from neutron.common import utils
from neutron import context
from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 as base_plugin
+from neutron.db import l3_db
from neutron.extensions import external_net as external_net
from neutron.extensions import l3agentscheduler
from neutron.extensions import multiprovidernet as mpnet
+ def test_concurrent_csnat_port_delete(self):
+ plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins()[
+ service_constants.L3_ROUTER_NAT]
+ r = plugin.create_router(
+ self.context,
+ {'router': {'name': 'router', 'admin_state_up': True}})
+ with self.subnet() as s:
+ p = plugin.add_router_interface(self.context, r['id'],
+ {'subnet_id': s['subnet']['id']})
+ # lie to turn the port into an SNAT interface
+ with self.context.session.begin():
+ rp = self.context.session.query(l3_db.RouterPort).filter_by(
+ port_id=p['port_id']).first()
+ rp.port_type = constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_SNAT
+ # take the port away before csnat gets a chance to delete it
+ # to simulate a concurrent delete
+ orig_get_ports = plugin._core_plugin.get_ports
+ def get_ports_with_delete_first(*args, **kwargs):
+ plugin._core_plugin.delete_port(self.context,
+ p['port_id'],
+ l3_port_check=False)
+ return orig_get_ports(*args, **kwargs)
+ plugin._core_plugin.get_ports = get_ports_with_delete_first
+ # This should be able to handle a concurrent delete without raising
+ # an exception
+ router = plugin._get_router(self.context, r['id'])
+ plugin.delete_csnat_router_interface_ports(self.context, router)
class TestMl2PortBinding(Ml2PluginV2TestCase,