]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Adding volume driver for X-IO ISE
authorRichard Hedlind <richard.hedlind@x-io.com>
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:18:06 +0000 (09:18 -0600)
committerRichard Hedlind <richard.hedlind@x-io.com>
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:30:34 +0000 (10:30 -0700)
Driver is implemented using one base class XIOISEDriver and two
classes, one for each storage protocol.

This change also addresses version 1.1.0 of the driver that
adds support for:
- QoS
- Volume affinity
- Thin
- Retype

Driver Cert results:

Unit test tests all required interfaces for both driver types.

Change-Id: I2eeb44e768871e02e407f93243aabef993f96d53
Implements: blueprint xio-iscsi-fc-volume-driver
Implements: blueprint xio-volume-driver-1-1

cinder/exception.py [changed mode: 0644->0755]
cinder/tests/test_xio.py [new file with mode: 0755]
cinder/volume/driver.py [changed mode: 0644->0755]
cinder/volume/drivers/xio.py [new file with mode: 0755]

old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index 73bcd4c..10f6913
@@ -880,3 +880,8 @@ class ISCSITargetRemoveFailed(CinderException):
 class ISCSITargetAttachFailed(CinderException):
     message = _("Failed to attach iSCSI target for volume %(volume_id)s.")
+# X-IO driver exception.
+class XIODriverException(VolumeDriverException):
+    message = _("X-IO Volume Driver exception!")
diff --git a/cinder/tests/test_xio.py b/cinder/tests/test_xio.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..37c1ee2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 X-IO Technologies.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import mock
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume.drivers import xio
+from cinder.volume import qos_specs
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+LOG = logging.getLogger("cinder.volume.driver")
+ISE_IP1 = ''
+ISE_IP2 = ''
+ISE_GID = 'isegid'
+ISE_WWN1 = ISE_GID + '1'
+ISE_WWN2 = ISE_GID + '2'
+ISE_WWN3 = ISE_GID + '3'
+ISE_WWN4 = ISE_GID + '4'
+                       'init_wwn2': ISE_TARGETS}
+VOLUME1 = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1',
+           'size': VOLUME_SIZE, 'volume_type_id': 'type1'}
+VOLUME2 = {'id': '2', 'name': 'volume2',
+           'size': VOLUME_SIZE, 'volume_type_id': 'type2',
+           'provider_auth': 'CHAP abc abc'}
+VOLUME3 = {'id': '3', 'name': 'volume3',
+           'size': VOLUME_SIZE, 'volume_type_id': None}
+SNAPSHOT1 = {'name': 'snapshot1',
+             'volume_name': VOLUME1['name'],
+             'volume_type_id': 'type3'}
+CLONE1 = {'id': '3', 'name': 'clone1',
+          'size': VOLUME_SIZE, 'volume_type_id': 'type4'}
+HOST1 = 'host1'
+HOST2 = 'host2'
+ISCSI_CONN1 = {'initiator': 'init_iqn1',
+               'host': HOST1}
+ISCSI_CONN2 = {'initiator': 'init_iqn2',
+               'host': HOST2}
+FC_CONN1 = {'wwpns': ['init_wwn1', 'init_wwn2'],
+            'host': HOST1}
+FC_CONN2 = {'wwpns': ['init_wwn3', 'init_wwn4'],
+            'host': HOST2}
+ISE_HTTP_IP = 'http://' + ISE_IP1
+ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION = '/storage/volumes/volume1'
+ISE_VOLUME2_LOCATION = '/storage/volumes/volume2'
+ISE_VOLUME3_LOCATION = '/storage/volumes/volume3'
+ISE_SNAPSHOT_LOCATION = '/storage/volumes/snapshot1'
+ISE_CLONE_LOCATION = '/storage/volumes/clone1'
+ISE_ALLOCATION_LOCATION = '/storage/allocations/a1'
+    """<array>
+        <globalid>ABC12345</globalid>
+        <capabilities>
+            <capability value="3" string="Storage" type="source"/>
+            <capability value="49003" string="Volume Affinity"/>
+            <capability value="49004" string="Volume Quality of Service IOPS"/>
+            <capability value="49005" string="Thin Provisioning"/>
+            <capability value="49006" string="Clones" type="source"/>
+        </capabilities>
+        <controllers>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="1"/>
+            </controller>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="0"/>
+            </controller>
+        </controllers>
+       </array>""" % (ISE_IP1, ISE_IP2)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_QUERY_XML.split())}
+    """<array>
+        <capabilities>
+            <capability value="3" string="Storage" type="source"/>
+            <capability value="49003" string="Volume Affinity"/>
+            <capability value="49004" string="Volume Quality of Service IOPS"/>
+            <capability value="49005" string="Thin Provisioning"/>
+            <capability value="49006" string="Clones" type="source"/>
+        </capabilities>
+        <controllers>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="1"/>
+            </controller>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="0"/>
+            </controller>
+        </controllers>
+       </array>""" % (ISE_IP1, ISE_IP2)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_QUERY_NO_GID_XML.split())}
+    """<array>
+        <globalid>ABC12345</globalid>
+        <capabilities>
+            <capability value="3" string="Storage" type="source"/>
+            <capability value="49003" string="Volume Affinity"/>
+            <capability value="49004" string="Volume Quality of Service IOPS"/>
+            <capability value="49005" string="Thin Provisioning"/>
+        </capabilities>
+        <controllers>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="1"/>
+            </controller>
+            <controller>
+                <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                <rank value="0"/>
+            </controller>
+        </controllers>
+       </array>""" % (ISE_IP1, ISE_IP2)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_QUERY_NO_CLONE_XML.split())}
+    """
+    <pools>
+        <pool>
+            <name>Pool 1</name>
+            <id>1</id>
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details value="0x00000000">
+                    <detail>None</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+            <available total="60">
+                <byredundancy>
+                    <raid-0>60</raid-0>
+                    <raid-1>30</raid-1>
+                    <raid-5>45</raid-5>
+                </byredundancy>
+            </available>
+            <used total="40">
+                <byredundancy>
+                    <raid-0>0</raid-0>
+                    <raid-1>40</raid-1>
+                    <raid-5>0</raid-5>
+                </byredundancy>
+            </used>
+            <media>
+                <medium>
+                    <health>100</health>
+                    <tier value="4" string="Hybrid"/>
+                </medium>
+            </media>
+            <volumes>
+                <volume>
+                    <globalid>volgid</globalid>
+                </volume>
+                <volume>
+                    <globalid>volgid2</globalid>
+                </volume>
+            </volumes>
+        </pool>
+    </pools>
+    """
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'Pool location',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_STORAGE_POOLS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes></volumes>"""
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_NO_VOL_NODE_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_NO_STATUS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details>
+                    <detail>Prepared</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+            <size>10</size>
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details>
+                    <detail>Prepared</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_VOLUME2_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_VOLUME2_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL2_STATUS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details>
+                    <detail>Prepared</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_VOLUME3_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_VOLUME3_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL3_STATUS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details>
+                    <detail>Prepared</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_SNAPSHOT_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_SNAPSHOT_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_XML.split())}
+    """<volumes>
+        <volume self="%s">
+            <status value="0" string="Operational">
+                <details>
+                    <detail>Prepared</detail>
+                </details>
+            </status>
+        </volume>
+    </volumes>""" % (ISE_CLONE_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': 'u%s' % ISE_CLONE_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_CLONE1_STATUS_XML.split())}
+ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_XML = """<volume/>"""
+    {'status': 201,
+     'location': ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_XML.split())}
+    """<chap>
+        <chapin value="0" string="disabled">
+            <username/>
+            <password/>
+        </chapin>
+        <chapout value="0" string="disabled">
+            <username/>
+            <password/>
+        </chapout>
+       </chap>"""
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_XML.split())}
+    """<chap>
+        <chapin value="1" string="disabled">
+            <username>abc</username>
+            <password>abc</password>
+        </chapin>
+        <chapout value="0" string="disabled">
+            <username/>
+            <password/>
+        </chapout>
+       </chap>"""
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_CHAP_XML.split())}
+ISE_DELETE_VOLUME_XML = """<volumes/>"""
+    {'status': 204,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_DELETE_VOLUME_XML.split())}
+    """<allocations>
+        <allocation self="%s">
+            <volume>
+                <volumename>%s</volumename>
+            </volume>
+            <endpoints>
+                <hostname>%s</hostname>
+            </endpoints>
+            <lun>1</lun>
+        </allocation>
+       </allocations>""" %\
+    {'status': 200,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_XML.split())}
+    """<allocations self="%s"/>""" % ISE_ALLOCATION_LOCATION_URL
+    {'status': 200,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_NO_ALLOC_XML.split())}
+ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_XML = """<allocations/>"""
+    {'status': 204,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_XML.split())}
+    """<hosts self="http://ip/storage/hosts"/>"""
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_HOSTS_NOHOST_XML.split())}
+    """<hosts self="http://ip/storage/hosts">
+        <host self="http://ip/storage/hosts/1">
+            <name>%s</name>
+            <id>1</id>
+            <endpoints self="http://ip/storage/endpoints">
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep1">
+                    <globalid>init_wwn1</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep2">
+                    <globalid>init_wwn2</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep1">
+                    <globalid>init_iqn1</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+            </endpoints>
+        </host>
+       </hosts>""" % HOST1
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_XML.split())}
+    """<hosts self="http://ip/storage/hosts">
+        <host self="http://ip/storage/hosts/2">
+            <name>%s</name>
+            <id>2</id>
+            <endpoints self="http://ip/storage/endpoints">
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep3">
+                    <globalid>init_wwn3</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep4">
+                    <globalid>init_wwn4</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+                <endpoint self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/ep3">
+                    <globalid>init_iqn2</globalid>
+                </endpoint>
+            </endpoints>
+        </host>
+       </hosts>""" % HOST2
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST2_XML.split())}
+    """<hosts self="http://ip/storage/hosts"/>"""
+    {'status': 201,
+     'location': 'http://ip/storage/hosts/host1',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_CREATE_HOST_XML.split())}
+    """<allocations self="http://ip/storage/allocations"/>"""
+    {'status': 201,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_CREATE_ALLOC_XML.split())}
+    """<endpoints self="http://ip/storage/endpoints">
+        <endpoint type="array" self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/isegid">
+                <globalid>isegid</globalid>
+                <protocol>iSCSI</protocol>
+                <array self="http://ip/storage/arrays/ise1">
+                    <globalid>ise1</globalid>
+                </array>
+                <host/>
+                <allocations self="http://ip/storage/allocations">
