]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Adds Nexenta NFS driver
authorMikhail Khodos <hodosmb@gmail.com>
Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:18:12 +0000 (11:18 -0700)
committerMikhail Khodos <mikhail.khodos@nexenta.com>
Tue, 3 Sep 2013 18:26:05 +0000 (22:26 +0400)
Implements: blueprint nexenta-nfs-volume-driver

Change-Id: I369ce83113cf05b1cd2ecf86d5f6fd25eed12d85

cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/nfs.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/utils.py [new file with mode: 0644]

index 9631319a9c35429ec8980827c9595910ea220298..674fab37c0dc9a5d06296248faa172fc03695c67 100644 (file)
@@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ import base64
 import urllib2
 import mox as mox_lib
+from mox import stubout
 from cinder import test
+from cinder import units
 from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
 from cinder.volume.drivers import nexenta
 from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import nfs
 from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import volume
@@ -351,3 +354,228 @@ class TestNexentaJSONRPC(test.TestCase):
                           self.proxy, 'arg1', 'arg2')
+class TestNexentaNfsDriver(test.TestCase):
+    TEST_EXPORT1 = 'host1:/volumes/stack/share'
+    TEST_NMS1 = 'http://admin:nexenta@host1:2000'
+    TEST_EXPORT2 = 'host2:/volumes/stack/share'
+    TEST_NMS2 = 'http://admin:nexenta@host2:2000'
+    TEST_EXPORT2_OPTIONS = '-o intr'
+    TEST_FILE_NAME = 'test.txt'
+    TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cinder/nexenta-shares.conf'
+    TEST_SHARE_SVC = 'svc:/network/nfs/server:default'
+        'read_only': '',
+        'read_write': '*',
+        'recursive': 'true',
+        'anonymous_rw': 'true',
+        'extra_options': 'anon=0',
+        'root': 'nobody'
+    }
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestNexentaNfsDriver, self).setUp()
+        self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
+        self.configuration = mox_lib.MockObject(conf.Configuration)
+        self.configuration.nexenta_shares_config = None
+        self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base = '$state_path/mnt'
+        self.configuration.nexenta_sparsed_volumes = True
+        self.configuration.nexenta_volume_compression = 'on'
+        self.nms_mock = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+        for mod in ('appliance', 'folder', 'server', 'volume', 'netstorsvc'):
+            setattr(self.nms_mock, mod, self.mox.CreateMockAnything())
+        self.stubs.Set(jsonrpc, 'NexentaJSONProxy',
+                       lambda *_, **__: self.nms_mock)
+        self.drv = nfs.NexentaNfsDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        self.drv.shares = {}
+        self.drv.share2nms = {}
+    def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
+        self.drv.share2nms = {
+            'host1:/volumes/stack/share': self.nms_mock
+        }
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists('stack').AndReturn(True)
+        self.nms_mock.folder.object_exists('stack/share').AndReturn(True)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv.check_for_setup_error()
+        self.mox.ResetAll()
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists('stack').AndReturn(False)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.drv.check_for_setup_error)
+        self.mox.ResetAll()
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.volume.object_exists('stack').AndReturn(True)
+        self.nms_mock.folder.object_exists('stack/share').AndReturn(False)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.drv.check_for_setup_error)
+    def test_initialize_connection(self):
+        self.drv.shares = {
+            self.TEST_EXPORT1: None
+        }
+        volume = {
+            'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1,
+            'name': 'volume'
+        }
+        result = self.drv.initialize_connection(volume, None)
+        self.assertEqual(result['data']['export'],
+                         '%s/volume' % self.TEST_EXPORT1)
+    def test_do_create_volume(self):
+        volume = {
+            'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1,
+            'size': 1,
+            'name': 'volume-1'
+        }
+        self.drv.shares = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: None}
+        self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+        compression = self.configuration.nexenta_volume_compression
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.folder.create('stack', 'share/volume-1',
+                                    '-o compression=%s' % compression)
+        self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder(self.TEST_SHARE_SVC,
+                                              'stack/share/volume-1',
+                                              self.TEST_SHARE_OPTS)
+        self.nms_mock.appliance.execute(
+            'dd if=/dev/zero of=/volumes/stack/share/volume-1/volume bs=1M '
+            'count=0 seek=1024'
+        )
+        self.nms_mock.appliance.execute('chmod ugo+rw '
+                                        '/volumes/stack/share/volume-1/volume')
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._do_create_volume(volume)
+        self.mox.ResetAll()
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.folder.create('stack', 'share/volume-1',
+                                    '-o compression=%s' % compression)
+        self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder(
