+++ /dev/null
-Testing Neutron
- The unit tests are meant to cover as much code as possible and should
- be executed without the service running. They are designed to test
- the various pieces of the neutron tree to make sure any new changes
- don't break existing functionality.
- The functional tests are intended to validate actual system
- interaction. Mocks should be used sparingly, if at all. Care
- should be taken to ensure that existing system resources are not
- modified and that resources created in tests are properly cleaned
- up.
-Running tests
- There are two mechanisms for running tests: run_tests.sh and tox.
- Before submitting a patch for review you should always ensure all
- test pass; a tox run is triggered by the jenkins gate executed on
- gerrit for each patch pushed for review.
- With both mechanisms you can either run the tests in the standard
- environment or create a virtual environment to run them in.
- By default after running all of the tests, any pep8 errors
- found in the tree will be reported.
-Running individual tests
- For running individual test modules or cases, you just need to pass
- the dot-separated path to the module you want as an argument to it.
- For executing a specific test case, specify the name of the test case
- class separating it from the module path with a colon.
- For example, the following would run only the JSONV2TestCase tests from
- neutron/tests/unit/test_api_v2.py:
- $ ./run_tests.sh neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2:JSONV2TestCase
- or
- $ ./tox neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2:JSONV2TestCase
-Adding more tests
- Neutron has a fast growing code base and there is plenty of areas that
- need to be covered by unit and functional tests.
- To get a grasp of the areas where tests are needed, you can check
- current coverage by running:
- $ ./run_tests.sh -c
-Development process
- It is expected that any new changes that are proposed for merge
- come with tests for that feature or code area. Ideally any bugs
- fixes that are submitted also have tests to prove that they stay
- fixed! In addition, before proposing for merge, all of the
- current tests should be passing.
- By default, calls to pdb.set_trace() will be ignored when tests
- are run. For pdb statements to work, invoke run_tests as follows:
- $ ./run_tests.sh -d [test module path]
- It's possible to debug tests in a tox environment:
- $ tox -e venv -- python -m testtools.run [test module path]
- Tox-created virtual environments (venv's) can also be activated
- after a tox run and reused for debugging:
- $ tox -e venv
- $ . .tox/venv/bin/activate
- $ python -m testtools.run [test module path]
- Tox packages and installs the neutron source tree in a given venv
- on every invocation, but if modifications need to be made between
- invocation (e.g. adding more pdb statements), it is recommended
- that the source tree be installed in the venv in editable mode:
- # run this only after activating the venv
- $ pip install --editable .
- Editable mode ensures that changes made to the source tree are
- automatically reflected in the venv, and that such changes are not
- overwritten during the next tox run.
-Post-mortem debugging
- Setting OS_POST_MORTEM_DEBUG=1 in the shell environment will ensure
- that pdb.post_mortem() will be invoked on test failure:
- $ OS_POST_MORTEM_DEBUG=1 ./run_tests.sh -d [test module path]
--- /dev/null
+Testing Neutron
+The unit tests are meant to cover as much code as possible and should
+be executed without the service running. They are designed to test
+the various pieces of the neutron tree to make sure any new changes
+don't break existing functionality.
+The functional tests are intended to validate actual system
+interaction. Mocks should be used sparingly, if at all. Care
+should be taken to ensure that existing system resources are not
+modified and that resources created in tests are properly cleaned
+Development process
+It is expected that any new changes that are proposed for merge
+come with tests for that feature or code area. Ideally any bugs
+fixes that are submitted also have tests to prove that they stay
+fixed! In addition, before proposing for merge, all of the
+current tests should be passing.
+Virtual environments
+Testing OpenStack projects, including Neutron, is made easier with `DevStack <https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack>`_.
+Create a machine (such as a VM or Vagrant box) running a distribution supported
+by DevStack and install DevStack there. For example, there is a Vagrant script
+for DevStack at https://github.com/bcwaldon/vagrant_devstack.
+ .. note::
+ If you prefer not to use DevStack, you can still check out source code on your local
+ machine and develop from there.
