import mox
from oslo.config import cfg
+from cinder import context
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder import test
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
from import xiv_ds8k
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
FAKE = "fake"
reason="Target and source volumes have different size.")
+ def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+ volume['easytier'] = new_type['extra_specs']['easytier']
+ return True, volume
class XIVDS8KVolumeDriverTest(test.TestCase):
"""Test IBM XIV and DS8K volume driver."""
+ def test_retype(self):
+ """Test that retype returns successfully."""
+ self.driver.do_setup(None)
+ # prepare parameters
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ host = {
+ 'host': 'foo',
+ 'capabilities': {
+ 'location_info': 'xiv_ds8k_fake_1',
+ 'extent_size': '1024'
+ }
+ }
+ key_specs_old = {'easytier': False, 'warning': 2, 'autoexpand': True}
+ key_specs_new = {'easytier': True, 'warning': 5, 'autoexpand': False}
+ old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)
+ new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new', key_specs_new)
+ diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(
+ ctxt,
+ old_type_ref['id'],
+ new_type_ref['id'],
+ )
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(VOLUME)
+ old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])
+ volume['volume_type'] = old_type
+ volume['host'] = host
+ new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ ret = self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)
+ self.assertTrue(ret)
+ self.assertTrue(volume['easytier'])
+ def test_retype_fail_on_exception(self):
+ """Test that retype fails on exception."""
+ self.driver.do_setup(None)
+ # prepare parameters
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ host = {
+ 'host': 'foo',
+ 'capabilities': {
+ 'location_info': 'xiv_ds8k_fake_1',
+ 'extent_size': '1024'
+ }
+ }
+ key_specs_old = {'easytier': False, 'warning': 2, 'autoexpand': True}
+ old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)
+ new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new')
+ diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(
+ ctxt,
+ old_type_ref['id'],
+ new_type_ref['id'],
+ )
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(VOLUME)
+ old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])
+ volume['volume_type'] = old_type
+ volume['host'] = host
+ new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ KeyError,
+ self.driver.retype,
+ ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host
+ )