+            self.TEST_SHARE_SVC, 'stack/share/volume-1',
+            self.TEST_SHARE_OPTS).AndRaise(nexenta.NexentaException('-'))
+        self.nms_mock.folder.destroy('stack/share/volume-1')
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.assertRaises(nexenta.NexentaException, self.drv._do_create_volume,
+                          volume)
+    def test_create_sparsed_file(self):
+        self.nms_mock.appliance.execute('dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/path bs=1M '
+                                        'count=0 seek=1024')
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._create_sparsed_file(self.nms_mock, '/tmp/path', 1)
+    def test_create_regular_file(self):
+        self.nms_mock.appliance.execute('dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/path bs=1M '
+                                        'count=1024')
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._create_regular_file(self.nms_mock, '/tmp/path', 1)
+    def test_set_rw_permissions_for_all(self):
+        path = '/tmp/path'
+        self.nms_mock.appliance.execute('chmod ugo+rw %s' % path)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all(self.nms_mock, path)
+    def test_local_path(self):
+        volume = {'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1, 'name': 'volume-1'}
+        path = self.drv.local_path(volume)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            path,
+            '$state_path/mnt/b3f660847a52b29ac330d8555e4ad669/volume-1/volume'
+        )
+    def test_remote_path(self):
+        volume = {'provider_location': self.TEST_EXPORT1, 'name': 'volume-1'}
+        path = self.drv.remote_path(volume)
+        self.assertEqual(path, '/volumes/stack/share/volume-1/volume')
+    def test_share_folder(self):
+        path = 'stack/share/folder'
+        self.nms_mock.netstorsvc.share_folder(self.TEST_SHARE_SVC, path,
+                                              self.TEST_SHARE_OPTS)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._share_folder(self.nms_mock, 'stack', 'share/folder')
+    def test_load_shares_config(self):
+        self.drv.configuration.nfs_shares_config = self.TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE
+        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.drv, '_read_config_file')
+        config_data = [
+            '%s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.TEST_NMS1),
+            '# %s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.TEST_NMS2),
+            '',
+            '%s %s %s' % (self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.TEST_NMS2,
+                          self.TEST_EXPORT2_OPTIONS)
+        ]
+        self.drv._read_config_file(self.TEST_SHARES_CONFIG_FILE).\
+            AndReturn(config_data)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.drv._load_shares_config(self.drv.configuration.nfs_shares_config)
+        self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.drv.shares)
+        self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.drv.shares)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.drv.shares), 2)
+        self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT1, self.drv.share2nms)
+        self.assertIn(self.TEST_EXPORT2, self.drv.share2nms)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.drv.share2nms.keys()), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(self.drv.shares[self.TEST_EXPORT2],
+                         self.TEST_EXPORT2_OPTIONS)
+        self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    def test_get_capacity_info(self):
+        self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.nms_mock.folder.get_child_props('stack/share', '').AndReturn({
+            'available': '1G',
+            'used': '2G'
+        })
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        total, free, allocated = self.drv._get_capacity_info(self.TEST_EXPORT1)
+        self.assertEqual(total, 3 * units.GiB)
+        self.assertEqual(free, units.GiB)
+        self.assertEqual(allocated, 2 * units.GiB)
+    def test_get_share_datasets(self):
+        self.drv.share2nms = {self.TEST_EXPORT1: self.nms_mock}
+        self.nms_mock.server.get_prop('volroot').AndReturn('/volumes')
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        volume_name, folder_name = \
+            self.drv._get_share_datasets(self.TEST_EXPORT1)
+        self.assertEqual(volume_name, 'stack')
+        self.assertEqual(folder_name, 'share')
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/nfs.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/nfs.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8996c99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2013 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+:mod:`nexenta.volume` -- Driver to store volumes on Nexenta Appliance
+.. automodule:: nexenta.nfs
+.. moduleauthor:: Mikhail Khodos <hodosmb@gmail.com>
+.. moduleauthor:: Victor Rodionov <victor.rodionov@nexenta.com>
+import hashlib
+import os
+import urlparse
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import units
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nexenta
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import jsonrpc
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import options
+from cinder.volume.drivers.nexenta import utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs
+VERSION = '1.0.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class NexentaNfsDriver(nfs.NfsDriver):  # pylint: disable=R0921
+    """Executes volume driver commands on Nexenta Appliance."""
