
- self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.connect_flag)
- def testterminateconnectionoviewnsuccess(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.terminateFlag = False
- self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
- self.assertTrue(self.driver.common.terminateFlag)
- def testgetvolumestatus(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- data = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
- self.assertEqual(data['driver_version'], '1.1.0')
- def testloginfail(self):
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.common.login)
- def testcreatesnapshotfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.create_snapshot, test_volume)
- def testcreatevolumefail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.create_volume, test_volume)
- def testdeletevolumefail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.delete_volume, test_volume)
- def testdeletesnapshotfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.delete_snapshot, test_volume)
- def testinitializeconnectionfail(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common.test_normal = False
- self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
- self.driver.initialize_connection,
- test_volume, FakeConnector)
- def testgetdefaulttimeout(self):
- result = self.driver.common._get_default_timeout()
- self.assertEqual('43200', result)
- def testgetwaitinterval(self):
- result = self.driver.common._get_wait_interval('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
- self.assertEqual('2', result)
- def test_lun_is_associated_to_lungroup(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common._associate_lun_to_lungroup('11', '11')
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('11', '11')
- self.assertTrue(result)
- def test_lun_is_not_associated_to_lun_group(self):
- self.driver.common.login()
- self.driver.common._associate_lun_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.driver.common.associate_flag = True
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.assertTrue(result)
- self.driver.common._remove_lun_from_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.driver.common.associate_flag = False
- result = self.driver.common._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12', '12')
- self.assertFalse(result)
- def create_fake_conf_file(self):
- """Create a fake Config file
- Huawei storage customize a XML configuration file, the configuration
- file is used to set the Huawei storage custom parameters, therefore,
- in the UT test we need to simulate such a configuration file
- """
- doc = minidom.Document()
- config = doc.createElement('config')
- doc.appendChild(config)
- storage = doc.createElement('Storage')
- config.appendChild(storage)
- controllerip0 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP0')
- controllerip0_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- controllerip0.appendChild(controllerip0_text)
- storage.appendChild(controllerip0)
- controllerip1 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP1')
- controllerip1_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- controllerip1.appendChild(controllerip1_text)
- storage.appendChild(controllerip1)
- username = doc.createElement('UserName')
- username_text = doc.createTextNode('admin')
- username.appendChild(username_text)
- storage.appendChild(username)
- userpassword = doc.createElement('UserPassword')
- userpassword_text = doc.createTextNode('Admin@storage')
- userpassword.appendChild(userpassword_text)
- storage.appendChild(userpassword)
- url = doc.createElement('RestURL')
- url_text = doc.createTextNode(''
- 'deviceManager/rest/')
- url.appendChild(url_text)
- storage.appendChild(url)
- lun = doc.createElement('LUN')
- config.appendChild(lun)
- storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
- pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
- storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
- lun.appendChild(storagepool)
- timeout = doc.createElement('Timeout')
- timeout_text = doc.createTextNode('43200')
- timeout.appendChild(timeout_text)
- lun.appendChild(timeout)
- lun_ready_wait_interval = doc.createElement('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
- lun_ready_wait_interval_text = doc.createTextNode('2')
- lun_ready_wait_interval.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval_text)
- lun.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval)
- prefetch = doc.createElement('Prefetch')
- prefetch.setAttribute('Type', '0')
- prefetch.setAttribute('Value', '0')
- lun.appendChild(prefetch)
- iscsi = doc.createElement('iSCSI')
- config.appendChild(iscsi)
- defaulttargetip = doc.createElement('DefaultTargetIP')
- defaulttargetip_text = doc.createTextNode('')
- defaulttargetip.appendChild(defaulttargetip_text)
- iscsi.appendChild(defaulttargetip)
- initiator = doc.createElement('Initiator')
- initiator.setAttribute('Name', 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3')
- initiator.setAttribute('TargetIP', '')
- iscsi.appendChild(initiator)
- fakefile = open(self.fake_conf_file, 'w')
- fakefile.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=''))
- fakefile.close()
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Tests for huawei 18000 storage."""
+import json
+import mock
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import time
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import rest_client
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+test_volume = {'name': 'volume-21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'size': 2,
+ 'volume_name': 'vol1',
+ 'id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'volume_id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'provider_auth': None,
+ 'project_id': 'project',
+ 'display_name': 'vol1',
+ 'display_description': 'test volume',
+ 'volume_type_id': None,
+ 'host': 'ubuntu@huawei#OpenStack_Pool',
+ 'provider_location': '11',
+ }
+test_snap = {'name': 'volume-21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'volume_name': 'vol1',
+ 'id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'volume_id': '21ec7341-9256-497b-97d9-ef48edcf0635',
+ 'provider_auth': None,
+ 'project_id': 'project',
+ 'display_name': 'vol1',
+ 'display_description': 'test volume',
+ 'volume_type_id': None,
+ 'provider_location': '11',
+ }
+FakeConnector = {'initiator': 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3',
+ 'wwpns': ['10000090fa0d6754'],
+ 'wwnns': ['10000090fa0d6755'],
+ 'host': 'ubuntuc',
+ }
+# A fake response of success response storage
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ }
+# A fake response of login huawei storage
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "username": "admin",
+ "iBaseToken": "2001031430",
+ "deviceid": "210235G7J20000000000"
+ }
+# A fake response of login out huawei storage
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "ID": 11
+ }
+# A fake response of mock storage pool info
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "USERFREECAPACITY": "985661440",
+ "ID": "0",
+ "NAME": "OpenStack_Pool",
+ "USERTOTALCAPACITY": "985661440"
+ }]
+# A fake response of lun or lungroup response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "ID": "1",
+ "NAME": "5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA"
+ }
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "ID": "11",
+ "IOCLASSID": "11",
+ "NAME": "5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",
+ }
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "ID": "1",
+ "NAME": "IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ"
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "ID":"11"
+ }]
+ "error": {
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "NAME":"OpenStack_LunGroup_1",
+ "ID":"11",
+ "TYPE":256
+ }]
+ "error": {
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",
+ "ID":"11",
+ "TYPE":256
+ }
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA",
+ "ID":"11",
+ "TYPE":256
+ }
+ "data":{
+ "COUNT":"7"
+ },
+ "error":{
+ "code":0,
+ "description":"0"
+ }
+# A fake response of snapshot list response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "ID": 11,
+ "NAME": "wr_LMKAjS7O_VtsEIREGYw"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 12,
+ }]
+# A fake response of create snapshot response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "ID": 11,
+ "NAME": "YheUoRwbSX2BxN7"
+ }
+# A fake response of get snapshot response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "ID": 11,
+ "NAME": "YheUoRwbSX2BxN7"
+ }
+# A fake response of get iscsi response
+ "data": [{
+ "ETHPORTID": "139267",
+ "ID": "iqn.oceanstor:21004846fb8ca15f::22003:",
+ "TPGT": "8196",
+ "TYPE": 249
+ }],
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0,
+ "description": "0"
+ }
+# A fake response of get eth info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "PARENTTYPE": 209,
+ "MACADDRESS": "00:22:a1:0a:79:57",
+ "IPV4ADDR": "",
+ "IPV6GATEWAY": "",
+ "IPV6MASK": "0",
+ "ISCSINAME": "P0",
+ "ETHDUPLEX": "2",
+ "ID": "16909568",
+ "TYPE": 213,
+ "NAME": "P0",
+ "INIORTGT": "4",
+ "IPV4GATEWAY": "",
+ "BONDNAME": "",
+ "STARTTIME": "1371684218",
+ "SPEED": "1000",
+ "IPV4MASK": "",
+ "IPV6ADDR": "",
+ "LOGICTYPE": "0",
+ "LOCATION": "ENG0.B5.P0",
+ "MTU": "1500",
+ "PARENTID": "1.5"
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "IPV4ADDR":"",
+ }]
+# A fake response of get iscsi device info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ ""
+ }]
+# A fake response of get iscsi device info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "PARENTTYPE": 245,
+ "NAME": "ubuntuc",
+ "IP": "",
+ "LOCATION": "",
+ "MODEL": "",
+ "ID": "1",
+ "PARENTID": "",
+ "TYPE": 21
+ },
+ {
+ "PARENTTYPE": 245,
+ "NAME": "ubuntu",
+ "IP": "",
+ "LOCATION": "",
+ "MODEL": "",
+ "ID": "2",
+ "PARENTID": "",
+ "TYPE": 21
+ }]
+# A fake response of get host or hostgroup info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "NAME":"ubuntuc",
+ "ID":"0",
+ "TYPE":14
+ }]
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "NAME":"ubuntuc",
+ "ID":"0",
+ "TYPE":14
+ }
+# A fake response of lun copy info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "NAME": "w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
+ "DESCRIPTION": "w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
+ "ID": "0",
+ "COPYSPEED": "2",
+ "TYPE": 219,
+ }
+# A fake response of lun copy list info response
+ "error": {
+ "code": 0
+ },
+ "data": [{
+ "COPYSTOPTIME": "1372209335",
+ "NAME": "w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
+ "DESCRIPTION": "w1PSNvu6RumcZMmSh4/l+Q==",
+ "ID": "0",
+ "COPYPROGRESS": "100",
+ "COPYSPEED": "2",
+ "TYPE": 219,
+ "COPYSTARTTIME": "1372209329"
+ }]
+# A fake response of mappingview info response
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "WORKMODE":"255",
+ "NAME":"IexzQZJWSXuX2e9I7c8GNQ",
+ "ID":"1",
+ "TYPE":245
+ },
+ {
+ "WORKMODE":"255",
+ "NAME":"YheUoRwbSX2BxN767nvLSw",
+ "ID":"2",
+ "TYPE":245
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "WORKMODE":"255",
+ "NAME":"mOWtSXnaQKi3hpB3tdFRIQ",
+ "ID":"1",
+ "TYPE":245
+ }
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "NAME":"",
+ "ISFREE":"true",
+ "ID":"10000090fa0d6754",
+ "TYPE":223
+ },
+ {
+ "NAME":"",
+ "ISFREE":"true",
+ "ID":"10000090fa0d6755",
+ "TYPE":223
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "CHAPNAME":"mm-user",
+ "ID":"",
+ "ISFREE":"true",
+ "NAME":"",
+ "TYPE":222,
+ "USECHAP":"true"
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "TARGET_ID":"0000000000000000",
+ "INITIATOR_NODE_WWN":"20000090fa0d6754",
+ "PARENTNAME":"ubuntuc",
+ "INITIATOR_ID":"10000090fa0d6754",
+ "TARGET_PORT_WWN":"24000022a10a2a39",
+ "INITIATOR_PORT_WWN":"10000090fa0d6754",
+ "ID":"010000090fa0d675-0000000000110400",
+ "TARGET_NODE_WWN":"21000022a10a2a39",
+ "PARENTID":"1",
+ "CTRL_ID":"0",
+ "TYPE":255,
+ "TARGET_TYPE":"212"
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":[{
+ "ID":11,
+ "NAME":"test"
+ }]
+ "error":{
+ "code":31755596
+ }
+ "error":{
+ "code":0
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "ID":"11",
+ "IOCLASSID":"11",
+ "NAME":"5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA"
+ }
+# mock login info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['/xx/sessions'] = (
+# mock storage info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['storagepool'] = (
+# mock lun info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['lun?range=[0-65535]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['lungroup?range=[0-8191]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['lungroup/associate'] = (
+# mock snapshot info map
+# mock snapshot info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['snapshot/activate'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['snapshot/stop/PUT'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['snapshot?range=[0-32767]/GET'] = (
+# mock QoS info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['ioclass/active/11/PUT'] = (
+# mock iscsi info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['iscsi_tgt_port/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['iscsidevicename'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['iscsi_initiator?range=[0-256]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['iscsi_initiator/'] = (
+# mock host info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['host?range=[0-65535]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['hostgroup?range=[0-8191]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['hostgroup/associate'] = (
+# mock copy info map
+# mock mapping view info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['mappingview?range=[0-8191]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['mappingview'] = (
+# mock FC info map
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['fc_initiator?ISFREE=true&range=[0-8191]/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['fc_initiator/10000090fa0d6754/PUT'] = (
+ '&INITIATOR_PORT_WWN=10000090fa0d6754/GET'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['portgroup?range=[0-8191]&TYPE=257/GET'] = (
+def Fake_sleep(time):
+ pass
+class Fake18000Client(rest_client.RestClient):
+ def __init__(self, configuration):
+ rest_client.RestClient.__init__(self, configuration)
+ self.delete_flag = False
+ self.terminateFlag = False
+ self.deviceid = None
+ self.test_fail = False
+ self.checkFlag = False
+ def _change_file_mode(self, filepath):
+ pass
+ def _parse_volume_type(self, volume):
+ poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
+ volume_size = self._get_volume_size(poolinfo, volume)
+ params = {'LUNType': 0,
+ 'WriteType': '1',
+ 'PrefetchType': '3',
+ 'qos_level': 'Qos-high',
+ 'StripUnitSize': '64',
+ 'PrefetchValue': '0',
+ 'PrefetchTimes': '0',
+ 'qos': 'OpenStack_Qos_High',
+ 'MirrorSwitch': '1',
+ 'tier': 'Tier_high',
+ }
+ params['volume_size'] = volume_size
+ params['pool_id'] = poolinfo['ID']
+ return params
+ def _get_snapshotid_by_name(self, snapshot_name):
+ return "11"
+ def _check_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_id):
+ return True
+ def call(self, url=False, data=None, method=None):
+ url = url.replace('', '')
+ command = url.replace('/210235G7J20000000000/', '')
+ data = None
+ if method:
+ command = command + "/" + method
+ for item in MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE.keys():
+ if command == item:
+ if self.test_fail:
+ if command == 'lun/11/GET':
+ self.test_fail = False
+ return json.loads(data)
+class Fake18000ISCSIStorage(huawei_driver.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver):
+ """Fake Huawei Storage, Rewrite some methods of HuaweiISCSIDriver."""
+ def __init__(self, configuration):
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.xml_file_path = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ def do_setup(self):
+ self.restclient = Fake18000Client(configuration=self.configuration)
+class Fake18000FCStorage(huawei_driver.Huawei18000FCDriver):
+ """Fake Huawei Storage, Rewrite some methods of HuaweiISCSIDriver."""
+ def __init__(self, configuration):
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.xml_file_path = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ def do_setup(self):
+ self.restclient = Fake18000Client(configuration=self.configuration)
+class Huawei18000ISCSIDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Huawei18000ISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.fake_conf_file = self.tmp_dir + '/cinder_huawei_conf.xml'
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp_dir)
+ self.create_fake_conf_file()
+ self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.fake_conf_file)
+ self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file = self.fake_conf_file
+ self.xml_file_path = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ self.stubs.Set(time, 'sleep', Fake_sleep)
+ driver = Fake18000ISCSIStorage(configuration=self.configuration)
+ self.driver = driver
+ self.driver.do_setup()
+ self.portgroup = 'test'
+ self.target_ip = ''
+ def test_login_success(self):
+ deviceid = self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.assertEqual('210235G7J20000000000', deviceid)
+ def test_create_volume_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_delete_volume_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_create_snapshot_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_snapshot(test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual(11, lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_delete_snapshot_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_snapshot(test_snap)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapsuccess(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(test_volume,
+ test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_initialize_connection_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ iscsi_properties = self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume,
+ FakeConnector)
+ self.assertEqual(1, iscsi_properties['data']['target_lun'])
+ def test_terminate_connection_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.terminateFlag = True
+ self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver.restclient.terminateFlag)
+ def test_get_volume_status(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ data = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
+ self.assertEqual('1.1.1', data['driver_version'])
+ def test_extend_volume(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.extend_volume(test_volume, 3)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_login_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.restclient.login)
+ def test_create_snapshot_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.create_snapshot, test_volume)
+ def test_create_volume_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.create_volume, test_volume)
+ def test_delete_volume_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_delete_snapshot_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_volume(test_snap)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_initialize_connection_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ iscsi_properties = self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume,
+ FakeConnector)
+ self.assertEqual(1, iscsi_properties['data']['target_lun'])
+ def test_get_default_timeout(self):
+ result = huawei_utils._get_default_timeout(self.xml_file_path)
+ self.assertEqual('43200', result)
+ def test_get_wait_interval(self):
+ result = huawei_utils.get_wait_interval(self.xml_file_path,
+ 'LUNReadyWaitInterval')
+ self.assertEqual(2, result)
+ def test_lun_is_associated_to_lungroup(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient._associate_lun_to_lungroup('11', '11')
+ result = self.driver.restclient._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('11',
+ '11')
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_lun_is_not_associated_to_lun_group(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient._associate_lun_to_lungroup('12', '12')
+ self.driver.restclient.remove_lun_from_lungroup('12', '12')
+ result = self.driver.restclient._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12',
+ '12')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_get_tgtip(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ portg_id = self.driver.restclient.find_tgt_port_group(self.portgroup)
+ result = self.driver.restclient._get_tgt_ip_from_portgroup(portg_id)
+ self.assertEqual(result, self.target_ip)
+ def test_get_lun_conf_params(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ luninfo = huawei_utils.get_lun_conf_params(self.xml_file_path)
+ luninfo['pool_id'] = '0'
+ luninfo['volume_size'] = 2
+ luninfo['volume_description'] = 'test volume'
+ luninfo = huawei_utils.init_lun_parameters('5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA',
+ luninfo)
+ self.assertEqual('5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA', luninfo['NAME'])
+ def tset_get_iscsi_conf(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ iscsiinfo = huawei_utils.get_iscsi_conf(self.xml_file_path)
+ self.assertEqual('iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3',
+ iscsiinfo['Initiator'])
+ def test_check_conf_file(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.checkFlag = True
+ huawei_utils.check_conf_file(self.xml_file_path)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver.restclient.checkFlag)
+ def test_get_conf_host_os_type(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ host_os = huawei_utils.get_conf_host_os_type('',
+ self.configuration)
+ self.assertEqual('0', host_os)
+ def create_fake_conf_file(self):
+ """Create a fake Config file.