+                    <allocation self="%s">
+                        <globalid>
+                            a1
+                        </globalid>
+                    </allocation>
+                </allocations>
+            </endpoint>
+        <endpoint type="array" self="http://ip/storage/endpoints/isegid">
+                <globalid>isegid</globalid>
+                <protocol>Fibre Channel</protocol>
+                <array self="http://ip/storage/arrays/ise1">
+                    <globalid>ise1</globalid>
+                </array>
+                <host/>
+                <allocations self="http://ip/storage/allocations">
+                    <allocation self="%s">
+                        <globalid>
+                            a1
+                        </globalid>
+                    </allocation>
+                </allocations>
+            </endpoint>
+        </endpoints>""" % (ISE_ALLOCATION_LOCATION_URL,
+                           ISE_ALLOCATION_LOCATION_URL)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_ENDPOINTS_XML.split())}
+    """<controllers self="http://ip/storage/arrays/controllers">
+        <controller>
+            <status/>
+            <ioports>
+                <ioport>
+                    <ipaddresses>
+                        <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                    </ipaddresses>
+                    <endpoint>
+                        <globalid>isegid</globalid>
+                    </endpoint>
+                </ioport>
+            </ioports>
+            <fcports>
+                <fcport>
+                    <wwn>%s</wwn>
+                </fcport>
+                <fcport>
+                    <wwn>%s</wwn>
+                </fcport>
+            </fcports>
+        </controller>
+        <controller>
+            <status/>
+            <ioports>
+                <ioport>
+                    <ipaddresses>
+                        <ipaddress>%s</ipaddress>
+                    </ipaddresses>
+                    <endpoint>
+                        <globalid>isegid</globalid>
+                    </endpoint>
+                </ioport>
+            </ioports>
+            <fcports>
+                <fcport>
+                    <wwn>%s</wwn>
+                </fcport>
+                <fcport>
+                    <wwn>%s</wwn>
+                </fcport>
+            </fcports>
+        </controller>
+       </controllers>""" % (ISE_ISCSI_IP1, ISE_WWN1, ISE_WWN2,
+                            ISE_ISCSI_IP2, ISE_WWN3, ISE_WWN4)
+    {'status': 200,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_XML.split())}
+ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_XML = """<snapshot/>"""
+    {'status': 201,
+     'location': ISE_SNAPSHOT_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_XML.split())}
+ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_XML = """<snapshot/>"""
+    {'status': 202,
+     'location': ISE_SNAPSHOT_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_XML.split())}
+ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_XML = """<volume/>"""
+    {'status': 201,
+     'location': ISE_VOLUME1_LOCATION_URL,
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_XML.split())}
+    {'status': 0,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " "}
+ISE_400_RESP =\
+    {'status': 400,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': ""}
+    """<response value="404" index="3">VOLUME not found.</response>"""
+    {'status': 404,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_404_XML.split())}
+    """<response value="400">Not in a valid state.</response>"""
+    {'status': 400,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_400_INVALID_STATE_XML.split())}
+    """<response value="409">Conflict</response>"""
+    {'status': 409,
+     'location': '',
+     'content': " ".join(ISE_409_CONFLICT_XML.split())}
+DRIVER = "cinder.volume.drivers.xio.XIOISEDriver"
+@mock.patch(DRIVER + "._opener", autospec=True)
+class XIOISEDriverTestCase(object):
+    # Test cases for X-IO volume driver
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(XIOISEDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        # set good default values
+        self.configuration = mock.Mock()
+        self.configuration.san_ip = ISE_IP1
+        self.configuration.san_user = 'fakeuser'
+        self.configuration.san_password = 'fakepass'
+        self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address = ISE_ISCSI_IP1
+        self.configuration.driver_use_ssl = False
+        self.configuration.ise_completion_retries = 30
+        self.configuration.ise_connection_retries = 5
+        self.configuration.ise_retry_interval = 1
+        self.configuration.volume_backend_name = 'ise1'
+        self.driver = None
+        self.protocol = ''
+        self.connector = None
+        self.connection_failures = 0
+        self.hostgid = ''
+        self.use_response_table = 1
+    def setup_test(self, protocol):
+        self.protocol = protocol
+        # set good default values
+        if self.protocol == 'iscsi':
+            self.configuration.ise_protocol = protocol
+            self.connector = ISCSI_CONN1
+            self.hostgid = self.connector['initiator']
+        elif self.protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            self.configuration.ise_protocol = protocol
+            self.connector = FC_CONN1
+            self.hostgid = self.connector['wwpns'][0]
+    def setup_driver(self):
+        # this setups up driver object with previously set configuration values
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            self.driver =\
+                xio.XIOISEISCSIDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            self.driver =\
+                xio.XIOISEFCDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'test_prot':
+            # if test_prot specified override with correct protocol
+            # used to bypass protocol specific driver
+            self.configuration.ise_protocol = self.protocol
+            self.driver = xio.XIOISEDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        else:
+            # Invalid protocol type
+            raise exception.Invalid()
+##        UNIT TESTS           ##
+    def test_do_setup(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP])
+    def test_negative_do_setup_no_clone_support(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_NO_CLONE_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+    def test_negative_do_setup_bad_globalid_none(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_NO_GID_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.do_setup, None)
+    def test_check_for_setup_error(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+    def test_negative_do_setup_bad_ip(self, mock_req):
+        # set san_ip to bad value
+        self.configuration.san_ip = ''
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+    def test_negative_do_setup_bad_user_blank(self, mock_req):
+        # set san_user to bad value
+        self.configuration.san_login = ''
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+    def test_negative_do_setup_bad_password_blank(self, mock_req):
+        # set san_password to bad value
+        self.configuration.san_password = ''
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.check_for_setup_error)
+    def test_get_volume_stats(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_STORAGE_POOLS_RESP])
+        backend_name = self.configuration.volume_backend_name
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            protocol = 'iSCSI'
+        else:
+            protocol = 'fibre_channel'
+        exp_result = {}
+        exp_result = {'vendor_name': "X-IO",
+                      'driver_version': "1.1.0",
+                      'volume_backend_name': backend_name,
+                      'reserved_percentage': 0,
+                      'total_capacity_gb': 100,
+                      'free_capacity_gb': 60,
+                      'QoS_support': True,
+                      'affinity': True,
+                      'thin': False,
+                      'pools': [{'pool_ise_name': "Pool 1",
+                                 'pool_name': "1",
+                                 'status': "Operational",
+                                 'status_details': "None",
+                                 'free_capacity_gb': 60,
+                                 'free_capacity_gb_raid_0': 60,
+                                 'free_capacity_gb_raid_1': 30,
+                                 'free_capacity_gb_raid_5': 45,
+                                 'allocated_capacity_gb': 40,
+                                 'allocated_capacity_gb_raid_0': 0,
+                                 'allocated_capacity_gb_raid_1': 40,
+                                 'allocated_capacity_gb_raid_5': 0,
+                                 'health': 100,
+                                 'media': "Hybrid",
+                                 'total_capacity_gb': 100,
+                                 'QoS_support': True,
+                                 'reserved_percentage': 0}],
+                      'active_volumes': 2,
+                      'storage_protocol': protocol}
+        act_result = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+        self.assertDictMatch(exp_result, act_result)
+    def test_get_volume_stats_ssl(self, mock_req):
+        self.configuration.driver_use_ssl = True
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_STORAGE_POOLS_RESP])
+        self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+    def test_negative_get_volume_stats_bad_primary(self, mock_req):
+        self.configuration.ise_connection_retries = 1
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_BAD_CONNECTION_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_STORAGE_POOLS_RESP])
+        self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
+    def test_create_volume(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        VOLUME1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_RESP])
+            exp_result = {}
+            exp_result = {"provider_auth": ""}
+            act_result = self.driver.create_volume(VOLUME1)
+            self.assertDictMatch(exp_result, act_result)
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+            self.driver.create_volume(VOLUME1)
+    def test_create_volume_chap(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        VOLUME1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_CHAP_RESP])
+            exp_result = {}
+            exp_result = {"provider_auth": "CHAP abc abc"}
+            act_result = self.driver.create_volume(VOLUME1)
+            self.assertDictMatch(exp_result, act_result)
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+            self.driver.create_volume(VOLUME1)
+    def test_create_volume_type_none(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.driver.create_volume(VOLUME3)
+    def test_delete_volume(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                     ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_DELETE_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.delete_volume(VOLUME1)
+    def test_delete_volume_none_existing(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                     ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.delete_volume(VOLUME2)
+    def test_initialize_connection_positive(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST2_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_HOST_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        exp_result = {}
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            exp_result = {"driver_volume_type": "iscsi",
+                          "data": {"target_lun": '1',
+                                   "volume_id": '1',
+                                   "access_mode": 'rw',
+                                   "target_discovered": False,
+                                   "target_iqn": ISE_IQN,
+                                   "target_portal": ISE_ISCSI_IP1 + ":3260"}}
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            exp_result = {"driver_volume_type": "fibre_channel",
+                          "data": {"target_lun": '1',
+                                   "volume_id": '1',
+                                   "access_mode": 'rw',
+                                   "target_discovered": True,
+                                   "initiator_target_map": ISE_INIT_TARGET_MAP,
+                                   "target_wwn": ISE_TARGETS}}
+        act_result =\
+            self.driver.initialize_connection(VOLUME1, self.connector)
+        self.assertDictMatch(exp_result, act_result)
