change later.\r
Location quantum/plugins/cisco/tests/unit/\r
-Additional installation required on Nova Compute\r
-1. Create a table in the "nova" database for ports. This can be \r
- accomplished with the following SQL statement:\r
-CREATE TABLE ports (\r
- port_id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,\r
- profile_name VARCHAR(255),\r
- dynamic_vnic VARCHAR(255),\r
- host VARCHAR(255),\r
- instance_name VARCHAR(255),\r
- instance_nic_name VARCHAR(255),\r
- used TINYINT(1)\r
- Assuming you're using MySQL, you can run the following command from a \r
- shell prompt on the Cloud Controller node to create the table:\r
-mysql -uroot -p nova -e 'create table ports (port_id VARCHAR(255) primary key, profile_name VARCHAR(255), dynamic_vnic VARCHAR(255), host VARCHAR(255), instance_name VARCHAR(255), instance_nic_name VARCHAR(255), used tinyint(1));'\r
-You'll be prompted for a password.\r
-2. A patch is available for the Cactus release in this branch:\r
- \r
- replace the following file in your installation:\r
- /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/virt/\r
- with the file from the branch:\r
- nova/virt/\r
-3. Add the following file from the Cisco Nova branch:\r
- nova/virt/\r
- to:\r
- /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/virt/\r
-4. Add the 802.1Qbh specific libvirt template file, from:\r
- nova/virt/libvirt-qbh.xml.template\r
- to:\r
- /usr/share/nova/libvirt-qbh.xml.template\r
- \r
-5. Edit /etc/nova.conf to set the libvirt XML template to the above template:\r
- --libvirt_xml_template=/usr/share/nova/libvirt-qbh.xml.template\r
-6. Restart the nova-compute service.\r
- (Note that the requirement for the above patch is temporary and will go away\r
- with the integration with OpenStack Diablo. A 802.1Qbh-specific VIF driver \r
- will be made available as per the specification here:\r
Bingo bango bongo! That's it! Thanks for taking the leap into Quantum.\r
...Oh, boy!\r