--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Blockbridge Networks, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Blockbridge EPS iSCSI Volume Driver Tests
+import base64
+import httplib
+import urllib
+import mock
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+import cinder.volume.drivers.blockbridge as bb
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DEFAULT_POOL_QUERY = "+openstack"
+ "target_ip":"",
+ "target_port":3260,
+ "target_iqn":"iqn.2009-12.com.blockbridge:t-pjxczxh-t001",
+ "target_lun":0,
+ "initiator_login":"mock-user-abcdef123456"
+ 'driver_version': '1.3.0',
+ 'pools': [{
+ 'filter_function': None,
+ 'free_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
+ 'goodness_function': None,
+ 'location_info': 'BlockbridgeDriver:unknown:OpenStack',
+ 'max_over_subscription_ratio': None,
+ 'pool_name': 'OpenStack',
+ 'thin_provisioning_support': True,
+ 'reserved_percentage': 0,
+ 'total_capacity_gb': 'unknown'},
+ ],
+ 'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI',
+ 'vendor_name': 'Blockbridge',
+ 'volume_backend_name': 'BlockbridgeISCSIDriver',
+def common_mocks(f):
+ """Decorator to set mocks common to all tests.
+ The point of doing these mocks here is so that we don't accidentally set
+ mocks that can't/don't get unset.
+ """
+ def _common_inner_inner1(inst, *args, **kwargs):
+ @mock.patch("httplib.HTTPSConnection", autospec=True)
+ def _common_inner_inner2(mock_conn):
+ inst.mock_httplib = mock_conn
+ inst.mock_conn = mock_conn.return_value
+ inst.mock_response = mock.Mock()
+ inst.mock_response.read.return_value = '{}'
+ inst.mock_response.status = 200
+ inst.mock_conn.request.return_value = True
+ inst.mock_conn.getresponse.return_value = inst.mock_response
+ return f(inst, *args, **kwargs)
+ return _common_inner_inner2()
+ return _common_inner_inner1
+class BlockbridgeISCSIDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BlockbridgeISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.cfg = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_api_host = 'ut-api.blockbridge.com'
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_api_port = None
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_scheme = 'token'
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_token = '0//kPIw7Ck7PUkPSKY...'
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_pools = {DEFAULT_POOL_NAME: DEFAULT_POOL_QUERY}
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_default_pool = None
+ self.cfg.filter_function = None
+ self.cfg.goodness_function = None
+ def _cfg_safe_get(arg):
+ return getattr(self.cfg, arg, None)
+ self.cfg.safe_get.side_effect = _cfg_safe_get
+ mock_exec = mock.Mock()
+ mock_exec.return_value = ('', '')
+ self.real_client = bb.BlockbridgeAPIClient(configuration=self.cfg)
+ self.mock_client = mock.Mock(wraps=self.real_client)
+ self.driver = bb.BlockbridgeISCSIDriver(execute=mock_exec,
+ client=self.mock_client,
+ configuration=self.cfg)
+ self.user_id = '2c13bc8ef717015fda1e12e70dab24654cb6a6da'
+ self.project_id = '62110b9d37f1ff3ea1f51e75812cb92ed9a08b28'
+ self.volume_name = u'testvol-1'
+ self.volume_id = '6546b9e9-1980-4241-a4e9-0ad9d382c032'
+ self.volume_size = 1
+ self.volume = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ size=self.volume_size,
+ id=self.volume_id,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id,
+ host='fake-host')
+ self.snapshot_name = u'testsnap-1'
+ self.snapshot_id = '207c12af-85a7-4da6-8d39-a7457548f965'
+ self.snapshot = dict(
+ volume_name=self.volume_name,
+ name=self.snapshot_name,
+ id=self.snapshot_id,
+ volume_id='55ff8a46-c35f-4ca3-9991-74e1697b220e',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.connector = dict(
+ initiator='iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:6a528422b61')
+ self.driver.do_setup(context.get_admin_context())
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_http_mock_success(self):
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = '{}'
+ self.mock_response.status = 200
+ conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('whatever', None)
+ conn.request('GET', '/blah', '{}', {})
+ rsp = conn.getresponse()
+ self.assertEqual('{}', rsp.read())
+ self.assertEqual(200, rsp.status)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_http_mock_failure(self):
+ mock_body = '{"error": "no results matching query", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('whatever', None)
+ conn.request('GET', '/blah', '{}', {})
+ rsp = conn.getresponse()
+ self.assertEqual(mock_body, rsp.read())
+ self.assertEqual(413, rsp.status)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_cfg_api_host(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(self.cfg, 'blockbridge_api_host', 'test.host'):
