--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Self test for Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform.
+import os
+import tempfile
+import mock
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.hds import iscsi
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+HNASCONF = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <hnas_cmd>ssc</hnas_cmd>
+ <chap_enabled>True</chap_enabled>
+ <mgmt_ip0></mgmt_ip0>
+ <username>supervisor</username>
+ <password>supervisor</password>
+ <svc_0>
+ <volume_type>default</volume_type>
+ <iscsi_ip></iscsi_ip>
+ <hdp>fs2</hdp>
+ </svc_0>
+ <svc_1>
+ <volume_type>silver</volume_type>
+ <iscsi_ip></iscsi_ip>
+ <hdp>fs2</hdp>
+ </svc_1>
+# The following information is passed on to tests, when creating a volume
+_VOLUME = {'name': 'testvol', 'volume_id': '1234567890', 'size': 128,
+ 'volume_type': None, 'provider_location': None, 'id': 'abcdefg'}
+class SimulatedHnasBackend(object):
+ """Simulation Back end. Talks to HNAS."""
+ # these attributes are shared across object instances
+ start_lun = 0
+ init_index = 0
+ target_index = 0
+ hlun = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.type = 'HNAS'
+ self.out = ''
+ self.volumes = []
+ # iSCSI connections
+ self.connections = []
+ def deleteVolume(self, name):
+ LOG.info("delVolume: name %s" % name)
+ volume = self.getVolume(name)
+ if volume:
+ LOG.info("deleteVolume: deleted name %s provider %s"
+ % (volume['name'], volume['provider_location']))
+ self.volumes.remove(volume)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def deleteVolumebyProvider(self, provider):
+ LOG.info("delVolumeP: provider %s" % provider)
+ volume = self.getVolumebyProvider(provider)
+ if volume:
+ LOG.info("deleteVolumeP: deleted name %s provider %s"
+ % (volume['name'], volume['provider_location']))
+ self.volumes.remove(volume)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getVolumes(self):
+ return self.volumes
+ def getVolume(self, name):
+ LOG.info("getVolume: find by name %s" % name)
+ if self.volumes:
+ for volume in self.volumes:
+ if str(volume['name']) == name:
+ LOG.info("getVolume: found name %s provider %s"
+ % (volume['name'], volume['provider_location']))
+ return volume
+ else:
+ LOG.info("getVolume: no volumes")
+ LOG.info("getVolume: not found")
+ return None
+ def getVolumebyProvider(self, provider):
+ LOG.info("getVolumeP: find by provider %s" % provider)
+ if self.volumes:
+ for volume in self.volumes:
+ if str(volume['provider_location']) == provider:
+ LOG.info("getVolumeP: found name %s provider %s"
+ % (volume['name'], volume['provider_location']))
+ return volume
+ else:
+ LOG.info("getVolumeP: no volumes")
+ LOG.info("getVolumeP: not found")
+ return None
+ def createVolume(self, name, provider, sizeMiB, comment):
+ LOG.info("createVolume: name %s provider %s comment %s"
+ % (name, provider, comment))
+ new_vol = {'additionalStates': [],
+ 'adminSpace': {'freeMiB': 0,
+ 'rawReservedMiB': 384,
+ 'reservedMiB': 128,
+ 'usedMiB': 128},
+ 'baseId': 115,
+ 'copyType': 1,
+ 'creationTime8601': '2012-10-22T16:37:57-07:00',
+ 'creationTimeSec': 1350949077,
+ 'failedStates': [],
+ 'id': 115,
+ 'provider_location': provider,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'comment': comment,
+ 'provisioningType': 1,
+ 'readOnly': False,
+ 'sizeMiB': sizeMiB,
+ 'state': 1,
+ 'userSpace': {'freeMiB': 0,
+ 'rawReservedMiB': 41984,
+ 'reservedMiB': 31488,
+ 'usedMiB': 31488},
+ 'usrSpcAllocLimitPct': 0,
+ 'usrSpcAllocWarningPct': 0,
+ 'uuid': '1e7daee4-49f4-4d07-9ab8-2b6a4319e243',
+ 'wwn': '50002AC00073383D'}
+ self.volumes.append(new_vol)
+ def create_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, size, name):
+ vol_id = name
+ _out = ("LUN: %d HDP: fs2 size: %s MB, is successfully created" %
+ (self.start_lun, size))
+ self.createVolume(name, vol_id, size, "create-lu")
+ self.start_lun += 1
+ return _out
+ def delete_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lun):
+ _out = ""
+ id = "myID"
+ LOG.info("Delete_Lu: check lun %s id %s" % (lun, id))
+ if self.deleteVolumebyProvider(id + '.' + str(lun)):
+ LOG.warn("Delete_Lu: failed to delete lun %s id %s" % (lun, id))
+ return _out
+ def create_dup(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, src_lun, hdp, size, name):
+ _out = ("LUN: %s HDP: 9 size: %s MB, is successfully created" %
+ (self.start_lun, size))
+ id = name
+ LOG.info("HNAS Create_Dup: %d" % self.start_lun)
+ self.createVolume(name, id + '.' + str(self.start_lun), size,
+ "create-dup")
+ self.start_lun += 1
+ return _out
+ def add_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, lun, hdp,
+ port, iqn, initiator):
+ ctl = ""
+ conn = (self.hlun, lun, initiator, self.init_index, iqn,
+ self.target_index, ctl, port)
+ _out = ("H-LUN: %d mapped. LUN: %s, iSCSI Initiator: %s @ index: %d, \
+ and Target: %s @ index %d is successfully paired @ CTL: %s, \
+ Port: %s" % conn)
+ self.init_index += 1
+ self.target_index += 1
+ self.hlun += 1
+ LOG.debug("Created connection %d" % self.init_index)
+ self.connections.append(conn)
+ return _out
+ def del_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, port, iqn, initiator):
+ self.connections.pop()
+ _out = ("H-LUN: successfully deleted from target")
+ return _out
+ def extend_vol(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lu, size, name):
+ _out = ("LUN: %s successfully extended to %s MB" % (lu, size))
+ id = name
+ self.out = _out
+ LOG.info("extend_vol: lu: %s %d -> %s" % (lu, int(size), self.out))
+ v = self.getVolumebyProvider(id + '.' + str(lu))
+ if v:
+ v['sizeMiB'] = size
+ LOG.info("extend_vol: out %s %s" % (self.out, self))
+ return _out
+ def get_luns(self):
+ return len(self.alloc_lun)
+ def get_conns(self):
+ return len(self.connections)
+ def get_out(self):
+ return str(self.out)
+ def get_version(self, cmd, ver, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "Array_ID: 18-48-A5-A1-80-13 (3080-G2) " \
+ "version: 11.2.3319.09 LU: 256" \
+ " RG: 0 RG_LU: 0 Utility_version: 11.1.3225.01"
+ return self.out
+ def get_iscsi_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "CTL: 0 Port: 4 IP: Port: 3260 Link: Up\n" \
+ "CTL: 1 Port: 5 IP: Port: 3260 Link: Up"
+ return self.out
+ def get_hdp_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "HDP: 1024 272384 MB 33792 MB 12 % LUs: " \
+ "70 Normal fs1\n" \
+ "HDP: 1025 546816 MB 73728 MB 13 % LUs: 194 Normal fs2"
+ return self.out
