--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Unit tests for OpenStack Cinder volume driver
+import mock
+from mock import patch
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5 import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5 import nfs
+class TestNexentaNfsDriver(test.TestCase):
+ TEST_SHARE = 'host1:/pool/share'
+ TEST_SHARE2_OPTIONS = '-o intr'
+ TEST_FILE_NAME = 'test.txt'
+ TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cinder/nexenta-shares.conf'
+ TEST_SNAPSHOT_NAME = 'snapshot1'
+ TEST_VOLUME_NAME = 'volume1'
+ TEST_VOLUME_NAME2 = 'volume2'
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available',
+ 'provider_location': TEST_SHARE
+ }
+ 'name': TEST_VOLUME_NAME2,
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'id': '2',
+ 'status': 'in-use'
+ }
+ 'volume_name': TEST_VOLUME_NAME,
+ 'volume_id': '1'
+ }
+ TEST_SHARE_SVC = 'svc:/network/nfs/server:default'
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestNexentaNfsDriver, self).setUp()
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.cfg = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_description = ''
+ self.cfg.nexenta_mount_point_base = '$state_path/mnt'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_sparsed_volumes = True
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_compression = 'on'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_dedup = 'off'
+ self.cfg.nfs_mount_point_base = '/mnt/test'
+ self.cfg.nfs_mount_attempts = 3
+ self.cfg.nas_mount_options = 'vers=4'
+ self.cfg.nfs_used_ratio = 0.5
+ self.cfg.reserved_percentage = 20
+ self.cfg.nfs_oversub_ratio = 1.0
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rest_protocol = 'http'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rest_port = 8080
+ self.cfg.nexenta_user = 'user'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_password = 'pass'
+ self.cfg.max_over_subscription_ratio = 20.0
+ self.cfg.nas_ip = ''
+ self.cfg.nas_share_path = 'pool/share'
+ self.nef_mock = mock.Mock()
+ self.stubs.Set(jsonrpc, 'NexentaJSONProxy',
+ lambda *_, **__: self.nef_mock)
+ self.drv = nfs.NexentaNfsDriver(configuration=self.cfg)
+ self.drv.db = db
+ self.drv.do_setup(self.ctxt)
+ def _create_volume_db_entry(self):
+ vol = {
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available',
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_SHARE
+ }
+ return db.volume_create(self.ctxt, vol)['id']
+ def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
+ self.nef_mock.get.return_value = {'data': []}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ LookupError, lambda: self.drv.check_for_setup_error())
+ def test_initialize_connection(self):
+ data = {
+ 'export': self.TEST_VOLUME['provider_location'], 'name': 'volume'}
+ self.assertEqual({
+ 'driver_volume_type': self.drv.driver_volume_type,
+ 'data': data
+ }, self.drv.initialize_connection(self.TEST_VOLUME, None))
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._create_regular_file')
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._create_sparsed_file')
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._ensure_share_mounted')
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._share_folder')
+ def test_do_create_volume(self, share, ensure, sparsed, regular):
+ ensure.return_value = True
+ share.return_value = True
+ self.nef_mock.get.return_value = 'on'
+ self.drv._do_create_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME)
+ url = 'storage/pools/pool/filesystems'
+ data = {
+ 'name': 'share/volume1',
+ 'compressionMode': 'on',
+ 'dedupMode': 'off',
+ }
+ self.nef_mock.post.assert_called_with(url, data)
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._ensure_share_mounted')
+ def test_delete_volume(self, ensure):
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.nef_mock.get.return_value = {}
+ self.drv.delete_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME)
+ self.nef_mock.delete.assert_called_with(
+ 'storage/pools/pool/filesystems/share%2Fvolume1?snapshots=true')
+ def test_create_snapshot(self):
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.drv.create_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT)
+ url = 'storage/pools/pool/filesystems/share%2Fvolume-1/snapshots'
+ data = {'name': self.TEST_SNAPSHOT['name']}
+ self.nef_mock.post.assert_called_with(url, data)
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT)
+ url = ('storage/pools/pool/filesystems/share%2Fvolume-1/'
+ 'snapshots/snapshot1')
+ self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT)
+ self.nef_mock.delete.assert_called_with(url)
+ @patch('cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nfs.'
