--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from contextlib import nested
+import httplib
+import mock
+import unittest2 as unittest
+from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
+from quantum.tests.unit.ryu import fake_ryu
+class RyuAgentTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ _AGENT_NAME = 'quantum.plugins.ryu.agent.ryu_quantum_agent'
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall)
+ self.fake_ryu = fake_ryu.patch_fake_ryu_client().start()
+ self.mod_agent = importutils.import_module(self._AGENT_NAME)
+class TestOVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent(RyuAgentTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestOVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent, self).setUp()
+ self.plugin_api = mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.RyuPluginApi').start()
+ self.ovsbridge = mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge').start()
+ self.vifportset = mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.VifPortSet').start()
+ self.q_ctx = mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.q_context').start()
+ def mock_rest_addr(self, rest_addr):
+ integ_br = 'integ_br'
+ tunnel_ip = ''
+ ovsdb_ip = ''
+ ovsdb_port = 16634
+ root_helper = 'helper'
+ self.mod_agent.OVSBridge.return_value.datapath_id = '1234'
+ mock_context = mock.Mock(return_value='abc')
+ self.q_ctx.get_admin_context_without_session = mock_context
+ mock_rest_addr = mock.Mock(return_value=rest_addr)
+ self.plugin_api.return_value.get_ofp_rest_api_addr = mock_rest_addr
+ # Instantiate OVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent
+ self.agent = self.mod_agent.OVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent(
+ integ_br, tunnel_ip, ovsdb_ip, ovsdb_port, root_helper)
+ def test_valid_rest_addr(self):
+ self.mock_rest_addr('')
+ # OVSBridge
+ self.ovsbridge.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call('integ_br', 'helper'),
+ mock.call().find_datapath_id()
+ ])
+ # RyuPluginRpc
+ self.plugin_api.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call('q-plugin'),
+ mock.call().get_ofp_rest_api_addr('abc')
+ ])
+ # OFPClient
+ self.mod_agent.client.OFPClient.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('')
+ ])
+ # VifPortSet
+ self.vifportset.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call(
+ self.ovsbridge.return_value,
+ self.mod_agent.client.OFPClient.return_value),
+ mock.call().setup()
+ ])
+ # SwitchConfClient
+ self.mod_agent.client.SwitchConfClient.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call(''),
+ mock.call().set_key('1234', 'ovs_tunnel_addr', ''),
+ mock.call().set_key('1234', 'ovsdb_addr',
+ 'tcp:%s:%d' % ('', 16634))
+ ])
+ # OVSBridge
+ self.ovsbridge.return_value.set_manager.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('ptcp:%d' % 16634)
+ ])
+ def test_invalid_rest_addr(self):
+ self.assertRaises(self.mod_agent.q_exc.Invalid,
+ self.mock_rest_addr, (''))
+class TestRyuPluginApi(RyuAgentTestCase):
+ def test_get_ofp_rest_api_addr(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.RyuPluginApi.make_msg',
+ return_value='msg'),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.RyuPluginApi.call',
+ return_value='')
+ ) as (mock_msg, mock_call):
+ api = self.mod_agent.RyuPluginApi('topics')
+ addr = api.get_ofp_rest_api_addr('context')
+ self.assertEqual(addr, '')
+ mock_msg.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('get_ofp_rest_api')
+ ])
+ mock_call.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('context', 'msg', topic='topics')
+ ])
+class TestVifPortSet(RyuAgentTestCase):
+ def test_setup(self):
+ attrs = {'switch.datapath_id': 'dp1', 'ofport': 'p1'}
+ p1 = mock.Mock(**attrs)
+ attrs = {'switch.datapath_id': 'dp2', 'ofport': 'p2'}
+ p2 = mock.Mock(**attrs)
+ attrs = {'get_external_ports.return_value': [p1, p2]}
+ int_br = mock.Mock(**attrs)
+ with mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.client.OFPClient') as client:
+ api = client()
+ vif = self.mod_agent.VifPortSet(int_br, api)
+ vif.setup()
+ client.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call().update_port('__NW_ID_EXTERNAL__', 'dp1', 'p1'),
+ mock.call().update_port('__NW_ID_EXTERNAL__', 'dp2', 'p2')
+ ])
+ def test_setup_empty(self):
+ attrs = {'get_external_ports.return_value': []}
+ int_br = mock.Mock(**attrs)
+ api = mock.Mock()
+ vif = self.mod_agent.VifPortSet(int_br, api)
+ vif.setup()
+ self.assertEqual(api.update_port.call_count, 0)
+class TestOVSBridge(RyuAgentTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestOVSBridge, self).setUp()
+ self.lib_ovs = mock.patch(
+ 'quantum.agent.linux.ovs_lib.OVSBridge').start()
+ def test_find_datapath_id(self):
+ with mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_datapath_id',
+ return_value='1234') as mock_get_dpid:
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ br.find_datapath_id()
+ mock_get_dpid.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(br.datapath_id, '1234')
+ def test_set_manager(self):
+ with mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.run_vsctl') as mock_vsctl:
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ br.set_manager('target')