+ def get_targetiqn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, id, hdp, secret):
+ self.out = """iqn.2013-08.cinderdomain:vs61.cindertarget"""
+ return self.out
+ def set_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, target, hdp, secret):
+ self.out = """iqn.2013-08.cinderdomain:vs61.cindertarget"""
+ return self.out
+ def get_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, target, hdp):
+ self.out = """wGkJhTpXaaYJ5Rv"""
+ return self.out
+class HNASiSCSIDriverTest(test.TestCase):
+ """Test HNAS iSCSI volume driver."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(HNASiSCSIDriverTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi, 'factory_bend')
+ def setUp(self, _factory_bend):
+ super(HNASiSCSIDriverTest, self).setUp()
+ self.backend = SimulatedHnasBackend()
+ _factory_bend.return_value = self.backend
+ (handle, self.config_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('.xml')
+ os.write(handle, HNASCONF)
+ os.close(handle)
+ self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.configuration.hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file = self.config_file
+ self.configuration.hds_svc_iscsi_chap_enabled = True
+ self.driver = iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+ self.driver.do_setup("")
+ self.addCleanup(self._clean)
+ def _clean(self):
+ os.remove(self.config_file)
+ def _create_volume(self):
+ loc = self.driver.create_volume(_VOLUME)
+ vol = _VOLUME.copy()
+ vol['provider_location'] = loc['provider_location']
+ return vol
+ def test_create_volume(self):
+ loc = self.driver.create_volume(_VOLUME)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc['provider_location'], None)
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(loc['provider_location'])
+ def test_get_volume_stats(self):
+ stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.assertEqual(stats["vendor_name"], "HDS")
+ self.assertEqual(stats["storage_protocol"], "iSCSI")
+ self.assertTrue(stats["total_capacity_gb"] > 0)
+ def test_delete_volume(self):
+ vol = self._create_volume()
+ self.driver.delete_volume(vol)
+ # should not be deletable twice
+ prov_loc = self.backend.getVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
+ self.assertTrue(prov_loc == None)
+ def test_extend_volume(self):
+ vol = self._create_volume()
+ new_size = _VOLUME['size'] * 2
+ self.driver.extend_volume(vol, new_size)
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ def test_create_snapshot(self, m_id_to_vol):
+ vol = self._create_volume()
+ m_id_to_vol.return_value = vol
+ svol = vol.copy()
+ svol['volume_size'] = svol['size']
+ loc = self.driver.create_snapshot(svol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
+ svol['provider_location'] = loc['provider_location']
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(svol['provider_location'])
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ def test_create_clone(self, m_id_to_vol):
+ src_vol = self._create_volume()
+ m_id_to_vol.return_value = src_vol
+ src_vol['volume_size'] = src_vol['size']
+ dst_vol = self._create_volume()
+ dst_vol['volume_size'] = dst_vol['size']
+ loc = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(dst_vol, src_vol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(src_vol['provider_location'])
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(loc['provider_location'])
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self, m_id_to_vol):
+ svol = self._create_volume()
+ lun = svol['provider_location']
+ m_id_to_vol.return_value = svol
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(svol)
+ self.assertTrue(self.backend.getVolumebyProvider(lun) == None)
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+ svol = self._create_volume()
+ svol['volume_size'] = svol['size']
+ vol = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(_VOLUME, svol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(vol, None)
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(svol['provider_location'])
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_update_vol_location')
+ def test_initialize_connection(self, m_update_vol_location):
+ connector = {}
+ connector['initiator'] = 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:11f90746eb2'
+ connector['host'] = 'dut_1.lab.hds.com'
+ vol = self._create_volume()
+ conn = self.driver.initialize_connection(vol, connector)
+ self.assertTrue('3260' in conn['data']['target_portal'])
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
+ @mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_update_vol_location')
+ def test_terminate_connection(self, m_update_vol_location):
+ connector = {}
+ connector['initiator'] = 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:11f90746eb2'
+ connector['host'] = 'dut_1.lab.hds.com'
+ vol = self._create_volume()
+ vol['provider_location'] = "portal," +\
+ connector['initiator'] +\
+ ",18-48-A5-A1-80-13.0,ctl,port,hlun"
+ conn = self.driver.initialize_connection(vol, connector)
+ num_conn_before = self.backend.get_conns()
+ self.driver.terminate_connection(vol, conn)
+ num_conn_after = self.backend.get_conns()
+ self.assertNotEqual(num_conn_before, num_conn_after)
+ # cleanup
+ self.backend.deleteVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import tempfile
+import mock
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.hds import nfs
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+HNASCONF = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <hnas_cmd>ssc</hnas_cmd>
+ <mgmt_ip0></mgmt_ip0>
+ <username>supervisor</username>
+ <password>supervisor</password>
+ <svc_0>
+ <volume_type>default</volume_type>
+ <hdp></hdp>
+ </svc_0>
+ <svc_1>
+ <volume_type>silver</volume_type>
+ <hdp></hdp>
+ </svc_1>
+# The following information is passed on to tests, when creating a volume
+_SHARE = ''
+_EXPORT = '/cinder'
+_VOLUME = {'name': 'volume-bcc48c61-9691-4e5f-897c-793686093190',
+ 'volume_id': 'bcc48c61-9691-4e5f-897c-793686093190', 'size': 128,
+ 'volume_type': None, 'provider_location': None,
+ 'id': 'bcc48c61-9691-4e5f-897c-793686093190'}
+_SNAPVOLUME = {'name': 'snapshot-51dd4-8d8a-4aa9-9176-086c9d89e7fc',
+ 'id': '51dd4-8d8a-4aa9-9176-086c9d89e7fc', 'size': 128,
+ 'volume_type': None, 'provider_location': None,
+ 'volume_size': 128,
+ 'volume_name': 'volume-bcc48c61-9691-4e5f-897c-793686093190',
+ 'volume_id': 'bcc48c61-9691-4e5f-897c-793686093190'}
+class SimulatedHnasBackend(object):
+ """Simulation Back end. Talks to HNAS."""
