--- /dev/null
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+Volume Attach/Detach workflow
+There are six API calls associated with attach/detach of volumes in Cinder
+(3 calls for each operation). This can lead to some confusion for developers
+trying to work on Cinder. The convention is actually quite simple, although
+it may be difficult to decipher from the code.
+Attach/Detach Operations are mulit-part commands
+There are three things that happen in the workflow for an attach or detach call.
+1. Update the status of the volume in the DB (ie attaching/detaching)
+- For Attach, this is the cinder.volume.api.reserve method
+- For Detach, the analagous call is cinder.volume.api.begin_detaching
+2. Handle the connection operations that need to be done on the Volume
+- For Attach, this is the cinder.volume.api.initialize_connection method
+- For Detach, the analagous calls is cinder.volume.api.terminate_connection
+3. Finalize the status of the volume and release the resource
+- For attach, this is the cinder.volume.api.attach method
+- For detach, the analagous call is cinder.volume.api.detach
+Attach workflow
+reserve_volume(self, context, volume)
+Probably the most simple call in to Cinder. This method simply checks that
+the specified volume is in an “available” state and can be attached.
+Any other state results in an Error response notifying Nova that the volume
+is NOT available. The only valid state for this call to succeed is “available”.
+NOTE: multi-attach will add "in-use" to the above acceptable states.
+If the volume is in fact available, we immediately issue an update to the Cinder
+database and mark the status of the volume to “attaching” thereby reserving the
+volume so that it won’t be used by another API call anywhere else.
+initialize_connection(self, context, volume, connector)
+This is the only attach related API call that should be doing any significant
+work. This method is responsible for building and returning all of the info
+needed by the caller (Nova) to actually attach the specified volume to the
+remote node. This method returns vital information to the caller that includes
+things like CHAP credential, iqn and lun information. An example response is
+shown here:
+ {‘driver_volume_type': ‘iscsi’, ‘data': {‘auth_password': ‘YZ2Hceyh7VySh5HY’,
+ ‘target_discovered': False,
+ ‘encrypted': False,
+ ‘qos_specs': None,
+ ‘target_iqn': ‘iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-8b1ec3fe-8c5
+ ‘target_portal': ‘′,
+ ‘volume_id': ‘8b1ec3fe-8c57-45ca-a1cf-a481bfc8fce2′,
+ ‘target_lun': 1,
+ ‘access_mode': ‘rw’,
+ ‘auth_username': ‘nE9PY8juynmmZ95F7Xb7′,
+ ‘auth_method': ‘CHAP’}}``
+In the process of building this data structure, the Cinder Volume Manager makes a number of
+calls to the backend driver, and builds a volume_attachment entry in the database to store
+the connection information passed in via the connector object.
+Simply verifies that the initiator data is included in the passed in
+connector (there are some drivers that utilize pieces of this connector
+data, but in the case of the reference, it just verifies it's there).
+This is the target specific, persistent data associated with a volume.
+This method is responsible for building an actual iSCSI target, and
+providing the "location" and "auth" information which will be used to
+form the response data in the parent request.
+We call this infor the model_update and it's used to update vital target
+information associated with the volume in the Cinder database.
+Now that we've actually built a target and persisted the important
+bits of information associated with it, we're ready to actually assign
+the target to a volume and form the needed info to pass back out
+to our caller. This is where we finally put everything together and
+form the example data structure response shown earlier.
+This method is sort of deceptive, it does a whole lot of formatting
+of the data we've put together in the create_export call, but it doesn't
+really offer any new info. It's completely dependent on the information
+that was gathered in the create_export call and put into the database. At
+this point, all we're doing is taking all the various entries from the database
+and putting it together into the desired format/structure.
+The key method call for updating and obtaining all of this info was
+done by the create_export call. This formatted data is then passed
+back up to the API and returned as the response back out to Nova.
+At this point, we return attach info to the caller that provides everything
+needed to make the remote iSCSI connection.
+attach(self, context, volume, instance_uuid, host_name, mount_point, mode)
+This is the last call that *should* be pretty simple. The intent is that this
+is simply used to finalize the attach process. In other words, we simply
+update the status on the Volume in the database, and provide a mechanism to
+notify the driver that the attachment has completed succesfully.
+There's some additional information that has been added to this finalize call
+over time like instance_uuid, host_name etc. Some of these are only provided
+during the actual attach call and may be desired for some drivers for one
+reason or another.
+Detach workflow
+begin_detaching(self, context, volume)
+Analagous to the Attach workflows ``reserve_volume`` method.
+Performs a simple conditional update of Volume status to ``detaching``.
+terminate_connection(self, context, volume, connector, force=False)
+Analagous to the Attach workflows ``initialize_connection`` method.
+Used to send calls down to drivers/target-drivers to do any sort of cleanup
+they might require.
+For most this is a noop, as connections and **iscsi session management is the
+responsibility of the initiator**. HOWEVER, there are a number of special
+cases here, particularly for target-drivers like LIO that use
+access-groups, in those cases they remove the initiator from the access
+list during this call which effectively closes sessions from the target
+detach(self, context, volume, attachment_id)
+The final update to the DB and yet another opportunity to pass something
+down to the volume-driver. Initially a simple call-back that now has quite
+a bit of cruft built up in the volume-manager.
+For drivers like LVM this again is a noop and just updates the db entry to
+mark things as complete and set the volume to available again.