+ 'NexentaNfsDriver._share_folder')
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self, share):
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ url = ('storage/filesystems/pool%2Fshare%2Fvolume2/promote')
+ self.drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(
+ self.nef_mock.post.assert_called_with(url)
+ def test_get_capacity_info(self):
+ self.nef_mock.get.return_value = {
+ 'bytesAvailable': 1000,
+ 'bytesUsed': 100}
+ self.assertEqual(
+ (1000, 900, 100), self.drv._get_capacity_info('pool/share'))
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.jsonrpc` -- Nexenta-specific JSON RPC client
+.. automodule:: nexenta.jsonrpc
+import time
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+import requests
+from cinder import exception
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NexentaJSONProxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, user,
+ password, auto=False, method=None):
+ self.scheme = scheme
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.user = user
+ self.password = password
+ self.auto = True
+ self.method = method
+ @property
+ def url(self):
+ return '%s://%s:%s/' % (self.scheme, self.host, self.port)
+ def __getattr__(self, method=None):
+ if method:
+ return NexentaJSONProxy(
+ self.scheme, self.host, self.port,
+ self.user, self.password, self.auto, method)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.url.__hash__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'NEF proxy: %s' % self.url
+ def __call__(self, path, data=None):
+ auth = ('%s:%s' % (self.user, self.password)).encode('base64')[:-1]
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth
+ }
+ url = self.url + path
+ if data:
+ data = jsonutils.dumps(data)
+ LOG.debug('Sending JSON to url: %s, data: %s, method: %s',
+ path, data, self.method)
+ if self.method == 'get':
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ if self.method == 'post':
+ resp = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
+ if self.method == 'put':
+ resp = requests.put(url, data=data, headers=headers)
+ if self.method == 'delete':
+ resp = requests.delete(url, data=data, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code == 201 or (
+ resp.status_code == 200 and not resp.content):
+ LOG.debug('Got response: Success')
+ return 'Success'
+ response = resp.json()
+ resp.close()
+ if response and resp.status_code == 202:
+ url = self.url + response['links'][0]['href']
+ while resp.status_code == 202:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ resp = requests.get(url)
+ if resp.status_code == 201 or (
+ resp.status_code == 200 and not resp.content):
+ LOG.debug('Got response: Success')
+ return 'Success'
+ else:
+ response = resp.json()
+ resp.close()
+ if response.get('code'):
+ raise exception.NexentaException(response)
+ LOG.debug('Got response: %s', response)
+ return response
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.nfs` -- Driver to store volumes on NexentaStor Appliance.
+.. automodule:: nexenta.nfs
+import hashlib
+import os
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.ns5 import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs
+VERSION = '1.0.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NexentaNfsDriver(nfs.NfsDriver): # pylint: disable=R0921
+ """Executes volume driver commands on Nexenta Appliance.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver version.
+ """
+ driver_prefix = 'nexenta'
+ volume_backend_name = 'NexentaNfsDriver'
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ if self.configuration:
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.nfs_mount_point_base = self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base
+ self.dataset_compression = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_compression)
+ self.dataset_deduplication = self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_dedup
+ self.dataset_description = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_description)
+ self.sparsed_volumes = self.configuration.nexenta_sparsed_volumes
+ self.nef = None
+ self.nef_protocol = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_protocol
+ self.nef_host = self.configuration.nas_ip
+ self.share = self.configuration.nas_share_path
+ self.nef_port = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_port
+ self.nef_user = self.configuration.nexenta_user
+ self.nef_password = self.configuration.nexenta_password
+ @property
+ def backend_name(self):
+ backend_name = None
+ if self.configuration:
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ if not backend_name:
+ backend_name = self.__class__.__name__
+ return backend_name
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ if self.nef_protocol == 'auto':
+ protocol, auto = 'http', True
+ else:
+ protocol, auto = self.nef_protocol, False
+ self.nef = jsonrpc.NexentaJSONProxy(
+ protocol, self.nef_host, self.nef_port, self.nef_user,
+ self.nef_password, auto=auto)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Verify that the volume for our folder exists.
