import cinder.api.openstack
from cinder.api.openstack.volume import extensions
+from cinder.api.openstack.volume import limits
from cinder.api.openstack.volume import snapshots
from cinder.api.openstack.volume import types
from cinder.api.openstack.volume import volumes
mapper.resource("snapshot", "snapshots",
collection={'detail': 'GET'})
+ self.resources['limits'] = limits.create_resource()
+ mapper.resource("limit", "limits",
+ controller=self.resources['limits'])
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import webob
+from cinder.api.openstack import extensions
+from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
+from cinder.api.openstack import xmlutil
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import quota
+authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('volume', 'quota_classes')
+class QuotaClassTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('quota_class_set',
+ selector='quota_class_set')
+ root.set('id')
+ for resource in QUOTAS.resources:
+ elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, resource)
+ elem.text = resource
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1)
+class QuotaClassSetsController(object):
+ def _format_quota_set(self, quota_class, quota_set):
+ """Convert the quota object to a result dict"""
+ result = dict(id=str(quota_class))
+ for resource in QUOTAS.resources:
+ result[resource] = quota_set[resource]
+ return dict(quota_class_set=result)
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=QuotaClassTemplate)
+ def show(self, req, id):
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize(context)
+ try:
+ db.sqlalchemy.api.authorize_quota_class_context(context, id)
+ except exception.NotAuthorized:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden()
+ return self._format_quota_set(
+ id,
+ QUOTAS.get_class_quotas(context, id)
+ )
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=QuotaClassTemplate)
+ def update(self, req, id, body):
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize(context)
+ quota_class = id
+ for key in body['quota_class_set'].keys():
+ if key in QUOTAS:
+ value = int(body['quota_class_set'][key])
+ try:
+ db.quota_class_update(context, quota_class, key, value)
+ except exception.QuotaClassNotFound:
+ db.quota_class_create(context, quota_class, key, value)
+ except exception.AdminRequired:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden()
+ return {'quota_class_set': QUOTAS.get_class_quotas(context,
+ quota_class)}
+class Quota_classes(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Quota classes management support"""
+ name = "QuotaClasses"
+ alias = "os-quota-class-sets"
+ namespace = (""
+ "quota-classes-sets/api/v1.1")
+ updated = "2012-03-12T00:00:00+00:00"
+ def get_resources(self):
+ resources = []
+ res = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-quota-class-sets',
+ QuotaClassSetsController())
+ resources.append(res)
+ return resources
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import webob
+from cinder.api.openstack import extensions
+from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
+from cinder.api.openstack import xmlutil
+from cinder import db
+from cinder.db.sqlalchemy import api as sqlalchemy_api
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import quota
+authorize_update = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'quotas:update')
+authorize_show = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'quotas:show')
+class QuotaTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('quota_set', selector='quota_set')
+ root.set('id')
+ for resource in QUOTAS.resources:
+ elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, resource)
+ elem.text = resource
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1)
+class QuotaSetsController(object):
+ def _format_quota_set(self, project_id, quota_set):
+ """Convert the quota object to a result dict"""
+ result = dict(id=str(project_id))
+ for resource in QUOTAS.resources:
+ result[resource] = quota_set[resource]
+ return dict(quota_set=result)
+ def _validate_quota_limit(self, limit):
+ # NOTE: -1 is a flag value for unlimited
+ if limit < -1:
+ msg = _("Quota limit must be -1 or greater.")
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
+ def _get_quotas(self, context, id, usages=False):
+ values = QUOTAS.get_project_quotas(context, id, usages=usages)
+ if usages:
+ return values
+ else:
+ return dict((k, v['limit']) for k, v in values.items())
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=QuotaTemplate)
+ def show(self, req, id):
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize_show(context)
+ try:
+ sqlalchemy_api.authorize_project_context(context, id)
+ except exception.NotAuthorized:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden()
+ return self._format_quota_set(id, self._get_quotas(context, id))
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=QuotaTemplate)
+ def update(self, req, id, body):
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize_update(context)
+ project_id = id
+ for key in body['quota_set'].keys():
+ if key in QUOTAS:
+ value = int(body['quota_set'][key])
+ self._validate_quota_limit(value)
+ try:
+ db.quota_update(context, project_id, key, value)
+ except exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound:
+ db.quota_create(context, project_id, key, value)
+ except exception.AdminRequired:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden()
+ return {'quota_set': self._get_quotas(context, id)}
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=QuotaTemplate)
+ def defaults(self, req, id):
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize_show(context)
+ return self._format_quota_set(id, QUOTAS.get_defaults(context))
+class Quotas(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Quotas management support"""
+ name = "Quotas"
+ alias = "os-quota-sets"
+ namespace = ""
+ updated = "2011-08-08T00:00:00+00:00"
+ def get_resources(self):
+ resources = []
+ res = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-quota-sets',
+ QuotaSetsController(),
+ member_actions={'defaults': 'GET'})
+ resources.append(res)
+ return resources
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Module dedicated functions/classes dealing with rate limiting requests.
+import collections
+import copy
+import httplib
+import math
+import re
+import time
+import webob.dec
+import webob.exc
+from cinder.api.openstack.volume.views import limits as limits_views
+from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
+from cinder.api.openstack import xmlutil
+from cinder.openstack.common import importutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils
+from cinder import quota
+from cinder import wsgi as base_wsgi
+# Convenience constants for the limits dictionary passed to Limiter().
+PER_HOUR = 60 * 60
+PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24
+limits_nsmap = {None: xmlutil.XMLNS_COMMON_V10, 'atom': xmlutil.XMLNS_ATOM}
+class LimitsTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
+ def construct(self):
+ root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('limits', selector='limits')
+ rates = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'rates')
+ rate = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(rates, 'rate', selector='rate')
+ rate.set('uri', 'uri')
+ rate.set('regex', 'regex')
+ limit = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(rate, 'limit', selector='limit')
+ limit.set('value', 'value')
+ limit.set('verb', 'verb')
+ limit.set('remaining', 'remaining')
+ limit.set('unit', 'unit')
+ limit.set('next-available', 'next-available')
+ absolute = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'absolute',
+ selector='absolute')
+ limit = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(absolute, 'limit',
+ selector=xmlutil.get_items)
+ limit.set('name', 0)
+ limit.set('value', 1)
+ return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=limits_nsmap)
+class LimitsController(object):
+ """
+ Controller for accessing limits in the OpenStack API.
+ """
+ @wsgi.serializers(xml=LimitsTemplate)
+ def index(self, req):
+ """
+ Return all global and rate limit information.
+ """
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ quotas = QUOTAS.get_project_quotas(context, context.project_id,
+ usages=False)
+ abs_limits = dict((k, v['limit']) for k, v in quotas.items())
+ rate_limits = req.environ.get("cinder.limits", [])
+ builder = self._get_view_builder(req)
+ return, abs_limits)
+ def _get_view_builder(self, req):
+ return limits_views.ViewBuilder()
+def create_resource():
+ return wsgi.Resource(LimitsController())
+class Limit(object):
+ """
+ Stores information about a limit for HTTP requests.
+ """
+ UNITS = {
+ 1: "SECOND",
+ 60: "MINUTE",
+ 60 * 60: "HOUR",
+ 60 * 60 * 24: "DAY",
+ }
+ UNIT_MAP = dict([(v, k) for k, v in UNITS.items()])
+ def __init__(self, verb, uri, regex, value, unit):
+ """
+ Initialize a new `Limit`.
+ @param verb: HTTP verb (POST, PUT, etc.)
+ @param uri: Human-readable URI
+ @param regex: Regular expression format for this limit
+ @param value: Integer number of requests which can be made
+ @param unit: Unit of measure for the value parameter
+ """
+ self.verb = verb
+ self.uri = uri
+ self.regex = regex
+ self.value = int(value)
+ self.unit = unit
+ self.unit_string = self.display_unit().lower()
+ self.remaining = int(value)
+ if value <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Limit value must be > 0")
+ self.last_request = None
+ self.next_request = None
+ self.water_level = 0
+ self.capacity = self.unit
+ self.request_value = float(self.capacity) / float(self.value)
+ msg = _("Only %(value)s %(verb)s request(s) can be "
+ "made to %(uri)s every %(unit_string)s.")
+ self.error_message = msg % self.__dict__
+ def __call__(self, verb, url):
+ """
+ Represents a call to this limit from a relevant request.
+ @param verb: string http verb (POST, GET, etc.)
+ @param url: string URL
+ """
+ if self.verb != verb or not re.match(self.regex, url):
+ return
+ now = self._get_time()
+ if self.last_request is None:
+ self.last_request = now
+ leak_value = now - self.last_request
+ self.water_level -= leak_value
+ self.water_level = max(self.water_level, 0)
+ self.water_level += self.request_value
+ difference = self.water_level - self.capacity
+ self.last_request = now
+ if difference > 0:
+ self.water_level -= self.request_value
+ self.next_request = now + difference
+ return difference
+ cap = self.capacity
+ water = self.water_level
+ val = self.value
+ self.remaining = math.floor(((cap - water) / cap) * val)
+ self.next_request = now
+ def _get_time(self):
+ """Retrieve the current time. Broken out for testability."""
+ return time.time()
+ def display_unit(self):
+ """Display the string name of the unit."""
+ return self.UNITS.get(self.unit, "UNKNOWN")
+ def display(self):
+ """Return a useful representation of this class."""
+ return {
+ "verb": self.verb,
+ "URI": self.uri,
+ "regex": self.regex,
+ "value": self.value,
+ "remaining": int(self.remaining),
+ "unit": self.display_unit(),
+ "resetTime": int(self.next_request or self._get_time()),
+ }
+# "Limit" format is a dictionary with the HTTP verb, human-readable URI,
+# a regular-expression to match, value and unit of measure (PER_DAY, etc.)
+ Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("POST", "*/servers", "^/servers", 50, PER_DAY),
+ Limit("PUT", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("GET", "*changes-since*", ".*changes-since.*", 3, PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("DELETE", "*", ".*", 100, PER_MINUTE),
+class RateLimitingMiddleware(base_wsgi.Middleware):
+ """
+ Rate-limits requests passing through this middleware. All limit information
+ is stored in memory for this implementation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, application, limits=None, limiter=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initialize new `RateLimitingMiddleware`, which wraps the given WSGI
+ application and sets up the given limits.
+ @param application: WSGI application to wrap
+ @param limits: String describing limits
+ @param limiter: String identifying class for representing limits
+ Other parameters are passed to the constructor for the limiter.
+ """
+ base_wsgi.Middleware.__init__(self, application)
+ # Select the limiter class
+ if limiter is None:
+ limiter = Limiter
+ else:
+ limiter = importutils.import_class(limiter)
+ # Parse the limits, if any are provided
+ if limits is not None:
+ limits = limiter.parse_limits(limits)
+ self._limiter = limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS, **kwargs)
+ @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=wsgi.Request)
+ def __call__(self, req):
+ """
+ Represents a single call through this middleware. We should record the
+ request if we have a limit relevant to it. If no limit is relevant to
+ the request, ignore it.
+ If the request should be rate limited, return a fault telling the user
+ they are over the limit and need to retry later.
+ """
+ verb = req.method
+ url = req.url
+ context = req.environ.get("cinder.context")
+ if context:
+ username = context.user_id
+ else:
+ username = None
+ delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, url, username)
+ if delay:
+ msg = _("This request was rate-limited.")
+ retry = time.time() + delay
+ return wsgi.OverLimitFault(msg, error, retry)
+ req.environ["cinder.limits"] = self._limiter.get_limits(username)
+ return self.application
+class Limiter(object):
+ """
+ Rate-limit checking class which handles limits in memory.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, limits, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initialize the new `Limiter`.
+ @param limits: List of `Limit` objects
+ """
+ self.limits = copy.deepcopy(limits)
+ self.levels = collections.defaultdict(lambda: copy.deepcopy(limits))
+ # Pick up any per-user limit information
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ if key.startswith('user:'):
+ username = key[5:]
+ self.levels[username] = self.parse_limits(value)
+ def get_limits(self, username=None):
+ """
+ Return the limits for a given user.
+ """
+ return [limit.display() for limit in self.levels[username]]
+ def check_for_delay(self, verb, url, username=None):
+ """
+ Check the given verb/user/user triplet for limit.
+ @return: Tuple of delay (in seconds) and error message (or None, None)
+ """
+ delays = []
+ for limit in self.levels[username]:
+ delay = limit(verb, url)
+ if delay:
+ delays.append((delay, limit.error_message))
+ if delays:
+ delays.sort()
+ return delays[0]
+ return None, None
+ # Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,
+ # so this must be either a static method or a class method. It is
+ # used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor. We
+ # put this in the class so that subclasses can override the
+ # default limit parsing.
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_limits(limits):
+ """
+ Convert a string into a list of Limit instances. This
+ implementation expects a semicolon-separated sequence of
+ parenthesized groups, where each group contains a
+ comma-separated sequence consisting of HTTP method,
+ user-readable URI, a URI reg-exp, an integer number of
+ requests which can be made, and a unit of measure. Valid
+ values for the latter are "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", and
+ "DAY".
+ @return: List of Limit instances.
+ """
+ # Handle empty limit strings
+ limits = limits.strip()
+ if not limits:
+ return []
+ # Split up the limits by semicolon
+ result = []
+ for group in limits.split(';'):
+ group = group.strip()
+ if group[:1] != '(' or group[-1:] != ')':
+ raise ValueError("Limit rules must be surrounded by "
+ "parentheses")
+ group = group[1:-1]
+ # Extract the Limit arguments
+ args = [a.strip() for a in group.split(',')]
+ if len(args) != 5:
+ raise ValueError("Limit rules must contain the following "
+ "arguments: verb, uri, regex, value, unit")
+ # Pull out the arguments
+ verb, uri, regex, value, unit = args
+ # Upper-case the verb
+ verb = verb.upper()
+ # Convert value--raises ValueError if it's not integer
+ value = int(value)
+ # Convert unit
+ unit = unit.upper()
+ if unit not in Limit.UNIT_MAP:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid units specified")
+ unit = Limit.UNIT_MAP[unit]
+ # Build a limit
+ result.append(Limit(verb, uri, regex, value, unit))
+ return result
+class WsgiLimiter(object):
+ """
+ Rate-limit checking from a WSGI application. Uses an in-memory `Limiter`.
+ To use, POST ``/<username>`` with JSON data such as::
+ {
+ "verb" : GET,
+ "path" : "/servers"
+ }
+ and receive a 204 No Content, or a 403 Forbidden with an X-Wait-Seconds
+ header containing the number of seconds to wait before the action would
+ succeed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, limits=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the new `WsgiLimiter`.