+    def test_initialize_connection_positive_chap(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST2_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_HOST_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        exp_result = {}
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            exp_result = {"driver_volume_type": "iscsi",
+                          "data": {"target_lun": '1',
+                                   "volume_id": '2',
+                                   "access_mode": 'rw',
+                                   "target_discovered": False,
+                                   "target_iqn": ISE_IQN,
+                                   "target_portal": ISE_ISCSI_IP1 + ":3260",
+                                   'auth_method': 'CHAP',
+                                   'auth_username': 'abc',
+                                   'auth_password': 'abc'}}
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            exp_result = {"driver_volume_type": "fibre_channel",
+                          "data": {"target_lun": '1',
+                                   "volume_id": '2',
+                                   "access_mode": 'rw',
+                                   "target_discovered": True,
+                                   "initiator_target_map": ISE_INIT_TARGET_MAP,
+                                   "target_wwn": ISE_TARGETS}}
+        act_result =\
+            self.driver.initialize_connection(VOLUME2, self.connector)
+        self.assertDictMatch(exp_result, act_result)
+    def test_terminate_connection_positive(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                         ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                         ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_RESP])
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(VOLUME1, self.connector)
+    def test_terminate_connection_positive_noalloc(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_NO_ALLOC_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_NO_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_NO_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_RESP])
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(VOLUME1, self.connector)
+    def test_negative_terminate_connection_bad_host(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        test_connector = {}
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            test_connector['initiator'] = 'bad_iqn'
+            test_connector['host'] = ''
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            test_connector['wwpns'] = 'bad_wwn'
+            test_connector['host'] = ''
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_HOSTS_HOST1_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_CONTROLLERS_RESP])
+        self.driver.terminate_connection(VOLUME1, test_connector)
+    def test_create_snapshot(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        SNAPSHOT1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.create_snapshot(SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_negative_create_snapshot_invalid_state_recover(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        SNAPSHOT1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_400_INVALID_STATE_RESP,
+                                     ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.create_snapshot(SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_negative_create_snapshot_invalid_state_norecover(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        SNAPSHOT1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_400_INVALID_STATE_RESP])
+        self.configuration.ise_completion_retries = 1
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.create_snapshot, SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_negative_create_snapshot_conflict(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        SNAPSHOT1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_409_CONFLICT_RESP])
+        self.configuration.ise_completion_retries = 1
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.create_snapshot, SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_delete_snapshot(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_ALLOC_WITH_EP_RESP,
+                                     ISE_DELETE_ALLOC_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_DELETE_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.delete_snapshot(SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_clone_volume(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        VOLUME1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.create_cloned_volume(CLONE1, VOLUME1)
+    def test_extend_volume(self, mock_req):
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.extend_volume(VOLUME1, NEW_VOLUME_SIZE)
+    def test_retype_volume(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        VOLUME1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        # New volume type
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "5",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT2', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '30',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '3000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '10000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos2', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.retype(ctxt, VOLUME1, type_ref, 0, 0)
+    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        SNAPSHOT1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_SNAP1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_PREP_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                     ISE_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.setup_driver()
+        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(VOLUME1, SNAPSHOT1)
+    def test_manage_existing(self, mock_req):
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        extra_specs = {"Feature:Pool": "1",
+                       "Feature:Raid": "1",
+                       "Affinity:Type": "flash",
+                       "Alloc:Type": "thick"}
+        type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'VT1', extra_specs)
+        specs = {'qos:minIOPS': '20',
+                 'qos:maxIOPS': '2000',
+                 'qos:burstIOPS': '5000'}
+        qos = qos_specs.create(ctxt, 'fake-qos', specs)
+        qos_specs.associate_qos_with_type(ctxt, qos['id'], type_ref['id'])
+        VOLUME1['volume_type_id'] = type_ref['id']
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.driver.manage_existing(VOLUME1, {'source-name': 'testvol'})
+    def test_manage_existing_no_source_name(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        if self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'iscsi':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_IONETWORKS_RESP])
+        elif self.configuration.ise_protocol == 'fibre_channel':
+            mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                         ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP,
+                                         ISE_MODIFY_VOLUME_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.manage_existing, VOLUME1, {})
+    def test_manage_existing_get_size(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        exp_result = 10
+        act_result = \
+            self.driver.manage_existing_get_size(VOLUME1,
+                                                 {'source-name': 'a'})
+        self.assertEqual(exp_result, act_result)
+    def test_manage_existing_get_size_no_source_name(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.manage_existing_get_size, VOLUME1, {})
+    def test_unmanage(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                    ISE_GET_VOL1_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.driver.unmanage(VOLUME1)
+    def test_negative_unmanage_no_volume_status_xml(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                    ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_NO_STATUS_RESP])
+        self.driver.unmanage(VOLUME1)
+    def test_negative_unmanage_no_volume_xml(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                    ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_NO_VOL_NODE_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.unmanage, VOLUME1)
+    def test_negative_unmanage_non_existing_volume(self, mock_req):
+        self.setup_driver()
+        mock_req.side_effect = iter([ISE_GET_QUERY_RESP,
+                                     ISE_GET_VOL_STATUS_404_RESP])
+        self.assertRaises(exception.XIODriverException,
+                          self.driver.unmanage, VOLUME1)
+class XIOISEISCSIDriverTestCase(XIOISEDriverTestCase, test.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(XIOISEISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self.setup_test('iscsi')
+class XIOISEFCDriverTestCase(XIOISEDriverTestCase, test.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(XIOISEFCDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self.setup_test('fibre_channel')
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index 82d5b19..d7ea62a
@@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ volume_opts = [
                help='The path to the client certificate for verification, '
                     'if the driver supports it.'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('driver_use_ssl',
+                default=False,
+                help='Tell driver to use SSL for connection to backend '
+                     'storage if the driver supports it.'),
 # for backward compatibility
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/xio.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/xio.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9a4f496
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1629 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 X-IO.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import base64
+import string
+import urllib2
+from lxml import etree
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+from cinder.volume import qos_specs
+from cinder.volume import volume_types
+from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
+    cfg.IntOpt('ise_storage_pool', default=1,
+               help='Default storage pool for volumes.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('ise_raid', default=1,
+               help='Raid level for ISE volumes.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('ise_connection_retries', default=5,
+               help='Number of retries (per port) when establishing '
+               'connection to ISE management port.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('ise_retry_interval', default=1,
+               help='Interval (secs) between retries.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('ise_completion_retries', default=30,
+               help='Number on retries to get completion status after '
+               'issuing a command to ISE.'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Raise exception for X-IO driver
+def RaiseXIODriverException():
+    raise exception.XIODriverException()
+class XIOISEDriver(object):
+    VERSION = '1.1.0'
+    # Version   Changes
+    # 1.0.0     Base driver
+    # 1.1.0     QoS, affinity, retype and thin support
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(XIOISEDriver, self).__init__()
+        LOG.debug("XIOISEDriver __init__ called.")
+        self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
+        self.ise_primary_ip = ''
+        self.ise_secondary_ip = ''
+        self.newquery = 1
+        self.ise_globalid = None
+        self._vol_stats = {}
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        LOG.debug("XIOISEDriver do_setup called.")
+        self._get_ise_globalid()
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        LOG.debug("XIOISEDriver check_for_setup_error called.")
+        # The san_ip must always be set
+        if self.configuration.san_ip == "":
+            msg = _LE("san ip must be configured!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # The san_login must always be set
+        if self.configuration.san_login == "":
+            msg = _LE("san_login must be configured!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # The san_password must always be set
+        if self.configuration.san_password == "":
+            msg = _LE("san_password must be configured!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return
+    def _get_version(self):
+        """Return driver version."""
+        return self.VERSION
+    def _send_query(self):
+        """Do initial query to populate ISE global id."""
+        body = ''
+        url = '/query'
+        resp = self._connect('GET', url, body)
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            # unsuccessful - this is fatal as we need the global id
+            # to build REST requests.