+ :raise: :py:exc:`LookupError`
+ """
+ pool_name, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s' % (pool_name)
+ if not self.nef.get(url):
+ raise LookupError(_("Pool %s does not exist in Nexenta "
+ "Store appliance") % pool_name)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems/%s' % (
+ pool_name, fs)
+ if not self.nef.get(url):
+ raise LookupError(_("filesystem %s does not exist in "
+ "Nexenta Store appliance") % fs)
+ path = '/'.join([pool_name, fs])
+ shared = False
+ response = self.nef.get('nas/nfs')
+ for share in response['data']:
+ if share.get('filesystem') == path:
+ shared = True
+ break
+ if not shared:
+ raise LookupError(_("Dataset %s is not shared in Nexenta "
+ "Store appliance") % path)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Allow connection to connector and return connection info.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :param connector: connector reference
+ """
+ data = {'export': volume['provider_location'], 'name': 'volume'}
+ if volume['provider_location'] in self.shares:
+ data['options'] = self.shares[volume['provider_location']]
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': self.driver_volume_type,
+ 'data': data
+ }
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Creates a volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :returns: provider_location update dict for database
+ """
+ self._do_create_volume(volume)
+ return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
+ def _do_create_volume(self, volume):
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ filesystem = '%s/%s/%s' % (pool, fs, volume['name'])
+ LOG.debug('Creating filesystem on NexentaStor %s', filesystem)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems' % pool
+ data = {
+ 'name': '/'.join([fs, volume['name']]),
+ 'compressionMode': self.dataset_compression,
+ 'dedupMode': self.dataset_deduplication,
+ }
+ self.nef.post(url, data)
+ volume['provider_location'] = '%s:/%s/%s' % (
+ self.nef_host, self.share, volume['name'])
+ try:
+ self._share_folder(fs, volume['name'])
+ self._ensure_share_mounted('%s:/%s/%s' % (
+ self.nef_host, self.share, volume['name']))
+ volume_size = volume['size']
+ if getattr(self.configuration,
+ self.driver_prefix + '_sparsed_volumes'):
+ self._create_sparsed_file(self.local_path(volume), volume_size)
+ else:
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems/%s' % (
+ pool, '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']]))
+ compression = self.nef.get(url).get('compressionMode')
+ if compression != 'off':
+ # Disable compression, because otherwise will not use space
+ # on disk.
+ self.nef.put(url, {'compressionMode': 'off'})
+ try:
+ self._create_regular_file(
+ self.local_path(volume), volume_size)
+ finally:
+ if compression != 'off':
+ # Backup default compression value if it was changed.
+ self.nef.put(url, {'compressionMode': compression})
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ try:
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems/%s/%s' % (
+ pool, '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']]))
+ self.nef.delete(url)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot destroy created folder: "
+ "%(vol)s/%(folder)s"),
+ {'vol': pool, 'folder': '/'.join(
+ [fs, volume['name']])})
+ raise
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Deletes a logical volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/filesystems/%(fs)s') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']])
+ }
+ origin = self.nef.get(url).get('originalSnapshot')
+ url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/filesystems/'
+ '%(fs)s?snapshots=true') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']])
+ }
+ try:
+ self.nef.delete(url)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'Failed to destroy snapshot' in exc.args[0]:
+ LOG.debug('Snapshot has dependent clones, skipping')
+ else:
+ raise
+ try:
+ if origin and self._is_clone_snapshot_name(origin):
+ path, snap = origin.split('@')
+ pool, fs = path.split('/', 1)
+ snap_url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/'
+ 'filesystems/%(fs)s/snapshots/%(snap)s') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': fs,
+ 'snap': snap
+ }
+ self.nef.delete(snap_url)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' in exc.args[0]:
+ LOG.debug(
+ 'Volume %s does not exist on appliance', '/'.join(
+ [pool, fs]))
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Creates a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%(pool)s/filesystems/%(fs)s/snapshots' % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']]),
+ }
+ data = {'name': snapshot['name']}
+ self.nef.post(url, data)
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Deletes a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/'
+ 'filesystems/%(fs)s/snapshots/%(snap)s') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': '%2F'.join([fs, volume['name']]),
+ 'snap': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ try:
+ self.nef.delete(url)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'EBUSY' is exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW(
+ 'Could not delete snapshot %s - it has dependencies'),
+ snapshot['name'])
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create new volume from other's snapshot on appliance.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be created
+ :param snapshot: reference of source snapshot
+ """
+ snapshot_vol = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ volume['provider_location'] = snapshot_vol['provider_location']
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(self.share)
+ dataset_path = '%s/%s' % (pool, fs)
+ url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/'
+ 'filesystems/%(fs)s/snapshots/%(snap)s/clone') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': '%2F'.join([fs, snapshot_vol['name']]),
+ 'snap': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ path = '/'.join([pool, fs, volume['name']])
+ data = {'targetPath': path}
+ self.nef.post(url, data)
+ path = '%2F'.join([pool, fs, volume['name']])
+ url = 'storage/filesystems/%s/promote' % path
+ self.nef.post(url)
+ try:
+ self._share_folder(fs, volume['name'])
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ try:
+ url = ('storage/pools/%(pool)s/'
+ 'filesystems/%(fs)s') % {
+ 'pool': pool,
+ 'fs': volume['name']
+ }
+ self.nef.delete(url)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot destroy cloned filesystem: "
+ "%(vol)s/%(filesystem)s"),
+ {'vol': dataset_path,
+ 'filesystem': volume['name']})
+ raise
+ return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+ :param volume: new volume reference
+ :param src_vref: source volume reference
+ """
+ LOG.info(_LI('Creating clone of volume: %s'), src_vref['id'])
+ snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+ 'volume_id': src_vref['id'],
+ 'name': self._get_clone_snapshot_name(volume)}
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ try:
+ return self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Volume creation failed, deleting created snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except (exception.NexentaException, exception.SnapshotIsBusy):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to delete zfs snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ raise
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ """Get volume path (mounted locally fs path) for given volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ return os.path.join(self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share),
+ 'volume')
+ def _get_mount_point_for_share(self, nfs_share):
+ """Returns path to mount point NFS share.