+Running unit tests
+There are three mechanisms for running tests: run_tests.sh, tox,
+and nose. Before submitting a patch for review you should always
+ensure all test pass; a tox run is triggered by the jenkins gate
+executed on gerrit for each patch pushed for review.
+With these mechanisms you can either run the tests in the standard
+environment or create a virtual environment to run them in.
+By default after running all of the tests, any pep8 errors
+found in the tree will be reported.
+With `run_tests.sh`
+You can use the `run_tests.sh` script in the root source directory to execute
+tests in a virtualenv::
+ ./run_tests -V
+With `nose`
+You can use `nose`_ to run individual tests, as well as use for debugging
+portions of your code::
+ source .venv/bin/activate
+ pip install nose
+ nosetests
+There are disadvantages to running Nose - the tests are run sequentially, so
+race condition bugs will not be triggered, and the full test suite will
+take significantly longer than tox & testr. The upside is that testr has
+some rough edges when it comes to diagnosing errors and failures, and there is
+no easy way to set a breakpoint in the Neutron code, and enter an
+interactive debugging session while using testr.
+.. _nose: https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
+With `tox`
+Neutron, like other OpenStack projects, uses `tox`_ for managing the virtual
+environments for running test cases. It uses `Testr`_ for managing the running
+of the test cases.
+Tox handles the creation of a series of `virtualenvs`_ that target specific
+versions of Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.3, etc).
+Testr handles the parallel execution of series of test cases as well as
+the tracking of long-running tests and other things.
+Running unit tests is as easy as executing this in the root directory of the
+Neutron source code::
+ tox
+For more information on the standard Tox-based test infrastructure used by
+OpenStack and how to do some common test/debugging procedures with Testr,
+see this wiki page:
+ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr
+.. _Testr: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr
+.. _tox: http://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
+.. _virtualenvs: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
+Running individual tests
+For running individual test modules or cases, you just need to pass
+the dot-separated path to the module you want as an argument to it.
+For executing a specific test case, specify the name of the test case
+class separating it from the module path with a colon.
+For example, the following would run only the JSONV2TestCase tests from
+ $ ./run_tests.sh neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2:JSONV2TestCase
+ $ ./tox neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2:JSONV2TestCase
+Adding more tests
+Neutron has a fast growing code base and there is plenty of areas that
+need to be covered by unit and functional tests.
+To get a grasp of the areas where tests are needed, you can check
+current coverage by running::
+ $ ./run_tests.sh -c
+By default, calls to pdb.set_trace() will be ignored when tests
+are run. For pdb statements to work, invoke run_tests as follows::
+ $ ./run_tests.sh -d [test module path]
+It's possible to debug tests in a tox environment::
+ $ tox -e venv -- python -m testtools.run [test module path]
+Tox-created virtual environments (venv's) can also be activated
+after a tox run and reused for debugging::
+ $ tox -e venv
+ $ . .tox/venv/bin/activate
+ $ python -m testtools.run [test module path]
+Tox packages and installs the neutron source tree in a given venv
+on every invocation, but if modifications need to be made between
+invocation (e.g. adding more pdb statements), it is recommended
+that the source tree be installed in the venv in editable mode::
+ # run this only after activating the venv
+ $ pip install --editable .
+Editable mode ensures that changes made to the source tree are
+automatically reflected in the venv, and that such changes are not
+overwritten during the next tox run.
+Post-mortem debugging
+Setting OS_POST_MORTEM_DEBUG=1 in the shell environment will ensure
+that pdb.post_mortem() will be invoked on test failure::
+ $ OS_POST_MORTEM_DEBUG=1 ./run_tests.sh -d [test module path]
--- /dev/null
+API Extensions
+API extensions is the standard way of introducing new functionality
+to the Neutron project, it allows plugins to
+determine if they wish to support the functionality or not.