+            msg = _LE("Array query failed - No response (%d)!") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # succesfully fetched QUERY info. Parse out globalid along with
+        # ipaddress for Controller 1 and Controller 2. We assign primary
+        # ipaddress to use based on controller rank
+        xml_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        # first check that the ISE is running a supported FW version
+        support = {}
+        support['thin'] = False
+        support['clones'] = False
+        support['thin-clones'] = False
+        self.configuration.ise_affinity = False
+        self.configuration.ise_qos = False
+        capabilities = xml_tree.find('capabilities')
+        if capabilities is None:
+            msg = _LE("Array query failed. No capabilities in response!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        for node in capabilities:
+            if node.tag != 'capability':
+                continue
+            capability = node
+            if capability.attrib['value'] == '49003':
+                self.configuration.ise_affinity = True
+            elif capability.attrib['value'] == '49004':
+                self.configuration.ise_qos = True
+            elif capability.attrib['value'] == '49005':
+                support['thin'] = True
+            elif capability.attrib['value'] == '49006':
+                support['clones'] = True
+            elif capability.attrib['value'] == '49007':
+                support['thin-clones'] = True
+        # Make sure ISE support necessary features
+        if not support['clones']:
+            msg = _LE("ISE FW version is not compatible with Openstack!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # set up thin provisioning support
+        self.configuration.san_thin_provision = support['thin-clones']
+        # Fill in global id, primary and secondary ip addresses
+        globalid = xml_tree.find('globalid')
+        if globalid is None:
+            msg = _LE("Array query failed. No global id in XML response!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        self.ise_globalid = globalid.text
+        controllers = xml_tree.find('controllers')
+        if controllers is None:
+            msg = _LE("Array query failed. No controllers in response!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        for node in controllers:
+            if node.tag != 'controller':
+                continue
+            # found a controller node
+            controller = node
+            ipaddress = controller.find('ipaddress')
+            ranktag = controller.find('rank')
+            if ipaddress is None:
+                continue
+            # found an ipaddress tag
+            # make sure rank tag is present
+            if ranktag is None:
+                continue
+            rank = ranktag.attrib['value']
+            # make sure rank value is present
+            if rank is None:
+                continue
+            if rank == '1':
+                # rank 1 means primary (xo)
+                self.ise_primary_ip = ipaddress.text
+                LOG.debug('Setting primary IP to: %s.',
+                          self.ise_primary_ip)
+            elif rank == '0':
+                # rank 0 means secondary (nxo)
+                self.ise_secondary_ip = ipaddress.text
+                LOG.debug('Setting secondary IP to: %s.',
+                          self.ise_secondary_ip)
+        # clear out new query request flag on successful fetch of QUERY info.
+        self.newquery = 0
+        return support
+    def _get_ise_globalid(self):
+        """Return ISE globalid."""
+        if self.ise_globalid is None or self.newquery == 1:
+            # this call will populate globalid
+            self._send_query()
+        if self.ise_globalid is None:
+            msg = _LE("ISE globalid not set!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return self.ise_globalid
+    def _get_ise_primary_ip(self):
+        """Return Primary IP address to REST API."""
+        if self.ise_primary_ip == '':
+            # Primary IP is set to ISE IP passed in from cinder.conf
+            self.ise_primary_ip = self.configuration.san_ip
+        if self.ise_primary_ip == '':
+            # No IP - fatal.
+            msg = _LE("Primary IP must be set!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return self.ise_primary_ip
+    def _get_ise_secondary_ip(self):
+        """Return Secondary IP address to REST API."""
+        if self.ise_secondary_ip != '':
+            return self.ise_secondary_ip
+    def _get_uri_prefix(self):
+        """Returns prefix in form of http(s)://"""
+        prefix = ''
+        # figure out if http or https should be used
+        if self.configuration.driver_use_ssl:
+            prefix = 'https://'
+        else:
+            prefix = 'http://'
+        # add the IP address
+        prefix += self._get_ise_primary_ip()
+        return prefix
+    def _opener(self, method, url, body, header):
+        """Wrapper to handle connection"""
+        response = {}
+        response['status'] = 0
+        response['content'] = ''
+        response['location'] = ''
+        # send the request
+        req = urllib2.Request(url, body, header)
+        # Override method to allow GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
+        req.get_method = lambda: method
+        try:
+            resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+        except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
+            # HTTP error. Return HTTP status and content and let caller
+            # handle retries.
+            response['status'] = err.code
+            response['content'] = err.read()
+        except urllib2.URLError as err:
+            # Connection failure.  Return a status of 0 to indicate error.
+            response['status'] = 0
+        else:
+            # Successful. Return status code, content,
+            # and location header, if present.
+            response['status'] = resp.getcode()
+            response['content'] = resp.read()
+            response['location'] = \
+                resp.info().getheader('Content-Location', '')
+        return response
+    def _help_call_method(self, args, retry_count):
+        """Helper function used for prepare clone and delete REST calls."""
+        # This function calls request method and URL and checks the response.
+        # Certain cases allows for retries, while success and fatal status
+        # will fall out and tell parent to break out of loop.
+        # initialize remaining to one less than retries
+        remaining = retry_count
+        resp = self._send_cmd(args['method'], args['url'], args['arglist'])
+        status = resp['status']
+        if (status == 400):
+            reason = ''
+            if 'content' in resp:
+                reason = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+                if reason is not None:
+                    reason = string.upper(reason.text)
+            if INVALID_STATUS in reason:
+                # Request failed with an invalid state. This can be because
+                # source volume is in a temporary unavailable state.
+                LOG.debug('REST call failed with invalid state: '
+                          '%(method)s - %(status)d - %(reason)s',
+                          {'method': args['method'],
+                           'status': status, 'reason': reason})
+                # Let parent check retry eligibility based on remaining retries
+                remaining -= 1
+            else:
+                # Fatal error. Set remaining to 0 to make caller exit loop.
+                remaining = 0
+        else:
+            # set remaining to 0 to make caller exit loop
+            # original waiter will handle the difference between success and
+            # fatal error based on resp['status'].
+            remaining = 0
+        return (remaining, resp)
+    def _help_call_opener(self, args, retry_count):
+        """Helper function to call _opener."""
+        # This function calls _opener func and checks the response.
+        # If response is 0 it will decrement the remaining retry count.
+        # On successful connection it will set remaining to 0 to signal
+        # parent to break out of loop.
+        remaining = retry_count
+        response = self._opener(args['method'], args['url'],
+                                args['body'], args['header'])
+        if response['status'] != 0:
+            # We are done
+            remaining = 0
+        else:
+            # Let parent check retry eligibility based on remaining retries.
+            remaining -= 1
+        # Return remaining and response
+        return (remaining, response)
+    def _help_wait_for_status(self, args, retry_count):
+        """Helper function to wait for specified volume status"""
+        # This function calls _get_volume_info and checks the response.
+        # If the status strings do not match the specified status it will
+        # return the remaining retry count decremented by one.
+        # On successful match it will set remaining to 0 to signal
+        # parent to break out of loop.
+        remaining = retry_count
+        info = self._get_volume_info(args['name'])
+        status = args['status_string']
+        if (status in info['string'] or status in info['details']):
+            remaining = 0
+        else:
+            # Let parent check retry eligibility based on remaining retries.
+            remaining -= 1
+        # return remaining and volume info
+        return (remaining, info)
+    def _wait_for_completion(self, help_func, args, retry_count):
+        """Helper function to wait for completion of passed function"""
+        # Helper call loop function.
+        def _call_loop(loop_args):
+            remaining = loop_args['retries']
+            args = loop_args['args']
+            LOG.debug("In call loop (%d) %s", remaining, args)
+            (remaining, response) = loop_args['func'](args, remaining)
+            if remaining == 0:
+                # We are done - let our caller handle response
+                raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(response)
+            args['retries'] = remaining
+        # Setup retries, interval and call wait function.
+        loop_args = {}
+        loop_args['retries'] = retry_count
+        loop_args['func'] = help_func
+        loop_args['args'] = args
+        interval = self.configuration.ise_retry_interval
+        timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_call_loop, loop_args)
+        return timer.start(interval).wait()
+    def _connect(self, method, uri, body=''):
+        """Set up URL and HTML and call _opener to make request"""
+        url = ''
+        # see if we need to add prefix
+        # this call will force primary ip to be filled in as well
+        prefix = self._get_uri_prefix()
+        if prefix not in uri:
+            url = prefix
+        url += uri
+        # set up headers for XML and Auth
+        header = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'}
+        auth_key =\
+            base64.encodestring('%s:%s' %
+                                (self.configuration.san_login,
+                                 self.configuration.san_password))[:-1]
+        header['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % auth_key
+        # We allow 5 retries on each IP address. If connection to primary
+        # fails, secondary will be tried. If connection to secondary is
+        # successful, the request flag for a new QUERY will be set. The QUERY
+        # will be sent on next connection attempt to figure out which
+        # controller is primary in case it has changed.
+        LOG.debug("Connect: %s %s %s", method, url, body)
+        using_secondary = 0
+        response = {}
+        response['status'] = 0
+        response['location'] = ''
+        response['content'] = ''
+        primary_ip = self._get_ise_primary_ip()
+        secondary_ip = self._get_ise_secondary_ip()
+        # This will first try connecting to primary IP and then secondary IP.
