Drivers were removed due to lack of CI.
Refactored iSCSI to use single target/tg with multiple zvols.
Migrated unit tests to use mock.
Added releasenotes.
Implements: blueprint nexentastor-4-cinder-drivers
Change-Id: I2ff4c79573322a9c0cd473a9d413e1fcdbe55ee0
class ConvertedException(webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException):
def __init__(self, code=500, title="", explanation=""):
self.code = code
# There is a strict rule about constructing status line for HTTP:
# Tegile Storage drivers
class TegileAPIException(VolumeBackendAPIException):
message = _("Unexpected response from Tegile IntelliFlash API")
+# NexentaStor driver exception
+class NexentaException(VolumeDriverException):
+ message = _("%(message)s")
from cinder.volume.drivers import lvm as cinder_volume_drivers_lvm
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import options as \
-from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.nexentaedge import iscsi as \
- cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_nexentaedge_iscsi
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options as \
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options
from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs as cinder_volume_drivers_nfs
from cinder.volume.drivers import nimble as cinder_volume_drivers_nimble
from cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor import options as \
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_CONNECTION_OPTS,
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_ISCSI_OPTS,
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_DATASET_OPTS,
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_NFS_OPTS,
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_RRMGR_OPTS,
+ cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_options.NEXENTA_EDGE_OPTS,
- cinder_volume_drivers_nexenta_nexentaedge_iscsi.
- nexenta_edge_opts,
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Unit tests for OpenStack Cinder volume driver
+import mock
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import iscsi
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import nfs
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import utils
+class TestNexentaISCSIDriver(test.TestCase):
+ TEST_VOLUME_NAME = 'volume1'
+ TEST_VOLUME_NAME2 = 'volume2'
+ TEST_SNAPSHOT_NAME = 'snapshot1'
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'status': 'available'
+ }
+ 'name': TEST_VOLUME_NAME2,
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'id': '2',
+ 'status': 'in-use'
+ }
+ 'volume_name': TEST_VOLUME_NAME,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, method):
+ super(TestNexentaISCSIDriver, self).__init__(method)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestNexentaISCSIDriver, self).setUp()
+ self.cfg = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_description = ''
+ self.cfg.nexenta_host = ''
+ self.cfg.nexenta_user = 'admin'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_password = 'nexenta'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_volume = 'cinder'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rest_port = 2000
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rest_protocol = 'http'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port = 3260
+ self.cfg.nexenta_target_prefix = 'iqn:'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_target_group_prefix = 'cinder/'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_blocksize = '8K'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_sparse = True
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_compression = 'on'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_dedup = 'off'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_compression = 1
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_tcp_buf_size = 1024
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_connections = 2
+ self.cfg.reserved_percentage = 20
+ self.nms_mock = mock.Mock()
+ for mod in ['volume', 'zvol', 'iscsitarget', 'appliance',
+ 'stmf', 'scsidisk', 'snapshot']:
+ setattr(self.nms_mock, mod, mock.Mock())
+ self.stubs.Set(jsonrpc, 'NexentaJSONProxy',
+ lambda *_, **__: self.nms_mock)
+ self.drv = iscsi.NexentaISCSIDriver(
+ configuration=self.cfg)
+ self.drv.db = db
+ self.drv.do_setup(self.ctxt)
+ def test_check_do_setup(self):
+ self.assertEqual('http', self.drv.nms_protocol)
+ def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.drv.check_for_setup_error)
+ def test_local_path(self):
+ self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.drv.local_path, '')
+ def test_create_volume(self):
+ self.drv.create_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.create.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/%s' % self.TEST_VOLUME_REF['name'], '1G',
+ self.cfg.nexenta_blocksize, self.cfg.nexenta_sparse)
+ def test_delete_volume(self):
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.return_value = (
+ {'origin': 'cinder/volume0@snapshot'})
+ self.drv.delete_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1', 'origin')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1', '')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1', 'origin')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.destroy.assert_called_with('cinder/volume1', '')
+ self.drv.delete_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1', 'origin')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.return_value = (
+ {'origin': 'cinder/volume0@cinder-clone-snapshot-1'})
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.destroy.assert_called_with('cinder/volume1', '')
+ self.drv.delete_volume(self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume0@cinder-clone-snapshot-1', '')
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.assert_called_with('cinder/volume0')
+ def test_create_cloned_volume(self):
+ vol = self.TEST_VOLUME_REF2
+ src_vref = self.TEST_VOLUME_REF
+ snapshot = {
+ 'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+ 'name': 'cinder-clone-snapshot-%s' % vol['id'],
+ }
+ self.drv.create_cloned_volume(vol, src_vref)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.create_snapshot.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/%s' % src_vref['name'], snapshot['name'], '')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.clone.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/%s@%s' % (src_vref['name'], snapshot['name']),
+ 'cinder/%s' % vol['name'])
+ def test_migrate_volume(self):
+ volume = self.TEST_VOLUME_REF
+ host = {
+ 'capabilities': {
+ 'vendor_name': 'Nexenta',
+ 'location_info': 'NexentaISCSIDriver:',
+ 'free_capacity_gb': 1,
+ 'iscsi_target_portal_port': 3260,
+ 'nms_url': 'http://admin:password@'
+ }
+ }
+ snapshot = {
+ 'volume_name': volume['name'],
+ 'name': 'cinder-migrate-snapshot-%s' % volume['id'],
+ }
+ volume_name = 'cinder/%s' % volume['name']
+ self.nms_mock.appliance.ssh_list_bindings.return_value = (
+ {'0': [True, True, True, '']})
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.get_child_props.return_value = None
+ self.drv.migrate_volume(None, volume, host)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.create_snapshot.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/%s' % volume['name'], snapshot['name'], '')
+ src = '%(volume)s/%(zvol)s@%(snapshot)s' % {
+ 'volume': 'cinder',
+ 'zvol': volume['name'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ dst = ''
+ cmd = ' '.join(['rrmgr -s zfs -c 1 -q -e -w 1024 -n 2', src, dst])
+ self.nms_mock.appliance.execute.assert_called_with(cmd)
+ snapshot_name = 'cinder/%(volume)s@%(snapshot)s' % {
+ 'volume': volume['name'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(snapshot_name, '')
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.destroy.assert_called_with(volume_name, '')
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/%(volume)s@%(snapshot)s' % {
+ 'volume': volume['name'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']
+ }, '')
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.assert_called_with(volume_name)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ def test_create_snapshot(self):
+ self.drv.create_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.create_snapshot.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1', 'snapshot1', '')
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+ self.drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.TEST_VOLUME_REF2,
+ self.nms_mock.zvol.clone.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1@snapshot1', 'cinder/volume2')
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1@snapshot1', '')
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1')
+ # Check that exception not raised if snapshot does not exist
+ self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.TEST_SNAPSHOT_REF)
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.side_effect = (
+ exception.NexentaException('does not exist'))
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1@snapshot1', '')
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/volume1')
+ def _mock_all_export_methods(self, fail=False):
+ self.assertTrue(self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targets.called)
+ self.nms_mock.iscsitarget.create_target.assert_called_with(
+ {'target_name': 'iqn:'})
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroups()
+ zvol_name = 'cinder/volume1'
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.create_targetgroup.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/')
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroup_members.assert_called_with(
+ 'cinder/')
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.lu_exists.assert_called_with(zvol_name)
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.create_lu.assert_called_with(zvol_name, {})
+ def _stub_all_export_methods(self):
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.lu_exists.return_value = False
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.lu_shared.side_effect = (
+ exception.NexentaException(['does not exist for zvol']))
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.create_lu.return_value = {'lun': 0}
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targets.return_value = []
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroups.return_value = []
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroup_members.return_value = []
+ self.nms_mock._get_target_name.return_value = ['iqn:']
+ self.nms_mock.iscsitarget.create_targetgroup.return_value = ({
+ 'target_name': 'cinder/'})
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.add_lun_mapping_entry.return_value = {'lun': 0}
+ def test_create_export(self):
+ self._stub_all_export_methods()
+ retval = self.drv.create_export({}, self.TEST_VOLUME_REF, None)
