msg = _("Valid control location are: %s") % CONTROL_LOCATION
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+ def _encrypted_type_in_use(self, context, volume_type_id):
+ volume_list = db.volume_type_encryption_volume_get(context,
+ volume_type_id)
+ # If there is at least one volume in the list
+ # returned, this type is in use by a volume.
+ if len(volume_list) > 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
def index(self, req, type_id):
"""Returns the encryption specs for a given volume type."""
return {id: encryption_specs[id]}
+ def delete(self, req, type_id, id):
+ """Delete encryption specs for a given volume type."""
+ context = req.environ['cinder.context']
+ authorize(context)
+ if self._encrypted_type_in_use(context, type_id):
+ expl = _('Cannot delete encryption specs. Volume type in use.')
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)
+ else:
+ db.volume_type_encryption_delete(context, type_id)
+ return webob.Response(status_int=202)
class Volume_type_encryption(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
"""Encryption support for volume types."""
'volume_type_id': 'volume_type'}}
msg = ("Invalid input received: provider must be defined")
self._encryption_create_bad_body(body=body, msg=msg)
+ def test_delete(self):
+ volume_type = {
+ 'id': 'fake_type_id',
+ 'name': 'fake_type',
+ }
+ db.volume_type_create(context.get_admin_context(), volume_type)
+ # Test that before create, there's nothing with a get
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='GET',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption')
+ self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual({}, res_dict)
+ body = {"encryption": {'cipher': 'cipher',
+ 'key_size': 128,
+ 'control_location': 'front-end',
+ 'provider': 'fake_provider',
+ 'volume_type_id': volume_type['id']}}
+ # Create, and test that get returns something
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='POST',
+ req_body=json.dumps(body),
+ req_headers='application/json')
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='GET',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption')
+ self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(volume_type['id'], res_dict['volume_type_id'])
+ # Delete, and test that get returns nothing
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='DELETE',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption/provider')
+ self.assertEqual(202, res.status_code)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(res.body))
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='GET',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption')
+ self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual({}, res_dict)
+ db.volume_type_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_type['id'])
+ def test_delete_with_volume_in_use(self):
+ # Create the volume type and volumes with the volume type.
+ volume_type = {
+ 'id': 'fake_type_id',
+ 'name': 'fake_type',
+ }
+ db.volume_type_create(context.get_admin_context(), volume_type)
+ db.volume_create(context.get_admin_context(),
+ {'id': 'fake_id',
+ 'display_description': 'Test Desc',
+ 'size': 20,
+ 'status': 'creating',
+ 'instance_uuid': None,
+ 'host': 'dummy',
+ 'volume_type_id': volume_type['id']})
+ db.volume_create(context.get_admin_context(),
+ {'id': 'fake_id2',
+ 'display_description': 'Test Desc2',
+ 'size': 2,
+ 'status': 'creating',
+ 'instance_uuid': None,
+ 'host': 'dummy',
+ 'volume_type_id': volume_type['id']})
+ body = {"encryption": {'cipher': 'cipher',
+ 'key_size': 128,
+ 'control_location': 'front-end',
+ 'provider': 'fake_provider',
+ 'volume_type_id': volume_type['id']}}
+ # Create encryption with volume type, and test with GET
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='POST',
+ req_body=json.dumps(body),
+ req_headers='application/json')
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='GET',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption')
+ self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual(volume_type['id'], res_dict['volume_type_id'])
+ # Delete, and test that there is an error since volumes exist
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='DELETE',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption/provider')
+ self.assertEqual(400, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ expected = {
+ 'badRequest': {
+ 'code': 400,
+ 'message': 'Cannot delete encryption specs. '
+ 'Volume type in use.'
+ }
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected, res_dict)
+ # Delete the volumes
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), 'fake_id')
+ db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), 'fake_id2')
+ # Delete, and test that get returns nothing
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='DELETE',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption/provider')
+ self.assertEqual(202, res.status_code)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(res.body))
+ res = self._get_response(volume_type, req_method='GET',
+ req_headers='application/json',
+ url='/v2/fake/types/%s/encryption')
+ self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
+ res_dict = json.loads(res.body)
+ self.assertEqual({}, res_dict)
+ db.volume_type_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume_type['id'])