+ @param limits: List of `Limit` objects
+ """
+ self._limiter = Limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS)
+ @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=wsgi.Request)
+ def __call__(self, request):
+ """
+ Handles a call to this application. Returns 204 if the request is
+ acceptable to the limiter, else a 403 is returned with a relevant
+ header indicating when the request *will* succeed.
+ """
+ if request.method != "POST":
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
+ try:
+ info = dict(jsonutils.loads(request.body))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()
+ username = request.path_info_pop()
+ verb = info.get("verb")
+ path = info.get("path")
+ delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, path, username)
+ if delay:
+ headers = {"X-Wait-Seconds": "%.2f" % delay}
+ return webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(headers=headers, explanation=error)
+ else:
+ return webob.exc.HTTPNoContent()
+class WsgiLimiterProxy(object):
+ """
+ Rate-limit requests based on answers from a remote source.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, limiter_address):
+ """
+ Initialize the new `WsgiLimiterProxy`.
+ @param limiter_address: IP/port combination of where to request limit
+ """
+ self.limiter_address = limiter_address
+ def check_for_delay(self, verb, path, username=None):
+ body = jsonutils.dumps({"verb": verb, "path": path})
+ headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.limiter_address)
+ if username:
+ conn.request("POST", "/%s" % (username), body, headers)
+ else:
+ conn.request("POST", "/", body, headers)
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ if 200 >= resp.status < 300:
+ return None, None
+ return resp.getheader("X-Wait-Seconds"), or None
+ # Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,
+ # so this must be either a static method or a class method. It is
+ # used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor.
+ # This implementation returns an empty list, since all limit
+ # decisions are made by a remote server.
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_limits(limits):
+ """
+ Ignore a limits string--simply doesn't apply for the limit
+ proxy.
+ @return: Empty list.
+ """
+ return []
--- /dev/null
+<element name="limits" ns=""
+ xmlns="">
+ <element name="rates">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="rate">
+ <attribute name="uri"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="regex"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="limit">
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="verb"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="remaining"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="unit"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="next-available"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="absolute">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="limit">
+ <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+ <attribute name="value"> <text/> </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import datetime
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+class ViewBuilder(object):
+ """OpenStack API base limits view builder."""
+ def build(self, rate_limits, absolute_limits):
+ rate_limits = self._build_rate_limits(rate_limits)
+ absolute_limits = self._build_absolute_limits(absolute_limits)
+ output = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": rate_limits,
+ "absolute": absolute_limits,
+ },
+ }
+ return output
+ def _build_absolute_limits(self, absolute_limits):
+ """Builder for absolute limits
+ absolute_limits should be given as a dict of limits.
+ For example: {"ram": 512, "gigabytes": 1024}.
+ """
+ limit_names = {
+ "ram": ["maxTotalRAMSize"],
+ "instances": ["maxTotalInstances"],
+ "cores": ["maxTotalCores"],
+ "gigabytes": ["maxTotalVolumeGigabytes"],
+ "volumes": ["maxTotalVolumes"],
+ "key_pairs": ["maxTotalKeypairs"],
+ "floating_ips": ["maxTotalFloatingIps"],
+ "metadata_items": ["maxServerMeta", "maxImageMeta"],
+ "injected_files": ["maxPersonality"],
+ "injected_file_content_bytes": ["maxPersonalitySize"],
+ }
+ limits = {}
+ for name, value in absolute_limits.iteritems():
+ if name in limit_names and value is not None:
+ for name in limit_names[name]:
+ limits[name] = value
+ return limits
+ def _build_rate_limits(self, rate_limits):
+ limits = []
+ for rate_limit in rate_limits:
+ _rate_limit_key = None
+ _rate_limit = self._build_rate_limit(rate_limit)
+ # check for existing key
+ for limit in limits:
+ if (limit["uri"] == rate_limit["URI"] and
+ limit["regex"] == rate_limit["regex"]):
+ _rate_limit_key = limit
+ break
+ # ensure we have a key if we didn't find one
+ if not _rate_limit_key:
+ _rate_limit_key = {
+ "uri": rate_limit["URI"],
+ "regex": rate_limit["regex"],
+ "limit": [],
+ }
+ limits.append(_rate_limit_key)
+ _rate_limit_key["limit"].append(_rate_limit)
+ return limits
+ def _build_rate_limit(self, rate_limit):
+ _get_utc = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp
+ next_avail = _get_utc(rate_limit["resetTime"])
+ return {
+ "verb": rate_limit["verb"],
+ "value": rate_limit["value"],
+ "remaining": int(rate_limit["remaining"]),
+ "unit": rate_limit["unit"],
+ "next-available": timeutils.isotime(at=next_avail),
+ }
# under the License.
import inspect
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from xml.parsers import expat
-from lxml import etree
+import math
+import time
import webob
from cinder import exception
+from cinder import wsgi
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils
-from cinder import wsgi
+from lxml import etree
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from xml.parsers import expat
XMLNS_V1 = ''
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
context = req.environ.get('cinder.context')
if context:
headers['x-compute-request-id'] = context.request_id
+class OverLimitFault(webob.exc.HTTPException):
+ """
+ Rate-limited request response.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message, details, retry_time):
+ """
+ Initialize new `OverLimitFault` with relevant information.
+ """
+ hdrs = OverLimitFault._retry_after(retry_time)
+ self.wrapped_exc = webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(headers=hdrs)
+ self.content = {
+ "overLimitFault": {
+ "code": self.wrapped_exc.status_int,
+ "message": message,
+ "details": details,
+ },
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def _retry_after(retry_time):
+ delay = int(math.ceil(retry_time - time.time()))
+ retry_after = delay if delay > 0 else 0
+ headers = {'Retry-After': '%d' % retry_after}
+ return headers
+ @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request)
+ def __call__(self, request):
+ """
+ Return the wrapped exception with a serialized body conforming to our
+ error format.
+ """
+ content_type = request.best_match_content_type()
+ metadata = {"attributes": {"overLimitFault": "code"}}
+ xml_serializer = XMLDictSerializer(metadata, XMLNS_V1)
+ serializer = {
+ 'application/xml': xml_serializer,
+ 'application/json': JSONDictSerializer(),
+ }[content_type]
+ content = serializer.serialize(self.content)
+ self.wrapped_exc.body = content
+ return self.wrapped_exc
return IMPL.volume_create(context, values)
-def volume_data_get_for_project(context, project_id):
+def volume_data_get_for_project(context, project_id, session=None):
"""Get (volume_count, gigabytes) for project."""
- return IMPL.volume_data_get_for_project(context, project_id)
+ return IMPL.volume_data_get_for_project(context,
+ project_id,
+ session)
def volume_destroy(context, volume_id):
"""Implementation of SQLAlchemy backend."""
import datetime
+import functools
import warnings
from cinder import db
from cinder.db.sqlalchemy.session import get_session
from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
+from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
+from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload_all
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import asc
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal_column
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal_column
+def quota_get(context, project_id, resource, session=None):
+ result = model_query(context, models.Quota, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ filter_by(resource=resource).\
+ first()
+ if not result:
+ raise exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id)
+ return result
+def quota_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ authorize_project_context(context, project_id)
+ rows = model_query(context, models.Quota, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ result = {'project_id': project_id}
+ for row in rows:
+ result[row.resource] = row.hard_limit
+ return result
+def quota_create(context, project_id, resource, limit):
+ quota_ref = models.Quota()
+ quota_ref.project_id = project_id
+ quota_ref.resource = resource
+ quota_ref.hard_limit = limit
+ return quota_ref
+def quota_update(context, project_id, resource, limit):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_ref = quota_get(context, project_id, resource, session=session)
+ quota_ref.hard_limit = limit
+def quota_destroy(context, project_id, resource):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_ref = quota_get(context, project_id, resource, session=session)
+ quota_ref.delete(session=session)
+def quota_class_get(context, class_name, resource, session=None):
+ result = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\
+ filter_by(resource=resource).\
+ first()
+ if not result:
+ raise exception.QuotaClassNotFound(class_name=class_name)
+ return result
+def quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, class_name):
+ authorize_quota_class_context(context, class_name)
+ rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\
+ all()
+ result = {'class_name': class_name}
+ for row in rows:
+ result[row.resource] = row.hard_limit
+ return result
+def quota_class_create(context, class_name, resource, limit):
+ quota_class_ref = models.QuotaClass()
+ quota_class_ref.class_name = class_name
+ quota_class_ref.resource = resource
+ quota_class_ref.hard_limit = limit
+ return quota_class_ref
+def quota_class_update(context, class_name, resource, limit):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_class_ref = quota_class_get(context, class_name, resource,
+ session=session)
+ quota_class_ref.hard_limit = limit
+def quota_class_destroy(context, class_name, resource):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_class_ref = quota_class_get(context, class_name, resource,
+ session=session)
+ quota_class_ref.delete(session=session)
+def quota_class_destroy_all_by_name(context, class_name):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_classes = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass,
+ session=session, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\
+ all()
+ for quota_class_ref in quota_classes:
+ quota_class_ref.delete(session=session)
+def quota_usage_get(context, project_id, resource, session=None):
+ result = model_query(context, models.QuotaUsage, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ filter_by(resource=resource).\
+ first()
+ if not result:
+ raise exception.QuotaUsageNotFound(project_id=project_id)
+ return result
+def quota_usage_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ authorize_project_context(context, project_id)
+ rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaUsage, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ result = {'project_id': project_id}
+ for row in rows:
+ result[row.resource] = dict(in_use=row.in_use, reserved=row.reserved)
+ return result
+def quota_usage_create(context, project_id, resource, in_use, reserved,
+ until_refresh, session=None):
+ quota_usage_ref = models.QuotaUsage()
+ quota_usage_ref.project_id = project_id
+ quota_usage_ref.resource = resource
+ quota_usage_ref.in_use = in_use
+ quota_usage_ref.reserved = reserved
+ quota_usage_ref.until_refresh = until_refresh
+ return quota_usage_ref
+def quota_usage_update(context, project_id, resource, in_use, reserved,
+ until_refresh, session=None):
+ def do_update(session):
+ quota_usage_ref = quota_usage_get(context, project_id, resource,
+ session=session)
+ quota_usage_ref.in_use = in_use
+ quota_usage_ref.reserved = reserved
+ quota_usage_ref.until_refresh = until_refresh
+ if session:
+ # Assume caller started a transaction
+ do_update(session)
+ else:
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ do_update(session)
+def quota_usage_destroy(context, project_id, resource):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quota_usage_ref = quota_usage_get(context, project_id, resource,
+ session=session)
+ quota_usage_ref.delete(session=session)
+def reservation_get(context, uuid, session=None):
+ result = model_query(context, models.Reservation, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(uuid=uuid).\
+ first()
+ if not result:
+ raise exception.ReservationNotFound(uuid=uuid)
+ return result
+def reservation_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ authorize_project_context(context, project_id)
+ rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaUsage, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ result = {'project_id': project_id}
+ for row in rows:
+ result.setdefault(row.resource, {})
+ result[row.resource][row.uuid] =
+ return result
+def reservation_create(context, uuid, usage, project_id, resource, delta,
+ expire, session=None):
+ reservation_ref = models.Reservation()
+ reservation_ref.uuid = uuid
+ reservation_ref.usage_id = usage['id']
+ reservation_ref.project_id = project_id
+ reservation_ref.resource = resource
+ = delta
+ reservation_ref.expire = expire
+ return reservation_ref
+def reservation_destroy(context, uuid):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ reservation_ref = reservation_get(context, uuid, session=session)
+ reservation_ref.delete(session=session)
+# NOTE(johannes): The quota code uses SQL locking to ensure races don't
+# cause under or over counting of resources. To avoid deadlocks, this
+# code always acquires the lock on quota_usages before acquiring the lock
+# on reservations.
+def _get_quota_usages(context, session):
+ # Broken out for testability
+ rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaUsage,
+ read_deleted="no",
+ session=session).\
+ filter_by(project_id=context.project_id).\
+ with_lockmode('update').\
+ all()
+ return dict((row.resource, row) for row in rows)
+def quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, deltas, expire,
+ until_refresh, max_age):
+ elevated = context.elevated()
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ # Get the current usages
+ usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)
+ # Handle usage refresh
+ work = set(deltas.keys())
+ while work:
+ resource = work.pop()
+ # Do we need to refresh the usage?
+ refresh = False
+ if resource not in usages:
+ usages[resource] = quota_usage_create(elevated,
+ context.project_id,
+ resource,
+ 0, 0,
+ until_refresh or None,
+ session=session)
+ refresh = True
+ elif usages[resource].in_use < 0:
+ # Negative in_use count indicates a desync, so try to
+ # heal from that...
+ refresh = True
+ elif usages[resource].until_refresh is not None:
+ usages[resource].until_refresh -= 1
+ if usages[resource].until_refresh <= 0:
+ refresh = True
+ elif max_age and (usages[resource].updated_at -
+ timeutils.utcnow()).seconds >= max_age:
+ refresh = True
+ # OK, refresh the usage
+ if refresh:
+ # Grab the sync routine
+ sync = resources[resource].sync
+ updates = sync(elevated, context.project_id, session)
+ for res, in_use in updates.items():
+ # Make sure we have a destination for the usage!
+ if res not in usages:
+ usages[res] = quota_usage_create(elevated,
+ context.project_id,
+ res,
+ 0, 0,
+ until_refresh or None,
+ session=session)
+ # Update the usage
+ usages[res].in_use = in_use
+ usages[res].until_refresh = until_refresh or None
+ # Because more than one resource may be refreshed
+ # by the call to the sync routine, and we don't
+ # want to double-sync, we make sure all refreshed
+ # resources are dropped from the work set.
+ work.discard(res)
+ # NOTE(Vek): We make the assumption that the sync
+ # routine actually refreshes the
+ # resources that it is the sync routine
+ # for. We don't check, because this is
+ # a best-effort mechanism.
+ # Check for deltas that would go negative
+ unders = [resource for resource, delta in deltas.items()
+ if delta < 0 and
+ delta + usages[resource].in_use < 0]
+ # Now, let's check the quotas
+ # NOTE(Vek): We're only concerned about positive increments.
+ # If a project has gone over quota, we want them to
+ # be able to reduce their usage without any
+ # problems.