+ # these attributes are shared across object instances
+ start_lun = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.type = 'HNAS'
+ self.out = ''
+ def file_clone(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, fslabel, source_path,
+ target_path):
+ _out = ""
+ LOG.info("Clone: %s -> %s" % (source_path, target_path))
+ return _out
+ def get_version(self, ver, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "Array_ID: 18-48-A5-A1-80-13 (3080-G2) " \
+ "version: 11.2.3319.09 LU: 256 " \
+ "RG: 0 RG_LU: 0 Utility_version: 11.1.3225.01"
+ return self.out
+ def get_hdp_info(self, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "HDP: 1024 272384 MB 33792 MB 12 % LUs: 70 " \
+ "Normal fs1\n" \
+ "HDP: 1025 546816 MB 73728 MB 13 % LUs: 194 " \
+ "Normal fs2"
+ return self.out
+ def get_nfs_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ self.out = "Export: /cinder Path: /volumes HDP: fs1 FSID: 1024 " \
+ "EVS: 1 IPS:\n" \
+ "Export: /cinder Path: /volumes HDP: fs2 FSID: 1025 " \
+ "EVS: 1 IPS:"
+ return self.out
+class HDSNFSDriverTest(test.TestCase):
+ """Test HNAS NFS volume driver."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(HDSNFSDriverTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs, 'factory_bend')
+ def setUp(self, m_factory_bend):
+ super(HDSNFSDriverTest, self).setUp()
+ self.backend = SimulatedHnasBackend()
+ m_factory_bend.return_value = self.backend
+ (handle, self.config_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('.xml')
+ os.write(handle, HNASCONF)
+ os.close(handle)
+ (handle, self.shares_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('')
+ os.write(handle, SHARESCONF)
+ os.close(handle)
+ self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.configuration.hds_hnas_nfs_config_file = self.config_file
+ self.configuration.nfs_shares_config = self.shares_file
+ self.configuration.nfs_mount_point_base = '/opt/stack/cinder/mnt'
+ self.configuration.nfs_mount_options = None
+ self.driver = nfs.HDSNFSDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+ self.driver.do_setup("")
+ self.addCleanup(self._clean)
+ def _clean(self):
+ os.remove(self.config_file)
+ os.remove(self.shares_file)
+ super(HDSNFSDriverTest, self).tearDown()
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_provider_location')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_export_path')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_volume_location')
+ def test_create_snapshot(self, m_get_volume_location, m_get_export_path,
+ m_get_provider_location, m_id_to_vol):
+ vol = _VOLUME.copy()
+ svol = _SNAPVOLUME.copy()
+ m_id_to_vol(vol['volume_id']).return_value = vol
+ m_id_to_vol(svol['id']).return_value = svol
+ m_get_provider_location(vol['volume_id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_provider_location(svol['id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_volume_location(svol['volume_id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_export_path(svol['volume_id']).return_value = _EXPORT
+ loc = self.driver.create_snapshot(svol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_provider_location')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_volume_location')
+ def test_create_cloned_volume(self, m_get_volume_location,
+ m_get_provider_location, m_id_to_vol):
+ vol = _VOLUME.copy()
+ svol = _SNAPVOLUME.copy()
+ m_id_to_vol(vol['id']).return_value = vol
+ m_id_to_vol(svol['id']).return_value = svol
+ m_get_provider_location(vol['id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_provider_location(svol['id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_volume_location(svol['id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ loc = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(vol, svol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_provider_location')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_volume_not_present')
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self, m_volume_not_present,
+ m_get_provider_location, m_id_to_vol):
+ svol = _SNAPVOLUME.copy()
+ m_id_to_vol(svol['volume_id']).return_value = svol
+ m_get_provider_location(svol['volume_id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_volume_not_present.return_value = True
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(svol)
+ self.assertEqual(svol['provider_location'], None)
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_id_to_vol')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_provider_location')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_export_path')
+ @mock.patch.object(nfs.HDSNFSDriver, '_get_volume_location')
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self, m_get_volume_location,
+ m_get_export_path,
+ m_get_provider_location, m_id_to_vol):
+ vol = _VOLUME.copy()
+ svol = _SNAPVOLUME.copy()
+ m_id_to_vol(svol['volume_id']).return_value = vol
+ m_id_to_vol(svol['id']).return_value = svol
+ m_get_provider_location(svol['id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ m_get_export_path(svol['volume_id']).return_value = _EXPORT
+ m_get_volume_location(svol['volume_id']).return_value = _SHARE
+ loc = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(_VOLUME, svol)
+ self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform. Backend operations.
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import units
+from cinder import utils
+import re
+LOG = logging.getLogger("cinder.volume.driver")
+class HnasBackend():
+ """Back end. Talks to HUS-HNAS."""
+ def get_version(self, cmd, ver, ip0, user, pw):
+ """Gets version information from the storage unit
+ :param ver: string driver version
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :returns: formated string with version information
+ """
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ "-version",
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ util = out.split()[1]
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw, ip0,
+ "cluster-getmac",
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ hardware = out.split()[2]
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, 'ver',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ model = ""
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Model:' in line:
+ model = line.split()[1]
+ if 'Software:' in line:
+ ver = line.split()[1]
+ out = "Array_ID: %s (%s) version: %s LU: 256 RG: 0 RG_LU: 0 \
+ Utility_version: %s" % (hardware, model, ver, util)
+ LOG.debug('get_version: ' + out + ' -- ' + err)
+ return out
+ def get_iscsi_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ """Gets IP addresses for EVSs, use EVSID as controller.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :returns: formated string with iSCSI information
+ """
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw, ip0,
+ 'evsipaddr', '-l',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ newout = ""
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'evs' in line and 'admin' not in line:
+ inf = line.split()
+ (evsnum, evsname, ip) = (inf[1], inf[2], inf[3])
+ newout += "CTL: %s Port: 0 IP: %s Port: 3260 Link: Up\n" \
+ % (evsnum, ip)
+ LOG.debug('get_iscsi_info: ' + out + ' -- ' + err)
+ return newout
+ def get_hdp_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ """Gets the list of filesystems and fsids.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :returns: formated string with filesystems and fsids
+ """
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, 'df', '-a',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ newout = ""
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Not mounted' in line:
+ continue
+ if 'GB' in line or 'TB' in line:
+ inf = line.split()
+ (fsid, fslabel, evsnum, capacity, used, perstr) = \
+ (inf[0], inf[1], inf[2], inf[3], inf[5], inf[7])
+ (availunit, usedunit) = (inf[4], inf[6])
+ if usedunit == 'GB':
+ usedmultiplier = units.KiB
+ else:
+ usedmultiplier = units.MiB
+ if availunit == 'GB':
+ availmultiplier = units.KiB
+ else:
+ availmultiplier = units.MiB
+ m = re.match("\((\d+)\%\)", perstr)
+ if m:
+ percent = m.group(1)
+ else:
+ percent = 0
+ newout += "HDP: %s %d MB %d MB %d %% LUs: 256 Normal %s\n" \
+ % (fsid, int(float(capacity) * availmultiplier),
+ int(float(used) * usedmultiplier),
+ int(percent), fslabel)
+ LOG.debug('get_hdp_info: ' + newout + ' -- ' + err)
+ return newout
+ def _get_evs(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, fsid):
+ """Gets the EVSID for the named filesystem."""
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw, ip0,
+ "evsfs", "list",
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ LOG.debug('get_evs: out ' + out)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ inf = line.split()
+ if fsid in line and (fsid == inf[0] or fsid == inf[1]):
+ return inf[3]
+ LOG.warn('get_evs: ' + out + ' -- ' + 'No info for ' + fsid)
+ return 0
+ def _get_evsips(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, evsid):
+ """Gets the EVS IPs for the named filesystem."""
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw, ip0,
+ 'evsipaddr', '-e', evsid,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ iplist = ""
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ inf = line.split()
+ if 'evs' in line:
+ iplist += inf[3] + ' '
+ LOG.debug('get_evsips: ' + iplist)
+ return iplist
+ def _get_fsid(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, fslabel):
+ """Gets the FSID for the named filesystem."""
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, 'evsfs', 'list',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ LOG.debug('get_fsid: out ' + out)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ inf = line.split()
+ if fslabel in line and fslabel == inf[1]:
+ LOG.debug('get_fsid: ' + line)
+ return inf[0]
+ LOG.warn('get_fsid: ' + out + ' -- ' + 'No infor for ' + fslabel)
+ return 0
+ def get_nfs_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
+ """Gets information on each NFS export.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :returns: formated string
+ """
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw, ip0,
+ 'for-each-evs', '-q',
+ 'nfs-export', 'list',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ newout = ""
+ export = ""
+ path = ""
+ for line in lines:
+ inf = line.split()
+ if 'Export name' in line:
+ export = inf[2]
+ if 'Export path' in line:
+ path = inf[2]
+ if 'File system info' in line:
+ fs = ""
+ if 'File system label' in line:
+ fs = inf[3]
+ if 'Transfer setting' in line and fs != "":
+ fsid = self._get_fsid(cmd, ip0, user, pw, fs)
+ evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, fsid)
+ ips = self._get_evsips(cmd, ip0, user, pw, evsid)
+ newout += "Export: %s Path: %s HDP: %s FSID: %s \
+ EVS: %s IPS: %s\n" \
+ % (export, path, fs, fsid, evsid, ips)
+ fs = ""
+ LOG.debug('get_nfs_info: ' + newout + ' -- ' + err)
+ return newout
+ def create_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, size, name):
+ """Creates a new Logical Unit.