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.mock_httplib.assert_called_once_with('test.host', None)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_cfg_api_port(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(self.cfg, 'blockbridge_api_port', 1234):
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.mock_httplib.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_api_host, 1234)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_cfg_api_auth_scheme_password(self):
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_scheme = 'password'
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_user = 'mock-user'
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_password = 'mock-password'
+ with mock.patch.object(self.driver, 'hostname', 'mock-hostname'):
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ b64_creds = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_user,
+ self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_password)).replace("\n", "")
+ params = dict(
+ hostname='mock-hostname',
+ version=self.driver.VERSION,
+ backend_name='BlockbridgeISCSIDriver',
+ pool='OpenStack',
+ query='%2Bopenstack')
+ full_url = ("/api/cinder/status?query=%(query)s&"
+ "hostname=%(hostname)s&backend_name=%(backend_name)s&"
+ "version=%(version)s&pool=%(pool)s" % params)
+ headers = {
+ 'Accept': 'application/vnd.blockbridge-3+json',
+ 'Authorization': "Basic %s" % b64_creds,
+ 'User-Agent': "cinder-volume/%s" % self.driver.VERSION,
+ }
+ self.mock_conn.request.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'GET', full_url, None, headers)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_volume(self):
+ self.driver.create_volume(self.volume)
+ url = "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ capacity=self.volume_size * units.Gi)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ full_url = "/api/cinder" + url
+ raw_body = jsonutils.dumps(create_params)
+ tsk_header = "ext_auth=keystone/%(project_id)s/%(user_id)s" % kwargs
+ authz_header = "Bearer %s" % self.cfg.blockbridge_auth_token
+ headers = {
+ 'X-Blockbridge-Task': tsk_header,
+ 'Accept': 'application/vnd.blockbridge-3+json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': authz_header,
+ 'User-Agent': "cinder-volume/%s" % self.driver.VERSION,
+ }
+ self.mock_conn.request.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'PUT', full_url, raw_body, headers)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_volume_no_results(self):
+ mock_body = '{"message": "no results matching query", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "no results matching query",
+ self.driver.create_volume,
+ self.volume)
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ capacity=self.volume_size * units.Gi)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(
+ "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+ self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume, self.snapshot)
+ vol_src = dict(
+ snapshot_id=self.snapshot_id,
+ volume_id=self.snapshot['volume_id'])
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ src=vol_src)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(
+ "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_overquota(self):
+ mock_body = '{"message": "over quota", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "over quota",
+ self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot,
+ self.volume,
+ self.snapshot)
+ vol_src = dict(
+ snapshot_id=self.snapshot_id,
+ volume_id=self.snapshot['volume_id'])
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ src=vol_src)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(
+ "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_cloned_volume(self):
+ src_vref = dict(
+ name='cloned_volume_source',
+ size=self.volume_size,
+ id='5d734467-5d77-461c-b5ac-5009dbeaa5d5',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.driver.create_cloned_volume(self.volume, src_vref)
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ src=dict(volume_id=src_vref['id']))
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(
+ "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_cloned_volume_overquota(self):
+ mock_body = '{"message": "over quota", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ src_vref = dict(
+ name='cloned_volume_source',
+ size=self.volume_size,
+ id='5d734467-5d77-461c-b5ac-5009dbeaa5d5',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "over quota",
+ self.driver.create_cloned_volume,
+ self.volume,
+ src_vref)
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.volume_name,
+ src=dict(volume_id=src_vref['id']))
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(
+ "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_extend_volume(self):
