{'service_name': service_name, 'host': host,
'cap': capabilities})
- def get_all_host_states(self, context):
- """Returns a dict of all the hosts the HostManager knows about.
- Each of the consumable resources in HostState are
- populated with capabilities scheduler received from RPC.
- For example:
- {'': HostState(), ...}
- """
+ def _update_host_state_map(self, context):
# Get resource usage across the available volume nodes:
topic = CONF.volume_topic
"scheduler cache.") % {'host': host})
del self.host_state_map[host]
+ def get_all_host_states(self, context):
+ """Returns a dict of all the hosts the HostManager knows about.
+ Each of the consumable resources in HostState are
+ populated with capabilities scheduler received from RPC.
+ For example:
+ {'': HostState(), ...}
+ """
+ self._update_host_state_map(context)
# build a pool_state map and return that map instead of host_state_map
all_pools = {}
- for host in active_hosts:
- state = self.host_state_map[host]
+ for host, state in self.host_state_map.items():
for key in state.pools:
pool = state.pools[key]
# use host.pool_name to make sure key is unique
def get_pools(self, context):
"""Returns a dict of all pools on all hosts HostManager knows about."""
+ self._update_host_state_map(context)
all_pools = []
for host, state in self.host_state_map.items():
for key in state.pools:
'host3': host3_volume_capabs}
self.assertDictMatch(service_states, expected)
+ @mock.patch('cinder.db.service_get_all_by_topic')
+ @mock.patch('cinder.utils.service_is_up')
+ @mock.patch('oslo.utils.timeutils.utcnow')
+ def test_update_and_get_pools(self, _mock_utcnow,
+ _mock_service_is_up,
+ _mock_service_get_all_by_topic):
+ """Test interaction between update and get_pools
+ This test verifies that each time that get_pools is called it gets the
+ latest copy of service_capabilities, which is timestamped with the
+ current date/time.
+ """
+ context = 'fake_context'
+ _mock_utcnow.side_effect = [400, 401, 402]
+ services = [
+ # This is the first call to utcnow()
+ dict(id=1, host='host1', topic='volume', disabled=False,
+ availability_zone='zone1', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
+ ]
+ mocked_service_states = {
+ 'host1': dict(volume_backend_name='AAA',
+ total_capacity_gb=512, free_capacity_gb=200,
+ timestamp=None, reserved_percentage=0),
+ }
+ _mock_service_get_all_by_topic.return_value = services
+ _mock_service_is_up.return_value = True
+ _mock_warning = mock.Mock()
+ host_manager.LOG.warn = _mock_warning
+ host_volume_capabs = dict(free_capacity_gb=4321)
+ service_name = 'volume'
+ with mock.patch.dict(self.host_manager.service_states,
+ mocked_service_states):
+ self.host_manager.update_service_capabilities(service_name,
+ 'host1',
+ host_volume_capabs)
+ res = self.host_manager.get_pools(context)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
+ self.assertEqual(401, res[0]['capabilities']['timestamp'])
+ self.host_manager.update_service_capabilities(service_name,
+ 'host1',
+ host_volume_capabs)
+ res = self.host_manager.get_pools(context)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
+ self.assertEqual(402, res[0]['capabilities']['timestamp'])
def test_get_all_host_states(self, _mock_service_is_up,
with mock.patch.dict(self.host_manager.service_states,
- # call get_all_host_states to populate host_state_map
- self.host_manager.get_all_host_states(context)
res = self.host_manager.get_pools(context)
# check if get_pools returns all 3 pools