+ Huawei storage customize a XML configuration file, the configuration
+ file is used to set the Huawei storage custom parameters, therefore,
+ in the UT test we need to simulate such a configuration file.
+ """
+ doc = minidom.Document()
+ config = doc.createElement('config')
+ doc.appendChild(config)
+ storage = doc.createElement('Storage')
+ config.appendChild(storage)
+ controllerip0 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP0')
+ controllerip0_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ controllerip0.appendChild(controllerip0_text)
+ storage.appendChild(controllerip0)
+ controllerip1 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP1')
+ controllerip1_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ controllerip1.appendChild(controllerip1_text)
+ storage.appendChild(controllerip1)
+ username = doc.createElement('UserName')
+ username_text = doc.createTextNode('admin')
+ username.appendChild(username_text)
+ storage.appendChild(username)
+ userpassword = doc.createElement('UserPassword')
+ userpassword_text = doc.createTextNode('Admin@storage')
+ userpassword.appendChild(userpassword_text)
+ storage.appendChild(userpassword)
+ url = doc.createElement('RestURL')
+ url_text = doc.createTextNode(''
+ 'deviceManager/rest/')
+ url.appendChild(url_text)
+ storage.appendChild(url)
+ storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
+ pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
+ storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
+ storage.appendChild(storagepool)
+ lun = doc.createElement('LUN')
+ config.appendChild(lun)
+ storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
+ pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
+ storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
+ lun.appendChild(storagepool)
+ timeout = doc.createElement('Timeout')
+ timeout_text = doc.createTextNode('43200')
+ timeout.appendChild(timeout_text)
+ lun.appendChild(timeout)
+ lun_ready_wait_interval = doc.createElement('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
+ lun_ready_wait_interval_text = doc.createTextNode('2')
+ lun_ready_wait_interval.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval_text)
+ lun.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval)
+ prefetch = doc.createElement('Prefetch')
+ prefetch.setAttribute('Type', '1')
+ prefetch.setAttribute('Value', '0')
+ lun.appendChild(prefetch)
+ iscsi = doc.createElement('iSCSI')
+ config.appendChild(iscsi)
+ defaulttargetip = doc.createElement('DefaultTargetIP')
+ defaulttargetip_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ defaulttargetip.appendChild(defaulttargetip_text)
+ iscsi.appendChild(defaulttargetip)
+ initiator = doc.createElement('Initiator')
+ initiator.setAttribute('Name', 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3')
+ initiator.setAttribute('TargetIP', '')
+ iscsi.appendChild(initiator)
+ host = doc.createElement('Host')
+ host.setAttribute('HostIP', '')
+ host.setAttribute('OSType', 'Linux')
+ config.appendChild(host)
+ fakefile = open(self.fake_conf_file, 'w')
+ fakefile.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=''))
+ fakefile.close()
+class Huawei18000FCDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(Huawei18000FCDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.fake_conf_file = self.tmp_dir + '/cinder_huawei_conf.xml'
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp_dir)
+ self.create_fake_conf_file()
+ self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.fake_conf_file)
+ self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file = self.fake_conf_file
+ self.xml_file_path = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ self.stubs.Set(time, 'sleep', Fake_sleep)
+ driver = Fake18000FCStorage(configuration=self.configuration)
+ self.driver = driver
+ self.driver.do_setup()
+ def test_login_success(self):
+ deviceid = self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.assertEqual('210235G7J20000000000', deviceid)
+ def test_create_volume_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_delete_volume_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_create_snapshot_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_snapshot(test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual(11, lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_delete_snapshot_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_snapshot(test_snap)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapsuccess(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(test_volume,
+ test_volume)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_initialize_connection_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ iscsi_properties = self.driver.initialize_connection(test_volume,
+ FakeConnector)
+ self.assertEqual(1, iscsi_properties['data']['target_lun'])
+ def test_terminate_connection_success(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.terminateFlag = True
+ self.driver.terminate_connection(test_volume, FakeConnector)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver.restclient.terminateFlag)
+ def test_get_volume_status(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ data = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
+ self.assertEqual('1.1.1', data['driver_version'])
+ def test_extend_volume(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ lun_info = self.driver.extend_volume(test_volume, 3)
+ self.assertEqual('1', lun_info['provider_location'])
+ def test_login_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.restclient.login)
+ def test_create_snapshot_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.create_snapshot, test_volume)
+ def test_create_volume_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.create_volume, test_volume)
+ def test_delete_volume_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_volume(test_volume)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_delete_snapshot_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ delete_flag = self.driver.delete_snapshot(test_snap)
+ self.assertTrue(delete_flag)
+ def test_initialize_connection_fail(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.test_fail = True
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.initialize_connection,
+ test_volume, FakeConnector)
+ def test_get_default_timeout(self):
+ result = huawei_utils._get_default_timeout(self.xml_file_path)
+ self.assertEqual('43200', result)
+ def test_get_wait_interval(self):
+ result = huawei_utils.get_wait_interval(self.xml_file_path,
+ 'LUNReadyWaitInterval')
+ self.assertEqual(2, result)
+ def test_lun_is_associated_to_lungroup(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient._associate_lun_to_lungroup('11', '11')
+ result = self.driver.restclient._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('11',
+ '11')
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_lun_is_not_associated_to_lun_group(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient._associate_lun_to_lungroup('12', '12')
+ self.driver.restclient.remove_lun_from_lungroup('12', '12')
+ result = self.driver.restclient._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup('12',
+ '12')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_get_lun_conf_params(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ luninfo = huawei_utils.get_lun_conf_params(self.xml_file_path)
+ luninfo['pool_id'] = '0'
+ luninfo['volume_size'] = 2
+ luninfo['volume_description'] = 'test volume'
+ luninfo = huawei_utils.init_lun_parameters('5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA',
+ luninfo)
+ self.assertEqual('5mFHcBv4RkCcD+JyrWc0SA', luninfo['NAME'])
+ def test_check_conf_file(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ self.driver.restclient.checkFlag = True
+ huawei_utils.check_conf_file(self.xml_file_path)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver.restclient.checkFlag)
+ def test_get_conf_host_os_type(self):
+ self.driver.restclient.login()
+ host_os = huawei_utils.get_conf_host_os_type('',
+ self.configuration)
+ self.assertEqual('0', host_os)
+ def create_fake_conf_file(self):
+ """Create a fake Config file
+ Huawei storage customize a XML configuration file,
+ the configuration file is used to set the Huawei storage custom
+ parameters, therefore, in the UT test we need to simulate such a
+ configuration file
+ """
+ doc = minidom.Document()
+ config = doc.createElement('config')
+ doc.appendChild(config)
+ storage = doc.createElement('Storage')
+ config.appendChild(storage)
+ controllerip0 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP0')
+ controllerip0_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ controllerip0.appendChild(controllerip0_text)
+ storage.appendChild(controllerip0)
+ controllerip1 = doc.createElement('ControllerIP1')
+ controllerip1_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ controllerip1.appendChild(controllerip1_text)
+ storage.appendChild(controllerip1)
+ username = doc.createElement('UserName')
+ username_text = doc.createTextNode('admin')
+ username.appendChild(username_text)
+ storage.appendChild(username)
+ userpassword = doc.createElement('UserPassword')
+ userpassword_text = doc.createTextNode('Admin@storage')
+ userpassword.appendChild(userpassword_text)
+ storage.appendChild(userpassword)
+ url = doc.createElement('RestURL')
+ url_text = doc.createTextNode(''
+ 'deviceManager/rest/')
+ url.appendChild(url_text)
+ storage.appendChild(url)
+ storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
+ pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
+ storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
+ storage.appendChild(storagepool)
+ lun = doc.createElement('LUN')
+ config.appendChild(lun)
+ storagepool = doc.createElement('StoragePool')
+ pool_text = doc.createTextNode('OpenStack_Pool')
+ storagepool.appendChild(pool_text)
+ lun.appendChild(storagepool)
+ timeout = doc.createElement('Timeout')
+ timeout_text = doc.createTextNode('43200')
+ timeout.appendChild(timeout_text)
+ lun.appendChild(timeout)
+ lun_ready_wait_interval = doc.createElement('LUNReadyWaitInterval')
+ lun_ready_wait_interval_text = doc.createTextNode('2')
+ lun_ready_wait_interval.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval_text)
+ lun.appendChild(lun_ready_wait_interval)
+ iscsi = doc.createElement('iSCSI')
+ config.appendChild(iscsi)
+ defaulttargetip = doc.createElement('DefaultTargetIP')
+ defaulttargetip_text = doc.createTextNode('')
+ defaulttargetip.appendChild(defaulttargetip_text)
+ iscsi.appendChild(defaulttargetip)
+ initiator = doc.createElement('Initiator')
+ initiator.setAttribute('Name', 'iqn.1993-08.debian:01:ec2bff7ac3a3')
+ initiator.setAttribute('TargetIP', '')
+ iscsi.appendChild(initiator)
+ prefetch = doc.createElement('Prefetch')
+ prefetch.setAttribute('Type', '1')
+ prefetch.setAttribute('Value', '0')
+ lun.appendChild(prefetch)
+ host = doc.createElement('Host')
+ host.setAttribute('HostIP', '')
+ host.setAttribute('OSType', 'Linux')
+ config.appendChild(host)
+ fakefile = open(self.fake_conf_file, 'w')
+ fakefile.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=''))
+ fakefile.close()
-HUAWEI_ISCSI_MODULE = ("cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000."
+HUAWEI_ISCSI_MODULE = ("cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_driver."
-HUAWEI_FC_MODULE = ("cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000."
+HUAWEI_FC_MODULE = ("cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_driver."
def test_huawei_driver_iscsi_old(self):
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_hvs.HuaweiHVSISCSIDriver')
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver')
self.assertEqual(self._driver_module_name(), HUAWEI_ISCSI_MODULE)
def test_huawei_driver_iscsi_new(self):
def test_huawei_driver_fc_old(self):
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_hvs.HuaweiHVSFCDriver')
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000FCDriver')
self.assertEqual(self._driver_module_name(), HUAWEI_FC_MODULE)
def test_huawei_driver_fc_new(self):
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Provide a unified driver class for users.
-The product type and the protocol should be specified in config file before.
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LI, _LW
-from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_18000
-from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_utils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-huawei_opt = [
- cfg.StrOpt('cinder_huawei_conf_file',
- default='/etc/cinder/cinder_huawei_conf.xml',
- help='The configuration file for the Cinder Huawei '
- 'driver')]
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-MAPPING = {'HVS': '18000'}
-class HuaweiVolumeDriver(object):
- """Define an unified driver for Huawei drivers."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(HuaweiVolumeDriver, self).__init__()
- self._product = {'18000': huawei_18000, 'HVS': huawei_18000}
- self._protocol = {'iSCSI': 'ISCSIDriver', 'FC': 'FCDriver'}
- self.driver = self._instantiate_driver(*args, **kwargs)
- def _instantiate_driver(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Instantiate the specified driver."""
- self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
- if not self.configuration:
- msg = (_('_instantiate_driver: configuration not found.'))
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
- self.configuration.append_config_values(huawei_opt)
- conf_file = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
- (product, protocol) = self._get_conf_info(conf_file)
-'_instantiate_driver: Loading %(protocol)s driver for '
- 'Huawei OceanStor %(product)s series storage arrays.'),
- {'protocol': protocol,
- 'product': product})
- # Map HVS to 18000
- if product in MAPPING:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Product name %s is deprecated, update your "
- "configuration to the new product name."),
- product)
- product = MAPPING[product]
- driver_module = self._product[product]
- driver_class = 'Huawei' + product + self._protocol[protocol]
- driver_class = getattr(driver_module, driver_class)
- return driver_class(*args, **kwargs)
- def _get_conf_info(self, filename):
- """Get product type and connection protocol from config file."""
- root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(filename)
- product = root.findtext('Storage/Product').strip()
- protocol = root.findtext('Storage/Protocol').strip()
- if (product in self._product.keys() and
- protocol in self._protocol.keys()):
- return (product, protocol)
- else:
- msg = (_('"Product" or "Protocol" is illegal. "Product" should be '
- 'set to 18000. "Protocol" should be set to either iSCSI '
- 'or FC. Product: %(product)s Protocol: %(protocol)s')
- % {'product': six.text_type(product),
- 'protocol': six.text_type(protocol)})
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- """Set the attribute."""
- if getattr(self, 'driver', None):
- self.driver.__setattr__(name, value)
- return
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """"Get the attribute."""
- drver = object.__getattribute__(self, 'driver')
- return getattr(drver, name)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+HOSTGROUP_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_HostGroup_'
+LUNGROUP_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_LunGroup_'
+MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_Mapping_View_'
+QOS_NAME_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_'
+DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 24 * 30
+OS_TYPE = {'Linux': '0',
+ 'Windows': '1',
+ 'Solaris': '2',
+ 'HP-UX': '3',
+ 'AIX': '4',
+ 'XenServer': '5',
+ 'Mac OS X': '6',
+ 'VMware ESX': '7'}
+HUAWEI_VALID_KEYS = ['maxIOPS', 'minIOPS', 'minBandWidth',
+ 'maxBandWidth', 'latency', 'IOType']
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Volume Drivers for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage arrays.
-from cinder.volume import driver
-from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import rest_common
-from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
-class Huawei18000ISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
- """ISCSI driver for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage arrays.
- Version history:
- 1.0.0 - Initial driver
- 1.1.0 - Provide Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage volume driver.
- """
- VERSION = "1.1.0"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(Huawei18000ISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- """Instantiate common class and log in storage system."""
- self.common = rest_common.RestCommon(configuration=self.configuration)
- return self.common.login()
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Check configuration file."""
- return self.common._check_conf_file()
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- """Create a volume."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_volume(volume)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- """Create a volume from a snapshot."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- """Create a clone of the specified volume."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
- """Extend a volume."""
- return self.common.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Delete a volume."""
- return self.common.delete_volume(volume)
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Create a snapshot."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Delete a snapshot."""
- return self.common.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- """Get volume stats."""
- data = self.common.update_volume_stats()
- backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
- data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
- data['storage_protocol'] = 'iSCSI'
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- return data
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- """Map a volume to a host."""
- return self.common.initialize_connection_iscsi(volume, connector)
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
- """Terminate the map."""
- self.common.terminate_connection_iscsi(volume, connector)
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- """Export the volume."""
- pass
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- """Synchronously recreate an export for a volume."""
- pass
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- """Remove an export for a volume."""
- pass
-class Huawei18000FCDriver(driver.FibreChannelDriver):
- """FC driver for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage arrays.
- Version history:
- 1.0.0 - Initial driver
- 1.1.0 - Provide Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage volume driver.
- """
- VERSION = "1.1.0"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(Huawei18000FCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- """Instantiate common class and log in storage system."""
- self.common = rest_common.RestCommon(configuration=self.configuration)
- return self.common.login()
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Check configuration file."""
- return self.common._check_conf_file()
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- """Create a volume."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_volume(volume)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- """Create a volume from a snapshot."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- """Create a clone of the specified volume."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
- """Extend a volume."""
- return self.common.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Delete a volume."""
- return self.common.delete_volume(volume)
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Create a snapshot."""
- lun_info = self.common.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
- 'lun_info': lun_info}
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Delete a snapshot."""
- return self.common.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- """Get volume stats."""
- data = self.common.update_volume_stats()
- backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
- data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
- data['storage_protocol'] = 'FC'
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- return data
- @fczm_utils.AddFCZone
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- """Map a volume to a host."""
- return self.common.initialize_connection_fc(volume, connector)
- @fczm_utils.RemoveFCZone
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
- """Terminate the map."""
- return self.common.terminate_connection_fc(volume, connector)
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- """Export the volume."""
- pass
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- """Synchronously recreate an export for a volume."""
- pass
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- """Remove an export for a volume."""
- pass
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import uuid
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LI, _LW
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import constants
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import rest_client
+from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+huawei_opt = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('cinder_huawei_conf_file',
+ default='/etc/cinder/cinder_huawei_conf.xml',
+ help='The configuration file for the Cinder Huawei '
+ 'driver.')]
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class HuaweiBaseDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(HuaweiBaseDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
+ if not self.configuration:
+ msg = _('_instantiate_driver: configuration not found.')
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(huawei_opt)
+ self.xml_file_path = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Instantiate common class and login storage system."""
+ self.restclient = rest_client.RestClient(self.configuration)
+ return self.restclient.login()
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Check configuration file."""
+ return huawei_utils.check_conf_file(self.xml_file_path)
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume status."""
+ return self.restclient.update_volume_stats()
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Create a volume."""