+ self.driver.extend_volume(self.volume, 2)
+ url = "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id
+ kwargs = dict(
+ action='grow',
+ method='POST',
+ params=dict(capacity=(2 * units.Gi)),
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_extend_volume_overquota(self):
+ mock_body = '{"message": "over quota", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "over quota",
+ self.driver.extend_volume,
+ self.volume,
+ 2)
+ url = "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id
+ kwargs = dict(
+ action='grow',
+ method='POST',
+ params=dict(capacity=(2 * units.Gi)),
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_delete_volume(self):
+ self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
+ url = "/volumes/%s" % self.volume_id
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='DELETE',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_snapshot(self):
+ self.driver.create_snapshot(self.snapshot)
+ url = "/volumes/%s/snapshots/%s" % (self.snapshot['volume_id'],
+ self.snapshot['id'])
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.snapshot_name)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_create_snapshot_overquota(self):
+ mock_body = '{"message": "over quota", "status": 413}'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = mock_body
+ self.mock_response.status = 413
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "over quota",
+ self.driver.create_snapshot,
+ self.snapshot)
+ url = "/volumes/%s/snapshots/%s" % (self.snapshot['volume_id'],
+ self.snapshot['id'])
+ create_params = dict(
+ name=self.snapshot_name)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=create_params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(self.snapshot)
+ url = "/volumes/%s/snapshots/%s" % (self.snapshot['volume_id'],
+ self.snapshot['id'])
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='DELETE',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.utils.generate_username')
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.utils.generate_password')
+ def test_initialize_connection(self,
+ mock_generate_password,
+ mock_generate_username):
+ mock_generate_username.return_value = 'mock-user-abcdef123456'
+ mock_generate_password.return_value = 'mock-password-abcdef123456'
+ self.mock_response.read.return_value = FIXTURE_VOL_EXPORT_OK
+ self.mock_response.status = 200
+ props = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume, self.connector)
+ expected_props = dict(
+ driver_volume_type="iscsi",
+ data=dict(
+ auth_method="CHAP",
+ auth_username='mock-user-abcdef123456',
+ auth_password='mock-password-abcdef123456',
+ target_discovered=False,
+ target_iqn="iqn.2009-12.com.blockbridge:t-pjxczxh-t001",
+ target_lun=0,
+ target_portal="",
+ volume_id=self.volume_id))
+ self.assertEqual(expected_props, props)
+ ini_name = urllib.quote(self.connector["initiator"], "")
+ url = "/volumes/%s/exports/%s" % (self.volume_id, ini_name)
+ params = dict(
+ chap_user="mock-user-abcdef123456",
+ chap_secret="mock-password-abcdef123456")
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='PUT',
+ params=params,
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_terminate_connection(self):
+ self.driver.terminate_connection(self.volume, self.connector)
+ ini_name = urllib.quote(self.connector["initiator"], "")
+ url = "/volumes/%s/exports/%s" % (self.volume_id, ini_name)
+ kwargs = dict(
+ method='DELETE',
+ user_id=self.user_id,
+ project_id=self.project_id)
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with(url, **kwargs)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_get_volume_stats_without_usage(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(self.driver, 'hostname', 'mock-hostname'):
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+ p = {
+ 'query': '+openstack',
+ 'pool': 'OpenStack',
+ 'hostname': 'mock-hostname',
+ 'version': '1.3.0',
+ 'backend_name': 'BlockbridgeISCSIDriver',
+ }
+ self.mock_client.submit.assert_called_once_with('/status', params=p)
+ self.assertEqual(POOL_STATS_WITHOUT_USAGE, self.driver._stats)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_get_volume_stats_forbidden(self):
+ self.mock_response.status = 403
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.NotAuthorized,
+ "Insufficient privileges",
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats,
+ True)
+ @common_mocks
+ def test_get_volume_stats_unauthorized(self):
+ self.mock_response.status = 401
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.NotAuthorized,
+ "Invalid credentials",
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats,
+ True)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2013-2015 Blockbridge Networks, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Blockbridge EPS iSCSI Volume Driver