+ overs = [resource for resource, delta in deltas.items()
+ if quotas[resource] >= 0 and delta >= 0 and
+ quotas[resource] < delta + usages[resource].total]
+ # NOTE(Vek): The quota check needs to be in the transaction,
+ # but the transaction doesn't fail just because
+ # we're over quota, so the OverQuota raise is
+ # outside the transaction. If we did the raise
+ # here, our usage updates would be discarded, but
+ # they're not invalidated by being over-quota.
+ # Create the reservations
+ if not overs:
+ reservations = []
+ for resource, delta in deltas.items():
+ reservation = reservation_create(elevated,
+ str(utils.gen_uuid()),
+ usages[resource],
+ context.project_id,
+ resource, delta, expire,
+ session=session)
+ reservations.append(reservation.uuid)
+ # Also update the reserved quantity
+ # NOTE(Vek): Again, we are only concerned here about
+ # positive increments. Here, though, we're
+ # worried about the following scenario:
+ #
+ # 1) User initiates resize down.
+ # 2) User allocates a new instance.
+ # 3) Resize down fails or is reverted.
+ # 4) User is now over quota.
+ #
+ # To prevent this, we only update the
+ # reserved value if the delta is positive.
+ if delta > 0:
+ usages[resource].reserved += delta
+ # Apply updates to the usages table
+ for usage_ref in usages.values():
+ if unders:
+ LOG.warning(_("Change will make usage less than 0 for the following "
+ "resources: %(unders)s") % locals())
+ if overs:
+ usages = dict((k, dict(in_use=v['in_use'], reserved=v['reserved']))
+ for k, v in usages.items())
+ raise exception.OverQuota(overs=sorted(overs), quotas=quotas,
+ usages=usages)
+ return reservations
+def _quota_reservations(session, context, reservations):
+ """Return the relevant reservations."""
+ # Get the listed reservations
+ return model_query(context, models.Reservation,
+ read_deleted="no",
+ session=session).\
+ filter(models.Reservation.uuid.in_(reservations)).\
+ with_lockmode('update').\
+ all()
+def reservation_commit(context, reservations):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)
+ for reservation in _quota_reservations(session, context, reservations):
+ usage = usages[reservation.resource]
+ if >= 0:
+ usage.reserved -=
+ usage.in_use +=
+ reservation.delete(session=session)
+ for usage in usages.values():
+def reservation_rollback(context, reservations):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ usages = _get_quota_usages(context, session)
+ for reservation in _quota_reservations(session, context, reservations):
+ usage = usages[reservation.resource]
+ if >= 0:
+ usage.reserved -=
+ reservation.delete(session=session)
+ for usage in usages.values():
+def quota_destroy_all_by_project(context, project_id):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ quotas = model_query(context, models.Quota, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ for quota_ref in quotas:
+ quota_ref.delete(session=session)
+ quota_usages = model_query(context, models.QuotaUsage,
+ session=session, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ for quota_usage_ref in quota_usages:
+ quota_usage_ref.delete(session=session)
+ reservations = model_query(context, models.Reservation,
+ session=session, read_deleted="no").\
+ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\
+ all()
+ for reservation_ref in reservations:
+ reservation_ref.delete(session=session)
+def reservation_expire(context):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ current_time = timeutils.utcnow()
+ results = model_query(context, models.Reservation, session=session,
+ read_deleted="no").\
+ filter(models.Reservation.expire < current_time).\
+ all()
+ if results:
+ for reservation in results:
+ if >= 0:
+ reservation.usage.reserved -=
+ reservation.delete(session=session)
def volume_allocate_iscsi_target(context, volume_id, host):
session = get_session()
-def volume_data_get_for_project(context, project_id):
+def volume_data_get_for_project(context, project_id, session=None):
result = model_query(context,
- read_deleted="no").\
+ read_deleted="no",
+ session=session).\
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime
+from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Integer, String, Table, ForeignKey
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def upgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ # New table
+ quota_classes = Table('quota_classes', meta,
+ Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted', Boolean(create_constraint=True, name=None)),
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True),
+ Column('class_name',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False), index=True),
+ Column('resource',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('hard_limit', Integer(), nullable=True),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8',
+ )
+ try:
+ quota_classes.create()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("Table |%s| not created!"), repr(quota_classes))
+ raise
+ quota_usages = Table('quota_usages', meta,
+ Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted', Boolean(create_constraint=True, name=None)),
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True),
+ Column('project_id',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False),
+ index=True),
+ Column('resource',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('in_use', Integer(), nullable=False),
+ Column('reserved', Integer(), nullable=False),
+ Column('until_refresh', Integer(), nullable=True),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8',
+ )
+ try:
+ quota_usages.create()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("Table |%s| not created!"), repr(quota_usages))
+ raise
+ reservations = Table('reservations', meta,
+ Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted', Boolean(create_constraint=True, name=None)),
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True),
+ Column('uuid',
+ String(length=36, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False), nullable=False),
+ Column('usage_id', Integer(), ForeignKey(''),
+ nullable=False),
+ Column('project_id',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False),
+ index=True),
+ Column('resource',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=True,
+ assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
+ _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('delta', Integer(), nullable=False),
+ Column('expire', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8',
+ )
+ try:
+ reservations.create()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("Table |%s| not created!"), repr(reservations))
+ raise
+def downgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ quota_classes = Table('quota_classes', meta, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ quota_classes.drop()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("quota_classes table not dropped"))
+ raise
+ quota_usages = Table('quota_usages', meta, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ quota_usages.drop()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("quota_usages table not dropped"))
+ raise
+ reservations = Table('reservations', meta, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ reservations.drop()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(_("reservations table not dropped"))
+ raise
hard_limit = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
+class QuotaUsage(BASE, CinderBase):
+ """Represents the current usage for a given resource."""
+ __tablename__ = 'quota_usages'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ project_id = Column(String(255), index=True)
+ resource = Column(String(255))
+ in_use = Column(Integer)
+ reserved = Column(Integer)
+ @property
+ def total(self):
+ return self.in_use + self.reserved
+ until_refresh = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
+class Reservation(BASE, CinderBase):
+ """Represents a resource reservation for quotas."""
+ __tablename__ = 'reservations'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=False)
+ usage_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
+ project_id = Column(String(255), index=True)
+ resource = Column(String(255))
+ delta = Column(Integer)
+ expire = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
class Snapshot(BASE, CinderBase):
- """Represents a block storage device that can be attached to a vm."""
+ """Represents a block storage device that can be attached to a VM."""
__tablename__ = 'snapshots'
id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True)
message = _("Could not find binary %(binary)s on host %(host)s.")
+class InvalidReservationExpiration(Invalid):
+ message = _("Invalid reservation expiration %(expire)s.")
+class InvalidQuotaValue(Invalid):
+ message = _("Change would make usage less than 0 for the following "
+ "resources: %(unders)s")
class QuotaNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Quota could not be found")
+class QuotaResourceUnknown(QuotaNotFound):
+ message = _("Unknown quota resources %(unknown)s.")
class ProjectQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
message = _("Quota class %(class_name)s could not be found.")
+class QuotaUsageNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
+ message = _("Quota usage for project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
+class ReservationNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
+ message = _("Quota reservation %(uuid)s could not be found.")
+class OverQuota(CinderException):
+ message = _("Quota exceeded for resources: %(overs)s")
class MigrationNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Migration %(migration_id)s could not be found.")
safe = True
+class VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(QuotaError):
+ message = _("Requested volume exceeds allowed volume size quota")
+class VolumeSizeExceedsQuota(QuotaError):
+ message = _("Maximum volume size exceeded")
+class VolumeLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
+ message = _("Maximum number of volumes allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded")
class DuplicateSfVolumeNames(Duplicate):
message = _("Detected more than one volume with name %(vol_name)s")
"""Quotas for instances, volumes, and floating ips."""
+import datetime
from cinder import db
-from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder import exception
from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder.openstack.common import importutils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
quota_opts = [
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_instances',
- default=10,
- help='number of instances allowed per project'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_cores',
- default=20,
- help='number of instance cores allowed per project'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_ram',
- default=50 * 1024,
- help='megabytes of instance ram allowed per project'),
help='number of volumes allowed per project'),
help='number of volume gigabytes allowed per project'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_floating_ips',
- default=10,
- help='number of floating ips allowed per project'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_metadata_items',
- default=128,
- help='number of metadata items allowed per instance'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_injected_files',
- default=5,
- help='number of injected files allowed'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_injected_file_content_bytes',
- default=10 * 1024,
- help='number of bytes allowed per injected file'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_injected_file_path_bytes',
- default=255,
- help='number of bytes allowed per injected file path'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_security_groups',
- default=10,
- help='number of security groups per project'),
- cfg.IntOpt('quota_security_group_rules',
- default=20,
- help='number of security rules per security group'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('reservation_expire',
+ default=86400,
+ help='number of seconds until a reservation expires'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('until_refresh',
+ default=0,
+ help='count of reservations until usage is refreshed'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_age',
+ default=0,
+ help='number of seconds between subsequent usage refreshes'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('quota_driver',
+ default='cinder.quota.DbQuotaDriver',
+ help='default driver to use for quota checks'),
-quota_resources = ['metadata_items', 'injected_file_content_bytes',
- 'volumes', 'gigabytes', 'ram', 'floating_ips', 'instances',
- 'injected_files', 'cores', 'security_groups', 'security_group_rules']
-def _get_default_quotas():
- defaults = {
- 'instances': FLAGS.quota_instances,
- 'cores': FLAGS.quota_cores,
- 'ram': FLAGS.quota_ram,
- 'volumes': FLAGS.quota_volumes,
- 'gigabytes': FLAGS.quota_gigabytes,
- 'floating_ips': FLAGS.quota_floating_ips,
- 'metadata_items': FLAGS.quota_metadata_items,
- 'injected_files': FLAGS.quota_injected_files,
- 'injected_file_content_bytes':
- FLAGS.quota_injected_file_content_bytes,
- 'security_groups': FLAGS.quota_security_groups,
- 'security_group_rules': FLAGS.quota_security_group_rules,
- }
- # -1 in the quota flags means unlimited
- return defaults
-def get_class_quotas(context, quota_class, defaults=None):
- """Update defaults with the quota class values."""
- if not defaults:
- defaults = _get_default_quotas()
- quota = db.quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, quota_class)
- for key in defaults.keys():
- if key in quota:
- defaults[key] = quota[key]
- return defaults
-def get_project_quotas(context, project_id):
- defaults = _get_default_quotas()
- if context.quota_class:
- get_class_quotas(context, context.quota_class, defaults)
- quota = db.quota_get_all_by_project(context, project_id)
- for key in defaults.keys():
- if key in quota:
- defaults[key] = quota[key]
- return defaults
-def _get_request_allotment(requested, used, quota):
- if quota == -1:
- return requested
- return quota - used
-def allowed_instances(context, requested_instances, instance_type):
- """Check quota and return min(requested_instances, allowed_instances)."""
- project_id = context.project_id
- context = context.elevated()
- requested_cores = requested_instances * instance_type['vcpus']
- requested_ram = requested_instances * instance_type['memory_mb']
- usage = db.instance_data_get_for_project(context, project_id)
- used_instances, used_cores, used_ram = usage
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
- allowed_instances = _get_request_allotment(requested_instances,
- used_instances,
- quota['instances'])
- allowed_cores = _get_request_allotment(requested_cores, used_cores,
- quota['cores'])
- allowed_ram = _get_request_allotment(requested_ram, used_ram, quota['ram'])
- if instance_type['vcpus']:
- allowed_instances = min(allowed_instances,
- allowed_cores // instance_type['vcpus'])
- if instance_type['memory_mb']:
- allowed_instances = min(allowed_instances,
- allowed_ram // instance_type['memory_mb'])
- return min(requested_instances, allowed_instances)
-def allowed_volumes(context, requested_volumes, size):
- """Check quota and return min(requested_volumes, allowed_volumes)."""
- project_id = context.project_id
- context = context.elevated()
- size = int(size)
- requested_gigabytes = requested_volumes * size
- used_volumes, used_gigabytes = db.volume_data_get_for_project(context,
- project_id)
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
- allowed_volumes = _get_request_allotment(requested_volumes, used_volumes,
- quota['volumes'])
- allowed_gigabytes = _get_request_allotment(requested_gigabytes,
- used_gigabytes,
- quota['gigabytes'])
- if size != 0:
- allowed_volumes = min(allowed_volumes,
- int(allowed_gigabytes // size))
- return min(requested_volumes, allowed_volumes)
-def allowed_floating_ips(context, requested_floating_ips):
- """Check quota and return min(requested, allowed) floating ips."""
- project_id = context.project_id
- context = context.elevated()
- used_floating_ips = db.floating_ip_count_by_project(context, project_id)
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
- allowed_floating_ips = _get_request_allotment(requested_floating_ips,
- used_floating_ips,
- quota['floating_ips'])
- return min(requested_floating_ips, allowed_floating_ips)
-def allowed_security_groups(context, requested_security_groups):
- """Check quota and return min(requested, allowed) security groups."""
- project_id = context.project_id
- context = context.elevated()
- used_sec_groups = db.security_group_count_by_project(context, project_id)
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
- allowed_sec_groups = _get_request_allotment(requested_security_groups,
- used_sec_groups,
- quota['security_groups'])
- return min(requested_security_groups, allowed_sec_groups)
-def allowed_security_group_rules(context, security_group_id,
- requested_rules):
- """Check quota and return min(requested, allowed) sec group rules."""
- project_id = context.project_id
- context = context.elevated()
- used_rules = db.security_group_rule_count_by_group(context,
- security_group_id)
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
- allowed_rules = _get_request_allotment(requested_rules,
- used_rules,
- quota['security_group_rules'])
- return min(requested_rules, allowed_rules)
-def _calculate_simple_quota(context, resource, requested):
- """Check quota for resource; return min(requested, allowed)."""
- quota = get_project_quotas(context, context.project_id)
- allowed = _get_request_allotment(requested, 0, quota[resource])
- return min(requested, allowed)
-def allowed_metadata_items(context, requested_metadata_items):
- """Return the number of metadata items allowed."""
- return _calculate_simple_quota(context, 'metadata_items',
- requested_metadata_items)
-def allowed_injected_files(context, requested_injected_files):
- """Return the number of injected files allowed."""
- return _calculate_simple_quota(context, 'injected_files',
- requested_injected_files)
-def allowed_injected_file_content_bytes(context, requested_bytes):
- """Return the number of bytes allowed per injected file content."""
- resource = 'injected_file_content_bytes'
- return _calculate_simple_quota(context, resource, requested_bytes)
-def allowed_injected_file_path_bytes(context):
- """Return the number of bytes allowed in an injected file path."""