+ pool_info = self.restclient.find_pool_info()
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ volume_description = volume['name']
+ volume_size = huawei_utils.get_volume_size(volume)
+ 'Create volume: %(volume)s, size: %(size)s.'),
+ {'volume': volume_name,
+ 'size': volume_size})
+ params = huawei_utils.get_lun_conf_params(self.xml_file_path)
+ params['pool_id'] = pool_info['ID']
+ params['volume_size'] = volume_size
+ params['volume_description'] = volume_description
+ # Prepare LUN parameters.
+ lun_param = huawei_utils.init_lun_parameters(volume_name, params)
+ # Create LUN on the array.
+ lun_info = self.restclient.create_volume(lun_param)
+ lun_id = lun_info['ID']
+ return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
+ 'ID': lun_id,
+ 'lun_info': lun_info}
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Delete a volume.
+ Three steps:
+ Firstly, remove associate from lungroup.
+ Secondly, remove associate from QoS policy.
+ Thirdly, remove the lun.
+ """
+ name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ lun_id = volume.get('provider_location', None)
+'Delete volume: %(name)s, array lun id: %(lun_id)s.'),
+ {'name': name, 'lun_id': lun_id},)
+ if lun_id:
+ if self.restclient.check_lun_exist(lun_id):
+ self.restclient.delete_lun(lun_id)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find %s on the array."), lun_id)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create a volume from a snapshot.
+ We use LUNcopy to copy a new volume from snapshot.
+ The time needed increases as volume size does.
+ """
+ snapshotname = huawei_utils.encode_name(snapshot['id'])
+ snapshot_id = snapshot.get('provider_location', None)
+ if snapshot_id is None:
+ snapshot_id = self.restclient.get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshotname)
+ if snapshot_id is None:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'create_volume_from_snapshot: Snapshot %(name)s '
+ 'does not exist.')
+ % {'name': snapshotname})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ lun_info = self.create_volume(volume)
+ tgt_lun_id = lun_info['ID']
+ luncopy_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ 'create_volume_from_snapshot: src_lun_id: %(src_lun_id)s, '
+ 'tgt_lun_id: %(tgt_lun_id)s, copy_name: %(copy_name)s.'),
+ {'src_lun_id': snapshot_id,
+ 'tgt_lun_id': tgt_lun_id,
+ 'copy_name': luncopy_name})
+ event_type = 'LUNReadyWaitInterval'
+ wait_interval = huawei_utils.get_wait_interval(self.xml_file_path,
+ event_type)
+ def _volume_ready():
+ result = self.restclient.get_lun_info(tgt_lun_id)
+ if result['HEALTHSTATUS'] == "1":
+ if result['RUNNINGSTATUS'] == "27":
+ return True
+ return False
+ huawei_utils.wait_for_condition(self.xml_file_path,
+ _volume_ready,
+ wait_interval,
+ wait_interval * 10)
+ self._copy_volume(volume, luncopy_name,
+ snapshot_id, tgt_lun_id)
+ return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
+ 'lun_info': lun_info}
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Clone a new volume from an existing volume."""
+ # Form the snapshot structure.
+ snapshot = {'id': uuid.uuid4().__str__(), 'volume_id': src_vref['id']}
+ # Create snapshot.
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ try:
+ # Create volume from snapshot.
+ lun_info = self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ # Delete snapshot.
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW(
+ 'Failure deleting the snapshot %(snapshot_id)s '
+ 'of volume %(volume_id)s.'),
+ {'snapshot_id': snapshot['id'],
+ 'volume_id': src_vref['id']},)
+ return {'provider_location': lun_info['ID'],
+ 'lun_info': lun_info}
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend a volume."""
+ volume_size = huawei_utils.get_volume_size(volume)
+ new_volume_size = int(new_size) * units.Gi / 512
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ 'Extend volume: %(volumename)s, oldsize:'
+ ' %(oldsize)s newsize: %(newsize)s.'),
+ {'volumename': volume_name,
+ 'oldsize': volume_size,
+ 'newsize': new_volume_size},)
+ lun_id = self.restclient.get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
+ if lun_id is None:
+ msg = (_(
+ "Can't find lun info on the array, lun name is: %(name)s.")
+ % {'name': volume_name})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ luninfo = self.restclient.extend_volume(lun_id, new_volume_size)
+ return {'provider_location': luninfo['ID'],
+ 'lun_info': luninfo}
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ snapshot_info = self.restclient.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ snapshot_id = snapshot_info['ID']
+ self.restclient.active_snapshot(snapshot_id)
+ return {'provider_location': snapshot_info['ID'],
+ 'lun_info': snapshot_info}
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ snapshotname = huawei_utils.encode_name(snapshot['id'])
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ 'stop_snapshot: snapshot name: %(snapshot)s, '
+ 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
+ {'snapshot': snapshotname,
+ 'volume': volume_name},)
+ snapshot_id = snapshot.get('provider_location', None)
+ if snapshot_id is None:
+ snapshot_id = self.restclient.get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshotname)
+ if snapshot_id is not None:
+ if self.restclient.check_snapshot_exist(snapshot_id):
+ self.restclient.stop_snapshot(snapshot_id)
+ self.restclient.delete_snapshot(snapshot_id)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find snapshot on the array."))
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find snapshot on the array."))
+ return False
+ return True
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def initialize_connection_fc(self, volume, connector):
+ wwns = connector['wwpns']
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ 'initialize_connection_fc, initiator: %(wwpns)s,'
+ ' volume name: %(volume)s.'),
+ {'wwpns': wwns,
+ 'volume': volume_name},)
+ host_name_before_hash = None
+ host_name = connector['host']
+ if host_name and (len(host_name) > constants.MAX_HOSTNAME_LENTH):
+ host_name_before_hash = host_name
+ host_name = str(hash(host_name))
+ # Create hostgroup if not exist.
+ host_id = self.restclient.add_host_with_check(host_name,
+ host_name_before_hash)
+ # Add host into hostgroup.
+ hostgroup_id = self.restclient.add_host_into_hostgroup(host_id)
+ free_wwns = self.restclient.get_connected_free_wwns()
+"initialize_connection_fc, the array has free wwns: %s."),
+ free_wwns)
+ for wwn in wwns:
+ if wwn in free_wwns:
+ self.restclient.add_fc_port_to_host(host_id, wwn)
+ lun_id = self.restclient.mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
+ hostgroup_id,
+ host_id)
+ host_lun_id = self.restclient.find_host_lun_id(host_id, lun_id)
+ tgt_port_wwns = []
+ for wwn in wwns:
+ tgtwwpns = self.restclient.get_fc_target_wwpns(wwn)
+ if tgtwwpns:
+ tgt_port_wwns.append(tgtwwpns)
+ init_targ_map = {}
+ for initiator in wwns:
+ init_targ_map[initiator] = tgt_port_wwns
+ # Return FC properties.
+ info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+ 'data': {'target_lun': int(host_lun_id),
+ 'target_discovered': True,
+ 'target_wwn': tgt_port_wwns,
+ 'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}, }
+"initialize_connection_fc, return data is: %s."),
+ info)
+ return info
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def initialize_connection_iscsi(self, volume, connector):
+ """Map a volume to a host and return target iSCSI information."""
+'Enter initialize_connection_iscsi.'))
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ 'initiator name: %(initiator_name)s, '
+ 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
+ {'initiator_name': initiator_name,
+ 'volume': volume_name})
+ (iscsi_iqn,
+ target_ip,
+ portgroup_id) = self.restclient.get_iscsi_params(self.xml_file_path,
+ connector)
+'initialize_connection_iscsi, iscsi_iqn: %(iscsi_iqn)s, '
+ 'target_ip: %(target_ip)s, '
+ 'TargetPortGroup: %(portgroup_id)s.'),
+ {'iscsi_iqn': iscsi_iqn,
+ 'target_ip': target_ip,
+ 'portgroup_id': portgroup_id},)
+ # Create hostgroup if not exist.
+ host_name = connector['host']
+ host_name_before_hash = None
+ if host_name and (len(host_name) > constants.MAX_HOSTNAME_LENTH):
+ host_name_before_hash = host_name
+ host_name = str(hash(host_name))
+ host_id = self.restclient.add_host_with_check(host_name,
+ host_name_before_hash)
+ # Add initiator to the host.
+ self.restclient.ensure_initiator_added(initiator_name, host_id)
+ hostgroup_id = self.restclient.add_host_into_hostgroup(host_id)
+ # Mapping lungroup and hostgroup to view.
+ lun_id = self.restclient.mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
+ hostgroup_id,
+ host_id,
+ portgroup_id)
+ hostlun_id = self.restclient.find_host_lun_id(host_id, lun_id)
+"initialize_connection_iscsi, host lun id is: %s."),
+ hostlun_id)
+ # Return iSCSI properties.
+ properties = {}
+ properties['target_discovered'] = False
+ properties['target_portal'] = ('%s:%s' % (target_ip, '3260'))
+ properties['target_iqn'] = iscsi_iqn
+ properties['target_lun'] = int(hostlun_id)
+ properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+"initialize_connection_iscsi success. Return data: %s."),
+ properties)
+ return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties}
+ @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
+ def terminate_connection_iscsi(self, volume, connector):
+ """Delete map between a volume and a host."""
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ lun_id = volume.get('provider_location', None)
+ host_name = connector['host']
+ 'terminate_connection_iscsi: volume name: %(volume)s, '
+ 'initiator name: %(ini)s, '
+ 'lun_id: %(lunid)s.'),
+ {'volume': volume_name,
+ 'ini': initiator_name,
+ 'lunid': lun_id},)
+ iscsi_conf = huawei_utils.get_iscsi_conf(self.xml_file_path)
+ portgroup = None
+ portgroup_id = None
+ left_lunnum = -1
+ for ini in iscsi_conf['Initiator']:
+ if ini['Name'] == initiator_name:
+ for key in ini:
+ if key == 'TargetPortGroup':
+ portgroup = ini['TargetPortGroup']
+ break
+ # Remove lun from lungroup.
+ if lun_id:
+ if self.restclient.check_lun_exist(lun_id):
+ # Get lungroup id by lun id.
+ lungroup_id = self.restclient.get_lungroupid_by_lunid(lun_id)
+ if lungroup_id:
+ self.restclient.remove_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id,
+ lun_id)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find lun on the array."))
+ # Remove portgroup from mapping view if no lun left in lungroup.
+ if portgroup:
+ portgroup_id = self.restclient.find_tgt_port_group(portgroup)
+ host_id = self.restclient.find_host(host_name)
+ if host_id:
+ mapping_view_name = constants.MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX + host_id
+ view_id = self.restclient.find_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
+ if view_id:
+ lungroup_id = self.restclient.find_lungroup_from_map(view_id)
+ if lungroup_id:
+ left_lunnum = self.restclient.get_lunnum_from_lungroup(lungroup_id)
+ if portgroup_id and view_id and (int(left_lunnum) <= 0):
+ if self.restclient.is_portgroup_associated_to_view(view_id,
+ portgroup_id):
+ self.restclient.delete_portgroup_mapping_view(view_id,
+ portgroup_id)
+ if view_id and (int(left_lunnum) <= 0):
+ if self.restclient.lungroup_associated(view_id, lungroup_id):
+ self.restclient.delete_lungroup_mapping_view(view_id,
+ lungroup_id)
+ self.restclient.delete_lungroup(lungroup_id)
+ if self.restclient.is_initiator_associated_to_host(initiator_name):
+ self.restclient.remove_iscsi_from_host(initiator_name)
+ hostgroup_name = constants.HOSTGROUP_PREFIX + host_id
+ hostgroup_id = self.restclient.find_hostgroup(hostgroup_name)
+ if hostgroup_id:
+ if self.restclient.hostgroup_associated(view_id, hostgroup_id):
+ self.restclient.delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(view_id,
+ hostgroup_id)
+ self.restclient.remove_host_from_hostgroup(hostgroup_id,
+ host_id)
+ self.restclient.delete_hostgroup(hostgroup_id)
+ self.restclient.remove_host(host_id)
+ self.restclient.delete_mapping_view(view_id)
+ def terminate_connection_fc(self, volume, connector):
+ """Delete map between a volume and a host."""
+ wwns = connector['wwpns']
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(volume['id'])
+ lun_id = volume.get('provider_location', None)
+ host_name = connector['host']
+ left_lunnum = -1
+'terminate_connection_fc: volume name: %(volume)s, '
+ 'wwpns: %(wwns)s, '
+ 'lun_id: %(lunid)s.'),
+ {'volume': volume_name,
+ 'wwns': wwns,
+ 'lunid': lun_id},)
+ if lun_id:
+ if self.restclient.check_lun_exist(lun_id):
+ # Get lungroup id by lun id.
+ lungroup_id = self.restclient.get_lungroupid_by_lunid(lun_id)
+ if not lungroup_id:
+"Can't find lun in lungroup."))
+ else:
+ self.restclient.remove_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id,
+ lun_id)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find lun on the array."))
+ tgt_port_wwns = []
+ for wwn in wwns:
+ tgtwwpns = self.restclient.get_fc_target_wwpns(wwn)
+ if tgtwwpns:
+ tgt_port_wwns.append(tgtwwpns)
+ init_targ_map = {}
+ for initiator in wwns:
+ init_targ_map[initiator] = tgt_port_wwns
+ host_id = self.restclient.find_host(host_name)
+ if host_id:
+ mapping_view_name = constants.MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX + host_id
+ view_id = self.restclient.find_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
+ if view_id:
+ lungroup_id = self.restclient.find_lungroup_from_map(view_id)
+ if lungroup_id:
+ left_lunnum = self.restclient.get_lunnum_from_lungroup(lungroup_id)
+ if int(left_lunnum) > 0:
+ info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+ 'data': {}}
+ else:
+ info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+ 'data': {'target_wwn': tgt_port_wwns,
+ 'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}, }
+ return info
+ def migrate_volume(self, context, volume, host):
+ return (False, None)
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Export a volume."""
+ pass
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Synchronously recreate an export for a volume."""
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Remove an export for a volume."""
+ pass
+ def _copy_volume(self, volume, copy_name, src_lun, tgt_lun):
+ luncopy_id = self.restclient.create_luncopy(copy_name,
+ src_lun, tgt_lun)
+ event_type = 'LUNcopyWaitInterval'
+ wait_interval = huawei_utils.get_wait_interval(self.xml_file_path,
+ event_type)
+ try:
+ self.restclient.start_luncopy(luncopy_id)
+ def _luncopy_complete():
+ luncopy_info = self.restclient.get_luncopy_info(luncopy_id)
+ if luncopy_info['status'] == '40':
+ # luncopy_info['status'] means for the running status of
+ # the luncopy. If luncopy_info['status'] is equal to '40',
+ # this luncopy is completely ready.
+ return True
+ elif luncopy_info['state'] != '1':
+ # luncopy_info['state'] means for the healthy status of the
+ # luncopy. If luncopy_info['state'] is not equal to '1',
+ # this means that an error occurred during the LUNcopy
+ # operation and we should abort it.
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'An error occurred during the LUNcopy operation. '
+ 'LUNcopy name: %(luncopyname)s. '
+ 'LUNcopy status: %(luncopystatus)s. '
+ 'LUNcopy state: %(luncopystate)s.')
+ % {'luncopyname': luncopy_id,
+ 'luncopystatus': luncopy_info['status'],
+ 'luncopystate': luncopy_info['state']},)
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ huawei_utils.wait_for_condition(self.xml_file_path,
+ _luncopy_complete,
+ wait_interval)
+ except Exception:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ self.restclient.delete_luncopy(luncopy_id)
+ self.delete_volume(volume)
+ self.restclient.delete_luncopy(luncopy_id)
+class Huawei18000ISCSIDriver(HuaweiBaseDriver, driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """ISCSI driver for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage arrays.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver
+ 1.1.0 - Provide Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage volume driver.
+ """
+ VERSION = "1.1.1"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Huawei18000ISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume status."""
+ data = HuaweiBaseDriver.get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False)
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
+ data['storage_protocol'] = 'iSCSI'
+ data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
+ data['vendor_name'] = 'Huawei'
+ return data
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ return HuaweiBaseDriver.initialize_connection_iscsi(self,
+ volume,
+ connector)
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ return HuaweiBaseDriver.terminate_connection_iscsi(self,
+ volume,
+ connector)
+class Huawei18000FCDriver(HuaweiBaseDriver, driver.FibreChannelDriver):
+ """FC driver for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage arrays.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver
+ 1.1.0 - Provide Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage volume driver.
+ """
+ VERSION = "1.1.1"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Huawei18000FCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume status."""
+ data = HuaweiBaseDriver.get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False)
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
+ data['storage_protocol'] = 'FC'
+ data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
+ data['verdor_name'] = 'Huawei'
+ return data
+ @fczm_utils.AddFCZone
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ return HuaweiBaseDriver.initialize_connection_fc(self,
+ volume,
+ connector)
+ @fczm_utils.RemoveFCZone
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ return HuaweiBaseDriver.terminate_connection_fc(self,
+ volume,
+ connector)
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack LLC.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import base64
+import six
+import time
+import uuid
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_service import loopingcall
+from oslo_utils import units
-from cinder.i18n import _LE
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import constants
+from cinder.volume import qos_specs
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-os_type = {'Linux': '0',
- 'Windows': '1',
- 'Solaris': '2',
- 'HP-UX': '3',
- 'AIX': '4',
- 'XenServer': '5',
- 'Mac OS X': '6',
- 'VMware ESX': '7'}
+opts_capability = {
+ 'smarttier': False,
+ 'smartcache': False,
+ 'smartpartition': False,
+ 'thin_provisioning': False,
+ 'thick_provisioning': False,
-def parse_xml_file(filepath):
+opts_value = {
+ 'policy': None,
+ 'partitionname': None,
+ 'cachename': None,
+opts_associate = {
+ 'smarttier': 'policy',
+ 'smartcache': 'cachename',
+ 'smartpartition': 'partitionname',
+def get_volume_params(volume):
+ opts = {}
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
+ if type_id is not None:
+ volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+ specs = dict(volume_type).get('extra_specs')
+ opts = _get_extra_spec_value(specs)
+ else:
+ opts.update(opts_capability)
+ opts.update(opts_value)
+ return opts
+def _get_extra_spec_value(specs):
+ """Return the parameters for creating the volume."""