+import base64
+import httplib
+import socket
+import urllib
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+blockbridge_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_api_host",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("IP address/hostname of Blockbridge API.")),
+ cfg.IntOpt("blockbridge_api_port",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("Override HTTPS port to connect to Blockbridge "
+ "API server.")),
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_auth_scheme",
+ default='token',
+ choices=['token', 'password'],
+ help=_("Blockbridge API authentication scheme (token "
+ "or password)")),
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_auth_token",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("Blockbridge API token (for auth scheme 'token')"),
+ secret=True),
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_auth_user",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("Blockbridge API user (for auth scheme 'password')")),
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_auth_password",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("Blockbridge API password (for auth scheme 'password')"),
+ secret=True),
+ cfg.DictOpt("blockbridge_pools",
+ default={'OpenStack': '+openstack'},
+ help=_("Defines the set of exposed pools and their associated "
+ "backend query strings")),
+ cfg.StrOpt("blockbridge_default_pool",
+ default=None,
+ help=_("Default pool name if unspecified.")),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class BlockbridgeAPIClient(object):
+ _api_cfg = None
+ def __init__(self, configuration=None):
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ def _get_api_cfg(self):
+ if self._api_cfg:
+ # return cached configuration
+ return self._api_cfg
+ if self.configuration.blockbridge_auth_scheme == 'password':
+ user = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_auth_user')
+ pw = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_auth_password')
+ b64_creds = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (user, pw))
+ authz = "Basic %s" % b64_creds.replace("\n", "")
+ elif self.configuration.blockbridge_auth_scheme == 'token':
+ token = self.configuration.blockbridge_auth_token or ''
+ authz = "Bearer %s" % token
+ # set and return cached api cfg
+ self._api_cfg = {
+ 'host': self.configuration.blockbridge_api_host,
+ 'port': self.configuration.blockbridge_api_port,
+ 'base_url': '/api/cinder',
+ 'default_headers': {
+ 'User-Agent': ("cinder-volume/%s" %
+ BlockbridgeISCSIDriver.VERSION),
+ 'Accept': 'application/vnd.blockbridge-3+json',
+ 'Authorization': authz,
+ },
+ }
+ return self._api_cfg
+ def submit(self, rel_url, method='GET', params=None, user_id=None,
+ project_id=None, req_id=None, action=None, **kwargs):
+ """Submit a request to the configured API endpoint."""
+ cfg = self._get_api_cfg()
+ if cfg is None:
+ msg = _("Failed to determine blockbridge API configuration")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ # alter the url appropriately if an action is requested
+ if action:
+ rel_url += "/actions/%s" % action
+ headers = cfg['default_headers'].copy()
+ url = cfg['base_url'] + rel_url
+ body = None
+ # include user, project and req-id, if supplied
+ tsk_ctx = []
+ if user_id and project_id:
+ tsk_ctx.append("ext_auth=keystone/%s/%s" % (project_id, user_id))
+ if req_id:
+ tsk_ctx.append("id=%s", req_id)
+ if tsk_ctx:
+ headers['X-Blockbridge-Task'] = ','.join(tsk_ctx)
+ # encode params based on request method
+ if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']:
+ # For GET method add parameters to the URL
+ if params:
+ url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
+ elif method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']:
+ body = jsonutils.dumps(params)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ else:
+ raise exception.UnknownCmd(cmd=method)
+ # connect and execute the request
+ connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(cfg['host'], cfg['port'])
+ connection.request(method, url, body, headers)
+ response = connection.getresponse()
+ # read response data
+ rsp_body = response.read()
+ rsp_data = jsonutils.loads(rsp_body)
+ connection.close()
+ code = response.status
+ if code in [200, 201, 202, 204]:
+ pass
+ elif code == 401:
+ raise exception.NotAuthorized(_("Invalid credentials"))
+ elif code == 403:
+ raise exception.NotAuthorized(_("Insufficient privileges"))
+ else:
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=rsp_data['message'])
+ return rsp_data
+class BlockbridgeISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """Manages volumes hosted on Blockbridge EPS."""