- return FLAGS.quota_injected_file_path_bytes
+class DbQuotaDriver(object):
+ """
+ Driver to perform necessary checks to enforce quotas and obtain
+ quota information. The default driver utilizes the local
+ database.
+ """
+ def get_by_project(self, context, project_id, resource):
+ """Get a specific quota by project."""
+ return db.quota_get(context, project_id, resource)
+ def get_by_class(self, context, quota_class, resource):
+ """Get a specific quota by quota class."""
+ return db.quota_class_get(context, quota_class, resource)
+ def get_defaults(self, context, resources):
+ """Given a list of resources, retrieve the default quotas.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ """
+ quotas = {}
+ for resource in resources.values():
+ quotas[] = resource.default
+ return quotas
+ def get_class_quotas(self, context, resources, quota_class,
+ defaults=True):
+ """
+ Given a list of resources, retrieve the quotas for the given
+ quota class.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param quota_class: The name of the quota class to return
+ quotas for.
+ :param defaults: If True, the default value will be reported
+ if there is no specific value for the
+ resource.
+ """
+ quotas = {}
+ class_quotas = db.quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, quota_class)
+ for resource in resources.values():
+ if defaults or in class_quotas:
+ quotas[] = class_quotas.get(,
+ resource.default)
+ return quotas
+ def get_project_quotas(self, context, resources, project_id,
+ quota_class=None, defaults=True,
+ usages=True):
+ """
+ Given a list of resources, retrieve the quotas for the given
+ project.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param project_id: The ID of the project to return quotas for.
+ :param quota_class: If project_id != context.project_id, the
+ quota class cannot be determined. This
+ parameter allows it to be specified. It
+ will be ignored if project_id ==
+ context.project_id.
+ :param defaults: If True, the quota class value (or the
+ default value, if there is no value from the
+ quota class) will be reported if there is no
+ specific value for the resource.
+ :param usages: If True, the current in_use and reserved counts
+ will also be returned.
+ """
+ quotas = {}
+ project_quotas = db.quota_get_all_by_project(context, project_id)
+ if usages:
+ project_usages = db.quota_usage_get_all_by_project(context,
+ project_id)
+ # Get the quotas for the appropriate class. If the project ID
+ # matches the one in the context, we use the quota_class from
+ # the context, otherwise, we use the provided quota_class (if
+ # any)
+ if project_id == context.project_id:
+ quota_class = context.quota_class
+ if quota_class:
+ class_quotas = db.quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, quota_class)
+ else:
+ class_quotas = {}
+ for resource in resources.values():
+ # Omit default/quota class values
+ if not defaults and not in project_quotas:
+ continue
+ quotas[] = dict(
+ limit=project_quotas.get(, class_quotas.get(
+, resource.default)),
+ )
+ # Include usages if desired. This is optional because one
+ # internal consumer of this interface wants to access the
+ # usages directly from inside a transaction.
+ if usages:
+ usage = project_usages.get(, {})
+ quotas[].update(
+ in_use=usage.get('in_use', 0),
+ reserved=usage.get('reserved', 0),
+ )
+ return quotas
+ def _get_quotas(self, context, resources, keys, has_sync):
+ """
+ A helper method which retrieves the quotas for the specific
+ resources identified by keys, and which apply to the current
+ context.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param keys: A list of the desired quotas to retrieve.
+ :param has_sync: If True, indicates that the resource must
+ have a sync attribute; if False, indicates
+ that the resource must NOT have a sync
+ attribute.
+ """
+ # Filter resources
+ if has_sync:
+ sync_filt = lambda x: hasattr(x, 'sync')
+ else:
+ sync_filt = lambda x: not hasattr(x, 'sync')
+ desired = set(keys)
+ sub_resources = dict((k, v) for k, v in resources.items()
+ if k in desired and sync_filt(v))
+ # Make sure we accounted for all of them...
+ if len(keys) != len(sub_resources):
+ unknown = desired - set(sub_resources.keys())
+ raise exception.QuotaResourceUnknown(unknown=sorted(unknown))
+ # Grab and return the quotas (without usages)
+ quotas = self.get_project_quotas(context, sub_resources,
+ context.project_id,
+ context.quota_class, usages=False)
+ return dict((k, v['limit']) for k, v in quotas.items())
+ def limit_check(self, context, resources, values):
+ """Check simple quota limits.
+ For limits--those quotas for which there is no usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks that a set of
+ proposed values are permitted by the limit restriction.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it is not a simple limit
+ resource.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns
+ nothing.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param values: A dictionary of the values to check against the
+ quota.
+ """
+ # Ensure no value is less than zero
+ unders = [key for key, val in values.items() if val < 0]
+ if unders:
+ raise exception.InvalidQuotaValue(unders=sorted(unders))
+ # Get the applicable quotas
+ quotas = self._get_quotas(context, resources, values.keys(),
+ has_sync=False)
+ # Check the quotas and construct a list of the resources that
+ # would be put over limit by the desired values
+ overs = [key for key, val in values.items()
+ if quotas[key] >= 0 and quotas[key] < val]
+ if overs:
+ raise exception.OverQuota(overs=sorted(overs), quotas=quotas,
+ usages={})
+ def reserve(self, context, resources, deltas, expire=None):
+ """Check quotas and reserve resources.
+ For counting quotas--those quotas for which there is a usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks quotas against
+ current usage and the desired deltas.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it does not have a usage
+ synchronization function.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns a
+ list of reservation UUIDs which were created.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param deltas: A dictionary of the proposed delta changes.
+ :param expire: An optional parameter specifying an expiration
+ time for the reservations. If it is a simple
+ number, it is interpreted as a number of
+ seconds and added to the current time; if it is
+ a datetime.timedelta object, it will also be
+ added to the current time. A datetime.datetime
+ object will be interpreted as the absolute
+ expiration time. If None is specified, the
+ default expiration time set by
+ --default-reservation-expire will be used (this
+ value will be treated as a number of seconds).
+ """
+ # Set up the reservation expiration
+ if expire is None:
+ expire = FLAGS.reservation_expire
+ if isinstance(expire, (int, long)):
+ expire = datetime.timedelta(seconds=expire)
+ if isinstance(expire, datetime.timedelta):
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + expire
+ if not isinstance(expire, datetime.datetime):
+ raise exception.InvalidReservationExpiration(expire=expire)
+ # Get the applicable quotas.
+ # NOTE(Vek): We're not worried about races at this point.
+ # Yes, the admin may be in the process of reducing
+ # quotas, but that's a pretty rare thing.
+ quotas = self._get_quotas(context, resources, deltas.keys(),
+ has_sync=True)
+ # NOTE(Vek): Most of the work here has to be done in the DB
+ # API, because we have to do it in a transaction,
+ # which means access to the session. Since the
+ # session isn't available outside the DBAPI, we
+ # have to do the work there.
+ return db.quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, deltas, expire,
+ FLAGS.until_refresh, FLAGS.max_age)
+ def commit(self, context, reservations):
+ """Commit reservations.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param reservations: A list of the reservation UUIDs, as
+ returned by the reserve() method.
+ """
+ db.reservation_commit(context, reservations)
+ def rollback(self, context, reservations):
+ """Roll back reservations.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param reservations: A list of the reservation UUIDs, as
+ returned by the reserve() method.
+ """
+ db.reservation_rollback(context, reservations)
+ def destroy_all_by_project(self, context, project_id):
+ """
+ Destroy all quotas, usages, and reservations associated with a
+ project.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param project_id: The ID of the project being deleted.
+ """
+ db.quota_destroy_all_by_project(context, project_id)
+ def expire(self, context):
+ """Expire reservations.
+ Explores all currently existing reservations and rolls back
+ any that have expired.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ """
+ db.reservation_expire(context)
+class BaseResource(object):
+ """Describe a single resource for quota checking."""
+ def __init__(self, name, flag=None):
+ """
+ Initializes a Resource.
+ :param name: The name of the resource, i.e., "instances".
+ :param flag: The name of the flag or configuration option
+ which specifies the default value of the quota
+ for this resource.
+ """
+ = name
+ self.flag = flag
+ def quota(self, driver, context, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Given a driver and context, obtain the quota for this
+ resource.
+ :param driver: A quota driver.
+ :param context: The request context.
+ :param project_id: The project to obtain the quota value for.
+ If not provided, it is taken from the
+ context. If it is given as None, no
+ project-specific quota will be searched
+ for.
+ :param quota_class: The quota class corresponding to the
+ project, or for which the quota is to be
+ looked up. If not provided, it is taken
+ from the context. If it is given as None,
+ no quota class-specific quota will be
+ searched for. Note that the quota class
+ defaults to the value in the context,
+ which may not correspond to the project if
+ project_id is not the same as the one in
+ the context.
+ """
+ # Get the project ID
+ project_id = kwargs.get('project_id', context.project_id)
+ # Ditto for the quota class
+ quota_class = kwargs.get('quota_class', context.quota_class)
+ # Look up the quota for the project
+ if project_id:
+ try:
+ return driver.get_by_project(context, project_id,
+ except exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound:
+ pass
+ # Try for the quota class
+ if quota_class:
+ try:
+ return driver.get_by_class(context, quota_class,
+ except exception.QuotaClassNotFound:
+ pass
+ # OK, return the default
+ return self.default
+ @property
+ def default(self):
+ """Return the default value of the quota."""
+ return FLAGS[self.flag] if self.flag else -1
+class ReservableResource(BaseResource):
+ """Describe a reservable resource."""
+ def __init__(self, name, sync, flag=None):
+ """
+ Initializes a ReservableResource.
+ Reservable resources are those resources which directly
+ correspond to objects in the database, i.e., instances, cores,
+ etc. A ReservableResource must be constructed with a usage
+ synchronization function, which will be called to determine the
+ current counts of one or more resources.
+ The usage synchronization function will be passed three
+ arguments: an admin context, the project ID, and an opaque
+ session object, which should in turn be passed to the
+ underlying database function. Synchronization functions
+ should return a dictionary mapping resource names to the
+ current in_use count for those resources; more than one
+ resource and resource count may be returned. Note that
+ synchronization functions may be associated with more than one
+ ReservableResource.
+ :param name: The name of the resource, i.e., "instances".
+ :param sync: A callable which returns a dictionary to
+ resynchronize the in_use count for one or more
+ resources, as described above.
+ :param flag: The name of the flag or configuration option
+ which specifies the default value of the quota
+ for this resource.
+ """
+ super(ReservableResource, self).__init__(name, flag=flag)
+ self.sync = sync
+class AbsoluteResource(BaseResource):
+ """Describe a non-reservable resource."""
+ pass
+class CountableResource(AbsoluteResource):
+ """
+ Describe a resource where the counts aren't based solely on the
+ project ID.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, count, flag=None):
+ """
+ Initializes a CountableResource.
+ Countable resources are those resources which directly
+ correspond to objects in the database, i.e., instances, cores,
+ etc., but for which a count by project ID is inappropriate. A
+ CountableResource must be constructed with a counting
+ function, which will be called to determine the current counts
+ of the resource.
+ The counting function will be passed the context, along with
+ the extra positional and keyword arguments that are passed to
+ Quota.count(). It should return an integer specifying the
+ count.
+ Note that this counting is not performed in a transaction-safe
+ manner. This resource class is a temporary measure to provide
+ required functionality, until a better approach to solving
+ this problem can be evolved.
+ :param name: The name of the resource, i.e., "instances".
+ :param count: A callable which returns the count of the
+ resource. The arguments passed are as described
+ above.
+ :param flag: The name of the flag or configuration option
+ which specifies the default value of the quota
+ for this resource.
+ """
+ super(CountableResource, self).__init__(name, flag=flag)
+ self.count = count
+class QuotaEngine(object):
+ """Represent the set of recognized quotas."""
+ def __init__(self, quota_driver_class=None):
+ """Initialize a Quota object."""
+ if not quota_driver_class:
+ quota_driver_class = FLAGS.quota_driver
+ if isinstance(quota_driver_class, basestring):
+ quota_driver_class = importutils.import_object(quota_driver_class)
+ self._resources = {}
+ self._driver = quota_driver_class
+ def __contains__(self, resource):
+ return resource in self._resources
+ def register_resource(self, resource):
+ """Register a resource."""
+ self._resources[] = resource
+ def register_resources(self, resources):
+ """Register a list of resources."""
+ for resource in resources:
+ self.register_resource(resource)
+ def get_by_project(self, context, project_id, resource):
+ """Get a specific quota by project."""
+ return self._driver.get_by_project(context, project_id, resource)
+ def get_by_class(self, context, quota_class, resource):
+ """Get a specific quota by quota class."""
+ return self._driver.get_by_class(context, quota_class, resource)
+ def get_defaults(self, context):
+ """Retrieve the default quotas.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ """
+ return self._driver.get_defaults(context, self._resources)
+ def get_class_quotas(self, context, quota_class, defaults=True):
+ """Retrieve the quotas for the given quota class.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param quota_class: The name of the quota class to return
+ quotas for.
+ :param defaults: If True, the default value will be reported
+ if there is no specific value for the
+ resource.
+ """
+ return self._driver.get_class_quotas(context, self._resources,
+ quota_class, defaults=defaults)
+ def get_project_quotas(self, context, project_id, quota_class=None,
+ defaults=True, usages=True):
+ """Retrieve the quotas for the given project.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param project_id: The ID of the project to return quotas for.
+ :param quota_class: If project_id != context.project_id, the
+ quota class cannot be determined. This
+ parameter allows it to be specified.
+ :param defaults: If True, the quota class value (or the
+ default value, if there is no value from the
+ quota class) will be reported if there is no
+ specific value for the resource.
+ :param usages: If True, the current in_use and reserved counts
+ will also be returned.
+ """
+ return self._driver.get_project_quotas(context, self._resources,
+ project_id,
+ quota_class=quota_class,
+ defaults=defaults,
+ usages=usages)
+ def count(self, context, resource, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Count a resource.
+ For countable resources, invokes the count() function and
+ returns its result. Arguments following the context and
+ resource are passed directly to the count function declared by
+ the resource.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resource: The name of the resource, as a string.
+ """
+ # Get the resource
+ res = self._resources.get(resource)
+ if not res or not hasattr(res, 'count'):
+ raise exception.QuotaResourceUnknown(unknown=[resource])
+ return res.count(context, *args, **kwargs)
+ def limit_check(self, context, **values):
+ """Check simple quota limits.