+    driver_prefix = 'nexenta'
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        if self.configuration:
+            self.configuration.append_config_values(
+                options.NEXENTA_NFS_OPTIONS)
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).do_setup(context)
+        self._load_shares_config(getattr(self.configuration,
+                                         self.driver_prefix +
+                                         '_shares_config'))
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        """Verify that the volume for our folder exists.
+        :raise: :py:exc:`LookupError`
+        """
+        if self.share2nms:
+            for nfs_share in self.share2nms:
+                nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+                volume_name, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+                if not nms.volume.object_exists(volume_name):
+                    raise LookupError(_("Volume %s does not exist in Nexenta "
+                                        "Store appliance"), volume_name)
+                folder = '%s/%s' % (volume_name, dataset)
+                if not nms.folder.object_exists(folder):
+                    raise LookupError(_("Folder %s does not exist in Nexenta "
+                                        "Store appliance"), folder)
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        """Allow connection to connector and return connection info.
+        :param volume: volume reference
+        :param connector: connector reference
+        """
+        export = '%s/%s' % (volume['provider_location'], volume['name'])
+        data = {'export': export, 'name': 'volume'}
+        if volume['provider_location'] in self.shares:
+            data['options'] = self.shares[volume['provider_location']]
+        return {
+            'driver_volume_type': self.driver_volume_type,
+            'data': data
+        }
+    def _do_create_volume(self, volume):
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+        folder = '%s/%s' % (dataset, volume['name'])
+        LOG.debug(_('Creating folder on Nexenta Store %s'), folder)
+        nms.folder.create(
+            vol, folder,
+            '-o compression=%s' % self.configuration.nexenta_volume_compression
+        )
+        volume_path = self.remote_path(volume)
+        volume_size = volume['size']
+        try:
+            self._share_folder(nms, vol, folder)
+            if getattr(self.configuration,
+                       self.driver_prefix + '_sparsed_volumes'):
+                self._create_sparsed_file(nms, volume_path, volume_size)
+            else:
+                compression = nms.folder.get('compression')
+                if compression != 'off':
+                    # Disable compression, because otherwise will not use space
+                    # on disk
+                    nms.folder.set('compression', 'off')
+                try:
+                    self._create_regular_file(nms, volume_path, volume_size)
+                finally:
+                    if compression != 'off':
+                        # Backup default compression value if it was changed.
+                        nms.folder.set('compression', compression)
+            self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(nms, volume_path)
+        except nexenta.NexentaException as exc:
+            try:
+                nms.folder.destroy('%s/%s' % (vol, folder))
+            except nexenta.NexentaException:
+                LOG.warning(_("Cannot destroy created folder: "
+                              "%(vol)s/%(folder)s"),
+                            {'vol': vol, 'folder': folder})
+            raise exc
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Create new volume from other's snapshot on appliance.
+        :param volume: reference of volume to be created
+        :param snapshot: reference of source snapshot
+        """
+        self._ensure_shares_mounted()
+        snapshot_vol = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+        nfs_share = snapshot_vol['provider_location']
+        volume['provider_location'] = nfs_share
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+        snapshot_name = '%s/%s/%s@%s' % (vol, dataset, snapshot['volume_name'],
+                                         snapshot['name'])
+        folder = '%s/%s' % (dataset, volume['name'])
+        nms.folder.clone(snapshot_name, '%s/%s' % (vol, folder))
+        try:
+            self._share_folder(nms, vol, folder)
+        except nexenta.NexentaException:
+            try:
+                nms.folder.destroy('%s/%s' % (vol, folder), '')
+            except nexenta.NexentaException:
+                LOG.warning(_("Cannot destroy cloned folder: "
+                              "%(vol)s/%(folder)s"),
+                            {'vol': vol, 'folder': folder})
+            raise
+        return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+        :param volume: new volume reference
+        :param src_vref: source volume reference
+        """
+        LOG.info(_('Creating clone of volume: %s'), src_vref['id'])
+        snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'],
+                    'name': 'cinder-clone-snap-%(id)s' % volume}
+        # We don't delete this snapshot, because this snapshot will be origin
+        # of new volume. This snapshot will be automatically promoted by NMS
+        # when user will delete its origin.
+        self.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+        try:
+            self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+        except nexenta.NexentaException:
+            LOG.error(_('Volume creation failed, deleting created snapshot '
+                        '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+            try:
+                self.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+            except (nexenta.NexentaException, exception.SnapshotIsBusy):
+                LOG.warning(_('Failed to delete zfs snapshot '
+                              '%(volume_name)s@%(name)s'), snapshot)
+            raise
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Deletes a logical volume.