+The easiest way to demonstrate how an API extension is written, is
+by studying an existing API extension and explaining the different layers.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ security_group_api
--- /dev/null
+Neutron WSGI/HTTP API layer
+`Yong Sheng Gong: Deep Dive into Neutron <http://www.slideshare.net/gongys2004/inside-neutron-2>`_
--- /dev/null
+Neutron Database Layer
.. _DevStack: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack
.. _setting up Neutron using Devstack: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronDevstack
-Virtual environments
-Testing OpenStack projects, including Neutron, is made easier with `DevStack`_.
-Create a machine (such as a VM or Vagrant box) running a distribution supported
-by DevStack and install DevStack there. For example, there is a Vagrant script
-for DevStack at https://github.com/jogo/DevstackUp.
- .. note::
- If you prefer not to use DevStack, you can still check out source code on your local
- machine and develop from there.
Getting the code
cd neutron
-Running unit tests
-With `run_tests.sh`
-You can use the `run_tests.sh` script in the root source directory to execute
-tests in a virtualenv:
- ./run_tests -V
-With `tox`
-Neutron, like other OpenStack projects, uses `tox`_ for managing the virtual
-environments for running test cases. It uses `Testr`_ for managing the running
-of the test cases.
-Tox handles the creation of a series of `virtualenvs`_ that target specific
-versions of Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.3, etc).
-Testr handles the parallel execution of series of test cases as well as
-the tracking of long-running tests and other things.
-Running unit tests is as easy as executing this in the root directory of the
-Neutron source code::
- tox
-For more information on the standard Tox-based test infrastructure used by
-OpenStack and how to do some common test/debugging procedures with Testr,
-see this wiki page:
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr
-.. _Testr: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr
-.. _tox: http://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
-.. _virtualenvs: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
-Using a remote debugger
-.. todo:: Beef up and add examples to content at
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronDevelopment#How_to_debug_Neutron_.28and_other_OpenStack_projects_probably_.29
+.. include:: ../../../TESTING.rst
+Neutron Internals
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ api_layer
+ api_extensions
+ plugin-api
+ db_layer
+ rpc_api
+ layer3
+ l2_agents
Module Reference
.. toctree::
--- /dev/null
+L2 Agent Networking
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ openvswitch_agent
+ linuxbridge_agent
--- /dev/null
+Layer 3 Networking in Neutron - via Layer 3 agent & OpenVSwitch
+This page discusses the usage of Neutron with Layer 3 functionality enabled.
+Neutron logical network setup
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron net-list
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | subnets |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
+ | 84b6b0cc-503d-448a-962f-43def05e85be | public | 3a56da7c-2f6e-41af-890a-b324d7bc374d |
+ | a4b4518c-800d-4357-9193-57dbb42ac5ee | private | 1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6 |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron subnet-list
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | cidr | allocation_pools |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ | 1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6 | | | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron port-list
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | 0ba8700e-da06-4318-8fe9-00676dd994b8 | | fa:16:3e:78:43:5b | {"subnet_id": "1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6", "ip_address": ""} |
+ | b2044570-ad52-4f31-a2c3-5d767dc9a8a7 | | fa:16:3e:5b:cf:4c | {"subnet_id": "1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6", "ip_address": ""} |