+ For limits--those quotas for which there is no usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks that a set of
+ proposed values are permitted by the limit restriction. The
+ values to check are given as keyword arguments, where the key
+ identifies the specific quota limit to check, and the value is
+ the proposed value.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it is not a simple limit
+ resource.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns
+ nothing.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ """
+ return self._driver.limit_check(context, self._resources, values)
+ def reserve(self, context, expire=None, **deltas):
+ """Check quotas and reserve resources.
+ For counting quotas--those quotas for which there is a usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks quotas against
+ current usage and the desired deltas. The deltas are given as
+ keyword arguments, and current usage and other reservations
+ are factored into the quota check.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it does not have a usage
+ synchronization function.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns a
+ list of reservation UUIDs which were created.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param expire: An optional parameter specifying an expiration
+ time for the reservations. If it is a simple
+ number, it is interpreted as a number of
+ seconds and added to the current time; if it is
+ a datetime.timedelta object, it will also be
+ added to the current time. A datetime.datetime
+ object will be interpreted as the absolute
+ expiration time. If None is specified, the
+ default expiration time set by
+ --default-reservation-expire will be used (this
+ value will be treated as a number of seconds).
+ """
+ reservations = self._driver.reserve(context, self._resources, deltas,
+ expire=expire)
+ LOG.debug(_("Created reservations %(reservations)s") % locals())
+ return reservations
+ def commit(self, context, reservations):
+ """Commit reservations.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param reservations: A list of the reservation UUIDs, as
+ returned by the reserve() method.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._driver.commit(context, reservations)
+ except Exception:
+ # NOTE(Vek): Ignoring exceptions here is safe, because the
+ # usage resynchronization and the reservation expiration
+ # mechanisms will resolve the issue. The exception is
+ # logged, however, because this is less than optimal.
+ LOG.exception(_("Failed to commit reservations "
+ "%(reservations)s") % locals())
+ def rollback(self, context, reservations):
+ """Roll back reservations.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param reservations: A list of the reservation UUIDs, as
+ returned by the reserve() method.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._driver.rollback(context, reservations)
+ except Exception:
+ # NOTE(Vek): Ignoring exceptions here is safe, because the
+ # usage resynchronization and the reservation expiration
+ # mechanisms will resolve the issue. The exception is
+ # logged, however, because this is less than optimal.
+ LOG.exception(_("Failed to roll back reservations "
+ "%(reservations)s") % locals())
+ def destroy_all_by_project(self, context, project_id):
+ """
+ Destroy all quotas, usages, and reservations associated with a
+ project.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param project_id: The ID of the project being deleted.
+ """
+ self._driver.destroy_all_by_project(context, project_id)
+ def expire(self, context):
+ """Expire reservations.
+ Explores all currently existing reservations and rolls back
+ any that have expired.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ """
+ self._driver.expire(context)
+ @property
+ def resources(self):
+ return sorted(self._resources.keys())
+def _sync_instances(context, project_id, session):
+ return dict(zip(('instances', 'cores', 'ram'),
+ db.instance_data_get_for_project(
+ context, project_id, session=session)))
+def _sync_volumes(context, project_id, session):
+ return dict(zip(('volumes', 'gigabytes'),
+ db.volume_data_get_for_project(
+ context, project_id, session=session)))
+QUOTAS = QuotaEngine()
+resources = [
+ ReservableResource('volumes', _sync_volumes, 'quota_volumes'),
+ ReservableResource('gigabytes', _sync_volumes, 'quota_gigabytes'),
+ ]
from cinder.api import auth as api_auth
from cinder.api import openstack as openstack_api
from cinder.api.openstack import auth
+from cinder.api.openstack.volume import limits
from cinder.api.openstack import urlmap
from cinder.api.openstack import volume
from cinder.api.openstack.volume import versions
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Tests dealing with HTTP rate-limiting.
+import httplib
+import StringIO
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from lxml import etree
+import webob
+from cinder.api.openstack.volume import limits
+from cinder.api.openstack.volume import views
+from cinder.api.openstack import xmlutil
+import cinder.context
+from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils
+from cinder import test
+ limits.Limit("GET", "/delayed", "^/delayed", 1, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ limits.Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 7, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ limits.Limit("POST", "/volumes", "^/volumes", 3, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ limits.Limit("PUT", "*", "", 10, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ limits.Limit("PUT", "/volumes", "^/volumes", 5, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+NS = {
+ 'atom': '',
+ 'ns': ''
+class BaseLimitTestSuite(test.TestCase):
+ """Base test suite which provides relevant stubs and time abstraction."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BaseLimitTestSuite, self).setUp()
+ self.time = 0.0
+ self.stubs.Set(limits.Limit, "_get_time", self._get_time)
+ self.absolute_limits = {}
+ def stub_get_project_quotas(context, project_id, usages=True):
+ return dict((k, dict(limit=v))
+ for k, v in self.absolute_limits.items())
+ self.stubs.Set(cinder.quota.QUOTAS, "get_project_quotas",
+ stub_get_project_quotas)
+ def _get_time(self):
+ """Return the "time" according to this test suite."""
+ return self.time
+class LimitsControllerTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for `limits.LimitsController` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ super(LimitsControllerTest, self).setUp()
+ self.controller = limits.create_resource()
+ def _get_index_request(self, accept_header="application/json"):
+ """Helper to set routing arguments."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.accept = accept_header
+ request.environ["wsgiorg.routing_args"] = (None, {
+ "action": "index",
+ "controller": "",
+ })
+ context = cinder.context.RequestContext('testuser', 'testproject')
+ request.environ["cinder.context"] = context
+ return request
+ def _populate_limits(self, request):
+ """Put limit info into a request."""
+ _limits = [
+ limits.Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 10, 60).display(),
+ limits.Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 5, 60 * 60).display(),
+ limits.Limit("GET", "changes-since*", "changes-since",
+ 5, 60).display(),
+ ]
+ request.environ["cinder.limits"] = _limits
+ return request
+ def test_empty_index_json(self):
+ """Test getting empty limit details in JSON."""
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [],
+ "absolute": {},
+ },
+ }
+ body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def test_index_json(self):
+ """Test getting limit details in JSON."""
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ request = self._populate_limits(request)
+ self.absolute_limits = {
+ 'gigabytes': 512,
+ 'volumes': 5,
+ }
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [
+ {
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "uri": "*",
+ "limit": [
+ {
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "next-available": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "value": 10,
+ "remaining": 10,
+ },
+ {
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "next-available": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "unit": "HOUR",
+ "value": 5,
+ "remaining": 5,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "regex": "changes-since",
+ "uri": "changes-since*",
+ "limit": [
+ {
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "next-available": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "value": 5,
+ "remaining": 5,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ "absolute": {
+ "maxTotalVolumeGigabytes": 512,
+ "maxTotalVolumes": 5,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def _populate_limits_diff_regex(self, request):
+ """Put limit info into a request."""
+ _limits = [
+ limits.Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 10, 60).display(),
+ limits.Limit("GET", "*", "*.*", 10, 60).display(),
+ ]
+ request.environ["cinder.limits"] = _limits
+ return request
+ def test_index_diff_regex(self):
+ """Test getting limit details in JSON."""
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ request = self._populate_limits_diff_regex(request)
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [
+ {
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "uri": "*",
+ "limit": [
+ {
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "next-available": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "value": 10,
+ "remaining": 10,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "regex": "*.*",
+ "uri": "*",
+ "limit": [
+ {
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "next-available": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "value": 10,
+ "remaining": 10,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ "absolute": {},
+ },
+ }
+ body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def _test_index_absolute_limits_json(self, expected):
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body['limits']['absolute'])
+ def test_index_ignores_extra_absolute_limits_json(self):
+ self.absolute_limits = {'unknown_limit': 9001}
+ self._test_index_absolute_limits_json({})
+class TestLimiter(limits.Limiter):
+ pass
+class LimitMiddlewareTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.RateLimitingMiddleware` class.
+ """
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def _empty_app(self, request):
+ """Do-nothing WSGI app."""
+ pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Prepare middleware for use through fake WSGI app."""
+ super(LimitMiddlewareTest, self).setUp()
+ _limits = '(GET, *, .*, 1, MINUTE)'
+ = limits.RateLimitingMiddleware(self._empty_app, _limits,
+ "%s.TestLimiter" %
+ self.__class__.__module__)
+ def test_limit_class(self):
+ """Test that middleware selected correct limiter class."""
+ assert isinstance(, TestLimiter)
+ def test_good_request(self):
+ """Test successful GET request through middleware."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ def test_limited_request_json(self):
+ """Test a rate-limited (413) GET request through middleware."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 413)
+ self.assertTrue('Retry-After' in response.headers)
+ retry_after = int(response.headers['Retry-After'])
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(retry_after, 60, 1)
+ body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
+ expected = "Only 1 GET request(s) can be made to * every minute."
+ value = body["overLimitFault"]["details"].strip()
+ self.assertEqual(value, expected)
+ def test_limited_request_xml(self):
+ """Test a rate-limited (413) response as XML"""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.accept = "application/xml"
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 413)
+ root = minidom.parseString(response.body).childNodes[0]
+ expected = "Only 1 GET request(s) can be made to * every minute."
+ details = root.getElementsByTagName("details")
+ self.assertEqual(details.length, 1)
+ value = details.item(0)
+ self.assertEqual(value, expected)
+class LimitTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.Limit` class.
+ """
+ def test_GET_no_delay(self):
+ """Test a limit handles 1 GET per second."""
+ limit = limits.Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 1, 1)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.last_request)
+ def test_GET_delay(self):
+ """Test two calls to 1 GET per second limit."""
+ limit = limits.Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 1, 1)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(1, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(1, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.last_request)
+ self.time += 4
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(4, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(4, limit.last_request)
+class ParseLimitsTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the default limits parser in the in-memory
+ `limits.Limiter` class.
+ """
+ def test_invalid(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles invalid input correctly."""
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, limits.Limiter.parse_limits,
+ ';;;;;')
+ def test_bad_rule(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles bad rules correctly."""
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, limits.Limiter.parse_limits,
+ 'GET, *, .*, 20, minute')
+ def test_missing_arg(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles missing args correctly."""
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, limits.Limiter.parse_limits,
+ '(GET, *, .*, 20)')
+ def test_bad_value(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles bad values correctly."""
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, limits.Limiter.parse_limits,
+ '(GET, *, .*, foo, minute)')
+ def test_bad_unit(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles bad units correctly."""
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, limits.Limiter.parse_limits,
+ '(GET, *, .*, 20, lightyears)')
+ def test_multiple_rules(self):
+ """Test that parse_limits() handles multiple rules correctly."""
+ try:
+ l = limits.Limiter.parse_limits('(get, *, .*, 20, minute);'
+ '(PUT, /foo*, /foo.*, 10, hour);'
+ '(POST, /bar*, /bar.*, 5, second);'
+ '(Say, /derp*, /derp.*, 1, day)')
+ except ValueError, e:
+ assert False, str(e)
+ # Make sure the number of returned limits are correct
+ self.assertEqual(len(l), 4)
+ # Check all the verbs...
+ expected = ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'SAY']
+ self.assertEqual([t.verb for t in l], expected)
+ # ...the URIs...
+ expected = ['*', '/foo*', '/bar*', '/derp*']
+ self.assertEqual([t.uri for t in l], expected)
+ # ...the regexes...
+ expected = ['.*', '/foo.*', '/bar.*', '/derp.*']
+ self.assertEqual([t.regex for t in l], expected)
+ # ...the values...
+ expected = [20, 10, 5, 1]
+ self.assertEqual([t.value for t in l], expected)
+ # ...and the units...
+ expected = [limits.PER_MINUTE, limits.PER_HOUR,
+ limits.PER_SECOND, limits.PER_DAY]
+ self.assertEqual([t.unit for t in l], expected)
+class LimiterTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the in-memory `limits.Limiter` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ super(LimiterTest, self).setUp()
+ userlimits = {'user:user3': ''}
+ self.limiter = limits.Limiter(TEST_LIMITS, **userlimits)
+ def _check(self, num, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Check and yield results from checks."""
+ for x in xrange(num):
+ yield self.limiter.check_for_delay(verb, url, username)[0]
+ def _check_sum(self, num, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Check and sum results from checks."""
+ results = self._check(num, verb, url, username)
+ return sum(item for item in results if item)
+ def test_no_delay_GET(self):
+ """
+ Simple test to ensure no delay on a single call for a limit verb we
+ didn"t set.
+ """
+ delay = self.limiter.check_for_delay("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_no_delay_PUT(self):
+ """
+ Simple test to ensure no delay on a single call for a known limit.
+ """
+ delay = self.limiter.check_for_delay("PUT", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_delay_PUT(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 11th PUT will result in a delay of 6.0 seconds until
+ the next request will be granced.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(11, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_POST(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 8th POST will result in a delay of 6.0 seconds until
+ the next request will be granced.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 7
+ results = list(self._check(7, "POST", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ expected = 60.0 / 7.0
+ results = self._check_sum(1, "POST", "/anything")
+ self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(expected, results, 8)
+ def test_delay_GET(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 11th GET will result in NO delay.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 11
+ results = list(self._check(11, "GET", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_PUT_volumes(self):
+ """
+ Ensure PUT on /volumes limits at 5 requests, and PUT elsewhere is still
+ OK after 5 requests...but then after 11 total requests, PUT limiting
+ kicks in.
+ """
+ # First 6 requests on PUT /volumes
+ expected = [None] * 5 + [12.0]
+ results = list(self._check(6, "PUT", "/volumes"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # Next 5 request on PUT /anything
+ expected = [None] * 4 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(5, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_PUT_wait(self):
+ """
+ Ensure after hitting the limit and then waiting for the correct
+ amount of time, the limit will be lifted.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(11, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # Advance time
+ self.time += 6.0
+ expected = [None, 6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(2, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_multiple_delays(self):
+ """
+ Ensure multiple requests still get a delay.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(20, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ expected = [5.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(10, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_user_limit(self):
+ """
+ Test user-specific limits.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(self.limiter.levels['user3'], [])
+ def test_multiple_users(self):
+ """
+ Tests involving multiple users.
+ """
+ # User1
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(20, "PUT", "/anything", "user1"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # User2
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 5
+ results = list(self._check(15, "PUT", "/anything", "user2"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # User3
+ expected = [None] * 20
+ results = list(self._check(20, "PUT", "/anything", "user3"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ # User1 again
+ expected = [5.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(10, "PUT", "/anything", "user1"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ # User1 again
+ expected = [4.0] * 5
+ results = list(self._check(5, "PUT", "/anything", "user2"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+class WsgiLimiterTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for `limits.WsgiLimiter` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ super(WsgiLimiterTest, self).setUp()
+ = limits.WsgiLimiter(TEST_LIMITS)
+ def _request_data(self, verb, path):
+ """Get data decribing a limit request verb/path."""