+        args = {}
+        args['method'] = method
+        args['url'] = url
+        args['body'] = body
+        args['header'] = header
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_connection_retries
+        while True:
+            response = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_call_opener,
+                                                 args, retries)
+            if response['status'] != 0:
+                # Connection succeeded. Request new query on next connection
+                # attempt if we used secondary ip to sort out who should be
+                # primary going forward
+                self.newquery = using_secondary
+                return response
+            # connection failed - check if we have any retries left
+            if using_secondary == 0:
+                # connection on primary ip failed
+                # try secondary ip
+                if secondary_ip is '':
+                    # if secondary is not setup yet, then assert
+                    # connection on primary and secondary ip failed
+                    msg = (_LE("Connection to %s failed and no secondary!") %
+                           primary_ip)
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    RaiseXIODriverException()
+                # swap primary for secondary ip in URL
+                url = string.replace(url, primary_ip, secondary_ip)
+                LOG.debug('Trying secondary IP URL: %s', url)
+                using_secondary = 1
+                continue
+            # connection failed on both IPs - break out of the loop
+            break
+        # connection on primary and secondary ip failed
+        msg = (_LE("Could not connect to %(primary)s or %(secondary)s!") %
+               {'primary': primary_ip, 'secondary': secondary_ip})
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        RaiseXIODriverException()
+    def _param_string(self, params):
+        """Turn (name, value) pairs into single param string"""
+        param_str = []
+        for name, value in params.items():
+            if value != '':
+                param_str.append("%s=%s" % (name, value))
+        return '&'.join(param_str)
+    def _send_cmd(self, method, url, params):
+        """Prepare HTTP request and call _connect"""
+        # Add params to appropriate field based on method
+        body = ''
+        if method == 'GET':
+            if params != {}:
+                url += '?' + self._param_string(params)
+            body = ''
+        elif method == 'POST':
+            body = self._param_string(params)
+        elif method == 'DELETE':
+            body = ''
+        elif method == 'PUT':
+            if params != {}:
+                url += '?' + self._param_string(params)
+        # ISE REST API is mostly synchronous but has some asynchronous
+        # streaks. Add retries to work around design of ISE REST API that
+        # does not allow certain operations to be in process concurrently.
+        # This is only an issue if lots of CREATE/DELETE/SNAPSHOT/CLONE ops
+        # are issued in short order.
+        return self._connect(method, url, body)
+    def find_target_chap(self):
+        """Return target CHAP settings"""
+        chap = {}
+        chap['chap_user'] = ''
+        chap['chap_passwd'] = ''
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/ionetworks' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            msg = _LW("IOnetworks GET failed (%d)") % status
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return chap
+        # Got a good response. Parse out CHAP info.  First check if CHAP is
+        # enabled and if so parse out username and password.
+        root = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for element in root.iter():
+            if element.tag != 'chap':
+                continue
+            chapin = element.find('chapin')
+            if chapin is None:
+                continue
+            if chapin.attrib['value'] != '1':
+                continue
+            # CHAP is enabled.  Store username / pw
+            chap_user = chapin.find('username')
+            if chap_user is not None:
+                chap['chap_user'] = chap_user.text
+            chap_passwd = chapin.find('password')
+            if chap_passwd is not None:
+                chap['chap_passwd'] = chap_passwd.text
+            break
+        return chap
+    def find_target_iqn(self, iscsi_ip):
+        """Find Target IQN string"""
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/controllers' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            # Not good. Throw an exception.
+            msg = _LE("Controller GET failed (%d)") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response.  Parse out IQN that matches iscsi_ip_address
+        # passed in from cinder.conf.  IQN is 'hidden' in globalid field.
+        root = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for element in root.iter():
+            if element.tag != 'ioport':
+                continue
+            ipaddrs = element.find('ipaddresses')
+            if ipaddrs is None:
+                continue
+            for ipaddr in ipaddrs.iter():
+                # Look for match with iscsi_ip_address
+                if ipaddr is None or ipaddr.text != iscsi_ip:
+                    continue
+                endpoint = element.find('endpoint')
+                if endpoint is None:
+                    continue
+                global_id = endpoint.find('globalid')
+                if global_id is None:
+                    continue
+                target_iqn = global_id.text
+                if target_iqn != '':
+                    return target_iqn
+        # Did not find a matching IQN. Upsetting.
+        msg = _LE("Failed to get IQN!")
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        RaiseXIODriverException()
+    def find_target_wwns(self):
+        """Return target WWN"""
+        # Let's look for WWNs
+        target_wwns = []
+        target = ''
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/controllers' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            # Not good. Throw an exception.
+            msg = _LE("Controller GET failed (%d)") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Parse out globalid (WWN) of endpoint that matches
+        # protocol and type (array).
+        controllers = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for controller in controllers.iter():
+            if controller.tag != 'controller':
+                continue
+            fcports = controller.find('fcports')
+            if fcports is None:
+                continue
+            for fcport in fcports:
+                if fcport.tag != 'fcport':
+                    continue
+                wwn_tag = fcport.find('wwn')
+                if wwn_tag is None:
+                    continue
+                target = wwn_tag.text
+                target_wwns.append(target)
+        return target_wwns
+    def _find_target_lun(self, location):
+        """Return LUN for allocation specified in location string"""
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', location, {})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            # Not good. Throw an exception.
+            msg = _LE("Failed to get allocation information (%d)!") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Parse out LUN.
+        xml_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        allocation = xml_tree.find('allocation')
+        if allocation is not None:
+            luntag = allocation.find('lun')
+            if luntag is not None:
+                return luntag.text
+        # Did not find LUN. Throw an exception.
+        msg = _LE("Failed to get LUN information!")
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        RaiseXIODriverException()
+    def _get_volume_info(self, vol_name):
+        """Return status of ISE volume"""
+        vol_info = {}
+        vol_info['value'] = ''
+        vol_info['string'] = ''
+        vol_info['details'] = ''
+        vol_info['location'] = ''
+        vol_info['size'] = ''
+        # Attempt to collect status value, string and details. Also pick up
+        # location string from response. Location is used in REST calls
+        # We ask for specific volume, so response should only contain one
+        # volume entry.
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/volumes' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {'name': vol_name})
+        if resp['status'] != 200:
+            msg = (_LW("Could not get status for %(name)s (%(status)d).") %
+                   {'name': vol_name, 'status': resp['status']})
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return vol_info
+        # Good response. Parse down to Volume tag in list of one.
+        root = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        volume_node = root.find('volume')
+        if volume_node is None:
+            msg = _LW("No volume node in XML content.")
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return vol_info
+        # Location can be found as an attribute in the volume node tag.
+        vol_info['location'] = volume_node.attrib['self']
+        # Find status tag
+        status = volume_node.find('status')
+        if status is None:
+            msg = _LW("No status payload for volume %s.") % vol_name
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return vol_info
+        # Fill in value and string from status tag attributes.
+        vol_info['value'] = status.attrib['value']
+        vol_info['string'] = string.upper(status.attrib['string'])
+        # Detailed status has it's own list of tags.
+        details = status.find('details')
+        if details is not None:
+            detail = details.find('detail')
+            if detail is not None:
+                vol_info['details'] = string.upper(detail.text)
+        # Get volume size
+        size_tag = volume_node.find('size')
+        if size_tag is not None:
+            vol_info['size'] = size_tag.text
+        # Return value, string, details and location.
+        return vol_info
+    def _alloc_location(self, volume, hostname, delete=0):
+        """Find location string for allocation. Also delete alloc per reqst"""
+        location = ''
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/allocations' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {'name': volume['name'],
+                                           'hostname': hostname})
+        if resp['status'] != 200:
+            msg = (_LE("Could not GET allocation information (%d)!") %
+                   resp['status'])
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Find the allocation based on volume name.
+        allocation_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for allocation in allocation_tree.iter():
+            if allocation.tag != 'allocation':
+                continue
+            # verify volume name match
+            volume_tag = allocation.find('volume')
+            if volume_tag is None:
+                continue
+            volumename_tag = volume_tag.find('volumename')
+            if volumename_tag is None:
+                continue
+            volumename = volumename_tag.text
+            if volumename != volume['name']:
+                continue
+            # verified volume name match
+            # find endpoints list
+            endpoints = allocation.find('endpoints')
+            if endpoints is None:
+                continue
+            # Found endpoints list. Found matching host if hostname specified,
+            # otherwise any host is a go.  This is used by the caller to
+            # delete all allocations (presentations) to a volume.
+            for endpoint in endpoints.iter():
+                if hostname != '':
+                    hname_tag = endpoint.find('hostname')
+                    if hname_tag is None:
+                        continue
+                    if string.upper(hname_tag.text) != string.upper(hostname):
+                        continue
+                # Found hostname match. Location string is an attribute in
+                # allocation tag.
+                location = allocation.attrib['self']
+                # Delete allocation if requested.
+                if delete == 1:
+                    self._send_cmd('DELETE', location, {})
+                    location = ''
+                    break
+                else:
+                    return location
+        return location
+    def _present_volume(self, volume, hostname, lun):
+        """Present volume to host at specified LUN"""
+        # Set up params with volume name, host name and target lun, if
+        # specified.
+        target_lun = lun
+        params = {}
+        params = {'volumename': volume['name'],
+                  'hostname': hostname}
+        # Fill in LUN if specified.
+        if target_lun != '':
+            params['lun'] = target_lun
+        # Issue POST call to allocation.
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/allocations' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('POST', url, params)
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status == 201:
+            LOG.info(_LI("Volume %s presented."), volume['name'])
+        elif status == 409:
+            msg = (_LW("Volume %(name)s already presented (%(status)d)!") %
+                   {'name': volume['name'], 'status': status})
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = (_LE("Failed to present volume %(name)s (%(status)d)!") %
+                   {'name': volume['name'], 'status': status})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Fetch LUN. In theory the LUN should be what caller requested.
+        # We try to use shortcut as location comes back in Location header.
+        # Make sure shortcut of using location header worked, if not ask
+        # for it explicitly.
+        location = resp['location']
+        if location == '':
+            location = self._alloc_location(volume, hostname)
+        # Find target LUN
+        if location != '':
+            target_lun = self._find_target_lun(location)
+        # Success. Return target LUN.
