query_filter = None
if self.model_query_scope(context, model):
if hasattr(model, 'rbac_entries'):
- rbac_model, join_params = self._get_rbac_query_params(model)
+ rbac_model, join_params = self._get_rbac_query_params(
+ model)[:2]
query = query.outerjoin(*join_params)
query_filter = (
(model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id) |
def _get_rbac_query_params(model):
- """Return the class and join params for the rbac relationship."""
+ """Return the parameters required to query an model's RBAC entries.
+ Returns a tuple of 3 containing:
+ 1. the relevant RBAC model for a given model
+ 2. the join parameters required to query the RBAC entries for the model
+ 3. the ID column of the passed in model that matches the object_id
+ in the rbac entries.
+ """
cls = model.rbac_entries.property.mapper.class_
- return (cls, (cls, ))
+ return (cls, (cls, ), model.id)
except AttributeError:
# an association proxy is being used (e.g. subnets
# depends on network's rbac entries)
rbac_model = (model.rbac_entries.target_class.
- return (rbac_model, model.rbac_entries.attr)
+ return (rbac_model, model.rbac_entries.attr,
+ model.rbac_entries.remote_attr.class_.id)
def _apply_filters_to_query(self, query, model, filters, context=None):
if filters:
elif key == 'shared' and hasattr(model, 'rbac_entries'):
# translate a filter on shared into a query against the
# object's rbac entries
- rbac, join_params = self._get_rbac_query_params(model)
+ rbac, join_params, oid_col = self._get_rbac_query_params(
+ model)
query = query.outerjoin(*join_params, aliased=True)
matches = [rbac.target_tenant == '*']
if context:
matches.append(rbac.target_tenant == context.tenant_id)
- is_shared = and_(
- ~rbac.object_id.is_(None),
- rbac.action == 'access_as_shared',
- or_(*matches)
- )
- query = query.filter(is_shared if value[0] else ~is_shared)
+ # any 'access_as_shared' records that match the
+ # wildcard or requesting tenant
+ is_shared = and_(rbac.action == 'access_as_shared',
+ or_(*matches))
+ if not value[0]:
+ # NOTE(kevinbenton): we need to find objects that don't
+ # have an entry that matches the criteria above so
+ # we use a subquery to exclude them.
+ # We can't just filter the inverse of the query above
+ # because that will still give us a network shared to
+ # our tenant (or wildcard) if it's shared to another
+ # tenant.
+ is_shared = ~oid_col.in_(
+ query.session.query(rbac.object_id).
+ filter(is_shared)
+ )
+ query = query.filter(is_shared)
for _nam, hooks in six.iteritems(self._model_query_hooks.get(model,
result_filter = hooks.get('result_filters', None)
with testtools.ExpectedException(lib_exc.Forbidden):
+ @test.attr(type='smoke')
+ @test.idempotent_id('86c3529b-1231-40de-803c-aeeeeeee7fff')
+ def test_filtering_works_with_rbac_records_present(self):
+ resp = self._make_admin_net_and_subnet_shared_to_tenant_id(
+ self.client.tenant_id)
+ net = resp['network']
+ sub = resp['subnet']
+ self.admin_client.create_rbac_policy(
+ object_type='network', object_id=net['id'],
+ action='access_as_shared', target_tenant='*')
+ for state, assertion in ((False, self.assertNotIn),
+ (True, self.assertIn)):
+ nets = [n['id'] for n in
+ self.admin_client.list_networks(shared=state)['networks']]
+ assertion(net['id'], nets)
+ subs = [s['id'] for s in
+ self.admin_client.list_subnets(shared=state)['subnets']]
+ assertion(sub['id'], subs)