+ return jsonutils.dumps({"verb": verb, "path": path})
+ def _request(self, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Make sure that POSTing to the given url causes the given username
+ to perform the given action. Make the internal rate limiter return
+ delay and make sure that the WSGI app returns the correct response.
+ """
+ if username:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/%s" % username)
+ else:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.method = "POST"
+ request.body = self._request_data(verb, url)
+ response = request.get_response(
+ if "X-Wait-Seconds" in response.headers:
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 403)
+ return response.headers["X-Wait-Seconds"]
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 204)
+ def test_invalid_methods(self):
+ """Only POSTs should work."""
+ requests = []
+ for method in ["GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/", method=method)
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 405)
+ def test_good_url(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/something")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ def test_escaping(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/something/jump%20up")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ def test_response_to_delays(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+ def test_response_to_delays_usernames(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user1")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user2")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user1")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user2")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+class FakeHttplibSocket(object):
+ """
+ Fake `httplib.HTTPResponse` replacement.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, response_string):
+ """Initialize new `FakeHttplibSocket`."""
+ self._buffer = StringIO.StringIO(response_string)
+ def makefile(self, _mode, _other):
+ """Returns the socket's internal buffer."""
+ return self._buffer
+class FakeHttplibConnection(object):
+ """
+ Fake `httplib.HTTPConnection`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, app, host):
+ """
+ Initialize `FakeHttplibConnection`.
+ """
+ = app
+ = host
+ def request(self, method, path, body="", headers=None):
+ """
+ Requests made via this connection actually get translated and routed
+ into our WSGI app, we then wait for the response and turn it back into
+ an `httplib.HTTPResponse`.
+ """
+ if not headers:
+ headers = {}
+ req = webob.Request.blank(path)
+ req.method = method
+ req.headers = headers
+ =
+ req.body = body
+ resp = str(req.get_response(
+ resp = "HTTP/1.0 %s" % resp
+ sock = FakeHttplibSocket(resp)
+ self.http_response = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
+ self.http_response.begin()
+ def getresponse(self):
+ """Return our generated response from the request."""
+ return self.http_response
+def wire_HTTPConnection_to_WSGI(host, app):
+ """Monkeypatches HTTPConnection so that if you try to connect to host, you
+ are instead routed straight to the given WSGI app.
+ After calling this method, when any code calls
+ httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
+ the connection object will be a fake. Its requests will be sent directly
+ to the given WSGI app rather than through a socket.
+ Code connecting to hosts other than host will not be affected.
+ This method may be called multiple times to map different hosts to
+ different apps.
+ This method returns the original HTTPConnection object, so that the caller
+ can restore the default HTTPConnection interface (for all hosts).
+ """
+ class HTTPConnectionDecorator(object):
+ """Wraps the real HTTPConnection class so that when you instantiate
+ the class you might instead get a fake instance."""
+ def __init__(self, wrapped):
+ self.wrapped = wrapped
+ def __call__(self, connection_host, *args, **kwargs):
+ if connection_host == host:
+ return FakeHttplibConnection(app, host)
+ else:
+ return self.wrapped(connection_host, *args, **kwargs)
+ oldHTTPConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection
+ httplib.HTTPConnection = HTTPConnectionDecorator(httplib.HTTPConnection)
+ return oldHTTPConnection
+class WsgiLimiterProxyTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.WsgiLimiterProxy` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """
+ Do some nifty HTTP/WSGI magic which allows for WSGI to be called
+ directly by something like the `httplib` library.
+ """
+ super(WsgiLimiterProxyTest, self).setUp()
+ = limits.WsgiLimiter(TEST_LIMITS)
+ self.oldHTTPConnection = (
+ wire_HTTPConnection_to_WSGI("",
+ self.proxy = limits.WsgiLimiterProxy("")
+ def test_200(self):
+ """Successful request test."""
+ delay = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_403(self):
+ """Forbidden request test."""
+ delay = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ delay, error = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/delayed")
+ error = error.strip()
+ expected = ("60.00", "403 Forbidden\n\nOnly 1 GET request(s) can be "
+ "made to /delayed every minute.")
+ self.assertEqual((delay, error), expected)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # restore original HTTPConnection object
+ httplib.HTTPConnection = self.oldHTTPConnection
+class LimitsViewBuilderTest(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(LimitsViewBuilderTest, self).setUp()
+ self.view_builder = views.limits.ViewBuilder()
+ self.rate_limits = [{"URI": "*",
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "value": 10,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 2,
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "resetTime": 1311272226},
+ {"URI": "*/volumes",
+ "regex": "^/volumes",
+ "value": 50,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 10,
+ "unit": "DAY",
+ "resetTime": 1311272226}]
+ self.absolute_limits = {"metadata_items": 1,
+ "injected_files": 5,
+ "injected_file_content_bytes": 5}
+ def test_build_limits(self):
+ expected_limits = {"limits": {
+ "rate": [{
+ "uri": "*",
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "limit": [{"value": 10,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 2,
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "next-available": "2011-07-21T18:17:06Z"}]},
+ {"uri": "*/volumes",
+ "regex": "^/volumes",
+ "limit": [{"value": 50,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 10,
+ "unit": "DAY",
+ "next-available": "2011-07-21T18:17:06Z"}]}],
+ "absolute": {"maxServerMeta": 1,
+ "maxImageMeta": 1,
+ "maxPersonality": 5,
+ "maxPersonalitySize": 5}}}
+ output =,
+ self.absolute_limits)
+ self.assertDictMatch(output, expected_limits)
+ def test_build_limits_empty_limits(self):
+ expected_limits = {"limits": {"rate": [],
+ "absolute": {}}}
+ abs_limits = {}
+ rate_limits = []
+ output =, abs_limits)
+ self.assertDictMatch(output, expected_limits)
+class LimitsXMLSerializationTest(test.TestCase):
+ def test_xml_declaration(self):
+ serializer = limits.LimitsTemplate()
+ fixture = {"limits": {
+ "rate": [],
+ "absolute": {}}}
+ output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
+ has_dec = output.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")
+ self.assertTrue(has_dec)
+ def test_index(self):
+ serializer = limits.LimitsTemplate()
+ fixture = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [{
+ "uri": "*",
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "limit": [{
+ "value": 10,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 2,
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z"}]},
+ {"uri": "*/servers",
+ "regex": "^/servers",
+ "limit": [{
+ "value": 50,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 10,
+ "unit": "DAY",
+ "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z"}]}],
+ "absolute": {"maxServerMeta": 1,
+ "maxImageMeta": 1,
+ "maxPersonality": 5,
+ "maxPersonalitySize": 10240}}}
+ output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
+ root = etree.XML(output)
+ xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'limits')
+ #verify absolute limits
+ absolutes = root.xpath('ns:absolute/ns:limit', namespaces=NS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(absolutes), 4)
+ for limit in absolutes:
+ name = limit.get('name')
+ value = limit.get('value')
+ self.assertEqual(value, str(fixture['limits']['absolute'][name]))
+ #verify rate limits
+ rates = root.xpath('ns:rates/ns:rate', namespaces=NS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(rates), 2)
+ for i, rate in enumerate(rates):
+ for key in ['uri', 'regex']:
+ self.assertEqual(rate.get(key),
+ str(fixture['limits']['rate'][i][key]))
+ rate_limits = rate.xpath('ns:limit', namespaces=NS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(rate_limits), 1)
+ for j, limit in enumerate(rate_limits):
+ for key in ['verb', 'value', 'remaining', 'unit',
+ 'next-available']:
+ self.assertEqual(limit.get(key),
+ str(fixture['limits']['rate'][i]['limit'][j][key]))
+ def test_index_no_limits(self):
+ serializer = limits.LimitsTemplate()
+ fixture = {"limits": {
+ "rate": [],
+ "absolute": {}}}
+ output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
+ root = etree.XML(output)
+ xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'limits')
+ #verify absolute limits
+ absolutes = root.xpath('ns:absolute/ns:limit', namespaces=NS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(absolutes), 0)
+ #verify rate limits
+ rates = root.xpath('ns:rates/ns:rate', namespaces=NS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(rates), 0)
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-import unittest
import time
+import unittest
from cinder import service
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import datetime
from cinder import context
from cinder import db
+from cinder.db.sqlalchemy import api as sqa_api
+from cinder.db.sqlalchemy import models as sqa_models
from cinder import exception
from cinder import flags
-from cinder import quota
from cinder.openstack.common import rpc
+from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+from cinder import quota
from cinder import test
+import cinder.tests.image.fake
from cinder import volume
-class GetQuotaTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(GetQuotaTestCase, self).setUp()
- self.flags(quota_instances=10,
- quota_cores=20,
- quota_ram=50 * 1024,
- quota_volumes=10,
- quota_gigabytes=1000,
- quota_floating_ips=10,
- quota_security_groups=10,
- quota_security_group_rules=20,
- quota_metadata_items=128,
- quota_injected_files=5,
- quota_injected_file_content_bytes=10 * 1024)
- self.context = context.RequestContext('admin', 'admin', is_admin=True)
- def _stub_class(self):
- def fake_quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, quota_class):
- result = dict(class_name=quota_class)
- if quota_class == 'test_class':
- result.update(
- instances=5,
- cores=10,
- ram=25 * 1024,
- volumes=5,
- gigabytes=500,
- floating_ips=5,
- quota_security_groups=10,
- quota_security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=64,
- injected_files=2,
- injected_file_content_bytes=5 * 1024,
- invalid_quota=100,
- )
- return result
- self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_class_get_all_by_name',
- fake_quota_class_get_all_by_name)
- def _stub_project(self, override=False):
- def fake_quota_get_all_by_project(context, project_id):
- result = dict(project_id=project_id)
- if override:
- result.update(
- instances=2,
- cores=5,
- ram=12 * 1024,
- volumes=2,
- gigabytes=250,
- floating_ips=2,
- security_groups=5,
- security_group_rules=10,
- metadata_items=32,
- injected_files=1,
- injected_file_content_bytes=2 * 1024,
- invalid_quota=50,
- )
- return result
- self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_get_all_by_project',
- fake_quota_get_all_by_project)
- def test_default_quotas(self):
- result = quota._get_default_quotas()
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=10,
- cores=20,
- ram=50 * 1024,
- volumes=10,
- gigabytes=1000,
- floating_ips=10,
- security_groups=10,
- security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=128,
- injected_files=5,
- injected_file_content_bytes=10 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_default_quotas_unlimited(self):
- self.flags(quota_instances=-1,
- quota_cores=-1,
- quota_ram=-1,
- quota_volumes=-1,
- quota_gigabytes=-1,
- quota_floating_ips=-1,
- quota_security_groups=-1,
- quota_security_group_rules=-1,
- quota_metadata_items=-1,
- quota_injected_files=-1,
- quota_injected_file_content_bytes=-1)
- result = quota._get_default_quotas()
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=-1,
- cores=-1,
- ram=-1,
- volumes=-1,
- gigabytes=-1,
- floating_ips=-1,
- security_groups=-1,
- security_group_rules=-1,
- metadata_items=-1,
- injected_files=-1,
- injected_file_content_bytes=-1,
- ))
- def test_class_quotas_noclass(self):
- self._stub_class()
- result = quota.get_class_quotas(self.context, 'noclass')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=10,
- cores=20,
- ram=50 * 1024,
- volumes=10,
- gigabytes=1000,
- floating_ips=10,
- security_groups=10,
- security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=128,
- injected_files=5,
- injected_file_content_bytes=10 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_class_quotas(self):
- self._stub_class()
- result = quota.get_class_quotas(self.context, 'test_class')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=5,
- cores=10,
- ram=25 * 1024,
- volumes=5,
- gigabytes=500,
- floating_ips=5,
- security_groups=10,
- security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=64,
- injected_files=2,
- injected_file_content_bytes=5 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_project_quotas_defaults_noclass(self):
- self._stub_class()
- self._stub_project()
- result = quota.get_project_quotas(self.context, 'admin')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=10,
- cores=20,
- ram=50 * 1024,
- volumes=10,
- gigabytes=1000,
- floating_ips=10,
- security_groups=10,
- security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=128,
- injected_files=5,
- injected_file_content_bytes=10 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_project_quotas_overrides_noclass(self):
- self._stub_class()
- self._stub_project(True)
- result = quota.get_project_quotas(self.context, 'admin')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=2,
- cores=5,
- ram=12 * 1024,
- volumes=2,
- gigabytes=250,
- floating_ips=2,
- security_groups=5,
- security_group_rules=10,
- metadata_items=32,
- injected_files=1,
- injected_file_content_bytes=2 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_project_quotas_defaults_withclass(self):
- self._stub_class()
- self._stub_project()
- self.context.quota_class = 'test_class'
- result = quota.get_project_quotas(self.context, 'admin')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=5,
- cores=10,
- ram=25 * 1024,
- volumes=5,
- gigabytes=500,
- floating_ips=5,
- security_groups=10,
- security_group_rules=20,
- metadata_items=64,
- injected_files=2,
- injected_file_content_bytes=5 * 1024,
- ))
- def test_project_quotas_overrides_withclass(self):
- self._stub_class()
- self._stub_project(True)
- self.context.quota_class = 'test_class'
- result = quota.get_project_quotas(self.context, 'admin')
- self.assertEqual(result, dict(
- instances=2,
- cores=5,
- ram=12 * 1024,
- volumes=2,
- gigabytes=250,
- floating_ips=2,
- security_groups=5,
- security_group_rules=10,
- metadata_items=32,
- injected_files=1,
- injected_file_content_bytes=2 * 1024,
- ))
-class QuotaTestCase(test.TestCase):
- class StubImageService(object):
- def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return {"properties": {}}
+class QuotaIntegrationTestCase(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- super(QuotaTestCase, self).setUp()
+ super(QuotaIntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
+ # Apparently needed by the RPC tests...