+ | bb60d1bb-0cab-41cb-9678-30d2b2fdb169 | | fa:16:3e:af:a9:bd | {"subnet_id": "1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6", "ip_address": ""} |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron subnet-show 1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6
+ +------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+ | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
+ | cidr | |
+ | dns_nameservers | |
+ | enable_dhcp | True |
+ | gateway_ip | |
+ | host_routes | |
+ | id | 1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6 |
+ | ip_version | 4 |
+ | name | |
+ | network_id | a4b4518c-800d-4357-9193-57dbb42ac5ee |
+ | tenant_id | 3368290ab10f417390acbb754160dbb2 |
+ +------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+Neutron logical router setup
+* http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_networking.html#under_the_hood_openvswitch_scenario1_network
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron router-list
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | external_gateway_info |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | 569469c7-a2a5-4d32-9cdd-f0b18a13f45e | router1 | {"network_id": "84b6b0cc-503d-448a-962f-43def05e85be"} |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron router-show router1
+ +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | admin_state_up | True |
+ | external_gateway_info | {"network_id": "84b6b0cc-503d-448a-962f-43def05e85be"} |
+ | id | 569469c7-a2a5-4d32-9cdd-f0b18a13f45e |
+ | name | router1 |
+ | routes | |
+ | status | ACTIVE |
+ | tenant_id | 3368290ab10f417390acbb754160dbb2 |
+ +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ neutron router-port-list router1
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | 0ba8700e-da06-4318-8fe9-00676dd994b8 | | fa:16:3e:78:43:5b | {"subnet_id": "1a2d26fb-b733-4ab3-992e-88554a87afa6", "ip_address": ""} |
+ +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Neutron Routers are realized in OpenVSwitch
+.. image:: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/figures/10/a/common/figures/under-the-hood-scenario-1-ovs-network.png
+"router1" in the Neutron logical network is realized through a port ("qr-0ba8700e-da") in OpenVSwitch - attached to "br-int"::
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
+ b9b27fc3-5057-47e7-ba64-0b6afe70a398
+ Bridge br-int
+ Port "qr-0ba8700e-da"
+ tag: 1
+ Interface "qr-0ba8700e-da"
+ type: internal
+ Port br-int
+ Interface br-int
+ type: internal
+ Port int-br-ex
+ Interface int-br-ex
+ Port "tapbb60d1bb-0c"
+ tag: 1
+ Interface "tapbb60d1bb-0c"
+ type: internal
+ Port "qvob2044570-ad"
+ tag: 1
+ Interface "qvob2044570-ad"
+ Port "int-br-eth1"
+ Interface "int-br-eth1"
+ Bridge "br-eth1"
+ Port "phy-br-eth1"
+ Interface "phy-br-eth1"
+ Port "br-eth1"
+ Interface "br-eth1"
+ type: internal
+ Bridge br-ex
+ Port phy-br-ex
+ Interface phy-br-ex
+ Port "qg-0143bce1-08"
+ Interface "qg-0143bce1-08"
+ type: internal
+ Port br-ex
+ Interface br-ex
+ type: internal
+ ovs_version: "1.4.0+build0"
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ brctl show
+ bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
+ br-eth1 0000.e2e7fc5ccb4d no
+ br-ex 0000.82ee46beaf4d no phy-br-ex
+ qg-39efb3f9-f0
+ qg-77e0666b-cd
+ br-int 0000.5e46cb509849 no int-br-ex
+ qr-54c9cd83-43
+ qvo199abeb2-63
+ qvo1abbbb60-b8
+ tap74b45335-cc
+ qbr199abeb2-63 8000.ba06e5f8675c no qvb199abeb2-63
+ tap199abeb2-63
+ qbr1abbbb60-b8 8000.46a87ed4fb66 no qvb1abbbb60-b8
+ tap1abbbb60-b8
+ virbr0 8000.000000000000 yes
+Finding the router in ip/ipconfig
+* http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_networking.html
+ The neutron-l3-agent uses the Linux IP stack and iptables to perform L3 forwarding and NAT.
+ In order to support multiple routers with potentially overlapping IP addresses, neutron-l3-agent
+ defaults to using Linux network namespaces to provide isolated forwarding contexts. As a result,
+ the IP addresses of routers will not be visible simply by running "ip addr list" or "ifconfig" on
+ the node. Similarly, you will not be able to directly ping fixed IPs.
+ To do either of these things, you must run the command within a particular router's network
+ namespace. The namespace will have the name "qrouter-<UUID of the router>.