+ VERSION = '1.3.0'
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BlockbridgeISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.client = kwargs.get('client', None) or (
+ BlockbridgeAPIClient(configuration=self.configuration))
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(blockbridge_opts)
+ self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Set up the Blockbridge volume driver."""
+ pass
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Verify configuration is valid."""
+ # ensure the host is configured
+ if self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_api_host') is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge api host not configured"))
+ # ensure the auth scheme is valid and has the necessary configuration.
+ auth_scheme = self.configuration.safe_get("blockbridge_auth_scheme")
+ if auth_scheme == 'password':
+ auth_user = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_auth_user')
+ auth_pw = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_auth_password')
+ if auth_user is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge user not configured (required for "
+ "auth scheme 'password')"))
+ if auth_pw is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge password not configured (required "
+ "for auth scheme 'password')"))
+ elif auth_scheme == 'token':
+ token = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_auth_token')
+ if token is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge token not configured (required "
+ "for auth scheme 'token')"))
+ else:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=(_("Blockbridge configured with invalid auth scheme "
+ "'%(auth_scheme)s'") % {'auth_scheme': auth_scheme}))
+ # ensure at least one pool is defined
+ pools = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_pools')
+ if pools is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge pools not configured"))
+ default_pool = self.configuration.safe_get('blockbridge_default_pool')
+ if default_pool and default_pool not in pools:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_("Blockbridge default pool does not exist"))
+ def _vol_api_submit(self, vol_id, **kwargs):
+ vol_id = urllib.quote(vol_id, '')
+ rel_url = "/volumes/%s" % vol_id
+ return self.client.submit(rel_url, **kwargs)
+ def _create_volume(self, vol_id, params, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend volume create operation."""
+ self._vol_api_submit(vol_id, method='PUT', params=params, **kwargs)
+ def _delete_volume(self, vol_id, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend volume delete operation."""
+ self._vol_api_submit(vol_id, method='DELETE', **kwargs)
+ def _extend_volume(self, vol_id, capacity, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend volume grow operation."""
+ params = kwargs.get('params', {})
+ params['capacity'] = capacity
+ self._vol_api_submit(vol_id, method='POST', action='grow',
+ params=params, **kwargs)
+ def _snap_api_submit(self, vol_id, snap_id, **kwargs):
+ vol_id = urllib.quote(vol_id, '')
+ snap_id = urllib.quote(snap_id, '')
+ rel_url = "/volumes/%s/snapshots/%s" % (vol_id, snap_id)
+ return self.client.submit(rel_url, **kwargs)
+ def _create_snapshot(self, vol_id, snap_id, params, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend snapshot create operation."""
+ self._snap_api_submit(vol_id, snap_id, method='PUT',
+ params=params, **kwargs)
+ def _delete_snapshot(self, vol_id, snap_id, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend snapshot delete operation."""
+ return self._snap_api_submit(vol_id, snap_id, method='DELETE',
+ **kwargs)
+ def _export_api_submit(self, vol_id, ini_name, **kwargs):
+ vol_id = urllib.quote(vol_id, '')
+ ini_name = urllib.quote(ini_name, '')
+ rel_url = "/volumes/%s/exports/%s" % (vol_id, ini_name)
+ return self.client.submit(rel_url, **kwargs)
+ def _create_export(self, vol_id, ini_name, params, **kwargs):
+ """Execute a backend volume export operation."""