+ If the operation can not be performed for some reason, utils.execute()
+ throws an error and aborts the operation. Used for iSCSI only
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param hdp: data Pool the logical unit will be created
+ :param size: Size (Mb) of the new logical unit
+ :param name: name of the logical unit
+ :returns: formated string with 'LUN %d HDP: %d size: %s MB, is
+ successfully created'
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-lu', 'add', "-e",
+ name, hdp,
+ '/.cinder/' + name + '.iscsi',
+ size + 'M',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ out = "LUN %s HDP: %s size: %s MB, is successfully created" \
+ % (name, hdp, size)
+ LOG.debug('create_lu: ' + out)
+ return out
+ def delete_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lun):
+ """Delete an logical unit. Used for iSCSI only
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param hdp: data Pool of the logical unit
+ :param lun: id of the logical unit being deleted
+ :returns: formated string 'Logical unit deleted successfully.'
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-lu', 'del', '-d',
+ '-f', lun,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ LOG.debug('delete_lu: ' + out + ' -- ' + err)
+ return out
+ def create_dup(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, src_lun, hdp, size, name):
+ """Clones a volume
+ Clone primitive used to support all iSCSI snapshot/cloning functions.
+ Used for iSCSI only.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param hdp: data Pool of the logical unit
+ :param src_lun: id of the logical unit being deleted
+ :param size: size of the LU being cloned. Only for logging purposes
+ :returns: formated string
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-lu', 'clone', '-e',
+ src_lun, name,
+ '/.cinder/' + name + '.iscsi',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ out = "LUN %s HDP: %s size: %s MB, is successfully created" \
+ % (name, hdp, size)
+ LOG.debug('create_dup: ' + out + ' -- ' + err)
+ return out
+ def file_clone(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, fslabel, src, name):
+ """Clones NFS files to a new one named 'name'
+ Clone primitive used to support all NFS snapshot/cloning functions.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param fslabel: file system label of the new file
+ :param src: source file
+ :param name: target path of the new created file
+ :returns: formated string
+ """
+ _fsid = self._get_fsid(cmd, ip0, user, pw, fslabel)
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, _fsid)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'file-clone-create', '-f', fslabel,
+ src, name,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ out = "LUN %s HDP: %s Clone: %s -> %s" % (name, _fsid, src, name)
+ LOG.debug('file_clone: ' + out + ' -- ' + err)
+ return out
+ def extend_vol(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lun, new_size, name):
+ """Extend a iSCSI volume.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param hdp: data Pool of the logical unit
+ :param lun: id of the logical unit being extended
+ :param new_size: new size of the LU
+ :param name: formated string
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-lu', 'expand',
+ name, new_size + 'M',
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ out = ("LUN: %s successfully extended to %s MB" % (name, new_size))
+ LOG.debug('extend_vol: ' + out)
+ return out
+ def add_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, lun, hdp,
+ port, iqn, initiator):
+ """Setup the lun on on the specified target port
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param lun: id of the logical unit being extended
+ :param hdp: data pool of the logical unit
+ :param port: iSCSI port
+ :param iqn: iSCSI qualified name
+ :param initiator: initiator address
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'list', iqn,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ # even though ssc uses the target alias, need to return the full iqn
+ fulliqn = ""
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Globally unique name' in line:
+ fulliqn = line.split()[3]
+ # find first free hlun
+ hlun = 0
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(' '):
+ lunline = line.split()[0]
+ vol = line.split()[1]
+ if lunline[0].isdigit():
+ # see if already mounted
+ if vol[:29] == lun[:29]:
+ LOG.info('lun: %s already mounted %s' % (lun, lunline))
+ conn = (int(lunline), lun, initiator, hlun, fulliqn,
+ hlun, hdp, port)
+ out = "H-LUN: %d alreadymapped LUN: %s, iSCSI \
+ Initiator: %s @ index: %d, and Target: %s \
+ @ index %d is successfully paired @ CTL: \
+ %s, Port: %s" % conn
+ LOG.debug('add_iscsi_conn: returns ' + out)
+ return out
+ if int(lunline) == hlun:
+ hlun += 1
+ if int(lunline) > hlun:
+ # found a hole
+ break
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'addlu',
+ iqn, lun, hlun,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ conn = (int(hlun), lun, initiator, int(hlun), fulliqn, int(hlun),
+ hdp, port)
+ out = "H-LUN: %d mapped LUN: %s, iSCSI Initiator: %s \
+ @ index: %d, and Target: %s @ index %d is \
+ successfully paired @ CTL: %s, Port: %s" % conn
+ LOG.debug('add_iscsi_conn: returns ' + out)
+ return out
+ def del_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, evsid, iqn, hlun):
+ """Remove the lun on on the specified target port
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param evsid: EVSID for the file system
+ :param iqn: iSCSI qualified name
+ :param hlun: logical unit id
+ :return: formated string
+ """
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'list', iqn,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ out = ("H-LUN: %d already deleted from target %s" % (int(hlun), iqn))
+ # see if lun is already detached
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(' '):
+ lunline = line.split()[0]
+ if lunline[0].isdigit() and lunline == hlun:
+ out = ""
+ break
+ if out != "":
+ # hlun wasn't found
+ LOG.info('del_iscsi_conn: hlun not found' + out)
+ return out
+ # remove the LU from the target
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'dellu',
+ '-f', iqn, hlun,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ out = "H-LUN: %d successfully deleted from target %s" \
+ % (int(hlun), iqn)
+ LOG.debug('del_iscsi_conn: ' + out + ' -- ')
+ return out
+ def get_targetiqn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, targetalias, hdp, secret):
+ """Obtain the targets full iqn
+ Return the target's full iqn rather than its alias.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param targetalias: alias of the target
+ :param hdp: data pool of the logical unit
+ :param secret: CHAP secret of the target
+ :return: string with full IQN
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'list', targetalias,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ if "does not exist" in out:
+ if secret == "":
+ secret = '""'
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'add',
+ targetalias, secret,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ else:
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'add',
+ targetalias, secret,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ # returns the first iqn
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Alias' in line:
+ fulliqn = line.split()[2]
+ return fulliqn
+ def set_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, targetalias, hdp, secret):
+ """Sets the chap secret for the specified target.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param targetalias: alias of the target
+ :param hdp: data pool of the logical unit
+ :param secret: CHAP secret of the target
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'list',
+ targetalias,
+ check_exit_code=False)
+ if "does not exist" in out:
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'add',
+ targetalias, secret,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ else:
+ LOG.info('targetlist: ' + targetalias + ' -- ' + out)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'mod',
+ '-s', secret, '-a', 'enable',
+ targetalias,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ def get_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, targetalias, hdp):
+ """Returns the chap secret for the specified target.
+ :param ip0: string IP address of controller
+ :param user: string user authentication for array
+ :param pw: string password authentication for array
+ :param targetalias: alias of the target
+ :param hdp: data pool of the logical unit
+ :return secret: CHAP secret of the target
+ """
+ _evsid = self._get_evs(cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp)
+ out, err = utils.execute(cmd,
+ '-u', user, '-p', pw,
+ ip0, "console-context",
+ "--evs", _evsid,
+ 'iscsi-target', 'list', targetalias,
+ check_exit_code=True)
+ enabled = ""
+ secret = ""
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Secret' in line:
+ secret = line.split()[2]
+ if 'Authentication' in line:
+ enabled = line.split()[2]
+ if enabled == 'Enabled':
+ return secret
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+iSCSI Cinder Volume driver for Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform.