+.. image:: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/figures/10/a/common/figures/under-the-hood-scenario-1-ovs-netns.png
+For example::
+ vagrant@precise64:~$ neutron router-list
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | name | external_gateway_info |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ad948c6e-afb6-422a-9a7b-0fc44cbb3910 | router1 | {"network_id": "e6634fef-03fa-482a-9fa7-e0304ce5c995"} |
+ +--------------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ sudo ip netns exec qrouter-ad948c6e-afb6-422a-9a7b-0fc44cbb3910 ip addr list
+ 18: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
+ link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ inet scope host lo
+ inet6 ::1/128 scope host
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ 19: qr-54c9cd83-43: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
+ link/ether fa:16:3e:dd:c1:8f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ inet brd scope global qr-54c9cd83-43
+ inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fedd:c18f/64 scope link
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+ 20: qg-77e0666b-cd: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
+ link/ether fa:16:3e:1f:d3:ec brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ inet brd scope global qg-77e0666b-cd
+ inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe1f:d3ec/64 scope link
+ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+Provider Networking
+Neutron can also be configured to create `provider networks <http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_networking.html#provider_terminology>`_
+Further Reading
+* `Packet Pushers - Neutron Network Implementation on Linux <http://packetpushers.net/openstack-neutron-network-implementation-in-linux/>`_
+* `OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide <http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_networking.html>`_
+* `Neutron - Layer 3 API extension usage guide <http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-network/2.0/content/router_ext.html>`_
+* `Darragh O'Reilly - The Quantum L3 router and floating IPs <http://techbackground.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-quantum-l3-router-and-floating-ips.html>`_
--- /dev/null
+L2 Networking with Linux Bridge
--- /dev/null
+OpenVSwitch L2 Agent
+This Agent uses the `OpenVSwitch`_ virtual switch to create L2
+connectivity for instances, along with bridges created in conjunction
+with OpenStack Nova for filtering.
+ovs-neutron-agent can be configured to use two different networking technologies to create tenant isolation, either GRE tunnels or VLAN tags.
+VLAN Tags
+.. image:: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/figures/10/a/common/figures/under-the-hood-scenario-1-ovs-compute.png
+.. _OpenVSwitch: http://openvswitch.org
+Further Reading
+* `Darragh O'Reilly - The Open vSwitch plugin with VLANs <http://techbackground.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-open-vswitch-plugin-with-vlans.html>`_
+Neutron Plugin Architecture
+`Salvatore Orlando: How to write a Neutron Plugin (if you really need to) <http://www.slideshare.net/salv_orlando/how-to-write-a-neutron-plugin-if-you-really-need-to>`_
Plugin API
.. automodule:: neutron.neutron_plugin_base_v2
--- /dev/null
+Neutron RCP API Layer
--- /dev/null
+Guided Tour: The Neutron Security Group API
+API Extension
+The API extension is the 'front' end portion of the code, which handles defining a `REST-ful API`_, which is used by tenants.
+.. _`REST-ful API`: https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/extensions/securitygroup.py
+Database API
+The Security Group API extension adds a number of `methods to the database layer`_ of Neutron
+.. _`methods to the database layer`: https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/db/securitygroups_db.py
+Agent RPC
+This portion of the code handles processing requests from tenants, after they have been stored in the database. It involves messaging all the L2 agents
+running on the compute nodes, and modifying the IPTables rules on each hypervisor.
+* `Plugin RPC classes <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/db/securitygroups_rpc_base.py>`_
+ * `SecurityGroupServerRpcCallbackMixin <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/db/securitygroups_rpc_base.py#L126>`_ - defines the RPC API that the plugin uses to communicate with the agents running on the compute nodes
+ * SecurityGroupServerRpcMixin - Defines the API methods used to fetch data from the database, in order to return responses to agents via the RPC API
+* `Agent RPC classes <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/agent/securitygroups_rpc.py>`_
+ * The SecurityGroupServerRpcApiMixin defines the API methods that can be called by agents, back to the plugin that runs on the Neutron controller
+ * The SecurityGroupAgentRpcCallbackMixin defines methods that a plugin uses to call back to an agent after performing an action called by an agent.
+IPTables Driver
+* ``prepare_port_filter`` takes a ``port`` argument, which is a ``dictionary`` object that contains information about the port - including the ``security_group_rules``
+* ``prepare_port_filter`` `appends the port to an internal dictionary <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py#L60>`_, ``filtered_ports`` which is used to track the internal state.
+* Each security group has a `chain <http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/01/iptables-fundamentals/>`_ in Iptables.
+* The ``IptablesFirewallDriver`` has a method to `convert security group rules into iptables statements <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py#L248>`_