+ self._mock_all_export_methods()
+ location = '%(host)s:%(port)s,1 %(name)s %(lun)s' % {
+ 'host': self.cfg.nexenta_host,
+ 'port': self.cfg.nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port,
+ 'name': 'iqn:',
+ 'lun': '0'
+ }
+ self.assertEqual({'provider_location': location}, retval)
+ def test_ensure_export(self):
+ self._stub_all_export_methods()
+ self.drv.ensure_export({}, self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self._mock_all_export_methods()
+ def test_remove_export(self):
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targets.return_value = ['iqn:']
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroups.return_value = (
+ ['cinder/'])
+ self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroup_members.return_value = (
+ ['iqn:'])
+ self.drv.remove_export({}, self.TEST_VOLUME_REF)
+ self.assertTrue(self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targets.called)
+ self.assertTrue(self.nms_mock.stmf.list_targetgroups.called)
+ self.nms_mock.scsidisk.delete_lu.assert_called_with('cinder/volume1')
+ def test_get_volume_stats(self):
+ stats = {'size': '5368709120G',
+ 'used': '5368709120G',
+ 'available': '5368709120G',
+ 'health': 'ONLINE'}
+ self.nms_mock.volume.get_child_props.return_value = stats
+ stats = self.drv.get_volume_stats(True)
+ self.assertEqual('iSCSI', stats['storage_protocol'])
+ self.assertEqual(5368709120.0, stats['total_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(5368709120.0, stats['free_capacity_gb'])
+ self.assertEqual(20, stats['reserved_percentage'])
+ self.assertFalse(stats['QoS_support'])
+ def _create_volume_db_entry(self):
+ vol = {
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available',
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_VOLUME_NAME
+ }
+ return db.volume_create(self.ctxt, vol)['id']
+class TestNexentaNfsDriver(test.TestCase):
+ TEST_EXPORT1 = 'host1:/volumes/stack/share'
+ TEST_NMS1 = 'http://admin:nexenta@host1:2000'
+ TEST_EXPORT2 = 'host2:/volumes/stack/share'
+ TEST_NMS2 = 'http://admin:nexenta@host2:2000'
+ TEST_EXPORT2_OPTIONS = '-o intr'
+ TEST_FILE_NAME = 'test.txt'
+ TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cinder/nexenta-shares.conf'
+ TEST_SHARE_SVC = 'svc:/network/nfs/server:default'
+ 'read_only': '',
+ 'read_write': '*',
+ 'recursive': 'true',
+ 'anonymous_rw': 'true',
+ 'extra_options': 'anon=0',
+ 'root': 'nobody'
+ }
+ def _create_volume_db_entry(self):
+ vol = {
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available',
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1
+ }
+ return db.volume_create(self.ctxt, vol)['id']
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestNexentaNfsDriver, self).setUp()
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.cfg = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_description = ''
+ self.cfg.nexenta_shares_config = None
+ self.cfg.nexenta_mount_point_base = '$state_path/mnt'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_sparsed_volumes = True
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_compression = 'on'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_dedup = 'off'
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_compression = 1
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_tcp_buf_size = 1024
+ self.cfg.nexenta_rrmgr_connections = 2
+ self.cfg.nfs_mount_point_base = '/mnt/test'
+ self.cfg.nfs_mount_options = None
+ self.cfg.nas_mount_options = None
+ self.cfg.nexenta_nms_cache_volroot = False
+ self.cfg.nfs_mount_attempts = 3
+ self.cfg.reserved_percentage = 20
+ self.cfg.nfs_used_ratio = .95
+ self.cfg.nfs_oversub_ratio = 1.0
+ self.cfg.max_over_subscription_ratio = 20.0
+ self.nms_mock = mock.Mock()
+ for mod in ('appliance', 'folder', 'server', 'volume', 'netstorsvc',
+ 'snapshot', 'netsvc'):
+ setattr(self.nms_mock, mod, mock.Mock())
+ self.nms_mock.__hash__ = lambda *_, **__: 1
+ self.stubs.Set(jsonrpc, 'NexentaJSONProxy',
+ lambda *_, **__: self.nms_mock)
+ self.drv = nfs.NexentaNfsDriver(configuration=self.cfg)
+ self.drv.shares = {}
+ self.drv.share2nms = {}
+ def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
+ self.drv.share2nms = {
+ 'host1:/volumes/stack/share': self.nms_mock
+ }
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.return_value = True
+ self.nms_mock.folder.object_exists.return_value = True
+ share_opts = {
+ 'read_write': '*',
+ 'read_only': '',
+ 'root': 'nobody',
+ 'extra_options': 'anon=0',
+ 'recursive': 'true',
+ 'anonymous_rw': 'true',
+ }
+ self.drv.check_for_setup_error()
+ self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder.assert_called_with(
+ 'svc:/network/nfs/server:default', 'stack/share', share_opts)
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.drv.check_for_setup_error)
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists.return_value = True
+ self.nms_mock.folder.object_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.drv.check_for_setup_error)
+ def test_initialize_connection(self):
+ self.drv.shares = {
+ self.TEST_EXPORT1: None
+ }
+ volume = {
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1,
+ 'name': 'volume'
+ }
+ result = self.drv.initialize_connection(volume, None)
+ self.assertEqual('%s/volume' % self.TEST_EXPORT1,
+ result['data']['export'])
+ def test_do_create_volume(self):
+ volume = {
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1,
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'name': 'volume-1'
+ }
+ self.drv.shares = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: None}
+ self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+ compression = self.cfg.nexenta_dataset_compression
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.netsvc.get_confopts('svc:/network/nfs/server:default',
+ 'configure').AndReturn({
+ 'nfs_server_versmax': {
+ 'current': u'3'}})
+ self.nms_mock.netsvc.get_confopts.return_value = {
+ 'nfs_server_versmax': {'current': 4}}
+ self.nms_mock._ensure_share_mounted.return_value = True
+ self.drv._do_create_volume(volume)
+ self.nms_mock.folder.create_with_props.assert_called_with(
+ 'stack', 'share/volume-1', {'compression': compression})
+ self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder.assert_called_with(
+ self.TEST_SHARE_SVC, 'stack/share/volume-1', self.TEST_SHARE_OPTS)
+ mock_chmod = self.nms_mock.appliance.execute
+ mock_chmod.assert_called_with(
+ 'chmod ugo+rw /volumes/stack/share/volume-1/volume')
+ mock_truncate = self.nms_mock.appliance.execute
+ mock_truncate.side_effect = exception.NexentaException()
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.assertRaises(exception.NexentaException,
+ self.drv._do_create_volume, volume)
+ def test_create_sparsed_file(self):
+ self.drv._create_sparsed_file(self.nms_mock, '/tmp/path', 1)
+ self.nms_mock.appliance.execute.assert_called_with(
+ 'truncate --size 1G /tmp/path')
+ def test_create_regular_file(self):
+ self.drv._create_regular_file(self.nms_mock, '/tmp/path', 1)
+ self.nms_mock.appliance.execute.assert_called_with(
+ 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/path bs=1M count=1024')
+ def test_set_rw_permissions_for_all(self):
+ path = '/tmp/path'
+ self.drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all(self.nms_mock, path)
+ self.nms_mock.appliance.execute.assert_called_with(
+ 'chmod ugo+rw %s' % path)
+ def test_local_path(self):
+ volume = {'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1, 'name': 'volume-1'}
+ path = self.drv.local_path(volume)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '$state_path/mnt/b3f660847a52b29ac330d8555e4ad669/volume-1/volume',
+ path
+ )
+ def test_remote_path(self):
+ volume = {'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1, 'name': 'volume-1'}
+ path = self.drv.remote_path(volume)
+ self.assertEqual('/volumes/stack/share/volume-1/volume', path)
+ def test_share_folder(self):
+ self.drv._share_folder(self.nms_mock, 'stack', 'share/folder')
+ path = 'stack/share/folder'
+ self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder.assert_called_with(
+ self.TEST_SHARE_SVC, path, self.TEST_SHARE_OPTS)
+ def test_load_shares_config(self):
+ self.drv.configuration.nfs_shares_config = (
+ config_data = [
+ '%s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.TEST_NMS1),
+ '# %s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.TEST_NMS2),
+ '',
+ '%s %s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.TEST_NMS2,
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(self.drv, '_read_config_file') as \
+ mock_read_config_file:
+ mock_read_config_file.return_value = config_data
+ self.drv._load_shares_config(
+ self.drv.configuration.nfs_shares_config)
+ self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.drv.shares)
+ self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.drv.shares)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(self.drv.shares))
+ self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.drv.share2nms)
+ self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.drv.share2nms)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(self.drv.share2nms.keys()))
+ self.assertEqual(self.TEST_EXPORT2_OPTIONS,
+ self.drv.shares[self.TEST_EXPORT2])
+ def test_get_capacity_info(self):
+ self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.folder.get_child_props.return_value = {
+ 'available': '1G',
+ 'used': '2G'
+ }
+ total, free, allocated = self.drv._get_capacity_info(self.TEST_EXPORT1)
+ self.assertEqual(3 * units.Gi, total)
+ self.assertEqual(units.Gi, free)
+ self.assertEqual(2 * units.Gi, allocated)
+ def test_get_share_datasets(self):
+ self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ volume_name, folder_name = (
+ self.drv._get_share_datasets(self.TEST_EXPORT1))
+ self.assertEqual('stack', volume_name)
+ self.assertEqual('share', folder_name)
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+ self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.drv.delete_snapshot({'volume_id': '1', 'name': 'snapshot1'})
+ self.nms_mock.snapshot.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'stack/share/volume-1@snapshot1', '')
+ def test_delete_volume(self):
+ self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+ self._create_volume_db_entry()
+ self.drv._ensure_share_mounted = lambda *_, **__: 0
+ self.drv._execute = lambda *_, **__: 0
+ self.nms_mock.server.get_prop.return_value = '/volumes'
+ self.nms_mock.folder.get_child_props.return_value = None
+ self.drv.delete_volume({
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'name': 'volume-1',
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1
+ })
+ self.nms_mock.folder.destroy.assert_called_with(
+ 'stack/share/volume-1', '-r')
+ # Check that exception not raised if folder does not exist on
+ # NexentaStor appliance.