+ :param nfs_share: example
+ """
+ nfs_share = nfs_share.encode('utf-8')
+ return os.path.join(self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base,
+ hashlib.md5(nfs_share).hexdigest())
+ def _share_folder(self, path, filesystem):
+ """Share NFS filesystem on NexentaStor Appliance.
+ :param nef: nef object
+ :param path: path to parent filesystem
+ :param filesystem: filesystem that needs to be shared
+ """
+ pool = self.share.split('/')[0]
+ LOG.debug(
+ 'Creating ACL for filesystem %s on Nexenta Store', filesystem)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems/%s/acl' % (
+ pool, '%2F'.join([path.replace('/', '%2F'), filesystem]))
+ data = {
+ "type": "allow",
+ "principal": "everyone@",
+ "permissions": [
+ "list_directory",
+ "read_data",
+ "add_file",
+ "write_data",
+ "add_subdirectory",
+ "append_data",
+ "read_xattr",
+ "write_xattr",
+ "execute",
+ "delete_child",
+ "read_attributes",
+ "write_attributes",
+ "delete",
+ "read_acl",
+ "write_acl",
+ "write_owner",
+ "synchronize"
+ ],
+ "flags": [
+ "file_inherit",
+ "dir_inherit"
+ ]
+ }
+ self.nef.post(url, data)
+ LOG.debug(
+ 'Successfully shared filesystem %s', '/'.join(
+ [path, filesystem]))
+ def _get_capacity_info(self, path):
+ """Calculate available space on the NFS share.
+ :param path: example pool/nfs
+ """
+ pool, fs = self._get_share_datasets(path)
+ url = 'storage/pools/%s/filesystems/%s' % (
+ pool, fs)
+ data = self.nef.get(url)
+ total = utils.str2size(data['bytesAvailable'])
+ allocated = utils.str2size(data['bytesUsed'])
+ free = total - allocated
+ return total, free, allocated
+ def _get_snapshot_volume(self, snapshot):
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ return db.volume_get(ctxt, snapshot['volume_id'])
+ def _get_share_datasets(self, nfs_share):
+ pool_name, fs = nfs_share.split('/', 1)
+ return pool_name, fs
+ def _get_clone_snapshot_name(self, volume):
+ """Return name for snapshot that will be used to clone the volume."""
+ return 'cinder-clone-snapshot-%(id)s' % volume
+ def _is_clone_snapshot_name(self, snapshot):
+ """Check if snapshot is created for cloning."""
+ name = snapshot.split('@')[-1]
+ return name.startswith('cinder-clone-snapshot-')
+ def _update_volume_stats(self):
+ """Retrieve stats info for NexentaStor appliance."""
+ LOG.debug('Updating volume stats')
+ share = ':/'.join([self.nef_host, self.share])
+ total, free, allocated = self._get_capacity_info(self.share)
+ total_space = utils.str2gib_size(total)
+ free_space = utils.str2gib_size(free)
+ location_info = '%(driver)s:%(share)s' % {
+ 'driver': self.__class__.__name__,
+ 'share': share
+ }
+ self._stats = {
+ 'vendor_name': 'Nexenta',
+ 'dedup': self.dataset_deduplication,
+ 'compression': self.dataset_compression,
+ 'description': self.dataset_description,
+ 'nef_url': self.nef_host,
+ 'driver_version': self.VERSION,
+ 'storage_protocol': 'NFS',
+ 'total_capacity_gb': total_space,
+ 'free_capacity_gb': free_space,
+ 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_percentage,
+ 'QoS_support': False,
+ 'location_info': location_info,
+ 'volume_backend_name': self.backend_name,
+ 'nfs_mount_point_base': self.nfs_mount_point_base
+ }