code = 450
title = 'Portprofile Not Found'
- explanation = ('Unable to find a Portprofile with'
+ explanation = ('Unable to find a Portprofile with'
+ ' the specified identifier.')
code = 430
title = 'Port not Found'
explanation = ('Unable to find a port with the specified identifier.')
class CredentialNotFound(webob.exc.HTTPClientError):
subclass of :class:`~HTTPClientError`
code = 451
title = 'Credential Not Found'
- explanation = ('Unable to find a Credential with'
+ explanation = ('Unable to find a Credential with'
+ ' the specified identifier.')
class QosNotFound(webob.exc.HTTPClientError):
subclass of :class:`~HTTPClientError`
code = 452
title = 'QoS Not Found'
- explanation = ('Unable to find a QoS with'
+ explanation = ('Unable to find a QoS with'
+ ' the specified identifier.')
class NovatenantNotFound(webob.exc.HTTPClientError):
subclass of :class:`~HTTPClientError`
code = 453
title = 'Nova tenant Not Found'
- explanation = ('Unable to find a Novatenant with'
+ explanation = ('Unable to find a Novatenant with'
+ ' the specified identifier.')
index_response = test_app.get("/tweedles")
self.assertEqual(200, index_response.status_int)
self.assertEqual("resource index", index_response.body)
show_response = test_app.get("/tweedles/25266")
self.assertEqual({'data': {'id': "25266"}}, show_response.json)
def test_resource_extension_with_custom_member_action(self):
controller = self.ResourceExtensionController()
member = {'custom_member_action': "GET"}