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ETree
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import units
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.hds.hnas_backend import HnasBackend
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ cfg.StrOpt('hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file',
+ default='/opt/hds/hnas/cinder_iscsi_conf.xml',
+ help='configuration file for HDS iSCSI cinder plugin')]
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+HNAS_DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'hnas_cmd': 'ssc', 'chap_enabled': 'True'}
+def factory_bend(type):
+ return HnasBackend()
+def _loc_info(loc):
+ """Parse info from location string."""
+ LOG.info("Parse_loc: %s" % loc)
+ info = {}
+ tup = loc.split(',')
+ if len(tup) < 5:
+ info['id_lu'] = tup[0].split('.')
+ return info
+ info['id_lu'] = tup[2].split('.')
+ info['tgt'] = tup
+ return info
+def _xml_read(root, element, check=None):
+ """Read an xml element."""
+ try:
+ val = root.findtext(element)
+ LOG.info(_("%(element)s: %(val)s")
+ % {'element': element,
+ 'val': val})
+ if val:
+ return val.strip()
+ if check:
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=element)
+ return None
+ except ETree.ParseError:
+ if check:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_("XML exception reading parameter: %s") % element)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_("XML exception reading parameter: %s") % element)
+ return None
+def _read_config(xml_config_file):
+ """Read hds driver specific xml config file."""
+ try:
+ root = ETree.parse(xml_config_file).getroot()
+ except Exception:
+ raise exception.NotFound(message='config file not found: '
+ + xml_config_file)
+ # mandatory parameters
+ config = {}
+ arg_prereqs = ['mgmt_ip0', 'username', 'password']
+ for req in arg_prereqs:
+ config[req] = _xml_read(root, req, 'check')
+ # optional parameters
+ for opt in ['hnas_cmd', 'chap_enabled']:
+ config[opt] = _xml_read(root, opt) or\
+ config['hdp'] = {}
+ config['services'] = {}
+ # min one needed
+ for svc in ['svc_0', 'svc_1', 'svc_2', 'svc_3']:
+ if _xml_read(root, svc) is None:
+ continue
+ service = {'label': svc}
+ # none optional
+ for arg in ['volume_type', 'hdp', 'iscsi_ip']:
+ service[arg] = _xml_read(root, svc + '/' + arg, 'check')
+ config['services'][service['volume_type']] = service
+ config['hdp'][service['hdp']] = service['hdp']
+ # at least one service required!
+ if config['services'].keys() is None:
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param="No service found")
+ return config
+class HDSISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """HDS HNAS volume driver."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Initialize, read different config parameters."""
+ super(HDSISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.driver_stats = {}
+ self.context = {}
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(iSCSI_OPTS)
+ self.config = _read_config(
+ self.configuration.hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file)
+ self.type = 'HNAS'
+ self.platform = self.type.lower()
+ LOG.info(_("Backend type: %s") % self.type)
+ self.bend = factory_bend(self.type)
+ def _array_info_get(self):
+ """Get array parameters."""
+ out = self.bend.get_version(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ inf = out.split()
+ return inf[1], 'hnas_' + inf[1], inf[6]
+ def _get_iscsi_info(self):
+ """Validate array iscsi parameters."""
+ out = self.bend.get_iscsi_info(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ # dict based on iSCSI portal ip addresses
+ conf = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ # only record up links
+ if 'CTL' in line and 'Up' in line:
+ inf = line.split()
+ (ctl, port, ip, ipp) = (inf[1], inf[3], inf[5], inf[7])
+ conf[ip] = {}
+ conf[ip]['ctl'] = ctl
+ conf[ip]['port'] = port
+ conf[ip]['iscsi_port'] = ipp
+ msg = _('portal: %(ip)s:%(ipp)s, CTL: %(ctl)s, port: %(port)s')
+ LOG.debug(msg
+ % {'ip': ip,
+ 'ipp': ipp,
+ 'ctl': ctl,
+ 'port': port})
+ return conf
+ def _get_service(self, volume):
+ """Get the available service parameters for a given volume using
+ its type.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ """
+ label = None
+ if volume['volume_type']:
+ label = volume['volume_type']['name']
+ label = label or 'default'
+ if label not in self.config['services'].keys():
+ # default works if no match is found
+ label = 'default'
+ LOG.info(_("Using default: instead of %s") % label)
+ LOG.info(_("Available services: %s")
+ % self.config['services'].keys())
+ if label in self.config['services'].keys():
+ svc = self.config['services'][label]
+ # HNAS - one time lookup
+ # see if the client supports CHAP authentication and if
+ # iscsi_secret has already been set, retrieve the secret if
+ # available, otherwise generate and store
+ if self.config['chap_enabled'] == 'True':
+ # it may not exist, create and set secret
+ if 'iscsi_secret' not in svc:
+ LOG.info(_("Retrieving secret for service: %s")
+ % label)
+ out = self.bend.get_targetsecret(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ 'cinder-' + label,
+ svc['hdp'])
+ svc['iscsi_secret'] = out
+ if svc['iscsi_secret'] == "":
+ svc['iscsi_secret'] = utils.generate_password()[0:15]
+ self.bend.set_targetsecret(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ svc['iscsi_target'],
+ svc['hdp'],
+ svc['iscsi_secret'])
+ LOG.info("Set tgt CHAP secret for service: %s"
+ % (label))
+ else:
+ # We set blank password when the client does not
+ # support CHAP. Later on, if the client tries to create a new
+ # target that does not exists in the backend, we check for this
+ # value and use a temporary dummy password.
+ if 'iscsi_secret' not in svc:
+ # Warns in the first time
+ LOG.info("CHAP authentication disabled")
+ svc['iscsi_secret'] = ""
+ if 'iscsi_target' not in svc:
+ LOG.info(_("Retrieving target for service: %s") % label)
+ out = self.bend.get_targetiqn(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ 'cinder-' + label,
+ svc['hdp'],
+ svc['iscsi_secret'])
+ svc['iscsi_target'] = out
+ self.config['services'][label] = svc
+ service = (svc['iscsi_ip'], svc['iscsi_port'], svc['ctl'],
+ svc['port'], svc['hdp'], svc['iscsi_target'],
+ svc['iscsi_secret'])
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_("Available services: %s")
+ % self.config['services'].keys())
+ LOG.error(_("No configuration found for service: %s")
+ % label)
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=label)
+ return service
+ def _get_stats(self):
+ """Get HDP stats from HNAS."""
+ total_cap = 0
+ total_used = 0
+ out = self.bend.get_hdp_info(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ for line in out.split('\n'):
+ if 'HDP' in line:
+ (hdp, size, _ign, used) = line.split()[1:5] # in MB
+ LOG.debug(_("stats: looking for: %s") % hdp)
+ if int(hdp) >= units.KiB: # HNAS fsid
+ hdp = line.split()[11]
+ if hdp in self.config['hdp'].keys():
+ total_cap += int(size)
+ total_used += int(used)
+ LOG.info("stats: total: %d used: %d" % (total_cap, total_used))
+ hnas_stat = {}
+ hnas_stat['total_capacity_gb'] = int(total_cap / units.KiB) # in GB
+ hnas_stat['free_capacity_gb'] = \
+ int((total_cap - total_used) / units.KiB)
+ be_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ hnas_stat["volume_backend_name"] = be_name or 'HDSISCSIDriver'
+ hnas_stat["vendor_name"] = 'HDS'
+ hnas_stat["driver_version"] = HDS_HNAS_ISCSI_VERSION
+ hnas_stat["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'
+ hnas_stat['QoS_support'] = False
+ hnas_stat['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+ LOG.info(_("stats: stats: %s") % hnas_stat)
+ return hnas_stat
+ def _get_hdp_list(self):
+ """Get HDPs from HNAS."""