+ mock_vsctl.assert_calls([
+ mock.call(['set-manager', 'target'])
+ ])
+ def test_get_ofport(self):
+ with mock.patch(
+ self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.db_get_val',
+ return_value=1) as mock_db:
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ ofport = br.get_ofport('name')
+ mock_db.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('Interface', 'name', 'ofport')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(ofport, 1)
+ def test_get_ports(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_port_name_list',
+ return_value=['p1', 'p2']),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ return_value=1)
+ ) as (mock_name, mock_ofport):
+ get_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=['port1', 'port2'])
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ ports = br._get_ports(get_port)
+ mock_name.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ mock_ofport.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p1'),
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ get_port.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p1'),
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(len(ports), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(ports, ['port1', 'port2'])
+ def test_get_ports_empty(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_port_name_list',
+ return_value=[]),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ return_value=1)
+ ) as (mock_name, mock_ofport):
+ get_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=['port1', 'port2'])
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ ports = br._get_ports(get_port)
+ mock_name.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_ofport.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(get_port.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(ports), 0)
+ def test_get_ports_invalid_ofport(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_port_name_list',
+ return_value=['p1', 'p2']),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ side_effect=[-1, 1])
+ ) as (mock_name, mock_ofport):
+ get_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=['port1', 'port2'])
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ ports = br._get_ports(get_port)
+ mock_name.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ mock_ofport.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p1'),
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ get_port.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ports, ['port1'])
+ def test_get_ports_invalid_port(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_port_name_list',
+ return_value=['p1', 'p2']),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ side_effect=[1, 2])
+ ) as (mock_name, mock_ofport):
+ get_port = mock.Mock(side_effect=[None, 'port2'])
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ ports = br._get_ports(get_port)
+ mock_name.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ mock_ofport.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p1'),
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ get_port.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('p1'),
+ mock.call('p2')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ports, ['port2'])
+ def test_get_external_port(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.db_get_map',
+ side_effect=[None, {'opts': 'opts_val'}]),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ return_value=1),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.VifPort')
+ ) as (mock_db, mock_ofport, mock_vif):
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ vifport = br._get_external_port('iface')
+ mock_db.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('Interface', 'iface', 'external_ids'),
+ mock.call('Interface', 'iface', 'options'),
+ ])
+ mock_ofport.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('iface')
+ ])
+ mock_vif.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('iface', 1, None, None, br)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(vifport, mock_vif.return_value)
+ def test_get_external_port_vmport(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.db_get_map',
+ side_effect=[{'extids': 'extid_val'},
+ {'opts': 'opts_val'}]),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ return_value=1),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.VifPort')
+ ) as (mock_db, mock_ofport, mock_vif):
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ vifport = br._get_external_port('iface')
+ mock_db.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('Interface', 'iface', 'external_ids'),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_ofport.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_vif.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(vifport, None)
+ def test_get_external_port_tunnel(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.db_get_map',
+ side_effect=[None, {'remote_ip': ''}]),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge.get_ofport',
+ return_value=1),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.VifPort')
+ ) as (mock_db, mock_ofport, mock_vif):