+ = self.start_service('network')
self.user_id = 'admin'
self.project_id = 'admin'
self.context = context.RequestContext(self.user_id,
self.stubs.Set(rpc, 'call', rpc_call_wrapper)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(QuotaIntegrationTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ cinder.tests.image.fake.FakeImageService_reset()
def _create_volume(self, size=10):
"""Create a test volume"""
vol = {}
vol['size'] = size
return db.volume_create(self.context, vol)['id']
- def test_unlimited_volumes(self):
- self.flags(quota_volumes=10, quota_gigabytes=-1)
- volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
- self.assertEqual(volumes, 10)
- db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, 'volumes', -1)
- volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
- self.assertEqual(volumes, 100)
- volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 101, 1)
- self.assertEqual(volumes, 101)
def test_too_many_volumes(self):
volume_ids = []
for i in range(FLAGS.quota_volumes):
self.context, 10, '', '', None)
for volume_id in volume_ids:
db.volume_destroy(self.context, volume_id)
+class FakeContext(object):
+ def __init__(self, project_id, quota_class):
+ self.is_admin = False
+ self.user_id = 'fake_user'
+ self.project_id = project_id
+ self.quota_class = quota_class
+ def elevated(self):
+ elevated = self.__class__(self.project_id, self.quota_class)
+ elevated.is_admin = True
+ return elevated
+class FakeDriver(object):
+ def __init__(self, by_project=None, by_class=None, reservations=None):
+ self.called = []
+ self.by_project = by_project or {}
+ self.by_class = by_class or {}
+ self.reservations = reservations or []
+ def get_by_project(self, context, project_id, resource):
+ self.called.append(('get_by_project', context, project_id, resource))
+ try:
+ return self.by_project[project_id][resource]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id)
+ def get_by_class(self, context, quota_class, resource):
+ self.called.append(('get_by_class', context, quota_class, resource))
+ try:
+ return self.by_class[quota_class][resource]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise exception.QuotaClassNotFound(class_name=quota_class)
+ def get_defaults(self, context, resources):
+ self.called.append(('get_defaults', context, resources))
+ return resources
+ def get_class_quotas(self, context, resources, quota_class,
+ defaults=True):
+ self.called.append(('get_class_quotas', context, resources,
+ quota_class, defaults))
+ return resources
+ def get_project_quotas(self, context, resources, project_id,
+ quota_class=None, defaults=True, usages=True):
+ self.called.append(('get_project_quotas', context, resources,
+ project_id, quota_class, defaults, usages))
+ return resources
+ def limit_check(self, context, resources, values):
+ self.called.append(('limit_check', context, resources, values))
+ def reserve(self, context, resources, deltas, expire=None):
+ self.called.append(('reserve', context, resources, deltas, expire))
+ return self.reservations
+ def commit(self, context, reservations):
+ self.called.append(('commit', context, reservations))
+ def rollback(self, context, reservations):
+ self.called.append(('rollback', context, reservations))
+ def destroy_all_by_project(self, context, project_id):
+ self.called.append(('destroy_all_by_project', context, project_id))
+ def expire(self, context):
+ self.called.append(('expire', context))
+class BaseResourceTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def test_no_flag(self):
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(, 'test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(resource.flag, None)
+ self.assertEqual(resource.default, -1)
+ def test_with_flag(self):
+ # We know this flag exists, so use it...
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ self.assertEqual(, 'test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(resource.flag, 'quota_volumes')
+ self.assertEqual(resource.default, 10)
+ def test_with_flag_no_quota(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=-1)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ self.assertEqual(, 'test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(resource.flag, 'quota_volumes')
+ self.assertEqual(resource.default, -1)
+ def test_quota_no_project_no_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 10)
+ def test_quota_with_project_no_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_project=dict(
+ test_project=dict(test_resource=15),
+ ))
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', None)
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 15)
+ def test_quota_no_project_with_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_class=dict(
+ test_class=dict(test_resource=20),
+ ))
+ context = FakeContext(None, 'test_class')
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 20)
+ def test_quota_with_project_with_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_project=dict(
+ test_project=dict(test_resource=15),
+ ),
+ by_class=dict(
+ test_class=dict(test_resource=20),
+ ))
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 15)
+ def test_quota_override_project_with_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_project=dict(
+ test_project=dict(test_resource=15),
+ override_project=dict(test_resource=20),
+ ))
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context,
+ project_id='override_project')
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 20)
+ def test_quota_with_project_override_class(self):
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10)
+ resource = quota.BaseResource('test_resource', 'quota_volumes')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_class=dict(
+ test_class=dict(test_resource=15),
+ override_class=dict(test_resource=20),
+ ))
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quota_value = resource.quota(driver, context,
+ quota_class='override_class')
+ self.assertEqual(quota_value, 20)
+class QuotaEngineTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def test_init(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine()
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._resources, {})
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(quota_obj._driver, quota.DbQuotaDriver))
+ def test_init_override_string(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine(
+ quota_driver_class='cinder.tests.test_quota.FakeDriver')
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._resources, {})
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(quota_obj._driver, FakeDriver))
+ def test_init_override_obj(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine(quota_driver_class=FakeDriver)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._resources, {})
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._driver, FakeDriver)
+ def test_register_resource(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine()
+ resource = quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource')
+ quota_obj.register_resource(resource)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._resources, dict(test_resource=resource))
+ def test_register_resources(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine()
+ resources = [
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource1'),
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource2'),
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource3'),
+ ]
+ quota_obj.register_resources(resources)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj._resources, dict(
+ test_resource1=resources[0],
+ test_resource2=resources[1],
+ test_resource3=resources[2],
+ ))
+ def test_sync_predeclared(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine()
+ def spam(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ resource = quota.ReservableResource('test_resource', spam)
+ quota_obj.register_resource(resource)
+ self.assertEqual(resource.sync, spam)
+ def test_sync_multi(self):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine()
+ def spam(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ resources = [
+ quota.ReservableResource('test_resource1', spam),
+ quota.ReservableResource('test_resource2', spam),
+ quota.ReservableResource('test_resource3', spam),
+ quota.ReservableResource('test_resource4', spam),
+ ]
+ quota_obj.register_resources(resources[:2])
+ self.assertEqual(resources[0].sync, spam)
+ self.assertEqual(resources[1].sync, spam)
+ self.assertEqual(resources[2].sync, spam)
+ self.assertEqual(resources[3].sync, spam)
+ def test_get_by_project(self):
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_project=dict(
+ test_project=dict(test_resource=42)))
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine(quota_driver_class=driver)
+ result = quota_obj.get_by_project(context, 'test_project',
+ 'test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('get_by_project', context, 'test_project', 'test_resource'),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, 42)
+ def test_get_by_class(self):
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ driver = FakeDriver(by_class=dict(
+ test_class=dict(test_resource=42)))
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine(quota_driver_class=driver)
+ result = quota_obj.get_by_class(context, 'test_class', 'test_resource')
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('get_by_class', context, 'test_class', 'test_resource'),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, 42)
+ def _make_quota_obj(self, driver):
+ quota_obj = quota.QuotaEngine(quota_driver_class=driver)
+ resources = [
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource4'),
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource3'),
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource2'),
+ quota.AbsoluteResource('test_resource1'),
+ ]
+ quota_obj.register_resources(resources)
+ return quota_obj
+ def test_get_defaults(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ result = quota_obj.get_defaults(context)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('get_defaults', context, quota_obj._resources),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, quota_obj._resources)
+ def test_get_class_quotas(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ result1 = quota_obj.get_class_quotas(context, 'test_class')
+ result2 = quota_obj.get_class_quotas(context, 'test_class', False)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('get_class_quotas', context, quota_obj._resources,
+ 'test_class', True),
+ ('get_class_quotas', context, quota_obj._resources,
+ 'test_class', False),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result1, quota_obj._resources)
+ self.assertEqual(result2, quota_obj._resources)
+ def test_get_project_quotas(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ result1 = quota_obj.get_project_quotas(context, 'test_project')
+ result2 = quota_obj.get_project_quotas(context, 'test_project',
+ quota_class='test_class',
+ defaults=False,
+ usages=False)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('get_project_quotas', context, quota_obj._resources,
+ 'test_project', None, True, True),
+ ('get_project_quotas', context, quota_obj._resources,
+ 'test_project', 'test_class', False, False),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result1, quota_obj._resources)
+ self.assertEqual(result2, quota_obj._resources)
+ def test_count_no_resource(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ quota_obj.count, context, 'test_resource5',
+ True, foo='bar')
+ def test_count_wrong_resource(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ quota_obj.count, context, 'test_resource1',
+ True, foo='bar')
+ def test_count(self):
+ def fake_count(context, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(args, (True,))
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs, dict(foo='bar'))
+ return 5
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.register_resource(quota.CountableResource('test_resource5',
+ fake_count))
+ result = quota_obj.count(context, 'test_resource5', True, foo='bar')
+ self.assertEqual(result, 5)
+ def test_limit_check(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.limit_check(context, test_resource1=4, test_resource2=3,
+ test_resource3=2, test_resource4=1)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('limit_check', context, quota_obj._resources, dict(
+ test_resource1=4,
+ test_resource2=3,
+ test_resource3=2,
+ test_resource4=1,
+ )),
+ ])
+ def test_reserve(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver(reservations=[
+ 'resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03', 'resv-04',
+ ])
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ result1 = quota_obj.reserve(context, test_resource1=4,
+ test_resource2=3, test_resource3=2,
+ test_resource4=1)
+ result2 = quota_obj.reserve(context, expire=3600,
+ test_resource1=1, test_resource2=2,
+ test_resource3=3, test_resource4=4)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('reserve', context, quota_obj._resources, dict(
+ test_resource1=4,
+ test_resource2=3,
+ test_resource3=2,
+ test_resource4=1,
+ ), None),
+ ('reserve', context, quota_obj._resources, dict(
+ test_resource1=1,
+ test_resource2=2,
+ test_resource3=3,
+ test_resource4=4,
+ ), 3600),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result1, [
+ 'resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03', 'resv-04',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result2, [
+ 'resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03', 'resv-04',
+ ])
+ def test_commit(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.commit(context, ['resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03'])
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('commit', context, ['resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03']),
+ ])
+ def test_rollback(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.rollback(context, ['resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03'])
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('rollback', context, ['resv-01', 'resv-02', 'resv-03']),
+ ])
+ def test_destroy_all_by_project(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.destroy_all_by_project(context, 'test_project')
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('destroy_all_by_project', context, 'test_project'),
+ ])
+ def test_expire(self):
+ context = FakeContext(None, None)
+ driver = FakeDriver()
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(driver)
+ quota_obj.expire(context)
+ self.assertEqual(driver.called, [
+ ('expire', context),
+ ])
+ def test_resources(self):
+ quota_obj = self._make_quota_obj(None)
+ self.assertEqual(quota_obj.resources,
+ ['test_resource1', 'test_resource2',
+ 'test_resource3', 'test_resource4'])
+class DbQuotaDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(DbQuotaDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.flags(quota_volumes=10,
+ quota_gigabytes=1000,
+ reservation_expire=86400,
+ until_refresh=0,
+ max_age=0,
+ )
+ self.driver = quota.DbQuotaDriver()
+ self.calls = []
+ timeutils.set_time_override()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ timeutils.clear_time_override()
+ super(DbQuotaDriverTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def test_get_defaults(self):
+ # Use our pre-defined resources
+ result = self.driver.get_defaults(None, quota.QUOTAS._resources)
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=10,
+ gigabytes=1000,
+ ))
+ def _stub_quota_class_get_all_by_name(self):
+ # Stub out quota_class_get_all_by_name
+ def fake_qcgabn(context, quota_class):
+ self.calls.append('quota_class_get_all_by_name')
+ self.assertEqual(quota_class, 'test_class')
+ return dict(
+ gigabytes=500,
+ volumes=10,
+ )
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_class_get_all_by_name', fake_qcgabn)
+ def test_get_class_quotas(self):
+ self._stub_quota_class_get_all_by_name()
+ result = self.driver.get_class_quotas(None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ 'test_class')
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, ['quota_class_get_all_by_name'])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=10,
+ gigabytes=500,
+ ))
+ def test_get_class_quotas_no_defaults(self):
+ self._stub_quota_class_get_all_by_name()
+ result = self.driver.get_class_quotas(None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ 'test_class', False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, ['quota_class_get_all_by_name'])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=10,
+ gigabytes=500,
+ ))
+ def _stub_get_by_project(self):
+ def fake_qgabp(context, project_id):
+ self.calls.append('quota_get_all_by_project')
+ self.assertEqual(project_id, 'test_project')
+ return dict(
+ volumes=10,
+ gigabytes=50,
+ reserved=0
+ )
+ def fake_qugabp(context, project_id):
+ self.calls.append('quota_usage_get_all_by_project')
+ self.assertEqual(project_id, 'test_project')
+ return dict(
+ volumes=dict(in_use=2, reserved=0),
+ gigabytes=dict(in_use=10, reserved=0),
+ )
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_get_all_by_project', fake_qgabp)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_usage_get_all_by_project', fake_qugabp)
+ self._stub_quota_class_get_all_by_name()
+ def test_get_project_quotas(self):
+ self._stub_get_by_project()
+ result = self.driver.get_project_quotas(
+ FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources, 'test_project')
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'quota_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_usage_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_class_get_all_by_name',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=dict(
+ limit=10,
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ gigabytes=dict(
+ limit=50,
+ in_use=10,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ ))
+ def test_get_project_quotas_alt_context_no_class(self):
+ self._stub_get_by_project()
+ result = self.driver.get_project_quotas(
+ FakeContext('other_project', 'other_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources, 'test_project')
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'quota_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_usage_get_all_by_project',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=dict(
+ limit=10,
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ gigabytes=dict(
+ limit=50,
+ in_use=10,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ ))
+ def test_get_project_quotas_alt_context_with_class(self):
+ self._stub_get_by_project()
+ result = self.driver.get_project_quotas(
+ FakeContext('other_project', 'other_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources, 'test_project', quota_class='test_class')
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'quota_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_usage_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_class_get_all_by_name',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=dict(
+ limit=10,
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ gigabytes=dict(
+ limit=50,
+ in_use=10,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ ))
+ def test_get_project_quotas_no_defaults(self):
+ self._stub_get_by_project()
+ result = self.driver.get_project_quotas(
+ FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources, 'test_project', defaults=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'quota_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_usage_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_class_get_all_by_name',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ gigabytes=dict(
+ limit=50,
+ in_use=10,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ volumes=dict(
+ limit=10,
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=0,
+ ),
+ ))
+ def test_get_project_quotas_no_usages(self):
+ self._stub_get_by_project()
+ result = self.driver.get_project_quotas(
+ FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources, 'test_project', usages=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'quota_get_all_by_project',
+ 'quota_class_get_all_by_name',
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=dict(
+ limit=10,
+ ),
+ gigabytes=dict(
+ limit=50,
+ ),
+ ))
+ def _stub_get_project_quotas(self):
+ def fake_get_project_quotas(context, resources, project_id,
+ quota_class=None, defaults=True,
+ usages=True):
+ self.calls.append('get_project_quotas')
+ return dict((k, dict(limit=v.default))
+ for k, v in resources.items())
+ self.stubs.Set(self.driver, 'get_project_quotas',
+ fake_get_project_quotas)
+ def test_get_quotas_has_sync_unknown(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ self.driver._get_quotas,
+ None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ ['unknown'], True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [])
+ def test_get_quotas_no_sync_unknown(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ self.driver._get_quotas,
+ None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ ['unknown'], False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [])
+ def test_get_quotas_has_sync_no_sync_resource(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ self.driver._get_quotas,
+ None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ ['metadata_items'], True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [])
+ def test_get_quotas_no_sync_has_sync_resource(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.QuotaResourceUnknown,
+ self.driver._get_quotas,
+ None, quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ ['volumes'], False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [])
+ def test_get_quotas_has_sync(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ result = self.driver._get_quotas(FakeContext('test_project',
+ 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ ['volumes', 'gigabytes'],
+ True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, ['get_project_quotas'])
+ self.assertEqual(result, dict(
+ volumes=10,
+ gigabytes=1000,
+ ))
+ def _stub_quota_reserve(self):
+ def fake_quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, deltas, expire,
+ until_refresh, max_age):
+ self.calls.append(('quota_reserve', expire, until_refresh,
+ max_age))
+ return ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3']
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'quota_reserve', fake_quota_reserve)
+ def test_reserve_bad_expire(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidReservationExpiration,
+ self.driver.reserve,
+ FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire='invalid')
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [])
+ def test_reserve_default_expire(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2))
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=86400)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 0, 0),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+ def test_reserve_int_expire(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire=3600)
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 0, 0),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+ def test_reserve_timedelta_expire(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ expire_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire=expire_delta)
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + expire_delta
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 0, 0),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+ def test_reserve_datetime_expire(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=120)
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire=expire)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 0, 0),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+ def test_reserve_until_refresh(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ self.flags(until_refresh=500)
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=120)
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire=expire)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 500, 0),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+ def test_reserve_max_age(self):
+ self._stub_get_project_quotas()
+ self._stub_quota_reserve()
+ self.flags(max_age=86400)
+ expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=120)
+ result = self.driver.reserve(FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class'),
+ quota.QUOTAS._resources,
+ dict(volumes=2), expire=expire)
+ self.assertEqual(self.calls, [
+ 'get_project_quotas',
+ ('quota_reserve', expire, 0, 86400),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(result, ['resv-1', 'resv-2', 'resv-3'])
+class FakeSession(object):
+ def begin(self):
+ return self
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
+ return False
+class FakeUsage(sqa_models.QuotaUsage):
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+class QuotaReserveSqlAlchemyTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ # cinder.db.sqlalchemy.api.quota_reserve is so complex it needs its
+ # own test case, and since it's a quota manipulator, this is the
+ # best place to put it...
