Create a subnet, which represents a range of IP addresses
that can be allocated to devices
- : param subnet_data: data describing the prefix
- {
- "network_id": UUID of the network to which this subnet
- is bound.
- "ip_version": integer indicating IP protocol version.
- example: 4
- "cidr": string indicating IP prefix indicating addresses
- that can be allocated for devices on this subnet.
- example: ""
- "gateway_ip": string indicating the default gateway
- for devices on this subnet. example: ""
- "dns_nameservers": list of strings stricting indication the
- DNS name servers for devices on this
- subnet. example: [ "", "" ]
- "reserved_ranges" : list of dicts indicating pairs of IPs that
- should not be automatically allocated from
- the prefix.
- example: [ { "start" : "",
- "end" : "" } ]
- "additional_host_routes": list of dicts indicating routes beyond
- the default gateway and local prefix route
- that should be injected into the device.
- example: [{"destination": "",
- "nexthop": "" } ]
- }
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param subnet: dictionary describing the subnet, with keys
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. All keys will be populated.
def update_subnet(self, context, id, subnet):
+ """
+ Update values of a subnet.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the subnet to update.
+ : param subnet: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
+ valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py.
+ """
def get_subnet(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a subnet.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the subnet to fetch.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ subnet dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
+ """
- def delete_subnet(self, context, id):
+ def get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of subnets. The contents of the list depends on
+ the identify of the user making the request (as indicated by the
+ context) as well as any filters.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
+ a subnet as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
+ in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Values in this dictiontary
+ are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
+ match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this
+ function will have matched one of the values for each key in
+ filters.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ subnet dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
+ """
- def get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ def delete_subnet(self, context, id):
+ """
+ Delete a subnet.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the subnet to delete.
+ """
def create_network(self, context, network):
- Creates a new Virtual Network, assigns a name and associates
- :param net_data:
- {
- 'name': a human-readable name associated
- with network referenced by net-id
- example: "net-1"
- 'admin-state-up': indicates whether this network should
- be operational.
- 'subnets': list of subnet uuids associated with this
- network.
- }
- :raises:
+ Create a network, which represents an L2 network segment which
+ can have a set of subnets and ports associated with it.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param network: dictionary describing the network, with keys
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. All keys will be populated.
def update_network(self, context, id, network):
+ """
+ Update values of a network.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the network to update.
+ : param network: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
+ valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py.
+ """
- def delete_network(self, context, id):
+ def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a network.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the network to fetch.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ network dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
+ """
- def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of networks. The contents of the list depends on
+ the identify of the user making the request (as indicated by the
+ context) as well as any filters.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
+ a network as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
+ in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Values in this dictiontary
+ are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
+ match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this
+ function will have matched one of the values for each key in
+ filters.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ network dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
+ """
- def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ def delete_network(self, context, id):
+ """
+ Delete a network.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the network to delete.
+ """
def create_port(self, context, port):
- Creates a port on the specified Virtual Network. Optionally
- specify customization of port IP-related attributes, otherwise
- the port gets the default values of these attributes associated with
- the subnet.
- :param port_data:
- {"network_id" : UUID of network that this port is attached to.
- "admin-state-up" : boolean indicating whether this port should be
- operational.
- "mac_address" : (optional) mac address used on this port. If no
- value is specified, the plugin will generate a
- MAC address based on internal configuration.
- "fixed_ips" : (optional) list of dictionaries describing the
- fixed IPs to be allocated for use by the device on
- this port. If not specified, the plugin will
- attempt to find a v4 and v6 subnet associated
- with the network and allocate an IP for that
- subnet.
- Note: "address" is optional, in which case an
- address from the specified subnet is
- selected.
- example: [{"subnet": "<uuid>",
- "address": ""}]
- "routes" : (optional) list of routes to be injected into this
- device. If not specified, the port will get a
- route for its local subnet, a route for the default
- gateway, and each of the routes in the
- 'additional_routes' field of the subnet.
- example: [ { "destination" : "",
- "nexthop" : "" } ]
- }
- :raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
- :raises: exception.RequestedFixedIPNotAvailable
- :raises: exception.FixedIPNotAvailable
- :raises: exception.RouteInvalid
+ Create a port, which is a connection point of a device (e.g., a VM
+ NIC) to attach to a L2 Quantum network.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param port: dictionary describing the port, with keys
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. All keys will be populated.
def update_port(self, context, id, port):
- Updates the attributes of a specific port on the
- specified Virtual Network.
- :returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
- {'port-id': uuid representing the
- updated port on specified quantum network
- 'port-state': update port state( ACTIVE or DOWN)
- }
- :raises: exception.StateInvalid
- :raises: exception.PortNotFound
+ Update values of a port.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the port to update.
+ : param port: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
+ valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
+ as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
+ quantum/api/v2/attributes.py.
- def delete_port(self, context, id):
+ def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None):
- Deletes a port on a specified Virtual Network,
- if the port contains a remote interface attachment,
- the remote interface is first un-plugged and then the port
- is deleted.
- :returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
- {'port-id': uuid representing the deleted port
- on specified quantum network
- }
- :raises: exception.PortInUse
- :raises: exception.PortNotFound
- :raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
+ Retrieve a port.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the port to fetch.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ port dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
- def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of ports. The contents of the list depends on
+ the identify of the user making the request (as indicated by the
+ context) as well as any filters.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
+ a port as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
+ in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Values in this dictiontary
+ are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
+ match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this
+ function will have matched one of the values for each key in
+ filters.
+ : param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
+ port dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
+ object in quantum/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
+ will be returned.
+ """
- def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
+ def delete_port(self, context, id):
+ """
+ Delete a port.
+ : param context: quantum api request context
+ : param id: UUID representing the port to delete.
+ """