+        LOG.debug("Volume %s presented: %s %s",
+                  volume['name'], hostname, target_lun)
+        return target_lun
+    def find_allocations(self, hostname):
+        """Find allocations for specified host"""
+        alloc_cnt = 0
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/allocations' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {'hostname': hostname})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            msg = (_LE("Failed to get allocation information: "
+                       "%(host)s (%(status)d)!") %
+                   {'host': hostname, 'status': status})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Count the number of allocations.
+        allocation_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for allocation in allocation_tree.iter():
+            if allocation.tag != 'allocation':
+                continue
+            alloc_cnt += 1
+        return alloc_cnt
+    def _find_host(self, endpoints):
+        """Check if host entry exists on ISE based on endpoint (IQN, WWNs)"""
+        # FC host might have more than one endpoint. ISCSI has only one.
+        # Check if endpoints is a list, if so use first entry in list for
+        # host search.
+        if type(endpoints) is list:
+            for endpoint in endpoints:
+                ep = endpoint
+                break
+        else:
+            ep = endpoints
+        # Got single end point. Now make REST API call to fetch all hosts
+        LOG.debug("find_host: Looking for host %s.", ep)
+        host = {}
+        host['name'] = ''
+        host['type'] = ''
+        host['locator'] = ''
+        params = {}
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/hosts' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, params)
+        status = resp['status']
+        if resp['status'] != 200:
+            msg = _LE("Could not find any hosts (%s)") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Try to match up a host based on end point string.
+        host_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for host_node in host_tree.iter():
+            if host_node.tag != 'host':
+                continue
+            # Found a host tag. Check if end point matches.
+            endpoints_node = host_node.find('endpoints')
+            if endpoints_node is None:
+                continue
+            for endpoint_node in endpoints_node.iter():
+                if endpoint_node.tag != 'endpoint':
+                    continue
+                gid = endpoint_node.find('globalid')
+                if gid is None:
+                    continue
+                if string.upper(gid.text) != string.upper(ep):
+                    continue
+                # We have a match. Fill in host name, type and locator
+                host['locator'] = host_node.attrib['self']
+                type_tag = host_node.find('type')
+                if type_tag is not None:
+                    host['type'] = type_tag.text
+                name_tag = host_node.find('name')
+                if name_tag is not None:
+                    host['name'] = name_tag.text
+                break
+        # This will be filled in or '' based on findings above.
+        return host
+    def _create_host(self, hostname, endpoints):
+        """Create host entry on ISE for connector"""
+        # Create endpoint list for REST call.
+        endpoint_str = ''
+        if type(endpoints) is list:
+            ep_str = []
+            ec = 0
+            for endpoint in endpoints:
+                if ec == 0:
+                    ep_str.append("%s" % (endpoint))
+                else:
+                    ep_str.append("endpoint=%s" % (endpoint))
+                ec += 1
+            endpoint_str = '&'.join(ep_str)
+        else:
+            endpoint_str = endpoints
+        # Log host creation.
+        LOG.debug("Create host %s; %s", hostname, endpoint_str)
+        # Issue REST call to create host entry of Openstack type.
+        params = {}
+        params = {'name': hostname, 'endpoint': endpoint_str,
+                  'os': 'openstack'}
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/hosts' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('POST', url, params)
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 201 and status != 409:
+            msg = _LE("POST for host create failed (%s)!") % status
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # succesfully created host entry. Return host name.
+        return hostname
+    def _create_clone(self, volume, clone, clone_type):
+        """Create clone worker function"""
+        # This function is called for both snapshot and clone
+        # clone_type specifies what type is being processed
+        # Creating snapshots and clones is a two step process on current ISE
+        # FW. First snapshot/clone is prepared and then created.
+        volume_name = ''
+        if clone_type == 'snapshot':
+            volume_name = volume['volume_name']
+        elif clone_type == 'clone':
+            volume_name = volume['name']
+        args = {}
+        # Make sure source volume is ready. This is another case where
+        # we have to work around asynchronous behavior in ISE REST API.
+        args['name'] = volume_name
+        args['status_string'] = OPERATIONAL_STATUS
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        vol_info = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_wait_for_status,
+                                             args, retries)
+        if vol_info['value'] == '0':
+            LOG.debug('Source volume %s ready.', volume_name)
+        else:
+            msg = _LE("Source volume %s not ready!") % volume_name
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Prepare snapshot
+        # get extra_specs and qos specs from source volume
+        # these functions fill in default values for entries used below
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
+        extra_specs = self._get_extra_specs(ctxt, type_id)
+        LOG.debug("Volume %s extra_specs %s", volume['name'], extra_specs)
+        qos = self._get_qos_specs(ctxt, type_id)
+        # Wait until snapshot/clone is prepared.
+        args['method'] = 'POST'
+        args['url'] = vol_info['location']
+        args['status'] = 202
+        args['arglist'] = {'name': clone['name'],
+                           'type': clone_type,
+                           'affinity': extra_specs['affinity'],
+                           'IOPSmin': qos['minIOPS'],
+                           'IOPSmax': qos['maxIOPS'],
+                           'IOPSburst': qos['burstIOPS']}
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        resp = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_call_method,
+                                         args, retries)
+        if resp['status'] != 202:
+            # clone prepare failed - bummer
+            msg = _LE("Prepare clone failed for %s.") % clone['name']
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # clone prepare request accepted
+        # make sure not to continue until clone prepared
+        args['name'] = clone['name']
+        args['status_string'] = PREPARED_STATUS
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        clone_info = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_wait_for_status,
+                                               args, retries)
+        if PREPARED_STATUS in clone_info['details']:
+            LOG.debug('Clone %s prepared.', clone['name'])
+        else:
+            msg = (_LE("Clone %s not in prepared state!") % clone['name'])
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Clone prepared, now commit the create
+        resp = self._send_cmd('PUT', clone_info['location'],
+                              {clone_type: 'true'})
+        if resp['status'] != 201:
+            msg = (_LE("Commit clone failed: %(name)s (%(status)d)!") %
+                   {'name': clone['name'], 'status': resp['status']})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Clone create request accepted. Make sure not to return until clone
+        # operational.
+        args['name'] = clone['name']
+        args['status_string'] = OPERATIONAL_STATUS
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        clone_info = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_wait_for_status,
+                                               args, retries)
+        if OPERATIONAL_STATUS in clone_info['string']:
+            msg = _LI("Clone %s created."), clone['name']
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _LE("Commit failed for %s!") % clone['name']
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return
+    def _fill_in_available_capacity(self, node, pool):
+        """Fill in free capacity info for pool."""
+        available = node.find('available')
+        if available is None:
+            pool['free_capacity_gb'] = 0
+            return pool
+        pool['free_capacity_gb'] = int(available.get('total'))
+        # Fill in separate RAID level cap
+        byred = available.find('byredundancy')
+        if byred is None:
+            return pool
+        raid = byred.find('raid-0')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['free_capacity_gb_raid_0'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-1')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['free_capacity_gb_raid_1'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-5')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['free_capacity_gb_raid_5'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-6')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['free_capacity_gb_raid_6'] = int(raid.text)
+        return pool
+    def _fill_in_used_capacity(self, node, pool):
+        """Fill in used capacity info for pool."""
+        used = node.find('used')
+        if used is None:
+            pool['allocated_capacity_gb'] = 0
+            return pool
+        pool['allocated_capacity_gb'] = int(used.get('total'))
+        # Fill in separate RAID level cap
+        byred = used.find('byredundancy')
+        if byred is None:
+            return pool
+        raid = byred.find('raid-0')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['allocated_capacity_gb_raid_0'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-1')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['allocated_capacity_gb_raid_1'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-5')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['allocated_capacity_gb_raid_5'] = int(raid.text)
+        raid = byred.find('raid-6')
+        if raid is not None:
+            pool['allocated_capacity_gb_raid_6'] = int(raid.text)
+        return pool
+    def _get_pools(self):
+        """Return information about all pools on ISE"""
+        pools = []
+        pool = {}
+        vol_cnt = 0
+        url = '/storage/pools'
+        resp = self._send_cmd('GET', url, {})
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status != 200:
+            # Request failed. Return what we have, which isn't much.
+            msg = _LW("Could not get pool information (%s)!") % status
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return (pools, vol_cnt)
+        # Parse out available (free) and used. Add them up to get total.