+ out = self.bend.get_hdp_info(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ hdp_list = []
+ for line in out.split('\n'):
+ if 'HDP' in line:
+ inf = line.split()
+ if int(inf[1]) >= units.KiB:
+ # HDP fsids start at units.KiB (1024)
+ hdp_list.append(inf[11])
+ else:
+ # HDP pools are 2-digits max
+ hdp_list.extend(inf[1:2])
+ # returns a list of HDP IDs
+ LOG.info(_("HDP list: %s") % hdp_list)
+ return hdp_list
+ def _check_hdp_list(self):
+ """Verify HDPs in HNAS array.
+ Verify that all HDPs specified in the configuration files actually
+ exists on the storage.
+ """
+ hdpl = self._get_hdp_list()
+ lst = self.config['hdp'].keys()
+ for hdp in lst:
+ if hdp not in hdpl:
+ LOG.error(_("HDP not found: %s") % hdp)
+ err = "HDP not found: " + hdp
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=err)
+ # status, verify corresponding status is Normal
+ def _id_to_vol(self, volume_id):
+ """Given the volume id, retrieve the volume object from database.
+ :param volume_id: volume id string
+ """
+ vol = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ return vol
+ def _update_vol_location(self, volume_id, loc):
+ """Update the provider location.
+ :param volume_id: volume id string
+ :param loc: string provider location value
+ """
+ update = {'provider_location': loc}
+ self.db.volume_update(self.context, volume_id, update)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
+ pass
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Setup and verify HDS HNAS storage connection."""
+ self.context = context
+ (self.arid, self.hnas_name, self.lumax) = self._array_info_get()
+ self._check_hdp_list()
+ iscsi_info = self._get_iscsi_info()
+ LOG.info(_("do_setup: %s") % iscsi_info)
+ for svc in self.config['services'].keys():
+ svc_ip = self.config['services'][svc]['iscsi_ip']
+ if svc_ip in iscsi_info.keys():
+ LOG.info(_("iSCSI portal found for service: %s") % svc_ip)
+ self.config['services'][svc]['port'] = \
+ iscsi_info[svc_ip]['port']
+ self.config['services'][svc]['ctl'] = iscsi_info[svc_ip]['ctl']
+ self.config['services'][svc]['iscsi_port'] = \
+ iscsi_info[svc_ip]['iscsi_port']
+ else: # config iscsi address not found on device!
+ LOG.error(_("iSCSI portal not found for service: %s") % svc_ip)
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=svc_ip)
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ pass
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Create an export. Moved to initialize_connection.
+ :param context:
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ name = volume['name']
+ LOG.debug(_("create_export %(name)s") % {'name': name})
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Disconnect a volume from an attached instance.
+ :param context: context
+ :param volume: dictionary volume referencej
+ """
+ provider = volume['provider_location']
+ name = volume['name']
+ LOG.debug(_("remove_export provider %(provider)s on %(name)s")
+ % {'provider': provider,
+ 'name': name})
+ pass
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Create a LU on HNAS.
+ :param volume: ditctionary volume reference
+ """
+ service = self._get_service(volume)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ out = self.bend.create_lu(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ hdp,
+ '%s' % (int(volume['size']) * units.KiB),
+ volume['name'])
+ LOG.info(_("create_volume: create_lu returns %s") % out)
+ lun = self.arid + '.' + out.split()[1]
+ sz = int(out.split()[5])
+ # Example: 92210013.volume-44d7e29b-2aa4-4606-8bc4-9601528149fd
+ LOG.info(_("LUN %(lun)s of size %(sz)s MB is created.")
+ % {'lun': lun, 'sz': sz})
+ return {'provider_location': lun}
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, dst, src):
+ """Create a clone of a volume.
+ :param dst: ditctionary destination volume reference
+ :param src: ditctionary source volume reference
+ """
+ if src['size'] != dst['size']:
+ msg = 'clone volume size mismatch'
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ service = self._get_service(dst)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ size = int(src['size']) * units.KiB
+ source_vol = self._id_to_vol(src['id'])
+ (arid, slun) = _loc_info(source_vol['provider_location'])['id_lu']
+ out = self.bend.create_dup(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ slun, hdp, '%s' % size,
+ dst['name'])
+ lun = self.arid + '.' + out.split()[1]
+ size = int(out.split()[5])
+ LOG.debug(_("LUN %(lun)s of size %(size)s MB is cloned.")
+ % {'lun': lun,
+ 'size': size})
+ return {'provider_location': lun}
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param new_size: int size in GB to extend
+ """
+ service = self._get_service(volume)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ (arid, lun) = _loc_info(volume['provider_location'])['id_lu']
+ self.bend.extend_vol(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ hdp, lun,
+ '%s' % (new_size * units.KiB),
+ volume['name'])
+ LOG.info(_("LUN %(lun)s extended to %(size)s GB.")
+ % {'lun': lun, 'size': new_size})
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Delete an LU on HNAS.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ """
+ prov_loc = volume['provider_location']
+ if prov_loc is None:
+ LOG.error("delete_vol: provider location empty.")
+ return
+ info = _loc_info(prov_loc)
+ (arid, lun) = info['id_lu']
+ if 'tgt' in info.keys(): # connected?
+ LOG.info("delete lun loc %s" % info['tgt'])
+ # loc = id.lun
+ (_portal, iqn, loc, ctl, port, hlun) = info['tgt']
+ self.bend.del_iscsi_conn(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ ctl, iqn, hlun)
+ name = self.hnas_name
+ LOG.debug(_("delete lun %(lun)s on %(name)s")
+ % {'lun': lun,
+ 'name': name})
+ service = self._get_service(volume)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ self.bend.delete_lu(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ hdp, lun)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Map the created volume to connector['initiator'].
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param connector: dictionary connector reference
+ """
+ LOG.info("initialize volume %s connector %s" % (volume, connector))
+ # connector[ip, host, wwnns, unititator, wwp/
+ service = self._get_service(volume)
+ (ip, ipp, ctl, port, _hdp, target, secret) = service
+ info = _loc_info(volume['provider_location'])
+ if 'tgt' in info.keys(): # spurious repeat connection
+ # print info.keys()
+ LOG.debug("initiate_conn: tgt already set %s" % info['tgt'])
+ (arid, lun) = info['id_lu']
+ loc = arid + '.' + lun
+ # sps, use target if provided
+ iqn = target
+ out = self.bend.add_iscsi_conn(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ lun, _hdp, port, iqn,
+ connector['initiator'])
+ hnas_portal = ip + ':' + ipp
+ # sps need hlun, fulliqn
+ hlun = out.split()[1]
+ fulliqn = out.split()[13]
+ tgt = hnas_portal + ',' + iqn + ',' + loc + ',' + ctl + ','
+ tgt += port + ',' + hlun
+ LOG.info("initiate: connection %s" % tgt)
+ properties = {}
+ properties['provider_location'] = tgt
+ self._update_vol_location(volume['id'], tgt)
+ properties['target_discovered'] = False
+ properties['target_portal'] = hnas_portal
+ properties['target_iqn'] = fulliqn
+ properties['target_lun'] = hlun
+ properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+ properties['auth_username'] = connector['initiator']
+ if self.config['chap_enabled'] == 'True':
+ properties['auth_method'] = 'CHAP'
+ properties['auth_password'] = secret
+ return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties}
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ """Terminate a connection to a volume.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param connector: dictionary connector reference
+ """
+ info = _loc_info(volume['provider_location'])
+ if 'tgt' not in info.keys(): # spurious disconnection
+ LOG.warn("terminate_conn: provider location empty.")
