* Restart nova-compute service
-**L2network database usage requirements -
-* mysql database "quantum_l2network" is required for persistence of the l2network plugin data.
- + The database can be created as follows -
- - # mysql -uroot -pnova; (username/password here is root/nova)
- - mysql> create database quantum_l2network;
- - mysql> use quantum_l2network;
- + The database and login details must be specified in quantum/plugins/cisco/db/db_conn.ini.
-* The unit tests are located at quantum/plugins/cisco/tests/unit. They are executed from quantum/plugins/cisco/ using the runtests.py script.
+ ** Execute the Test cases
++* The unit tests are located at quantum/plugins/cisco/tests/unit. They are executed from quantum/plugins/cisco/ using the runtests.py script. (Note that to execute the test cases one currently requires the environment setup as outlined in the pre-requisites.)
+ * Execution of the runtests.py script.
+ All unit tests
+ python runtests.py unit
+ Specific Plugin unit test
+ python runtests.py unit.<name_of_the file>
++ e.g. python run_tests.py unit.test_coreApi