:raises: neutron.plugins.ml2.common.MechanismDriverError
if any mechanism driver update_network_postcommit call fails.
- Called after the database transaction. If a mechanism driver
- raises an exception, then a MechanismDriverError is propagated
- to the caller, where an error is returned to the user. The
- user is expected to take the appropriate action, whether by
- retrying the call or deleting the network. There is no
- guarantee that all mechanism drivers are called in this case.
+ Called after the database transaction. If any mechanism driver
+ raises an error, then the error is logged but we continue to
+ call every other mechanism driver. A MechanismDriverError is
+ then reraised at the end to notify the caller of a failure.
- self._call_on_drivers("update_network_postcommit", context)
+ self._call_on_drivers("update_network_postcommit", context,
+ continue_on_failure=True)
def delete_network_precommit(self, context):
"""Notify all mechanism drivers during network deletion.
:raises: neutron.plugins.ml2.common.MechanismDriverError
if any mechanism driver update_subnet_postcommit call fails.
- Called after the database transaction. If a mechanism driver
- raises an exception, then a MechanismDriverError is propagated
- to the caller, where an error is returned to the user. The
- user is expected to take the appropriate action, whether by
- retrying the call or deleting the subnet. There is no
- guarantee that all mechanism drivers are called in this case.
+ Called after the database transaction. If any mechanism driver
+ raises an error, then the error is logged but we continue to
+ call every other mechanism driver. A MechanismDriverError is
+ then reraised at the end to notify the caller of a failure.
- self._call_on_drivers("update_subnet_postcommit", context)
+ self._call_on_drivers("update_subnet_postcommit", context,
+ continue_on_failure=True)
def delete_subnet_precommit(self, context):
"""Notify all mechanism drivers during subnet deletion.
:raises: neutron.plugins.ml2.common.MechanismDriverError
if any mechanism driver update_port_postcommit call fails.
- Called after the database transaction. If a mechanism driver
- raises an exception, then a MechanismDriverError is propagated
- to the caller, where an error is returned to the user. The
- user is expected to take the appropriate action, whether by
- retrying the call or deleting the port. There is no
- guarantee that all mechanism drivers are called in this case.
+ Called after the database transaction. If any mechanism driver
+ raises an error, then the error is logged but we continue to
+ call every other mechanism driver. A MechanismDriverError is
+ then reraised at the end to notify the caller of a failure.
- self._call_on_drivers("update_port_postcommit", context)
+ self._call_on_drivers("update_port_postcommit", context,
+ continue_on_failure=True)
def delete_port_precommit(self, context):
"""Notify all mechanism drivers during port deletion.
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import config
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import plugin as ml2_plugin
from neutron.tests.unit import _test_extension_portbindings as test_bindings
+from neutron.tests.unit.ml2.drivers import mechanism_logger as mech_logger
+from neutron.tests.unit.ml2.drivers import mechanism_test as mech_test
from neutron.tests.unit import test_db_plugin as test_plugin
from neutron.tests.unit import test_extension_allowedaddresspairs as test_pair
from neutron.tests.unit import test_extension_extradhcpopts as test_dhcpopts
def setUp(self, plugin=None):
super(test_dhcpopts.ExtraDhcpOptDBTestCase, self).setUp(
+class Ml2PluginV2FaultyDriverTestCase(test_plugin.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Enable the test mechanism driver to ensure that
+ # we can successfully call through to all mechanism
+ # driver apis.
+ config.cfg.CONF.set_override('mechanism_drivers',
+ ['test', 'logger'],
+ group='ml2')
+ super(Ml2PluginV2FaultyDriverTestCase, self).setUp(PLUGIN_NAME)
+ self.port_create_status = 'DOWN'
+class TestFaultyMechansimDriver(Ml2PluginV2FaultyDriverTestCase):
+ def test_update_network_faulty(self):
+ def mock_update_network_postcommit(self, context):
+ raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError(
+ method='update_network_postcommit')
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_test.TestMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_network_postcommit',
+ new=mock_update_network_postcommit):
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_logger.LoggerMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_network_postcommit') as unp:
+ data = {'network': {'name': 'net1',
+ 'tenant_id': 'tenant_one'}}
+ network_req = self.new_create_request('networks', data)
+ network = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ network_req.get_response(self.api))
+ data = {'network': {'name': 'a_brand_new_name'}}
+ req = self.new_update_request('networks',
+ data,
+ network['network']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ # Test if other mechanism driver was called
+ self.assertTrue(unp.called)
+ self._delete('networks', network['network']['id'])
+ def test_update_subnet_faulty(self):
+ def mock_update_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
+ raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError(
+ method='update_subnet_postcommit')
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_test.TestMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_subnet_postcommit',
+ new=mock_update_subnet_postcommit):
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_logger.LoggerMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_subnet_postcommit') as usp:
+ with self.network() as network:
+ data = {'subnet': {'network_id':
+ network['network']['id'],
+ 'cidr': '',
+ 'ip_version': '4',
+ 'name': 'subnet1',
+ 'tenant_id':
+ network['network']['tenant_id'],
+ 'gateway_ip': ''}}
+ subnet_req = self.new_create_request('subnets', data)
+ subnet = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ subnet_req.get_response(self.api))
+ data = {'subnet': {'name': 'a_brand_new_name'}}
+ req = self.new_update_request('subnets',
+ data,
+ subnet['subnet']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ # Test if other mechanism driver was called
+ self.assertTrue(usp.called)
+ self._delete('subnets', subnet['subnet']['id'])
+ def test_update_port_faulty(self):
+ def mock_update_port_postcommit(self, context):
+ raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError(
+ method='update_port_postcommit')
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_test.TestMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_port_postcommit',
+ new=mock_update_port_postcommit):
+ with mock.patch.object(mech_logger.LoggerMechanismDriver,
+ 'update_port_postcommit') as upp:
+ with self.network() as network:
+ data = {'port': {'network_id': network['network']['id'],
+ 'tenant_id':
+ network['network']['tenant_id'],
+ 'name': 'port1',
+ 'admin_state_up': 1,
+ 'fixed_ips': []}}
+ port_req = self.new_create_request('ports', data)
+ port = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ port_req.get_response(self.api))
+ data = {'port': {'name': 'a_brand_new_name'}}
+ req = self.new_update_request('ports',
+ data,
+ port['port']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ # Test if other mechanism driver was called
+ self.assertTrue(upp.called)
+ self._delete('ports', port['port']['id'])