+ opts = {}
+ opts.update(opts_capability)
+ opts.update(opts_value)
+ opts = _get_opts_from_specs(opts_capability, opts_value, specs)
+ LOG.debug('get_volume_params opts %(opts)s.', {'opts': opts})
+ return opts
+def _get_opts_from_specs(opts_capability, opts_value, specs):
+ opts = {}
+ opts.update(opts_capability)
+ opts.update(opts_value)
+ for key, value in specs.iteritems():
+ # Get the scope, if is using scope format.
+ scope = None
+ key_split = key.split(':')
+ if len(key_split) > 2 and key_split[0] != "capabilities":
+ continue
+ if len(key_split) == 1:
+ key = key_split[0]
+ else:
+ scope = key_split[0]
+ key = key_split[1]
+ if scope:
+ scope = scope.lower()
+ if key:
+ key = key.lower()
+ if (scope in opts_capability) and (key in opts_value):
+ if (scope in opts_associate) and (opts_associate[scope] == key):
+ opts[key] = value
+ return opts
+def _get_smartx_specs_params(lunsetinfo, smartx_opts):
+ """Get parameters from config file for creating lun."""
+ # Default lun set information.
+ if 'LUNType' in smartx_opts:
+ lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = smartx_opts['LUNType']
+ lunsetinfo['policy'] = smartx_opts['policy']
+ return lunsetinfo
+def get_lun_params(xml_file_path, smartx_opts):
+ lunsetinfo = {}
+ lunsetinfo = get_lun_conf_params(xml_file_path)
+ lunsetinfo = _get_smartx_specs_params(lunsetinfo, smartx_opts)
+ return lunsetinfo
+def parse_xml_file(xml_file_path):
"""Get root of xml file."""
- tree = ET.parse(filepath)
+ tree = ET.parse(xml_file_path)
root = tree.getroot()
return root
except IOError as err:
- LOG.error(_LE('parse_xml_file: %s'), err)
+ LOG.error(_LE('parse_xml_file: %s.'), err)
return items_list
-def is_xml_item_exist(xml_root, item, attrib_key=None):
- """Check if the given item exits in xml config file.
- :param xml_root: The root of xml tree
- :param item: The xml tag to check
- :param attrib_key: The xml attrib to check
- :return: True of False
- """
- items_list = get_xml_item(xml_root, item)
- if attrib_key:
- for tmp_dict in items_list:
- if tmp_dict['attrib'].get(attrib_key, None):
- return True
- else:
- if items_list and items_list[0]['text']:
- return True
- return False
-def is_xml_item_valid(xml_root, item, valid_list, attrib_key=None):
- """Check if the given item is valid in xml config file.
- :param xml_root: The root of xml tree
- :param item: The xml tag to check
- :param valid_list: The valid item value
- :param attrib_key: The xml attrib to check
- :return: True of False
- """
- items_list = get_xml_item(xml_root, item)
- if attrib_key:
- for tmp_dict in items_list:
- value = tmp_dict['attrib'].get(attrib_key, None)
- if value not in valid_list:
- return False
- else:
- value = items_list[0]['text']
- if value not in valid_list:
- return False
- return True
-def get_conf_host_os_type(host_ip, config):
+def get_conf_host_os_type(host_ip, conf):
"""Get host OS type from xml config file.
:param host_ip: The IP of Nova host
:return: host OS type
os_conf = {}
- root = parse_xml_file(config)
+ xml_file_path = conf.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
hosts_list = get_xml_item(root, 'Host')
for host in hosts_list:
os = host['attrib']['OSType'].strip()
host_os = None
for k, v in os_conf.items():
if host_ip in v:
- host_os = os_type.get(k, None)
+ host_os = constants.OS_TYPE.get(k, None)
if not host_os:
- host_os = os_type['Linux'] # default os type
+ host_os = constants.OS_TYPE['Linux'] # Default OS type.
LOG.debug('_get_host_os_type: Host %(ip)s OS type is %(os)s.',
{'ip': host_ip, 'os': host_os})
return host_os
+def get_qos_by_volume_type(volume_type):
+ qos = {}
+ qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id')
+ # We prefer the qos_specs association
+ # and override any existing extra-specs settings
+ # if present.
+ if qos_specs_id is not None:
+ kvs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(context.get_admin_context(),
+ qos_specs_id)['specs']
+ else:
+ return qos
+'The QoS sepcs is: %s.'), kvs)
+ for key, value in kvs.iteritems():
+ if key in constants.HUAWEI_VALID_KEYS:
+ if (key.upper() != 'IOTYPE') and (int(value) <= 0):
+ err_msg = (_('Qos config is wrong. %(key)s'
+ ' must be set greater than 0.')
+ % {'key': key})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ elif (key.upper() == 'IOTYPE') and (value not in ['0', '1', '2']):
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=(_('Illegal value specified for IOTYPE: '
+ 'set to either 0, 1, or 2.')))
+ else:
+ qos[key.upper()] = value
+ return qos
+def get_volume_qos(volume):
+ qos = {}
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
+ if type_id is not None:
+ volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+ qos = get_qos_by_volume_type(volume_type)
+ return qos
+def _get_volume_type(type_id):
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ return volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+def get_lun_conf_params(xml_file_path):
+ """Get parameters from config file for creating lun."""
+ lunsetinfo = {
+ 'LUNType': 'Thick',
+ 'StripUnitSize': '64',
+ 'WriteType': '1',
+ 'MirrorSwitch': '1',
+ 'PrefetchType': '3',
+ 'PrefetchValue': '0',
+ 'PrefetchTimes': '0',
+ 'policy': '0',
+ 'readcachepolicy': '2',
+ 'writecachepolicy': '5',
+ }
+ # Default lun set information.
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ luntype = root.findtext('LUN/LUNType')
+ if luntype:
+ if luntype.strip() in ['Thick', 'Thin']:
+ lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = luntype.strip()
+ if luntype.strip() == 'Thick':
+ lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 0
+ if luntype.strip() == 'Thin':
+ lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 1
+ elif luntype is not '' and luntype is not None:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'Config file is wrong. LUNType must be "Thin"'
+ ' or "Thick". LUNType: %(fetchtype)s.')
+ % {'fetchtype': luntype})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ stripunitsize = root.findtext('LUN/StripUnitSize')
+ if stripunitsize is not None:
+ lunsetinfo['StripUnitSize'] = stripunitsize.strip()
+ writetype = root.findtext('LUN/WriteType')
+ if writetype is not None:
+ lunsetinfo['WriteType'] = writetype.strip()
+ mirrorswitch = root.findtext('LUN/MirrorSwitch')
+ if mirrorswitch is not None:
+ lunsetinfo['MirrorSwitch'] = mirrorswitch.strip()
+ prefetch = root.find('LUN/Prefetch')
+ fetchtype = prefetch.attrib['Type']
+ if prefetch is not None and prefetch.attrib['Type']:
+ if fetchtype in ['0', '1', '2', '3']:
+ lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] = fetchtype.strip()
+ typevalue = prefetch.attrib['Value'].strip()
+ if lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '1':
+ double_value = int(typevalue) * 2
+ typevalue_double = six.text_type(double_value)
+ lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue_double
+ elif lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '2':
+ lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue
+ else:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'PrefetchType config is wrong. PrefetchType'
+ ' must be in 0,1,2,3. PrefetchType is: %(fetchtype)s.')
+ % {'fetchtype': fetchtype})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ else:
+ 'Use default PrefetchType. '
+ 'PrefetchType: Intelligent.'))
+ return lunsetinfo
+def encode_name(name):
+ uuid_str = name.replace("-", "")
+ vol_uuid = uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:%s' % uuid_str)
+ vol_encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(vol_uuid.bytes)
+ vol_encoded = vol_encoded.decode("utf-8") # Make it compatible to py3.
+ newuuid = vol_encoded.replace("=", "")
+ return newuuid
+def init_lun_parameters(name, parameters):
+ """Initialize basic LUN parameters."""
+ lunparam = {"TYPE": "11",
+ "NAME": name,
+ "PARENTTYPE": "216",
+ "PARENTID": parameters['pool_id'],
+ "DESCRIPTION": parameters['volume_description'],
+ "ALLOCTYPE": parameters['LUNType'],
+ "CAPACITY": parameters['volume_size'],
+ "WRITEPOLICY": parameters['WriteType'],
+ "MIRRORPOLICY": parameters['MirrorSwitch'],
+ "PREFETCHPOLICY": parameters['PrefetchType'],
+ "PREFETCHVALUE": parameters['PrefetchValue'],
+ "DATATRANSFERPOLICY": parameters['policy'],
+ "READCACHEPOLICY": parameters['readcachepolicy'],
+ "WRITECACHEPOLICY": parameters['writecachepolicy'],
+ }
+ return lunparam
+def volume_in_use(volume):
+ """Check if the given volume is in use."""
+ return (volume['volume_attachment'] and
+ len(volume['volume_attachment']) > 0)
+def get_wait_interval(xml_file_path, event_type):
+ """Get wait interval from huawei conf file."""
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ wait_interval = root.findtext('LUN/%s' % event_type)
+ if wait_interval is None:
+ wait_interval = constants.DEFAULT_WAIT_INTERVAL
+ "Wait interval for %(event_type)s is not configured in huawei "
+ "conf file. Use default: %(default_wait_interval)d."),
+ {"event_type": event_type,
+ "default_wait_interval": wait_interval})
+ return int(wait_interval)
+def _get_default_timeout(xml_file_path):
+ """Get timeout from huawei conf file."""
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ timeout = root.findtext('LUN/Timeout')
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = constants.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT
+ "Timeout is not configured in huawei conf file. "
+ "Use default: %(default_timeout)d."),
+ {"default_timeout": timeout})
+ return timeout
+def wait_for_condition(xml_file_path, func, interval, timeout=None):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = _get_default_timeout(xml_file_path)
+ def _inner():
+ try:
+ res = func()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
+ if res:
+ raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+ if int(time.time()) - start_time > timeout:
+ msg = (_('wait_for_condition: %s timed out.')
+ % func.__name__)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_inner)
+ timer.start(interval=interval).wait()
+def get_login_info(xml_file_path):
+ """Get login IP, user name and password from config file."""
+ logininfo = {}
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ logininfo['RestURL'] = root.findtext('Storage/RestURL').strip()
+ for key in ['UserName', 'UserPassword']:
+ node = root.find('Storage/%s' % key)
+ node_text = node.text
+ logininfo[key] = node_text
+ return logininfo
+def _change_file_mode(filepath):
+ utils.execute('chmod', '640', filepath, run_as_root=True)
+def get_iscsi_conf(xml_file_path):
+ """Get iSCSI info from config file."""
+ iscsiinfo = {}
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ TargetIP = root.findtext('iSCSI/DefaultTargetIP').strip()
+ iscsiinfo['DefaultTargetIP'] = TargetIP
+ initiator_list = []
+ for dic in root.findall('iSCSI/Initiator'):
+ # Strip values of dict.
+ tmp_dic = {}
+ for k in dic.items():
+ tmp_dic[k[0]] = k[1].strip()
+ initiator_list.append(tmp_dic)
+ iscsiinfo['Initiator'] = initiator_list
+ return iscsiinfo
+def check_qos_high_priority(qos):
+ """Check QoS priority."""
+ for key, value in qos.iteritems():
+ if (key.find('MIN') == 0) or (key.find('LATENCY') == 0):
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_conf_file(xml_file_path):
+ """Check the config file, make sure the essential items are set."""
+ root = parse_xml_file(xml_file_path)
+ resturl = root.findtext('Storage/RestURL')
+ username = root.findtext('Storage/UserName')
+ pwd = root.findtext('Storage/UserPassword')
+ pool_node = root.findall('Storage/StoragePool')
+ if (not resturl) or (not username) or (not pwd):
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'check_conf_file: Config file invalid. RestURL,'
+ ' UserName and UserPassword must be set.'))
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
+ if not pool_node:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'check_conf_file: Config file invalid. '
+ 'StoragePool must be set.'))
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
+def get_volume_size(volume):
+ """Calculate the volume size.
+ We should divide the given volume size by 512 for the 18000 system
+ calculates volume size with sectors, which is 512 bytes.
+ """
+ volume_size = units.Gi / 512 # 1G
+ if int(volume['size']) != 0:
+ volume_size = int(volume['size']) * units.Gi / 512
+ return volume_size
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import json
+import time
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from six.moves import http_cookiejar
+from six.moves import urllib
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import constants
+from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RestClient(object):
+ """Common class for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage system."""
+ def __init__(self, configuration):
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.xml_file_path = configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
+ self.cookie = http_cookiejar.CookieJar()
+ self.url = None
+ self.productversion = None
+ self.headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive",
+ "Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ def call(self, url=False, data=None, method=None):
+ """Send requests to 18000 server.
+ Send HTTPS call, get response in JSON.
+ Convert response into Python Object and return it.
+ """
+ opener = urllib.build_opener(urllib.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie))
+ urllib.install_opener(opener)
+ res_json = None
+ try:
+ urllib.socket.setdefaulttimeout(720)
+ req = urllib.Request(url, data, self.headers)
+ if method:
+ req.get_method = lambda: method
+ res = urllib.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")
+ if "xx/sessions" not in url:
+'\n\n\n\nRequest URL: %(url)s\n\n'
+ 'Call Method: %(method)s\n\n'
+ 'Request Data: %(data)s\n\n'
+ 'Response Data:%(res)s\n\n'), {'url': url,
+ 'method': method,
+ 'data': data,
+ 'res': res})
+ except Exception as err:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Bad response from server: %(url)s.'
+ ' Error: %(err)s'), {'url': url, 'err': err})
+ json_msg = ('{"error":{"code": %s,"description": "Connect to '
+ 'server error."}}'), constants.ERROR_CONNECT_TO_SERVER
+ res_json = json.loads(json_msg)
+ return res_json
+ try:
+ res_json = json.loads(res)
+ except Exception as err:
+ LOG.error(_LE('JSON transfer error: %s.'), err)
+ raise
+ return res_json
+ def login(self):
+ """Login 18000 array."""
+ login_info = huawei_utils.get_login_info(self.xml_file_path)
+ urlstr = login_info['RestURL']
+ url_list = urlstr.split(";")
+ for item_url in url_list:
+ url = item_url + "xx/sessions"
+ data = json.dumps({"username": login_info['UserName'],
+ "password": login_info['UserPassword'],
+ "scope": "0"})
+ result =, data)
+ if result['error']['code'] == constants.ERROR_CONNECT_TO_SERVER:
+ continue
+ if (result['error']['code'] != 0) or ("data" not in result):
+ msg = (_("Login error, reason is: %s.") % result)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ deviceid = result['data']['deviceid']
+ self.url = item_url + deviceid
+ self.headers['iBaseToken'] = result['data']['iBaseToken']
+ return deviceid
+ msg = _("Login error: Can't connect to server.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _assert_rest_result(self, result, err_str):
+ error_code = result['error']['code']
+ if error_code != 0:
+ msg = (_('%(err)s\nresult: %(res)s.') % {'err': err_str,
+ 'res': result})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _assert_data_in_result(self, result, msg):
+ if "data" not in result:
+ err_msg = (_('%s "data" was not in result.') % msg)
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ def create_volume(self, lun_param):
+ url = self.url + "/lun"
+ data = json.dumps(lun_param)
+ result =, data)
+ msg = 'Create volume error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']
+ def check_lun_exist(self, lun_id):
+ url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
+ "ID": lun_id})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ error_code = result['error']['code']
+ if error_code != 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def delete_lun(self, lun_id):
+ lun_group_id = self.get_lungroupid_by_lunid(lun_id)
+ if lun_group_id:
+ self.remove_lun_from_lungroup(lun_group_id, lun_id)
+ url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
+ "ID": lun_id})
+ result =, data, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun error.')
+ def find_pool_info(self):
+ root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_file_path)
+ pool_name = root.findtext('Storage/StoragePool')
+ if not pool_name:
+ err_msg = (_("Invalid resource pool: %s.") % pool_name)
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(err_msg)
+ url = self.url + "/storagepool"
+ result =, None)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Query resource pool error.')
+ poolinfo = {}
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if pool_name.strip() == item['NAME']:
+ poolinfo['ID'] = item['ID']
+ poolinfo['CAPACITY'] = item['USERFREECAPACITY']
+ break
+ if not poolinfo:
+ msg = (_('Get pool info error, pool name is: %s.') % pool_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ return poolinfo
+ def _get_id_from_result(self, result, name, key):
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if name == item[key]:
+ return item['ID']
+ def get_volume_by_name(self, name):
+ url = self.url + "/lun?range=[0-65535]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get volume by name error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, name, 'NAME')
+ def active_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
+ activeurl = self.url + "/snapshot/activate"
+ data = json.dumps({"SNAPSHOTLIST": [snapshot_id]})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Active snapshot error.')