+ mock = self.nms_mock.folder.destroy
+ mock.side_effect = exception.NexentaException('Folder does not exist')
+ self.drv.delete_volume({
+ 'id': '1',
+ 'name': 'volume-1',
+ 'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1
+ })
+class TestNexentaUtils(test.TestCase):
+ def test_str2size(self):
+ values_to_test = (
+ # Test empty value
+ (None, 0),
+ ('', 0),
+ ('0', 0),
+ ('12', 12),
+ # Test int values
+ (10, 10),
+ # Test bytes string
+ ('1b', 1),
+ ('1B', 1),
+ ('1023b', 1023),
+ ('0B', 0),
+ # Test other units
+ ('1M', units.Mi),
+ ('1.0M', units.Mi),
+ )
+ for value, result in values_to_test:
+ self.assertEqual(result, utils.str2size(value))
+ # Invalid format value
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.str2size, 'A')
+ def test_str2gib_size(self):
+ self.assertEqual(1, utils.str2gib_size('1024M'))
+ self.assertEqual(300 * units.Mi // units.Gi,
+ utils.str2gib_size('300M'))
+ self.assertEqual(1.2 * units.Ti // units.Gi,
+ utils.str2gib_size('1.2T'))
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.str2gib_size, 'A')
+ def test_parse_nms_url(self):
+ urls = (
+ ('', (False, 'http', 'admin', 'nexenta',
+ '', '2000', '/rest/nms/')),
+ ('', (False, 'http', 'admin', 'nexenta',
+ '', '8080', '/rest/nms/')),
+ ('https://root:password@',
+ (False, 'https', 'root', 'password', '', '8080',
+ '/rest/nms/')),
+ )
+ for url, result in urls:
+ self.assertEqual(result, utils.parse_nms_url(url))
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.iscsi` -- Driver to store volumes on Nexenta Appliance
+.. automodule:: nexenta.iscsi
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NexentaISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """Executes volume driver commands on Nexenta Appliance.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver version.
+ 1.0.1 - Fixed bug #1236626: catch "does not exist" exception of
+ lu_exists.
+ 1.1.0 - Changed class name to NexentaISCSIDriver.
+ 1.1.1 - Ignore "does not exist" exception of nms.snapshot.destroy.
+ 1.1.2 - Optimized create_cloned_volume, replaced zfs send recv with zfs
+ clone.
+ 1.1.3 - Extended volume stats provided by _update_volume_stats method.
+ 1.2.0 - Added volume migration with storage assist method.
+ 1.2.1 - Fixed bug #1263258: now migrate_volume update provider_location
+ of migrated volume; after migrating volume migrate_volume
+ destroy snapshot on migration destination.
+ 1.3.0 - Added retype method.
+ - Target creation refactor.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NexentaISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.nms = None
+ self.targets = {}
+ if self.configuration:
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.nms_protocol = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_protocol
+ self.nms_host = self.configuration.nexenta_host
+ self.nms_port = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_port
+ self.nms_user = self.configuration.nexenta_user
+ self.nms_password = self.configuration.nexenta_password
+ self.volume = self.configuration.nexenta_volume
+ self.volume_compression = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_compression)
+ self.volume_deduplication = self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_dedup
+ self.volume_description = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_description)
+ self.rrmgr_compression = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_compression
+ self.rrmgr_tcp_buf_size = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_tcp_buf_size
+ self.rrmgr_connections = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_connections
+ self.iscsi_target_portal_port = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port)
+ @property
+ def backend_name(self):
+ backend_name = None
+ if self.configuration:
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ if not backend_name:
+ backend_name = self.__class__.__name__
+ return backend_name
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ if self.nms_protocol == 'auto':
+ protocol, auto = 'http', True
+ else:
+ protocol, auto = self.nms_protocol, False
+ self.nms = jsonrpc.NexentaJSONProxy(
+ protocol, self.nms_host, self.nms_port, '/rest/nms', self.nms_user,
+ self.nms_password, auto=auto)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Verify that the volume for our zvols exists.
+ :raise: :py:exc:`LookupError`
+ """
+ if not self.nms.volume.object_exists(self.volume):
+ raise LookupError(_("Volume %s does not exist in Nexenta SA") %
+ self.volume)
+ def _get_zvol_name(self, volume_name):
+ """Return zvol name that corresponds given volume name."""
+ return '%s/%s' % (self.volume, volume_name)
+ def _create_target(self, target_idx):
+ target_name = '%s%s-%i' % (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_target_prefix,
+ self.nms_host,
+ target_idx
+ )
+ target_group_name = self._get_target_group_name(target_name)
+ if not self._target_exists(target_name):
+ try:
+ self.nms.iscsitarget.create_target({
+ 'target_name': target_name})
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'already' in exc.args[0]:
+'Ignored target creation error "%s" while '
+ 'ensuring export.'),
+ exc)
+ else:
+ raise
+ if not self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
+ try:
+ self.nms.stmf.create_targetgroup(target_group_name)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if ('already' in exc.args[0]):
+'Ignored target group creation error "%s" '
+ 'while ensuring export.'),
+ exc)
+ else:
+ raise
+ if not self._target_member_in_target_group(target_group_name,
+ target_name):
+ try:
+ self.nms.stmf.add_targetgroup_member(target_group_name,
+ target_name)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if ('already' in exc.args[0]):
+'Ignored target group member addition error '
+ '"%s" while ensuring export.'),
+ exc)
+ else:
+ raise
+ self.targets[target_name] = []
+ return target_name
+ def _get_target_name(self, volume):
+ """Return iSCSI target name with least LUs."""
+ provider_location = volume.get('provider_location')
+ target_names = self.targets.keys()
+ if provider_location:
+ target_name = provider_location.split(',1 ')[1].split(' ')[0]
+ if not(self.targets.get(target_name)):
+ self.targets[target_name] = []
+ if not(volume['name'] in self.targets[target_name]):
+ self.targets[target_name].append(volume['name'])
+ elif not(target_names):
+ # create first target and target group
+ target_name = self._create_target(0)
+ self.targets[target_name].append(volume['name'])
+ else:
+ target_name = target_names[0]
+ for target in target_names:
+ if len(self.targets[target]) < len(self.targets[target_name]):
+ target_name = target
+ if len(self.targets[target_name]) >= 20:
+ # create new target and target group
+ target_name = self._create_target(len(target_names))
+ if not(volume['name'] in self.targets[target_name]):
+ self.targets[target_name].append(volume['name'])
+ return target_name
+ def _get_target_group_name(self, target_name):
+ """Return Nexenta iSCSI target group name for volume."""
+ return target_name.replace(
+ self.configuration.nexenta_target_prefix,
+ self.configuration.nexenta_target_group_prefix
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_clone_snapshot_name(volume):
+ """Return name for snapshot that will be used to clone the volume."""
+ return 'cinder-clone-snapshot-%(id)s' % volume
+ @staticmethod
+ def _is_clone_snapshot_name(snapshot):
+ """Check if snapshot is created for cloning."""
+ name = snapshot.split('@')[-1]
+ return name.startswith('cinder-clone-snapshot-')
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Create a zvol on appliance.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :return: model update dict for volume reference
+ """
+ self.nms.zvol.create(
+ self._get_zvol_name(volume['name']),
+ '%sG' % (volume['size'],),
+ self.configuration.nexenta_blocksize,
+ self.configuration.nexenta_sparse)
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :param new_size: volume new size in GB
+ """
+'Extending volume: %(id)s New size: %(size)s GB'),
+ {'id': volume['id'], 'size': new_size})
+ self.nms.zvol.set_child_prop(self._get_zvol_name(volume['name']),
+ 'volsize', '%sG' % new_size)
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Destroy a zvol on appliance.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ volume_name = self._get_zvol_name(volume['name'])
+ try:
+ props = self.nms.zvol.get_child_props(volume_name, 'origin') or {}
+ self.nms.zvol.destroy(volume_name, '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' in exc.args[0]:
+'Volume %s does not exist, it '
+ 'seems it was already deleted.'), volume_name)
+ return
+ if 'zvol has children' in exc.args[0]:
+'Volume %s will be deleted later.'), volume_name)
+ return
+ raise
+ origin = props.get('origin')
+ if origin and self._is_clone_snapshot_name(origin):
+ volume, snapshot = origin.split('@')
+ volume = volume.lstrip('%s/' % self.configuration.nexenta_volume)
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot({'volume_name': volume, 'name': snapshot})
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Cannot delete snapshot %(origin)s: %(exc)s'),
+ {'origin': origin, 'exc': exc})
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+ :param volume: new volume reference
+ :param src_vref: source volume reference
+ """
+ snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+ 'name': self._get_clone_snapshot_name(volume)}
+ LOG.debug('Creating temp snapshot of the original volume: '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s', snapshot)
+ # We don't delete this snapshot, because this snapshot will be origin
+ # of new volume. This snapshot will be automatically promoted by NMS
+ # when user will delete origin volume. But when cloned volume deleted
+ # we check its origin property and delete source snapshot if needed.
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ try:
+ self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.exception(_LE(
+ 'Volume creation failed, deleting created snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except (exception.NexentaException, exception.SnapshotIsBusy):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to delete zfs snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ raise
+ def _get_zfs_send_recv_cmd(self, src, dst):
+ """Returns rrmgr command for source and destination."""
+ return utils.get_rrmgr_cmd(src, dst,
+ compression=self.rrmgr_compression,
+ tcp_buf_size=self.rrmgr_tcp_buf_size,
+ connections=self.rrmgr_connections)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_nms_for_url(url):
+ """Returns initialized nms object for url."""