+        :param volume: volume reference
+        """
+        super(NexentaNfsDriver, self).delete_volume(volume)
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        if nfs_share:
+            nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+            vol, parent_folder = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+            folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, parent_folder, volume['name'])
+            nms.folder.destroy(folder, '')
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Creates a snapshot.
+        :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+        """
+        volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+        folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, dataset, volume['name'])
+        nms.folder.create_snapshot(folder, snapshot['name'], '-r')
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Deletes a snapshot.
+        :param snapshot: snapshot reference
+        """
+        volume = self._get_snapshot_volume(snapshot)
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        vol, dataset = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+        folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (vol, dataset, volume['name'])
+        nms.snapshot.destroy('%s@%s' % (folder, snapshot['name']), '')
+    def _create_sparsed_file(self, nms, path, size):
+        """Creates file with 0 disk usage."""
+        block_size_mb = 1
+        block_count = size * units.GiB / (block_size_mb * units.MiB)
+        nms.appliance.execute(
+            'dd if=/dev/zero of=%(path)s bs=%(bs)dM count=0 seek=%(count)d' % {
+                'path': path,
+                'bs': block_size_mb,
+                'count': block_count
+            }
+        )
+    def _create_regular_file(self, nms, path, size):
+        """Creates regular file of given size.
+        Takes a lot of time for large files.
+        """
+        block_size_mb = 1
+        block_count = size * units.GiB / (block_size_mb * units.MiB)
+        LOG.info(_('Creating regular file: %s.'
+                   'This may take some time.') % path)
+        nms.appliance.execute(
+            'dd if=/dev/zero of=%(path)s bs=%(bs)dM count=%(count)d' % {
+                'path': path,
+                'bs': block_size_mb,
+                'count': block_count
+            }
+        )
+        LOG.info(_('Regular file: %s created.') % path)
+    def _set_rw_permissions_for_all(self, nms, path):
+        """Sets 666 permissions for the path."""
+        nms.appliance.execute('chmod ugo+rw %s' % path)
+    def local_path(self, volume):
+        """Get volume path (mounted locally fs path) for given volume.
+        :param volume: volume reference
+        """
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        return os.path.join(self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share),
+                            volume['name'], 'volume')
+    def _get_mount_point_for_share(self, nfs_share):
+        """
+        :param nfs_share: example
+        """
+        return os.path.join(self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base,
+                            hashlib.md5(nfs_share).hexdigest())
+    def remote_path(self, volume):
+        """Get volume path (mounted remotely fs path) for given volume.
+        :param volume: volume reference
+        """
+        nfs_share = volume['provider_location']
+        share = nfs_share.split(':')[1].rstrip('/')
+        return '%s/%s/volume' % (share, volume['name'])
+    def _share_folder(self, nms, volume, folder):
+        path = '%s/%s' % (volume, folder.lstrip('/'))
+        share_opts = {
+            'read_write': '*',
+            'read_only': '',
+            'root': 'nobody',
+            'extra_options': 'anon=0',
+            'recursive': 'true',
+            'anonymous_rw': 'true',
+        }
+        LOG.debug(_('Sharing folder %s on Nexenta Store'), folder)
+        nms.netstorsvc.share_folder('svc:/network/nfs/server:default', path,
+                                    share_opts)
+    def _load_shares_config(self, share_file):
+        self.shares = {}
+        self.share2nms = {}
+        for share in self._read_config_file(share_file):
+            # A configuration line may be either:
+            # host:/share_name  http://user:pass@host:[port]/
+            # or
+            # host:/share_name  http://user:pass@host:[port]/
+            #    -o options=123,rw --other
+            if not share.strip():
+                continue
+            if share.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            share_info = share.split(' ', 2)
+            share_address = share_info[0].strip().decode('unicode_escape')
+            nms_url = share_info[1].strip()
+            share_opts = share_info[2].strip() if len(share_info) > 2 else None
+            self.shares[share_address] = share_opts
+            self.share2nms[share_address] = self._get_nms_for_url(nms_url)
+        LOG.debug(_('Shares loaded: %s') % self.shares)
+    def _get_capacity_info(self, nfs_share):
+        """Calculate available space on the NFS share.