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ snapshot_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(snapshot['id'])
+ snapshot_description = snapshot['id']
+ volume_name = huawei_utils.encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ 'create_snapshot:snapshot name: %(snapshot)s, '
+ 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
+ {'snapshot': snapshot_name,
+ 'volume': volume_name})
+ lun_id = self.get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
+ if lun_id is None:
+ msg = (_("Can't find lun info on the array, "
+ "lun name is: %(name)s.") % {'name': volume_name})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ url = self.url + "/snapshot"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27",
+ "NAME": snapshot_name,
+ "PARENTTYPE": "11",
+ "DESCRIPTION": snapshot_description,
+ "PARENTID": lun_id})
+ result =, data)
+ msg = 'Create snapshot error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']
+ def check_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_id):
+ url = self.url + "/snapshot/" + snapshot_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27",
+ "ID": snapshot_id})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ error_code = result['error']['code']
+ if error_code != 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def stop_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
+ url = self.url + "/snapshot/stop"
+ stopdata = json.dumps({"ID": snapshot_id})
+ result =, stopdata, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Stop snapshot error.')
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshotid):
+ url = self.url + "/snapshot/%s" % snapshotid
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27", "ID": snapshotid})
+ result =, data, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete snapshot error.')
+ def get_snapshotid_by_name(self, name):
+ url = self.url + "/snapshot?range=[0-32767]"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27"})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get snapshot id error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, name, 'NAME')
+ def create_luncopy(self, luncopyname, srclunid, tgtlunid):
+ """Create a luncopy."""
+ url = self.url + "/luncopy"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 219,
+ "NAME": luncopyname,
+ "DESCRIPTION": luncopyname,
+ % srclunid),
+ % tgtlunid)})
+ result =, data)
+ msg = 'Create luncopy error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ def add_host_into_hostgroup(self, host_id):
+ """Associate host to hostgroup.
+ If hostgroup doesn't exist, create one.
+ """
+ host_group_name = constants.HOSTGROUP_PREFIX + host_id
+ hostgroup_id = self._create_hostgroup_with_check(host_group_name)
+ is_associated = self._is_host_associate_to_hostgroup(hostgroup_id,
+ host_id)
+ if not is_associated:
+ self._associate_host_to_hostgroup(hostgroup_id, host_id)
+ return hostgroup_id
+ def find_tgt_port_group(self, tgt_port_group):
+ """Find target portgroup id by target port group name."""
+ url = self.url + "/portgroup?range=[0-8191]&TYPE=257"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Find portgroup error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ msg = 'Can not find the portgroup on the array.'
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, tgt_port_group, 'NAME')
+ def _associate_portgroup_to_view(self, view_id, portgroup_id):
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "257",
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": portgroup_id,
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": view_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate portgroup to mapping '
+ 'view error.')
+ def _portgroup_associated(self, view_id, portgroup_id):
+ url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check portgroup associate error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, view_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(self, volume_name, hostgroup_id,
+ host_id, tgtportgroup_id=None):
+ """Add hostgroup and lungroup to mapping view."""
+ lungroup_name = constants.LUNGROUP_PREFIX + host_id
+ mapping_view_name = constants.MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX + host_id
+ lungroup_id = self._find_lungroup(lungroup_name)
+ lun_id = self.get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
+ view_id = self.find_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
+ 'mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup, lun_group: %(lun_group)s, '
+ 'view_id: %(view_id)s, lun_id: %(lun_id)s.'),
+ {'lun_group': lungroup_id,
+ 'view_id': view_id,
+ 'lun_id': lun_id})
+ try:
+ # Create lungroup and add LUN into to lungroup.
+ if lungroup_id is None:
+ lungroup_id = self._create_lungroup(lungroup_name)
+ is_associated = self._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup(lungroup_id,
+ lun_id)
+ if not is_associated:
+ self._associate_lun_to_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
+ if view_id is None:
+ view_id = self._add_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
+ self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
+ self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
+ if tgtportgroup_id:
+ self._associate_portgroup_to_view(view_id, tgtportgroup_id)
+ else:
+ if not self.hostgroup_associated(view_id, hostgroup_id):
+ self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
+ if not self.lungroup_associated(view_id, lungroup_id):
+ self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
+ if tgtportgroup_id:
+ if not self._portgroup_associated(view_id,
+ tgtportgroup_id):
+ self._associate_portgroup_to_view(view_id,
+ tgtportgroup_id)
+ except Exception:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ err_msg = (_LE(
+ 'Error occurred when adding hostgroup and lungroup to '
+ 'view. Remove lun from lungroup now.'))
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ self.remove_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
+ return lun_id
+ def ensure_initiator_added(self, initiator_name, host_id):
+ added = self._initiator_is_added_to_array(initiator_name)
+ if not added:
+ self._add_initiator_to_array(initiator_name)
+ if not self.is_initiator_associated_to_host(initiator_name):
+ self._associate_initiator_to_host(initiator_name, host_id)
+ def _get_iscsi_tgt_port(self):
+ url = self.url + "/iscsidevicename"
+ result =, None)
+ msg = 'Get iSCSI target port error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data'][0]['CMO_ISCSI_DEVICE_NAME']
+ def find_hostgroup(self, groupname):
+ """Get the given hostgroup id."""
+ url = self.url + "/hostgroup?range=[0-8191]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get hostgroup information error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, groupname, 'NAME')
+ def _find_lungroup(self, lungroup_name):
+ """Get the given hostgroup id."""
+ url = self.url + "/lungroup?range=[0-8191]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lungroup information error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, lungroup_name, 'NAME')
+ def _create_hostgroup_with_check(self, host_group_name):
+ """Check if host exists on the array, or create it."""
+ hostgroup_id = self.find_hostgroup(host_group_name)
+ if hostgroup_id:
+ '_create_hostgroup_with_check. '
+ 'hostgroup name: %(name)s, '
+ 'hostgroup id: %(id)s'),
+ {'name': host_group_name,
+ 'id': hostgroup_id})
+ return hostgroup_id
+ try:
+ hostgroup_id = self._create_hostgroup(host_group_name)
+ except Exception:
+ 'Failed to create hostgroup: %(name)s. '
+ 'Please check if it exists on the array.'),
+ {'name': host_group_name})
+ hostgroup_id = self.find_hostgroup(host_group_name)
+ if hostgroup_id is None:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'Failed to create hostgroup: %(name)s. '
+ 'Check if it exists on the array.'),
+ {'name': host_group_name})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ '_create_hostgroup_with_check. '
+ 'Create hostgroup success. '
+ 'hostgroup name: %(name)s, '
+ 'hostgroup id: %(id)s'),
+ {'name': host_group_name,
+ 'id': hostgroup_id})
+ return hostgroup_id
+ def _create_hostgroup(self, hostgroupname):
+ url = self.url + "/hostgroup"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "14", "NAME": hostgroupname})
+ result =, data)
+ msg = 'Create hostgroup error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ def _create_lungroup(self, lungroup_name):
+ url = self.url + "/lungroup"
+ data = json.dumps({"DESCRIPTION": lungroup_name,
+ "APPTYPE": '0',
+ "GROUPTYPE": '0',
+ "NAME": lungroup_name})
+ result =, data)
+ msg = 'Create lungroup error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ def delete_lungroup(self, lungroup_id):
+ url = self.url + "/LUNGroup/" + lungroup_id
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lungroup error.')
+ def lungroup_associated(self, view_id, lungroup_id):
+ url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check lungroup associate error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, view_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def hostgroup_associated(self, view_id, hostgroup_id):
+ url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check hostgroup associate error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, view_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def find_host_lun_id(self, host_id, lun_id):
+ url = self.url + ("/lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=21"
+ "&ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % (host_id))
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host lun id error.')
+ host_lun_id = 1
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if lun_id == item['ID']:
+ associate_data = item['ASSOCIATEMETADATA']
+ try:
+ hostassoinfo = json.loads(associate_data)
+ host_lun_id = hostassoinfo['HostLUNID']
+ break
+ except Exception as err:
+ LOG.error(_LE("JSON transfer data error. %s."), err)
+ raise
+ return host_lun_id
+ def find_host(self, hostname):
+ """Get the given host ID."""
+ url = self.url + "/host?range=[0-65535]"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21"})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host in hostgroup error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, hostname, 'NAME')
+ def add_host_with_check(self, host_name, host_name_before_hash):
+ host_id = self.find_host(host_name)
+ if host_id:
+ 'add_host_with_check. '
+ 'host name: %(name)s, '
+ 'host id: %(id)s'),
+ {'name': host_name,
+ 'id': host_id})
+ return host_id
+ try:
+ host_id = self._add_host(host_name, host_name_before_hash)
+ except Exception:
+ 'Failed to create host: %(name)s. '
+ 'Check if it exists on the array.'),
+ {'name': host_name})
+ host_id = self.find_host(host_name)
+ if not host_id:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'Failed to create host: %(name)s. '
+ 'Please check if it exists on the array.'),
+ {'name': host_name})
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ 'add_host_with_check. '
+ 'create host success. '
+ 'host name: %(name)s, '
+ 'host id: %(id)s'),
+ {'name': host_name,
+ 'id': host_id})
+ return host_id
+ def _add_host(self, hostname, host_name_before_hash):
+ """Add a new host."""
+ url = self.url + "/host"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21",
+ "NAME": hostname,
+ "DESCRIPTION": host_name_before_hash})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add new host error.')
+ if "data" in result:
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ else:
+ return
+ def _is_host_associate_to_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id, host_id):
+ """Check whether the host is associated to the hostgroup."""
+ url_subfix = ("/host/associate?TYPE=21&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check hostgroup associate error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, host_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _is_lun_associated_to_lungroup(self, lungroup_id, lun_id):
+ """Check whether the lun is associated to the lungroup."""
+ url_subfix = ("/lun/associate?TYPE=11&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check lungroup associate error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, lun_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _associate_host_to_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id, host_id):
+ url = self.url + "/hostgroup/associate"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "14",
+ "ID": hostgroup_id,
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": host_id})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to hostgroup error.')
+ def _associate_lun_to_lungroup(self, lungroup_id, lun_id):
+ """Associate lun to lungroup."""
+ url = self.url + "/lungroup/associate"
+ data = json.dumps({"ID": lungroup_id,
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": lun_id})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lun to lungroup error.')
+ def remove_lun_from_lungroup(self, lungroup_id, lun_id):
+ """Remove lun from lungroup."""
+ url = self.url + ("/lungroup/associate?ID=%s"
+ % (lungroup_id, lun_id))
+ result =, None, 'DELETE')
+ self._assert_rest_result(result,
+ 'Delete associated lun from lungroup error.')
+ def _initiator_is_added_to_array(self, ininame):
+ """Check whether the initiator is already added on the array."""
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator?range=[0-256]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result,
+ 'Check initiator added to array error.')
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if item["ID"] == ininame:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_initiator_associated_to_host(self, ininame):
+ """Check whether the initiator is associated to the host."""
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator?range=[0-256]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result,
+ 'Check initiator associated to host error.')
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if item['ID'] == ininame and item['ISFREE'] == "true":
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _add_initiator_to_array(self, initiator_name):
+ """Add a new initiator to storage device."""
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
+ "ID": initiator_name,
+ "USECHAP": "false"})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add initiator to array error.')
+ def _associate_initiator_to_host(self, ininame, host_id):
+ """Associate initiator with the host."""
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/" + ininame
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
+ "ID": ininame,
+ "USECHAP": "false",
+ "PARENTTYPE": "21",
+ "PARENTID": host_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate initiator to host error.')
+ def find_mapping_view(self, name):
+ """Find mapping view."""
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview?range=[0-8191]"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "245"})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ msg = 'Find mapping view error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, name, 'NAME')
+ def _add_mapping_view(self, name):
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview"
+ data = json.dumps({"NAME": name, "TYPE": "245"})
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add mapping view error.')
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ def _associate_hostgroup_to_view(self, viewID, hostGroupID):
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": viewID})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ def _associate_lungroup_to_view(self, viewID, lunGroupID):
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": viewID})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lungroup to mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ def delete_lungroup_mapping_view(self, view_id, lungroup_id):
+ """Remove lungroup associate from the mapping view."""
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": lungroup_id,
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": view_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lungroup from mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ def delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(self, view_id, hostgroup_id):
+ """Remove hostgroup associate from the mapping view."""
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": hostgroup_id,
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": view_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete hostgroup from mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ def delete_portgroup_mapping_view(self, view_id, portgroup_id):
+ """Remove portgroup associate from the mapping view."""
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
+ data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "257",
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID": portgroup_id,
+ "TYPE": "245",
+ "ID": view_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete portgroup from mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ def delete_mapping_view(self, view_id):
+ """Remove mapping view from the storage."""
+ url = self.url + "/mappingview/" + view_id
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete mapping view error.')
+ def get_lunnum_from_lungroup(self, lungroup_id):
+ """Check if there are still other luns associated to the lungroup."""
+ url_subfix = ("/lun/count?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256&"
+ "ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % lungroup_id)
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find lun number error.')
+ lunnum = -1
+ if "data" in result:
+ lunnum = result['data']['COUNT']
+ return lunnum
+ def is_portgroup_associated_to_view(self, view_id, portgroup_id):
+ """Check whether the portgroup is associated to the mapping view."""
+ url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate/portgroup?TYPE=257&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find portgroup from mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ if self._get_id_from_result(result, portgroup_id, 'ID'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def find_lungroup_from_map(self, view_id):
+ """Get lungroup from the given map"""
+ url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate/lungroup?TYPE=256&"
+ url = self.url + url_subfix
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find lun group from mapping view '
+ 'error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, view_id, 'ID')
+ def start_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
+ """Start a LUNcopy."""
+ url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/start"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", "ID": luncopyid})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Start LUNcopy error.')
+ def _get_capacity(self):
+ """Get free capacity and total capacity of the pool."""
+ poolinfo = self.find_pool_info()
+ pool_capacity = {'total_capacity': 0.0,
+ 'free_capacity': 0.0}
+ if poolinfo:
+ total = int(poolinfo['TOTALCAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
+ free = int(poolinfo['CAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
+ pool_capacity['total_capacity'] = total
+ pool_capacity['free_capacity'] = free
+ return pool_capacity
+ def get_luncopy_info(self, luncopyid):
+ """Get LUNcopy information."""
+ url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY?range=[0-1023]"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", })
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get LUNcopy information error.')
+ luncopyinfo = {}
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if luncopyid == item['ID']:
+ luncopyinfo['name'] = item['NAME']
+ luncopyinfo['id'] = item['ID']
+ luncopyinfo['state'] = item['HEALTHSTATUS']
+ luncopyinfo['status'] = item['RUNNINGSTATUS']
+ break
+ return luncopyinfo
+ def delete_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
+ """Delete a LUNcopy."""
+ url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/%s" % luncopyid
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete LUNcopy error.')
+ def get_connected_free_wwns(self):
+ """Get free connected FC port WWNs.
+ If no new ports connected, return an empty list.
+ """
+ url = self.url + "/fc_initiator?ISFREE=true&range=[0-8191]"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get connected free FC wwn error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ wwns = []
+ if 'data' in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ wwns.append(item['ID'])
+ return wwns
+ def add_fc_port_to_host(self, host_id, wwn):
+ """Add a FC port to the host."""
+ url = self.url + "/fc_initiator/" + wwn
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "223",
+ "ID": wwn,
+ "PARENTID": host_id})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add FC port to host error.')
+ def _get_iscsi_port_info(self, ip):
+ """Get iscsi port info in order to build the iscsi target iqn."""
+ url = self.url + "/eth_port"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get iSCSI port information error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ iscsi_port_info = None
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if ip == item['IPV4ADDR']:
+ iscsi_port_info = item['LOCATION']
+ break
+ return iscsi_port_info
+ def _get_tgt_iqn(self, iscsiip):
+ """Get target iSCSI iqn."""
+ ip_info = self._get_iscsi_port_info(iscsiip)
+ iqn_prefix = self._get_iscsi_tgt_port()
+ if not ip_info:
+ err_msg = (_(
+ 'Get iSCSI port info error, please check the target IP '
+ 'configured in huawei conf file.'))
+ LOG.error(err_msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
+ LOG.debug('Request ip info is: %s.', ip_info)
+ split_list = ip_info.split(".")
+ newstr = split_list[1] + split_list[2]
+'New str info is: %s.'), newstr)
+ if ip_info:
+ if newstr[0] == 'A':
+ ctr = "0"
+ elif newstr[0] == 'B':
+ ctr = "1"
+ interface = '0' + newstr[1]
+ port = '0' + newstr[3]
+ iqn_suffix = ctr + '02' + interface + port
+ for i in range(0, len(iqn_suffix)):
+ if iqn_suffix[i] != '0':
+ iqn_suffix = iqn_suffix[i:]
+ break
+ iqn = iqn_prefix + ':' + iqn_suffix + ':' + iscsiip
+'_get_tgt_iqn: iSCSI target iqn is: %s.'), iqn)
+ return iqn
+ else:
+ return
+ def get_fc_target_wwpns(self, wwn):
+ url = (self.url +
+ "/host_link?INITIATOR_TYPE=223&INITIATOR_PORT_WWN=" + wwn)
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get FC target wwpn error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ fc_wwpns = None
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if wwn == item['INITIATOR_PORT_WWN']:
+ fc_wwpns = item['TARGET_PORT_WWN']
+ break
+ return fc_wwpns
+ def update_volume_stats(self):
+ root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_file_path)
+ pool_name = root.findtext('Storage/StoragePool')
+ if not pool_name:
+ msg = (_(
+ 'Invalid resource pool name. '
+ 'Please check the config file.'))