+ auto, scheme, user, password, host, port, path = (
+ utils.parse_nms_url(url))
+ return jsonrpc.NexentaJSONProxy(scheme, host, port, path, user,
+ password, auto=auto)
+ def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, host):
+ """Migrate if volume and host are managed by Nexenta appliance.
+ :param ctxt: context
+ :param volume: a dictionary describing the volume to migrate
+ :param host: a dictionary describing the host to migrate to
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Enter: migrate_volume: id=%(id)s, host=%(host)s',
+ {'id': volume['id'], 'host': host})
+ false_ret = (False, None)
+ if volume['status'] not in ('available', 'retyping'):
+ return false_ret
+ if 'capabilities' not in host:
+ return false_ret
+ capabilities = host['capabilities']
+ if ('location_info' not in capabilities or
+ 'iscsi_target_portal_port' not in capabilities or
+ 'nms_url' not in capabilities):
+ return false_ret
+ nms_url = capabilities['nms_url']
+ dst_parts = capabilities['location_info'].split(':')
+ if (capabilities.get('vendor_name') != 'Nexenta' or
+ dst_parts[0] != self.__class__.__name__ or
+ capabilities['free_capacity_gb'] < volume['size']):
+ return false_ret
+ dst_host, dst_volume = dst_parts[1:]
+ ssh_bound = False
+ ssh_bindings = self.nms.appliance.ssh_list_bindings()
+ for bind in ssh_bindings:
+ if dst_host.startswith(ssh_bindings[bind][3]):
+ ssh_bound = True
+ break
+ if not ssh_bound:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Remote NexentaStor appliance at %s should be "
+ "SSH-bound."), dst_host)
+ # Create temporary snapshot of volume on NexentaStor Appliance.
+ snapshot = {
+ 'volume_name': volume['name'],
+ 'name': utils.get_migrate_snapshot_name(volume)
+ }
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ src = '%(volume)s/%(zvol)s@%(snapshot)s' % {
+ 'volume': self.volume,
+ 'zvol': volume['name'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ dst = ':'.join([dst_host, dst_volume])
+ try:
+ self.nms.appliance.execute(self._get_zfs_send_recv_cmd(src, dst))
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot send source snapshot %(src)s to "
+ "destination %(dst)s. Reason: %(exc)s"),
+ {'src': src, 'dst': dst, 'exc': exc})
+ return false_ret
+ finally:
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete temporary source snapshot "
+ "%(src)s on NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'src': src, 'exc': exc})
+ try:
+ self.delete_volume(volume)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete source volume %(volume)s on "
+ "NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'volume': volume['name'], 'exc': exc})
+ dst_nms = self.get_nms_for_url(nms_url)
+ dst_snapshot = '%s/%s@%s' % (dst_volume, volume['name'],
+ snapshot['name'])
+ try:
+ dst_nms.snapshot.destroy(dst_snapshot, '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete temporary destination snapshot "
+ "%(dst)s on NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'dst': dst_snapshot, 'exc': exc})
+ return True, None
+ def retype(self, context, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+ """Convert the volume to be of the new type.
+ :param ctxt: Context
+ :param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to migrate
+ :param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to
+ :param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types
+ :param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where
+ host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a
+ dictionary of its reported capabilities.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Retype volume request %(vol)s to be %(type)s '
+ '(host: %(host)s), diff %(diff)s.',
+ {'vol': volume['name'],
+ 'type': new_type,
+ 'host': host,
+ 'diff': diff})
+ options = dict(
+ compression='compression',
+ dedup='dedup',
+ description='nms:description'
+ )
+ retyped = False
+ migrated = False
+ capabilities = host['capabilities']
+ src_backend = self.__class__.__name__
+ dst_backend = capabilities['location_info'].split(':')[0]
+ if src_backend != dst_backend:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Cannot retype from %(src_backend)s to '
+ '%(dst_backend)s.'),
+ {
+ 'src_backend': src_backend,
+ 'dst_backend': dst_backend,
+ })
+ return False
+ hosts = (volume['host'], host['host'])
+ old, new = hosts
+ if old != new:
+ migrated, provider_location = self.migrate_volume(
+ context, volume, host)
+ if not migrated:
+ nms = self.nms
+ else:
+ nms_url = capabilities['nms_url']
+ nms = self.get_nms_for_url(nms_url)
+ zvol = '%s/%s' % (
+ capabilities['location_info'].split(':')[-1], volume['name'])
+ for opt in options:
+ old, new = diff.get('extra_specs').get(opt, (False, False))
+ if old != new:
+ LOG.debug('Changing %(opt)s from %(old)s to %(new)s.',
+ {'opt': opt, 'old': old, 'new': new})
+ try:
+ nms.zvol.set_child_prop(
+ zvol, options[opt], new)
+ retyped = True
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Error trying to change %(opt)s'
+ ' from %(old)s to %(new)s'),
+ {'opt': opt, 'old': old, 'new': new})
+ return False, None
+ return retyped or migrated, None
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Create snapshot of existing zvol on appliance.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ self.nms.zvol.create_snapshot(
+ self._get_zvol_name(snapshot['volume_name']),
+ snapshot['name'], '')
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create new volume from other's snapshot on appliance.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be created
+ :param snapshot: reference of source snapshot
+ """
+ self.nms.zvol.clone(
+ '%s@%s' % (self._get_zvol_name(snapshot['volume_name']),
+ snapshot['name']),
+ self._get_zvol_name(volume['name']))
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Delete volume's snapshot on appliance.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ volume_name = self._get_zvol_name(snapshot['volume_name'])
+ snapshot_name = '%s@%s' % (volume_name, snapshot['name'])
+ try:
+ self.nms.snapshot.destroy(snapshot_name, '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if "does not exist" in exc.args[0]:
+'Snapshot %s does not exist, it seems it was '
+ 'already deleted.'), snapshot_name)
+ elif "snapshot has dependent clones" in exc.args[0]:
+'Snapshot %s has dependent clones, will be '
+ 'deleted later.'), snapshot_name)
+ else:
+ raise
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ try:
+ self.db.volume_get(ctxt, snapshot['volume_name'])
+ except exception.VolumeNotFound:
+'Origin volume %s appears to be removed, try to '
+ 'remove it from backend if it is there.'))
+ if self.nms.volume.object_exists(volume_name):
+ self.nms.zvol.destroy(volume_name, '')
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ """Return local path to existing local volume.
+ We never have local volumes, so it raises NotImplementedError.
+ :raise: :py:exc:`NotImplementedError`
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _target_exists(self, target):
+ """Check if iSCSI target exist.
+ :param target: target name
+ :return: True if target exist, else False
+ """
+ targets = self.nms.stmf.list_targets()
+ if not targets:
+ return False
+ return (target in self.nms.stmf.list_targets())
+ def _target_group_exists(self, target_group):
+ """Check if target group exist.
+ :param target_group: target group
+ :return: True if target group exist, else False
+ """
+ groups = self.nms.stmf.list_targetgroups()
+ if not groups:
+ return False
+ return target_group in groups
+ def _target_member_in_target_group(self, target_group, target_member):
+ """Check if target member in target group.
+ :param target_group: target group
+ :param target_member: target member
+ :return: True if target member in target group, else False
+ :raises: NexentaException if target group doesn't exist
+ """
+ members = self.nms.stmf.list_targetgroup_members(target_group)
+ if not members:
+ return False
+ return target_member in members
+ def _lu_exists(self, zvol_name):
+ """Check if LU exists on appliance.
+ :param zvol_name: Zvol name
+ :raises: NexentaException if zvol not exists
+ :return: True if LU exists, else False
+ """
+ try:
+ return bool(self.nms.scsidisk.lu_exists(zvol_name))
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' not in exc.args[0]:
+ raise
+ return False
+ def _is_lu_shared(self, zvol_name):
+ """Check if LU exists on appliance and shared.
+ :param zvol_name: Zvol name
+ :raises: NexentaException if Zvol not exist
+ :return: True if LU exists and shared, else False
+ """
+ try:
+ shared = self.nms.scsidisk.lu_shared(zvol_name) > 0
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist for zvol' not in exc.args[0]:
+ raise # Zvol does not exists
+ shared = False # LU does not exist
+ return shared
+ def create_export(self, _ctx, volume, connector):
+ """Create new export for zvol.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be exported
+ :return: iscsiadm-formatted provider location string
+ """
+ model_update = self._do_export(_ctx, volume)
+ return model_update
+ def ensure_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ self._do_export(_ctx, volume)
+ def _do_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ """Recreate parts of export if necessary.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be exported
+ """
+ zvol_name = self._get_zvol_name(volume['name'])
+ target_name = self._get_target_name(volume)
+ target_group_name = self._get_target_group_name(target_name)
+ entry = None
+ if not self._lu_exists(zvol_name):
+ try:
+ entry = self.nms.scsidisk.create_lu(zvol_name, {})
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'in use' not in exc.args[0]:
+ raise
+'Ignored LU creation error "%s" while ensuring '
+ 'export.'), exc)
+ if not self._is_lu_shared(zvol_name):
+ try:
+ entry = self.nms.scsidisk.add_lun_mapping_entry(zvol_name, {
+ 'target_group': target_group_name})
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'view entry exists' not in exc.args[0]:
+ raise
+'Ignored LUN mapping entry addition error "%s" '
+ 'while ensuring export.'), exc)
+ model_update = {}
+ if entry:
+ provider_location = '%(host)s:%(port)s,1 %(name)s %(lun)s' % {
+ 'host': self.nms_host,
+ 'port': self.configuration.nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port,
+ 'name': target_name,
+ 'lun': entry['lun'],
+ }
+ model_update = {'provider_location': provider_location}
+ return model_update
+ def remove_export(self, _ctx, volume):
+ """Destroy all resources created to export zvol.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be unexported
+ """
+ target_name = self._get_target_name(volume)
+ self.targets[target_name].remove(volume['name'])
+ zvol_name = self._get_zvol_name(volume['name'])
+ self.nms.scsidisk.delete_lu(zvol_name)
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume stats.