+ return self._export_api_submit(vol_id, ini_name, method='PUT',
+ params=params, **kwargs)
+ def _delete_export(self, vol_id, ini_name, **kwargs):
+ """Remove a previously created volume export."""
+ self._export_api_submit(vol_id, ini_name, method='DELETE',
+ **kwargs)
+ def _get_pool_stats(self, pool, query, **kwargs):
+ """Retrieve pool statistics and capabilities."""
+ pq = {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'query': query,
+ }
+ pq.update(kwargs)
+ return self.client.submit('/status', params=pq)
+ def _get_dbref_name(self, ref):
+ display_name = ref.get('display_name')
+ if not display_name:
+ return ref.get('name')
+ return display_name
+ def _get_query_string(self, ctxt, volume):
+ pools = self.configuration.blockbridge_pools
+ default_pool = self.configuration.blockbridge_default_pool
+ explicit_pool = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool')
+ pool_name = explicit_pool or default_pool
+ if pool_name:
+ return pools[pool_name]
+ else:
+ # no pool specified or defaulted -- just pick whatever comes out of
+ # the dictionary first.
+ return pools.values()[0]
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Create a volume on a Blockbridge EPS backend.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ create_params = {
+ 'name': self._get_dbref_name(volume),
+ 'query': self._get_query_string(ctxt, volume),
+ 'capacity': int(volume['size'] * units.Gi),
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Provisioning %(capacity)s byte volume "
+ "with query '%(query)s'", create_params, resource=volume)
+ return self._create_volume(volume['id'],
+ create_params,
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
+ create_params = {
+ 'name': self._get_dbref_name(volume),
+ 'src': {
+ 'volume_id': src_vref['id'],
+ },
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Cloning source volume %(id)s", src_vref, resource=volume)
+ return self._create_volume(volume['id'],
+ create_params,
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Remove an existing volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Removing volume %(id)s", volume, resource=volume)
+ return self._delete_volume(volume['id'],
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Create snapshot of existing volume.
+ :param snapshot: shapshot reference
+ """
+ create_params = {
+ 'name': self._get_dbref_name(snapshot),
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Creating snapshot of volume %(volume_id)s", snapshot,
+ resource=snapshot)
+ return self._create_snapshot(snapshot['volume_id'],
+ snapshot['id'],
+ create_params,
+ user_id=snapshot['user_id'],
+ project_id=snapshot['project_id'])
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create new volume from existing snapshot.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be created
+ :param snapshot: reference of source snapshot
+ """
+ create_params = {
+ 'name': self._get_dbref_name(volume),
+ 'src': {
+ 'volume_id': snapshot['volume_id'],
+ 'snapshot_id': snapshot['id'],
+ },
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Creating volume from snapshot %(id)s", snapshot,
+ resource=volume)
+ return self._create_volume(volume['id'],
+ create_params,
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Delete volume's snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: shapshot reference
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Deleting snapshot of volume %(volume_id)s", snapshot,
+ resource=snapshot)
+ self._delete_snapshot(snapshot['volume_id'],
+ snapshot['id'],
+ user_id=snapshot['user_id'],
+ project_id=snapshot['project_id'])
+ def create_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ """Do nothing: target created during instance attachment."""
+ pass
+ def ensure_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ """Do nothing: target created during instance attachment."""
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ """Do nothing: target created during instance attachment."""
+ pass
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ """Attach volume to initiator/host.
+ Creates a profile for the initiator, and adds the new profile to the
+ target ACL.
+ """
+ # generate a CHAP secret here -- there is no way to retrieve an
+ # existing CHAP secret over the Blockbridge API, so it must be
+ # supplied by the volume driver.