+ return
+ (arid, lun) = info['id_lu']
+ (_portal, iqn, loc, ctl, port, hlun) = info['tgt']
+ LOG.info("terminate: connection %s" % volume['provider_location'])
+ self.bend.del_iscsi_conn(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ ctl, iqn, hlun)
+ self._update_vol_location(volume['id'], loc)
+ return {'provider_location': loc}
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create a volume from a snapshot.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param snapshot: dictionary snapshot reference
+ """
+ size = int(snapshot['volume_size']) * units.KiB
+ (arid, slun) = _loc_info(snapshot['provider_location'])['id_lu']
+ service = self._get_service(volume)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ out = self.bend.create_dup(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ slun, hdp, '%s' % (size),
+ volume['name'])
+ lun = self.arid + '.' + out.split()[1]
+ sz = int(out.split()[5])
+ LOG.debug(_("LUN %(lun)s of size %(sz)s MB is created from snapshot.")
+ % {'lun': lun, 'sz': sz})
+ return {'provider_location': lun}
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Create a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: dictionary snapshot reference
+ """
+ source_vol = self._id_to_vol(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ service = self._get_service(source_vol)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ size = int(snapshot['volume_size']) * units.KiB
+ (arid, slun) = _loc_info(source_vol['provider_location'])['id_lu']
+ out = self.bend.create_dup(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ slun, hdp,
+ '%s' % (size),
+ snapshot['name'])
+ lun = self.arid + '.' + out.split()[1]
+ size = int(out.split()[5])
+ LOG.debug(_("LUN %(lun)s of size %(size)s MB is created.")
+ % {'lun': lun, 'size': size})
+ return {'provider_location': lun}
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Delete a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: dictionary snapshot reference
+ """
+ loc = snapshot['provider_location']
+ # to take care of spurious input
+ if loc is None:
+ # which could cause exception.
+ return
+ (arid, lun) = loc.split('.')
+ source_vol = self._id_to_vol(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ service = self._get_service(source_vol)
+ (_ip, _ipp, _ctl, _port, hdp, target, secret) = service
+ myid = self.arid
+ if arid != myid:
+ LOG.error(_('Array mismatch %(myid)s vs %(arid)s')
+ % {'myid': myid,
+ 'arid': arid})
+ msg = 'Array id mismatch in delete snapshot'
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ self.bend.delete_lu(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ hdp, lun)
+ LOG.debug(_("LUN %s is deleted.") % lun)
+ return
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume stats. If 'refresh', run update the stats first."""
+ if refresh:
+ self.driver_stats = self._get_stats()
+ return self.driver_stats
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Volume driver for HDS HNAS NFS storage.
+import os
+import time
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ETree
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.image import image_utils
+from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import processutils
+from cinder import units
+from cinder.volume.drivers.hds.hnas_backend import HnasBackend
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ cfg.StrOpt('hds_hnas_nfs_config_file',
+ default='/opt/hds/hnas/cinder_nfs_conf.xml',
+ help='configuration file for HDS NFS cinder plugin'), ]
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+HNAS_DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'hnas_cmd': 'ssc'}
+def _xml_read(root, element, check=None):
+ """Read an xml element.
+ :param root: XML object
+ :param element: string desired tag
+ :param check: string if present, throw exception if element missing
+ """
+ try:
+ val = root.findtext(element)
+ LOG.info(_("%(element)s: %(val)s")
+ % {'element': element,
+ 'val': val})
+ if val:
+ return val.strip()
+ if check:
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=element)
+ return None
+ except ETree.ParseError:
+ if check:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_("XML exception reading parameter: %s") % element)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_("XML exception reading parameter: %s") % element)
+ return None
+def _read_config(xml_config_file):
+ """Read hds driver specific xml config file.
+ :param xml_config_file: string filename containing XML configuration
+ """
+ try:
+ root = ETree.parse(xml_config_file).getroot()
+ except Exception:
+ raise exception.NotFound(message='config file not found: '
+ + xml_config_file)
+ # mandatory parameters
+ config = {}
+ arg_prereqs = ['mgmt_ip0', 'username', 'password']
+ for req in arg_prereqs:
+ config[req] = _xml_read(root, req, 'check')
+ # optional parameters
+ config['hnas_cmd'] = _xml_read(root, 'hnas_cmd') or\
+ config['hdp'] = {}
+ config['services'] = {}
+ # min one needed
+ for svc in ['svc_0', 'svc_1', 'svc_2', 'svc_3']:
+ if _xml_read(root, svc) is None:
+ continue
+ service = {'label': svc}
+ # none optional
+ for arg in ['volume_type', 'hdp']:
+ service[arg] = _xml_read(root, svc + '/' + arg, 'check')
+ config['services'][service['volume_type']] = service
+ config['hdp'][service['hdp']] = service['hdp']
+ # at least one service required!
+ if config['services'].keys() is None:
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param="No service found")
+ return config
+def factory_bend():
+ """Factory over-ride in self-tests."""
+ return HnasBackend()
+class HDSNFSDriver(nfs.NfsDriver):
+ """Base class for Hitachi NFS driver.
+ Executes commands relating to Volumes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # NOTE(vish): db is set by Manager
+ self._execute = None
+ self.context = None
+ self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
+ if self.configuration:
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(NFS_OPTS)
+ self.config = _read_config(
+ self.configuration.hds_hnas_nfs_config_file)
+ super(HDSNFSDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.bend = factory_bend()
+ (self.arid, self.nfs_name, self.lumax) = self._array_info_get()
+ def _array_info_get(self):
+ """Get array parameters."""
+ out = self.bend.get_version(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ inf = out.split()
+ return inf[1], 'nfs_' + inf[1], inf[6]
+ def _id_to_vol(self, volume_id):
+ """Given the volume id, retrieve the volume object from database.
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ vol = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ return vol
+ def _get_service(self, volume):
+ """Get the available service parameters for a given volume using
+ its type.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ """
+ label = None
+ if volume['volume_type']:
+ label = volume['volume_type']['name']
+ label = label or 'default'
+ if label not in self.config['services'].keys():
+ # default works if no match is found
+ label = 'default'
+ if label in self.config['services'].keys():
+ svc = self.config['services'][label]
+ LOG.info("Get service: %s->%s" % (label, svc['fslabel']))
+ service = (svc['hdp'], svc['path'], svc['fslabel'])
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_("Available services: %s")
+ % self.config['services'].keys())
+ LOG.error(_("No configuration found for service: %s") % label)
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=label)
+ return service
+ def set_execute(self, execute):
+ self._execute = execute
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param new_size: int size in GB to extend
+ """
+ nfs_mount = self._get_provider_location(volume['id'])
+ path = self._get_volume_path(nfs_mount, volume['name'])
+ # Resize the image file on share to new size.
+ LOG.debug(_('Checking file for resize'))
+ if self._is_file_size_equal(path, new_size):
+ return
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_('Resizing file to %sG'), new_size)
+ image_utils.resize_image(path, new_size)
+ if self._is_file_size_equal(path, new_size):
+ LOG.info(_("LUN %(id)s extended to %(size)s GB.")
+ % {'id': volume['id'], 'size': new_size})
+ return
+ else:
+ raise exception.InvalidResults(
+ _('Resizing image file failed.'))
+ def _is_file_size_equal(self, path, size):
+ """Checks if file size at path is equal to size."""