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ vifport = br._get_external_port('iface')
+ mock_db.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('Interface', 'iface', 'external_ids'),
+ mock.call('Interface', 'iface', 'options'),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_ofport.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_vif.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(vifport, None)
+ def test_get_external_ports(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge._get_external_port'),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSBridge._get_ports')
+ ) as (mock_extport, mock_port):
+ br = self.mod_agent.OVSBridge('br_name', 'helper')
+ br.get_external_ports()
+ mock_port.assert_calls([
+ mock.call(mock_extport)
+ ])
+class TestRyuQuantumAgent(RyuAgentTestCase):
+ def test_get_my_ip(self):
+ sock_attrs = {
+ 'return_value.getsockname.return_value': ['', '']}
+ with mock.patch('socket.socket', **sock_attrs):
+ addr = self.mod_agent._get_my_ip()
+ self.assertEqual(addr, '')
+ def test_get_ip_ip(self):
+ cfg_attrs = {'cfg_ip': '',
+ 'cfg_iface': 'eth0'}
+ netifs_attrs = {'AF_INET': 0,
+ 'ifaddresses.return_value': [[{'addr': ''}]]}
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch('quantum.openstack.common.cfg.CONF.OVS', **cfg_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.netifaces', **netifs_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_my_ip',
+ return_value='')
+ ) as (_cfg, mock_netifs, mock_myip):
+ ip = self.mod_agent._get_ip('cfg_ip', 'cfg_iface')
+ self.assertEqual(mock_netifs.ifaddresses.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_myip.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(ip, '')
+ def test_get_ip_iface(self):
+ cfg_attrs = {'cfg_ip': None,
+ 'cfg_iface': 'eth0'}
+ netifs_attrs = {'AF_INET': 0,
+ 'ifaddresses.return_value': [[{'addr': ''}]]}
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch('quantum.openstack.common.cfg.CONF.OVS', **cfg_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.netifaces', **netifs_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_my_ip',
+ return_value='')
+ ) as (_cfg, mock_netifs, mock_myip):
+ ip = self.mod_agent._get_ip('cfg_ip', 'cfg_iface')
+ mock_netifs.ifaddresses.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('eth0')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_myip.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(ip, '')
+ def test_get_ip_myip(self):
+ cfg_attrs = {'cfg_ip': None,
+ 'cfg_iface': None}
+ netifs_attrs = {'AF_INET': 0,
+ 'ifaddresses.return_value': [[{'addr': ''}]]}
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch('quantum.openstack.common.cfg.CONF.OVS', **cfg_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.netifaces', **netifs_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_my_ip',
+ return_value='')
+ ) as (_cfg, mock_netifs, mock_myip):
+ ip = self.mod_agent._get_ip('cfg_ip', 'cfg_iface')
+ self.assertEqual(mock_netifs.ifaddresses.call_count, 0)
+ mock_myip.assert_calls([
+ mock.call()
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(ip, '')
+ def test_get_tunnel_ip(self):
+ with mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_ip',
+ return_value='') as mock_getip:
+ ip = self.mod_agent._get_tunnel_ip()
+ mock_getip.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('tunnel_ip', 'tunnel_interface')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(ip, '')
+ def test_get_ovsdb_ip(self):
+ with mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_ip',
+ return_value='') as mock_getip:
+ ip = self.mod_agent._get_ovsdb_ip()
+ mock_getip.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('ovsdb_ip', 'ovsdb_interface')
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(ip, '')
+ def mock_main(self):
+ cfg_attrs = {'OVS.integration_bridge': 'integ_br',
+ 'OVS.ovsdb_port': 16634,
+ 'AGENT.root_helper': 'helper'}
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch('quantum.openstack.common.cfg.CONF', **cfg_attrs),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.logging_config'),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_tunnel_ip',
+ return_value=''),
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '._get_ovsdb_ip',
+ return_value=''),
+ ) as (mock_conf, mock_log_conf, _tun, _ovsdb):
+ self.mod_agent.main()
+ mock_log_conf.assert_calls([
+ mock.call(mock_conf)
+ ])
+ def test_main(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent'),
+ mock.patch('sys.exit', side_effect=SystemExit(0))
+ ) as (mock_agent, mock_exit):
+ self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.mock_main)
+ mock_agent.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('integ_br', '', '', 16634, 'helper')
+ ])
+ mock_exit.assert_calls([
+ mock.call(0)
+ ])
+ def test_main_raise(self):
+ with nested(
+ mock.patch(self._AGENT_NAME + '.OVSQuantumOFPRyuAgent',
+ side_effect=httplib.HTTPException('boom')),
+ mock.patch('sys.exit', side_effect=SystemExit(0))
+ ) as (mock_agent, mock_exit):
+ self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.mock_main)
+ mock_agent.assert_calls([
+ mock.call('integ_br', '', '', 16634, 'helper')
+ ])
+ mock_exit.assert_calls([
+ mock.call(1)
+ ])