import contextlib
import datetime
-import functools
-import traceback
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
-import six
from cinder import exception
from cinder import objects
class CinderObjectSerializer(base.VersionedObjectSerializer):
OBJ_BASE_CLASS = CinderObject
-def serialize_args(fn):
- """Decorator that will do the arguments serialization before remoting."""
- def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs):
- for kw in kwargs:
- value_arg = kwargs.get(kw)
- if kw == 'exc_val' and value_arg:
- kwargs[kw] = str(value_arg)
- elif kw == 'exc_tb' and (
- not isinstance(value_arg, six.string_types) and value_arg):
- kwargs[kw] = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(value_arg))
- elif isinstance(value_arg, datetime.datetime):
- kwargs[kw] = value_arg.isoformat()
- if hasattr(fn, '__call__'):
- return fn(obj, *args, **kwargs)
- # NOTE(danms): We wrap a descriptor, so use that protocol
- return fn.__get__(None, obj)(*args, **kwargs)
- # NOTE(danms): Make this discoverable
- wrapper.remotable = getattr(fn, 'remotable', False)
- wrapper.original_fn = fn
- return (functools.wraps(fn)(wrapper) if hasattr(fn, '__call__')
- else classmethod(wrapper))