+ If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
+ """
+ if refresh:
+ self._update_volume_stats()
+ return self._stats
+ def _update_volume_stats(self):
+ """Retrieve stats info for NexentaStor appliance."""
+ LOG.debug('Updating volume stats')
+ stats = self.nms.volume.get_child_props(
+ self.configuration.nexenta_volume, 'health|size|used|available')
+ total_amount = utils.str2gib_size(stats['size'])
+ free_amount = utils.str2gib_size(stats['available'])
+ location_info = '%(driver)s:%(host)s:%(volume)s' % {
+ 'driver': self.__class__.__name__,
+ 'host': self.nms_host,
+ 'volume': self.volume
+ }
+ self._stats = {
+ 'vendor_name': 'Nexenta',
+ 'dedup': self.volume_deduplication,
+ 'compression': self.volume_compression,
+ 'description': self.volume_description,
+ 'driver_version': self.VERSION,
+ 'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI',
+ 'total_capacity_gb': total_amount,
+ 'free_capacity_gb': free_amount,
+ 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_percentage,
+ 'QoS_support': False,
+ 'volume_backend_name': self.backend_name,
+ 'location_info': location_info,
+ 'iscsi_target_portal_port': self.iscsi_target_portal_port,
+ 'nms_url': self.nms.url
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.jsonrpc` -- Nexenta-specific JSON RPC client
+.. automodule:: nexenta.jsonrpc
+import socket
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+import requests
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.utils import retry
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NexentaJSONProxy(object):
+ retry_exc_tuple = (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,)
+ def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, path, user, password, auto=False,
+ obj=None, method=None):
+ self.scheme = scheme.lower()
+ = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.path = path
+ self.user = user
+ self.password = password
+ = auto
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.method = method
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if not self.obj:
+ obj, method = name, None
+ elif not self.method:
+ obj, method = self.obj, name
+ else:
+ obj, method = '%s.%s' % (self.obj, self.method), name
+ return NexentaJSONProxy(self.scheme,, self.port, self.path,
+ self.user, self.password,, obj,
+ method)
+ @property
+ def url(self):
+ return '%s://%s:%s%s' % (self.scheme,, self.port, self.path)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.url.__hash__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'NMS proxy: %s' % self.url
+ @retry(retry_exc_tuple, retries=6)
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ data = jsonutils.dumps({
+ 'object': self.obj,
+ 'method': self.method,
+ 'params': args
+ })
+ auth = ('%s:%s' % (self.user, self.password)).encode('base64')[:-1]
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth
+ }
+ LOG.debug('Sending JSON data: %s', data)
+ req =, data=data, headers=headers)
+ response = req.json()
+ req.close()
+ LOG.debug('Got response: %s', response)
+ if response.get('error') is not None:
+ message = response['error'].get('message', '')
+ raise exception.NexentaException(message)
+ return response.get('result')
import json
-from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import units
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE
from cinder.volume import driver
from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta.nexentaedge import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options
-nexenta_edge_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_address',
- default='',
- help='IP address of NexentaEdge management REST API endpoint'),
- cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_rest_port',
- default=8080,
- help='HTTP port to connect to NexentaEdge REST API endpoint'),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_protocol',
- default='auto',
- help='Use http or https for REST connection (default auto)'),
- cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port',
- default=3260,
- help='NexentaEdge target portal port'),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_user',
- default='admin',
- help='User name to connect to NexentaEdge'),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_password',
- default='nexenta',
- help='Password to connect to NexentaEdge',
- secret=True),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_lun_container',
- default='',
- help='NexentaEdge logical path of bucket for LUNs'),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_iscsi_service',
- default='',
- help='NexentaEdge iSCSI service name'),
- cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_client_address',
- default='',
- help='NexentaEdge iSCSI Gateway client '
- 'address for non-VIP service'),
- cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_blocksize',
- default=4096,
- help='NexentaEdge iSCSI LUN block size'),
- cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_chunksize',
- default=16384,
- help='NexentaEdge iSCSI LUN object chunk size')
-CONF = cfg.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Version history:
1.0.0 - Initial driver version.
+ 1.0.1 - Moved opts to
- VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ VERSION = '1.0.1'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(NexentaEdgeISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.configuration:
- self.configuration.append_config_values(nexenta_edge_opts)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
self.restapi_protocol = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_protocol
self.restapi_host = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_address
self.restapi_port = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_port
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.nfs` -- Driver to store volumes on NexentaStor Appliance.
+.. automodule:: nexenta.nfs
+import hashlib
+import os
+import re
+import six
+from eventlet import greenthread
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import units
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs
+VERSION = '1.3.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NexentaNfsDriver(nfs.NfsDriver): # pylint: disable=R0921
+ """Executes volume driver commands on Nexenta Appliance.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver version.
+ 1.1.0 - Auto sharing for enclosing folder.
+ 1.1.1 - Added caching for NexentaStor appliance 'volroot' value.
+ 1.1.2 - Ignore "folder does not exist" error in delete_volume and
+ delete_snapshot method.
+ 1.1.3 - Redefined volume_backend_name attribute inherited from
+ RemoteFsDriver.
+ 1.2.0 - Added migrate and retype methods.
+ 1.3.0 - Extend volume method.
+ """
+ driver_prefix = 'nexenta'
+ volume_backend_name = 'NexentaNfsDriver'
+ VOLUME_FILE_NAME = 'volume'
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ if self.configuration:
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(
+ self.nms_cache_volroot = self.configuration.nexenta_nms_cache_volroot
+ self.rrmgr_compression = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_compression
+ self.rrmgr_tcp_buf_size = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_tcp_buf_size
+ self.rrmgr_connections = self.configuration.nexenta_rrmgr_connections
+ self.nfs_mount_point_base = self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base
+ self.volume_compression = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_compression)
+ self.volume_deduplication = self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_dedup
+ self.volume_description = (
+ self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_description)
+ self.sparsed_volumes = self.configuration.nexenta_sparsed_volumes
+ self._nms2volroot = {}
+ self.share2nms = {}
+ self.nfs_versions = {}
+ @property
+ def backend_name(self):
+ backend_name = None
+ if self.configuration:
+ backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+ if not backend_name:
+ backend_name = self.__class__.__name__
+ return backend_name
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ shares_config = getattr(self.configuration, self.driver_prefix +
+ '_shares_config')
+ if shares_config:
+ self.configuration.nfs_shares_config = shares_config
+ super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).do_setup(context)
+ self._load_shares_config(shares_config)
+ self._mount_subfolders()
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Verify that the volume for our folder exists.
+ :raise: :py:exc:`LookupError`
+ """
+ if self.share2nms:
+ for nfs_share in self.share2nms:
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ volume_name, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ if not nms.volume.object_exists(volume_name):
+ raise LookupError(_("Volume %s does not exist in Nexenta "
+ "Store appliance"), volume_name)
+ folder = '%s/%s' % (volume_name, dataset)
+ if not nms.folder.object_exists(folder):
+ raise LookupError(_("Folder %s does not exist in Nexenta "
+ "Store appliance"), folder)
+ self._share_folder(nms, volume_name, dataset)
+ def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, host):
+ """Migrate if volume and host are managed by Nexenta appliance.
+ :param ctxt: context
+ :param volume: a dictionary describing the volume to migrate
+ :param host: a dictionary describing the host to migrate to
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Enter: migrate_volume: id=%(id)s, host=%(host)s',
+ {'id': volume['id'], 'host': host})
+ false_ret = (False, None)
+ if volume['status'] not in ('available', 'retyping'):
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Volume status must be 'available' or 'retyping'."