+ export_params = {
+ 'chap_user': (
+ kwargs.get('user', volume_utils.generate_username(16))),
+ 'chap_secret': (
+ kwargs.get('password', volume_utils.generate_password(32))),
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Configuring export for %(initiator)s", connector,
+ resource=volume)
+ rsp = self._create_export(volume['id'],
+ connector['initiator'],
+ export_params,
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ # combine locally generated chap credentials with target iqn/lun to
+ # present the attach properties.
+ target_portal = "%s:%s" % (rsp['target_ip'], rsp['target_port'])
+ properties = {
+ 'target_discovered': False,
+ 'target_portal': target_portal,
+ 'target_iqn': rsp['target_iqn'],
+ 'target_lun': rsp['target_lun'],
+ 'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'auth_method': 'CHAP',
+ 'auth_username': rsp['initiator_login'],
+ 'auth_password': export_params['chap_secret'],
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Attach properties: %(properties)s",
+ {'properties': properties})
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+ 'data': properties,
+ }
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+ """Detach volume from the initiator.
+ Removes initiator profile entry from target ACL.
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Unconfiguring export for %(initiator)s", connector,
+ resource=volume)
+ self._delete_export(volume['id'],
+ connector['initiator'],
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume."""
+ capacity = new_size * units.Gi
+ LOG.debug("Extending volume to %(capacity)s bytes",
+ {'capacity': capacity}, resource=volume)
+ self._extend_volume(volume['id'],
+ int(new_size * units.Gi),
+ user_id=volume['user_id'],
+ project_id=volume['project_id'])
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ if refresh:
+ self._update_volume_stats()
+ return self._stats
+ def _update_volume_stats(self):
+ if self.configuration:
+ cfg_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ backend_name = cfg_name or self.__class__.__name__
+ driver_cfg = {
+ 'hostname': self.hostname,
+ 'version': self.VERSION,
+ 'backend_name': backend_name,
+ }
+ filter_function = self.get_filter_function()
+ goodness_function = self.get_goodness_function()
+ pools = []
+ LOG.debug("Updating volume driver statistics",
+ resource={'type': 'driver', 'id': backend_name})
+ for pool_name, query in self.configuration.blockbridge_pools.items():
+ stats = self._get_pool_stats(pool_name, query, **driver_cfg)
+ system_serial = stats.get('system_serial', 'unknown')
+ free_capacity = stats.get('free_capacity', None)
+ total_capacity = stats.get('total_capacity', None)
+ provisioned_capacity = stats.get('provisioned_capacity', None)
+ if free_capacity is None:
+ free_capacity = 'unknown'
+ else:
+ free_capacity = int(free_capacity / units.Gi)
+ if total_capacity is None:
+ total_capacity = 'unknown'
+ else:
+ total_capacity = int(total_capacity / units.Gi)
+ pool = {
+ 'pool_name': pool_name,
+ 'location_info': ('BlockbridgeDriver:%(sys_id)s:%(pool)s' %
+ {'sys_id': system_serial,
+ 'pool': pool_name}),
+ 'max_over_subscription_ratio': (
+ self.configuration.safe_get('max_over_subscription_ratio')
+ ),
+ 'free_capacity_gb': free_capacity,
+ 'total_capacity_gb': total_capacity,
+ 'reserved_percentage': 0,
+ 'thin_provisioning_support': True,
+ 'filter_function': filter_function,
+ 'goodness_function': goodness_function,
+ }
+ if provisioned_capacity is not None:
+ pool['provisioned_capacity_gb'] = int(
+ provisioned_capacity / units.Gi
+ )
+ pools.append(pool)
+ self._stats = {
+ 'volume_backend_name': backend_name,
+ 'vendor_name': 'Blockbridge',
+ 'driver_version': self.VERSION,
+ 'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI',
+ 'pools': pools,
+ }