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
+ data = {}
+ capacity = self._get_capacity()
+ data["pools"] = []
+ pool = {}
+ pool.update(dict(
+ pool_name=pool_name,
+ total_capacity_gb=capacity['total_capacity'],
+ free_capacity_gb=capacity['free_capacity'],
+ reserved_percentage=0,
+ QoS_support=True,
+ ))
+ data["pools"].append(pool)
+ return data
+ def _find_qos_policy_info(self, policy_name):
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get QoS policy error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ qos_info = {}
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if policy_name == item['NAME']:
+ qos_info['ID'] = item['ID']
+ lun_list = json.loads(item['LUNLIST'])
+ qos_info['LUNLIST'] = lun_list
+ break
+ return qos_info
+ def _update_qos_policy_lunlist(self, lunlist, policy_id):
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + policy_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
+ "ID": policy_id,
+ "LUNLIST": lunlist})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Update QoS policy error.')
+ def _get_tgt_ip_from_portgroup(self, portgroup_id):
+ target_ip = None
+ url = self.url + ("/eth_port/associate?TYPE=213&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=257"
+ "&ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % portgroup_id)
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get target IP error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ if "data" in result:
+ for item in result['data']:
+ if (item['IPV4ADDR'] and item['HEALTHSTATUS'] ==
+ constants.STATUS_HEALTH
+ and item['RUNNINGSTATUS'] == constants.STATUS_RUNNING):
+ target_ip = item['IPV4ADDR']
+'_get_tgt_ip_from_portgroup: Get ip: %s.'),
+ target_ip)
+ break
+ return target_ip
+ def get_iscsi_params(self, xml_file_path, connector):
+ """Get target iSCSI params, including iqn, IP."""
+ initiator = connector['initiator']
+ iscsi_conf = huawei_utils.get_iscsi_conf(xml_file_path)
+ target_ip = None
+ portgroup = None
+ portgroup_id = None
+ for ini in iscsi_conf['Initiator']:
+ if ini['Name'] == initiator:
+ for key in ini:
+ if key == 'TargetPortGroup':
+ portgroup = ini['TargetPortGroup']
+ elif key == 'TargetIP':
+ target_ip = ini['TargetIP']
+ if portgroup:
+ portgroup_id = self.find_tgt_port_group(portgroup)
+ target_ip = self._get_tgt_ip_from_portgroup(portgroup_id)
+ # If not specify target IP for some initiators, use default IP.
+ if not target_ip:
+ if iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']:
+ target_ip = iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']
+ else:
+ msg = (_(
+ 'get_iscsi_params: Failed to get target IP '
+ 'for initiator %(ini)s, please check config file.')
+ % {'ini': initiator})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+'Get the default ip: %s.'), target_ip)
+ # If didn't get target IP for rest, Automated assembly target ip.
+ target_iqn = self._get_tgt_iqn_from_rest(target_ip)
+ if not target_iqn:
+ target_iqn = self._get_tgt_iqn(target_ip)
+ return (target_iqn, target_ip, portgroup_id)
+ def _get_tgt_iqn_from_rest(self, target_ip):
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_tgt_port"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ target_iqn = None
+ if result['error']['code'] != 0:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find target iqn from rest."))
+ return target_iqn
+ target_iqn = self._get_id_from_result(result, target_ip, 'ID')
+ if not target_iqn:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find target iqn from rest."))
+ return target_iqn
+ split_list = target_iqn.split(",")
+ target_iqn_before = split_list[0]
+ split_list_new = target_iqn_before.split("+")
+ target_iqn = split_list_new[1]
+ return target_iqn
+ def create_qos_policy(self, qos, lun_id):
+ # Get local time.
+ localtime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
+ # Package QoS name.
+ qos_name = constants.QOS_NAME_PREFIX + lun_id + '_' + localtime
+ mergedata = {"TYPE": "230",
+ "NAME": qos_name,
+ "LUNLIST": ["%s" % lun_id],
+ "CLASSTYPE": "1",
+ "SCHEDULESTARTTIME": "1410969600",
+ "STARTTIME": "08:00",
+ "DURATION": "86400",
+ "CYCLESET": "[1,2,3,4,5,6,0]",
+ }
+ mergedata.update(qos)
+ data = json.dumps(mergedata)
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass/"
+ result =, data)
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Create QoS policy error.')
+ return result['data']['ID']
+ def delete_qos_policy(self, qos_id):
+ """Delete a QoS policy."""
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + qos_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
+ "ID": qos_id})
+ result =, data, 'DELETE')
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete QoS policy error.')
+ def active_deactive_qos(self, qos_id, enablestatus):
+ """Active or deactive QoS.
+ enablestatus: true (active)
+ enbalestatus: false (deactive)
+ """
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass/active/" + qos_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 230,
+ "ID": qos_id,
+ "ENABLESTATUS": enablestatus})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Active or deactive QoS error.')
+ def get_qos_info(self, qos_id):
+ """Get QoS information."""
+ url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + qos_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
+ "ID": qos_id})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get QoS information error.')
+ return result['data']
+ def change_lun_priority(self, lun_id):
+ """Change lun priority to high."""
+ url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
+ "ID": lun_id,
+ "IOPRIORITY": "3"})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Change lun priority error.')
+ def get_qosid_by_lunid(self, lun_id):
+ """Get qosid by lun id."""
+ url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
+ "ID": lun_id})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get QoS id by lun id error.')
+ return result['data']['IOCLASSID']
+ def get_lungroupid_by_lunid(self, lun_id):
+ """Get lungroup id by lun id."""
+ url = self.url + ("/lungroup/associate?TYPE=256"
+ result =, None, "GET")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lungroup id by lun id error.')
+ return self._get_id_from_result(result, lun_id, 'ID')
+ def get_lun_info(self, lun_id):
+ url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
+ "ID": lun_id})
+ result =, data, "GET")
+ msg = 'Get volume error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']
+ def extend_volume(self, lun_id, new_volume_size):
+ url = self.url + "/lun/expand"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 11, "ID": lun_id,
+ "CAPACITY": new_volume_size})
+ result =, data, 'PUT')
+ msg = 'Extend volume error.'
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
+ self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
+ return result['data']
+ def remove_host(self, host_id):
+ url = self.url + "/host/%s" % host_id
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Remove host from array error.')
+ def delete_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id):
+ url = self.url + "/hostgroup/%s" % hostgroup_id
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete hostgroup error.')
+ def remove_host_from_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id, host_id):
+ url_subfix001 = "/host/associate?TYPE=14&ID=%s" % hostgroup_id
+ url_subfix002 = "&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=21&ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % host_id
+ url = self.url + url_subfix001 + url_subfix002
+ result =, None, "DELETE")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Remove host from hostgroup error.')
+ def remove_iscsi_from_host(self, initiator):
+ url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/remove_iscsi_from_host"
+ data = json.dumps({"TYPE": '222',
+ "ID": initiator})
+ result =, data, "PUT")
+ self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Remove iscsi from host error.')
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Common class for Huawei 18000 storage drivers."""
-import base64
-import json
-import socket
-import time
-import uuid
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_service import loopingcall
-from oslo_utils import excutils
-from oslo_utils import units
-import six
-from six.moves import http_cookiejar
-from six.moves import urllib
-from cinder import context
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume import qos_specs
-from cinder.volume import volume_types
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 24 * 30
-HOSTGROUP_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_HostGroup_'
-LUNGROUP_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_LunGroup_'
-MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_Mapping_View_'
-QOS_NAME_PREFIX = 'OpenStack_'
-huawei_valid_keys = ['maxIOPS', 'minIOPS', 'minBandWidth',
- 'maxBandWidth', 'latency', 'IOType']
-class RestCommon(object):
- """Common class for Huawei OceanStor 18000 storage system."""
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- self.configuration = configuration
- self.cookie = http_cookiejar.CookieJar()
- self.url = None
- self.productversion = None
- self.headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive",
- "Content-Type": "application/json"}
- def call(self, url=False, data=None, method=None):
- """Send requests to 18000 server.
- Send HTTPS call, get response in JSON.
- Convert response into Python Object and return it.
- """
- handler = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie)
- opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler)
- urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
- try:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(720)
- req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, self.headers)
- if method:
- req.get_method = lambda: method
- res = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")
- if "xx/sessions" not in url:
-'\n\n\n\nRequest URL: %(url)s\n\n'
- 'Call Method: %(method)s\n\n'
- 'Request Data: %(data)s\n\n'
- 'Response Data:%(res)s\n\n'), {'url': url,
- 'method': method,
- 'data': data,
- 'res': res})
- except Exception as err:
- LOG.error(_LE('\nBad response from server: %s.'), err)
- raise
- try:
- res_json = json.loads(res)
- except Exception as err:
- LOG.error(_LE('JSON transfer error: %s.'), err)
- raise
- return res_json
- def login(self):
- """Log in 18000 array."""
- login_info = self._get_login_info()
- url = login_info['RestURL'] + "xx/sessions"
- data = json.dumps({"username": login_info['UserName'],
- "password": login_info['UserPassword'],
- "scope": "0"})
- result =, data)
- if (result['error']['code'] != 0) or ("data" not in result):
- msg = (_("Login error, reason is: %s.") % result)
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- deviceid = result['data']['deviceid']
- self.url = login_info['RestURL'] + deviceid
- self.headers['iBaseToken'] = result['data']['iBaseToken']
- return deviceid
- def _init_lun_parameters(self, name, parameters):
- """Init basic LUN parameters."""
- lunparam = {"TYPE": "11",
- "NAME": name,
- "PARENTTYPE": "216",
- "PARENTID": parameters['pool_id'],
- "DESCRIPTION": parameters['volume_description'],
- "ALLOCTYPE": parameters['LUNType'],
- "CAPACITY": parameters['volume_size'],
- "WRITEPOLICY": parameters['WriteType'],
- "MIRRORPOLICY": parameters['MirrorSwitch'],
- "PREFETCHPOLICY": parameters['PrefetchType'],
- "PREFETCHVALUE": parameters['PrefetchValue']}
- return lunparam
- def _assert_rest_result(self, result, err_str):
- error_code = result['error']['code']
- if error_code != 0:
- msg = (_('%(err)s\nresult: %(res)s.') % {'err': err_str,
- 'res': result})
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- def _assert_data_in_result(self, result, msg):
- if "data" not in result:
- err_msg = (_('%s "data" was not in result.') % msg)
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(err_msg)
- def _create_volume(self, lun_param):
- url = self.url + "/lun"
- data = json.dumps(lun_param)
- result =, data)
- msg = 'Create volume error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
- volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
- volume_description = volume['name']
- volume_size = self._get_volume_size(volume)
-'Create Volume: %(volume)s Size: %(size)s.'),
- {'volume': volume_name, 'size': volume_size})
- params = self._get_lun_conf_params()
- params['pool_id'] = poolinfo['ID']
- params['volume_size'] = volume_size
- params['volume_description'] = volume_description
- # Prepare lun parameters.
- lun_param = self._init_lun_parameters(volume_name, params)
- # Create LUN on the array.
- lun_info = self._create_volume(lun_param)
- lunid = lun_info['ID']
- type_id = volume.get('volume_type_id', None)
- policy_id = None
- if type_id is not None:
- volume_type = self._get_volume_type(type_id)
- qos = self._get_qos_by_volume_type(volume_type)
- if qos is None:
- msg = (_('Find QoS configuration error!'))
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- try:
- # Check QoS priority. if high, change lun priority to high.
- if self._check_qos_high_priority(qos) is True:
- self._change_lun_priority(lunid)
- # Create QoS policy and active.
- policy_id = self._create_qos_policy(qos, lunid)
- self._active_deactive_qos(policy_id, True)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- if policy_id is not None:
- self._delete_qos_policy(policy_id)
- self._delete_lun(lunid)
- return lun_info
- def _get_volume_size(self, volume):
- """Calculate the volume size.
- We should divide the given volume size by 512 for the 18000 system
- calculates volume size with sectors, which is 512 bytes.
- """
- volume_size = units.Gi / 512 # 1G
- if int(volume['size']) != 0:
- volume_size = int(volume['size']) * units.Gi / 512
- return volume_size
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Delete a volume.
- Three steps: first, remove associate from lungroup.
- Second, remove associate from QoS policy. Third, remove the lun.
- """
- name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
- lun_id = volume.get('provider_location', None)
-'Delete Volume: %(name)s array lun id: %(lun_id)s.'),
- {'name': name, 'lun_id': lun_id})
- if lun_id:
- if self._check_lun_exist(lun_id) is True:
- # Get qos_id by lun_id.
- qos_id = self._get_qosid_by_lunid(lun_id)
- if qos_id != "":
- qos_info = self._get_qos_info(qos_id)
- qos_status = qos_info['RUNNINGSTATUS']
- # 2: Active status.
- if qos_status == '2':
- self._active_deactive_qos(qos_id, False)
- self._delete_qos_policy(qos_id)
- self._delete_lun(lun_id)
- else:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find lun or lungroup on the array."))
- def _check_lun_exist(self, lun_id):
- url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
- "ID": lun_id})
- result =, data, "GET")
- error_code = result['error']['code']
- if error_code != 0:
- return False
- return True
- def _delete_lun(self, lun_id):
- url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
- "ID": lun_id})
- result =, data, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun error.')
- def _read_xml(self):
- """Open xml file and parse the content."""
- filename = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
- try:
- tree = ET.parse(filename)
- root = tree.getroot()
- except Exception as err:
- LOG.error(_LE('_read_xml: %s'), err)
- raise
- return root
- def _encode_name(self, name):
- uuid_str = name.replace("-", "")
- vol_uuid = uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:%s' % uuid_str)
- vol_encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(vol_uuid.bytes)
- if six.PY3:
- vol_encoded = vol_encoded.decode('ascii')
- newuuid = vol_encoded.replace("=", "")
- return newuuid
- def _find_pool_info(self):
- root = self._read_xml()
- pool_name = root.findtext('LUN/StoragePool')
- if not pool_name:
- err_msg = (_("Invalid resource pool: %s.") % pool_name)
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.InvalidInput(err_msg)
- url = self.url + "/storagepool"
- result =, None)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Query resource pool error.')
- poolinfo = {}
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if pool_name.strip() == item['NAME']:
- poolinfo['ID'] = item['ID']
- poolinfo['CAPACITY'] = item['USERFREECAPACITY']
- break
- if not poolinfo:
- msg = (_('Get pool info error, pool name is: %s.') % pool_name)
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- return poolinfo
- def _get_volume_by_name(self, name):
- url = self.url + "/lun?range=[0-65535]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get volume by name error!')
- volume_id = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if name == item['NAME']:
- volume_id = item['ID']
- break
- return volume_id
- def _active_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
- activeurl = self.url + "/snapshot/activate"
- data = json.dumps({"SNAPSHOTLIST": [snapshot_id]})
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Active snapshot error.')
- def _create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
- snapshot_description = snapshot['id']
- volume_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
-'_create_snapshot:snapshot name: %(snapshot)s, '
- 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
- {'snapshot': snapshot_name,
- 'volume': volume_name})
- lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
- if lun_id is None:
- msg = (_("Can't find lun info on the array, "
- "lun name is: %(name)s") % {'name': volume_name})
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- url = self.url + "/snapshot"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27",
- "NAME": snapshot_name,
- "PARENTTYPE": "11",
- "DESCRIPTION": snapshot_description,
- "PARENTID": lun_id})
- result =, data)
- msg = 'Create snapshot error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- snapshot_info = self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
- snapshot_id = snapshot_info['ID']
- self._active_snapshot(snapshot_id)
- return snapshot_info
- def _check_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_id):
- url = self.url + "/snapshot/" + snapshot_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27",
- "ID": snapshot_id})
- result =, data, "GET")
- error_code = result['error']['code']
- if error_code != 0:
- return False
- return True
- def _stop_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
- url = self.url + "/snapshot/stop"
- stopdata = json.dumps({"ID": snapshot_id})
- result =, stopdata, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Stop snapshot error.')
- def _delete_snapshot(self, snapshotid):
- url = self.url + "/snapshot/%s" % snapshotid
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27", "ID": snapshotid})
- result =, data, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete snapshot error.')
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
- volume_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
-'stop_snapshot:snapshot name: %(snapshot)s, '
- 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
- {'snapshot': snapshot_name,
- 'volume': volume_name})
- snapshot_id = snapshot.get('provider_location', None)
- if snapshot_id is None:
- snapshot_id = self._get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshot_name)
- if snapshot_id is not None:
- if self._check_snapshot_exist(snapshot_id) is True:
- self._stop_snapshot(snapshot_id)
- self._delete_snapshot(snapshot_id)
- else:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find snapshot on the array."))
- else:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find snapshot on the array."))
- def _get_snapshotid_by_name(self, name):
- url = self.url + "/snapshot?range=[0-65535]"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27"})
- result =, data, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get snapshot id error.')