+ " Current volume status: %s"), volume['status'])
+ return false_ret
+ if 'capabilities' not in host:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Unsupported host. No capabilities found"))
+ return false_ret
+ capabilities = host['capabilities']
+ ns_shares = capabilities['ns_shares']
+ dst_parts = capabilities['location_info'].split(':')
+ dst_host, dst_volume = dst_parts[1:]
+ if (capabilities.get('vendor_name') != 'Nexenta' or
+ dst_parts[0] != self.__class__.__name__ or
+ capabilities['free_capacity_gb'] < volume['size']):
+ return false_ret
+ nms = self.share2nms[volume['provider_location']]
+ ssh_bindings = nms.appliance.ssh_list_bindings()
+ shares = []
+ for bind in ssh_bindings:
+ for share in ns_shares:
+ if (share.startswith(ssh_bindings[bind][3]) and
+ ns_shares[share] >= volume['size']):
+ shares.append(share)
+ if len(shares) == 0:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Remote NexentaStor appliance at %s should be "
+ "SSH-bound."), share)
+ return false_ret
+ share = sorted(shares, key=ns_shares.get, reverse=True)[0]
+ snapshot = {
+ 'volume_name': volume['name'],
+ 'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'name': utils.get_migrate_snapshot_name(volume)
+ }
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ location = volume['provider_location']
+ src = '%(share)s/%(volume)s@%(snapshot)s' % {
+ 'share': location.split(':')[1].split('volumes/')[1],
+ 'volume': volume['name'],
+ 'snapshot': snapshot['name']
+ }
+ dst = ':'.join([dst_host, dst_volume.split('/volumes/')[1]])
+ try:
+ nms.appliance.execute(self._get_zfs_send_recv_cmd(src, dst))
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot send source snapshot %(src)s to "
+ "destination %(dst)s. Reason: %(exc)s"),
+ {'src': src, 'dst': dst, 'exc': exc})
+ return false_ret
+ finally:
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete temporary source snapshot "
+ "%(src)s on NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'src': src, 'exc': exc})
+ try:
+ self.delete_volume(volume)
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete source volume %(volume)s on "
+ "NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'volume': volume['name'], 'exc': exc})
+ dst_nms = self._get_nms_for_url(capabilities['nms_url'])
+ dst_snapshot = '%s/%s@%s' % (dst_volume.split('volumes/')[1],
+ volume['name'], snapshot['name'])
+ try:
+ dst_nms.snapshot.destroy(dst_snapshot, '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot delete temporary destination snapshot "
+ "%(dst)s on NexentaStor Appliance: %(exc)s"),
+ {'dst': dst_snapshot, 'exc': exc})
+ return True, {'provider_location': share}
+ def _get_zfs_send_recv_cmd(self, src, dst):
+ """Returns rrmgr command for source and destination."""
+ return utils.get_rrmgr_cmd(src, dst,
+ compression=self.rrmgr_compression,
+ tcp_buf_size=self.rrmgr_tcp_buf_size,
+ connections=self.rrmgr_connections)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Allow connection to connector and return connection info.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :param connector: connector reference
+ """
+ export = '%s/%s' % (volume['provider_location'], volume['name'])
+ data = {'export': export, 'name': 'volume'}
+ if volume['provider_location'] in self.shares:
+ data['options'] = self.shares[volume['provider_location']]
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': self.driver_volume_type,
+ 'data': data
+ }
+ def retype(self, context, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+ """Convert the volume to be of the new type.
+ :param ctxt: Context
+ :param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to migrate
+ :param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to
+ :param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types
+ :param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where
+ host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a
+ dictionary of its reported capabilities.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Retype volume request %(vol)s to be %(type)s '
+ '(host: %(host)s), diff %(diff)s.',
+ {'vol': volume['name'],
+ 'type': new_type,
+ 'host': host,
+ 'diff': diff})
+ options = dict(
+ compression='compression',
+ dedup='dedup',
+ description='nms:description'
+ )
+ retyped = False
+ migrated = False
+ model_update = None
+ src_backend = self.__class__.__name__
+ dst_backend = host['capabilities']['location_info'].split(':')[0]
+ if src_backend != dst_backend:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Cannot retype from %(src_backend)s to '
+ '%(dst_backend)s.'),
+ {
+ 'src_backend': src_backend,
+ 'dst_backend': dst_backend
+ })
+ return False
+ hosts = (volume['host'], host['host'])
+ old, new = hosts
+ if old != new:
+ migrated, provider_location = self.migrate_volume(
+ context, volume, host)
+ if not migrated:
+ provider_location = volume['provider_location']
+ nms = self.share2nms[provider_location]
+ else:
+ nms_url = host['capabilities']['nms_url']
+ nms = self._get_nms_for_url(nms_url)
+ model_update = provider_location
+ provider_location = provider_location['provider_location']
+ share = provider_location.split(':')[1].split('volumes/')[1]
+ folder = '%(share)s/%(volume)s' % {
+ 'share': share,
+ 'volume': volume['name']
+ }
+ for opt in options:
+ old, new = diff.get('extra_specs').get(opt, (False, False))
+ if old != new:
+ LOG.debug('Changing %(opt)s from %(old)s to %(new)s.',
+ {'opt': opt, 'old': old, 'new': new})
+ try:
+ nms.folder.set_child_prop(
+ folder, options[opt], new)
+ retyped = True
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Error trying to change %(opt)s'
+ ' from %(old)s to %(new)s'),
+ {'opt': opt, 'old': old, 'new': new})
+ return False, None
+ return retyped or migrated, model_update
+ def _do_create_volume(self, volume):
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ folder = '%s/%s' % (dataset, volume['name'])
+ LOG.debug('Creating folder on Nexenta Store %s', folder)
+ nms.folder.create_with_props(
+ vol, folder,
+ {'compression': self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_compression}
+ )
+ volume_path = self.remote_path(volume)
+ volume_size = volume['size']
+ try:
+ self._share_folder(nms, vol, folder)
+ if getattr(self.configuration,
+ self.driver_prefix + '_sparsed_volumes'):
+ self._create_sparsed_file(nms, volume_path, volume_size)
+ else:
+ folder_path = '%s/%s' % (vol, folder)
+ compression = nms.folder.get_child_prop(
+ folder_path, 'compression')
+ if compression != 'off':
+ # Disable compression, because otherwise will not use space
+ # on disk.
+ nms.folder.set_child_prop(
+ folder_path, 'compression', 'off')
+ try:
+ self._create_regular_file(nms, volume_path, volume_size)
+ finally:
+ if compression != 'off':
+ # Backup default compression value if it was changed.
+ nms.folder.set_child_prop(
+ folder_path, 'compression', compression)
+ self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(nms, volume_path)
+ if self._get_nfs_server_version(nfs_share) < 4:
+ sub_share, mnt_path = self._get_subshare_mount_point(nfs_share,
+ volume)
+ self._ensure_share_mounted(sub_share, mnt_path)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ try:
+ nms.folder.destroy('%s/%s' % (vol, folder))
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot destroy created folder: "
+ "%(vol)s/%(folder)s"),
+ {'vol': vol, 'folder': folder})
+ raise
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Create new volume from other's snapshot on appliance.
+ :param volume: reference of volume to be created
+ :param snapshot: reference of source snapshot
+ """
+ self._ensure_shares_mounted()
+ snapshot_vol = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ nfs_share = snapshot_vol['provider_location']
+ volume['provider_location'] = nfs_share
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ snapshot_name = '%s/%s/%s@%s' % (vol, dataset, snapshot['volume_name'],
+ snapshot['name'])
+ folder = '%s/%s' % (dataset, volume['name'])
+ nms.folder.clone(snapshot_name, '%s/%s' % (vol, folder))
+ try:
+ self._share_folder(nms, vol, folder)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ try:
+ nms.folder.destroy('%s/%s' % (vol, folder), '')
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot destroy cloned folder: "
+ "%(vol)s/%(folder)s"),
+ {'vol': vol, 'folder': folder})
+ raise
+ if self._get_nfs_server_version(nfs_share) < 4:
+ sub_share, mnt_path = self._get_subshare_mount_point(nfs_share,
+ volume)
+ self._ensure_share_mounted(sub_share, mnt_path)
+ return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+ """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+ :param volume: new volume reference
+ :param src_vref: source volume reference
+ """
+'Creating clone of volume: %s'), src_vref['id'])
+ snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+ 'volume_id': src_vref['id'],
+ 'name': self._get_clone_snapshot_name(volume)}
+ # We don't delete this snapshot, because this snapshot will be origin
+ # of new volume. This snapshot will be automatically promoted by NMS
+ # when user will delete its origin.
+ self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ try:
+ return self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+ except exception.NexentaException:
+ LOG.error(_LE('Volume creation failed, deleting created snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ try:
+ self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ except (exception.NexentaException, exception.SnapshotIsBusy):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to delete zfs snapshot '
+ '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+ raise
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Deletes a logical volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ nfs_share = volume.get('provider_location')
+ if nfs_share:
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ vol, parent_folder = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, parent_folder, volume['name'])
+ mount_path = self.remote_path(volume).strip(
+ '/%s' % self.VOLUME_FILE_NAME)
+ if mount_path in self._remotefsclient._read_mounts():
+ self._execute('umount', mount_path, run_as_root=True)
+ try:
+ props = nms.folder.get_child_props(folder, 'origin') or {}
+ nms.folder.destroy(folder, '-r')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' in exc.args[0]:
+'Folder %s does not exist, it was '
+ 'already deleted.'), folder)
+ return
+ raise
+ origin = props.get('origin')
+ if origin and self._is_clone_snapshot_name(origin):
+ try:
+ nms.snapshot.destroy(origin, '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' in exc.args[0]:
+'Snapshot %s does not exist, it was '
+ 'already deleted.'), origin)
+ return
+ raise
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ """Extend an existing volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ :param new_size: volume new size in GB
+ """
+'Extending volume: %(id)s New size: %(size)s GB'),
+ {'id': volume['id'], 'size': new_size})
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ volume_path = self.remote_path(volume)
+ if getattr(self.configuration,
+ self.driver_prefix + '_sparsed_volumes'):
+ self._create_sparsed_file(nms, volume_path, new_size)
+ else:
+ block_size_mb = 1
+ block_count = ((new_size - volume['size']) * units.Gi /
+ (block_size_mb * units.Mi))
+ nms.appliance.execute(
+ 'dd if=/dev/zero seek=%(seek)d of=%(path)s'
+ ' bs=%(bs)dM count=%(count)d' % {
+ 'seek': volume['size'] * units.Gi / block_size_mb,
+ 'path': volume_path,
+ 'bs': block_size_mb,
+ 'count': block_count
+ }
+ )
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Creates a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, dataset, volume['name'])
+ nms.folder.create_snapshot(folder, snapshot['name'], '-r')
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Deletes a snapshot.