+ data = image_utils.qemu_img_info(path)
+ virt_size = data.virtual_size / units.GiB
+ if virt_size == size:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
+ LOG.debug(_('create_volume_from %s') % volume)
+ vol_size = volume['size']
+ snap_size = snapshot['volume_size']
+ if vol_size != snap_size:
+ msg = _('Cannot create volume of size %(vol_size)s from '
+ 'snapshot of size %(snap_size)s')
+ msg_fmt = {'vol_size': vol_size, 'snap_size': snap_size}
+ raise exception.CinderException(msg % msg_fmt)
+ self._clone_volume(snapshot['name'],
+ volume['name'],
+ snapshot['volume_id'])
+ share = self._get_volume_location(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ return {'provider_location': share}
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Create a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: dictionary snapshot reference
+ """
+ self._clone_volume(snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'],
+ snapshot['volume_id'])
+ share = self._get_volume_location(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ LOG.debug(_('Share: %s'), share)
+ # returns the mount point (not path)
+ return {'provider_location': share}
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Deletes a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: dictionary snapshot reference
+ """
+ nfs_mount = self._get_provider_location(snapshot['volume_id'])
+ if self._volume_not_present(nfs_mount, snapshot['name']):
+ return True
+ self._execute('rm', self._get_volume_path(nfs_mount, snapshot['name']),
+ run_as_root=True)
+ def _get_volume_location(self, volume_id):
+ """Returns NFS mount address as <nfs_ip_address>:<nfs_mount_dir>.
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ nfs_server_ip = self._get_host_ip(volume_id)
+ export_path = self._get_export_path(volume_id)
+ return nfs_server_ip + ':' + export_path
+ def _get_provider_location(self, volume_id):
+ """Returns provider location for given volume.
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ # same format as _get_volume_location
+ return volume.provider_location
+ def _get_host_ip(self, volume_id):
+ """Returns IP address for the given volume.
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ return self._get_provider_location(volume_id).split(':')[0]
+ def _get_export_path(self, volume_id):
+ """Returns NFS export path for the given volume.
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ return self._get_provider_location(volume_id).split(':')[1]
+ def _volume_not_present(self, nfs_mount, volume_name):
+ """Check if volume exists.
+ :param volume_name: string volume name
+ """
+ try:
+ self._try_execute('ls', self._get_volume_path(nfs_mount,
+ volume_name))
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
+ # If the volume isn't present
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _try_execute(self, *command, **kwargs):
+ # NOTE(vish): Volume commands can partially fail due to timing, but
+ # running them a second time on failure will usually
+ # recover nicely.
+ tries = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self._execute(*command, **kwargs)
+ return True
+ except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
+ tries += 1
+ if tries >= self.configuration.num_shell_tries:
+ raise
+ LOG.exception(_("Recovering from a failed execute. "
+ "Try number %s"), tries)
+ time.sleep(tries ** 2)
+ def _get_volume_path(self, nfs_share, volume_name):
+ """Get volume path (local fs path) for given volume name on given nfs
+ share.
+ :param nfs_share string, example
+ :param volume_name string,
+ example volume-91ee65ec-c473-4391-8c09-162b00c68a8c
+ """
+ return os.path.join(self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share),
+ volume_name)
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+ :param volume: dictionary volume reference
+ :param src_vref: dictionary src_vref reference
+ """
+ vol_size = volume['size']
+ src_vol_size = src_vref['size']
+ if vol_size != src_vol_size:
+ msg = _('Cannot create clone of size %(vol_size)s from '
+ 'volume of size %(src_vol_size)s')
+ msg_fmt = {'vol_size': vol_size, 'src_vol_size': src_vol_size}
+ raise exception.CinderException(msg % msg_fmt)
+ self._clone_volume(src_vref['name'], volume['name'], src_vref['id'])
+ share = self._get_volume_location(src_vref['id'])
+ return {'provider_location': share}
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume stats.
+ if 'refresh' is True, update the stats first.
+ """
+ _stats = super(HDSNFSDriver, self).get_volume_stats(refresh)
+ be_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ _stats["volume_backend_name"] = be_name or 'HDSNFSDriver'
+ _stats["vendor_name"] = 'HDS'
+ _stats["driver_version"] = HDS_HNAS_NFS_VERSION
+ _stats["storage_protocol"] = 'NFS'
+ return _stats
+ def _get_nfs_info(self):
+ out = self.bend.get_nfs_info(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'])
+ lines = out.split('\n')
+ # dict based on NFS exports addresses
+ conf = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ if 'Export' in line:
+ inf = line.split()
+ (export, path, fslabel, hdp, evs, ip1) = \
+ inf[1], inf[3], inf[5], inf[7], inf[9], inf[11]
+ # 9, 10, etc are IP addrs
+ key = ip1 + ':' + export
+ conf[key] = {}
+ conf[key]['path'] = path
+ conf[key]['hdp'] = hdp
+ conf[key]['fslabel'] = fslabel
+ msg = _('nfs_info: %(key)s: %(path)s, HDP: \
+ %(fslabel)s FSID: %(hdp)s')
+ LOG.info(msg
+ % {'key': key,
+ 'path': path,
+ 'fslabel': fslabel,
+ 'hdp': hdp})
+ return conf
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Perform internal driver setup."""
+ self.context = context
+ self._load_shares_config(getattr(self.configuration,
+ self.driver_prefix +
+ '_shares_config'))
+ LOG.info("Review shares: %s" % self.shares)
+ nfs_info = self._get_nfs_info()
+ for share in self.shares:
+ #export = share.split(':')[1]
+ if share in nfs_info.keys():
+ LOG.info("share: %s -> %s" % (share, nfs_info[share]['path']))
+ for svc in self.config['services'].keys():
+ if share == self.config['services'][svc]['hdp']:
+ self.config['services'][svc]['path'] = \
+ nfs_info[share]['path']
+ # don't overwrite HDP value
+ self.config['services'][svc]['fsid'] = \
+ nfs_info[share]['hdp']
+ self.config['services'][svc]['fslabel'] = \
+ nfs_info[share]['fslabel']
+ LOG.info("Save service info for %s -> %s, %s"
+ % (svc, nfs_info[share]['hdp'],
+ nfs_info[share]['path']))
+ break
+ if share != self.config['services'][svc]['hdp']:
+ LOG.error("NFS share %s has no service entry: %s -> %s"
+ % (share, svc,
+ self.config['services'][svc]['hdp']))
+ raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param=svc)
+ else:
+ LOG.info("share: %s incorrect entry" % share)
+ def _clone_volume(self, volume_name, clone_name, volume_id):
+ """Clones mounted volume using the HNAS file_clone.
+ :param volume_name: string volume name
+ :param clone_name: string clone name (or snapshot)
+ :param volume_id: string volume id
+ """
+ export_path = self._get_export_path(volume_id)
+ # volume-ID snapshot-ID, /cinder
+ LOG.info("Cloning with volume_name %s clone_name %s export_path %s"
+ % (volume_name, clone_name, export_path))
+ source_vol = self._id_to_vol(volume_id)
+ # sps; added target
+ (_hdp, _path, _fslabel) = self._get_service(source_vol)
+ target_path = '%s/%s' % (_path, clone_name)
+ source_path = '%s/%s' % (_path, volume_name)
+ out = self.bend.file_clone(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
+ self.config['mgmt_ip0'],
+ self.config['username'],
+ self.config['password'],
+ _fslabel, source_path, target_path)
+ return out
+# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.hds.iscsi
+# configuration file for HDS iSCSI cinder plugin (string
+# value)
+# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.hds.nfs
+# configuration file for HDS NFS cinder plugin (string value)
# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.huawei
hus-cmd: CommandFilter, hus-cmd, root
hus-cmd_local: CommandFilter, /usr/local/bin/hus-cmd, root
+# cinder/volumes/drivers/hds/hnas_backend.py
+ssc: CommandFilter, ssc, root
# cinder/brick/initiator/connector.py:
ls: CommandFilter, ls, root
tee: CommandFilter, tee, root