Sub-Project Release Process
+Only members of the `neutron-release
+<,members>`_ gerrit group can do
+releases. Make sure you talk to a member of neutron-release to perform your
To release a sub-project, follow the following steps:
-* Only members of the `neutron-release
- <,members>`_ gerrit group can
- do releases. Make sure you talk to a member of neutron-release to perform
- your release.
* For projects which have not moved to post-versioning, we need to push an
- alpha tag to avoid pbr complaining. The neutron-release group will handle
- this.
-* Modify setup.cfg to remove the version (if you have one), which moves your
- project to post-versioning, similar to all the other Neutron projects. You
- can skip this step if you don't have a version in setup.cfg.
-* Have neutron-release push the tag to gerrit.
-* Have neutron-release `tag the release
+ alpha tag to avoid pbr complaining. A member of the neutron-release group
+ will handle this.
+* A sub-project owner should modify setup.cfg to remove the version (if you
+ have one), which moves your project to post-versioning, similar to all the
+ other Neutron projects. You can skip this step if you don't have a version in
+ setup.cfg.
+* A member of neutron-release will then `tag the release
which will release the code to PyPi.
+* The releases will now be on PyPi. A sub-project owner should verify this by
+ going to an URL similar to
+ `this <>`_.
+* A sub-project owner should next go to Launchpad and release this version
+ using the "Release Now" button for the release itself.
+* A sub-project owner should update any bugs that were fixed with this
+ release to "Fix Released" in Launchpad.
+* A sub-project owner should add the tarball to the Launchpad page for the
+ release using the "Add download file" link.
+* A sub-project owner should add the next milestone to the Launchpad series, or
+ if a new series is required, create the new series and a new milestone.
+* Finally a sub-project owner should send an email to the openstack-announce
+ mailing list announcing the new release.