Change-Id: Ib6a027666dba060d12da7ecf918449c5ad62d239
could also define specific format for arguments they accept. In OpenStack
world, it's usually implemented using oslo.versionedobjects library, and
relying on the library to define serialized form for arguments that are passed
-thru AMQP wire.
+through AMQP wire.
Note that Neutron has *not* adopted oslo.versionedobjects library for its RPC
interfaces yet (except for QoS feature).
* Escalate issues, and raise warnings to the release team/PTL if the
effort shows slow progress. Approver and assignee are key parts to land
a blueprint: should the approver and/or assignee be unable to continue
- the committment during the release cycle, it is the Approver's
+ the commitment during the release cycle, it is the Approver's
responsibility to reach out the release team/PTL so that replacements
can be identified.
* Provide a status update during the Neutron IRC meeting, if required.