+        :param nfs_share: example
+        """
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        ns_volume, ns_folder = self._get_share_datasets(nfs_share)
+        folder_props = nms.folder.get_child_props('%s/%s' % (ns_volume,
+                                                             ns_folder), '')
+        free = utils.str2size(folder_props['available'])
+        allocated = utils.str2size(folder_props['used'])
+        return free + allocated, free, allocated
+    def _get_nms_for_url(self, nms_url):
+        pr = urlparse.urlparse(nms_url)
+        scheme = pr.scheme
+        auto = scheme == 'auto'
+        if auto:
+            scheme = 'http'
+        user = 'admin'
+        password = 'nexenta'
+        if '@' not in pr.netloc:
+            host_and_port = pr.netloc
+        else:
+            user_and_password, host_and_port = pr.netloc.split('@', 1)
+            if ':' in user_and_password:
+                user, password = user_and_password.split(':')
+            else:
+                user = user_and_password
+        if ':' in host_and_port:
+            host, port = host_and_port.split(':', 1)
+        else:
+            host, port = host_and_port, '2000'
+        url = '%s://%s:%s/rest/nms/' % (scheme, host, port)
+        return jsonrpc.NexentaJSONProxy(url, user, password, auto=auto)
+    def _get_snapshot_volume(self, snapshot):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        return self.db.volume_get(ctxt, snapshot['volume_id'])
+    def _get_share_datasets(self, nfs_share):
+        nms = self.share2nms[nfs_share]
+        volroot = nms.server.get_prop('volroot')
+        path = nfs_share.split(':')[1][len(volroot):].strip('/')
+        volume_name = path.split('/')[0]
+        folder_name = '/'.join(path.split('/')[1:])
+        return volume_name, folder_name
index 6c8dc17516b787127d1e3ac4825731fd7a7e6f18..1f30db81c2e953dda29b846981a015dd5af0c623 100644 (file)
@@ -60,6 +60,37 @@ NEXENTA_ISCSI_OPTIONS = [
                help='prefix for iSCSI target groups on SA'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_shares_config',
+               default='/etc/cinder/nfs_shares',
+               help='File with the list of available nfs shares'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_mount_point_base',
+               default='$state_path/mnt',
+               help='Base dir containing mount points for nfs shares'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('nexenta_sparsed_volumes',
+                default=True,
+                help=('Create volumes as sparsed files which take no space.'
+                      'If set to False volume is created as regular file.'
+                      'In such case volume creation takes a lot of time.')),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_volume_compression',
+               default='on',
+               help='Default compression value for new ZFS folders.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nexenta_mount_options',
+               default=None,
+               help='Mount options passed to the nfs client. See section '
+                    'of the nfs man page for details'),
+    cfg.FloatOpt('nexenta_used_ratio',
+                 default=0.95,
+                 help=('Percent of ACTUAL usage of the underlying volume '
+                       'before no new volumes can be allocated to the volume '
+                       'destination.')),
+    cfg.FloatOpt('nexenta_oversub_ratio',
+                 default=1.0,
+                 help=('This will compare the allocated to available space on '
+                       'the volume destination.  If the ratio exceeds this '
+                       'number, the destination will no longer be valid.'))
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/utils.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/utils.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5a0fc72
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2013 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import re
+def str2size(s, scale=1024):
+    """Convert size-string.
+    String format: <value>[:space:]<B | K | M | ...> to bytes.
+    :param s: size-string
+    :param scale: base size
+    """
+    if not s:
+        return 0
+    if isinstance(s, (int, long)):
+        return s
+    match = re.match(r'^([\.\d]+)\s*([BbKkMmGgTtPpEeZzYy]?)', s)
+    if match is None:
+        raise ValueError(_('Invalid value: "%s"') % s)
+    groups = match.groups()
+    value = float(groups[0])
+    suffix = len(groups) > 1 and groups[1].upper() or 'B'
+    types = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
+    for i, t in enumerate(types):
+        if suffix == t:
+            return int(value * pow(scale, i))
index b6b85bca8f11c816b7a8919220e3bf45ae7822f7..3d71f0e2d08847716124cbb816230e7d6aa0e5c6 100644 (file)
 # prefix for iSCSI target groups on SA (string value)
+# File with the list of available nfs shares (string value)
+# Base dir containing mount points for nfs shares (string
+# value)
+# Create volumes as sparsed files which take no space.If set
+# to False volume is created as regular file.In such case
+# volume creation takes a lot of time. (boolean value)
+# Default compression value for new ZFS folders. (string
+# value)
+# Mount options passed to the nfs client. See section of the
+# nfs man page for details (string value)
+# Percent of ACTUAL usage of the underlying volume before no
+# new volumes can be allocated to the volume destination.
+# (floating point value)
+# This will compare the allocated to available space on the
+# volume destination.  If the ratio exceeds this number, the
+# destination will no longer be valid. (floating point value)
 # block size for volumes (blank=default,8KB) (string value)
-# Total option count: 355
+# Total option count: 362