+ :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+ """
+ volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, dataset, volume['name'])
+ try:
+ nms.snapshot.destroy('%s@%s' % (folder, snapshot['name']), '')
+ except exception.NexentaException as exc:
+ if 'does not exist' in exc.args[0]:
+'Snapshot %(folder)s@%(snapshot)s does not '
+ 'exist, it was already deleted.'),
+ {
+ 'folder': folder,
+ 'snapshot': snapshot,
+ })
+ return
+ elif 'has dependent clones' in exc.args[0]:
+'Snapshot %(folder)s@%(snapshot)s has dependent '
+ 'clones, it will be deleted later.'),
+ {
+ 'folder': folder,
+ 'snapshot': snapshot,
+ })
+ return
+ def _create_sparsed_file(self, nms, path, size):
+ """Creates file with 0 disk usage.
+ :param nms: nms object
+ :param path: path to new file
+ :param size: size of file
+ """
+ nms.appliance.execute(
+ 'truncate --size %(size)dG %(path)s' % {
+ 'path': path,
+ 'size': size
+ }
+ )
+ def _create_regular_file(self, nms, path, size):
+ """Creates regular file of given size.
+ Takes a lot of time for large files.
+ :param nms: nms object
+ :param path: path to new file
+ :param size: size of file
+ """
+ block_size_mb = 1
+ block_count = size * units.Gi / (block_size_mb * units.Mi)
+'Creating regular file: %s.'
+ 'This may take some time.'), path)
+ nms.appliance.execute(
+ 'dd if=/dev/zero of=%(path)s bs=%(bs)dM count=%(count)d' % {
+ 'path': path,
+ 'bs': block_size_mb,
+ 'count': block_count
+ }
+ )
+'Regular file: %s created.'), path)
+ def _set_rw_permissions_for_all(self, nms, path):
+ """Sets 666 permissions for the path.
+ :param nms: nms object
+ :param path: path to file
+ """
+ nms.appliance.execute('chmod ugo+rw %s' % path)
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ """Get volume path (mounted locally fs path) for given volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ return os.path.join(self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share),
+ volume['name'], 'volume')
+ def _get_mount_point_for_share(self, nfs_share):
+ """Returns path to mount point NFS share.
+ :param nfs_share: example
+ """
+ nfs_share = nfs_share.encode('utf-8')
+ return os.path.join(self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base,
+ hashlib.md5(nfs_share).hexdigest())
+ def remote_path(self, volume):
+ """Get volume path (mounted remotely fs path) for given volume.
+ :param volume: volume reference
+ """
+ nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+ share = nfs_share.split(':')[1].rstrip('/')
+ return '%s/%s/volume' % (share, volume['name'])
+ def _share_folder(self, nms, volume, folder):
+ """Share NFS folder on NexentaStor Appliance.
+ :param nms: nms object
+ :param volume: volume name
+ :param folder: folder name
+ """
+ path = '%s/%s' % (volume, folder.lstrip('/'))
+ share_opts = {
+ 'read_write': '*',
+ 'read_only': '',
+ 'root': 'nobody',
+ 'extra_options': 'anon=0',
+ 'recursive': 'true',
+ 'anonymous_rw': 'true',
+ }
+ LOG.debug('Sharing folder %s on Nexenta Store', folder)
+ nms.netstorsvc.share_folder('svc:/network/nfs/server:default', path,
+ share_opts)
+ def _load_shares_config(self, share_file):
+ self.shares = {}
+ self.share2nms = {}
+ for share in self._read_config_file(share_file):
+ # A configuration line may be either:
+ # host:/share_name http://user:pass@host:[port]/
+ # or
+ # host:/share_name http://user:pass@host:[port]/
+ # -o options=123,rw --other
+ if not share.strip():
+ continue
+ if share.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ share_info = re.split(r'\s+', share, 2)
+ share_address = share_info[0].strip()
+ nms_url = share_info[1].strip()
+ share_opts = share_info[2].strip() if len(share_info) > 2 else None
+ if not re.match(r'.+:/.+', share_address):
+ LOG.warning(_LW("Share %s ignored due to invalid format. "
+ "Must be of form address:/export."),
+ share_address)
+ continue
+ self.shares[share_address] = share_opts
+ self.share2nms[share_address] = self._get_nms_for_url(nms_url)
+ LOG.debug('Shares loaded: %s', self.shares)
+ def _get_subshare_mount_point(self, nfs_share, volume):
+ mnt_path = '%s/%s' % (
+ self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share), volume['name'])
+ sub_share = '%s/%s' % (nfs_share, volume['name'])
+ return sub_share, mnt_path
+ def _ensure_share_mounted(self, nfs_share, mount_path=None):
+ """Ensure that NFS share is mounted on the host.
+ Unlike the parent method this one accepts mount_path as an optional
+ parameter and uses it as a mount point if provided.
+ :param nfs_share: NFS share name
+ :param mount_path: mount path on the host
+ """
+ mnt_flags = []
+ if self.shares.get(nfs_share) is not None:
+ mnt_flags = self.shares[nfs_share].split()
+ num_attempts = max(1, self.configuration.nfs_mount_attempts)
+ for attempt in range(num_attempts):
+ try:
+ if mount_path is None:
+ self._remotefsclient.mount(nfs_share, mnt_flags)
+ else:
+ if mount_path in self._remotefsclient._read_mounts():
+'Already mounted: %s'), mount_path)
+ return
+ self._execute('mkdir', '-p', mount_path,
+ check_exit_code=False)
+ self._remotefsclient._mount_nfs(nfs_share, mount_path,
+ mnt_flags)
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ if attempt == (num_attempts - 1):
+ LOG.error(_LE('Mount failure for %(share)s after '
+ '%(count)d attempts.'), {
+ 'share': nfs_share,
+ 'count': num_attempts})
+ raise exception.NfsException(six.text_type(e))
+ LOG.warning(
+ _LW('Mount attempt %(attempt)d failed: %(error)s. '
+ 'Retrying mount ...'), {
+ 'attempt': attempt,
+ 'error': e})
+ greenthread.sleep(1)
+ def _mount_subfolders(self):
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ vol_entries = self.db.volume_get_all_by_host(ctxt,
+ for vol in vol_entries:
+ nfs_share = vol['provider_location']
+ if ((nfs_share in self.shares) and
+ (self._get_nfs_server_version(nfs_share) < 4)):
+ sub_share, mnt_path = self._get_subshare_mount_point(
+ nfs_share, vol)
+ self._ensure_share_mounted(sub_share, mnt_path)
+ def _get_nfs_server_version(self, share):
+ if not self.nfs_versions.get(share):
+ nms = self.share2nms[share]
+ nfs_opts = nms.netsvc.get_confopts(
+ 'svc:/network/nfs/server:default', 'configure')
+ try:
+ self.nfs_versions[share] = int(
+ nfs_opts['nfs_server_versmax']['current'])
+ except KeyError:
+ self.nfs_versions[share] = int(
+ nfs_opts['server_versmax']['current'])
+ return self.nfs_versions[share]
+ def _get_capacity_info(self, nfs_share):
+ """Calculate available space on the NFS share.
+ :param nfs_share: example
+ """
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ ns_volume, ns_folder = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+ folder_props = nms.folder.get_child_props('%s/%s' % (ns_volume,
+ ns_folder),
+ 'used|available')
+ free = utils.str2size(folder_props['available'])
+ allocated = utils.str2size(folder_props['used'])
+ return free + allocated, free, allocated
+ def _get_nms_for_url(self, url):
+ """Returns initialized nms object for url."""
+ auto, scheme, user, password, host, port, path = (
+ utils.parse_nms_url(url))
+ return jsonrpc.NexentaJSONProxy(scheme, host, port, path, user,
+ password, auto=auto)
+ def _get_snapshot_volume(self, snapshot):
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ return db.volume_get(ctxt, snapshot['volume_id'])
+ def _get_volroot(self, nms):
+ """Returns volroot property value from NexentaStor appliance."""
+ if not self.nms_cache_volroot:
+ return nms.server.get_prop('volroot')
+ if nms not in self._nms2volroot:
+ self._nms2volroot[nms] = nms.server.get_prop('volroot')
+ return self._nms2volroot[nms]
+ def _get_share_datasets(self, nfs_share):
+ nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+ volroot = self._get_volroot(nms)
+ path = nfs_share.split(':')[1][len(volroot):].strip('/')
+ volume_name = path.split('/')[0]
+ folder_name = '/'.join(path.split('/')[1:])
+ return volume_name, folder_name
+ def _get_clone_snapshot_name(self, volume):
+ """Return name for snapshot that will be used to clone the volume."""
+ return 'cinder-clone-snapshot-%(id)s' % volume
+ def _is_clone_snapshot_name(self, snapshot):
+ """Check if snapshot is created for cloning."""
+ name = snapshot.split('@')[-1]
+ return name.startswith('cinder-clone-snapshot-')
+ def _update_volume_stats(self):
+ """Retrieve stats info for NexentaStor appliance."""