+        xml_tree = etree.fromstring(resp['content'])
+        for child in xml_tree:
+            if child.tag != 'pool':
+                continue
+            # Fill in ise pool name
+            tag = child.find('name')
+            if tag is not None:
+                pool['pool_ise_name'] = tag.text
+            # Fill in globalid
+            tag = child.find('globalid')
+            if tag is not None:
+                pool['globalid'] = tag.text
+            # Fill in pool name
+            tag = child.find('id')
+            if tag is not None:
+                pool['pool_name'] = tag.text
+            # Fill in pool status
+            tag = child.find('status')
+            if tag is not None:
+                pool['status'] = tag.attrib['string']
+                details = tag.find('details')
+                if details is not None:
+                    detail = details.find('detail')
+                    if detail is not None:
+                        pool['status_details'] = detail.text
+            # Fill in available capacity
+            pool = self._fill_in_available_capacity(child, pool)
+            # Fill in allocated capacity
+            pool = self._fill_in_used_capacity(child, pool)
+            # Fill in media health and type
+            media = child.find('media')
+            if media is not None:
+                medium = media.find('medium')
+                if medium is not None:
+                    health = medium.find('health')
+                    if health is not None:
+                        pool['health'] = int(health.text)
+                    tier = medium.find('tier')
+                    if tier is not None:
+                        pool['media'] = tier.attrib['string']
+            cap = child.find('IOPSmincap')
+            if cap is not None:
+                pool['minIOPS_capacity'] = cap.text
+            cap = child.find('IOPSmaxcap')
+            if cap is not None:
+                pool['maxIOPS_capacity'] = cap.text
+            cap = child.find('IOPSburstcap')
+            if cap is not None:
+                pool['burstIOPS_capacity'] = cap.text
+            pool['total_capacity_gb'] = (int(pool['free_capacity_gb'] +
+                                             pool['allocated_capacity_gb']))
+            pool['QoS_support'] = self.configuration.ise_qos
+            pool['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+            pools.append(pool)
+            # count volumes
+            volumes = child.find('volumes')
+            if volumes is not None:
+                for volume in volumes:
+                    vol_cnt += 1
+        return (pools, vol_cnt)
+    def _update_volume_stats(self):
+        """Update storage information"""
+        self._send_query()
+        data = {}
+        data["vendor_name"] = 'X-IO'
+        data["driver_version"] = self._get_version()
+        if self.configuration.volume_backend_name:
+            backend_name = self.configuration.volume_backend_name
+        else:
+            backend_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        data["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name
+        data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+        # Get total and free capacity.
+        (pools, vol_cnt) = self._get_pools()
+        total_cap = 0
+        free_cap = 0
+        # fill in global capability support
+        # capacity
+        for pool in pools:
+            total_cap += int(pool['total_capacity_gb'])
+            free_cap += int(pool['free_capacity_gb'])
+        data['total_capacity_gb'] = int(total_cap)
+        data['free_capacity_gb'] = int(free_cap)
+        # QoS
+        data['QoS_support'] = self.configuration.ise_qos
+        # Volume affinity
+        data['affinity'] = self.configuration.ise_affinity
+        # Thin provisioning
+        data['thin'] = self.configuration.san_thin_provision
+        data['pools'] = pools
+        data['active_volumes'] = int(vol_cnt)
+        return data
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        """Get volume stats."""
+        if refresh:
+            self._vol_stats = self._update_volume_stats()
+        LOG.debug("ISE get_volume_stats (total, free): %s, %s",
+                  self._vol_stats['total_capacity_gb'],
+                  self._vol_stats['free_capacity_gb'])
+        return self._vol_stats
+    def _get_extra_specs(self, ctxt, type_id):
+        """Get extra specs from volume type."""
+        specs = {}
+        specs['affinity'] = ''
+        specs['alloctype'] = ''
+        specs['pool'] = self.configuration.ise_storage_pool
+        specs['raid'] = self.configuration.ise_raid
+        if type_id is not None:
+            volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+            extra_specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
+            # Parse out RAID, pool and affinity values
+            for key, value in extra_specs.iteritems():
+                subkey = ''
+                if ':' in key:
+                    fields = key.split(':')
+                    key = fields[0]
+                    subkey = fields[1]
+                if string.upper(key) == string.upper('Feature'):
+                    if string.upper(subkey) == string.upper('Raid'):
+                        specs['raid'] = value
+                    elif string.upper(subkey) == string.upper('Pool'):
+                        specs['pool'] = value
+                elif string.upper(key) == string.upper('Affinity'):
+                    # Only fill this in if ISE FW supports volume affinity
+                    if self.configuration.ise_affinity:
+                        if string.upper(subkey) == string.upper('Type'):
+                            specs['affinity'] = value
+                elif string.upper(key) == string.upper('Alloc'):
+                    # Only fill this in if ISE FW supports thin provisioning
+                    if self.configuration.san_thin_provision:
+                        if string.upper(subkey) == string.upper('Type'):
+                            specs['alloctype'] = value
+        return specs
+    def _get_qos_specs(self, ctxt, type_id):
+        """Get QoS specs from volume type."""
+        specs = {}
+        specs['minIOPS'] = ''
+        specs['maxIOPS'] = ''
+        specs['burstIOPS'] = ''
+        if type_id is not None:
+            volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+            qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id')
+            if qos_specs_id is not None:
+                kvs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(ctxt, qos_specs_id)['specs']
+            else:
+                kvs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
+            # Parse out min, max and burst values
+            for key, value in kvs.iteritems():
+                if ':' in key:
+                    fields = key.split(':')
+                    key = fields[1]
+                if string.upper(key) == string.upper('minIOPS'):
+                    specs['minIOPS'] = value
+                elif string.upper(key) == string.upper('maxIOPS'):
+                    specs['maxIOPS'] = value
+                elif string.upper(key) == string.upper('burstIOPS'):
+                    specs['burstIOPS'] = value
+        return specs
+    def create_volume(self, volume):
+        """Create requested volume"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO create_volume called.")
+        # get extra_specs and qos based on volume type
+        # these functions fill in default values for entries used below
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
+        extra_specs = self._get_extra_specs(ctxt, type_id)
+        LOG.debug("Volume %s extra_specs %s", volume['name'], extra_specs)
+        qos = self._get_qos_specs(ctxt, type_id)
+        # Make create call
+        url = '/storage/arrays/%s/volumes' % (self._get_ise_globalid())
+        resp = self._send_cmd('POST', url,
+                              {'name': volume['name'],
+                               'size': volume['size'],
+                               'pool': extra_specs['pool'],
+                               'redundancy': extra_specs['raid'],
+                               'affinity': extra_specs['affinity'],
+                               'alloctype': extra_specs['alloctype'],
+                               'IOPSmin': qos['minIOPS'],
+                               'IOPSmax': qos['maxIOPS'],
+                               'IOPSburst': qos['burstIOPS']})
+        if resp['status'] != 201:
+            msg = (_LE("Failed to create volume: %(name)s (%(status)s)") %
+                   {'name': volume['name'], 'status': resp['status']})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Good response. Make sure volume is in operational state before
+        # returning. Volume creation completes asynchronously.
+        args = {}
+        args['name'] = volume['name']
+        args['status_string'] = OPERATIONAL_STATUS
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        vol_info = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_wait_for_status,
+                                             args, retries)
+        if OPERATIONAL_STATUS in vol_info['string']:
+            # Ready.
+            msg = _LI("Volume %s created"), volume['name']
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = _LE("Failed to create volume %s.") % volume['name']
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        """Create clone"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO create_cloned_volume called.")
+        self._create_clone(src_vref, volume, 'clone')
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Create snapshot"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO create_snapshot called.")
+        # Creating a snapshot uses same interface as clone operation on
+        # ISE. Clone type ('snapshot' or 'clone') tells the ISE what kind
+        # of operation is requested.
+        self._create_clone(snapshot, snapshot, 'snapshot')
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Create volume from snapshot"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO create_volume_from_snapshot called.")
+        # ISE snapshots are just like a volume so this is a clone operation.
+        self._create_clone(snapshot, volume, 'clone')
+    def _delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Delete specified volume"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO delete_volume called.")
+        # First unpresent volume from all hosts.
+        self._alloc_location(volume, '', 1)
+        # Get volume status. Location string for volume comes back
+        # in response. Used for DELETE call below.
+        vol_info = self._get_volume_info(volume['name'])
+        if vol_info['location'] == '':
+            msg = _LW("Delete volume: %s not found!") % volume['name']
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            return
+        # Make DELETE call.
+        args = {}
+        args['method'] = 'DELETE'
+        args['url'] = vol_info['location']
+        args['arglist'] = {}
+        args['status'] = 204
+        retries = self.configuration.ise_completion_retries
+        resp = self._wait_for_completion(self._help_call_method, args, retries)
+        if resp['status'] == 204:
+            msg = (_LI("Volume %s deleted."), volume['name'])
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        return
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Delete specified volume"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO delete_volume called.")
+        self._delete_volume(volume)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Delete snapshot"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO delete_snapshot called.")
+        # Delete snapshot and delete volume is identical to ISE.
+        self._delete_volume(snapshot)
+    def _modify_volume(self, volume, new_attributes):
+        # Get volume status. Location string for volume comes back
+        # in response. Used for PUT call below.
+        vol_info = self._get_volume_info(volume['name'])
+        if vol_info['location'] == '':
+            msg = _LE("modify volume: %s does not exist!") % volume['name']
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Make modify volume REST call using PUT.
+        # Location from above is used as identifier.
+        resp = self._send_cmd('PUT', vol_info['location'], new_attributes)
+        status = resp['status']
+        if status == 201:
+            LOG.debug("Volume %s modified.", volume['name'])
+            return True
+        msg = (_LE("Modify volume PUT failed: %(name)s (%(status)d).") %
+               {'name': volume['name'], 'status': status})
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        RaiseXIODriverException()
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        """Extend volume to new size."""