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(QuotaReserveSqlAlchemyTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.sync_called = set()
+ def make_sync(res_name):
+ def sync(context, project_id, session):
+ self.sync_called.add(res_name)
+ if res_name in self.usages:
+ if self.usages[res_name].in_use < 0:
+ return {res_name: 2}
+ else:
+ return {res_name: self.usages[res_name].in_use - 1}
+ return {res_name: 0}
+ return sync
+ self.resources = {}
+ for res_name in ('volumes', 'gigabytes'):
+ res = quota.ReservableResource(res_name, make_sync(res_name))
+ self.resources[res_name] = res
+ self.expire = timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
+ self.usages = {}
+ self.usages_created = {}
+ self.reservations_created = {}
+ def fake_get_session():
+ return FakeSession()
+ def fake_get_quota_usages(context, session):
+ return self.usages.copy()
+ def fake_quota_usage_create(context, project_id, resource, in_use,
+ reserved, until_refresh, session=None,
+ save=True):
+ quota_usage_ref = self._make_quota_usage(
+ project_id, resource, in_use, reserved, until_refresh,
+ timeutils.utcnow(), timeutils.utcnow())
+ self.usages_created[resource] = quota_usage_ref
+ return quota_usage_ref
+ def fake_reservation_create(context, uuid, usage_id, project_id,
+ resource, delta, expire, session=None):
+ reservation_ref = self._make_reservation(
+ uuid, usage_id, project_id, resource, delta, expire,
+ timeutils.utcnow(), timeutils.utcnow())
+ self.reservations_created[resource] = reservation_ref
+ return reservation_ref
+ self.stubs.Set(sqa_api, 'get_session', fake_get_session)
+ self.stubs.Set(sqa_api, '_get_quota_usages', fake_get_quota_usages)
+ self.stubs.Set(sqa_api, 'quota_usage_create', fake_quota_usage_create)
+ self.stubs.Set(sqa_api, 'reservation_create', fake_reservation_create)
+ timeutils.set_time_override()
+ def _make_quota_usage(self, project_id, resource, in_use, reserved,
+ until_refresh, created_at, updated_at):
+ quota_usage_ref = FakeUsage()
+ = len(self.usages) + len(self.usages_created)
+ quota_usage_ref.project_id = project_id
+ quota_usage_ref.resource = resource
+ quota_usage_ref.in_use = in_use
+ quota_usage_ref.reserved = reserved
+ quota_usage_ref.until_refresh = until_refresh
+ quota_usage_ref.created_at = created_at
+ quota_usage_ref.updated_at = updated_at
+ quota_usage_ref.deleted_at = None
+ quota_usage_ref.deleted = False
+ return quota_usage_ref
+ def init_usage(self, project_id, resource, in_use, reserved,
+ until_refresh=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None):
+ if created_at is None:
+ created_at = timeutils.utcnow()
+ if updated_at is None:
+ updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
+ quota_usage_ref = self._make_quota_usage(project_id, resource, in_use,
+ reserved, until_refresh,
+ created_at, updated_at)
+ self.usages[resource] = quota_usage_ref
+ def compare_usage(self, usage_dict, expected):
+ for usage in expected:
+ resource = usage['resource']
+ for key, value in usage.items():
+ actual = getattr(usage_dict[resource], key)
+ self.assertEqual(actual, value,
+ "%s != %s on usage for resource %s" %
+ (actual, value, resource))
+ def _make_reservation(self, uuid, usage_id, project_id, resource,
+ delta, expire, created_at, updated_at):
+ reservation_ref = sqa_models.Reservation()
+ = len(self.reservations_created)
+ reservation_ref.uuid = uuid
+ reservation_ref.usage_id = usage_id
+ reservation_ref.project_id = project_id
+ reservation_ref.resource = resource
+ = delta
+ reservation_ref.expire = expire
+ reservation_ref.created_at = created_at
+ reservation_ref.updated_at = updated_at
+ reservation_ref.deleted_at = None
+ reservation_ref.deleted = False
+ return reservation_ref
+ def compare_reservation(self, reservations, expected):
+ reservations = set(reservations)
+ for resv in expected:
+ resource = resv['resource']
+ resv_obj = self.reservations_created[resource]
+ self.assertIn(resv_obj.uuid, reservations)
+ reservations.discard(resv_obj.uuid)
+ for key, value in resv.items():
+ actual = getattr(resv_obj, key)
+ self.assertEqual(actual, value,
+ "%s != %s on reservation for resource %s" %
+ (actual, value, resource))
+ self.assertEqual(len(reservations), 0)
+ def test_quota_reserve_create_usages(self):
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['volumes', 'gigabytes']))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages_created, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=0,
+ reserved=2,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=0,
+ reserved=2 * 1024,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages_created['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages_created['gigabytes'],
+ delta=2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_negative_in_use(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', -1, 0, until_refresh=1)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', -1, 0, until_refresh=1)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 5, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['volumes', 'gigabytes']))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2,
+ until_refresh=5),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2 * 1024,
+ until_refresh=5),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ delta=2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_until_refresh(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 3, 0, until_refresh=1)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 3, 0, until_refresh=1)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 5, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['volumes', 'gigabytes']))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2,
+ until_refresh=5),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2 * 1024,
+ until_refresh=5),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ delta=2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_max_age(self):
+ max_age = 3600
+ record_created = (timeutils.utcnow() -
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_age))
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 3, 0,
+ created_at=record_created, updated_at=record_created)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 3, 0,
+ created_at=record_created, updated_at=record_created)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, max_age)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['volumes', 'gigabytes']))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=2,
+ reserved=2 * 1024,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ delta=2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_no_refresh(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 3, 0)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 3, 0)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set([]))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=3,
+ reserved=2,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=3,
+ reserved=2 * 1024,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ delta=2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_unders(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 1, 0)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 1 * 1024, 0)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=-2,
+ gigabytes=-2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set([]))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=1,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=1 * 1024,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=-2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ delta=-2 * 1024),
+ ])
+ def test_quota_reserve_overs(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 4, 0)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 10 * 1024, 0)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=2,
+ gigabytes=2 * 1024,
+ )
+ self.assertRaises(exception.OverQuota,
+ sqa_api.quota_reserve,
+ context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set([]))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=4,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=10 * 1024,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.assertEqual(self.reservations_created, {})
+ def test_quota_reserve_reduction(self):
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'volumes', 10, 0)
+ self.init_usage('test_project', 'gigabytes', 20 * 1024, 0)
+ context = FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
+ quotas = dict(
+ volumes=5,
+ gigabytes=10 * 1024,
+ )
+ deltas = dict(
+ volumes=-2,
+ gigabytes=-2 * 1024,
+ )
+ result = sqa_api.quota_reserve(context, self.resources, quotas,
+ deltas, self.expire, 0, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set([]))
+ self.compare_usage(self.usages, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=10,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ project_id='test_project',
+ in_use=20 * 1024,
+ reserved=0,
+ until_refresh=None),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
+ self.compare_reservation(result, [
+ dict(resource='volumes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['volumes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=-2),
+ dict(resource='gigabytes',
+ usage_id=self.usages['gigabytes'],
+ project_id='test_project',
+ delta=-2 * 1024),
+ ])
from cinder import test
import cinder.volume.api
def test_create_delete_volume(self):
"""Test volume can be created and deleted."""
+ # Need to stub out reserve, commit, and rollback
+ def fake_reserve(context, expire=None, **deltas):
+ return ["RESERVATION"]
+ def fake_commit(context, reservations):
+ pass
+ def fake_rollback(context, reservations):
+ pass
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "reserve", fake_reserve)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "commit", fake_commit)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "rollback", fake_rollback)
volume = self._create_volume()
volume_id = volume['id']
self.assertEquals(len(test_notifier.NOTIFICATIONS), 0)
def _do_test_create_volume_with_size(self, size):
- def fake_allowed_volumes(context, requested_volumes, size):
- return requested_volumes
+ def fake_reserve(context, expire=None, **deltas):
+ return ["RESERVATION"]
+ def fake_commit(context, reservations):
+ pass
+ def fake_rollback(context, reservations):
+ pass
- self.stubs.Set(quota, 'allowed_volumes', fake_allowed_volumes)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "reserve", fake_reserve)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "commit", fake_commit)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "rollback", fake_rollback)
volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
def test_create_volume_with_bad_size(self):
- def fake_allowed_volumes(context, requested_volumes, size):
- return requested_volumes
+ def fake_reserve(context, expire=None, **deltas):
+ return ["RESERVATION"]
+ def fake_commit(context, reservations):
+ pass
+ def fake_rollback(context, reservations):
+ pass
- self.stubs.Set(quota, 'allowed_volumes', fake_allowed_volumes)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "reserve", fake_reserve)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "commit", fake_commit)
+ self.stubs.Set(QUOTAS, "rollback", fake_rollback)
volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
import functools
-from eventlet import greenthread
+from cinder.db import base
from cinder import exception
from cinder import flags
from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
from cinder.image import glance
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder.openstack.common import rpc
-import cinder.policy
from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+import cinder.policy
from cinder import quota
-from cinder.db import base
volume_host_opt = cfg.BoolOpt('snapshot_same_host',
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
GB = 1048576 * 1024
def wrap_check_policy(func):
msg = (_("Volume size '%s' must be an integer and greater than 0")
% size)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
- if quota.allowed_volumes(context, 1, size) < 1:
+ try:
+ reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, volumes=1, gigabytes=size)
+ except exception.OverQuota as e:
+ overs = e.kwargs['overs']
+ usages = e.kwargs['usages']
+ quotas = e.kwargs['quotas']
+ def _consumed(name):
+ return (usages[name]['reserved'] + usages[name]['in_use'])
pid = context.project_id
- LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create"
- " %(size)sG volume") % locals())
- raise exception.QuotaError(code="VolumeSizeTooLarge")
+ if 'gigabytes' in overs:
+ consumed = _consumed('gigabytes')
+ quota = quotas['gigabytes']
+ LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create "
+ "%(size)sG volume (%(consumed)dG of %(quota)dG "
+ "already consumed)") % locals())
+ raise exception.VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota()
+ elif 'volumes' in overs:
+ consumed = _consumed('volumes')
+ LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create "
+ "volume (%(consumed)d volumes already consumed)")
+ % locals())
+ raise exception.VolumeLimitExceeded(allowed=quotas['volumes'])
if image_id:
# check image existence
'volume_type_id': volume_type_id,
'metadata': metadata,
volume = self.db.volume_create(context, options)
"image_id": image_id}})
return volume
- def _cast_create_volume(self, context, volume_id, snapshot_id):
+ def _cast_create_volume(self, context, volume_id,
+ snapshot_id, reservations):
# NOTE(Rongze Zhu): It is a simple solution for bug 1008866
# If snapshot_id is set, make the call create volume directly to
{"method": "create_volume",
"args": {"topic": FLAGS.volume_topic,
"volume_id": volume_id,
- "snapshot_id": snapshot_id}})
+ "snapshot_id": snapshot_id,
+ "reservations": reservations}})
def delete(self, context, volume):
def delete_volume_metadata(self, context, volume, key):
- """Delete the given metadata item from an volume."""
+ """Delete the given metadata item from a volume."""
self.db.volume_metadata_delete(context, volume['id'], key)
"volume_extension:types_manage": [["rule:admin_api"]],
"volume_extension:types_extra_specs": [["rule:admin_api"]],
- "volume_extension:extended_snapshot_attributes": []
+ "volume_extension:extended_snapshot_attributes": [],
+ "volume_extension:quotas:show": [],
+ "volume_extension:quotas:update_for_project": [["rule:admin_api"]],
+ "volume_extension:quotas:update_for_user": [["rule:admin_or_projectadmin"]],
+ "volume_extension:quota_classes": []