- snapshot_id = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if name == item['NAME']:
- snapshot_id = item['ID']
- break
- return snapshot_id
- def _copy_volume(self, volume, copy_name, src_lun, tgt_lun):
- luncopy_id = self._create_luncopy(copy_name,
- src_lun, tgt_lun)
- event_type = 'LUNcopyWaitInterval'
- wait_interval = self._get_wait_interval(event_type)
- wait_interval = int(wait_interval)
- try:
- self._start_luncopy(luncopy_id)
- def _luncopy_complete():
- luncopy_info = self._get_luncopy_info(luncopy_id)
- if luncopy_info['status'] == '40':
- # luncopy_info['status'] means for the running status of
- # the luncopy. If luncopy_info['status'] is equal to '40',
- # this luncopy is completely ready.
- return True
- elif luncopy_info['state'] != '1':
- # luncopy_info['state'] means for the healthy status of the
- # luncopy. If luncopy_info['state'] is not equal to '1',
- # this means that an error occurred during the LUNcopy
- # operation and we should abort it.
- err_msg = (_(
- 'An error occurred during the LUNcopy operation. '
- 'LUNcopy name: %(luncopyname)s. '
- 'LUNcopy status: %(luncopystatus)s. '
- 'LUNcopy state: %(luncopystate)s.')
- % {'luncopyname': luncopy_id,
- 'luncopystatus': luncopy_info['status'],
- 'luncopystate': luncopy_info['state']})
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
- self._wait_for_condition(_luncopy_complete, wait_interval)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- self._delete_luncopy(luncopy_id)
- self.delete_volume(volume)
- self._delete_luncopy(luncopy_id)
- def _get_wait_interval(self, event_type):
- """Get wait interval from huawei conf file."""
- root = self._read_xml()
- wait_interval = root.findtext('LUN/%s' % event_type)
- if wait_interval:
- return wait_interval
- else:
- "Wait interval for %(event_type)s is not configured in huawei "
- "conf file. Use default: %(default_wait_interval)d."),
- {"event_type": event_type,
- "default_wait_interval": DEFAULT_WAIT_INTERVAL})
- def _get_default_timeout(self):
- """Get timeout from huawei conf file."""
- root = self._read_xml()
- timeout = root.findtext('LUN/Timeout')
- if timeout is None:
- "Timeout is not configured in huawei conf file. "
- "Use default: %(default_timeout)d."),
- {"default_timeout": timeout})
- return timeout
- def _wait_for_condition(self, func, interval, timeout=None):
- start_time = time.time()
- if timeout is None:
- timeout = self._get_default_timeout()
- def _inner():
- try:
- res = func()
- except Exception as ex:
- res = False
- LOG.debug('_wait_for_condition: %(func_name)s '
- 'failed for %(exception)s.',
- {'func_name': func.__name__,
- 'exception': ex})
- if res:
- raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
- if int(time.time()) - start_time > timeout:
- msg = (_('_wait_for_condition: %s timed out.')
- % func.__name__)
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_inner)
- timer.start(interval=interval).wait()
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- """Create a volume from a snapshot.
- We use LUNcopy to copy a new volume from snapshot.
- The time needed increases as volume size does.
- """
- snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
- snapshot_id = snapshot.get('provider_location', None)
- if snapshot_id is None:
- snapshot_id = self._get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshot_name)
- if snapshot_id is None:
- err_msg = (_(
- 'create_volume_from_snapshot: Snapshot %(name)s '
- 'does not exist.')
- % {'name': snapshot_name})
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
- lun_info = self.create_volume(volume)
- tgt_lun_id = lun_info['ID']
- luncopy_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
-'create_volume_from_snapshot: src_lun_id: '
- '%(src_lun_id)s, tgt_lun_id: %(tgt_lun_id)s, '
- 'copy_name: %(copy_name)s'),
- {'src_lun_id': snapshot_id,
- 'tgt_lun_id': tgt_lun_id,
- 'copy_name': luncopy_name})
- event_type = 'LUNReadyWaitInterval'
- wait_interval = self._get_wait_interval(event_type)
- def _volume_ready():
- url = self.url + "/lun/" + tgt_lun_id
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get volume by id failed!')
- if "data" in result:
- if (result['data']['HEALTHSTATUS'] == "1" and
- result['data']['RUNNINGSTATUS'] == "27"):
- return True
- return False
- self._wait_for_condition(_volume_ready,
- wait_interval,
- wait_interval * 3)
- self._copy_volume(volume, luncopy_name, snapshot_id, tgt_lun_id)
- return lun_info
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- """Clone a new volume from an existing volume."""
- # Form the snapshot structure.
- snapshot = {'id': uuid.uuid4().__str__(), 'volume_id': src_vref['id']}
- # Create snapshot.
- self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- try:
- # Create volume from snapshot.
- lun_info = self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- finally:
- try:
- # Delete snapshot.
- self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- except exception.CinderException:
- LOG.warning(_LW('Failure deleting the snapshot '
- '%(snapshot_id)s of volume %(volume_id)s.'),
- {'snapshot_id': snapshot['id'],
- 'volume_id': src_vref['id']})
- return lun_info
- def _create_luncopy(self, luncopyname, srclunid, tgtlunid):
- """Create a luncopy."""
- url = self.url + "/luncopy"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 219,
- "NAME": luncopyname,
- "DESCRIPTION": luncopyname,
- % srclunid),
- % tgtlunid)})
- result =, data)
- msg = 'Create lun copy error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _add_host_into_hostgroup(self, host_id):
- """Associate host to hostgroup.
- If hostgroup doesn't exist, create one.
- """
- host_group_name = HOSTGROUP_PREFIX + host_id
- hostgroup_id = self._find_hostgroup(host_group_name)
-'_add_host_into_hostgroup, hostgroup name: %(name)s, '
- 'hostgroup id: %(id)s.'),
- {'name': host_group_name,
- 'id': hostgroup_id})
- if hostgroup_id is None:
- hostgroup_id = self._create_hostgroup(host_group_name)
- is_associated = self._is_host_associate_to_hostgroup(hostgroup_id,
- host_id)
- if is_associated is False:
- self._associate_host_to_hostgroup(hostgroup_id, host_id)
- return hostgroup_id
- def _mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(self, volume_name,
- hostgroup_id, host_id):
- """Add hostgroup and lungroup to view."""
- lungroup_name = LUNGROUP_PREFIX + host_id
- mapping_view_name = MAPPING_VIEW_PREFIX + host_id
- lungroup_id = self._find_lungroup(lungroup_name)
- lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
- view_id = self._find_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
-'_mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup, lun_group: '
- '%(lun_group)s, view_id: %(view_id)s, lun_id: '
- '%(lun_id)s.'), {'lun_group': lungroup_id,
- 'view_id': view_id,
- 'lun_id': lun_id})
- try:
- # Create lungroup and add LUN into to lungroup.
- if lungroup_id is None:
- lungroup_id = self._create_lungroup(lungroup_name)
- is_associated = self._is_lun_associated_to_lungroup(lungroup_id,
- lun_id)
- if not is_associated:
- self._associate_lun_to_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
- if view_id is None:
- view_id = self._add_mapping_view(mapping_view_name)
- self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
- self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
- else:
- if not self._hostgroup_associated(view_id, hostgroup_id):
- self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
- if not self._lungroup_associated(view_id, lungroup_id):
- self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE('Error occurred when adding hostgroup and '
- 'lungroup to view. Remove lun from lungroup '
- 'now.'))
- self._remove_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
- return lun_id
- def _ensure_initiator_added(self, initiator_name, hostid):
- added = self._initiator_is_added_to_array(initiator_name)
- if not added:
- self._add_initiator_to_array(initiator_name)
- if self._is_initiator_associated_to_host(initiator_name) is False:
- self._associate_initiator_to_host(initiator_name, hostid)
- else:
- if self._is_initiator_associated_to_host(initiator_name) is False:
- self._associate_initiator_to_host(initiator_name, hostid)
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def initialize_connection_iscsi(self, volume, connector):
- """Map a volume to a host and return target iSCSI information."""
-'Enter initialize_connection_iscsi.'))
- initiator_name = connector['initiator']
- volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
-'initiator name: %(initiator_name)s, '
- 'volume name: %(volume)s.'),
- {'initiator_name': initiator_name,
- 'volume': volume_name})
- (iscsi_iqn, target_ip) = self._get_iscsi_params(connector)
-'initialize_connection_iscsi,iscsi_iqn: %(iscsi_iqn)s, '
- 'target_ip: %(target_ip)s.'),
- {'iscsi_iqn': iscsi_iqn,
- 'target_ip': target_ip})
- # Create host_group if not exist.
- host_name = connector['host']
- hostid = self._find_host(host_name)
- if hostid is None:
- hostid = self._add_host(host_name)
- # Add initiator to the host.
- self._ensure_initiator_added(initiator_name, hostid)
- hostgroup_id = self._add_host_into_hostgroup(hostid)
- # Mapping lungroup and hostgroup to view.
- lun_id = self._mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
- hostgroup_id, hostid)
- hostlunid = self._find_host_lun_id(hostid, lun_id)
-"initialize_connection_iscsi, host lun id is: %s."),
- hostlunid)
- # Return iSCSI properties.
- properties = {}
- properties['target_discovered'] = False
- properties['target_portal'] = ('%s:%s' % (target_ip, '3260'))
- properties['target_iqn'] = iscsi_iqn
- properties['target_lun'] = int(hostlunid)
- properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
-"initialize_connection_iscsi success. Return data: %s."),
- properties)
- return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties}
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def initialize_connection_fc(self, volume, connector):
- wwns = connector['wwpns']
- host_name = connector['host']
- volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
-'initialize_connection_fc, initiator: %(initiator_name)s,'
- ' volume name: %(volume)s.'),
- {'initiator_name': wwns,
- 'volume': volume_name})
- # Create host_group if not exist.
- hostid = self._find_host(host_name)
- if hostid is None:
- hostid = self._add_host(host_name)
- # Add host into hostgroup.
- hostgroup_id = self._add_host_into_hostgroup(hostid)
- free_wwns = self._get_connected_free_wwns()
-"initialize_connection_fc, the array has free wwns: %s"),
- free_wwns)
- for wwn in wwns:
- if wwn in free_wwns:
- self._add_fc_port_to_host(hostid, wwn)
- lun_id = self._mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
- hostgroup_id, hostid)
- host_lun_id = self._find_host_lun_id(hostid, lun_id)
- tgt_port_wwns = []
- for wwn in wwns:
- tgtwwpns = self._get_fc_target_wwpns(wwn)
- if tgtwwpns:
- tgt_port_wwns.append(tgtwwpns)
- init_targ_map = {}
- for initiator in wwns:
- init_targ_map[initiator] = tgt_port_wwns
- # Return FC properties.
- info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
- 'data': {'target_lun': int(host_lun_id),
- 'target_discovered': True,
- 'target_wwn': tgt_port_wwns,
- 'volume_id': volume['id'],
- 'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}}
-"initialize_connection_fc, return data is: %s."), info)
- return info
- def _get_iscsi_tgt_port(self):
- url = self.url + "/iscsidevicename"
- result =, None)
- msg = 'Get iSCSI target port error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data'][0]['CMO_ISCSI_DEVICE_NAME']
- def _find_hostgroup(self, groupname):
- """Get the given hostgroup id."""
- url = self.url + "/hostgroup?range=[0-8191]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get hostgroup information error.')
- host_group_id = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if groupname == item['NAME']:
- host_group_id = item['ID']
- break
- return host_group_id
- def _find_lungroup(self, lungroupname):
- """Get the given hostgroup id."""
- url = self.url + "/lungroup?range=[0-8191]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lungroup information error.')
- lun_group_id = None
- if 'data' in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if lungroupname == item['NAME']:
- lun_group_id = item['ID']
- break
- return lun_group_id
- def _create_hostgroup(self, hostgroupname):
- url = self.url + "/hostgroup"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "14", "NAME": hostgroupname})
- result =, data)
- msg = 'Create hostgroup error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _create_lungroup(self, lungroupname):
- url = self.url + "/lungroup"
- data = json.dumps({"DESCRIPTION": lungroupname,
- "APPTYPE": '0',
- "GROUPTYPE": '0',
- "NAME": lungroupname})
- result =, data)
- msg = 'Create lungroup error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _delete_lungroup(self, lungroupid):
- url = self.url + "/LUNGroup/" + lungroupid
- result =, None, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lungroup error.')
- def _lungroup_associated(self, viewid, lungroupid):
- url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
- url = self.url + url_subfix
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check lungroup associated error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if viewid == item['ID']:
- return True
- return False
- def _hostgroup_associated(self, viewid, hostgroupid):
- url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
- url = self.url + url_subfix
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check hostgroup associated error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if viewid == item['ID']:
- return True
- return False
- def _find_host_lun_id(self, hostid, lunid):
- url = self.url + ("/lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=21"
- "&ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % (hostid))
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host lun id error.')
- host_lun_id = 1
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if lunid == item['ID']:
- associate_data = result['data'][0]['ASSOCIATEMETADATA']
- try:
- hostassoinfo = json.loads(associate_data)
- host_lun_id = hostassoinfo['HostLUNID']
- break
- except Exception as err:
- LOG.error(_LE("JSON transfer data error. %s"), err)
- raise
- return host_lun_id
- def _find_host(self, hostname):
- """Get the given host ID."""
- url = self.url + "/host?range=[0-65534]"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21"})
- result =, data, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host in hostgroup error.')
- host_id = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if hostname == item['NAME']:
- host_id = item['ID']
- break
- return host_id
- def _add_host(self, hostname):
- """Add a new host."""
- url = self.url + "/host"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21",
- "NAME": hostname,
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add new host error.')
- if "data" in result:
- return result['data']['ID']
- else:
- return None
- def _is_host_associate_to_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id, host_id):
- """Check whether the host is associated to the hostgroup."""
- url_subfix = ("/host/associate?TYPE=21&"
- url = self.url + url_subfix
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check hostgroup associated error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if host_id == item['ID']:
- return True
- return False
- def _is_lun_associated_to_lungroup(self, lungroup_id, lun_id):
- """Check whether the lun is associated to the lungroup."""
- url_subfix = ("/lun/associate?TYPE=11&"
- url = self.url + url_subfix
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check lungroup associate error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if lun_id == item['ID']:
- return True
- return False
- def _associate_host_to_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_id, host_id):
- url = self.url + "/hostgroup/associate"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "14",
- "ID": hostgroup_id,
- "ASSOCIATEOBJID": host_id})
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to hostgroup error.')
- def _associate_lun_to_lungroup(self, lungroupid, lunid):
- """Associate lun to lungroup."""
- url = self.url + "/lungroup/associate"
- data = json.dumps({"ID": lungroupid,
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lun to lungroup error.')
- def _remove_lun_from_lungroup(self, lungroupid, lunid):
- """Remove lun from lungroup."""
- url = self.url + ("/lungroup/associate?ID=%s"
- % (lungroupid, lunid))
- result =, None, 'DELETE')
- self._assert_rest_result(result,
- 'Delete associated lun from lungroup error.')
- def _initiator_is_added_to_array(self, ininame):
- """Check whether the initiator is already added on the array."""
- url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator?range=[0-65535]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result,
- 'Check initiator added to array error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if item["ID"] == ininame:
- return True
- return False
- def _is_initiator_associated_to_host(self, ininame):
- """Check whether the initiator is associated to the host."""
- url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator?range=[0-65535]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result,
- 'Check initiator associated to host error.')
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if item['ID'] == ininame and item['ISFREE'] == "true":
- return False
- return True
- def _add_initiator_to_array(self, ininame):
- """Add a new initiator to storage device."""
- url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
- "ID": ininame,
- "USECHAP": "false"})
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add initiator to array error.')
- def _associate_initiator_to_host(self, ininame, hostid):
- """Associate initiator with the host."""
- url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/" + ininame
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
- "ID": ininame,
- "USECHAP": "false",
- "PARENTTYPE": "21",
- "PARENTID": hostid})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate initiator to host error.')
- def _find_mapping_view(self, name):
- """Find mapping view."""
- url = self.url + "/mappingview?range=[0-65535]"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "245"})
- result =, data, "GET")
- msg = 'Find map view error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- viewid = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if name == item['NAME']:
- viewid = item['ID']
- break
- return viewid
- def _add_mapping_view(self, name):
- url = self.url + "/mappingview"
- data = json.dumps({"NAME": name, "TYPE": "245"})
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add map view error.')
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _associate_hostgroup_to_view(self, viewID, hostGroupID):
- data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
- "TYPE": "245",
- "ID": viewID})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to view error.')
- def _associate_lungroup_to_view(self, viewID, lunGroupID):
- data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
- "TYPE": "245",
- "ID": viewID})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lungroup to view error.')
- def _delete_lungroup_mapping_view(self, view_id, lungroup_id):
- """Remove lungroup associate from the mapping view."""
- url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
- data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
- "ASSOCIATEOBJID": lungroup_id,
- "TYPE": "245",
- "ID": view_id})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lungroup from view error.')
- def _delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(self, view_id, hostgroup_id):
- """Remove hostgroup associate from the mapping view."""
- url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
- data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
- "ASSOCIATEOBJID": hostgroup_id,
- "TYPE": "245",
- "ID": view_id})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete hostgroup from view error.')
- def _delete_mapping_view(self, view_id):
- """Remove mapping view from the storage."""
- url = self.url + "/mappingview/" + view_id
- result =, None, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete map view error.')
- def _get_lunnum_from_lungroup(self, lungroup_id):
- """Check if there are still other luns associated to the lungroup."""