+        LOG.debug("extend_volume called")
+        ret = self._modify_volume(volume, {'size': new_size})
+        if ret is True:
+            msg = (_LI("volume %(name)s extended to %(size)d."),
+                   {'name': volume['name'], 'size': new_size})
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        return
+    def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+        """Convert the volume to be of the new type."""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO retype called")
+        qos = self._get_qos_specs(ctxt, new_type['id'])
+        ret = self._modify_volume(volume, {'IOPSmin': qos['minIOPS'],
+                                           'IOPSmax': qos['maxIOPS'],
+                                           'IOPSburst': qos['burstIOPS']})
+        if ret is True:
+            msg = _LI("Volume %s retyped."), volume['name']
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        return True
+    def manage_existing(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        """Convert an existing ISE volume to a Cinder volume."""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO manage_existing called")
+        if 'source-name' not in ise_volume_ref:
+            msg = _LE("manage_existing: No source-name in ref!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # copy the source-name to 'name' for modify volume use
+        ise_volume_ref['name'] = ise_volume_ref['source-name']
+        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+        qos = self._get_qos_specs(ctxt, volume['volume_type_id'])
+        ret = self._modify_volume(ise_volume_ref,
+                                  {'name': volume['name'],
+                                   'IOPSmin': qos['minIOPS'],
+                                   'IOPSmax': qos['maxIOPS'],
+                                   'IOPSburst': qos['burstIOPS']})
+        if ret is True:
+            msg = _LI("Volume %s converted."), ise_volume_ref['name']
+            LOG.info(msg)
+        return ret
+    def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        """Get size of an existing ISE volume."""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO manage_existing_get_size called")
+        if 'source-name' not in ise_volume_ref:
+            msg = _LE("manage_existing_get_size: No source-name in ref!")
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        ref_name = ise_volume_ref['source-name']
+        # get volume status including size
+        vol_info = self._get_volume_info(ref_name)
+        if vol_info['location'] == '':
+            msg = (_LE("manage_existing_get_size: %s does not exist!") %
+                   ref_name)
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        return int(vol_info['size'])
+    def unmanage(self, volume):
+        """Remove Cinder management from ISE volume"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO unmanage called")
+        vol_info = self._get_volume_info(volume['name'])
+        if vol_info['location'] == '':
+            msg = _LE("unmanage: Volume %s does not exist!") % volume['name']
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # This is a noop. ISE does not store any Cinder specific information.
+    def ise_present(self, volume, hostname_in, endpoints):
+        """Set up presentation for volume and specified connector"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO ise_present called.")
+        # Create host entry on ISE if necessary.
+        # Check to see if host entry already exists.
+        # Create if not found
+        host = self._find_host(endpoints)
+        if host['name'] == '':
+            # host not found, so create new host entry
+            # Use host name if filled in. If blank, ISE will make up a name.
+            self._create_host(hostname_in, endpoints)
+            host = self._find_host(endpoints)
+            if host['name'] == '':
+                # host still not found, this is fatal.
+                msg = _LE("Host could not be found!")
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                RaiseXIODriverException()
+        elif string.upper(host['type']) != 'OPENSTACK':
+            # Make sure host type is marked as Openstack host
+            params = {'os': 'openstack'}
+            resp = self._send_cmd('PUT', host['locator'], params)
+            status = resp['status']
+            if status != 201 and status != 409:
+                msg = _LE("Host PUT failed (%s).") % status
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # We have a host object.
+        target_lun = ''
+        # Present volume to host.
+        target_lun = self._present_volume(volume, host['name'], target_lun)
+        # Fill in target information.
+        data = {}
+        data['target_lun'] = target_lun
+        data['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+        data['access_mode'] = 'rw'
+        return data
+    def ise_unpresent(self, volume, endpoints):
+        """Delete presentation between volume and connector"""
+        LOG.debug("X-IO ise_unpresent called.")
+        # Delete allocation uses host name. Go find it based on endpoints.
+        host = self._find_host(endpoints)
+        if host['name'] != '':
+            # Delete allocation based on hostname and volume.
+            self._alloc_location(volume, host['name'], 1)
+        return host['name']
+    def create_export(self, context, volume):
+        LOG.debug("X-IO create_export called.")
+    def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+        LOG.debug("X-IO ensure_export called.")
+    def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+        LOG.debug("X-IO remove_export called.")
+    def local_path(self, volume):
+        LOG.debug("X-IO local_path called.")
+# Protocol specific classes for entry.  They are wrappers around base class
+# above and every external API resuslts in a call to common function in base
+# class.
+class XIOISEISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+    """Requires ISE Running FW version 3.1.0 or higher"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(XIOISEISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.configuration.append_config_values(XIO_OPTS)
+        self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts)
+        # The iscsi_ip_address must always be set.
+        if self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address == '':
+            err_msg = _LE("iscsi_ip_address must be set!")
+            LOG.error(err_msg)
+            RaiseXIODriverException()
+        # Setup common driver
+        self.driver = XIOISEDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        return self.driver.do_setup(context)
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        return self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+    def local_path(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.local_path(volume)
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        data = self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh)
+        data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'
+        return data
+    def create_volume(self, volume):
+        self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+        # Volume created successfully. Fill in CHAP information.
+        model_update = {}
+        chap = {}
+        chap = self.driver.find_target_chap()
+        if chap['chap_user'] != '':
+            model_update['provider_auth'] = 'CHAP %s %s' % \
+                (chap['chap_user'], chap['chap_passwd'])
+        else:
+            model_update['provider_auth'] = ''
+        return model_update
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        return self.driver.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        return self.driver.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
+    def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+        return self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)
+    def manage_existing(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        ret = self.driver.manage_existing(volume, ise_volume_ref)
+        if ret is True:
+            # Volume converted successfully. Fill in CHAP information.
+            model_update = {}
+            chap = {}
+            chap = self.driver.find_target_chap()
+            if chap['chap_user'] != '':
+                model_update['provider_auth'] = 'CHAP %s %s' % \
+                    (chap['chap_user'], chap['chap_passwd'])
+            else:
+                model_update['provider_auth'] = ''
+            return model_update
+    def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        return self.driver.manage_existing_get_size(volume, ise_volume_ref)
+    def unmanage(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.unmanage(volume)
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        hostname = ''
+        if 'host' in connector:
+            hostname = connector['host']
+        data = self.driver.ise_present(volume, hostname,
+                                       connector['initiator'])
+        # find IP for target
+        data['target_portal'] = \
+            '%s:3260' % (self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address)
+        # set IQN for target
+        data['target_discovered'] = False
+        data['target_iqn'] = \
+            self.driver.find_target_iqn(self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address)
+        # Fill in authentication method (CHAP)
+        if 'provider_auth' in volume:
+            auth = volume['provider_auth']
+            if auth:
+                (auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
+                data['auth_method'] = auth_method
+                data['auth_username'] = auth_username
+                data['auth_password'] = auth_secret
+        return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+                'data': data}
+    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+        return self.driver.ise_unpresent(volume, connector['initiator'])
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+    def create_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.create_export(context, volume)
+    def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.ensure_export(context, volume)
+    def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.remove_export(context, volume)
+class XIOISEFCDriver(driver.FibreChannelDriver):
+    """Requires ISE Running FW version 2.8.0 or higher"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(XIOISEFCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.configuration.append_config_values(XIO_OPTS)
+        self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts)
+        self.driver = XIOISEDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        return self.driver.do_setup(context)
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        return self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+    def local_path(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.local_path(volume)
+    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+        data = self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh)
+        data["storage_protocol"] = 'fibre_channel'
+        return data
+    def create_volume(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        return self.driver.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        return self.driver.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
+    def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
+        return self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)
+    def manage_existing(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        return self.driver.manage_existing(volume, ise_volume_ref)
+    def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, ise_volume_ref):
+        return self.driver.manage_existing_get_size(volume, ise_volume_ref)
+    def unmanage(self, volume):
+        return self.driver.unmanage(volume)
+    @fczm_utils.AddFCZone
+    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+        hostname = ''
+        if 'host' in connector:
+            hostname = connector['host']
+        data = self.driver.ise_present(volume, hostname, connector['wwpns'])
+        data['target_discovered'] = True
+        # set wwns for target
+        target_wwns = self.driver.find_target_wwns()
+        data['target_wwn'] = target_wwns
+        # build target initiator map
+        target_map = {}
+        for initiator in connector['wwpns']:
+            target_map[initiator] = target_wwns
+        data['initiator_target_map'] = target_map
+        return {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+                'data': data}
+    @fczm_utils.RemoveFCZone
+    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
+        # now we are ready to tell ISE to delete presentations
+        hostname = self.driver.ise_unpresent(volume, connector['wwpns'])
+        # set target_wwn and initiator_target_map only if host
+        # has no more presentations
+        data = {}
+        alloc_cnt = 0
+        if hostname != '':
+            alloc_cnt = self.driver.find_allocations(hostname)
+        if alloc_cnt == 0:
+            target_wwns = self.driver.find_target_wwns()
+            data['target_wwn'] = target_wwns
+            # build target initiator map
+            target_map = {}
+            for initiator in connector['wwpns']:
+                target_map[initiator] = target_wwns
+            data['initiator_target_map'] = target_map
+        return {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
+                'data': data}
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        return self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+    def create_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.create_export(context, volume)
+    def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.ensure_export(context, volume)
+    def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+        return self.driver.remove_export(context, volume)
index 47842bfa9f91913c9a2936687c1b3b317193a224..5889decee4bc34e73726baebf293dd85a51c5e35 100644 (file)
 # driver supports it. (string value)
+# Tell driver to use SSL for connection to backend storage if
+# the driver supports it. (boolean value)
 # Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.block_device
+# Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.xio
+# Default storage pool for volumes. (integer value)
+# Raid level for ISE volumes. (integer value)
+# Number of retries (per port) when establishing connection to
+# ISE management port. (integer value)
+# Interval (secs) between retries. (integer value)
+# Number on retries to get completion status after issuing a
+# command to ISE. (integer value)
 # Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.zadara