+ LOG.debug('Updating volume stats')
+ total_space = 0
+ free_space = 0
+ shares_with_capacities = {}
+ for mounted_share in self._mounted_shares:
+ total, free, allocated = self._get_capacity_info(mounted_share)
+ shares_with_capacities[mounted_share] = utils.str2gib_size(total)
+ if total_space < utils.str2gib_size(total):
+ total_space = utils.str2gib_size(total)
+ if free_space < utils.str2gib_size(free):
+ free_space = utils.str2gib_size(free)
+ share = mounted_share
+ location_info = '%(driver)s:%(share)s' % {
+ 'driver': self.__class__.__name__,
+ 'share': share
+ }
+ nms_url = self.share2nms[share].url
+ self._stats = {
+ 'vendor_name': 'Nexenta',
+ 'dedup': self.volume_deduplication,
+ 'compression': self.volume_compression,
+ 'description': self.volume_description,
+ 'nms_url': nms_url,
+ 'ns_shares': shares_with_capacities,
+ 'driver_version': self.VERSION,
+ 'storage_protocol': 'NFS',
+ 'total_capacity_gb': total_space,
+ 'free_capacity_gb': free_space,
+ 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_percentage,
+ 'QoS_support': False,
+ 'location_info': location_info,
+ 'volume_backend_name': self.backend_name,
+ 'nfs_mount_point_base': self.nfs_mount_point_base
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.options` -- Contains configuration options for Nexenta drivers.
+.. automodule:: nexenta.options
+from oslo_config import cfg
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_address',
+ default='',
+ help='IP address of NexentaEdge management REST API endpoint'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_user',
+ default='admin',
+ help='User name to connect to NexentaEdge'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_password',
+ default='nexenta',
+ help='Password to connect to NexentaEdge',
+ secret=True),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_lun_container',
+ default='',
+ help='NexentaEdge logical path of bucket for LUNs'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_iscsi_service',
+ default='',
+ help='NexentaEdge iSCSI service name'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_client_address',
+ default='',
+ help='NexentaEdge iSCSI Gateway client '
+ 'address for non-VIP service'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_chunksize',
+ default=16384,
+ help='NexentaEdge iSCSI LUN object chunk size')
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_host',
+ default='',
+ help='IP address of Nexenta SA'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_rest_port',
+ default=8080,
+ help='HTTP port to connect to Nexenta REST API server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_rest_protocol',
+ default='auto',
+ choices=['http', 'https', 'auto'],
+ help='Use http or https for REST connection (default auto)'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_user',
+ default='admin',
+ help='User name to connect to Nexenta SA'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_password',
+ default='nexenta',
+ help='Password to connect to Nexenta SA',
+ secret=True),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port',
+ default=3260,
+ help='Nexenta target portal port'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_volume',
+ default='cinder',
+ help='SA Pool that holds all volumes'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_target_prefix',
+ default='',
+ help='IQN prefix for iSCSI targets'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_target_group_prefix',
+ default='cinder/',
+ help='Prefix for iSCSI target groups on SA'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_shares_config',
+ default='/etc/cinder/nfs_shares',
+ help='File with the list of available nfs shares'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_mount_point_base',
+ default='$state_path/mnt',
+ help='Base directory that contains NFS share mount points'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('nexenta_sparsed_volumes',
+ default=True,
+ help='Enables or disables the creation of volumes as '
+ 'sparsed files that take no space. If disabled '
+ '(False), volume is created as a regular file, '
+ 'which takes a long time.'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('nexenta_nms_cache_volroot',
+ default=True,
+ help=('If set True cache NexentaStor appliance volroot option '
+ 'value.'))
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_dataset_compression',
+ default='on',
+ choices=['on', 'off', 'gzip', 'gzip-1', 'gzip-2', 'gzip-3',
+ 'gzip-4', 'gzip-5', 'gzip-6', 'gzip-7', 'gzip-8',
+ 'gzip-9', 'lzjb', 'zle', 'lz4'],
+ help='Compression value for new ZFS folders.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_dataset_dedup',
+ default='off',
+ choices=['on', 'off', 'sha256', 'verify', 'sha256, verify'],
+ help='Deduplication value for new ZFS folders.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_dataset_description',
+ default='',
+ help='Human-readable description for the folder.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_blocksize',
+ default=4096,
+ help='Block size for datasets'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_ns5_blocksize',
+ default=32,
+ help='Block size for datasets'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('nexenta_sparse',
+ default=False,
+ help='Enables or disables the creation of sparse datasets'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_rrmgr_compression',
+ default=0,
+ help=('Enable stream compression, level 1..9. 1 - gives best '
+ 'speed; 9 - gives best compression.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_rrmgr_tcp_buf_size',
+ default=4096,
+ help='TCP Buffer size in KiloBytes.'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('nexenta_rrmgr_connections',
+ default=2,
+ help='Number of TCP connections.'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2013 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.utils` -- Nexenta-specific utils functions.
+.. automodule:: nexenta.utils
+import re
+import six
+from oslo_utils import units
+import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
+from cinder.i18n import _
+def str2size(s, scale=1024):
+ """Convert size-string.
+ String format: <value>[:space:]<B | K | M | ...> to bytes.
+ :param s: size-string
+ :param scale: base size
+ """
+ if not s:
+ return 0
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ return s
+ match = re.match(r'^([\.\d]+)\s*([BbKkMmGgTtPpEeZzYy]?)', s)
+ if match is None:
+ raise ValueError(_('Invalid value: "%s"') % s)
+ groups = match.groups()
+ value = float(groups[0])
+ suffix = len(groups) > 1 and groups[1].upper() or 'B'
+ types = ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y')
+ for i, t in enumerate(types):
+ if suffix == t:
+ return int(value * pow(scale, i))
+def str2gib_size(s):
+ """Covert size-string to size in gigabytes."""
+ size_in_bytes = str2size(s)
+ return size_in_bytes // units.Gi
+def get_rrmgr_cmd(src, dst, compression=None, tcp_buf_size=None,
+ connections=None):
+ """Returns rrmgr command for source and destination."""
+ cmd = ['rrmgr', '-s', 'zfs']
+ if compression:
+ cmd.extend(['-c', '%s' % compression])
+ cmd.append('-q')
+ cmd.append('-e')
+ if tcp_buf_size:
+ cmd.extend(['-w', six.text_type(tcp_buf_size)])
+ if connections:
+ cmd.extend(['-n', six.text_type(connections)])
+ cmd.extend([src, dst])
+ return ' '.join(cmd)
+def parse_nms_url(url):
+ """Parse NMS url into normalized parts like scheme, user, host and others.
+ Example NMS URL:
+ auto://admin:nexenta@
+ NMS URL parts:
+ auto True if url starts with auto://, protocol will be
+ automatically switched to https if http not
+ supported;
+ scheme (auto) connection protocol (http or https);
+ user (admin) NMS user;
+ password (nexenta) NMS password;
+ host ( NMS host;
+ port (2000) NMS port.
+ :param url: url string
+ :return: tuple (auto, scheme, user, password, host, port, path)
+ """
+ pr = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ scheme = pr.scheme
+ auto = scheme == 'auto'
+ if auto:
+ scheme = 'http'
+ user = 'admin'
+ password = 'nexenta'
+ if '@' not in pr.netloc:
+ host_and_port = pr.netloc
+ else:
+ user_and_password, host_and_port = pr.netloc.split('@', 1)
+ if ':' in user_and_password:
+ user, password = user_and_password.split(':')
+ else:
+ user = user_and_password
+ if ':' in host_and_port:
+ host, port = host_and_port.split(':', 1)
+ else:
+ host, port = host_and_port, '2000'
+ return auto, scheme, user, password, host, port, '/rest/nms/'
+def parse_nef_url(url):
+ """Parse NMS url into normalized parts like scheme, user, host and others.
+ Example NMS URL:
+ auto://admin:nexenta@
+ NMS URL parts:
+ auto True if url starts with auto://, protocol will be
+ automatically switched to https if http not
+ supported;
+ scheme (auto) connection protocol (http or https);
+ user (admin) NMS user;
+ password (nexenta) NMS password;
+ host ( NMS host;
+ port (8080) NMS port.
+ :param url: url string
+ :return: tuple (auto, scheme, user, password, host, port)
+ """
+ pr = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ scheme = pr.scheme
+ auto = scheme == 'auto'
+ if auto:
+ scheme = 'http'
+ user = 'admin'
+ password = 'nexenta'
+ if '@' not in pr.netloc:
+ host_and_port = pr.netloc
+ else:
+ user_and_password, host_and_port = pr.netloc.split('@', 1)
+ if ':' in user_and_password:
+ user, password = user_and_password.split(':')
+ else:
+ user = user_and_password
+ if ':' in host_and_port:
+ host, port = host_and_port.split(':', 1)
+ else:
+ host, port = host_and_port, '8080'
+ return auto, scheme, user, password, host, port
+def get_migrate_snapshot_name(volume):
+ """Return name for snapshot that will be used to migrate the volume."""
+ return 'cinder-migrate-snapshot-%(id)s' % volume
--- /dev/null
+ - Added Migrate and Extend for Nexenta NFS driver.
+ - Added Retype functionality to Nexenta iSCSI and NFS drivers.
+ - Refactored Nexenta iSCSI driver to use single target and targetgroup with multiple zvols.