- url_subfix = ("/lun/count?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=256&"
- "ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % lungroup_id)
- url = self.url + url_subfix
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find lun number error.')
- if "data" in result:
- lunnum = result['data']['COUNT']
- return lunnum
- return None
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def terminate_connection_iscsi(self, volume, connector):
- """Delete map between a volume and a host."""
- initiator_name = connector['initiator']
- volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
- lun_id = volume.get('provider_location', None)
-'terminate_connection:volume name: %(volume)s, '
- 'initiator name: %(ini)s, lun_id: %(lunid)s.'),
- {'volume': volume_name,
- 'ini': initiator_name,
- 'lunid': lun_id})
- if lun_id:
- if self._check_lun_exist(lun_id) is True:
- # Get lungroupid by lun_id.
- lungroup_id = self._get_lungroupid_by_lunid(lun_id)
- if lungroup_id is None:
-"Can't find lun in lungroup."))
- else:
- self._remove_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
- "Check if there are still other luns associated"
- " to the lungroup."))
- left_lunnum = self._get_lunnum_from_lungroup(lungroup_id)
- return left_lunnum
- else:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find lun on the array."))
- def terminate_connection_fc(self, volume, connector):
- """Delete map between a volume and a host."""
- wwns = connector['wwpns']
- left_lunnum = self.terminate_connection_iscsi(volume, connector)
- tgt_port_wwns = []
- for wwn in wwns:
- tgtwwpns = self._get_fc_target_wwpns(wwn)
- if tgtwwpns:
- tgt_port_wwns.append(tgtwwpns)
- init_targ_map = {}
- for initiator in wwns:
- init_targ_map[initiator] = tgt_port_wwns
- if left_lunnum and left_lunnum > 0:
- info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
- 'data': {}}
- else:
- info = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
- 'data': {'target_wwn': tgt_port_wwns,
- 'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}}
- return info
- def login_out(self):
- """logout the session."""
- url = self.url + "/sessions"
- result =, None, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Log out of session error.')
- def _start_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
- """Start a LUNcopy."""
- url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/start"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", "ID": luncopyid})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Start lun copy error.')
- def _get_capacity(self):
- """Get free capacity and total capacity of the pools."""
- poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
- pool_capacity = {'total_capacity': 0.0,
- 'CAPACITY': 0.0}
- if poolinfo:
- total = int(poolinfo['TOTALCAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
- free = int(poolinfo['CAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
- pool_capacity['total_capacity'] = total
- pool_capacity['free_capacity'] = free
- return pool_capacity
- def _get_lun_conf_params(self):
- """Get parameters from config file for creating lun."""
- # Default lun set information.
- lunsetinfo = {'LUNType': 'Thick',
- 'StripUnitSize': '64',
- 'WriteType': '1',
- 'MirrorSwitch': '1',
- 'PrefetchType': '3',
- 'PrefetchValue': '0',
- 'PrefetchTimes': '0'}
- root = self._read_xml()
- luntype = root.findtext('LUN/LUNType')
- if luntype:
- if luntype.strip() in ['Thick', 'Thin']:
- lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = luntype.strip()
- if luntype.strip() == 'Thick':
- lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 0
- if luntype.strip() == 'Thin':
- lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 1
- elif luntype is not '' and luntype is not None:
- err_msg = (_(
- 'Config file is wrong. LUNType must be "Thin"'
- ' or "Thick". LUNType: %(fetchtype)s.')
- % {'fetchtype': luntype})
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
- stripunitsize = root.findtext('LUN/StripUnitSize')
- if stripunitsize is not None:
- lunsetinfo['StripUnitSize'] = stripunitsize.strip()
- writetype = root.findtext('LUN/WriteType')
- if writetype is not None:
- lunsetinfo['WriteType'] = writetype.strip()
- mirrorswitch = root.findtext('LUN/MirrorSwitch')
- if mirrorswitch is not None:
- lunsetinfo['MirrorSwitch'] = mirrorswitch.strip()
- prefetch = root.find('LUN/Prefetch')
- fetchtype = prefetch.attrib['Type']
- if prefetch is not None and prefetch.attrib['Type']:
- if fetchtype in ['0', '1', '2', '3']:
- lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] = fetchtype.strip()
- typevalue = prefetch.attrib['Value'].strip()
- if lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '1':
- double_value = int(typevalue) * 2
- typevalue_double = six.text_type(double_value)
- lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue_double
- elif lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '2':
- lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue
- else:
- err_msg = (_(
- 'PrefetchType config is wrong. PrefetchType'
- ' must be in 0,1,2,3. PrefetchType is: %(fetchtype)s.')
- % {'fetchtype': fetchtype})
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(err_msg)
- else:
- 'Use default PrefetchType. '
- 'PrefetchType: Intelligent.'))
- return lunsetinfo
- def _get_luncopy_info(self, luncopyid):
- """Get LUNcopy information."""
- url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY?range=[0-100000]"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", })
- result =, data, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lun copy information error.')
- luncopyinfo = {}
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if luncopyid == item['ID']:
- luncopyinfo['name'] = item['NAME']
- luncopyinfo['id'] = item['ID']
- luncopyinfo['state'] = item['HEALTHSTATUS']
- luncopyinfo['status'] = item['RUNNINGSTATUS']
- break
- return luncopyinfo
- def _delete_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
- """Delete a LUNcopy."""
- url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/%s" % luncopyid
- result =, None, "DELETE")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun copy error.')
- def _get_connected_free_wwns(self):
- """Get free connected FC port WWNs.
- If no new ports connected, return an empty list.
- """
- url = self.url + "/fc_initiator?ISFREE=true&range=[0-1000]"
- result =, None, "GET")
- msg = 'Get connected free FC wwn error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- wwns = []
- if 'data' in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- wwns.append(item['ID'])
- return wwns
- def _add_fc_port_to_host(self, hostid, wwn):
- """Add a FC port to the host."""
- url = self.url + "/fc_initiator/" + wwn
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "223",
- "ID": wwn,
- "PARENTID": hostid})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add FC port to host error.')
- def _get_iscsi_port_info(self, ip):
- """Get iscsi port info in order to build the iscsi target iqn."""
- url = self.url + "/eth_port"
- result =, None, "GET")
- msg = 'Get iSCSI port information error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- iscsi_port_info = None
- for item in result['data']:
- if ip == item['IPV4ADDR']:
- iscsi_port_info = item['LOCATION']
- break
- return iscsi_port_info
- def _get_iscsi_conf(self):
- """Get iSCSI info from config file."""
- iscsiinfo = {}
- root = self._read_xml()
- TargetIP = root.findtext('iSCSI/DefaultTargetIP').strip()
- iscsiinfo['DefaultTargetIP'] = TargetIP
- initiator_list = []
- for dic in root.findall('iSCSI/Initiator'):
- # Strip values of dic.
- tmp_dic = {}
- for k in dic.items():
- tmp_dic[k[0]] = k[1].strip()
- initiator_list.append(tmp_dic)
- iscsiinfo['Initiator'] = initiator_list
- return iscsiinfo
- def _get_tgt_iqn(self, iscsiip):
- """Get target iSCSI iqn."""
- ip_info = self._get_iscsi_port_info(iscsiip)
- iqn_prefix = self._get_iscsi_tgt_port()
-'Request ip info is: %s.'), ip_info)
- split_list = ip_info.split(".")
- newstr = split_list[1] + split_list[2]
-'New str info is: %s.'), newstr)
- if ip_info:
- if newstr[0] == 'A':
- ctr = "0"
- elif newstr[0] == 'B':
- ctr = "1"
- interface = '0' + newstr[1]
- port = '0' + newstr[3]
- iqn_suffix = ctr + '02' + interface + port
- for i in range(0, len(iqn_suffix)):
- if iqn_suffix[i] != '0':
- iqn_suffix = iqn_suffix[i:]
- break
- iqn = iqn_prefix + ':' + iqn_suffix + ':' + iscsiip
-'_get_tgt_iqn: iSCSI target iqn is: %s.'), iqn)
- return iqn
- else:
- return None
- def _get_fc_target_wwpns(self, wwn):
- url = (self.url +
- "/host_link?INITIATOR_TYPE=223&INITIATOR_PORT_WWN=" + wwn)
- result =, None, "GET")
- msg = 'Get FC target wwpn error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- fc_wwpns = None
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if wwn == item['INITIATOR_PORT_WWN']:
- fc_wwpns = item['TARGET_PORT_WWN']
- break
- return fc_wwpns
- def update_volume_stats(self):
- capacity = self._get_capacity()
- data = {}
- data['vendor_name'] = 'Huawei'
- data['total_capacity_gb'] = capacity['total_capacity']
- data['free_capacity_gb'] = capacity['free_capacity']
- data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
- data['QoS_support'] = True
- data['Tier_support'] = True
- return data
- def _find_qos_policy_info(self, policy_name):
- url = self.url + "/ioclass"
- result =, None, "GET")
- msg = 'Get QoS policy error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- qos_info = {}
- if "data" in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if policy_name == item['NAME']:
- qos_info['ID'] = item['ID']
- lun_list = json.loads(item['LUNLIST'])
- qos_info['LUNLIST'] = lun_list
- break
- return qos_info
- def _update_qos_policy_lunlist(self, lunlist, policy_id):
- url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + policy_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
- "ID": policy_id,
- "LUNLIST": lunlist})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Update QoS policy error.')
- def _get_login_info(self):
- """Get login IP, username and password from config file."""
- logininfo = {}
- filename = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
- tree = ET.parse(filename)
- root = tree.getroot()
- logininfo['RestURL'] = root.findtext('Storage/RestURL').strip()
- need_encode = False
- for key in ['UserName', 'UserPassword']:
- node = root.find('Storage/%s' % key)
- node_text = node.text
- # Prefix !$$$ means encoded already.
- if node_text.find('!$$$') > -1:
- logininfo[key] = base64.b64decode(node_text[4:])
- else:
- logininfo[key] = node_text
- if six.PY3:
- node_b64 = node_text.encode('utf-8')
- node_b64 = base64.b64encode(node_b64)
- node_b64 = node_b64.decode('ascii')
- node.text = '!$$$' + node_b64
- else:
- node.text = '!$$$' + base64.b64encode(node_text)
- need_encode = True
- if need_encode:
- self._change_file_mode(filename)
- try:
- tree.write(filename, 'UTF-8')
- except Exception as err:
- LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to access config file. %s'), err)
- return logininfo
- def _change_file_mode(self, filepath):
- utils.execute('chmod', '640', filepath, run_as_root=True)
- def _check_conf_file(self):
- """Check the config file, make sure the essential items are set."""
- root = self._read_xml()
- resturl = root.findtext('Storage/RestURL')
- username = root.findtext('Storage/UserName')
- pwd = root.findtext('Storage/UserPassword')
- pool_node = root.findall('LUN/StoragePool')
- if (not resturl) or (not username) or (not pwd):
- err_msg = (_(
- '_check_conf_file: Config file invalid. RestURL,'
- ' UserName and UserPassword must be set.'))
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
- if not pool_node:
- err_msg = (_(
- '_check_conf_file: Config file invalid. '
- 'StoragePool must be set.'))
- LOG.error(err_msg)
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
- def _get_iscsi_params(self, connector):
- """Get target iSCSI params, including iqn, IP."""
- initiator = connector['initiator']
- iscsi_conf = self._get_iscsi_conf()
- target_ip = None
- for ini in iscsi_conf['Initiator']:
- if ini['Name'] == initiator:
- target_ip = ini['TargetIP']
- break
- # If didn't specify target IP for some initiator, use default IP.
- if not target_ip:
- if iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']:
- target_ip = iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']
- else:
- msg = (_(
- '_get_iscsi_params: Failed to get target IP '
- 'for initiator %(ini)s, please check config file.')
- % {'ini': initiator})
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
- # If didn't get target IP for rest, Automated assembly target ip.
- target_iqn = self._get_tgt_iqn_from_rest(target_ip)
- if not target_iqn:
- target_iqn = self._get_tgt_iqn(target_ip)
- return (target_iqn, target_ip)
- def _get_tgt_iqn_from_rest(self, target_ip):
- url = self.url + "/iscsi_tgt_port"
- result =, None, "GET")
- target_iqn = None
- if result['error']['code'] != 0:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find target iqn from rest."))
- return target_iqn
- if 'data' in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- if target_ip in item['ID']:
- target_iqn = item['ID']
- if not target_iqn:
- LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find target iqn from rest."))
- return target_iqn
- split_list = target_iqn.split(",")
- target_iqn_before = split_list[0]
- split_list_new = target_iqn_before.split("+")
- target_iqn = split_list_new[1]
- return target_iqn
- @utils.synchronized('huawei', external=True)
- def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
- """Extends a Huawei volume."""
-'Entering extend_volume.'))
- volume_size = self._get_volume_size(volume)
- new_volume_size = int(new_size) * units.Gi / 512
- volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
-'Extend Volume: %(volumename)s, oldsize: %(oldsize)s '
- 'newsize: %(newsize)s.'),
- {'volumename': volume_name,
- 'oldsize': volume_size,
- 'newsize': new_volume_size})
- lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
- if lun_id is None:
- msg = (_(
- "Can't find lun info on the array, lun name is: %(name)s.")
- % {'name': volume_name})
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CinderException(msg)
- url = self.url + "/lun/expand"
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 11, "ID": lun_id,
- "CAPACITY": new_volume_size})
- result =, data, 'PUT')
- msg = 'Extend volume error.'
- self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
- self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _get_volume_type(self, type_id):
- ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
- return volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
- def _get_qos_by_volume_type(self, volume_type):
- qos = {}
- qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id')
- specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
- # NOTE(kmartin): We prefer the qos_specs association
- # and override any existing extra-specs settings
- # if present.
- if qos_specs_id is not None:
- kvs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(context.get_admin_context(),
- qos_specs_id)['specs']
- else:
- kvs = specs
-'The QoS sepcs is: %s.'), kvs)
- for key, value in kvs.items():
- if key in huawei_valid_keys:
- qos[key.upper()] = value
- return qos
- def _get_qos_value(self, qos, key, default=None):
- if key in qos:
- return qos[key]
- else:
- return default
- def _create_qos_policy(self, qos, lun_id):
- # Get local time.
- localtime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
- # Package QoS name.
- qos_name = QOS_NAME_PREFIX + lun_id + '_' + localtime
- mergedata = {"TYPE": "230",
- "NAME": qos_name,
- "LUNLIST": ["%s" % lun_id],
- "CLASSTYPE": "1",
- "SCHEDULESTARTTIME": "1410969600",
- "STARTTIME": "08:00",
- "DURATION": "86400",
- "CYCLESET": "[1,2,3,4,5,6,0]"}
- mergedata.update(qos)
- data = json.dumps(mergedata)
- url = self.url + "/ioclass/"
- result =, data)
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Create QoS policy error.')
- return result['data']['ID']
- def _delete_qos_policy(self, qos_id):
- """Delete a QoS policy."""
- url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + qos_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
- "ID": qos_id})
- result =, data, 'DELETE')
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete QoS policy error.')
- def _active_deactive_qos(self, qos_id, enablestatus):
- """Active or deactive QoS.
- enablestatus: true (active)
- enbalestatus: false (deactive)
- """
- url = self.url + "/ioclass/active/" + qos_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": 230,
- "ID": qos_id,
- "ENABLESTATUS": enablestatus})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Active or Deactive QoS error.')
- def _get_qos_info(self, qos_id):
- """Get QoS information."""
- url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + qos_id
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
- "ID": qos_id})
- result =, data, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get QoS information error.')
- return result['data']
- def _check_qos_high_priority(self, qos):
- """Check QoS priority."""
- for key, value in qos.items():
- if (key.find('MIN') == 0) or (key.find('LATENCY') == 0):
- return True
- return False
- def _change_lun_priority(self, lunid):
- """Change lun priority to high."""
- url = self.url + "/lun/" + lunid
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
- "ID": lunid,
- "IOPRIORITY": "3"})
- result =, data, "PUT")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Change lun priority error.')
- def _get_qosid_by_lunid(self, lunid):
- """Get qosid by lunid."""
- url = self.url + "/lun/" + lunid
- data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
- "ID": lunid})
- result =, data, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get qosid by lunid error.')
- return result['data']['IOCLASSID']
- def _get_lungroupid_by_lunid(self, lunid):
- """Get lungroupid by lunid."""
- url = self.url + ("/lungroup/associate?TYPE=256"
- result =, None, "GET")
- self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lungroupid by lunid error.')
- lun_group_id = None
- # Lun only in one lungroup.
- if 'data' in result:
- for item in result['data']:
- lun_group_id = item['ID']
- return lun_group_id
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_hvs.HuaweiHVSISCSIDriver':
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver',
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_hvs.HuaweiHVSFCDriver':
- 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000FCDriver',
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver':
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_driver.Huawei18000ISCSIDriver',
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_18000.Huawei18000FCDriver':
+ 'cinder.volume.drivers.huawei.huawei_driver.Huawei18000FCDriver',
cinder.tests.unit.test_hitachi_hbsd_snm2_iscsi \
cinder.tests.unit.test_hp_xp_fc \
cinder.tests.unit.test_hplefthand \
- cinder.tests.unit.test_huawei_18000 \
+ cinder.tests.unit.test_huawei_drivers \
cinder.tests.unit.test_huawei_drivers_compatibility \
cinder.tests.unit.test_ibm_xiv_ds8k \
cinder.tests.unit.test_infortrend_cli \