# port-security feature.
# spoofguard_enabled = True
+# (ListOpt) Ordered list of router_types to allocate as tenant routers.
+# It limits the router types that the Nsxv can support for tenants:
+# distributed: router is supported by distributed edge at the backend.
+# shared: multiple routers share the same service edge at the backend.
+# exclusive: router exclusivly occupies one service edge at the backend.
+# Nsxv would select the first available router type from tenant_router_types
+# list if router-type is not specified.
+# If the tenant defines the router type with "--distributed",
+# "--router_type exclusive" or "--router_type shared", Nsxv would verify that
+# the router type is in tenant_router_types.
+# Admin supports all these three router types
+# tenant_router_types = shared, distributed, exclusive
+# Example: tenant_router_types = distributed, shared
# Maximum number of ports for each bridged logical switch
# The recommended value for this parameter varies with NSX version